Package: OlinkAnalyze 3.8.2

Kathleen Nevola

OlinkAnalyze:Facilitate Analysis of Proteomic Data from Olink

A collection of functions to facilitate analysis of proteomic data from Olink, primarily NPX data that has been exported from Olink Software. The functions also work on QUANT data from Olink by log- transforming the QUANT data. The functions are focused on reading data, facilitating data wrangling and quality control analysis, performing statistical analysis and generating figures to visualize the results of the statistical analysis. The goal of this package is to help users extract biological insights from proteomic data run on the Olink platform.

Authors:Kathleen Nevola [aut, cre], Marianne Sandin [aut], Jamey Guess [aut], Simon Forsberg [aut], Christoffer Cambronero [aut], Pascal Pucholt [aut], Boxi Zhang [aut], Masoumeh Sheikhi [aut], Klev Diamanti [aut], Amrita Kar [aut], Lei Conze [aut], Kristyn Chin [aut], Kristian Hodén [ctb], Per Eriksson [ctb], Nicola Moloney [ctb], Britta Lötstedt [ctb], Emmett Sprecher [ctb], Jessica Barbagallo [ctb], Olof Mansson [ctr], Ola Caster [ctb], Danai Topouza [ctb], Olink [cph, fnd]

OlinkAnalyze.pdf |OlinkAnalyze.html
OlinkAnalyze/json (API)

# InstallOlinkAnalyze in R:
install.packages('OlinkAnalyze',repos = c('', ''))

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Olink® Analyze Vignette

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Last update: 2024-01-14
Started: 2023-04-26

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Check data completenesscheck_data_completeness
Example Sample Manifestmanifest
NPX Data in Long formatnpx_data1
NPX Data in Long format, Follow-upnpx_data2
Function which performs an ANOVA per proteinolink_anova
Function which performs an ANOVA posthoc test per protein.olink_anova_posthoc
Function which plots boxplots of selected variablesolink_boxplot
Bridge selection functionolink_bridgeselector
Olink color scale for discrete ggplotsolink_color_discrete
Olink color scale for continuous ggplotsolink_color_gradient
Plot distributions of a given variable for all platesolink_displayPlateDistributions
Plot all plates colored by a variableolink_displayPlateLayout
Function to plot the NPX distribution by panelolink_dist_plot
Olink fill scale for discrete ggplotsolink_fill_discrete
Olink fill scale for continuous ggplotsolink_fill_gradient
Function to plot a heatmap of the NPX dataolink_heatmap_plot
Function which performs a linear mixed model per proteinolink_lmer
Function which performs a point-range plot per protein on a linear mixed modelolink_lmer_plot
Function which performs a linear mixed model posthoc per protein.olink_lmer_posthoc
Calculate LOD using Negative Controls or Fixed LODolink_lod
Normalization of all proteins (by OlinkID).olink_normalization
Bridge normalization of all proteins between two NPX projects.olink_normalization_bridge
Bridge and/or subset normalization of all proteins among multiple NPX projects.olink_normalization_n
An internal function to perform checks on the input of the function olink_normalization_n.olink_normalization_n_check
An internal function to perform checks on the input project names in the functions olink_normalization_bridge and olink_normalization_subset. The function is expected to run all checks on project names to make sure that normalization can be performed smoothly. It should work independently of the function calling it.olink_normalization_project_name_check
An internal function to perform checks on the input samples in the functions olink_normalization_bridge and olink_normalization_subset. The function is expected to run all checks on SampleID to make sure that normalization can be performed smoothly. It should work independently of the function calling it.olink_normalization_sample_check
Subset normalization of all proteins between two NPX projects.olink_normalization_subset
Function which performs a Kruskal-Wallis Test or Friedman Test per proteinolink_one_non_parametric
Function which performs posthoc test per protein for the results from Friedman or Kruskal-Wallis Test.olink_one_non_parametric_posthoc
Function which A two-way ordinal analysis of variance can address an experimental design with two independent variables, each of which is a factor variable. The main effect of each independent variable can be tested, as well as the effect of the interaction of the two factors.olink_ordinalRegression
Function which performs an posthoc test per protein.olink_ordinalRegression_posthoc
Olink color panel for plottingolink_pal
Performs pathway enrichment using over-representation analysis (ORA) or gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)olink_pathway_enrichment
Creates a heatmap of selected pathways and proteinsolink_pathway_heatmap
Creates bargraph of top/selected enrichment terms from GSEA or ORA results from olink_pathway_enrichment()olink_pathway_visualization
Function to plot a PCA of the dataolink_pca_plot
Randomly assign samples to platesolink_plate_randomizer
Function to plot an overview of a sample cohort per Panelolink_qc_plot
Function which performs a t-test per proteinolink_ttest
Function to make a UMAP plot from the dataolink_umap_plot
Easy volcano plot with Olink themeolink_volcano_plot
Function which performs a Mann-Whitney U Test per proteinolink_wilcox
Capture the output of printing an objectprint_and_capture
Read in flex dataread_flex
Function to read NPX data into long formatread_NPX
Helper function to read in Olink Explore csv or txt filesread_npx_csv
Helper function to read in Olink Explore parquet output filesread_npx_parquet
Helper function to read in Olink Explore zip csv filesread_npx_zip
Function to set plot themeset_plot_theme