Package: GE 0.4.8


GE: General Equilibrium Modeling

Some tools for developing general equilibrium models and some general equilibrium models. These models can be used for teaching economic theory and are built by the methods of new structural economics (see LI Wu, 2019, ISBN: 9787521804225, General Equilibrium and Structural Dynamics: Perspectives of New Structural Economics. Beijing: Economic Science Press). The model form and mathematical methods can be traced back to J. von Neumann (1945, A Model of General Economic Equilibrium. The Review of Economic Studies, 13. pp. 1-9), J. G. Kemeny, O. Morgenstern and G. L. Thompson (1956, A Generalization of the von Neumann Model of an Expanding Economy, Econometrica, 24, pp. 115-135) et al. By the way, J. G. Kemeny is a co-inventor of the computer language BASIC.

Authors:Wu LI [aut, cre]

GE.pdf |GE.html
GE/json (API)

# Install 'GE' in R:
install.packages('GE', repos = c('', ''))

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Additive-Mean-Variance Utility Function and Additive-Mean-Standard-Deviation Utility FunctionAMSD AMV
Additive-Mean-Standard-Deviation Portfolio Utility FunctionAMSDP
Applying a Function to All Combinations of the Supplied Vectorsapply_expand.grid
Constant Absolute Risk Aversion (CARA) Utility FunctionCARA
CES FunctionCES
Demand coefficients of the CESAK Production FunctionCESAK_dc
Convert between (Primitive) Period Interest Rates and (Primitive) Intraperiod Interest Ratesconvert_ir
Constant Relative Risk Aversion (CRRA) Utility FunctionCRRA
Displaced CES Utility Function and Displaced CES Demand FunctionDCES DCES_compensated_demand DCES_demand DCES_indirect
Compute Demand Coefficients of an Agent with a Demand Structural Treedemand_coefficient
A Disequilibrium Model with CreditdemCreditPolicy
A Disequilibrium Model Illustrating Insufficient Effective Demand (Supply-demand Structural Mismatch)demInsufficientEffectiveDemand_3_3
Tidy a General Equilibriumge_tidy
Some Simple 2-by-2 General Equilibrium Modelsgem_2_2
Some Simple 3-by-2 General Equilibrium Modelsgem_3_2
Some Simple 3-by-3 General Equilibrium Modelsgem_3_3
Some Simple 3-by-4 General Equilibrium Modelsgem_3_4
Some Simple 4-by-4 General Equilibrium Modelsgem_4_4
An Example Illustrating the Matthew Effect of Asset ExchangegemAssetExchange_MatthewEffect_2_2
Compute Asset Market Equilibria with Commodity Utility Functions for Some Simple CasesgemAssetPricing_CUF
Compute Asset Market Equilibria with Portfolio Utility Functions for Some Simple CasesgemAssetPricing_PUF
Some Examples of Asset PricinggemAssetPricingExample
Some Examples of Balanced Growth PathsgemBalancedGrowthPath
A Canonical Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model (see Torres, 2016)gemCanonicalDynamicMacroeconomic_3_2
A Canonical Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model (see Torres, 2016)gemCanonicalDynamicMacroeconomic_4_3
A Canonical Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model in Sequential Form (see Torres, 2016)gemCanonicalDynamicMacroeconomic_Sequential_3_2
A Canonical Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model in Sequential Form under the Wage Postpayment Assumption (see Torres, 2016)gemCanonicalDynamicMacroeconomic_Sequential_WagePostpayment_4_3
A Canonical Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model in Time-circle Form (see Torres, 2016)gemCanonicalDynamicMacroeconomic_TimeCircle_2_2
A Canonical Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model in Timeline Form (see Torres, 2016)gemCanonicalDynamicMacroeconomic_Timeline_2_2
Some Examples of Spot Equilibrium Paths with Capital AccumulationgemCapitalAccumulation
Some Timeline Equilibrium Models with CESAK Production FunctiongemCESAK_Timeline_2_2
