Package: PriceIndices 0.2.2

Jacek Białek

PriceIndices: Calculating Bilateral and Multilateral Price Indexes

Preparing a scanner data set for price dynamics calculations (data selecting, data classification, data matching, data filtering). Computing bilateral and multilateral indexes. For details on these methods see: Diewert and Fox (2020) <doi:10.1080/07350015.2020.1816176>, Białek (2019) <doi:10.2478/jos-2019-0014> or Białek (2020) <doi:10.2478/jos-2020-0037>.

Authors:Jacek Białek [aut, cre]

PriceIndices.pdf |PriceIndices.html
PriceIndices/json (API)

# Install 'PriceIndices' in R:
install.packages('PriceIndices', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • coffee - A real data set on sold coffee
  • dataAGGR - A small artificial scanner data set for a demonstration of data aggregation
  • dataCOICOP - A real scanner data set for the product classification
  • dataMATCH - An artificial scanner data set for product matching
  • dataU - An artificial, small scanner data set
  • data_DOWN_UP_SIZED - An artificial data set on sold coffee
  • milk - A real data set on sold milk
  • sugar - A real data set on sold sugar

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

3.30 score 16 scripts 398 downloads 207 exports 84 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:1c13033c7e. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKDec 09 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKDec 09 2024




Rendered fromPriceIndices.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Dec 09 2024.

