Package 'sphunif'

Title: Uniformity Tests on the Circle, Sphere, and Hypersphere
Description: Implementation of uniformity tests on the circle and (hyper)sphere. The main function of the package is unif_test(), which conveniently collects more than 35 tests for assessing uniformity on S^{p-1} = {x in R^p : ||x|| = 1}, p >= 2. The test statistics are implemented in the unif_stat() function, which allows computing several statistics for different samples within a single call, thus facilitating Monte Carlo experiments. Furthermore, the unif_stat_MC() function allows parallelizing them in a simple way. The asymptotic null distributions of the statistics are available through the function unif_stat_distr(). The core of 'sphunif' is coded in C++ by relying on the 'Rcpp' package. The package also provides several novel datasets and gives the replicability for the data applications/simulations in García-Portugués et al. (2021) <doi:10.1007/978-3-030-69944-4_12>, García-Portugués et al. (2023) <doi:10.3150/21-BEJ1454>, García-Portugués et al. (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2108.09874>, and Fernández-de-Marcos and García-Portugués (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2405.13531>.
Authors: Eduardo García-Portugués [aut, cre] , Thomas Verdebout [aut] , Alberto Fernández-de-Marcos [ctb], Paula Navarro [ctb]
Maintainer: Eduardo García-Portugués <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.4.0
Built: 2024-10-22 06:36:17 UTC
Source: CRAN

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sphunif: Uniformity Tests on the Circle, Sphere, and Hypersphere


Implementation of uniformity tests on the circle and (hyper)sphere. The main function of the package is unif_test, which conveniently collects more than 35 tests for assessing uniformity on Sp1={xRp:x=1}S^{p-1}=\{{\bf x}\in R^p:||{\bf x}||=1\}, p2p\ge 2. The test statistics are implemented in the unif_stat function, which allows computing several statistics for different samples within a single call, thus facilitating Monte Carlo experiments. Furthermore, the unif_stat_MC function allows parallelizing them in a simple way. The asymptotic null distributions of the statistics are available through the function unif_stat_distr. The core of sphunif-package is coded in C++ by relying on the Rcpp-package. The package also provides several novel datasets and gives the replicability for the data applications/ simulations in García-Portugués et al. (2021) <doi:10.1007/978-3-030-69944-4_12>, García-Portugués et al. (2023) <doi:10.3150/21-BEJ1454>, García-Portugués et al. (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2108.09874>, and Fernández-de-Marcos and García-Portugués (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.405.13531>.


Eduardo García-Portugués and Thomas Verdebout.


Fernández-de-Marcos, A. and García-Portugués, E. (2024) A stereographic test of spherical uniformity. arXiv:2405.13531. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2405.13531.

García-Portugués, E. and Verdebout, T. (2018) An overview of uniformity tests on the hypersphere. arXiv:1804.00286. doi:10.48550/arXiv.1804.00286.

García-Portugués, E., Navarro-Esteban, P., Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. (2023) On a projection-based class of uniformity tests on the hypersphere. Bernoulli, 29(1):181–204. doi:10.3150/21-BEJ1454.

García-Portugués, E., Navarro-Esteban, P., and Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. (2021). A Cramér–von Mises test of uniformity on the hypersphere. In Balzano, S., Porzio, G. C., Salvatore, R., Vistocco, D., and Vichi, M. (Eds.), Statistical Learning and Modeling in Data Analysis, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis and Knowledge Organization, pp. 107–116. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-69944-4_12.

García-Portugués, E., Paindaveine, D., and Verdebout, T. (2024). On a class of Sobolev tests for symmetry of directions, their detection thresholds, and asymptotic powers. arXiv:2108.09874v2. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2108.09874.

Surface area of the intersection of two hyperspherical caps


Computation of

Ax(θij):=1ωpSp11{Xiγx,Xjγx}dγ,A_x(\theta_{ij}) := \frac{1}{\omega_p} \int_{S^{p - 1}} 1_{\{{\bf X}_i'\boldsymbol\gamma \le x, {\bf X}_j'\boldsymbol\gamma \le x\}}\,\mathrm{d}\boldsymbol\gamma,

where θij:=cos1(XiXj)[0,π]\theta_{ij} := \cos^{-1}({\bf X}_i'{\bf X}_j) \in [0, \pi], x[1,1]x \in [-1, 1], and ωp\omega_{p} is the surface area of Sp1S^{p - 1}. Ax(θij)A_x(\theta_{ij}) is the proportion of surface area of Sp1S^{p - 1} covered by the intersection of two hyperspherical caps centered at Xi{\bf X}_i and Xj{\bf X}_j and with common solid angle πcos1(x)\pi - \cos^{-1}(x).


A_theta_x(theta, x, p, N = 160L, as_matrix = TRUE)



vector with values in [0,π][0, \pi].


vector with values in [1,1][-1, 1].


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


number of points used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature. Defaults to 160.


return a matrix with the values of Ax(θ)A_x(\theta) on the grid formed by theta and x? If FALSE, Ax(θ)A_x(\theta) is evaluated on theta and x if they equal in size. Defaults to TRUE.


See García-Portugués et al. (2023) for more details about the Ax(θ)A_x(\theta) function.


A matrix of size c(length(theta), length(x)) containing the evaluation of Ax(θ)A_x(\theta) if as_matrix = TRUE. Otherwise, a vector of size c(length(theta) if theta and x equal in size.


García-Portugués, E., Navarro-Esteban, P., Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. (2023) On a projection-based class of uniformity tests on the hypersphere. Bernoulli, 29(1):181–204. doi:10.3150/21-BEJ1454.


# Plot A_x(theta) for several dimensions and x's
A_lines <- function(x, th = seq(0, pi, l = 200)) {

  plot(th, A_theta_x(theta = th, x = x, p = 2), type = "l",
       col = 1, ylim = c(0, 1.25), main = paste("x =", x),
       ylab = expression(A[x](theta)),
       xlab = expression(theta), axes = FALSE)
  axis(1, at = c(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi),
       labels = expression(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi))
  axis(2); box()
  abline(h = c(0, 1), lty = 2)
  lines(th, A_theta_x(theta = th, x = x, p = 3), col = 2)
  lines(th, A_theta_x(theta = th, x = x, p = 4), col = 3)
  lines(th, A_theta_x(theta = th, x = x, p = 5), col = 4)
  legend("top", lwd = 2, legend = paste("p =", 2:5),
         col = 1:4, cex = 0.75, horiz = TRUE)

old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 3))
A_lines(x = -0.75)
A_lines(x = -0.25)
A_lines(x = 0)
A_lines(x = 0.25)
A_lines(x = 0.5)
A_lines(x = 0.75)

# As surface of (theta, x) for several dimensions
A_surf <- function(p, x = seq(-1, 1, l = 201), th = seq(0, pi, l = 201)) {

  col <- c("white", viridisLite::viridis(20))
  breaks <- c(-1, seq(1e-15, 1, l = 21))
  A <- A_theta_x(theta = th, x = x, p = p)
  image(th, x, A, main = paste("p =", p), col = col, breaks = breaks,
        xlab = expression(theta), axes = FALSE)
  axis(1, at = c(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi),
       labels = expression(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi))
  axis(2); box()
  contour(th, x, A, levels = breaks, add = TRUE)

old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
A_surf(p = 2)
A_surf(p = 3)
A_surf(p = 4)
A_surf(p = 5)

# No matrix return
th <- seq(0, pi, l = 5)
x <- seq(-1, 1, l = 5)
diag(A_theta_x(theta = th, x = x, p = 2))
A_theta_x(theta = th, x = x, p = 2, as_matrix = FALSE)

Conversion between angular and Cartesian coordinates of the (hyper)sphere


Transforms the angles (θ1,,θp1)(\theta_1,\ldots,\theta_{p-1})' in [0,π)p2×[π,π)[0,\pi)^{p-2}\times[-\pi,\pi) into the Cartesian coordinates

(cos(x1),sin(x1)cos(x2),,sin(x1)sin(xp2)cos(xp1),sin(x1)sin(xp2)sin(xp1))(\cos(x_1),\sin(x_1)\cos(x_2),\ldots, \sin(x_1)\cdots\sin(x_{p-2})\cos(x_{p-1}), \sin(x_1)\cdots\sin(x_{p-2})\sin(x_{p-1}))'

of Sp1S^{p-1}, and vice versa.






matrix of size c(n, p - 1) with the angles.


matrix of size c(n, p) with the Cartesian coordinates. Assumed to be of unit norm by rows.


For angles_to_sphere, the matrix x. For sphere_to_angles, the matrix theta.


# Check changes of coordinates
sphere_to_angles(angles_to_sphere(c(pi / 2, 0, pi)))
sphere_to_angles(angles_to_sphere(rbind(c(pi / 2, 0, pi), c(pi, pi / 2, 0))))
angles_to_sphere(sphere_to_angles(c(0, sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.1), sqrt(0.4))))
  rbind(c(0, sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.1), sqrt(0.4)),
        c(0, sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.5), 0),
        c(0, 1, 0, 0),
        c(0, 0, 0, -1),
        c(0, 0, 1, 0))))

# Circle
angles_to_sphere(cbind(sphere_to_angles(rbind(c(0, 1), c(1, 0)))))
angles_to_sphere(cbind(sphere_to_angles(rbind(c(0, 1)))))

Available circular and (hyper)spherical uniformity tests


Listing of the tests implemented in the sphunif package.





An object of class character of length 33.

An object of class character of length 18.


A character vector whose elements are valid inputs for the type argument in unif_test, unif_stat, unif_stat_distr, and unif_stat_MC. avail_cir_tests provides the available circular tests and avail_sph_tests the (hyper)spherical tests.


# Circular tests

# Spherical tests

Transforming between polar and Cartesian coordinates


Transformation between a matrix Theta containing M circular samples of size n on [0,2π)[0, 2\pi) and an array X containing the associated Cartesian coordinates on S1:={xR2:x=1}S^1:=\{{\bf x}\in R^2:||{\bf x}||=1\}.






a matrix of size c(n, M) with M samples of size n of circular data on [0,2π)[0, 2\pi). Must not contain NA's.


an array of size c(n, 2, M) containing the Cartesian coordinates of M samples of size n of directions on S1S^{1}. Must not contain NA's.


  • Theta_to_X: the corresponding X.

  • X_to_Theta: the corresponding Theta.


# Sample
Theta <- r_unif_cir(n = 10, M = 2)
X <- r_unif_sph(n = 10, p = 2, M = 2)

# Check equality
sum(abs(X - Theta_to_X(X_to_Theta(X))))
sum(abs(Theta - X_to_Theta(Theta_to_X(Theta))))

Circular gaps


Computation of the circular gaps of an angular sample Θ1,,Θn\Theta_1,\ldots,\Theta_n on [0,2π)[0, 2\pi), defined as

Θ(2)Θ(1),,Θ(n)Θ(n1),2πΘ(n)Θ(1),\Theta_{(2)} - \Theta_{(1)},\ldots,\Theta_{(n)} - \Theta_{(n - 1)}, 2\pi - \Theta_{(n)} - \Theta_{(1)},


0Θ(1)Θ(2)Θ(n)2π.0 \le \Theta_{(1)} \le \Theta_{(2)} \le \ldots \le \Theta_{(n)} \le 2\pi.


cir_gaps(Theta, sorted = FALSE)



a matrix of size c(n, M) with M samples of size n of circular data on [0,2π)[0, 2\pi). Must not contain NA's.


are the columns of Theta sorted increasingly? If TRUE, performance is improved. If FALSE (default), each column of Theta is sorted internally.


A matrix of size c(n, M) containing the n circular gaps for each of the M circular samples.


Be careful on avoiding the next bad usages of cir_gaps, which will produce spurious results:

  • The entries of Theta are not in [0,2π)[0, 2\pi).

  • Theta is not sorted increasingly when data_sorted = TRUE.


Theta <- cbind(c(pi, 0, 3 * pi / 2), c(0, 3 * pi / 2, pi), c(5, 3, 1))

Statistics for testing circular uniformity


Low-level implementation of several statistics for assessing circular uniformity on [0,2π)[0, 2\pi) or, equivalently, S1:={xR2:x=1}S^1:=\{{\bf x}\in R^2:||{\bf x}||=1\}.


cir_stat_Kuiper(Theta, sorted = FALSE, KS = FALSE, Stephens = FALSE)

cir_stat_Watson(Theta, sorted = FALSE, CvM = FALSE, Stephens = FALSE)

cir_stat_Watson_1976(Theta, sorted = FALSE, minus = FALSE)

cir_stat_Range(Theta, sorted = FALSE, gaps_in_Theta = FALSE,
  max_gap = TRUE)

cir_stat_Rao(Theta, sorted = FALSE, gaps_in_Theta = FALSE)

cir_stat_Greenwood(Theta, sorted = FALSE, gaps_in_Theta = FALSE)

cir_stat_Log_gaps(Theta, sorted = FALSE, gaps_in_Theta = FALSE,
  abs_val = TRUE)

cir_stat_Vacancy(Theta, a = 2 * pi, sorted = FALSE,
  gaps_in_Theta = FALSE)

cir_stat_Max_uncover(Theta, a = 2 * pi, sorted = FALSE,
  gaps_in_Theta = FALSE)

cir_stat_Num_uncover(Theta, a = 2 * pi, sorted = FALSE,
  gaps_in_Theta = FALSE, minus_val = TRUE)

cir_stat_Gini(Theta, sorted = FALSE, gaps_in_Theta = FALSE)

cir_stat_Gini_squared(Theta, sorted = FALSE, gaps_in_Theta = FALSE)

cir_stat_Ajne(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE)

cir_stat_Rothman(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE, t = 1/3)

cir_stat_Hodges_Ajne(Theta, asymp_std = FALSE, sorted = FALSE,
  use_Cressie = TRUE)

cir_stat_Cressie(Theta, t = 1/3, sorted = FALSE)

cir_stat_FG01(Theta, sorted = FALSE)

cir_stat_Rayleigh(Theta, m = 1L)


cir_stat_Hermans_Rasson(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE)

cir_stat_Gine_Gn(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE)

cir_stat_Gine_Fn(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE)

cir_stat_Pycke(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE)

cir_stat_Pycke_q(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE, q = 0.5)

cir_stat_Bakshaev(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE)

cir_stat_Riesz(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE, s = 1)

cir_stat_PCvM(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE)

cir_stat_PRt(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE, t = 1/3)

cir_stat_PAD(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE, AD = FALSE, sorted = FALSE)

cir_stat_Poisson(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE, rho = 0.5)

cir_stat_Softmax(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE, kappa = 1)

cir_stat_CCF09(Theta, dirs, K_CCF09 = 25L, original = FALSE)



a matrix of size c(n, M) with M samples of size n of circular data on [0,2π)[0, 2\pi). Must not contain NA's.


are the columns of Theta sorted increasingly? If TRUE, performance is improved. If FALSE (default), each column of Theta is sorted internally.


compute the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic (which is not invariant under origin shifts) instead of the Kuiper statistic? Defaults to FALSE.


compute Stephens (1970) modification so that the null distribution of the is less dependent on the sample size? The modification does not alter the test decision.


compute the Cramér-von Mises statistic (which is not invariant under origin shifts) instead of the Watson statistic? Defaults to FALSE.


compute the invariant DnD_n^- instead of Dn+D_n^+? Defaults to FALSE.


does Theta contain the matrix of circular gaps that is obtained with
cir_gaps(Theta)? If FALSE (default), the circular gaps are computed internally.


compute the maximum gap for the range statistic? If TRUE (default), rejection happens for large values of the statistic, which is consistent with the rest of tests. Otherwise, the minimum gap is computed and rejection happens for low values.


return the absolute value of the Darling's log gaps statistic? If TRUE (default), rejection happens for large values of the statistic, which is consistent with the rest of tests. Otherwise, the signed statistic is computed and rejection happens for large absolute values.



