Package: ICS 1.4-1

Klaus Nordhausen

ICS: Tools for Exploring Multivariate Data via ICS/ICA

Implementation of Tyler, Critchley, Duembgen and Oja's (JRSS B, 2009, <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2009.00706.x>) and Oja, Sirkia and Eriksson's (AJS, 2006, <,%20no2%263%20-%207>) method of two different scatter matrices to obtain an invariant coordinate system or independent components, depending on the underlying assumptions.

Authors:Klaus Nordhausen [aut, cre], Andreas Alfons [aut], Aurore Archimbaud [aut], Hannu Oja [aut], Anne Ruiz-Gazen [aut], David E. Tyler [aut]

ICS.pdf |ICS.html
ICS/json (API)

# Install 'ICS' in R:
install.packages('ICS', repos = c('', ''))



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Last updated 1 years agofrom:ed6b6977f8. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

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Doc / VignettesOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 12 2025



Tools for Exploring Multivariate Data: The Package ICS

Rendered fromICS.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Feb 12 2025.

Last update: 2015-09-27
Started: 2015-09-27

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Tools for Exploring Multivariate Data via ICS/ICAICS-package
To extract the Unmixing Matrixcoef,ics-method coef-method coef.ics
To extract the Coefficient Matrix of the ICS Transformationcoef.ICS coef.ICS-S3
To extract the Component Scores of the ICS Transformationcomponents components.ICS
Scatter Matrix based on Fourth Momentscov4
Weighted Scatter Matrix based on Fourth Momentscov4.wt
One step Tyler Shape MatrixcovAxis
Covariance Matrix with Respect to the OrigincovOrigin
One-step M-estimatorcovW
Fitted Values of an ICS Objectfitted,ics-method fitted-method fitted.ics
Fitted Values of the ICS Transformationfitted.ICS fitted.ICS-S3
To extract the Generalized Kurtosis Values of the ICS Transformationgen_kurtosis gen_kurtosis.ICS
Two Scatter Matrices ICS Transformationics
Location and Scatter Estimates for ICSICS_cov ICS_cov4 ICS_covAxis ICS_covW ICS_scatter ICS_scovq ICS_tM
Class ICSics-class
Two Scatter Matrices ICS TransformationICS ICS-S3
Extracting ICS Componentsics.components
Two Scatter Matrices ICS Transformation Augmented by Two Location Estimatesics2
Class ICS2ics2-class
Location Estimate based on Third Momentsmean3
Location Vector Based on 3rd Moments and Scatter Matrix Based on 4th MomentsMean3Cov4
Mean Vector and Covariance MatrixMeanCov
Test of Multivariate Normality Based on Kurtosismvnorm.kur.test
Test of Multivariate Normality Based on Skewnessmvnorm.skew.test
Scatterplot for a ICS Objectplot,ics,missing-method plot-ics plot-method plot.ics
Scatterplot Matrix of Component Scores from the ICS Transformationplot.ICS plot.ICS-S3
Basic information of ICS Objectprint.ics show,ics-method
Basic information of ICS Objectprint.ICS print.ICS-S3
Basic information of ICS2 Objectprint.ics2 show,ics2-method
Supervised scatter matrix based on quantilesscovq
Screeplot for an ICS Objectscreeplot.ics
Screeplot for an 'ICS' Objectscreeplot.ICS screeplot.ICS-S3
To summarize an ICS objectsummary,ics-method summary.ics
To summarize an 'ICS' objectsummary.ICS summary.ICS-S3
To summarize an ICS2 objectsummary,ics2-method summary.ics2
Joint M-estimation of Location and Scatter for a Multivariate t-distributiontM