Last update: 2024-08-17
Started: 2021-02-01

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Calculating the bilateral AG Mean price indexagmean
Providing values from the indicated column that occur at least once in one of the compared periods or in a given time intervalavailable
Calculating the bilateral Banajree price indexbanajree
Calculating the Bennet price and quantity indicatorsbennet
Calculating the bilateral Bialek price indexbialek
Calculating the unweighted BMW price indexbmw
Calculating the unweighted Carli price indexcarli
Calculating the multilateral GEKS price index based on the Tornqvist formula (typical notation: GEKS-T or CCDI)ccdi
Extending the multilateral CCDI price index by using the FBEW method.ccdi_fbew
Extending the multilateral CCDI price index by using the FBMW method.ccdi_fbmw
Extending the multilateral CCDI price index by using window splicing methods.ccdi_splice
Calculating the monthly chained AG Mean price indexchagmean
Calculating the monthly chained Banajree price indexchbanajree
Calculating the monthly chained Bialek price indexchbialek
Calculating the monthly chained BMW price indexchbmw
Calculating the monthly chained Carli price indexchcarli
Calculating the monthly chained CSWD price indexchcswd
Calculating the monthly chained Davies price indexchdavies
Calculating the monthly chained Dikhanov price indexchdikhanov
Calculating the monthly chained Drobisch price indexchdrobisch
Calculating the monthly chained Dutot price indexchdutot
Calculating the monthly chained Fisher price indexchfisher
Calculating the monthly chained Geary-Khamis price indexchgeary_khamis
Calculating the the monthly chained geohybrid price indexchgeohybrid
Calculating the monthly chained geo-logarithmic Laspeyres price indexchgeolaspeyres
Calculating the monthly chained geometric Lowe price indexchgeolowe
Calculating the monthly chained geo-logarithmic Paasche price indexchgeopaasche
Calculating the monthly chained geometric Young price indexchgeoyoung
Calculating the monthly chained harmonic price indexchharmonic
Calculating the the monthly chained hybrid price indexchhybrid
Calculating the monthly chained implicit quadratic mean of order r price indexchIQMp
Calculating the monthly chained Jevons price indexchjevons
Calculating the monthly chained Laspeyres price indexchlaspeyres
Calculating the monthly chained Lehr price indexchlehr
Calculating the monthly chained Lloyd-Moulton price indexchlloyd_moulton
Calculating the monthly chained Lowe price indexchlowe
Calculating the monthly chained Marshall-Edgeworth price indexchmarshall_edgeworth
Calculating the monthly chained Paasche price indexchpaasche
Calculating the monthly chained Palgrave price indexchpalgrave
Calculating the monthly chained quadratic mean of order r price indexchQMp
Calculating the monthly chained quadratic mean of order r quantity indexchQMq
Calculating the monthly chained Vartia-II (Sato-Vartia) price indexchsato_vartia
Calculating the monthly chained Stuvel price indexchstuvel
Calculating the monthly chained Tornqvist price indexchtornqvist
Calculating the monthly chained Vartia-I price indexchvartia
Calculating the monthly chained Walsh price indexchwalsh
Calculating the monthly chained Young price indexchyoung
A real data set on sold coffeecoffee
Calculating distances between price indicescompare_distances
A function for graphical comparison of price indicescompare_indices_df
A general function to compare indices by using the jackknife methodcompare_indices_jk
A general function for graphical comparison of price indicescompare_indices_list
Calculating distances between considered price indices and the target price indexcompare_to_target
Calculating the unweighted CSWD price indexcswd
Aggregating the user's data framedata_aggregating
Checking the user's data framedata_check
Predicting product classes via the machine learning modeldata_classifying
An artificial data set on sold coffeedata_DOWN_UP_SIZED
Filtering a data set for further price index calculationsdata_filtering
Imputing missing and (optionally) zero prices.data_imputing
Matching productsdata_matching
Normalization of grammage units and recalculation of prices and quantities with respect to these unitsdata_norm
Preparing a data set for further data processing or price index calculationsdata_preparing
Reducing productsdata_reducing
Selecting products from the user's data set for further price index calculationsdata_selecting
Providing information about the grammage and unit of productsdata_unit
A small artificial scanner data set for a demonstration of data aggregationdataAGGR
A real scanner data set for the product classificationdataCOICOP
An artificial scanner data set for product matchingdataMATCH
An artificial, small scanner data setdataU
Calculating the bilateral Davies price indexdavies
Calculating the unweighted Dikhanov price indexdikhanov
Calculating the relative price and/or quantity dissimilarity measure between periodsdissimilarity
Presenting the relative price and/or quantity dissimilarity measure over timedissimilarity_fig
Calculating the bilateral Drobisch price indexdrobisch
Calculating the unweighted Dutot price indexdutot
Calculating the elasticity of substitutionelasticity
Presenting elasticities of substitution for time intervalelasticity_fig