Coffee Problem: Some Examples of Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Pure Exchange EconomiesgemCoffeeProblem_3_3
Constant Growth Paths with Technology ProgressgemConstantGrowthPath_TechnologyProgress_3_3
A Model with a Displaced CES Utility FunctiongemDCES_5_3
General Equilibrium Models and Linear Programming Problems (see Winston, 2003)gemDualLinearProgramming
A General Equilibrium Model with Equity SharesgemEquityShare_3_3
A General Equilibrium Model with Equity Shares and BondgemEquityShare_Bond_4_4
Some Examples with Exogenous Price (Price Control)gemExogenousPrice
An Example of Price Regulation and Endogenous Labor Supply (Example 9.5 of Li, 2019)gemExogenousPrice_EndogenousLaborSupply_3_3
Some Examples with Exogenous Utility Level and Endogenous Labor SupplygemExogenousUtilityLevel_EndogenousLaborSupply_3_3
Some Examples Illustrating Negative ExternalitygemExternality_Negative
Some Examples Illustrating Positive ExternalitygemExternality_Positive
Some Examples of Treating Firms as Consumer-Type AgentsgemFirmAsConsumer
Spot equilibrium paths with Heterogeneous FirmsgemHeterogeneousFirms_2_3
An Example Illustrating Product Quality InformationgemInformation_ProductQuality
A General Equilibrium Model based on a 2×2 (Unbalanced) Input-Output TablegemInputOutputTable_2_2
A Two-Country General Equilibrium ModelgemInputOutputTable_2_7_2
A Two-Country General Equilibrium ModelgemInputOutputTable_2_7_4
A Two-Country General Equilibrium Model with MoneygemInputOutputTable_2_8_4
A General Equilibrium Model based on a 5×4 Input-Output Table (see Zhang Xin, 2017, Table 8.6.1)gemInputOutputTable_5_4
General Equilibrium Models based on a 5×5 Input-Output Table (see Zhang Xin, 2017, Table 3.2.1)gemInputOutputTable_5_5
A General Equilibrium Model based on a 7×4 (Standard) Input-Output TablegemInputOutputTable_7_4
A General Equilibrium Model based on an 8×8 Input-Output TablegemInputOutputTable_8_8
An Easy General Equilibrium Model based on a 5×4 Input-Output Table (see Zhang Xin, 2017, Table 8.6.1)gemInputOutputTable_easy_5_4
A Leontief-type General Equilibrium Model based on a 3×3 Input-Output TablegemInputOutputTable_Leontief_3_3
A SCES-type General Equilibrium Model based on an Input-Output Table.gemInputOutputTable_SCES_3_3
An Example of a 1-by-2 Intertemporal Equilibrium ModelgemIntertemporal_1_2
Some Examples of a 2-by-2 Intertemporal Equilibrium ModelgemIntertemporal_2_2
Some Examples of Intertemporal Models with One Consumer and Two Types of FirmsgemIntertemporal_3_3
An Intertemporal Model with Two Consumers and Two Types of FirmsgemIntertemporal_3_4
An Intertemporal Model with Land, Two Consumers and Two Types of FirmsgemIntertemporal_4_4
Some Intertemporal (Timeline and Time-circle) Models with Land, Two Consumers, and Three Types of FirmsgemIntertemporal_5_5
Some Intertemporal Models with Ad Valorem ClaimgemIntertemporal_AdValoremClaim
Some Examples of an Intertemporal Model with a Consumer and a Type of BankgemIntertemporal_Bank_1_2
Some Examples of an Intertemporal Model with Two Consumers and a Type of BankgemIntertemporal_Bank_1_3
The Identical Steady-state Equilibrium: Four Models Illustrating DividendgemIntertemporal_Dividend
The Identical Steady-state Equilibrium: Four Models Illustrating Dividend and Technological ProgressgemIntertemporal_Dividend_TechnologicalProgress
An Example Illustrating Endogenous Equilibrium Interest Rates in a (Timeline) Transitional Equilibrium PathgemIntertemporal_EndogenousEquilibriumInterestRate
An Example Illustrating Endogenous Equilibrium Interest Rates and Foreign Exchange Rates in a Two-country (Timeline) Transitional Equilibrium PathgemIntertemporal_EndogenousEquilibriumInterestRate_ForeignExchangeRate
