Package: LSTbook 0.6

Daniel Kaplan

LSTbook: Data and Software for "Lessons in Statistical Thinking"

"Lessons in Statistical Thinking" D.T. Kaplan (2014) <> is a textbook for a first or second course in statistics that embraces data wrangling, causal reasoning, modeling, statistical adjustment, and simulation. 'LSTbook' supports the student-centered, tidy, pipeline-oriented computing style featured in the book.

Authors:Daniel Kaplan [aut, cre], Randall Pruim [aut]

LSTbook.pdf |LSTbook.html
LSTbook/json (API)

# Install 'LSTbook' in R:
install.packages('LSTbook', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • AAUP - 1984 salaries in various professional fields
  • Anthro_F - Anthropometric data from college-aged women
  • Big - Short, simple data frames for textbook examples
  • Birdkeepers - Birdkeeping and Lung Cancer
  • Births2022 - Records on births in the US in 2022
  • Boston_marathon - Winning times in the Boston Marathon
  • Butterfly - World records in the 100 & 200 m butterfly swim
  • CRDS - Smoking and lung function among youths
  • Calif_precip - Annual precipitation in California locations
  • Callback - Resume Experiment Data
  • Clock_auction - Data from McClave-Sincich _Statistics_ 11/e
  • College_grades - Grades at a small college
  • Dowsing - Data from McClave-Sincich _Statistics_ 11/e
  • Econ_outlook_poll - SIMULATED data from an economic outlook poll
  • FARS - Annual summaries concerning motor-vehicle related fatalities in the US#'
  • Framingham - Data from the Framingham heart study
  • Geography_journals - Data from McClave-Sincich _Statistics_ 11/e
  • Germany1933vote - Voting patterns in the 1933 German national election
  • Gilbert - Data from the trial of serial killer Kristen Gilbert
  • Go_vote - Get out the vote experiment
  • Gradepoint - Sample from a college registrar's database
  • Grades - Sample from a college registrar's database
  • Hill_racing - Winning times in Scottish Hill races, 2005-2017
  • MPG - Fuel economy measurements on US car models
  • McCredie_Kurtz - "Big Five" personality ratings for college first-year students
  • Monocacy_river - Data on run-off from the Monocacy river at Jug Bridge, Maryland.
  • Names_and_race - Resume Experiment Data
  • Nats - Short, simple data frames for textbook examples
  • Offspring - Relative sizes offspring/parent for many species
  • Orings - Space Shuttle O-Ring Failures
  • PGA_index - Data from McClave-Sincich _Statistics_ 11/e
  • PIDD - Pima Indians Diabetes Database
  • Penguins - Body measurements on penguins
  • STAR - STAR Project Data
  • Sessions - Sample from a college registrar's database
  • Shipping_losses - Shipping losses in 1941 in the Atlantic
  • Tiny - Short, simple data frames for textbook examples
  • UCB_applicants - Roster of applicants to six major departments at UC Berkeley
  • US_wildfires - Monthly tallies of wildfires in the US from 2000 to 2022
  • Wheat - Experimental data on the yield of winter wheat
  • sim_00 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_01 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_02 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_03 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_04 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_05 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_06 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_07 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_08 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_09 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_10 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_11 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_12 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_flights - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_medical_observations - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_prob_21.1 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_satgpa - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_school1 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_school2 - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_
  • sim_vaccine - Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_

3.89 score 26 scripts 159 downloads 31 exports 38 dependencies

Last updated 19 days agofrom:2a86791e75. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKDec 07 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKDec 07 2024



{LSTbook}: R package for the book Lessons in Statistical Thinking

Rendered fromLSTbook.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Dec 07 2024.

Last update: 2024-12-07
Started: 2024-02-24

Simulating data with Directed Acyclic Graphs

Rendered fromDAGs.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Dec 07 2024.

Last update: 2024-12-07
Started: 2024-02-24

Training models

Rendered frommodeling.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Dec 07 2024.

Last update: 2024-12-07
Started: 2024-02-24

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
1984 salaries in various professional fieldsAAUP
Convenience function for adding labels to point_plot or others without needing the ggplot2 + pipe.add_plot_labels
Add a slope "rose" to a plot.add_slope_rose add_violin_ruler
Anthropometric data from college-aged womenAnthro_F
Birdkeeping and Lung CancerBirdkeepers
Records on births in the US in 2022Births2022
Winning times in the Boston MarathonBoston_marathon
World records in the 100 & 200 m butterfly swimButterfly
Annual precipitation in California locationsCalif_precip
Resume Experiment DataCallback Names_and_race
Helpers for specifying nodes in simulationsbernoulli block_by cat2value categorical each mix_with random_levels
Grades at a small collegeCollege_grades
Summaries of regression modelsanova_summary conf_interval R2 regression_summary
Smoking and lung function among youthsCRDS
Draw a DAGdag_draw
Construct and modify data simulationsdatasim_intervene datasim_make datasim_to_igraph
Run a datasim simulation, producing a data framedatasim_run
SIMULATED data from an economic outlook pollEcon_outlook_poll
Utilitiesexplanatory_vars formula_from_mod get_training_data response_values response_var
Annual summaries concerning motor-vehicle related fatalities in the US#'FARS
Data from the Framingham heart studyFramingham
Voting patterns in the 1933 German national electionGermany1933vote
Data from the trial of serial killer Kristen GilbertGilbert
Get out the vote experimentGo_vote
Winning times in Scottish Hill races, 2005-2017Hill_racing
Data from McClave-Sincich _Statistics_ 11/eClock_auction Dowsing Geography_journals McClave_Sincich PGA_index
"Big Five" personality ratings for college first-year studentsMcCredie_Kurtz
Evaluate a model on inputsmodel_eval
Helper functions to evaluate modelsmodel_eval_fun
Check model type against model specification and datamodel_family
Graph a model functionmodel_plot
Convert a model to a skeletonmodel_skeleton
train a model, easilymodel_train
Construct a model and return the model valuesmodel_values
Data on run-off from the Monocacy river at Jug Bridge, Maryland.Monocacy_river
Cull objects used with do()mosaic_cull_for_do
Fuel economy measurements on US car modelsMPG
Short, simple data frames for textbook examplesBig Nats Tiny
Create vector based on roughly equally sized groupsntiles
Relative sizes offspring/parent for many speciesOffspring
Space Shuttle O-Ring FailuresOrings
Body measurements on penguinsPenguins
Pima Indians Diabetes DatabasePIDD
One-step data graphicspoint_plot
Nice printing of some internal objectsprint.datasim
A printing method for model objectsprint.model_object
Create columns with random numbers for modelingrandom_terms
Sample from a college registrar's databaseGradepoint Grades Registrar Sessions
Shipping losses in 1941 in the AtlanticShipping_losses
Simulations for use in _Lessons in Statistical Thinking_sim_00 sim_01 sim_02 sim_03 sim_04 sim_05 sim_06 sim_07 sim_08 sim_09 sim_10 sim_11 sim_12 sim_flights sim_medical_observations sim_objects sim_prob_21.1 sim_satgpa sim_school1 sim_school2 sim_vaccine
Evaluate a tilde expression on a data framesplit_tilde
STAR Project DataSTAR
Samples from various kinds of objectsresample take_sample take_sample.default
Run the left side of the pipeline multiple times.trials
Roster of applicants to six major departments at UC BerkeleyUCB_applicants
Monthly tallies of wildfires in the US from 2000 to 2022US_wildfires
Experimental data on the yield of winter wheatWheat
Zero-one transformation for categorical variablelabel_zero_one zero_one