  • an=a/na_n = a / n parameter used in the length of the arcs of the coverage-based tests. Must be positive. Defaults to 2 * pi.

  • aa parameter for the Stereo test, a real in [1,1][-1, 1]. Defaults to 0.


return the negative value of the (standardized) number of uncovered spacings? If TRUE (default), rejection happens for large values of the statistic, which is consistent with the rest of tests. Otherwise, rejection happens for low values.


does Theta contain the shortest angles matrix Ψ\boldsymbol\Psi that is obtained with
Psi_mat(array(Theta, dim = c(n, 1, M)))? If FALSE (default), Ψ\boldsymbol\Psi is computed internally.


tt parameter for the Rothman and Cressie tests, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


normalize the Hodges-Ajne statistic in terms of its asymptotic distribution? Defaults to FALSE.


compute the Hodges-Ajne statistic as a particular case of the Cressie statistic? Defaults to TRUE as it is more efficient. If FALSE, the geometric construction in Ajne (1968) is employed.


integer mm for the mm-modal Rayleigh test. Defaults to m = 1 (the standard Rayleigh test).


qq parameter for the Pycke "qq-test", a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 2.


ss parameter for the ss-Riesz test, a real in (0,2)(0, 2). Defaults to 1.

compute the Anderson-Darling statistic (which is not invariant under origin shifts) instead of the Projected Anderson-Darling statistic? Defaults to FALSE.


ρ\rho parameter for the Poisson test, a real in [0,1)[0, 1). Defaults to 0.5.


κ\kappa parameter for the Softmax test, a non-negative real. Defaults to 1.


a matrix of size c(n_proj, 2) containing n_proj random directions (in Cartesian coordinates) on S1S^1 to perform the CCF09 test.


integer giving the truncation of the series present in the asymptotic distribution of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Defaults to 25.


return the CCF09 statistic as originally defined? If FALSE (default), a faster and equivalent statistic is computed, and rejection happens for large values of the statistic, which is consistent with the rest of tests. Otherwise, rejection happens for low values.


Descriptions and references for most of the statistics are available in García-Portugués and Verdebout (2018).

The statistics cir_stat_PCvM and cir_stat_PRt are provided for the sake of completion, but they equal the more efficiently-implemented statistics 2 * cir_stat_Watson and cir_stat_Rothman, respectively.


A matrix of size c(M, 1) containing the statistics for each of the M samples.


Be careful on avoiding the next bad usages of the functions, which will produce spurious results:

  • The entries of Theta are not in [0,2π)[0, 2\pi).

  • Theta does not contain the circular gaps when gaps_in_Theta = TRUE.

  • Theta is not sorted increasingly when data_sorted = TRUE.

  • Theta does not contain Psi_mat(array(Theta, dim = c(n, 1, M))) when
    Psi_in_Theta = TRUE.

  • The directions in dirs do not have unit norm.


García-Portugués, E. and Verdebout, T. (2018) An overview of uniformity tests on the hypersphere. arXiv:1804.00286. doi:10.48550/arXiv.1804.00286.


## Sample uniform circular data

M <- 2
n <- 100
Theta <- r_unif_cir(n = n, M = M)

## Tests based on the empirical cumulative distribution function

# Kuiper
cir_stat_Kuiper(Theta, Stephens = TRUE)

# Watson
cir_stat_Watson(Theta, Stephens = TRUE)

# Watson (1976)

## Partition-based tests

# Ajne
Theta_array <- Theta
dim(Theta_array) <- c(nrow(Theta), 1, ncol(Theta))
Psi <- Psi_mat(Theta_array)
cir_stat_Ajne(Psi, Psi_in_Theta = TRUE)

# Rothman
cir_stat_Rothman(Theta, t = 0.5)
cir_stat_Rothman(Psi, Psi_in_Theta = TRUE)

# Hodges-Ajne
cir_stat_Hodges_Ajne(Theta, use_Cressie = FALSE)

# Cressie
cir_stat_Cressie(Theta, t = 0.5)

# FG01

## Spacings-based tests

# Range

# Rao

# Greenwood

# Log gaps

# Vacancy

# Maximum uncovered spacing

# Number of uncovered spacings

# Gini mean difference

# Gini mean squared difference

## Sobolev tests

# Rayleigh
cir_stat_Rayleigh(Theta, m = 2)

# Bingham

# Hermans-Rasson
cir_stat_Hermans_Rasson(Psi, Psi_in_Theta = TRUE)

# Gine Fn
cir_stat_Gine_Fn(Psi, Psi_in_Theta = TRUE)

# Gine Gn
cir_stat_Gine_Gn(Psi, Psi_in_Theta = TRUE)

# Pycke
cir_stat_Pycke(Psi, Psi_in_Theta = TRUE)

# Pycke q
cir_stat_Pycke_q(Psi, Psi_in_Theta = TRUE)

# Bakshaev
cir_stat_Bakshaev(Psi, Psi_in_Theta = TRUE)

# Riesz
cir_stat_Riesz(Theta, s = 1)
cir_stat_Riesz(Psi, Psi_in_Theta = TRUE, s = 1)

# Projected Cramér-von Mises
cir_stat_PCvM(Psi, Psi_in_Theta = TRUE)

# Projected Rothman
cir_stat_PRt(Theta, t = 0.5)
cir_stat_PRt(Psi, Psi_in_Theta = TRUE)

# Projected Anderson-Darling
cir_stat_PAD(Psi, Psi_in_Theta = TRUE)

## Other tests

# CCF09
dirs <- r_unif_sph(n = 3, p = 2, M = 1)[, , 1]
cir_stat_CCF09(Theta, dirs = dirs)

## Connection of Kuiper and Watson statistics with KS and CvM, respectively

# Rotate sample for KS and CvM
alpha <- seq(0, 2 * pi, l = 1e4)
KS_alpha <- sapply(alpha, function(a) {
  cir_stat_Kuiper((Theta[, 2, drop = FALSE] + a) %% (2 * pi), KS = TRUE)
CvM_alpha <- sapply(alpha, function(a) {
  cir_stat_Watson((Theta[, 2, drop = FALSE] + a) %% (2 * pi), CvM = TRUE)
AD_alpha <- sapply(alpha, function(a) {
  cir_stat_PAD((Theta[, 2, drop = FALSE] + a) %% (2 * pi), AD = TRUE)

# Kuiper is the maximum rotated KS
plot(alpha, KS_alpha, type = "l")
abline(h = cir_stat_Kuiper(Theta[, 2, drop = FALSE]), col = 2)
points(alpha[which.max(KS_alpha)], max(KS_alpha), col = 2, pch = 16)

# Watson is the minimum rotated CvM
plot(alpha, CvM_alpha, type = "l")
abline(h = cir_stat_Watson(Theta[, 2, drop = FALSE]), col = 2)
points(alpha[which.min(CvM_alpha)], min(CvM_alpha), col = 2, pch = 16)

# Anderson-Darling is the average rotated AD?
plot(alpha, AD_alpha, type = "l")
abline(h = cir_stat_PAD(Theta[, 2, drop = FALSE]), col = 2)
abline(h = mean(AD_alpha), col = 3)

Comet orbits


Comet orbits data from the JPL Small-Body Database Search Engine. The normal vector of a comet orbit represents is a vector on S2S^2.




A data frame with 3798 rows and 13 variables:


database ID.


object primary SPK-ID.


full name/designation following the IUA naming convention.


object primary designation.


flag indicating if the record is a comet fragment.


diameter from equivalent sphere (in km).


inclination; the orbit's plane angle with respect to the ecliptic plane, in radians in [0,π][0, \pi].


longitude of the ascending node; the counterclockwise angle from the vector pointing to the First Point of Aries and that pointing to the ascending node (the intersection between orbit and ecliptic plane), in radians in [0,2π)[0, 2\pi). (Both vectors are heliocentric and within the ecliptic plane.)


sidereal orbital period (in years).


orbit classification. A factor with levels given below.


eccentricity of the orbit.


semi-major axis of the orbit (in AU).


argument of perihelion; the (shortest) angle between the vector pointing to the ascending node and that pointing to the perihelion (nearest orbit point to the Sun), in radians in [0,π][0, \pi]. (Both vectors are heliocentric and within the orbit's plane.)

first_obs, last_obs

Date of the first and last recorded observations used in the orbit fit.


flag indicating if the comet was considered in the data application in Cuesta-Albertos et al. (2009); see details below.


The normal vector to the ecliptic plane of the comet with inclination ii and longitude of the ascending node ω\omega is

(sin(i)sin(ω),sin(i)cos(ω),cos(i)).(\sin(i) \sin(\omega), -\sin(i) \cos(\omega), \cos(i))'.

A prograde comet has positive cos(i)\cos(i), negative cos(i)\cos(i) represents a retrograde comet.

class has the following levels:

  • COM: comet orbit not matching any defined orbit class.

  • CTc: Chiron-type comet, as defined by Levison and Duncan (T_Jupiter > 3; a > a_Jupiter).

  • ETc: Encke-type comet, as defined by Levison and Duncan (T_Jupiter > 3; a < a_Jupiter).

  • HTC: Halley-type comet, classical definition (20y < P < 200y).

  • HYP: comets on hyperbolic orbits.

  • JFc: Jupiter-family comet, as defined by Levison and Duncan (2 < T_Jupiter < 3).

  • JFC: Jupiter-family comet, classical definition (P < 20y).

  • PAR: comets on parabolic orbits.

Hyperbolic and parabolic comets are not periodic; only elliptical comets are periodic.

The ccf09 variable gives the observations considered in Cuesta-Albertos et al. (2009) after fetching in the database in 2007-12-14 for the comets such that !(class %in% c("HYP", "PAR")) & per_y >= 200. Due to the dynamic nature of the data, more comets were added to the database since 2007 and also some past records were updated.

The script performing the data preprocessing is available at comets.R. The data was retrieved on 2022-05-28. A previous version of this dataset based on the old NASA's JPL Database (accessed on 2020-05-07) is available at comets-old.rda and was obtained with comets-old.R.



Cuesta-Albertos, J. A., Cuevas, A., Fraiman, R. (2009) On projection-based tests for directional and compositional data. Statistics and Computing, 19:367–380. doi:10.1007/s11222-008-9098-3


# Load data

# Add normal vectors
comets$normal <- cbind(sin(comets$i) * sin(comets$om),
                       -sin(comets$i) * cos(comets$om),

# Tests to be performed
type_tests <- c("PCvM", "PAD", "PRt")

# Excluding the C/1882 R1-X (Great September comet) records with X = B, C, D
comets_ccf09 <- comets[comets$ccf09, ][-c(13:15), ]

# Sample size

# Tests for the data in Cuesta-Albertos et al. (2009)
tests_ccf09 <- unif_test(data = comets_ccf09$normal, type = type_tests,
                         p_value = "asymp")

Craters named by the IUA


Named craters of the Solar System by the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature of the International Astronomical Union (IUA).




A data frame with 5235 rows and 7 variables:


database ID.


name of the crater.


name of the celestial body. A factor with 43 levels, such as "Moon", "Venus", or "Europa".


type of celestial body. A factor with 3 levels: "Planet", "Moon", "Dwarf planet", or "Asteroid".


diameter of the crater (in km).


longitude angle θ[0,2π)\theta \in [0, 2\pi) of the crater center.


latitude angle ϕ[π/2,π/2]\phi \in [-\pi/2, \pi/2] of the crater center.


"Craters" are understood in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature as roughly circular depressions resulting from impact or volcanic activity (the geological origin is unspecified).

Be aware that the dataset only contains named craters by the IUA. Therefore, there is likely a high uniform bias on the distribution of craters. Presumably the naming process attempts to cover the planet in a somehow uniform fashion (distant craters are more likely to be named than neighboring craters). Also, there are substantially more craters in the listed bodies than those named by the IUA. See venus and rhea for more detailed and specific crater datasets.

The (θ,ϕ)(\theta, \phi) angles are such their associated planetocentric coordinates are:

(cos(ϕ)cos(θ),cos(ϕ)sin(θ),sin(ϕ)),(\cos(\phi) \cos(\theta), \cos(\phi) \sin(\theta), \sin(\phi))',

with (0,0,1)(0, 0, 1)' denoting the north pole.

The script performing the data preprocessing is available at craters.R. The data was retrieved on 2020-05-31.



