Package: NADA 1.6-1.1

Lopaka Lee
NADA: Nondetects and Data Analysis for Environmental Data
Contains methods described by Dennis Helsel in his book "Nondetects And Data Analysis: Statistics for Censored Environmental Data".
NADA.pdf |NADA.html✨
NADA/json (API)
# Install 'NADA' in R: |
install.packages('NADA', repos = c('', '')) |
- Arsenic - Dissolved arsenic concentrations in ground water of U.S.
- As - Dissolved arsenic concentrations in ground water of U.S.
- AsExample - Example arsenic concentrations in drinking water
- Atra - Atrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water
- AtraAlt - Atrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water - Alternative
- Atrazine - Atrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water - Another Format
- Bloodlead - Lead concentrations in the blood of herons in Virginia.
- Cadmium - Cadmium concentrations in fish
- ChlfmCA - Chloroform concentrations in California groundwater.
- CuZn - Copper and zinc concentrations in ground water
- CuZnAlt - Zinc concentrations of the CuZn data set
- DFe - Dissolved iron concentrations from the Brazos River, USA
- DOC - DOC in ground water
- Golden - Blood lead in organs of herons from Virginia
- Hatchery - Antibiotic concentrations in fish-hatchery drainage
- HgFish - Mercury concentrations in fish across the United States.
- MDCu - Copper in ground water from of San Joaquin Valley, USA
- Oahu - Arsenic concentrations in Manoa Stream, Oahu Hawaii
- Recon - Atrazine in streams of the Midwestern U.S.
- Roach - Lindane in fish from tributaries of the Thames River, UK
- SedPb - Lead in stream sediments before and after wildfires
- ShePyrene - Pyrene concentrations in water from Puget Sound, WA USA
- Silver - Dissolved silver concentrations from water analyses
- Silver - Dissolved silver concentrations from water analyses
- TCE - TCE in ground waters of Long Island, New York
- TCEReg - TCE ground waters of Long Island - with explanatory variables
- Tbl1one - Contaminant concentrations in test and a control group
- Thames - Dieldrin, lindane and PCB in fish of the Thames River, UK
This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.
Last updated 5 years agofrom:b3584c6900. Checks:1 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Feb 26 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | NOTE | Feb 26 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Dissolved silver concentrations from water analyses | Silver |
Dissolved arsenic concentrations in ground water of U.S. | Arsenic |
Dissolved arsenic concentrations in ground water of U.S. | As NADA.As |
Example arsenic concentrations in drinking water | AsExample |
Methods for function asSurv in Package NADA | asSurv asSurv,Cen-method asSurv,formula-method asSurv-methods |
Atrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water | Atra |
Atrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water - Alternative | AtraAlt |
Atrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water - Another Format | Atrazine |
Lead concentrations in the blood of herons in Virginia. | Bloodlead |
Methods for function boxplot in Package NADA | boxplot,ros boxplot,ros-method boxplot-methods |
Cadmium concentrations in fish | Cadmium |
Create a Censored Object | Cen |
Produces a censored boxplot | cenboxplot |
Test Censored ECDF Differences | cendiff |
Methods for function cendiff in Package NADA | cendiff,Cen,missing,missing-method cendiff,formula,missing,missing-method cendiff,numeric,logical,factor-method cendiff-methods |
Compute an ECDF for Censored Data | cenfit |
Class "cenfit" | cenfit-class [,cenfit,numeric,missing,ANY-method [,cenfit,numeric,missing-method |
Methods for function cenfit in Package NADA | cenfit,Cen,missing,missing-method cenfit,formula,missing,missing-method cenfit,numeric,logical,factor-method cenfit,numeric,logical,missing-method cenfit-methods |
Compute Kendall's tau correlation coefficient and associated line for censored data. Computes the Akritas-Theil-Sen nonparametric line, with the Turnbull estimate of intercept. | cenken |
Class "cenken" | cenken-class |
Methods for function cenken in Package NADA | cenken,formula,missing,missing,missing-method cenken,numeric,logical,numeric,logical-method cenken,numeric,logical,numeric,missing-method cenken-methods |
Regression by Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Left-censored Data | cenmle |
Class "cenmle" | cenmle-class cenmle-gaussian cenmle-lognormal |
Class "cenmle-gaussian" | cenmle-gaussian-class |
Class "cenmle-lognormal" | cenmle-lognormal-class |
Methods for function cenmle in Package NADA | cenmle,Cen,missing,missing-method cenmle,numeric,logical,factor-method cenmle,numeric,logical,missing-method cenmle,numeric,logical,numeric-method cenmle-methods |
