Package: CVD 1.0.2

Jose Gama

CVD: Color Vision Deficiencies

Methods for color vision deficiencies (CVD), to help understanding and mitigating issues with CVDs and to generate tests for diagnosis and interpretation.

Authors:Jose Gama [aut, cre, trl], Brian Foutch [ctb], Mark Grundland [ctb], Neil Dodgson [ctb]

CVD.pdf |CVD.html
CVD/json (API)

# Install 'CVD' in R:
install.packages('CVD', repos = c('', ''))
  • B20 - Farnsworth B-20 cap colors
  • BowmanTCDS - Table of color distance scores for quantitative scoring of the Farnsworth panel D-15 test
  • FarnsworthD15 - Farnsworth D-15 cap colors
  • FarnsworthMunsell100Hue - Farnsworth D-15 cap colors
  • GellerTCDS - Table of color distance scores for quantitative scoring of the Lanthony desaturate D-15s test
  • H16 - Farnsworth H-16 cap colors
  • LanthonyD15 - Farnsworth H-16 cap colors
  • Roth28 - Roth-28 cap colors
  • VKStable2 - Table with results of D-15 tests scored with the Vingrys and King-Smith method
  • dichromaticCopunctalPoint - Copunctal points derived by Smith and Pokorny
  • example1Lanthony1978 - Example of cap arrangements for the D-15d test, Simple/Extreme Anomalous Trichromacy
  • example2Lanthony1978 - Example of cap arrangements for the D-15d test, Central Serous Choroidopathy/Optic Neuritis/Autosomal Dominant OpticAtrophy
  • exampleBowman1982 - Example of cap arrangements for the D-15d test
  • exampleFM100 - Example of cap arrangements for the FM-100 test
  • exampleFarnsworth1974 - Example of cap arrangements for the D-15 test, deuteranope/protanope/tritanope
  • exampleNRC1981 - Example of cap arrangements for the D-15 test, protanope/deuteranope/monochromat
  • exampleSimunovic2004 - Example of cap arrangements for the D-15 test, rodMonochromat/blueConeMonochromat
  • neutralPoint - Neutral points for CIE 1976 uv, CIE 1931 xy and CIE 1960 uv
  • typicalD15 - Typical cap arrangements for the D-15 tests



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.78 score 198 downloads 6 mentions 50 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 8 years agofrom:85474eb2f0. Checks:2 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 11 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 11 2025
R-4.4-linuxNOTEMar 11 2025



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Approximation of the scotopic luminanceapprox.scotopic.luminance.LarsonEtAl.RGB approx.scotopic.luminance.LarsonEtAl.RGB.array approx.scotopic.luminance.LarsonEtAl.XYZ approx.scotopic.luminance.LarsonEtAl.XYZ.array
Attenuation as a function of number of eyesattenuationNumberOfEyes
Farnsworth B-20 cap colorsB20
Table of color distance scores for quantitative scoring of the Farnsworth panel D-15 testBowmanTCDS
Generate points from a circlecalculateCircle
total error score (TES) using Farnsworth's or Kinnear's methodcalculateTES
Decolorize an image using the c2g algorithmColor.Vision.c2g RGBtoHSL
Daltonize imagesColor.Vision.Daltonize
Simulate CVDs on imagesColor.Vision.Simulate
Scoring the results of the "D-15", "D-15DS" or "FM1OO-Hue" testsColor.Vision.VingrysAndKingSmith
Creates PNG files to be used as colored caps (buttons)createPNGbuttons
Quantitatively analyzes of D15 color panel testsD15Foutch
Decolorize algorithm from Mark Grundland and Neil A. Dodgsondecolorize decolorizeFile
Copunctal points derived by Smith and Pokorny (1975)dichromaticCopunctalPoint
Effective Corneal Flux DensityeffectiveCornealFluxDensity
Effective area of the illuminated pupileffectivePupilArea
Example of cap arrangements for the D-15d test, Simple/Extreme Anomalous Trichromacyexample1Lanthony1978
Example of cap arrangements for the D-15d test, Central Serous Choroidopathy/Optic Neuritis/Autosomal Dominant OpticAtrophyexample2Lanthony1978
Example of cap arrangements for the D-15d testexampleBowman1982
Example of cap arrangements for the D-15 test, deuteranope/protanope/tritanopeexampleFarnsworth1974
Example of cap arrangements for the FM-100 testexampleFM100
Example of cap arrangements for the D-15 test, protanope/deuteranope/monochromatexampleNRC1981
Example of cap arrangements for the D-15 test, rodMonochromat/blueConeMonochromatexampleSimunovic2004
Farnsworth D-15 cap colorsFarnsworthD15
Farnsworth D-15 cap colorsFarnsworthMunsell100Hue
Table of color distance scores for quantitative scoring of the Lanthony desaturate D-15s testGellerTCDS
Greyscale algorithmsgreyscale.avg greyscale.BT709 greyscale.Linear greyscale.Luminosity greyscale.RMY greyscale.Y
Farnsworth H-16 cap colorsH16
Convert from luminance to troland and effective trolandilluminance2troland luminance2troland
Automatic interpretation of test scoresinterpretation.Foutch interpretation.VingrysAndKingSmith
Farnsworth H-16 cap colorsLanthonyD15
pupil diameter ranges from Barten, L. (1999)lightAdaptedPupilSize.Barten
pupil diameter ranges from Blackie, C. A., & Howland, H. C. (1999)lightAdaptedPupilSize.BlackieAndHowland
pupil diameter ranges from Crawford, L. (1936)lightAdaptedPupilSize.Crawford
pupil diameter ranges from DeGrootAndGebhard, L. (1952)lightAdaptedPupilSize.DeGrootAndGebhard
pupil diameter ranges from Holladay, L. (1926)lightAdaptedPupilSize.Holladay
pupil diameter ranges from Le Grand (1992)lightAdaptedPupilSize.LeGrand
pupil diameter ranges from MoonAndSpencer, L. (1944)lightAdaptedPupilSize.MoonAndSpencer
pupil diameter ranges from StanleyAndDavies, L. (1995)lightAdaptedPupilSize.StanleyAndDavies
pupil diameter ranges from Watson A. B., Yellott J. I. (2012)lightAdaptedPupilSize.WatsonAndYellott
pupil diameter ranges from Winn et al (1995)lightAdaptedPupilSize.WinnEtAl
Load a PNG fileloadPNG
Neutral points for CIE 1976 uv, CIE 1931 xy and CIE 1960 uvneutralPoint
Plot confusion vectors for CIE 1976 uv, CIE 1931 xy and CIE 1960 uvplotConfusionVectors
Roth-28 cap colorsRoth28
Graphical score for the D-15 testsscoreD15Graphic
Total Color Difference Score (TCDS) for the D-15 testsscoreD15TCDS
Graphical score for the D-15 testsscoreFM100Graphic
Graphical score for the D-15 testsscoreRoth28Graphic
Show missing and duplicated cap numbersshowDuplicated
Typical cap arrangements for the D-15 teststypicalD15
Vector of PNG files representing colored caps (buttons)vectorPNGbuttons
Graphical score for the D-15 testsVKSgraphic VKSvariantGraphic
Table with results of D-15 tests scored with the Vingrys and King-Smith methodVKStable2
Approximation of the scotopic luminanceXYZ2scotopic.Rawtran XYZ2scotopic.Rawtran.array