# Load data

# Add Cartesian coordinates
craters$X <- cbind(cos(craters$theta) * cos(craters$phi),
                   sin(craters$theta) * cos(craters$phi),

# Tests to be performed
type_tests <- c("PCvM", "PAD", "PRt")

# Tests for Venus and Rhea
unif_test(data = craters$X[craters$target == "Venus", ], type = type_tests,
          p_value = "asymp")
unif_test(data = craters$X[craters$target == "Rhea", ], type = type_tests,
          p_value = "asymp")

Distribution and quantile functions from angular function


Numerical computation of the distribution function FF and the quantile function F1F^{-1} for an angular function ff in a tangent-normal decomposition. F1(x)F^{-1}(x) results from the inversion of

F(x)=1xωp1cff(z)(1z2)(p3)/2dzF(x) = \int_{-1}^x \omega_{p - 1}c_f f(z) (1 - z^2)^{(p - 3) / 2} \,\mathrm{d}z

for x[1,1]x\in [-1, 1], where cfc_f is a normalizing constant and ωp1\omega_{p - 1} is the surface area of Sp2S^{p - 2}.


F_from_f(f, p, Gauss = TRUE, N = 320, K = 1000, tol = 1e-06, ...)

F_inv_from_f(f, p, Gauss = TRUE, N = 320, K = 1000, tol = 1e-06, ...)



angular function defined on [1,1][-1, 1]. Must be vectorized.


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


use a Gauss–Legendre quadrature rule to integrate ff with N nodes? Otherwise, rely on integrate Defaults to TRUE.


number of points used in the Gauss–Legendre quadrature. Defaults to 320.


number of equispaced points on [1,1][-1, 1] used for evaluating F1F^{-1} and then interpolating. Defaults to 1e3.


tolerance passed to uniroot for the inversion of FF. Also, passed to integrate's rel.tol and abs.tol if Gauss = FALSE. Defaults to 1e-6.


further parameters passed to f.


The normalizing constant cfc_f is such that F(1)=1F(1) = 1. It does not need to be part of f as it is computed internally.

Interpolation is performed by a monotone cubic spline. Gauss = TRUE yields more accurate results, at expenses of a heavier computation.

If f yields negative values, these are silently truncated to zero.


A splinefun object ready to evaluate FF or F1F^{-1}, as specified.


f <- function(x) rep(1, length(x))
plot(F_from_f(f = f, p = 4, Gauss = TRUE), ylab = "F(x)", xlim = c(-1, 1))
plot(F_from_f(f = f, p = 4, Gauss = FALSE), col = 2, add = TRUE,
     xlim = c(-1, 1))
curve(p_proj_unif(x = x, p = 4), col = 3, add = TRUE, n = 300)
plot(F_inv_from_f(f = f, p = 4, Gauss = TRUE), ylab = "F^{-1}(x)")
plot(F_inv_from_f(f = f, p = 4, Gauss = FALSE), col = 2, add = TRUE)
curve(q_proj_unif(u = x, p = 4), col = 3, add = TRUE, n = 300)

Gauss–Legendre quadrature


Convenience for computing the nodes xkx_k and weights wkw_k of the Gauss–Legendre quadrature formula in (a,b)(a, b):

abf(x)w(x)dxk=1Nwkf(xk).\int_a^b f(x) w(x)\,\mathrm{d}x\approx\sum_{k=1}^N w_k f(x_k).



Gauss_Legen_nodes(a = -1, b = 1, N = 40L)

Gauss_Legen_weights(a = -1, b = 1, N = 40L)


a, b

scalars giving the interval (a,b)(a, b). Defaults to (1,1)(-1, 1).


number of points used in the Gauss–Legendre quadrature. The following choices are supported: 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, and 5120. Defaults to 40.


For CC^\infty functions, Gauss–Legendre quadrature can be very efficient. It is exact for polynomials up to degree 2N12N - 1.

The nodes and weights up to N=80N = 80 were retrieved from NIST and have 102110^{-21} precision. For N=160N = 160 onwards, the nodes and weights were computed with the gauss.quad function from the statmod package (Smyth, 1998), and have 101510^{-15} precision.


A matrix of size c(N, 1) with the nodes xkx_k (Gauss_Legen_nodes) or the corresponding weights wkw_k (Gauss_Legen_weights).


NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions. Release 1.0.20 of 2018-09-15. F. W. J. Olver, A. B. Olde Daalhuis, D. W. Lozier, B. I. Schneider, R. F. Boisvert, C. W. Clark, B. R. Miller, and B. V. Saunders, eds.

Smyth, G. K. (1998). Numerical integration. In: Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, P. Armitage and T. Colton (eds.), Wiley, London, pp. 3088-3095.


## Integration of a smooth function in (1, 10)

# Weights and nodes for integrating
x_k <- Gauss_Legen_nodes(a = 1, b = 10, N = 40)
w_k <- Gauss_Legen_weights(a = 1, b = 10, N = 40)

# Check quadrature
f <- function(x) sin(x) * x^2 - log(x + 1)
integrate(f, lower = 1, upper = 10, rel.tol = 1e-12)
sum(w_k * f(x_k))

# Exact for polynomials up to degree 2 * N - 1
f <- function(x) (((x + 0.5) / 1e3)^5 - ((x - 0.5)/ 5)^4 +
  ((x - 0.25) / 10)^2 + 1)^20
sum(w_k * f(x_k))
integrate(f, lower = -1, upper = 1, rel.tol = 1e-12)

## Integration on (0, pi)

# Weights and nodes for integrating
th_k <- Gauss_Legen_nodes(a = 0, b = pi, N = 40)
w_k <- Gauss_Legen_weights(a = 0, b = pi, N = 40)

# Check quadrature
p <- 4
psi <- function(th) -sin(th / 2)
w <- function(th) sin(th)^(p - 2)
integrate(function(th) psi(th) * w(th), lower = 0, upper = pi,
          rel.tol = 1e-12)
sum(w_k * psi(th_k) * w(th_k))

# Integral with Gegenbauer polynomial
k <- 3
C_k <- function(th) drop(Gegen_polyn(theta = th, k = k, p = p))
integrate(function(th) psi(th) * C_k(th) * w(th), lower = 0, upper = pi,
          rel.tol = 1e-12)
th_k <- drop(Gauss_Legen_nodes(a = 0, b = pi, N = 80))
w_k <- drop(Gauss_Legen_weights(a = 0, b = pi, N = 80))
sum(w_k * psi(th_k) * C_k(th_k) * w(th_k))

Gegenbauer polynomials and coefficients


The Gegenbauer polynomials {Ck(λ)(x)}k=0\{C_k^{(\lambda)}(x)\}_{k = 0}^\infty form a family of orthogonal polynomials on the interval [1,1][-1, 1] with respect to the weight function (1x2)λ1/2(1 - x^2)^{\lambda - 1/2}, for λ>1/2\lambda > -1/2, λ0\lambda \neq 0. They usually appear when dealing with functions defined on Sp1:={xRp:x=1}S^{p-1} := \{{\bf x} \in R^p : ||{\bf x}|| = 1\} with index λ=p/21\lambda = p / 2 - 1.

The Gegenbauer polynomials are somehow simpler to evaluate for x=cos(θ)x = \cos(\theta), with θ[0,π]\theta \in [0, \pi]. This simplifies also the connection with the Chebyshev polynomials {Tk(x)}k=0\{T_k(x)\}_{k = 0}^\infty, which admit the explicit expression Tk(cos(θ))=cos(kθ)T_k(\cos(\theta)) = \cos(k\theta). The Chebyshev polynomials appear as the limit of the Gegenbauer polynomials (divided by λ\lambda) when λ\lambda goes to 00, so they can be regarded as the extension by continuity of {Ck(p/21)(x)}k=0\{C_k^{(p/2 - 1)}(x)\}_{k = 0}^\infty to the case p=2p = 2.

For a reasonably smooth function ψ\psi defined on [0,π][0, \pi],

ψ(θ)=k=0bk,pCk(p/21)(cos(θ)),\psi(\theta) = \sum_{k = 0}^\infty b_{k, p} C_k^{(p/2 - 1)}(\cos(\theta)),

provided that the coefficients

bk,p:=1ck,p0πψ(θ)Ck(p/21)(cos(θ))(sin(θ))p2dθb_{k, p} := \frac{1}{c_{k, p}} \int_0^\pi \psi(\theta) C_k^{(p/2 - 1)}(\cos(\theta)) (\sin(\theta))^{p - 2}\,\mathrm{d}\theta

are finite, where the normalizing constants are

ck,p:=0π(Ck(p/21)(cos(θ)))2(sin(θ))p2dθ.c_{k, p} := \int_0^\pi (C_k^{(p/2 - 1)}(\cos(\theta)))^2 (\sin(\theta))^{p - 2} \,\mathrm{d}\theta.

The (squared) "Gegenbauer norm" of ψ\psi is

ψG,p2:=0πψ(θ)2Ck(p/21)(cos(θ))(sin(θ))p2dθ.\|\psi\|_{G, p}^2 := \int_0^\pi \psi(\theta)^2 C_k^{(p/2 - 1)}(\cos(\theta)) (\sin(\theta))^{p - 2}\,\mathrm{d}\theta.

The previous expansion can be generalized for a 2-dimensional function ψ\psi defined on [0,π]×[0,π][0, \pi] \times [0, \pi]:

ψ(θ1,θ2)=k=0m=0bk,m,pCk(p/21)(cos(θ1))Ck(p/21)(cos(θ2)),\psi(\theta_1, \theta_2) = \sum_{k = 0}^\infty \sum_{m = 0}^\infty b_{k, m, p} C_k^{(p/2 - 1)}(\cos(\theta_1)) C_k^{(p/2 - 1)}(\cos(\theta_2)),

with coefficients

bk,m,p:=1ck,pcm,p0π0πψ(θ1,θ2)Ck(p/21)(cos(θ1))Ck(p/21)(cos(θ2))(sin(θ1))p2(sin(θ2))p2dθ1dθ2.b_{k, m, p} := \frac{1}{c_{k, p} c_{m, p}} \int_0^\pi\int_0^\pi \psi(\theta_1, \theta_2) C_k^{(p/2 - 1)}(\cos(\theta_1)) C_k^{(p/2 - 1)}(\cos(\theta_2)) (\sin(\theta_1))^{p - 2} (\sin(\theta_2))^{p - 2}\,\mathrm{d}\theta_1\,\mathrm{d}\theta_2.

The (squared) "Gegenbauer norm" of ψ\psi is

ψG,p2:=0π0πψ(θ1,θ2)2Ck(p/21)(cos(θ1))Ck(p/21)(cos(θ2))(sin(θ1))p2(sin(θ2))p2dθ1dθ2.\|\psi\|_{G, p}^2 := \int_0^\pi\int_0^\pi \psi(\theta_1, \theta_2)^2 C_k^{(p/2 - 1)}(\cos(\theta_1)) C_k^{(p/2 - 1)}(\cos(\theta_2)) (\sin(\theta_1))^{p - 2} (\sin(\theta_2))^{p - 2} \,\mathrm{d}\theta_1\,\mathrm{d}\theta_2.


Gegen_polyn(theta, k, p)

Gegen_coefs(k, p, psi, Gauss = TRUE, N = 320, normalize = TRUE,
  only_const = FALSE, tol = 1e-06, ...)

Gegen_series(theta, coefs, k, p, normalize = TRUE)

Gegen_norm(coefs, k, p, normalize = TRUE, cumulative = FALSE)

Gegen_polyn_2d(theta_1, theta_2, k, m, p)

Gegen_coefs_2d(k, m, p, psi, Gauss = TRUE, N = 320, normalize = TRUE,
  only_const = FALSE, tol = 1e-06, ...)

Gegen_series_2d(theta_1, theta_2, coefs, k, m, p, normalize = TRUE)

Gegen_norm_2d(coefs, k, m, p, normalize = TRUE)


theta, theta_1, theta_2

vectors with values in [0,π][0, \pi].

k, m

vectors with the orders of the Gegenbauer polynomials. Must be integers larger or equal than 0.


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


function defined in [0,π][0, \pi] and whose Gegenbauer coefficients are to be computed. Must be vectorized. For Gegen_coefs_2d, it must return a matrix of size c(length(theta_1), length(theta_2)).


use a Gauss–Legendre quadrature rule of N nodes in the computation of the Gegenbauer coefficients? Otherwise, call integrate. Defaults to TRUE.


number of points used in the Gauss–Legendre quadrature for computing the Gegenbauer coefficients. Defaults to 320.


consider normalized coefficients (divided by ck,pc_{k, p})? Defaults to TRUE.


return only the normalizing constants ck,pc_{k, p}? Defaults to FALSE.


tolerance passed to integrate's rel.tol and abs.tol if Gauss = FALSE. Defaults to 1e-6.


further arguments to be passed to psi.


for Gegen_series and Gegen_norm, a vector of coefficients bk,pb_{k, p} with length length(k). For Gegen_series_2d and Gegen_norm_2d, a matrix of coefficients bk,m,pb_{k, m, p} with size c(length(k), length(m)). The order of the coefficients is given by k and m.


return the cumulative norm for increasing truncation of the series? Defaults to FALSE.


The Gegen_polyn function is a wrapper to the functions gegenpoly_n and gegenpoly_array in the gsl-package, which they interface the functions defined in the header file gsl_sf_gegenbauer.h (documented here) of the GNU Scientific Library.

Note that the function Gegen_polyn computes the regular unnormalized Gegenbauer polynomials.

For the case p=2p = 2, the Chebyshev polynomials are considered.


  • Gegen_polyn: a matrix of size c(length(theta), length(k)) containing the evaluation of the length(k) Gegenbauer polynomials at theta.

  • Gegen_coefs: a vector of size length(k) containing the coefficients bk,pb_{k, p}.

  • Gegen_series: the evaluation of the truncated series expansion, a vector of size length(theta).

  • Gegen_norm: the Gegenbauer norm of the truncated series, a scalar if cumulative = FALSE, otherwise a vector of size length(k).

  • Gegen_polyn_2d: a 4-dimensional array of size c(length(theta_1), length(theta_2), length(k), length(m)) containing the evaluation of the length(k) * length(m) 2-dimensional Gegenbauer polynomials at the bivariate grid spanned by theta_1 and theta_2.

  • Gegen_coefs_2d: a matrix of size c(length(k), length(m)) containing the coefficients bk,m,pb_{k, m, p}.

  • Gegen_series_2d: the evaluation of the truncated series expansion, a matrix of size c(length(theta_1), length(theta_2)).

  • Gegen_norm_2d: the 2-dimensional Gegenbauer norm of the truncated series, a scalar.


Galassi, M., Davies, J., Theiler, J., Gough, B., Jungman, G., Alken, P., Booth, M., and Rossi, F. (2009) GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual. Network Theory Ltd.

NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions. Release 1.0.20 of 2018-09-15. F. W. J. Olver, A. B. Olde Daalhuis, D. W. Lozier, B. I. Schneider, R. F. Boisvert, C. W. Clark, B. R. Miller, and B. V. Saunders, eds.


## Representation of Gegenbauer polynomials (Chebyshev polynomials for p = 2)

th <- seq(0, pi, l = 500)
k <- 0:3
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
for (p in 2:5) {
  matplot(th, t(Gegen_polyn(theta = th, k = k, p = p)), lty = 1,
          type = "l", main = substitute(p == d, list(d = p)),
          axes = FALSE, xlab = expression(theta), ylab = "")
  axis(1, at = c(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi),
       labels = expression(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi))
  axis(2); box()
  mtext(text = expression({C[k]^{p/2 - 1}}(cos(theta))), side = 2,
        line = 2, cex = 0.75)
  legend("bottomleft", legend = paste("k =", k), lwd = 2, col = seq_along(k))

## Coefficients and series in p = 2

# Function in [0, pi] to be projected in Chebyshev polynomials
psi <- function(th) -sin(th / 2)

# Coefficients
p <- 2
k <- 0:4
(coefs <- Gegen_coefs(k = k, p = p, psi = psi))

# Series
plot(th, psi(th), type = "l", axes = FALSE, xlab = expression(theta),
      ylab = "", ylim = c(-1.25, 0))
axis(1, at = c(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi),
     labels = expression(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi))
axis(2); box()
col <- viridisLite::viridis(length(coefs))
for (i in seq_along(coefs)) {
  lines(th, Gegen_series(theta = th, coefs = coefs[1:(i + 1)], k = 0:i,
                         p = p), col = col[i])
lines(th, psi(th), lwd = 2)

## Coefficients and series in p = 3

# Function in [0, pi] to be projected in Gegenbauer polynomials
psi <- function(th) tan(th / 3)

# Coefficients
p <- 3
k <- 0:10
(coefs <- Gegen_coefs(k = k, p = p, psi = psi))

# Series
plot(th, psi(th), type = "l", axes = FALSE, xlab = expression(theta),
      ylab = "", ylim = c(0, 2))
axis(1, at = c(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi),
     labels = expression(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi))
axis(2); box()
col <- viridisLite::viridis(length(coefs))
for (i in seq_along(coefs)) {
  lines(th, Gegen_series(theta = th, coefs = coefs[1:(i + 1)], k = 0:i,
                         p = p), col = col[i])
lines(th, psi(th), lwd = 2)

## Surface representation

# Surface in [0, pi]^2 to be projected in Gegenbauer polynomials
p <- 3
psi <- function(th_1, th_2) A_theta_x(theta = th_1, x = cos(th_2),
                                      p = p, as_matrix = TRUE)

# Coefficients
k <- 0:20
m <- 0:10
coefs <- Gegen_coefs_2d(k = k, m = m, p = p, psi = psi)

# Series
th <- seq(0, pi, l = 100)
col <- viridisLite::viridis(20)
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
image(th, th, A_theta_x(theta = th, x = cos(th), p = p), axes = FALSE,
      col = col, zlim = c(0, 1), xlab = expression(theta[1]),
      ylab = expression(theta[2]), main = "Original")
axis(1, at = c(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi),
     labels = expression(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi))
axis(2, at = c(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi),
     labels = expression(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi))
for(K in c(5, 10, 20)) {
  A <- Gegen_series_2d(theta_1 = th, theta_2 = th,
                       coefs = coefs[1:(K + 1), ], k = 0:K, m = m, p = p)
  image(th, th, A, axes = FALSE, col = col, zlim = c(0, 1),
        xlab = expression(theta[1]), ylab = expression(theta[2]),
        main = paste(K, "x", m[length(m)], "coefficients"))
  axis(1, at = c(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi),
       labels = expression(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi))
  axis(2, at = c(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi),
       labels = expression(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi))

(Hyper)spherical harmonics


Computation of a certain explicit representation of (hyper)spherical harmonics on Sp1:={xRp:x=1}S^{p-1}:=\{{\bf x}\in R^p:||{\bf x}||=1\}, p2p\ge 2. Details are available in García-Portugués et al. (2024).


g_i_k(x, i = 1, k = 1, m = NULL, show_m = FALSE)



locations in Sp1S^{p-1} to evaluate gi,kg_{i,k}. Either a matrix of size c(nx, p) or a vector of size p. Normalized internally if required (with a warning message).

i, k

alternative indexing to refer to the i-th (hyper)spherical harmonic of order k. i is a positive integer smaller than d_p_k and k is a non-negative integer.


(hyper)spherical harmonic index, as used in Proposition 3.1. The index is computed internally from i and k. Defaults to NULL.


flag to print m if computed internally when m = NULL.


The implementation uses Proposition 3.1 in García-Portugués et al. (2024), which adapts Theorem 1.5.1 in Dai and Xu (2013) with the correction of typos in the normalizing constant hαh_\alpha and in the definition of the function gαg_\alpha of the latter theorem.


A vector of size nrow(x).


Dai, F. and Xu, Y. (2013). Approximation Theory and Harmonic Analysis on Spheres and Balls. Springer, New York. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-6660-4

García-Portugués, E., Paindaveine, D., and Verdebout, T. (2024). On a class of Sobolev tests for symmetry of directions, their detection thresholds, and asymptotic powers. arXiv:2108.09874v2. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2108.09874


n <- 3e3
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 3))
k <- 2
for (i in 1:d_p_k(p = 3, k = k)) {
  X <- r_unif_sph(n = n, p = 3, M = 1)[, , 1]
  col <- rainbow(n)[rank(g_i_k(x = X, k = k, i = i, show_m = TRUE))]
  scatterplot3d::scatterplot3d(X[, 1], X[, 2], X[, 3], color = col,
                               axis = FALSE, pch = 19)
for (k in 0:5) {
  X <- r_unif_sph(n = n, p = 3, M = 1)[, , 1]
  col <- rainbow(n)[rank(g_i_k(x = X, k = k, i = 1, show_m = TRUE))]
  scatterplot3d::scatterplot3d(X[, 1], X[, 2], X[, 3], color = col,
                               axis = FALSE, pch = 19)

Monte Carlo integration of functions on the (hyper)sphere


Monte Carlo approximation of the integral


of a function f:Sp1Rf:S^{p-1} \rightarrow R defined on the (hyper)sphere Sp1:={xRp:x=1}S^{p-1}:=\{{\bf x}\in R^p:||{\bf x}||=1\}, p2p\ge 2.


int_sph_MC(f, p, M = 10000, cores = 1, chunks = ceiling(M/1000),
  seeds = NULL, ...)



function to be integrated. Its first argument must be the (hyper)sphere position. Must be vectorized and return a vector of size nrow(x) for a matrix input x. See examples.


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


number of Monte Carlo samples. Defaults to 1e4.


number of cores to perform the integration. Defaults to 1.


number of chunks to split the M Monte Carlo samples. Useful for parallelizing the integration in chunks tasks containing ceiling(M / chunks) replications. Useful also for avoiding memory bottlenecks when M is large. Defaults to
ceiling(M / 1e3).


if provided, a vector of size chunks for fixing the seeds on each of the simulation chunks (useful for reproducing parallel simulations). Specifically, for k in 1:chunks, seeds are set as set.seed(seeds[k], kind = "Mersenne-Twister") in each chunk. Defaults to NULL (no seed setting is done).


optional arguments to be passed to f or to foreach (for example, .export to export global variables or other functions to the foreach environment).


It is possible to have a progress bar if int_sph_MC is wrapped with progressr::with_progress or if progressr::handlers(global = TRUE) is invoked (once) by the user. See the examples below. The progress bar is updated with the number of finished chunks.


A scalar with the approximate integral.


## Sequential simulation

# Vectorized functions to be integrated
x1 <- function(x) x[, 1]
quad <- function(x, a = 0) a + rowSums(x^4)

# Approximate \int_{S^{p-1}} x_1 dx = 0
int_sph_MC(f = x1, p = 3, M = 1e4, chunks = 2)

# Approximate \int_{S^{p-1}} (a + \sum_i x_i^4) dx
int_sph_MC(f = quad, p = 2, M = 1e4, a = 0, chunks = 2)

# Compare with Gauss--Legendre integration on S^2
th_k <- Gauss_Legen_nodes(a = 0, b = 2 * pi, N = 40)
w_k <- Gauss_Legen_weights(a = 0, b = 2 * pi, N = 40)
sum(w_k * quad(cbind(cos(th_k), sin(th_k)), a = 1))

## Parallel simulation with a progress bar

# Define a progress bar
  format = paste("(:spin) [:bar] :percent Iter: :current/:total Rate:",
                 ":tick_rate iter/sec ETA: :eta Elapsed: :elapsedfull"),
  clear = FALSE))
# Call int_sph_MC() within with_progress()
with_progress(int_sph_MC(f = x1, p = 3, cores = 2, M = 1e5, chunks = 100))

# Instead of using with_progress() each time, it is more practical to run
# handlers(global = TRUE)
# once to activate progress bars in your R session

Local projected alternatives to uniformity


Density and random generation for local projected alternatives to uniformity with densities

fκ,μ(x):=1κωp+κf(xμ)f_{\kappa, \boldsymbol{\mu}}({\bf x}): = \frac{1 - \kappa}{\omega_p} + \kappa f({\bf x}'\boldsymbol{\mu})


f(z)=1ωp{1+k=1uk,pCkp/21(z)}f(z) = \frac{1}{\omega_p}\left\{1 + \sum_{k = 1}^\infty u_{k, p} C_k^{p / 2 - 1}(z)\right\}

is the angular function controlling the local alternative in a Gegenbauer series, 0κ10\le \kappa \le 1, μ\boldsymbol{\mu} is a direction on Sp1S^{p - 1}, and ωp\omega_p is the surface area of Sp1S^{p - 1}. The sequence {uk,p}\{u_{k, p}\} is typically such that uk,p=(1+2kp2)bk,pu_{k, p} = \left(1 + \frac{2k}{p - 2}\right) b_{k, p} for the Gegenbauer coefficients {bk,p}\{b_{k, p}\} of the kernel function of a Sobolev statistic (see the transformation between the coefficients uk,pu_{k, p} and bk,pb_{k, p}).

Also, automatic truncation of the series k=1uk,pCkp/21(z)\sum_{k = 1}^\infty u_{k, p} C_k^{p / 2 - 1}(z) according to the proportion of "Gegenbauer norm" explained.


f_locdev(z, p, uk)

con_f(f, p, N = 320)

d_locdev(x, mu, f, kappa)

r_locdev(n, mu, f, kappa, F_inv = NULL, ...)

cutoff_locdev(p, K_max = 10000, thre = 0.001, type, Rothman_t = 1/3,
  Pycke_q = 0.5, verbose = FALSE, Gauss = TRUE, N = 320, tol = 1e-06)



projected evaluation points for ff, a vector with entries on [1,1][-1, 1].


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


coefficients uk,pu_{k, p} associated to the indexes 1:length(uk), a vector.


angular function defined on [1,1][-1, 1]. Must be vectorized.


number of points used in the Gauss–Legendre quadrature for computing the Gegenbauer coefficients. Defaults to 320.


locations in Sp1S^{p-1} to evaluate the density. Either a matrix of size c(nx, p) or a vector of length p. Normalized internally if required (with a warning message).


a unit norm vector of size p giving the axis of rotational symmetry.


the strength of the local alternative, between 0 and 1.


sample size, a positive integer.


quantile function associated to ff. Computed by F_inv_from_f if NULL (default).


further parameters passed to F_inv_from_f.


integer giving the truncation of the series. Defaults to 1e4.


proportion of norm not explained by the first terms of the truncated series. Defaults to 1e-3.


name of the Sobolev statistic, using the naming from avail_cir_tests and avail_sph_tests.


tt parameter for the Rothman test, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


qq parameter for the Pycke "qq-test", a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 2.


output information about the truncation (TRUE or 1) and a diagnostic plot (2)? Defaults to FALSE.


use a Gauss–Legendre quadrature rule of N nodes in the computation of the Gegenbauer coefficients? Otherwise, call integrate. Defaults to TRUE.


tolerance passed to integrate's rel.tol and abs.tol if Gauss = FALSE. Defaults to 1e-6.


See the definitions of local alternatives in Prentice (1978) and in García-Portugués et al. (2023).

The truncation of k=1uk,pCkp/21(z)\sum_{k = 1}^\infty u_{k, p} C_k^{p / 2 - 1}(z) is done to the first K_max terms and then up to the index such that the first terms leave unexplained the proportion thre of the norm of the whole series. Setting thre = 0 truncates to K_max terms exactly. If the series only contains odd or even non-zero terms, then only K_max / 2 addends are effectively taken into account in the first truncation.


  • f_locdev: angular function evaluated at x, a vector.

  • con_f: normalizing constant cfc_f of ff, a scalar.

  • d_locdev: density function evaluated at x, a vector.

  • r_locdev: a matrix of size c(n, p) containing a random sample from the density fκ,μf_{\kappa, \boldsymbol{\mu}}.

  • cutoff_locdev: vector of coefficients {uk,p}\{u_{k, p}\} automatically truncated according to K_max and thre (see details).


García-Portugués, E., Navarro-Esteban, P., Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. (2023) On a projection-based class of uniformity tests on the hypersphere. Bernoulli, 29(1):181–204. doi:10.3150/21-BEJ1454.

