Package: NADA 1.6-1.1

Lopaka Lee

NADA: Nondetects and Data Analysis for Environmental Data

Contains methods described by Dennis Helsel in his book "Nondetects And Data Analysis: Statistics for Censored Environmental Data".

Authors:Lopaka Lee

NADA.pdf |NADA.html
NADA/json (API)

# Install 'NADA' in R:
install.packages('NADA', repos = c('', ''))
  • Arsenic - Dissolved arsenic concentrations in ground water of U.S.
  • As - Dissolved arsenic concentrations in ground water of U.S.
  • AsExample - Example arsenic concentrations in drinking water
  • Atra - Atrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water
  • AtraAlt - Atrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water - Alternative
  • Atrazine - Atrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water - Another Format
  • Bloodlead - Lead concentrations in the blood of herons in Virginia.
  • Cadmium - Cadmium concentrations in fish
  • ChlfmCA - Chloroform concentrations in California groundwater.
  • CuZn - Copper and zinc concentrations in ground water
  • CuZnAlt - Zinc concentrations of the CuZn data set
  • DFe - Dissolved iron concentrations from the Brazos River, USA
  • DOC - DOC in ground water
  • Golden - Blood lead in organs of herons from Virginia
  • Hatchery - Antibiotic concentrations in fish-hatchery drainage
  • HgFish - Mercury concentrations in fish across the United States.
  • MDCu - Copper in ground water from of San Joaquin Valley, USA
  • Oahu - Arsenic concentrations in Manoa Stream, Oahu Hawaii
  • Recon - Atrazine in streams of the Midwestern U.S.
  • Roach - Lindane in fish from tributaries of the Thames River, UK
  • SedPb - Lead in stream sediments before and after wildfires
  • ShePyrene - Pyrene concentrations in water from Puget Sound, WA USA
  • Silver - Dissolved silver concentrations from water analyses
  • Silver - Dissolved silver concentrations from water analyses
  • TCE - TCE in ground waters of Long Island, New York
  • TCEReg - TCE ground waters of Long Island - with explanatory variables
  • Tbl1one - Contaminant concentrations in test and a control group
  • Thames - Dieldrin, lindane and PCB in fish of the Thames River, UK



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

5.48 score 2 stars 14 packages 118 scripts 3.0k downloads 29 mentions 36 exports 3 dependencies

Last updated 5 years agofrom:b3584c6900. Checks:1 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 26 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 26 2025



