Package: IDmeasurer 1.0.0

Pavel Linhart

IDmeasurer: Assessment of Individual Identity in Animal Signals

Provides tools for assessment and quantification of individual identity information in animal signals. This package accompanies a research article by Linhart et al. (2019) <doi:10.1101/546143>: "Measuring individual identity information in animal signals: Overview and performance of available identity metrics".

Authors:Pavel Linhart [aut, cre]

IDmeasurer.pdf |IDmeasurer.html
IDmeasurer/json (API)

# Install 'IDmeasurer' in R:
install.packages('IDmeasurer', repos = c('', ''))
  • ANmodulation - Little owl, _Athene noctua_ - frequency modulation
  • ANspec - Little owl, _Athene noctua_ - spectrum properties
  • CCformants - Corncrake, _Crex crex_ - formants
  • CCspec - Corncrake, _Crex crex_ - spectrum properties
  • LAhighweewoo - Yellow-breasted boubou, _Laniarius atroflavus_ - spectrum properties
  • SSgrunts - Domestic pig, _Sus scrofa domestica_ - piglet grunts



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

2.70 score 130 downloads 20 exports 14 dependencies

Last updated 6 years agofrom:c89c6d520a. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 20 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 20 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 20 2025



IDmeasurer workflow examples

Rendered fromidmeasurer-workflow-examples.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 20 2025.

Last update: 2019-05-09
Started: 2019-05-09

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Little owl, _Athene noctua_ - frequency modulationANmodulation
Little owl, _Athene noctua_ - spectrum propertiesANspec
Calculate total distance in given datasetcalcDistT
Calculate average within individual distancecalcDistW
Calculates discrimination score (DS)calcDS
Calculate F-values for individual identity traitscalcF
Calculate information capacity (HM)calcHM
Calculate Beecher's information statistic (HS, variant = HSnpergroup)calcHS
Calculate Beecher's information statistic (HS, variant = HSngroups)calcHSngroups
Calculate Beecher's information statistic (HS, variant = HSnpergroup)calcHSnpergroup
Calculate Beecher's information statistic (HS, variant = HSntot)calcHSntot
Calculate Beecher's information statistic (HS, variant = HSvarcomp)calcHSvarcomp
Calculate the centroid of the individual identity traitscalcMeanVec
Calculate Mutual information (MI)calcMI
Convert raw trait variables into principal componentscalcPCA
Calculates potential of identity coding (PIC, variant=PICbetweentot)calcPIC
Calculates potential of identity coding (PIC, variant=PICbetweenmeans)calcPICbetweenmeans
Calculates potential of identity coding (PIC, variant=PICbetweentot)calcPICbetweentot
Corncrake, _Crex crex_ - formantsCCformants
Corncrake, _Crex crex_ - spectrum propertiesCCspec
Convert DS to HSconvertDStoHS
Convert HS to DSconvertHStoDS
Generate dataset with multiple individual identity traitsGenerateMultivariate
Generate dataset with a single individual identity traitGenerateUnivariate
IDmeasurer: A package for calculation of individual identity metrics in animal signals.IDmeasurer-package IDmeasurer
Yellow-breasted boubou, _Laniarius atroflavus_ - spectrum propertiesLAhighweewoo
Domestic pig, _Sus scrofa domestica_ - piglet gruntsSSgrunts