Prentice, M. J. (1978). On invariant tests of uniformity for directions and orientations. The Annals of Statistics, 6(1):169–176. doi:10.1214/aos/1176344075


## Local alternatives diagnostics

loc_alt_diagnostic  <- function(p, type, thre = 1e-3, K_max = 1e3) {

  # Coefficients of the alternative
  uk <- cutoff_locdev(K_max = K_max, p = p, type = type, thre = thre,
                      N = 640)

  old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

  # Construction of f
  z <- seq(-1, 1, l = 1e3)
  f <- function(z) f_locdev(z = z, p = p, uk = uk)
  plot(z, f(z), type = "l", xlab = expression(z), ylab = expression(f(z)),
       main = paste0("Local alternative f, ", type, ", p = ", p), log = "y")

  # Projected density on [-1, 1]
  f_proj <- function(z) rotasym::w_p(p = p - 1) * f(z) *
    (1 - z^2)^((p - 3) / 2)
  plot(z, f_proj(z), type = "l", xlab = expression(z),
       ylab = expression(omega[p - 1] * f(z) * (1 - z^2)^{(p - 3) / 2}),
       main = paste0("Projected density, ", type, ", p = ", p), log = "y",
       sub = paste("Integral:", round(con_f(f = f, p = p), 4)))

  # Quantile function for projected density
  mu <- c(rep(0, p - 1), 1)
  F_inv <- F_inv_from_f(f = f, p = p, K = 5e2)
  plot(F_inv, xlab = expression(x), ylab = expression(F^{-1}*(x)),
       main = paste0("Quantile function, ", type, ", p = ", p))

  # Sample from the alternative and plot the projected sample
  n <- 5e4
  samp <- r_locdev(n = n, mu = mu, f = f, kappa = 1, F_inv = F_inv)
  plot(z, f_proj(z), col = 2, type = "l",
       main = paste0("Simulated projected data, ", type, ", p = ", p),
       ylim = c(0, 1.75))
  hist(samp %*% mu, freq = FALSE, breaks = seq(-1, 1, l = 50), add = TRUE)



## Local alternatives for the PCvM test

loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 2, type = "PCvM")
loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 3, type = "PCvM")
loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 4, type = "PCvM")
loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 5, type = "PCvM")
loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 11, type = "PCvM")

## Local alternatives for the PAD test

loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 2, type = "PAD")
loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 3, type = "PAD")
loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 4, type = "PAD")
loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 5, type = "PAD")
loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 11, type = "PAD")

## Local alternatives for the PRt test

loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 2, type = "PRt")
loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 3, type = "PRt")
loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 4, type = "PRt")
loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 5, type = "PRt")
loc_alt_diagnostic(p = 11, type = "PRt")

Asymptotic distributions for circular uniformity statistics


Computation of the asymptotic null distributions of circular uniformity statistics.


p_Kolmogorov(x, K_Kolmogorov = 25L, alternating = TRUE)

d_Kolmogorov(x, K_Kolmogorov = 25L, alternating = TRUE)

p_cir_stat_Ajne(x, K_Ajne = 15L)

d_cir_stat_Ajne(x, K_Ajne = 15L)









p_cir_stat_Hodges_Ajne2(x, n, asymp_std = FALSE)

p_cir_stat_Hodges_Ajne(x, n, exact = TRUE, asymp_std = FALSE)

d_cir_stat_Hodges_Ajne(x, n, exact = TRUE, asymp_std = FALSE)

p_cir_stat_Kuiper(x, n, K_Kuiper = 12L, second_term = TRUE,
  Stephens = FALSE)

d_cir_stat_Kuiper(x, n, K_Kuiper = 12L, second_term = TRUE,
  Stephens = FALSE)

p_cir_stat_Log_gaps(x, abs_val = TRUE)

d_cir_stat_Log_gaps(x, abs_val = TRUE)









p_cir_stat_Watson(x, n = 0L, K_Watson = 25L, Stephens = FALSE)

d_cir_stat_Watson(x, n = 0L, K_Watson = 25L, Stephens = FALSE)

p_cir_stat_Watson_1976(x, K_Watson_1976 = 8L, N = 40L)

d_cir_stat_Watson_1976(x, K_Watson_1976 = 8L)

p_cir_stat_Range(x, n, max_gap = TRUE)

d_cir_stat_Range(x, n, max_gap = TRUE)





p_cir_stat_Bakshaev(x, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

d_cir_stat_Bakshaev(x, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

p_cir_stat_Gine_Fn(x, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

d_cir_stat_Gine_Fn(x, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

p_cir_stat_Gine_Gn(x, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

d_cir_stat_Gine_Gn(x, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

p_cir_stat_Hermans_Rasson(x, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

d_cir_stat_Hermans_Rasson(x, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

p_cir_stat_PAD(x, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

d_cir_stat_PAD(x, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

p_cir_stat_PCvM(x, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

d_cir_stat_PCvM(x, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

p_cir_stat_PRt(x, t = 1/3, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

d_cir_stat_PRt(x, t = 1/3, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

p_cir_stat_Poisson(x, rho = 0.5, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I",

d_cir_stat_Poisson(x, rho = 0.5, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I",

p_cir_stat_Pycke_q(x, q = 0.5, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I",

d_cir_stat_Pycke_q(x, q = 0.5, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I",

p_cir_stat_Rothman(x, t = 1/3, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I",

d_cir_stat_Rothman(x, t = 1/3, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I",

p_cir_stat_Riesz(x, s = 1, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

d_cir_stat_Riesz(x, s = 1, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

p_cir_stat_Sobolev(x, vk2 = c(0, 0, 1), method = "I", ...)

d_cir_stat_Sobolev(x, vk2 = c(0, 0, 1), method = "I", ...)

p_cir_stat_Softmax(x, kappa = 1, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I",

d_cir_stat_Softmax(x, kappa = 1, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I",



a vector of size nx or a matrix of size c(nx, 1).

K_Kolmogorov, K_Kuiper, K_Watson, K_Watson_1976, K_Ajne

integer giving the truncation of the series present in the null asymptotic distributions. For the Kolmogorov-Smirnov-related series defaults to 25; for the others series defaults to a smaller number.


use the alternating series expansion for the distribution of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic? Defaults to TRUE.


sample size employed for computing the statistic.


compute the distribution associated to the normalized Hodges-Ajne statistic? Defaults to FALSE.


use the exact distribution for the Hodges-Ajne statistic? Defaults to TRUE.


use the second-order series expansion for the distribution of the Kuiper statistic? Defaults to TRUE.


compute Stephens (1970) modification so that the null distribution of the is less dependent on the sample size? The modification does not alter the test decision.


compute the distribution associated to the absolute value of the Darling's log gaps statistic? Defaults to TRUE.


number of points used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature. Defaults to 40.


compute the distribution associated to the maximum gap for the range statistic? Defaults to TRUE.


integer giving the truncation of the series that compute the asymptotic p-value of a Sobolev test. Defaults to 1e3.


error threshold for the tail probability given by the the first terms of the truncated series of a Sobolev test. Defaults to 0 (no further truncation).


method for approximating the density, distribution, or quantile function of the weighted sum of chi squared random variables. Must be "I" (Imhof), "SW" (Satterthwaite–Welch), "HBE" (Hall–Buckley–Eagleson), or "MC" (Monte Carlo; only for distribution or quantile functions). Defaults to "I".


further parameters passed to p_Sobolev or d_Sobolev (such as x_tail).


tt parameter for the Rothman and Cressie tests, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


ρ\rho parameter for the Poisson test, a real in [0,1)[0, 1). Defaults to 0.5.


qq parameter for the Pycke "qq-test", a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 2.


ss parameter for the ss-Riesz test, a real in (0,2)(0, 2). Defaults to 1.


weights for the finite Sobolev test. A non-negative vector or matrix. Defaults to c(0, 0, 1).


κ\kappa parameter for the Softmax test, a non-negative real. Defaults to 1.


Descriptions and references for most of the tests are available in García-Portugués and Verdebout (2018).


A matrix of size c(nx, 1) with the evaluation of the distribution or density function at x.


García-Portugués, E. and Verdebout, T. (2018) An overview of uniformity tests on the hypersphere. arXiv:1804.00286. doi:10.48550/arXiv.1804.00286.


# Ajne
curve(d_cir_stat_Ajne(x), to = 1.5, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 4))
curve(p_cir_stat_Ajne(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Bakshaev
curve(d_cir_stat_Bakshaev(x, method = "HBE"), to = 6, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_cir_stat_Bakshaev(x, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, add = TRUE, col = 2)

# Bingham
curve(d_cir_stat_Bingham(x), to = 12, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_cir_stat_Bingham(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)
# Greenwood
curve(d_cir_stat_Greenwood(x), from = -6, to = 6, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_cir_stat_Greenwood(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Hermans-Rasson
curve(p_cir_stat_Hermans_Rasson(x, method = "HBE"), to = 10, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(d_cir_stat_Hermans_Rasson(x, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, add = TRUE,
      col = 2)

# Hodges-Ajne
plot(25:45, d_cir_stat_Hodges_Ajne(cbind(25:45), n = 50), type = "h",
     lwd = 2, ylim = c(0, 1))
lines(25:45, p_cir_stat_Hodges_Ajne(cbind(25:45), n = 50), type = "s",
      col = 2)

# Kolmogorov-Smirnov
curve(d_Kolmogorov(x), to = 3, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(p_Kolmogorov(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Kuiper
curve(d_cir_stat_Kuiper(x, n = 50), to = 3, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(p_cir_stat_Kuiper(x, n = 50), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Kuiper and Watson with Stephens modification
curve(d_cir_stat_Kuiper(x, n = 8, Stephens = TRUE), to = 2.5, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 10))
curve(d_cir_stat_Watson(x, n = 8, Stephens = TRUE), n = 2e2, lty = 2,
      add = TRUE)
n <- c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 500)
col <- rainbow(length(n))
for (i in seq_along(n)) {
  curve(d_cir_stat_Kuiper(x, n = n[i], Stephens = TRUE), n = 2e2,
        col = col[i], add = TRUE)
  curve(d_cir_stat_Watson(x, n = n[i], Stephens = TRUE), n = 2e2,
        col = col[i], lty = 2, add = TRUE)

# Maximum uncovered spacing
curve(d_cir_stat_Max_uncover(x), from = -3, to = 6, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_cir_stat_Max_uncover(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Number of uncovered spacing
curve(d_cir_stat_Num_uncover(x), from = -4, to = 4, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_cir_stat_Num_uncover(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Log gaps
curve(d_cir_stat_Log_gaps(x), from = -1, to = 4, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_cir_stat_Log_gaps(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Gine Fn
curve(d_cir_stat_Gine_Fn(x, method = "HBE"), to = 2.5, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(p_cir_stat_Gine_Fn(x, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, add = TRUE, col = 2)

# Gine Gn
curve(d_cir_stat_Gine_Gn(x, method = "HBE"), to = 2.5, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(p_cir_stat_Gine_Gn(x, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, add = TRUE, col = 2)

# Gini mean difference
curve(d_cir_stat_Gini(x), from = -4, to = 4, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_cir_stat_Gini(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Gini mean squared difference
curve(d_cir_stat_Gini_squared(x), from = -10, to = 10, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_cir_stat_Gini_squared(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

curve(d_cir_stat_PAD(x, method = "HBE"), to = 3, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 1.5))
curve(p_cir_stat_PAD(x, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, add = TRUE, col = 2)

# PCvM
curve(d_cir_stat_PCvM(x, method = "HBE"), to = 4, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(p_cir_stat_PCvM(x, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, add = TRUE, col = 2)

# PRt
curve(d_cir_stat_PRt(x, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 5))
curve(p_cir_stat_PRt(x, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, add = TRUE, col = 2)

# Poisson
curve(d_cir_stat_Poisson(x, method = "HBE"), from = -1, to = 5, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(p_cir_stat_Poisson(x, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Pycke
curve(d_cir_stat_Pycke(x), from = -5, to = 10, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_cir_stat_Pycke(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Pycke q
curve(d_cir_stat_Pycke_q(x, method = "HBE"), to = 15, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_cir_stat_Pycke_q(x, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, add = TRUE, col = 2)

# Range
curve(d_cir_stat_Range(x, n = 50), to = 2, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 4))
curve(p_cir_stat_Range(x, n = 50), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Rao
curve(d_cir_stat_Rao(x), from = -6, to = 6, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_cir_stat_Rao(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Rayleigh
curve(d_cir_stat_Rayleigh(x), to = 12, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_cir_stat_Rayleigh(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Riesz
curve(d_cir_stat_Riesz(x, method = "HBE"), to = 6, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_cir_stat_Riesz(x, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, add = TRUE, col = 2)

# Rothman
curve(d_cir_stat_Rothman(x, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 5))
curve(p_cir_stat_Rothman(x, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, add = TRUE, col = 2)

# Vacancy
curve(d_cir_stat_Vacancy(x), from = -4, to = 4, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_cir_stat_Vacancy(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Watson
curve(d_cir_stat_Watson(x), to = 0.5, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 15))
curve(p_cir_stat_Watson(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Watson (1976)
curve(d_cir_stat_Watson_1976(x), to = 1.5, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 3))
curve(p_cir_stat_Watson_1976(x), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Softmax
curve(d_cir_stat_Softmax(x, method = "HBE"), to = 3, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(p_cir_stat_Softmax(x, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Sobolev
vk2 <- c(0.5, 0)
curve(d_cir_stat_Sobolev(x = x, vk2 = vk2), to = 3, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(p_cir_stat_Sobolev(x = x, vk2 = vk2), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

Asymptotic distributions for spherical uniformity statistics


Computation of the asymptotic null distributions of spherical uniformity statistics.


p_sph_stat_Bingham(x, p)

d_sph_stat_Bingham(x, p)

p_sph_stat_CJ12(x, regime = 1L, beta = 0)

d_sph_stat_CJ12(x, regime = 3L, beta = 0)

p_sph_stat_Rayleigh(x, p)

d_sph_stat_Rayleigh(x, p)

p_sph_stat_Rayleigh_HD(x, p)

d_sph_stat_Rayleigh_HD(x, p)

p_sph_stat_Ajne(x, p, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

d_sph_stat_Ajne(x, p, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

p_sph_stat_Bakshaev(x, p, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

d_sph_stat_Bakshaev(x, p, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

p_sph_stat_Gine_Fn(x, p, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

d_sph_stat_Gine_Fn(x, p, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

p_sph_stat_Gine_Gn(x, p, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

d_sph_stat_Gine_Gn(x, p, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

p_sph_stat_PAD(x, p, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

d_sph_stat_PAD(x, p, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

p_sph_stat_PCvM(x, p, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

d_sph_stat_PCvM(x, p, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I", ...)

p_sph_stat_Poisson(x, p, rho = 0.5, K_max = 1000, thre = 0,
  method = "I", ...)

d_sph_stat_Poisson(x, p, rho = 0.5, K_max = 1000, thre = 0,
  method = "I", ...)

p_sph_stat_PRt(x, p, t = 1/3, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I",

d_sph_stat_PRt(x, p, t = 1/3, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I",

p_sph_stat_Riesz(x, p, s = 1, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I",

d_sph_stat_Riesz(x, p, s = 1, K_max = 1000, thre = 0, method = "I",

p_sph_stat_Sobolev(x, p, vk2 = c(0, 0, 1), method = "I", ...)

d_sph_stat_Sobolev(x, p, vk2 = c(0, 0, 1), method = "I", ...)

p_sph_stat_Softmax(x, p, kappa = 1, K_max = 1000, thre = 0,
  method = "I", ...)

d_sph_stat_Softmax(x, p, kappa = 1, K_max = 1000, thre = 0,
  method = "I", ...)

p_sph_stat_Stereo(x, p, a = 0, K_max = 1000, method = "I", ...)

d_sph_stat_Stereo(x, p, a = 0, K_max = 1000, method = "I", ...)



a vector of size nx or a matrix of size c(nx, 1).


