. See also theR-universe documentation.Package: GAS

Leopoldo Catania
GAS: Generalized Autoregressive Score Models
Simulate, estimate and forecast using univariate and multivariate GAS models as described in Ardia et al. (2019) <doi:10.18637/jss.v088.i06>.
GAS.pdf |GAS.html✨
GAS/json (API)
# Install 'GAS' in R: |
install.packages('GAS', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
- Goals - Data: Goals scored by England against Scotland in international football matches.
- StockIndices - Data: Daily logarithmic returns in percentage points of the DAX, FTSEMIB and CAC40 from 2007-01-03 to 2016-06-24
- cpichg - Data: Quarterly logarithmic change in percentage points of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items (CPIAUCSL) from 1947-04-01 to 2016-05-01
- dji30ret - Data: Dow Jones 30 Constituents Closing Value Log Return in percentage points
- sp500ret - Data: Daily logarithmic returns in percentage points of the S&P500 index from 1950-01-04 to 2016-06-24
- sp500rv - Data: SP500 Daily 5 minutes Realized Volatility from 2000-01-03 to 2000-01-10
- tqdata - Data from Bien et al (2011).
- usunp - US Monthly Civilian Unemployment Rate (UNRATE) from 1948-01-01 to 2016-05-01
Last updated 7 months agofrom:5b6062863b. Checks:2 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: no.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Mar 04 2025 |
R-4.5-linux-x86_64 | NOTE | Mar 04 2025 |
R-4.4-linux-x86_64 | OK | Mar 04 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Generalized Autoregressive Score models in R | GAS-package GAS |
Backtest a series of one-step ahead density predictions. | BacktestDensity |
Backtest Value at Risk (VaR) | BacktestVaR |
Build confidence bands for the filtered parameters | ConfidenceBands |
Data: Quarterly logarithmic change in percentage points of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items (CPIAUCSL) from 1947-04-01 to 2016-05-01 | cpichg |
Information for the supported distributions | DistInfo DistLabels DistName DistParameters DistScalingType DistType NumberParameters |
Distributions of the GAS package | ddist_Multi ddist_Uni distributions IM_Uni mdist_Uni pdist_Uni qdist_Uni Quantiles rdist_Multi rdist_Uni rmvt_mat Score_Multi Score_Uni |
data: Dow Jones 30 Constituents Closing Value Log Return in percentage points | dji30ret |
A wrapper to the optim function. | fn.optim |
A wrapper to the solnp function of the 'Rsolnp' package of Ghalanos and Theussl (2016). | fn.solnp |
Fissler and Ziegel (2016) (FZ) joint loss function for Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall. | FZLoss |
data: Goals scored by England against Scotland in international football matches. | Goals |
Class for the Multivariate GAS fitted object | coef,mGASFit-method convergence convergence,mGASFit-method getFilteredParameters,mGASFit-method getMoments,mGASFit-method getObs,mGASFit-method mGASFit mGASFit-class plot,mGASFit,missing-method residuals,mGASFit-method show,mGASFit-method summary,mGASFit-method |
Class for the Multivariate GAS Forecast object | getForecast,mGASFor-method getMoments,mGASFor-method LogScore,mGASFor-method mGASFor mGASFor-class plot,mGASFor,missing-method show,mGASFor-method |
Class for the Multivariate GAS Rolling object | coef,mGASRoll-method getForecast,mGASRoll-method getMoments,mGASRoll-method LogScore,mGASRoll-method mGASRoll mGASRoll-class plot,mGASRoll,missing-method residuals,mGASRoll-method show,mGASRoll-method |
Class for Multivariate GAS Simulation | coef,mGASSim-method getFilteredParameters,mGASSim-method getMoments,mGASSim-method getObs,mGASSim-method mGASSim mGASSim-class plot,mGASSim,missing-method show,mGASSim-method |
Class for the Multivariate GAS model specification | mGASSpec mGASSpec-class show,mGASSpec-method |
Estimate multivariate GAS models | MultiGASFit |
Forecast with multivariate GAS models | mGASMultiForcast MultiGASFor |
Rolling forecast with multivariate GAS models | MultiGASRoll |
Simulate multivariate GAS processes | MultiGASSim |
Multivariate GAS specification | MultiGASSpec |
Mapping function for univariate distributions | build_mR build_vR MapR_C MultiMapParameters |
Inverse of MultiMapParameters | MultiUnmapParameters UnMapR_C |
Numerical bounds imposed in parameters transformation. | LowerA LowerB LowerNu NumericalBounds UpperA UpperB UpperNu |
Goodness of fit for conditional densities | PIT_test |
Plot output from an object of the from the GAS package. | plot PlotMenu |
Data: Daily logarithmic returns in percentage points of the S&P500 index from 1950-01-04 to 2016-06-24 | sp500ret |
Data: SP500 Daily 5 minutes Realized Volatility from 2000-01-03 to 2000-01-10 | sp500rv |
Data: Daily logarithmic returns in percentage points of the DAX, FTSEMIB and CAC40 from 2007-01-03 to 2016-06-24 | StockIndices |
Data from Bien et al (2011). | tqdata |
Class for the univariate GAS fitted object | coef,uGASFit-method convergence,uGASFit-method ES ES,uGASFit-method getFilteredParameters getFilteredParameters,uGASFit-method getMoments getMoments,uGASFit-method getObs getObs,uGASFit-method pit pit,uGASFit-method plot,uGASFit,missing-method quantile,uGASFit-method residuals residuals,uGASFit-method show,uGASFit-method summary,uGASFit-method uGASFit uGASFit-class |
Class for the univariate GAS forecast object | ES,uGASFor-method getForecast,uGASFor-method getMoments,uGASFor-method getObs,uGASFor-method LogScore,uGASFor-method pit,uGASFor-method plot,uGASFor,missing-method quantile,uGASFor-method show,uGASFor-method uGASFor uGASFor-class |
Class for the univariate GAS rolling object | coef,uGASRoll-method ES,uGASRoll-method getForecast getForecast,uGASRoll-method getMoments,uGASRoll-method getObs,uGASRoll-method LogScore LogScore,uGASRoll-method pit,uGASRoll-method plot,uGASRoll,missing-method quantile,uGASRoll-method residuals,uGASRoll-method show,uGASRoll-method uGASRoll uGASRoll-class |
Class for Univariate GAS Simulation | coef,uGASSim-method ES,uGASSim-method getFilteredParameters,uGASSim-method getMoments,uGASSim-method getObs,uGASSim-method plot,uGASSim,missing-method quantile,uGASSim-method show,uGASSim-method uGASSim uGASSim-class |
Class for the univariate GAS model specification | show,uGASSpec-method uGASSpec uGASSpec-class |
Estimate univariate GAS models | UniGASFit |
Forecast with univariate GAS models | uGASMultiForcast UniGASFor |
Rolling forecast with univariate GAS models | UniGASRoll |
Simulate Univariate GAS processes | UniGASSim |
Univariate GAS specification | UniGASSpec |
Mapping function for univariate distributions | UniMapParameters |
Unmapping function for univariate distributions, i.e. inverse of UniMapParameters | UniUnmapParameters |
US Monthly Civilian Unemployment Rate (UNRATE) from 1948-01-01 to 2016-05-01 | usunp |