An Example Illustrating Endogenous Equilibrium Interest Rates and the Velocity of Money in a (Timeline) Transitional Equilibrium PathgemIntertemporal_EndogenousEquilibriumInterestRate_MoneyVelocity
The Identical Steady-state Equilibrium: Three Models with Money and DividendgemIntertemporal_Money_Dividend_Example7.5.1
Some Examples of Intertemporal (Timeline) Models with Production and Public FirmsgemIntertemporal_PublicFirm
Some Examples of a 2-by-2 Time Circle Equilibrium ModelgemIntertemporal_TimeCircle_2_2
A Time Circle Model with One Consumer and Two Types of FirmsgemIntertemporal_TimeCircle_3_3
A Time Circle Model with Two Consumers and Two Types of FirmsgemIntertemporal_TimeCircle_3_4
Some Examples of a Time Circle Model with a Consumer and a Type of BankgemIntertemporal_TimeCircle_Bank_1_2
Some 2-by-2 Time Circle Models with UncertaintygemIntertemporal_TimeCircle_Stochastic_2_2
An Intertemporal Stochastic Model with a Consumer and Some BanksgemIntertemporalStochastic_Bank_ThreePeriods
An Intertemporal Stochastic Model with a Consumer and a BankgemIntertemporalStochastic_Bank_TwoPeriods
A Three-Period Intertemporal Stochastic Equilibrium Model with a Consumer and a Type of FirmgemIntertemporalStochastic_ThreePeriods_2_2
Some Examples of a Two-Period Intertemporal Stochastic Equilibrium ModelgemIntertemporalStochastic_TwoPeriods
Some Examples of Spot Equilibrium Paths Involving Land and LaborgemLand_Labor
Some Examples of Spot Equilibrium Paths Involving Land, Labor and CapitalgemLand_Labor_Capital_4_3
Some Examples of Spot Equilibrium PathsgemMarketClearingPath_2_2
A General Equilibrium Model with MoneygemMoney_3_2
Some 3-by-3 General Equilibrium Models with Money and Exogenous Interest RategemMoney_3_3
Some Examples Illustrating Non-excludabilitygemNonexcludability
Some Examples Illustrating Congestible Non-rival GoodsgemNonrivalry_Congestiblity
Some Examples Illustrating Uncongestible Non-rival GoodsgemNonrivalry_Uncongestiblity
Some Examples of Basic (Timeline) OLG Models with ProductiongemOLG_Basic
An Overlapping Generations Model with LandgemOLG_Land_4_3
Overlapping Generations Models with Private FirmgemOLG_PrivateFirm
Some Examples of (Timeline) OLG Models with Production and Public FirmsgemOLG_PublicFirm
The Basic Overlapping Generations Pure Exchange Model (see Samuelson, 1958)gemOLG_PureExchange
Overlapping Generations Pure Exchange Models with BankgemOLG_PureExchange_Bank
A 3-by-3 OLG Stochastic Sequential General Equilibrium ModelgemOLG_StochasticSequential_3_3
An Example Illustrating OLG Stochastic Spot Equilibrium PathsgemOLG_StochasticSpotEquilibrium_3_3
Time-Circle Models (Closed Loop Overlapping Generations Models)gemOLG_TimeCircle
Overlapping Generations Financial Sequential Models with One FirmgemOLGF_OneFirm
Overlapping Generations Financial Sequential Models for Pure Exchange EconomiesgemOLGF_PureExchange
Overlapping Generations Financial Sequential Models with Two FirmsgemOLGF_TwoFirms
A 4-by-4 Open Economy with BondgemOpenEconomy_4_4
A 6-by-6 Open Economy with BondgemOpenEconomy_6_6
Some Examples of Spot Equilibrium Paths with Persistent Technological ProgressgemPersistentTechnologicalProgress
Some Simple Pure Exchange Equilibrium ModelsgemPureExchange
A Pure Exchange Economy with a Quasilinear Utility FunctiongemQuasilinearPureExchange_2_2
Some Examples of Spot Equilibrium Paths Illustrating Research and Development IntensitygemResearchDevelopmentIntensity
A Robinson Crusoe EconomygemRobinson_3_2
Some Examples Illustrating Short-Term InvestmentgemShortTermInvestment_2_3
Some General Equilibrium Models with Skill (i.e. Human Capital)gemSkill