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


type of asymptotic regime for the CJ12 test, either 1 (sub-exponential regime), 2 (exponential), or 3 (super-exponential; default).


β\beta parameter in the exponential regime of the CJ12 test, a non-negative real. Defaults to 0.


integer giving the truncation of the series that compute the asymptotic p-value of a Sobolev test. Defaults to 1e3.


error threshold for the tail probability given by the the first terms of the truncated series of a Sobolev test. Defaults to 0 (no further truncation).


method for approximating the density, distribution, or quantile function of the weighted sum of chi squared random variables. Must be "I" (Imhof), "SW" (Satterthwaite–Welch), "HBE" (Hall–Buckley–Eagleson), or "MC" (Monte Carlo; only for distribution or quantile functions). Defaults to "I".


further parameters passed to p_Sobolev or d_Sobolev (such as x_tail).


ρ\rho parameter for the Poisson test, a real in [0,1)[0, 1). Defaults to 0.5.


tt parameter for the Rothman and Cressie tests, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


ss parameter for the ss-Riesz test, a real in (0,2)(0, 2). Defaults to 1.


weights for the finite Sobolev test. A non-negative vector or matrix. Defaults to c(0, 0, 1).


κ\kappa parameter for the Softmax test, a non-negative real. Defaults to 1.



  • an=a/na_n = a / n parameter used in the length of the arcs of the coverage-based tests. Must be positive. Defaults to 2 * pi.

  • aa parameter for the Stereo test, a real in [1,1][-1, 1]. Defaults to 0.


Descriptions and references on most of the asymptotic distributions are available in García-Portugués and Verdebout (2018).


  • r_sph_stat_*: a matrix of size c(n, 1) containing the sample.

  • p_sph_stat_*, d_sph_stat_*: a matrix of size c(nx, 1) with the evaluation of the distribution or density functions at x.


# Ajne
curve(d_sph_stat_Ajne(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 4))
curve(p_sph_stat_Ajne(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, col = 2,
      add = TRUE)

# Bakshaev
curve(d_sph_stat_Bakshaev(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), to = 5, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(p_sph_stat_Bakshaev(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, col = 2,
      add = TRUE)

# Bingham
curve(d_sph_stat_Bingham(x, p = 3), to = 20, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_sph_stat_Bingham(x, p = 3), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# CJ12
curve(d_sph_stat_CJ12(x, regime = 1), from = -10, to = 10, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(d_sph_stat_CJ12(x, regime = 2, beta = 0.1), n = 2e2, col = 2,
      add = TRUE)
curve(d_sph_stat_CJ12(x, regime = 3), n = 2e2, col = 3, add = TRUE)
curve(p_sph_stat_CJ12(x, regime = 1), n = 2e2, col = 1, add = TRUE)
curve(p_sph_stat_CJ12(x, regime = 2, beta = 0.1), n = 2e2, col = 2,
      add = TRUE)
curve(p_sph_stat_CJ12(x, regime = 3), col = 3, add = TRUE)

# Gine Fn
curve(d_sph_stat_Gine_Fn(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), to = 2, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(p_sph_stat_Gine_Fn(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, col = 2,
      add = TRUE)

# Gine Gn
curve(d_sph_stat_Gine_Gn(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), to = 1.5, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 2.5))
curve(p_sph_stat_Gine_Gn(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, col = 2,
      add = TRUE)

curve(d_sph_stat_PAD(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), to = 3, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 1.5))
curve(p_sph_stat_PAD(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, col = 2,
      add = TRUE)

# PCvM
curve(d_sph_stat_PCvM(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), to = 0.6, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 7))
curve(p_sph_stat_PCvM(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, col = 2,
      add = TRUE)

# Poisson
curve(d_sph_stat_Poisson(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), to = 2, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(p_sph_stat_Poisson(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, col = 2,
      add = TRUE)

# PRt
curve(d_sph_stat_PRt(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 5))
curve(p_sph_stat_PRt(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Rayleigh
curve(d_sph_stat_Rayleigh(x, p = 3), to = 15, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_sph_stat_Rayleigh(x, p = 3), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# HD-standardized Rayleigh
curve(d_sph_stat_Rayleigh_HD(x, p = 3), from = -4, to = 4, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_sph_stat_Rayleigh_HD(x, p = 3), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

# Riesz
curve(d_sph_stat_Riesz(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, from = 0, to = 5,
      ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(p_sph_stat_Riesz(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, col = 2,
      add = TRUE)

# Sobolev
x <- seq(-1, 5, by = 0.05)
vk2 <- diag(rep(0.3, 2))
matplot(x, d_sph_stat_Sobolev(x = x, vk2 = vk2, p = 3), type = "l",
        ylim = c(0, 1), lty = 1)
matlines(x, p_sph_stat_Sobolev(x = x, vk2 = vk2, p = 3), lty = 1)
matlines(x, d_sph_stat_Sobolev(x = x, vk2 = vk2 + 0.01, p = 3), lty = 2)
matlines(x, p_sph_stat_Sobolev(x = x, vk2 = vk2 + 0.01, p = 3), lty = 2)

# Softmax
curve(d_sph_stat_Softmax(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), to = 2, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(p_sph_stat_Softmax(x, p = 3, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, col = 2,
      add = TRUE)

# Stereo
curve(d_sph_stat_Stereo(x, p = 4, method = "HBE"), from=-5,to = 10, n = 2e2,
      ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(p_sph_stat_Stereo(x, p = 4, method = "HBE"), n = 2e2, col = 2,
      add = TRUE)

Planet orbits


Planet orbits data from the JPL Keplerian Elements for Approximate Positions of the Major Planets. The normal vector of a planet orbit represents is a vector on S2S^2.




A data frame with 9 rows and 3 variables:


names of the planets and Pluto.


inclination; the orbit's plane angle with respect to the ecliptic plane, in radians in [0,π][0, \pi].


longitude of the ascending node; the counterclockwise angle from the vector pointing to the First Point of Aries and that pointing to the ascending node (the intersection between orbit and ecliptic plane), in radians in [0,2π)[0, 2\pi). (Both vectors are heliocentric and within the ecliptic plane.)


The normal vector to the ecliptic plane of the planet with inclination ii and longitude of the ascending node ω\omega is

(sin(i)sin(ω),sin(i)cos(ω),cos(i)).(\sin(i) \sin(\omega), -\sin(i) \cos(\omega), \cos(i))'.

The script performing the data preprocessing is available at planets.R. The data was retrieved on 2020-05-16.


Table 2a in


# Load data

# Add normal vectors
planets$normal <- cbind(sin(planets$i) * sin(planets$om),
                       -sin(planets$i) * cos(planets$om),

# Tests to be performed
type_tests <- c("PCvM", "PAD", "PRt")

# Tests with Pluto
unif_test(data = planets$normal, type = type_tests, p_value = "MC")

# Tests without Pluto
unif_test(data = planets$normal[-9, ], type = type_tests, p_value = "MC")

Utilities for projected-ecdf statistics of spherical uniformity


Computation of the kernels

ψpW(θ):=11Ax(θ)dW(Fp(x)),\psi_p^W(\theta) := \int_{-1}^1 A_x(\theta)\,\mathrm{d}W(F_p(x)),

where Ax(θ)A_x(\theta) is the proportion of area surface of Sp1S^{p - 1} covered by the intersection of two hyperspherical caps with common solid angle πcos1(x)\pi - \cos^{-1}(x) and centers separated by an angle θ[0,π]\theta \in [0, \pi], FpF_p is the distribution function of the projected spherical uniform distribution, and WW is a measure on [0,1][0, 1].

Also, computation of the Gegenbauer coefficients of ψpW\psi_p^W:

bk,pW:=1ck,p0πψpW(θ)Ckp/21(cosθ)dθ.b_{k, p}^W := \frac{1}{c_{k, p}}\int_0^\pi \psi_p^W(\theta) C_k^{p / 2 - 1}(\cos\theta)\,\mathrm{d}\theta.

These coefficients can also be computed via

bk,pW=11ak,pxdW(Fp(x))b_{k, p}^W = \int_{-1}^1 a_{k, p}^x\,\mathrm{d}W(F_p(x))

for a certain function xak,pxx\rightarrow a_{k, p}^x. They serve to define projected alternatives to uniformity.


psi_Pn(theta, q, type, Rothman_t = 1/3, tilde = FALSE, psi_Gauss = TRUE,
  psi_N = 320, tol = 1e-06)

Gegen_coefs_Pn(k, p, type, Rothman_t = 1/3, Gauss = TRUE, N = 320,
  tol = 1e-06, verbose = FALSE)

akx(x, p, k, sqr = FALSE)

f_locdev_Pn(p, type, K = 1000, N = 320, K_max = 10000, thre = 0.001,
  Rothman_t = 1/3, verbose = FALSE)



vector with values in [0,π][0, \pi].


integer giving the dimension of the sphere SqS^q.


type of projected-ecdf test statistic. Must be either "PCvM" (Cramér–von Mises), "PAD" (Anderson–Darling), or "PRt" (Rothman).


tt parameter for the Rothman test, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


include the constant and bias term? Defaults to FALSE.


use a Gauss–Legendre quadrature rule with psi_N nodes in the computation of the kernel function? Defaults to TRUE.


number of points used in the Gauss–Legendre quadrature for computing the kernel function. Defaults to 320.


tolerance passed to integrate's rel.tol and abs.tol if Gauss = FALSE. Defaults to 1e-6.


vector with the index of coefficients.


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


use a Gauss–Legendre quadrature rule of N nodes in the computation of the Gegenbauer coefficients? Otherwise, call integrate. Defaults to TRUE.


number of points used in the Gauss–Legendre quadrature for computing the Gegenbauer coefficients. Defaults to 320.


flag to print informative messages. Defaults to FALSE.


evaluation points for ak,pxa_{k, p}^x, a vector with values in [1,1][-1, 1].


return the signed square root of ak,pxa_{k, p}^x? Defaults to FALSE.


number of equispaced points on [1,1][-1, 1] used for evaluating ff and then interpolating. Defaults to 1e3.


integer giving the truncation of the series. Defaults to 1e4.


proportion of norm not explained by the first terms of the truncated series. Defaults to 1e-3.


The evaluation of ψpW\psi_p^W and bk,pWb_{k, p}^W depends on the type of projected-ecdf statistic:

  • PCvM: closed-form expressions for ψpW\psi_p^W and bk,pWb_{k, p}^W with p=2,3,4p = 2, 3, 4, numerical integration required for p5p \ge 5.

  • PAD: closed-form expressions for ψ2W\psi_2^W and bk,3Wb_{k, 3}^W, numerical integration required for ψpW\psi_p^W with p3p \ge 3 and bk,pWb_{k, p}^W with p=2p = 2 and p4p \ge 4.

  • PRt: closed-form expressions for ψpW\psi_p^W and bk,pWb_{k, p}^W for any p2p \ge 2.

See García-Portugués et al. (2023) for more details.


  • psi_Pn: a vector of size length(theta) with the evaluation of ψ\psi.

  • Gegen_coefs_Pn: a vector of size length(k) containing the coefficients bk,pWb_{k, p}^W.

  • akx: a matrix of size c(length(x), length(k)) containing the coefficients ak,pxa_{k, p}^x.

  • f_locdev_Pn: the projected alternative ff as a function ready to be evaluated.


Eduardo García-Portugués and Paula Navarro-Esteban.


García-Portugués, E., Navarro-Esteban, P., Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. (2023) On a projection-based class of uniformity tests on the hypersphere. Bernoulli, 29(1):181–204. doi:10.3150/21-BEJ1454.


# Kernels in the projected-ecdf test statistics
k <- 0:10
coefs <- list()
(coefs$PCvM <- t(sapply(2:5, function(p)
  Gegen_coefs_Pn(k = k, p = p, type = "PCvM"))))
(coefs$PAD <- t(sapply(2:5, function(p)
  Gegen_coefs_Pn(k = k, p = p, type = "PAD"))))
(coefs$PRt <- t(sapply(2:5, function(p)
  Gegen_coefs_Pn(k = k, p = p, type = "PRt"))))

# Gegenbauer expansion
th <- seq(0, pi, length.out = 501)[-501]
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(3, 4))
for (type in c("PCvM", "PAD", "PRt")) {

  for (p in 2:5) {

    plot(th, psi_Pn(theta = th, q = p - 1, type = type), type = "l",
         main = paste0(type, ", p = ", p), xlab = expression(theta),
         ylab = expression(psi(theta)), axes = FALSE, ylim = c(-1.5, 1))
    axis(1, at = c(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi),
         labels = expression(0, pi / 4, pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi))
    axis(2); box()
    lines(th, Gegen_series(theta = th, coefs = coefs[[type]][p - 1, ],
                           k = k, p = p), col = 2)



# Analytical coefficients vs. numerical integration
test_coef <- function(type, p, k = 0:20) {

  plot(k, log1p(abs(Gegen_coefs_Pn(k = k, p = p, type = type))),
       ylab = "Coefficients", main = paste0(type, ", p = ", p))
  points(k, log1p(abs(Gegen_coefs(k = k, p = p, psi = psi_Pn, type = type,
                                  q = p - 1))), col = 2)
  legend("topright", legend = c("log(1 + Gegen_coefs_Pn))",
                                "log(1 + Gegen_coefs(psi_Pn))"),
         lwd = 2, col = 1:2)


# PCvM statistic
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
for (p in 2:5) test_coef(type = "PCvM", p = p)

# PAD statistic
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
for (p in 2:5) test_coef(type = "PAD", p = p)

# PRt statistic
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
for (p in 2:5) test_coef(type = "PRt", p = p)

# akx
akx(x = seq(-1, 1, l = 5), k = 1:4, p = 2)
akx(x = 0, k = 1:4, p = 3)

# PRt alternative to uniformity
z <- seq(-1, 1, l = 1e3)
p <- c(2:5, 10, 15, 17)
col <- viridisLite::viridis(length(p))
plot(z, f_locdev_Pn(p = p[1], type = "PRt")(z), type = "s",
     col = col[1], ylim = c(0, 0.6), ylab = expression(f[Rt](z)))
for (k in 2:length(p)) {
  lines(z, f_locdev_Pn(p = p[k], type = "PRt")(z), type = "s", col = col[k])
legend("topleft", legend = paste("p =", p), col = col, lwd = 2)

Projection of the spherical uniform distribution


Density, distribution, and quantile functions of the projection of the spherical uniform random variable on an arbitrary direction, that is, the random variable γX\boldsymbol{\gamma}'{\bf X}, where X{\bf X} is uniformly distributed on the (hyper)sphere Sp1:={xRp:x=1}S^{p-1}:=\{{\bf x}\in R^p:||{\bf x}||=1\}, p2p\ge 2, and γSp1\boldsymbol{\gamma}\in S^{p-1} is an arbitrary projection direction. Note that the distribution is invariant to the choice of γ\boldsymbol{\gamma}. Also, efficient simulation of γX\boldsymbol{\gamma}'{\bf X}.


d_proj_unif(x, p, log = FALSE)

p_proj_unif(x, p, log = FALSE)

q_proj_unif(u, p)

r_proj_unif(n, p)



a vector of size nx or a matrix of size c(nx, 1).