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Dissolved silver concentrations from water analysesSilver
Dissolved arsenic concentrations in ground water of U.S.Arsenic
Dissolved arsenic concentrations in ground water of U.S.As NADA.As
Example arsenic concentrations in drinking waterAsExample
Methods for function asSurv in Package NADAasSurv asSurv,Cen-method asSurv,formula-method asSurv-methods
Atrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground waterAtra
Atrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water - AlternativeAtraAlt
Atrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water - Another FormatAtrazine
Lead concentrations in the blood of herons in Virginia.Bloodlead
Methods for function boxplot in Package NADAboxplot,ros boxplot,ros-method boxplot-methods
Cadmium concentrations in fishCadmium
Create a Censored ObjectCen
Produces a censored boxplotcenboxplot
Test Censored ECDF Differencescendiff
Methods for function cendiff in Package NADAcendiff,Cen,missing,missing-method cendiff,formula,missing,missing-method cendiff,numeric,logical,factor-method cendiff-methods
Compute an ECDF for Censored Datacenfit
Class "cenfit"cenfit-class [,cenfit,numeric,missing,ANY-method [,cenfit,numeric,missing-method
Methods for function cenfit in Package NADAcenfit,Cen,missing,missing-method cenfit,formula,missing,missing-method cenfit,numeric,logical,factor-method cenfit,numeric,logical,missing-method cenfit-methods
Compute Kendall's tau correlation coefficient and associated line for censored data. Computes the Akritas-Theil-Sen nonparametric line, with the Turnbull estimate of intercept.cenken
Class "cenken"cenken-class
Methods for function cenken in Package NADAcenken,formula,missing,missing,missing-method cenken,numeric,logical,numeric,logical-method cenken,numeric,logical,numeric,missing-method cenken-methods
Regression by Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Left-censored Datacenmle
Class "cenmle"cenmle-class cenmle-gaussian cenmle-lognormal
Class "cenmle-gaussian"cenmle-gaussian-class
Class "cenmle-lognormal"cenmle-lognormal-class
Methods for function cenmle in Package NADAcenmle,Cen,missing,missing-method cenmle,numeric,logical,factor-method cenmle,numeric,logical,missing-method cenmle,numeric,logical,numeric-method cenmle-methods
Compute regression equations and likelihood correlation coefficient for censored data.cenreg
Class "cenreg"cenreg-class cenreg-gaussian cenreg-lognormal
Class "cenreg-gaussian"cenreg-gaussian-class
Class "cenreg-lognormal"cenreg-lognormal-class
Methods for function cenreg in Package NADAcenreg,formula,missing,missing-method cenreg,numeric,logical,factor-method cenreg,numeric,logical,numeric-method cenreg-methods
Produces summary statistics using ROS, MLE, and K-M methods.censtats
Produces basic summary statistics on censored datacensummary
Methods for function censummary in Package NADAcensummary,numeric,logical,factor-method censummary,numeric,logical,missing-method censummary,numeric,logical,numeric-method censummary-methods
Produces a censored x-y scatter plotcenxyplot
Chloroform concentrations in California groundwater.ChlfmCA
Methods for function coef in package NADAcoef,cenreg-method coef-methods coefficents-methods
Methods for function cor in Package NADAcor cor,ANY-method cor,cenreg-method cor-methods
Copper and zinc concentrations in ground waterCuZn
Zinc concentrations of the CuZn data setCuZnAlt
Dissolved iron concentrations from the Brazos River, USADFe
DOC in ground waterDOC
Methods for function flip in Package NADAflip flip,Cen-method flip,formula-method flip-methods
Blood lead in organs of herons from VirginiaGolden
Antibiotic concentrations in fish-hatchery drainageHatchery
Helsel-Cohn style plotting positionshc.ppoints hc.ppoints.cen hc.ppoints.uncen
Mercury concentrations in fish across the United States.HgFish
Methods for function lines in Package NADAlines,ANY-method lines,cenfit-method lines,cenken-method lines,ros-method lines-methods
Copper in ground water from of San Joaquin Valley, USAMDCu
Methods for function mean in Package NADAmean,ANY-method mean,cenfit-method mean,cenmle-gaussian-method mean,cenmle-lognormal-method mean,cenmle-method mean,ros-method mean-methods
Methods for function median in Package NADAmedian,ANY-method median,cenfit-method median,cenmle-gaussian-method median,cenmle-lognormal-method median,cenmle-method median,ros-method median-methods
Class "NADAList"NADAList-class
Arsenic concentrations in Manoa Stream, Oahu HawaiiOahu
Calculate the percentage of values censoredpctCen
Methods for function plot in Package NADAplot,ANY,ANY-method plot,cenfit,ANY-method plot,cenfit-method plot,cenmle-gaussian,ANY-method plot,cenmle-lognormal,ANY-method plot,cenmle-method plot,cenreg,ANY-method plot,cenreg-method plot,ros,missing-method plot,ros-method plot-methods
Methods for function predict in package NADApexceed pexceed,cenfit-method pexceed,ros-method predict predict,cenfit-method predict,cenreg-lognormal-method predict,cenreg-method predict,ros-method predict-methods
Methods for function print in Package NADAprint,ANY-method print,Cen-method print,cenfit-method print,cenmle-method print,cenreg-method print,censummary-method print,NADAList-method print,ros-method print,summary.cenreg-method print-methods
Methods for function quantile in Package NADANADAprobs quantile,ANY-method quantile,cenfit-method quantile,cenmle-gaussian-method quantile,cenmle-lognormal-method quantile,cenmle-method quantile,ros-method quantile-methods
Atrazine in streams of the Midwestern U.S.Recon
Methods for function residuals in package NADAresiduals,cenreg-method residuals-methods
Lindane in fish from tributaries of the Thames River, UKRoach
Regression on Order Statisticscenros lros ros
Class "ros"ros-class
Methods for function ros in Package NADAros,numeric,logical-method ros-methods
Methods for function sd in Package NADAsd,ANY-method sd,cenfit-method sd,cenmle-gaussian-method sd,cenmle-lognormal-method sd,cenmle-method sd,ros-method sd-methods
Lead in stream sediments before and after wildfiresSedPb
Pyrene concentrations in water from Puget Sound, WA USAShePyrene
Methods for function show in Package NADAshow,cenfit-method show,cenken-method show,cenmle-method show,cenreg-method show,censummary-method show,NADAList-method show,ros-method show,summary.cenreg-method show-methods
Silver-standard concentrationsAg
Split character qualifiers and numeric values from qualified datasplitQual
Methods for function summary in Package `NADA'summary,ANY-method summary,cenfit-method summary,cenreg-method summary,ros-method summary-methods
Class "summary.cenreg"summary.cenreg summary.cenreg-class
Contaminant concentrations in test and a control groupTbl1one
TCE in ground waters of Long Island, New YorkTCE
TCE ground waters of Long Island - with explanatory variablesTCEReg
Dieldrin, lindane and PCB in fish of the Thames River, UKThames