Package: Diderot 0.13

Christian Vincenot

Diderot: Bibliographic Network Analysis

Enables the user to build a citation network/graph from bibliographic data and, based on modularity and heterocitation metrics, assess the degree of awareness/cross-fertilization between two corpora/communities. This toolset is optimized for Scopus data.

Authors:Christian Vincenot

Diderot.pdf |Diderot.html
Diderot/json (API)

# Install 'Diderot' in R:
install.packages('Diderot', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.34 score 22 scripts 256 downloads 1 mentions 22 exports 20 dependencies

Last updated 5 years agofrom:7b99909166. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 09 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 09 2025



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Help pageTopics
Bibliographic Network Analysis PackageDiderot-package Diderot
Builds a citation graph.build_graph Citation Graph Building
Function to compute the Betweenness Centrality ranking.Betweenness Centrality compute_BC_ranking
Function to compute the citation ranking.Citation Ranking compute_citation_ranking
Function to compute the custom modularity of a citation graph over a time window.compute_custom_modularity Custom Modularity
Function to compute the evolution of the Ji metric for a term (e.g. publication title) present in the reference list of a bibliographic dataset.compute_Ji Ji Metric
Function to compute the Ji metric ranking for publications in a citation graph.compute_Ji_ranking Ji Ranking
Function to compute citation graph modularity over a time window.compute_modularity modularity
Function to create a bibliographic datasetBibliographic Network Creation Citation Graph Creation create_bibliography
Function to retrieve publication date based on Digital Object Identifier (DOI)get_date_from_doi
Function to extract the publication title from a reference using Freeciteget_reference_title
Function to calculate the heterocitation between two corporaHetero-Citation heterocitation
This function computes heterocitation metrics for authorsAuthor Hetero-citation Author Heterocitation heterocitation_authors
Function to load a citation graphCitation Graph Loading load_graph
Function to compute baseline heterocitation values for the graph under study with random permutation of corpus attributionsMC_baseline_distribution
Function to calculate the number of citations in a bibliographic databasenb_refs
Function to plot authors count timeseriesplot_authors_count
Function to plot the heterocitation share and heterocitation balance timeseriesHetero-citation Timeseries Heterocitation Timeseries plot_heterocitation_timeseries
Function to plot graph modularity timeseriesModularity Timeseries plot_modularity_timeseries
Function to plot publication count timeseriesplot_publication_curve Publication Timeseries
This function precomputes heterocitation values for each node/publication of a graph.precompute_heterocitation
Function to save a graphGraph Saving save_graph
Function to evaluate the significance of the heterocitation balance valueHeterocitation Significance significance_Dx