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


compute the logarithm of the density or distribution?


vector of probabilities.


sample size.


A matrix of size c(nx, 1) with the evaluation of the density, distribution, or quantile function at x or u. For r_proj_unif, a random vector of size n.


Eduardo García-Portugués and Paula Navarro-Esteban.


# Density function
curve(d_proj_unif(x, p = 2), from = -2, to = 2, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 2))
curve(d_proj_unif(x, p = 3), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)
curve(d_proj_unif(x, p = 4), n = 2e2, col = 3, add = TRUE)
curve(d_proj_unif(x, p = 5), n = 2e2, col = 4, add = TRUE)
curve(d_proj_unif(x, p = 6), n = 2e2, col = 5, add = TRUE)

# Distribution function
curve(p_proj_unif(x, p = 2), from = -2, to = 2, n = 2e2, ylim = c(0, 1))
curve(p_proj_unif(x, p = 3), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)
curve(p_proj_unif(x, p = 4), n = 2e2, col = 3, add = TRUE)
curve(p_proj_unif(x, p = 5), n = 2e2, col = 4, add = TRUE)
curve(p_proj_unif(x, p = 6), n = 2e2, col = 5, add = TRUE)

# Quantile function
curve(q_proj_unif(u = x, p = 2), from = 0, to = 1, n = 2e2, ylim = c(-1, 1))
curve(q_proj_unif(u = x, p = 3), n = 2e2, col = 2, add = TRUE)
curve(q_proj_unif(u = x, p = 4), n = 2e2, col = 3, add = TRUE)
curve(q_proj_unif(u = x, p = 5), n = 2e2, col = 4, add = TRUE)
curve(q_proj_unif(u = x, p = 6), n = 2e2, col = 5, add = TRUE)

# Sampling
hist(r_proj_unif(n = 1e4, p = 4), freq = FALSE, breaks = 50)
curve(d_proj_unif(x, p = 4), n = 2e2, col = 3, add = TRUE)

Shortest angles matrix


Efficient computation of the shortest angles matrix Ψ\boldsymbol\Psi, defined as

Ψij:=cos1(XiXj),i,j=1,,n,\Psi_{ij}:=\cos^{-1}({\bf X}_i'{\bf X}_j),\quad i,j=1,\ldots,n,

for a sample X1,,XnSp1:={xRp:x=1}{\bf X}_1,\ldots,{\bf X}_n\in S^{p-1}:=\{{\bf x}\in R^p:||{\bf x}||=1\}, p2p\ge 2.

For a circular sample Θ1,,Θn[0,2π)\Theta_1, \ldots, \Theta_n \in [0, 2\pi), Ψ\boldsymbol\Psi can be expressed as

Ψij=ππΘiΘj,i,j=1,,n.\Psi_{ij}=\pi-|\pi-|\Theta_i-\Theta_j||,\quad i,j=1,\ldots,n.


Psi_mat(data, ind_tri = 0L, use_ind_tri = FALSE, scalar_prod = FALSE,
  angles_diff = FALSE)




an array of size c(n, p, M) containing the Cartesian coordinates of M samples of size n of directions on Sp1S^{p-1}. Alternatively if p = 2, an array of size c(n, 1, M) containing the angles on [0,2π)[0, 2\pi) of the M circular samples of size n on S1S^{1}. Must not contain NA's.


if use_ind_tri = TRUE, the vector of 0-based indexes provided by upper_tri_ind(n), which allows to extract the upper triangular part of the matrix Ψ\boldsymbol\Psi. See the examples.


use the already computed vector index ind_tri? If FALSE (default), ind_tri is computed internally.


return the scalar products XiX{\bf X}_i'{\bf X} instead of the shortest angles? Only taken into account for data in Cartesian form. Defaults to FALSE.


return the (unwrapped) angles difference ΘiΘj\Theta_i-\Theta_j instead of the shortest angles? Only taken into account for data in angular form. Defaults to FALSE.


sample size, used to determine the index vector that gives the upper triangular part of Ψ\boldsymbol\Psi.


  • Psi_mat: a matrix of size c(n * (n - 1) / 2, M) containing, for each column, the vector half of Ψ\boldsymbol\Psi for each of the M samples.

  • upper_tri_ind: a matrix of size n * (n - 1) / 2 containing the 0-based linear indexes for extracting the upper triangular matrix of a matrix of size c(n, n), diagonal excluded, assuming column-major order.


Be careful on avoiding the next bad usages of Psi_mat, which will produce spurious results:

  • The directions in data do not have unit norm when Cartesian coordinates are employed.

  • The entries of data are not in [0,2π)[0, 2\pi) when polar coordinates are employed.

  • ind_tri is a vector of size n * (n - 1) / 2 that does not contain the indexes produced by upper_tri_ind(n).


# Shortest angles
n <- 5
X <- r_unif_sph(n = n, p = 2, M = 2)
Theta <- X_to_Theta(X)
dim(Theta) <- c(n, 1, 2)

# Precompute ind_tri
ind_tri <- upper_tri_ind(n)
Psi_mat(X, ind_tri = ind_tri, use_ind_tri = TRUE)

# Compare with R
A <- acos(tcrossprod(X[, , 1]))
ind <- upper.tri(A)

# Reconstruct matrix
Psi_vec <- Psi_mat(Theta[, , 1, drop = FALSE])
Psi <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
Psi[upper.tri(Psi)] <- Psi_vec
Psi <- Psi + t(Psi)

Sample non-uniformly distributed spherical data


Simple simulation of prespecified non-uniform spherical distributions: von Mises–Fisher (vMF), Mixture of vMF (MvMF), Angular Central Gaussian (ACG), Small Circle (SC), Watson (W), Cauchy-like (C), Mixture of Cauchy-like (MC), or Uniform distribution with Antipodal-Dependent observations (UAD).


r_alt(n, p, M = 1, alt = "vMF", mu = c(rep(0, p - 1), 1), kappa = 1,
  nu = 0.5, F_inv = NULL, K = 1000, axial_mix = TRUE)



sample size.


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


number of samples of size n. Defaults to 1.


alternative, must be "vMF", "MvMF", "ACG", "SC", "W", "C", "MC", or "UAD". See details below.


location parameter for "vMF", "SC", "W", and "C". Defaults to c(rep(0, p - 1), 1).


non-negative parameter measuring the strength of the deviation with respect to uniformity (obtained with κ=0\kappa = 0).


projection along ep{\bf e}_p controlling the modal strip of the small circle distribution. Must be in (-1, 1). Defaults to 0.5.


quantile function returned by F_inv_from_f. Used for "SC", "W", and "C". Computed by internally if NULL (default).


number of equispaced points on [1,1][-1, 1] used for evaluating F1F^{-1} and then interpolating. Defaults to 1e3.


use a mixture of von Mises–Fisher or Cauchy-like that is axial (i.e., symmetrically distributed about the origin)? Defaults to TRUE.


The parameter kappa is used as κ\kappa in the following distributions:

  • "vMF": von Mises–Fisher distribution with concentration κ\kappa and directional mean μ\boldsymbol{\mu}.

  • "MvMF": equally-weighted mixture of pp von Mises–Fisher distributions with common concentration κ\kappa and directional means ±e1,,±ep\pm{\bf e}_1, \ldots, \pm{\bf e}_p if axial_mix = TRUE. If axial_mix = FALSE, then only means with positive signs are considered.

  • "ACG": Angular Central Gaussian distribution with diagonal shape matrix with diagonal given by

    (1,,1,1+κ)/(p+κ).(1, \ldots, 1, 1 + \kappa) / (p + \kappa).

  • "SC": Small Circle distribution with axis mean μ\boldsymbol{\mu} and concentration κ\kappa about the projection along the mean, ν\nu.

  • "W": Watson distribution with axis mean μ\boldsymbol{\mu} and concentration κ\kappa. The Watson distribution is a particular case of the Bingham distribution.

  • "C": Cauchy-like distribution with directional mode μ\boldsymbol{\mu} and concentration κ=ρ/(1ρ2)\kappa = \rho / (1 - \rho^2). The circular Wrapped Cauchy distribution is a particular case of this Cauchy-like distribution.

  • "MC": equally-weighted mixture of pp Cauchy-like distributions with common concentration κ\kappa and directional means ±e1,,±ep\pm{\bf e}_1, \ldots, \pm{\bf e}_p if axial_mix = TRUE. If axial_mix = FALSE, then only means with positive signs are considered.

The alternative "UAD" generates a sample formed by n/2\lceil n/2\rceil observations drawn uniformly on Sp1S^{p-1} and the remaining observations drawn from a uniform spherical cap distribution of angle πκ\pi-\kappa about each of the n/2\lceil n/2\rceil observations (see unif_cap). Hence, kappa = 0 corresponds to a spherical cap covering the whole sphere and kappa = pi is a one-point degenerate spherical cap.

Much faster sampling for "SC", "W", "C", and "MC" is achieved providing F_inv; see examples.


An array of size c(n, p, M) with M random samples of size n of non-uniformly-generated directions on Sp1S^{p-1}.


## Simulation with p = 2

p <- 2
n <- 50
kappa <- 20
nu <- 0.5
angle <- pi / 10
rho <- ((2 * kappa + 1) - sqrt(4 * kappa + 1)) / (2 * kappa)
F_inv_SC_2 <- F_inv_from_f(f = function(z) exp(-kappa * (z - nu)^2), p = 2)
F_inv_W_2 <- F_inv_from_f(f = function(z) exp(kappa * z^2), p = 2)
F_inv_C_2 <- F_inv_from_f(f = function(z) (1 - rho^2) /
                            (1 + rho^2 - 2 * rho * z)^(p / 2), p = 2)
x1 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "vMF", kappa = kappa)[, , 1]
x2 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "C", F_inv = F_inv_C_2)[, , 1]
x3 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "SC", F_inv = F_inv_SC_2)[, , 1]
x4 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "ACG", kappa = kappa)[, , 1]
x5 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "W", F_inv = F_inv_W_2)[, , 1]
x6 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "MvMF", kappa = kappa)[, , 1]
x7 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "MC", kappa = kappa)[, , 1]
x8 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "UAD", kappa = 1 - angle)[, , 1]
r <- runif(n, 0.95, 1.05) # Radius perturbation to improve visualization
plot(r * x1, pch = 16, xlim = c(-1.1, 1.1), ylim = c(-1.1, 1.1), col = 1)
points(r * x2, pch = 16, col = 2)
points(r * x3, pch = 16, col = 3)
plot(r * x4, pch = 16, xlim = c(-1.1, 1.1), ylim = c(-1.1, 1.1), col = 1)
points(r * x5, pch = 16, col = 2)
points(r * x6, pch = 16, col = 3)
points(r * x7, pch = 16, col = 4)
col <- rep(rainbow(n / 2), 2)
plot(r * x8, pch = 16, xlim = c(-1.1, 1.1), ylim = c(-1.1, 1.1), col = col)
for (i in seq(1, n, by = 2)) lines((r * x8)[i + 0:1, ], col = col[i])

## Simulation with p = 3

n <- 50
p <- 3
kappa <- 20
angle <- pi / 10
nu <- 0.5
rho <- ((2 * kappa + 1) - sqrt(4 * kappa + 1)) / (2 * kappa)
F_inv_SC_3 <- F_inv_from_f(f = function(z) exp(-kappa * (z - nu)^2), p = 3)
F_inv_W_3 <- F_inv_from_f(f = function(z) exp(kappa * z^2), p = 3)
F_inv_C_3 <- F_inv_from_f(f = function(z) (1 - rho^2) /
                            (1 + rho^2 - 2 * rho * z)^(p / 2), p = 3)
x1 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "vMF", kappa = kappa)[, , 1]
x2 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "C", F_inv = F_inv_C_3)[, , 1]
x3 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "SC", F_inv = F_inv_SC_3)[, , 1]
x4 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "ACG", kappa = kappa)[, , 1]
x5 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "W", F_inv = F_inv_W_3)[, , 1]
x6 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "MvMF", kappa = kappa)[, , 1]
x7 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "MC", kappa = kappa)[, , 1]
x8 <- r_alt(n = n, p = p, alt = "UAD", kappa = 1 - angle)[, , 1]
s3d <- scatterplot3d::scatterplot3d(x1, pch = 16, xlim = c(-1.1, 1.1),
                                    ylim = c(-1.1, 1.1), zlim = c(-1.1, 1.1))
s3d$points3d(x2, pch = 16, col = 2)
s3d$points3d(x3, pch = 16, col = 3)
s3d <- scatterplot3d::scatterplot3d(x4, pch = 16, xlim = c(-1.1, 1.1),
                                    ylim = c(-1.1, 1.1), zlim = c(-1.1, 1.1))
s3d$points3d(x5, pch = 16, col = 2)
s3d$points3d(x6, pch = 16, col = 3)
s3d$points3d(x7, pch = 16, col = 4)
col <- rep(rainbow(n / 2), 2)
s3d <- scatterplot3d::scatterplot3d(x8, pch = 16, xlim = c(-1.1, 1.1),
                                    ylim = c(-1.1, 1.1), zlim = c(-1.1, 1.1),
                                    color = col)
for (i in seq(1, n, by = 2)) s3d$points3d(x8[i + 0:1, ], col = col[i],
                                          type = "l")

Sample uniformly distributed circular and spherical data


Simulation of the uniform distribution on [0,2π)[0, 2\pi) and Sp1:={xRp:x=1}S^{p-1}:=\{{\bf x}\in R^p:||{\bf x}||=1\}, p2p\ge 2.


r_unif_cir(n, M = 1L, sorted = FALSE)

r_unif_sph(n, p, M = 1L)



sample size.


number of samples of size n. Defaults to 1.


return each circular sample sorted? Defaults to FALSE.