Some Examples of Spot Equilibrium Paths with Sticky DecisionsgemSpotEquilibriumPath_StickyDecisions
A General Equilibrium Model with Endogenous Labor SupplygemstEndogenousLaborSupply_2_2
A General Equilibrium Model with Endogenous Production FunctiongemstEndogenousProductionFunction_2_2
Some General Equilibrium Models with Endogenous Utility FunctiongemstEndogenousUtilityFunction
An Example Illustrating the Sticky-Decision Path and Business CyclesgemStickyDecisionPath_2_2
Some Examples Illustrating the Sticky-Price Path and Business CyclesgemStickyPricePath_2_2
Structural Multiple Equilibria and Structural Transition PolicygemstStructuralMultipleEquilibria_2_2
Some General Equilibrium Models with TaxgemTax_3_3
Some General Equilibrium Models with Endogenous Tax RatesgemTax_4_4
A General Equilibrium Model with Tax (see Cardenete et al., 2012).gemTax_5_4
A General Equilibrium Model with TaxgemTax_5_5
A General Equilibrium Model with Tax and Quasilinear Utility Functions.gemTax_QuasilinearPreference_4_4
A General Equilibrium Model with Value-added Tax and Income TaxgemTax_VAT_IncomeTax_5_4
Some General Equilibrium Models with Technology Progress and Population GrowthgemTechnologyProgress_PopulationGrowth
Some Examples of Temporary Equilibrium PathsgemTemporaryEquilibriumPath
An Example of Two-Country Economy with BondgemTwoCountry_Bond_7_4
Calculating Real Exchange Rate IndexgemTwoCountry_RealExchangeRateIndex_7_4
An Example of Two-Country Economy with TariffgemTwoCountry_Tariff_9_5
Example 7.6 (Foreign Exchange Rate) in Li (2019)gemTwoCountryForeignExchangeRate_6_6
Some Examples of Two-Country Pure Exchange EconomygemTwoCountryPureExchange
Some Examples of Two-Country Pure Exchange Economy with BondgemTwoCountryPureExchange_Bond
A 4-by-3 Economy with Two IndustriesgemTwoIndustries_4_3
Compute the Growth Rategrowth_rate
Iteration Functioniterate
Make a Countercyclical Product Tax Policy FunctionmakeCountercyclicalProductTax
Make a Policy of Head Adjustment for a Timeline ModelmakePolicyHeadAdjustment
Make a Policy of Head and/or Tail Adjustment for a Timeline ModelmakePolicyHeadTailAdjustment
Make a Policy of Income TaxmakePolicyIncomeTax
Make a Mean Value Policy FunctionmakePolicyMeanValue
Make a Policy of Sticky PricemakePolicyStickyPrice
Make a Policy of SupplymakePolicySupply
Make a Policy of Tail Adjustment for a Timeline ModelmakePolicyTailAdjustment
Make a Policy of Technology ChangemakePolicyTechnologyChange
Marginal Utilitymarginal_utility
Add Matrices by Names of Columns and Rowsmatrix_add_by_name
Aggregate Some Rows and Columns of a Matrixmatrix_aggregate
Convert a Matrix into a Demand Structural Tree Listmatrix_to_dstl
Modified Displaced CES Demand FunctionMDCES_demand
Insert Nodes into a Treenode_insert
Create a Treenode_new
Plot a Tree and Show the Type Attributenode_plot
Print a Tree and Its Fieldsnode_print
Prune Nodes off a Tree by Namesnode_prune
Replace a Node of a Treenode_replace
Create a Tree or Set Attributes for a Nodenode_set
Compute the Utility of a Consumer or the Output of a Firm by the Demand Structural Treeoutput
Market-Clearing-Price Policy FunctionpolicyMarketClearingPrice
Mean Value Policy FunctionpolicyMeanValue
Quasilinear Demand FunctionsQL_demand
Conversion between a Rate Vector and a Beta Vectorbeta_to_rate rate_to_beta
Ratio Adjustmentratio_adjust
Standard CES FunctionSCES
Standard CES Demand Coefficient MatrixSCES_A
Structural Dynamic Model (alias Structural Growth Model) with a Demand Structure Tree Listsdm_dstl
Structural Dynamic Model (alias Structural Growth Model) Version 2sdm2
Compute the Return Rate in the Steady State Equilibriumsserr
Structural Functionstructural_function
Population Variance and Population Standard Deviationsd.p var.p