Package: OasisR 3.1.1

Mihai Tivadar

OasisR: Outright Tool for the Analysis of Spatial Inequalities and Segregation

A comprehensive set of indexes and tests for social segregation analysis, as described in Tivadar (2019) - 'OasisR': An R Package to Bring Some Order to the World of Segregation Measurement <doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i07>. The package is the most complete existing tool and it clarifies many ambiguities and errors regarding the definition of segregation indices. Additionally, 'OasisR' introduces several resampling methods that enable testing their statistical significance (randomization tests, bootstrapping, and jackknife methods).

Authors:Mihai Tivadar [aut, cre]

OasisR.pdf |OasisR.html
OasisR/json (API)

# Install 'OasisR' in R:
install.packages('OasisR', repos = c('', ''))
  • GreHSize - Households distribution by size in Grenoble urban area in 2011
  • segdata - Theoretical two groups distribution on a 10x10 grid map.



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.48 score 1 stars 1 packages 448 downloads 59 exports 21 dependencies

Last updated 4 months agofrom:e0ae8f2347. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 05 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 05 2025



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A function to compute the Massey and Denton Absolute Centralisation Index (ACE)ACE
A function to compute Duncan's Absolute Centralisation Index (ACEDuncan)ACEDuncan
A function to compute Duncan's Polycentric Absolute Centralisation IndexACEDuncanPoly
A function to compute Duncan's Constrained Absolute Centralisation IndexACEDuncanPolyK
A function to compute the Massey and Denton Polycentric Absolute Centralisation IndexACEPoly
A function to compute Absolute Clustering Index (ACL)ACL
A function to compute Absolute Concentration index (ACO)ACO
A function to compute the spatial units' areasarea
A function to compute Atkinson segregation indexAtkinson
A function to compute the matrix of common boundariesboundaries
A function to compute multigroup squared coefficient of variation indexCMulti
A function to compute the contiguity matrixcontig
A function to compute Delta indexDelta
A function to compute Duncan's dissimilarity segregation indexDIDuncan
A function to compute Morrill's dissimilarity indexDIMorrill
A function to compute K-th order Morrill's dissimilarity indexDIMorrillK
A function to compute the distance matrix between centroids of spatial unitsdistance
A function to compute the distance from spatial units centroids to the centerdistcenter
A function to compute Wongs's dissimilarity indexDIWong
A function to compute multigroup dissimilarity indexDMulti
A function to compute the distance-decay isolation index (DPxx)DPxx
A function to compute the distance-decay interaction index (DPxy)DPxy
A function to compute adjusted isolation index (Eta2)Eta2
A function to compute Gini's segregation indexGini
A function to compute the between group version of segregation Gini indexGini2
A function to compute multigroup Gini indexGiniMulti
A function to compute Gorard's segregation indexGorard
Households distribution by size in Grenoble urban area in 2011GreHSize
A function to compute local diversity indexHLoc
A function to compute multigroup entropy segregation indexHMulti
A function to compute Shannon-Wiener diversity (entropy) indexHShannon
A function to compute Theil's entropy segregation indexHTheil
A function to compute Duncan & Duncan segregation indexISDuncan
A function to compute Simpson's interaction indexISimpson
A function to compute Morrill's segregation indexISMorrill
A function to compute K-th order Morrill's segregation indexISMorrillK
A function to compute Wong's segregation indexISWong
A function to compute location quotients (LQs)LQ
A function to compute Shannon-Wiener local diversity (entropy) indexLShannon
A function to compute local Simpson's indexLSimpson
A function to compute Shannon-Wiener diversity normalized indexNShannon
A function to compute Reardon multigroup ordinal segregation indicesordinalseg
A function to compute the spatial units' perimetersperimeter
A function to compute multigroup normalised exposure (PMulti)PMulti
A function to compute the mean proximity between persons without regard to group (Poo)Poo
A function to compute the mean proximity between members of a group (Pxx)Pxx
A function to compute the mean proximity between persons of different groups (Pxy)Pxy
A function to compute rank-ordered segregation indicesrankorderseg
A function to compute Duncan's Relative Centralisation Index (RCE)RCE
A function to compute Duncan's Polycentric Relative Centralisation IndexRCEPoly
A function to compute Constrained Polyentric Relative Centralisation IndexRCEPolyK
A function to compute the relative clustering index (RCL)RCL
A function to compute Relative Concentration index (RCO)RCO
A function to compute multigroup relative diversity indexRelDivers
A function to plot the results of resampling methodsResamplePlot
A function to test segregation indices by resamplingResampleTest
Theoretical two groups distribution on a 10x10 grid map.segdata
A function to clean and prepare the data for segregation analysissegdataclean
A function to compute the spatial proximity index (SP)SP
A function to compute Bell's isolation index (xPx)xPx
A function to compute interaction index (xPy)xPy