Providing expenditures of sold productsexpenditures
A general function to compute a final price indexfinal_index
Calculating the bilateral Fisher price indexfisher
Calculating the bilateral Geary-Khamis price indexgeary_khamis
Calculating the multilateral GEKS price indexgeks
Extending the multilateral GEKS price index by using the FBEW method.geks_fbew
Extending the multilateral GEKS price index by using the FBMW method.geks_fbmw
Extending the multilateral GEKS price index by using window splicing methods.geks_splice
Calculating the multilateral GEKS-AQI price indexgeksaqi
Extending the multilateral GEKS-AQI price index by using the FBEW method.geksaqi_fbew
Extending the multilateral GEKS-AQI price index by using the FBMW method.geksaqi_fbmw
Extending the multilateral GEKS-AQI price index by using window splicing methods.geksaqi_splice
Calculating the multilateral GEKS-AQU price indexgeksaqu
Extending the multilateral GEKS-AQU price index by using the FBEW method.geksaqu_fbew
Extending the multilateral GEKS-AQU price index by using the FBMW method.geksaqu_fbmw
Extending the multilateral GEKS-AQU price index by using window splicing methods.geksaqu_splice
Calculating the multilateral GEKS-GAQI price indexgeksgaqi
Extending the multilateral GEKS-GAQI price index by using the FBEW method.geksgaqi_fbew
Extending the multilateral GEKS-GAQI price index by using the FBMW method.geksgaqi_fbmw
Extending the multilateral GEKS-GAQI price index by using window splicing methods.geksgaqi_splice
Calculating the multilateral GEKS-GL price indexgeksgl
Extending the multilateral GEKS-GL price index by using the FBEW method.geksgl_fbew
Extending the multilateral GEKS-GL price index by using the FBMW method.geksgl_fbmw
Extending the multilateral GEKS-GL price index by using window splicing methods.geksgl_splice
Calculating the multilateral GEKS-IQM price indexgeksiqm
Extending the multilateral GEKS-IQM price index by using the FBEW method.geksiqm_fbew
Extending the multilateral GEKS-IQM price index by using the FBMW method.geksiqm_fbmw
Extending the multilateral GEKS-IQM price index by using window splicing methods.geksiqm_splice
Calculating the multilateral GEKS price index based on the Jevons formula (typical notation: GEKS-J)geksj
Extending the multilateral GEKS-J price index by using the FBEW method.geksj_fbew
Extending the multilateral GEKS-J price index by using the FBMW method.geksj_fbmw
Extending the multilateral GEKS-J price index by using window splicing methods.geksj_splice
Calculating the multilateral GEKS-L price indexgeksl
Extending the multilateral GEKS-L price index by using the FBEW method.geksl_fbew
Extending the multilateral GEKS-L price index by using the FBMW method.geksl_fbmw
Extending the multilateral GEKS-L price index by using window splicing methods.geksl_splice
Calculating the multilateral GEKS-LM price indexgekslm
Extending the multilateral GEKS-LM price index by using the FBEW method.gekslm_fbew
Extending the multilateral GEKS-LM price index by using the FBMW method.gekslm_fbmw
Extending the multilateral GEKS-LM price index by using window splicing methods.gekslm_splice
Calculating the multilateral GEKS-QM price indexgeksqm
Extending the multilateral GEKS-QM price index by using the FBEW method.geksqm_fbew
Extending the multilateral GEKS-QM price index by using the FBMW method.geksqm_fbmw
Extending the multilateral GEKS-QM price index by using window splicing methods.geksqm_splice
Calculating the multilateral GEKS price index based on the Walsh formula (GEKS-W)geksw
Extending the multilateral GEKS-W price index by using the FBEW method.geksw_fbew
Extending the multilateral GEKS-W price index by using the FBMW method.geksw_fbmw
Extending the multilateral GEKS-W price index by using window splicing methods.geksw_splice
Generating an artificial scanner datasetgenerate
Generating an artificial scanner dataset in the CES modelgenerate_CES
Calculating the bilateral geohybrid price indexgeohybrid
Calculating the bilateral geo-logarithmic Laspeyres price indexgeolaspeyres
Calculating the bilateral geometric Lowe price indexgeolowe
Calculating the bilateral geo-logarithmic Paasche price indexgeopaasche
Calculating the bilateral geometric Young price indexgeoyoung
Calculating the multilateral Geary-Khamis price indexgk
Extending the multilateral Geary-Khamis price index by using the FBEW method.gk_fbew
Extending the multilateral Geary-Khamis price index by using the FBMW method.gk_fbmw
Extending the multilateral Geary-Khamis price index by using window splicing methods.gk_splice
Calculating the unweighted harmonic price indexharmonic
Calculating the bilateral hybrid price indexhybrid
Calculating the implicit quadratic mean of order r price indexIQMp
Calculating the unweighted Jevons price indexjevons
Calculating the bilateral Laspeyres price indexlaspeyres
Calculating the bilateral Lehr price indexlehr
Calculating the bilateral Lloyd-Moulton price indexlloyd_moulton
Loading the machine learning model from the diskload_model
Calculating the bilateral Lowe price indexlowe
Calculating the bilateral Marshall-Edgeworth price indexmarshall_edgeworth
Providing values from the indicated column that occur simultaneously in the compared periods or in a given time interval.matched
Providing a time dependent matched_index() functionmatched_fig
