Package: PlaneGeometry 1.6.0

Stéphane Laurent

PlaneGeometry: Plane Geometry

An extensive set of plane geometry routines. Provides R6 classes representing triangles, circles, circular arcs, ellipses, elliptical arcs, lines, hyperbolae, and their plot methods. Also provides R6 classes representing transformations: rotations, reflections, homotheties, scalings, general affine transformations, inversions, Möbius transformations.

Authors:Stéphane Laurent

PlaneGeometry.pdf |PlaneGeometry.html
PlaneGeometry/json (API)

# Install 'PlaneGeometry' in R:
install.packages('PlaneGeometry', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

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2.89 score 78 scripts 137 downloads 56 exports 52 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:91a2bba25a. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKDec 27 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKDec 27 2024



Examples of the PlaneGeometry package

Rendered fromexamples.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Dec 27 2024.

Last update: 2023-08-10
Started: 2020-02-11

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
R6 class representing an affine map.Affine
Affine transformation mapping a given ellipse to a given ellipseAffineMappingEllipse2Ellipse
Affine transformation mapping three given points to three given pointsAffineMappingThreePoints
R6 class representing a circular arcArc
R6 class representing a circleCircle
Circle given by a diameterCircleAB
Circle given by its center and a pointCircleOA
Cross ratiocrossRatio
Draw a geometric objectdraw draw.Arc draw.Circle draw.Ellipse draw.EllipticalArc draw.Line draw.Triangle
R6 class representing an ellipseEllipse
Ellipse equation from five pointsEllipseEquationFromFivePoints
Ellipse from center and matrixEllipseFromCenterAndMatrix
Ellipse from its implicit equationEllipseFromEquation
Ellipse from five pointsEllipseFromFivePoints
Ellipse from foci and one pointEllipseFromFociAndOnePoint
Smallest ellipse that passes through three boundary pointsEllipseFromThreeBoundaryPoints
R6 class representing an elliptical arcEllipticalArc
Fit an ellipsefitEllipse
Gaussian ellipseGaussianEllipse
R6 class representing a homothetyHomothety
R6 class representing a hyperbolaHyperbola
Hyperbola object from the hyperbola equation.HyperbolaFromEquation
Intersection of two circlesintersectionCircleCircle
Intersection of a circle and a lineintersectionCircleLine
Intersection of an ellipse and a lineintersectionEllipseLine
Intersection of two linesintersectionLineLine
R6 class representing an inversionInversion
Inversion fixing three circlesinversionFixingThreeCircles
Inversion fixing two circlesinversionFixingTwoCircles
Inversion on a circleinversionFromCircle
Inversion keeping a circle unchangedinversionKeepingCircle
Inversion swapping two circlesinversionSwappingTwoCircles
R6 class representing a lineLine
Line from general equationLineFromEquation
Line from intercept and slopeLineFromInterceptAndSlope
Löwner-John ellipse (ellipse hull)LownerJohnEllipse
Maximum area circle inscribed in a convex polygonmaxAreaInscribedCircle
Maximum area ellipse inscribed in a convex polygonmaxAreaInscribedEllipse
R6 class representing a Möbius transformation.Mobius
Möbius transformation mapping a given circle to a given circleMobiusMappingCircle
Möbius transformation mapping three given points to three given pointsMobiusMappingThreePoints
Möbius transformation swapping two given pointsMobiusSwappingTwoPoints
R6 class representing a projectionProjection
Radical centerradicalCenter
R6 class representing a reflectionReflection
R6 class representing a rotationRotation
R6 class representing a (non-uniform) scalingScaling
R6 class representing an axis-scalingScalingXY
R6 class representing a shear transformationShear
Inner Soddy circlesoddyCircle
Steiner chainSteinerChain
R6 class representing a translationTranslation
R6 class representing a triangleTriangle
Triangle defined by three linesTriangleThreeLines
Unit circleunitCircle