Package: CUB 1.1.5

Rosaria Simone

CUB: A Class of Mixture Models for Ordinal Data

For ordinal rating data, estimate and test models within the family of CUB models and their extensions (where CUB stands for Combination of a discrete Uniform and a shifted Binomial distributions); Simulation routines, plotting facilities and fitting measures are also provided.

Authors:Maria Iannario [aut], Domenico Piccolo [aut], Rosaria Simone [aut, cre]

CUB.pdf |CUB.html
CUB/json (API)

# Install 'CUB' in R:
install.packages('CUB', repos = c('', ''))
  • relgoods - Relational goods and Leisure time dataset
  • univer - Evaluation of the Orientation Services 2002

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

4.37 score 1 packages 79 scripts 371 downloads 18 mentions 60 exports 1 dependencies

Last updated 12 months agofrom:9fbe20783e. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 18 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 18 2025



Analysis of rating data with CUB models

Rendered fromCUBvignette-knitr.Rnwusingknitr::knitron Feb 18 2025.

Last update: 2018-11-27
Started: 2017-10-11

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Beta-Binomial probabilities of ordinal responses, with feeling and overdispersion parameters for each observationbetabinomial
Beta-Binomial probabilities of ordinal responses, given feeling parameter for each observationbetabinomialcsi
Beta-Binomial distributionbetar
S3 BIC method for class "GEM"BIC.GEM
Shifted Binomial probabilities of ordinal responsesbitcsi
Shifted Binomial distribution with covariatesbitgama
Pearson X^2 statisticchi2cub
S3 Method: coef for class "GEM"coef.GEM
Correlation matrix for estimated modelcormat
CUB packageCUB_package
Plot an estimated CUBE modelcubevisual
Plot an estimated CUB model with sheltercubshevisual
Plot an estimated CUB modelcubvisual
Mean difference of a discrete random variabledeltaprob
Normalized dissimilarity measuredissim
Log-likelihood function of a CUB model without covariatesellecub
Expectation of CUB distributionsexpcub00
Expectation of CUBE modelsexpcube
S3 method "fitted" for class "GEM"fitted.GEM
Main function for GEM modelsGEM
Normalized Gini heterogeneity indexgini
Preliminary estimators for CUB models without covariatesinibest
Naive estimates for CUBE models without covariatesinibestcube
Preliminary parameter estimates for CUBE models with covariatesinibestcubecov
Preliminary estimates of parameters for CUBE models with covariates only for feelinginibestcubecsi
Preliminary parameter estimates of a CUB model with covariates for feelinginibestgama
Grid-based preliminary parameter estimates for CUB modelsinigrid
Moment estimate for the preference parameter of the IHG distributioniniihg
Normalized Laakso and Taagepera heterogeneity indexlaakso
The logistic transformlogis
logLik S3 Method for class "GEM"logLik.GEM
Log-likelihood function for CUB modelsloglikCUB
Log-likelihood function for CUBE modelsloglikCUBE
Log-likelihood function for CUSH modelsloglikCUSH
Log-likelihood function for IHG modelsloglikIHG
Logarithmic scorelogscore
Plot facilities for GEM objectsmakeplot
Joint plot of estimated CUB models in the parameter spacemulticub
Joint plot of estimated CUBE models in the parameter spacemulticube
Plot of the log-likelihood function of the IHG distributionplotloglikihg
S3 method: print for class "GEM"print.GEM
Probability distribution of a shifted Binomial random variableprobbit
Probability distribution of a CUB model without covariatesprobcub00
Probability distribution of a CUB model with covariates for the feeling componentprobcub0q
Probability distribution of a CUBE model without covariatesprobcube
Probability distribution of a CUB model with covariates for the uncertainty componentprobcubp0
Probability distribution of a CUB model with covariates for both feeling and uncertaintyprobcubpq
Probability distribution of a CUSH modelprobcush
Probability distribution of a GeCUB modelprobgecub
Probability distribution of an IHG modelprobihg
Probability distribution of an IHG model with covariatesprobihgcovn
Relational goods and Leisure time datasetrelgoods
Simulation routine for CUB modelssimcub
Simulation routine for CUBE modelssimcube
Simulation routine for CUB models with shelter effectsimcubshe
Simulation routine for CUSH modelssimcush
Simulation routine for IHG modelssimihg
S3 method: summary for class "GEM"summary.GEM
Evaluation of the Orientation Services 2002univer
Variance of CUB models without covariatesvarcub00
Variance of CUBE models without covariatesvarcube
Variance-covariance matrix for CUB modelsvarmatCUB
Variance-covariance matrix for CUBE modelsvarmatCUBE
S3 method vcov() for class "GEM"vcov.GEM