Providing the ratio of number of matched values from the indicated column to the number of all available values from this columnmatched_index
Calculating the multilateral Bennet price and quantity indicatorsmbennet
A real data set on sold milkmilk
Calculating the multilateral Montgomery price and quantity indicatorsmmontgomery
Building the machine learning model for product classificationmodel_classification
Calculating the Montgomery price and quantity indicatorsmontgomery
Calculating the bilateral Paasche price indexpaasche
Calculating the bilateral Palgrave price indexpalgrave
Providing a correlation coefficient for price and quantity of sold productspqcor
Providing correlations between price and quantity of sold productspqcor_fig
A general function to compute one or more price indicesprice_indices
The list of package functions and their demonstrationPriceIndices-package PriceIndices
Providing prices (unit values) of sold productsprices
Detecting and summarising available, matched, new and disappearing products.products
Function for graphical comparison of available, matched, new as well as disappearing products.products_fig
Calculating the quadratic mean of order r price indexQMp
Calculating the quadratic mean of order r quantity indexQMq
Calculating the quality adjusted unit value index (QU index)QU
Providing quantities of sold productsquantities
Providing values of product salessales
Providing information about sales of products from one or more datasetssales_groups
Providing information about sales of productssales_groups2
Calculating the bilateral Vartia-II (Sato-Vartia) price indexsato_vartia
Saving the machine learning model on the disksave_model
Detecting and summarising downsized and upsized products.shrinkflation
Calculating the multilateral SPQ price indexSPQ
Calculating the bilateral Stuvel price indexstuvel
A real data set on sold sugarsugar
Calculating theoretical (expected) values of the unweighted price indextindex
Calculating the bilateral Tornqvist price indextornqvist
Calculating the multilateral TPD price indextpd
Extending the multilateral TPD price index by using the FBEW method.tpd_fbew
Extending the multilateral TPD price index by using the FBMW method.tpd_fbmw
Extending the multilateral TPD price index by using window splicing methods.tpd_splice
Calculating the unit value indexunit_value_index
Calculating the unweighted multilateral TPD price indexutpd
Extending the unweighted multilateral TPD price index by using the FBEW method.utpd_fbew
Extending the unweighted multilateral TPD price index by using the FBMW method.utpd_fbmw
Extending the multilateral unweighted TPD price index by using window splicing methods.utpd_splice
Calculating the value indexvalue_index
Calculating the bilateral Vartia-I price indexvartia
Calculating the bilateral Walsh price indexwalsh
Calculating the multilateral weighted WGEKS price indexwgeks
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS price index by using the FBEW method.wgeks_fbew
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS price index by using the FBMW method.wgeks_fbmw
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS price index by using window splicing methods.wgeks_splice
Calculating the multilateral weighted WGEKS-AQI price indexwgeksaqi
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-AQI price index by using the FBEW method.wgeksaqi_fbew
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-AQI price index by using the FBMW method.wgeksaqi_fbmw
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-AQI price index by using window splicing methods.wgeksaqi_splice
Calculating the multilateral weighted WGEKS-AQU price indexwgeksaqu
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-AQU price index by using the FBEW method.wgeksaqu_fbew
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-AQU price index by using the FBMW method.wgeksaqu_fbmw
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-AQU price index by using window splicing methods.wgeksaqu_splice
Calculating the multilateral weighted WGEKS-GAQI price indexwgeksgaqi
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-GAQI price index by using the FBEW method.wgeksgaqi_fbew
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-GAQI price index by using the FBMW method.wgeksgaqi_fbmw
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-GAQI price index by using window splicing methods.wgeksgaqi_splice
Calculating the multilateral weighted WGEKS-GL price indexwgeksgl
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-GL price index by using the FBEW method.wgeksgl_fbew
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-GL price index by using the FBMW method.wgeksgl_fbmw
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-GL price index by using window splicing methods.wgeksgl_splice
Calculating the multilateral weighted WGEKS-L price indexwgeksl
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-L price index by using the FBEW method.wgeksl_fbew
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-L price index by using the FBMW method.wgeksl_fbmw
Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-L price index by using window splicing methods.wgeksl_splice
Calculating the bilateral Young price indexyoung