Compute regression equations and likelihood correlation coefficient for censored data. | cenreg |
Class "cenreg" | cenreg-class cenreg-gaussian cenreg-lognormal |
Class "cenreg-gaussian" | cenreg-gaussian-class |
Class "cenreg-lognormal" | cenreg-lognormal-class |
Methods for function cenreg in Package NADA | cenreg,formula,missing,missing-method cenreg,numeric,logical,factor-method cenreg,numeric,logical,numeric-method cenreg-methods |
Produces summary statistics using ROS, MLE, and K-M methods. | censtats |
Produces basic summary statistics on censored data | censummary |
Methods for function censummary in Package NADA | censummary,numeric,logical,factor-method censummary,numeric,logical,missing-method censummary,numeric,logical,numeric-method censummary-methods |
Produces a censored x-y scatter plot | cenxyplot |
Chloroform concentrations in California groundwater. | ChlfmCA |
Methods for function coef in package NADA | coef,cenreg-method coef-methods coefficents-methods |
Methods for function cor in Package NADA | cor cor,ANY-method cor,cenreg-method cor-methods |
Copper and zinc concentrations in ground water | CuZn |
Zinc concentrations of the CuZn data set | CuZnAlt |
Dissolved iron concentrations from the Brazos River, USA | DFe |
DOC in ground water | DOC |
Methods for function flip in Package NADA | flip flip,Cen-method flip,formula-method flip-methods |
Blood lead in organs of herons from Virginia | Golden |
Antibiotic concentrations in fish-hatchery drainage | Hatchery |
Helsel-Cohn style plotting positions | hc.ppoints hc.ppoints.cen hc.ppoints.uncen |
Mercury concentrations in fish across the United States. | HgFish |
Methods for function lines in Package NADA | lines,ANY-method lines,cenfit-method lines,cenken-method lines,ros-method lines-methods |
Copper in ground water from of San Joaquin Valley, USA | MDCu |
Methods for function mean in Package NADA | mean,ANY-method mean,cenfit-method mean,cenmle-gaussian-method mean,cenmle-lognormal-method mean,cenmle-method mean,ros-method mean-methods |
Methods for function median in Package NADA | median,ANY-method median,cenfit-method median,cenmle-gaussian-method median,cenmle-lognormal-method median,cenmle-method median,ros-method median-methods |
Class "NADAList" | NADAList-class |
Arsenic concentrations in Manoa Stream, Oahu Hawaii | Oahu |
Calculate the percentage of values censored | pctCen |
Methods for function plot in Package NADA | plot,ANY,ANY-method plot,cenfit,ANY-method plot,cenfit-method plot,cenmle-gaussian,ANY-method plot,cenmle-lognormal,ANY-method plot,cenmle-method plot,cenreg,ANY-method plot,cenreg-method plot,ros,missing-method plot,ros-method plot-methods |
Methods for function predict in package NADA | pexceed pexceed,cenfit-method pexceed,ros-method predict predict,cenfit-method predict,cenreg-lognormal-method predict,cenreg-method predict,ros-method predict-methods |
Methods for function print in Package NADA | print,ANY-method print,Cen-method print,cenfit-method print,cenmle-method print,cenreg-method print,censummary-method print,NADAList-method print,ros-method print,summary.cenreg-method print-methods |
Methods for function quantile in Package NADA | NADAprobs quantile,ANY-method quantile,cenfit-method quantile,cenmle-gaussian-method quantile,cenmle-lognormal-method quantile,cenmle-method quantile,ros-method quantile-methods |
Atrazine in streams of the Midwestern U.S. | Recon |
Methods for function residuals in package NADA | residuals,cenreg-method residuals-methods |
Lindane in fish from tributaries of the Thames River, UK | Roach |
Regression on Order Statistics | cenros lros ros |
Class "ros" | ros-class |
Methods for function ros in Package NADA | ros,numeric,logical-method ros-methods |
Methods for function sd in Package NADA | sd,ANY-method sd,cenfit-method sd,cenmle-gaussian-method sd,cenmle-lognormal-method sd,cenmle-method sd,ros-method sd-methods |
Lead in stream sediments before and after wildfires | SedPb |
Pyrene concentrations in water from Puget Sound, WA USA | ShePyrene |
Methods for function show in Package NADA | show,cenfit-method show,cenken-method show,cenmle-method show,cenreg-method show,censummary-method show,NADAList-method show,ros-method show,summary.cenreg-method show-methods |
Silver-standard concentrations | Ag |
Split character qualifiers and numeric values from qualified data | splitQual |
Methods for function summary in Package `NADA' | summary,ANY-method summary,cenfit-method summary,cenreg-method summary,ros-method summary-methods |
Class "summary.cenreg" | summary.cenreg summary.cenreg-class |
Contaminant concentrations in test and a control group | Tbl1one |
TCE in ground waters of Long Island, New York | TCE |
TCE ground waters of Long Island - with explanatory variables | TCEReg |
Dieldrin, lindane and PCB in fish of the Thames River, UK | Thames |