Package: ProTrackR2 0.0.5

Pepijn de Vries

ProTrackR2: Manipulate and Play 'ProTracker' Modules

'ProTracker' is a popular music tracker to sequence music on a Commodore Amiga machine. This package offers the opportunity to import, export, manipulate and play 'ProTracker' module files. Even though the file format could be considered archaic, it still remains popular to this date. This package intends to contribute to this popularity and therewith keeping the legacy of 'ProTracker' and the Commodore Amiga alive. This package is the successor of 'ProTrackR' providing better performance.

Authors:Pepijn de Vries [aut, cre], Olav Sørensen [aut]

ProTrackR2.pdf |ProTrackR2.html
ProTrackR2/json (API)

# Install 'ProTrackR2' in R:
install.packages('ProTrackR2', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

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Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3

3.60 score 6 scripts 218 downloads 29 exports 2 dependencies

Last updated 28 days agofrom:8251bf5a8f. Checks:OK: 1 NOTE: 1. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKNov 11 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTENov 11 2024



Effect commands

Rendered fromeffect_commands.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Nov 11 2024.

Last update: 2024-11-09
Started: 2024-11-09

ProTrackR vs ProTrackR2

Rendered fromProTrackR_vs_ProTrackR2.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Nov 11 2024.

Last update: 2024-11-09
Started: 2024-10-28

ProTrackR2 S3 class objects

Rendered froms3class.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Nov 11 2024.

Last update: 2024-11-09
Started: 2024-10-28

Selecting and assinging ProTrackR2 objects

Rendered fromsel_assign.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Nov 11 2024.

Last update: 2024-11-09
Started: 2024-10-28

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Select and assign operators for ProTrackR2 S3 class objects$.pt2mod $<-.pt2mod [.pt2celllist [.pt2command [.pt2pat [.pt2patlist [.pt2samplist [<-.pt2command [<-.pt2pat [[.pt2celllist [[.pt2command [[.pt2mod [[.pt2patlist [[.pt2samplist [[<-.pt2command [[<-.pt2patlist
Format a ProTracker pattern conform OpenMPT specsas_modplug_pattern
Effect commands (data.frame)effect_commands
Implementation of basic S3 methodsas.character.pt2cell as.character.pt2pat as.integer.pt2samp as.raw.pt2cell as.raw.pt2cell.logical as.raw.pt2celllist as.raw.pt2celllist.logical as.raw.pt2command as.raw.pt2mod as.raw.pt2pat as.raw.pt2pat.logical as.raw.pt2samp format.pt2cell format.pt2celllist format.pt2command format.pt2mod format.pt2pat format.pt2patlist format.pt2samp format.pt2samplist length.pt2celllist length.pt2command print.pt2cell print.pt2celllist print.pt2command print.pt2mod print.pt2pat print.pt2patlist print.pt2samp print.pt2samplist
Play a ProTracker moduleplay play.pt2mod
Select a cell from a ProTracker pattern tablept2_cell
Extract effect commands from a ProTracker modulept2_command pt2_command<-
Path to demonstration ProTracker module filept2_demo
Calculate the duration of the modulept2_duration
Extract or replace a sample index from a ProTracker patternpt2_instrument pt2_instrument<-
Obtain ProTracker module informationpt2_length pt2_length<- pt2_name pt2_name.pt2mod pt2_name.pt2samp pt2_n_pattern pt2_n_sample pt2_pattern_table
Create a new (empty) ProTracker modulept2_new_mod
Create a new ProTracker patternpt2_new_pattern
Extract a note from a ProTracker modulept2_note pt2_note<-
Get a corresponding period value from a note stringpt2_note_to_period
Retrieve a pattern from a ProTracker modulept2_pattern
Read and write ProTracker modulespt2_read_mod pt2_write_mod
Read and write ProTracker audio samplespt2_read_sample pt2_write_sample
Render ProTracker modules to a playable formatpt2_render pt2_render.pt2mod
Retrieve options for renderingpt2_render_options
Obtain sample data and info from a ProTracker modulept2_sample
Validate ProTrackR2 S3 class objectspt2_validate pt2_validate.pt2samp