Package: MLCIRTwithin 2.1.1

Francesco Bartolucci

MLCIRTwithin: Latent Class Item Response Theory (LC-IRT) Models under Within-Item Multidimensionality

Framework for the Item Response Theory analysis of dichotomous and ordinal polytomous outcomes under the assumption of within-item multidimensionality and discreteness of the latent traits. The fitting algorithms allow for missing responses and for different item parametrizations and are based on the Expectation-Maximization paradigm. Individual covariates affecting the class weights may be included in the new version together with possibility of constraints on all model parameters.

Authors:Francesco Bartolucci, Silvia Bacci - University of Perugia

MLCIRTwithin.pdf |MLCIRTwithin.html
MLCIRTwithin/json (API)

# Install 'MLCIRTwithin' in R:
install.packages('MLCIRTwithin', repos = c('', ''))



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1.00 score 269 downloads 21 exports 5 dependencies

Last updated 5 years agofrom:8fcce562ed. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 04 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 04 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 04 2025



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Latent Class Item Response Theory (LC-IRT) Models under Within-Item MultidimensionalityMLCIRTwithin-package MLCIRTwithin
Build block diagonal matricesblkdiag
Display the estimated model parameters of est_multi_poly_between objectcoef.est_multi_poly_between
Display the estimated model parameters of est_multi_poly_within objectcoef.est_multi_poly_within
Display the estimated confidence intervals of the model parameters of est_multi_poly_between objectconfint.est_multi_poly_between
Display the estimated confidence intervals of the model parameters of est_multi_poly_within objectconfint.est_multi_poly_within
Fit marginal regression models for categorical responsesest_multi_glob_genZ
Estimate latent class item response theory (LC-IRT) models for dichotomous and polytomous responses under between-item multidimensionalityest_multi_poly_between
Estimate latent class item response theory (LC-IRT) models for dichotomous and polytomous responses under within-item multidimensionalityest_multi_poly_within
Compute observed log-likelihood and scorelk_obs_score_between
Compute observed log-likelihood and scorelk_obs_score_within
Display the log-likelihood at convergence of est_multi_poly_between objectlogLik.est_multi_poly_between
Display the log-likelihood at convergence of est_multi_poly_within objectlogLik.est_multi_poly_within
Print the output of est_multi_poly_between objectprint.est_multi_poly_between
Print the call of est_multi_poly_within objectprint.est_multi_poly_within
Global probabilitiesprob_multi_glob_gen
RLMS datasetRLMS
Search for the global maximum of the log-likelihood of between-item muldimensional modelssearch.model_between
Search for the global maximum of the log-likelihood of within-item muldimensional modelssearch.model_within
SF12 datasetSF12
SF12 dataset without missing responsesSF12_nomiss
Print the output of est_multi_poly_between objectsummary.est_multi_poly_between
Print the output of est_multi_poly_within objectsummary.est_multi_poly_within
Display the estimated variance-and-covariance matrix of est_multi_poly_between objectvcov.est_multi_poly_between
Display the estimated variance-and-covariance matrix of est_multi_poly_within objectvcov.est_multi_poly_within