Package: MethComp 1.30.2

Claus Thorn Ekstrøm

MethComp: Analysis of Agreement in Method Comparison Studies

Methods (standard and advanced) for analysis of agreement between measurement methods. These cover Bland-Altman plots, Deming regression, Lin's Total deviation index, and difference-on-average regression. See Carstensen B. (2010) "Comparing Clinical Measurement Methods: A Practical Guide (Statistics in Practice)" <doi:10.1002/9780470683019> for more information.

Authors:Bendix Carstensen [aut], Lyle Gurrin [aut], Claus Thorn Ekstrøm [aut, cre], Michal Figurski [aut]

MethComp.pdf |MethComp.html
MethComp/json (API)

# Install 'MethComp' in R:
install.packages('MethComp', repos = c('', ''))

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Bug tracker:

  • Ancona - Data from a rating experiment of recorgnizing point counts.
  • CardOutput - Measurements of Cardiac output.
  • Enzyme - Enzyme activity data
  • PEFR - Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) measurements with Wright peak flow and mini Wright peak flow meter.
  • VitCap - Merits of two instruments designed to measure certain aspects of human lung function
  • cardiac - Measurement of cardiac output by two different methods.
  • fat - Measurements of subcutaneous and visceral fat
  • glucose - Glucose measurements by different methods
  • hba.MC - A MCmcmc object from the hba1c data
  • hba1c - Measurements of HbA1c from Steno Diabetes Center
  • milk - Measurement of fat content of human milk by two different methods.
  • ox - Measurement of oxygen saturation in blood
  • ox.MC - A MCmcmc object from the oximetry data.
  • plvol - Measurements of plasma volume measured by two different methods.
  • rainman - Perception of points in a swarm
  • sbp - Systolic blood pressure measured by three different methods.
  • sbp.MC - A MCmcmc object from the sbp data
  • scint - Relative renal function by Scintigraphy

2.93 score 86 scripts 314 downloads 23 mentions 27 exports 3 dependencies

Last updated 3 days agofrom:855fda1e10. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKOct 21 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKOct 21 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Derive linear conversion coefficients from a set of indeterminate coefficientsabconv
Estimate in a method comparison model with replicatesAltReg
Data from a rating experiment of recorgnizing point counts.Ancona
Bias and variance components for a Bland-Altman plot.BA.est
Bland-Altman plot of differences versus averages.BA.plot plot.Meth plot.PBreg plot.VarComp
Add regression lines to a plotbothlines
Measurement of cardiac output by two different methods.cardiac
Measurements of Cardiac output.CardOutput
Functions to handle transformations of measurement results.check.trans
Functions to handle transformations of measurement results.choose.trans
Classical association measurescorr.measures
Make a regression of differences on averagesDA.reg
Convert DA to (classical) regressionDA2y
Regression with errors in both variables (Deming regression)Deming
Function to identify the extremes of a vectorends
Enzyme activity dataEnzyme
Measurements of subcutaneous and visceral fatfat
Glucose measurements by different methodsglucose
A MCmcmc object from the hba1c datahba.MC
Measurements of HbA1c from Steno Diabetes Centerhba1c
Fit a model for method comparison studies using WinBUGSMCmcmc
Create a Meth object representing a method comparison studyMeth
Simulate a dataframe containing replicate measurements on the same items using different methods.Meth.sim
Summarize conversion equations and prediction intervals between methods.MethComp
Function to identify the middle of a vectormiddle
Measurement of fat content of human milk by two different methods.milk
Measurement of oxygen saturation in bloodox
A MCmcmc object from the oximetry data.ox.MC
Create a pairs plot for an MCmcmc objectpairs.MCmcmc
Passing-Bablok regressionPBreg print.PBreg
Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) measurements with Wright peak flow and mini Wright peak flow meter.PEFR
Manipulate the replicate numbering within (item,method)has.repl make.repl perm.repl
Plot estimated conversion lines and formulae.plot.MCmcmc
Summarize conversion equations and prediction intervals between methods.plot.MethComp
Measurements of plasma volume measured by two different methods.plvol
Predict results from PBreg objectpredict.PBreg
Print a MCmcmc objectprint.MCmcmc
Perception of points in a swarmrainman
Sample Meth object with replacementsample.Meth
Systolic blood pressure measured by three different methods.sbp
A MCmcmc object from the sbp datasbp.MC
Relative renal function by Scintigraphyscint
Subset an MCmcmc objectsubset.MCmcmc
Summary for Meth obectsummary.Meth
Compute Lin's Total deviation indexTDI
Functions to convert between long and wide representations of datato.long
Functions to convert between long and wide representations of datato.wide
Functions to graphically assess the convergence of the MCMC-simulation in a MCmcmc objectcheck.MCmcmc post.MCmcmc trace.MCmcmc
Merits of two instruments designed to measure certain aspects of human lung function (Vital Capacity)VitCap
Convert DA to (classical) regressiony2DA