Package: MassWateR 2.1.5

Marcus Beck

MassWateR: Quality Control and Analysis of Massachusetts Water Quality Data

Methods for quality control and exploratory analysis of surface water quality data collected in Massachusetts, USA. Functions are developed to facilitate data formatting for the Water Quality Exchange Network <> and reporting of data quality objectives to state agencies. Quality control methods are from Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (2020) <>.

Authors:Marcus Beck [aut, cre], Jill Carr [aut], Ben Wetherill [aut]

MassWateR.pdf |MassWateR.html
MassWateR/json (API)

# Install 'MassWateR' in R:
install.packages('MassWateR', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • paramsMWR - Master parameter list and units for Characteristic Name column in results data
  • thresholdMWR - Master thresholds list for analysis of results data

2.18 score 9 scripts 711 downloads 43 exports 108 dependencies

Last updated 2 days agofrom:6af2f8351b. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKOct 21 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKOct 21 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Analyze trends by date in results fileanlzMWRdate
Analyze results with mapsanlzMWRmap
Analyze outliers in results fileanlzMWRoutlier
Analyze outliers in results file for all parametersanlzMWRoutlierall
Analyze seasonal trends in results fileanlzMWRseason
Analyze data by sites in results fileanlzMWRsite
Check data quality objective accuracy datacheckMWRacc
Check data quality objective frequency and completeness datacheckMWRfrecom
Check water quality monitoring resultscheckMWRresults
Check site metadata filecheckMWRsites
Check water quality exchange (wqx) metadata inputcheckMWRwqx
Format data quality objective accuracy dataformMWRacc
Format data quality objective frequency and completeness dataformMWRfrecom
Format water quality monitoring resultsformMWRresults
Format WQX metadata inputformMWRwqx
Master parameter list and units for Characteristic Name column in results dataparamsMWR
Run quality control accuracy checks for water quality monitoring resultsqcMWRacc
Run quality control completeness checks for water quality monitoring resultsqcMWRcom
Run quality control frequency checks for water quality monitoring resultsqcMWRfre
Create the quality control review reportqcMWRreview
Read data quality objectives for accuracy from an external filereadMWRacc
Read data quality objectives for frequency and completeness from an external filereadMWRfrecom
Read water quality monitoring results from an external filereadMWRresults
Create summary spreadsheet of the water quality monitoring resultsreadMWRresultsview
Read site metadata from an external filereadMWRsites
Read water quality exchange (wqx) metadata input from an external filereadMWRwqx
Create a formatted table of quality control accuracy checkstabMWRacc
Create a formatted table of quality control completeness checkstabMWRcom
Create a formatted table of quality control frequency checkstabMWRfre
Create and save tables in a single workbook for WQX uploadtabMWRwqx
Master thresholds list for analysis of results datathresholdMWR
Filter results data by parameter, date range, site, result attributes, and/or location grouputilMWRfilter
Filter results data to surface measurementsutilMWRfiltersurface
Prep results data for frequency checksutilMWRfre
Load external file from remote source, fail gracefullyutilMWRhttpgrace
Utility function to import data as paths or data framesutilMWRinput
Check if required inputs are present for a functionutilMWRinputcheck
Fill results data as BDL or AQL with appropriate valuesutilMWRlimits
Identify outliers in a numeric vectorutilMWRoutlier
Verify summary functionutilMWRsumfun
Summarize a results data frame by a grouping variableutilMWRsummary
Get threshold lines from thresholdMWRutilMWRthresh
Format the title for analyze functionsutilMWRtitle
Check if incomplete range in 'Value Range' columnutilMWRvaluerange
Get logical value for y axis scalingutilMWRyscale