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


  • r_unif_cir: a matrix of size c(n, M) with M random samples of size n of uniformly-generated circular data on [0,2π)[0, 2\pi).

  • r_unif_sph: an array of size c(n, p, M) with M random samples of size n of uniformly-generated directions on Sp1S^{p-1}.


# A sample on [0, 2*pi)
n <- 5
r_unif_cir(n = n)

# A sample on S^1
p <- 2
samp <- r_unif_sph(n = n, p = p)

# A sample on S^2
p <- 3
samp <- r_unif_sph(n = n, p = p)

Rhea craters from Hirata (2016)


Craters on Rhea from Hirata (2016).




A data frame with 3596 rows and 4 variables:


name of the crater (if named).


diameter of the crater (in km).


longitude angle θ[0,2π)\theta \in [0, 2\pi) of the crater center.


latitude angle ϕ[π/2,π/2]\phi \in [-\pi/2, \pi/2] of the crater center.


The (θ,ϕ)(\theta, \phi) angles are such their associated planetocentric coordinates are:

(cos(ϕ)cos(θ),cos(ϕ)sin(θ),sin(ϕ)),(\cos(\phi) \cos(\theta), \cos(\phi) \sin(\theta), \sin(\phi))',

with (0,0,1)(0, 0, 1)' denoting the north pole.

The script performing the data preprocessing is available at rhea.R.



Hirata, N. (2016) Differential impact cratering of Saturn's satellites by heliocentric impactors. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 121:111–117. doi:10.1002/2015JE004940


# Load data

# Add Cartesian coordinates
rhea$X <- cbind(cos(rhea$theta) * cos(rhea$phi),
                sin(rhea$theta) * cos(rhea$phi),

# Tests
unif_test(data = rhea$X[rhea$diam > 15 & rhea$diam < 20, ],
          type = c("PCvM", "PAD", "PRt"), p_value = "asymp")

Asymptotic distributions of Sobolev statistics of spherical uniformity


Approximated density, distribution, and quantile functions for the asymptotic null distributions of Sobolev statistics of uniformity on Sp1:={xRp:x=1}S^{p-1}:=\{{\bf x}\in R^p:||{\bf x}||=1\}. These asymptotic distributions are infinite weighted sums of (central) chi squared random variables:

k=1vk2χdp,k2,\sum_{k = 1}^\infty v_k^2 \chi^2_{d_{p, k}},


dp,k:=(p+k3p2)+(p+k2p2)d_{p, k} := {{p + k - 3}\choose{p - 2}} + {{p + k - 2}\choose{p - 2}}

is the dimension of the space of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on Sp1S^{p-1}, p2p\ge 2, associated to the kk-th eigenvalue, k1k\ge 1.


d_p_k(p, k, log = FALSE)

weights_dfs_Sobolev(p, K_max = 1000, thre = 0.001, type, Rothman_t = 1/3,
  Pycke_q = 0.5, Riesz_s = 1, Poisson_rho = 0.5, Softmax_kappa = 1,
  Stereo_a = 0, Sobolev_vk2 = c(0, 0, 1), log = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,
  Gauss = TRUE, N = 320, tol = 1e-06, force_positive = TRUE,
  x_tail = NULL)

d_Sobolev(x, p, type, method = c("I", "SW", "HBE")[1], K_max = 1000,
  thre = 0.001, Rothman_t = 1/3, Pycke_q = 0.5, Riesz_s = 1,
  Poisson_rho = 0.5, Softmax_kappa = 1, Stereo_a = 0,
  Sobolev_vk2 = c(0, 0, 1), ncps = 0, verbose = TRUE, N = 320,
  x_tail = NULL, ...)

p_Sobolev(x, p, type, method = c("I", "SW", "HBE", "MC")[1], K_max = 1000,
  thre = 0.001, Rothman_t = 1/3, Pycke_q = 0.5, Riesz_s = 1,
  Poisson_rho = 0.5, Softmax_kappa = 1, Stereo_a = 0,
  Sobolev_vk2 = c(0, 0, 1), ncps = 0, verbose = TRUE, N = 320,
  x_tail = NULL, ...)

q_Sobolev(u, p, type, method = c("I", "SW", "HBE", "MC")[1], K_max = 1000,
  thre = 0.001, Rothman_t = 1/3, Pycke_q = 0.5, Riesz_s = 1,
  Poisson_rho = 0.5, Softmax_kappa = 1, Stereo_a = 0,
  Sobolev_vk2 = c(0, 0, 1), ncps = 0, verbose = TRUE, N = 320,
  x_tail = NULL, ...)



integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


sequence of integer indexes.


compute the logarithm of dp,kd_{p,k}? Defaults to FALSE.


integer giving the truncation of the series that compute the asymptotic p-value of a Sobolev test. Defaults to 1e3.


error threshold for the tail probability given by the the first terms of the truncated series of a Sobolev test. Defaults to 1e-3.


name of the Sobolev statistic, using the naming from avail_cir_tests and avail_sph_tests.


tt parameter for the Rothman test, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


qq parameter for the Pycke "qq-test", a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 2.


ss parameter for the ss-Riesz test, a real in (0,2)(0, 2). Defaults to 1.


ρ\rho parameter for the Poisson test, a real in [0,1)[0, 1). Defaults to 0.5.


κ\kappa parameter for the Softmax test, a non-negative real. Defaults to 1.


aa parameter for the Stereo test, a real in [1,1][-1, 1]. Defaults to 0.


weights for the finite Sobolev test. A non-negative vector or matrix. Defaults to c(0, 0, 1).


output information about the truncation? Defaults to TRUE.


use a Gauss–Legendre quadrature rule of N nodes in the computation of the Gegenbauer coefficients? Otherwise, call integrate. Defaults to TRUE.


number of points used in the Gauss–Legendre quadrature for computing the Gegenbauer coefficients. Defaults to 320.


tolerance passed to integrate's rel.tol and abs.tol if Gauss = FALSE. Defaults to 1e-6.


set negative weights to zero? Defaults to TRUE.


scalar evaluation point for determining the upper tail probability. If NULL, set to the 0.90 quantile of the whole series, computed by the "HBE" approximation.


vector of quantiles.


method for approximating the density, distribution, or quantile function of the weighted sum of chi squared random variables. Must be "I" (Imhof), "SW" (Satterthwaite–Welch), "HBE" (Hall–Buckley–Eagleson), or "MC" (Monte Carlo; only for distribution or quantile functions). Defaults to "I".


non-centrality parameters. Either 0 (default) or a vector with the same length as weights.


further parameters passed to *_wschisq.


vector of probabilities.


The truncation of k=1vk2χdp,k2\sum_{k = 1}^\infty v_k^2 \chi^2_{d_{p, k}} is done to the first K_max terms and then up to the index such that the first terms explain the tail probability at the x_tail with an absolute error smaller than thre (see details in cutoff_wschisq). This automatic truncation takes place when calling *_Sobolev. Setting thre = 0 truncates to K_max terms exactly. If the series only contains odd or even non-zero terms, then only K_max / 2 addends are effectively taken into account in the first truncation.


  • d_p_k: a vector of size length(k) with the evaluation of dp,kd_{p,k}.

  • weights_dfs_Sobolev: a list with entries weights and dfs, automatically truncated according to K_max and thre (see details).

  • d_Sobolev: density function evaluated at x, a vector.

  • p_Sobolev: distribution function evaluated at x, a vector.

  • q_Sobolev: quantile function evaluated at u, a vector.


Eduardo García-Portugués and Paula Navarro-Esteban.


# Circular-specific statistics
curve(p_Sobolev(x = x, p = 2, type = "Watson", method = "HBE"),
      n = 2e2, ylab = "Distribution", main = "Watson")
curve(p_Sobolev(x = x, p = 2, type = "Rothman", method = "HBE"),
      n = 2e2, ylab = "Distribution", main = "Rothman")
curve(p_Sobolev(x = x, p = 2, type = "Pycke_q", method = "HBE"), to = 10,
      n = 2e2, ylab = "Distribution", main = "Pycke_q")
curve(p_Sobolev(x = x, p = 2, type = "Hermans_Rasson", method = "HBE"),
      to = 10, n = 2e2, ylab = "Distribution", main = "Hermans_Rasson")

# Statistics for arbitrary dimensions
test_statistic <- function(type, to = 1, pmax = 5, M = 1e3, ...) {

  col <- viridisLite::viridis(pmax - 1)
  curve(p_Sobolev(x = x, p = 2, type = type, method = "MC", M = M,
                  ...), to = to, n = 2e2, col = col[pmax - 1],
                  ylab = "Distribution", main = type, ylim = c(0, 1))
  for (p in 3:pmax) {
    curve(p_Sobolev(x = x, p = p, type = type, method = "MC", M = M,
                    ...), add = TRUE, n = 2e2, col = col[pmax - p + 1])
  legend("bottomright", legend = paste("p =", 2:pmax), col = rev(col),
         lwd = 2)


# Ajne
test_statistic(type = "Ajne")

# Gine_Gn
test_statistic(type = "Gine_Gn", to = 1.5)

# Gine_Fn
test_statistic(type = "Gine_Fn", to = 2)

# Bakshaev
test_statistic(type = "Bakshaev", to = 3)

# Riesz
test_statistic(type = "Riesz", Riesz_s = 0.5, to = 3)

# PCvM
test_statistic(type = "PCvM", to = 0.6)

test_statistic(type = "PAD", to = 3)

# PRt
test_statistic(type = "PRt", Rothman_t = 0.5)

# Quantiles
p <- c(2, 3, 4, 11)
t(sapply(p, function(p) q_Sobolev(u = c(0.10, 0.05, 0.01), p = p,
                                  type = "PCvM")))
t(sapply(p, function(p) q_Sobolev(u = c(0.10, 0.05, 0.01), p = p,
                                  type = "PAD")))
t(sapply(p, function(p) q_Sobolev(u = c(0.10, 0.05, 0.01), p = p,
                                  type = "PRt")))

# Series truncation for thre = 1e-5
sapply(p, function(p) length(weights_dfs_Sobolev(p = p, type = "PCvM")$dfs))
sapply(p, function(p) length(weights_dfs_Sobolev(p = p, type = "PRt")$dfs))
sapply(p, function(p) length(weights_dfs_Sobolev(p = p, type = "PAD")$dfs))

Transformation between different coefficients in Sobolev statistics


Given a Sobolev statistic

Sn,p=i,j=1nψ(cos1(XiXj)),S_{n, p} = \sum_{i, j = 1}^n \psi(\cos^{-1}({\bf X}_i'{\bf X}_j)),

for a sample X1,,XnSp1:={xRp:x=1}{\bf X}_1, \ldots, {\bf X}_n \in S^{p - 1} := \{{\bf x} \in R^p : ||{\bf x}|| = 1\}, p2p\ge 2, three important sequences are related to Sn,pS_{n, p}.

  • Gegenbauer coefficients {bk,p}\{b_{k, p}\} of ψp\psi_p (see, e.g., the projected-ecdf statistics), given by

    bk,p:=1ck,p0πψp(θ)Ckp/21(cosθ)dθ.b_{k, p} := \frac{1}{c_{k, p}}\int_0^\pi \psi_p(\theta) C_k^{p / 2 - 1}(\cos\theta)\,\mathrm{d}\theta.

  • Weights {vk,p2}\{v_{k, p}^2\} of the asymptotic distribution of the Sobolev statistic, k=1vk2χdp,k2\sum_{k = 1}^\infty v_k^2 \chi^2_{d_{p, k}}, given by

    vk,p2=(1+2kp2)1bk,p,p3.v_{k, p}^2 = \left(1 + \frac{2k}{p - 2}\right)^{-1} b_{k, p}, \quad p \ge 3.

  • Gegenbauer coefficients {uk,p}\{u_{k, p}\} of the local projected alternative associated to Sn,pS_{n, p}, given by

    uk,p=(1+2kp2)vk,p,p3.u_{k, p} = \left(1 + \frac{2k}{p - 2}\right) v_{k, p}, \quad p \ge 3.

For p=2p = 2, the factor (1+2k/(p2))(1 + 2k / (p - 2)) is replaced by 22.


bk_to_vk2(bk, p, log = FALSE)

bk_to_uk(bk, p, signs = 1)

vk2_to_bk(vk2, p, log = FALSE)

vk2_to_uk(vk2, p, signs = 1)

uk_to_vk2(uk, p)

uk_to_bk(uk, p)



coefficients bk,pb_{k, p} associated to the indexes 1:length(bk), a vector.


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


do operations in log scale (log-in, log-out)? Defaults to FALSE.


signs of the coefficients uk,pu_{k, p}, a vector of the same size as vk2 or bk, or a scalar. Defaults to 1.


squared coefficients vk,p2v_{k, p}^2 associated to the indexes 1:length(vk2), a vector.


coefficients uk,pu_{k, p} associated to the indexes 1:length(uk), a vector.


See more details in Prentice (1978) and García-Portugués et al. (2023). The adequate signs of uk for the "PRt" Rothman test can be retrieved with akx and sqr = TRUE, see the examples.


The corresponding vectors of coefficients vk2, bk, or uk, depending on the call.


García-Portugués, E., Navarro-Esteban, P., Cuesta-Albertos, J. A. (2023) On a projection-based class of uniformity tests on the hypersphere. Bernoulli, 29(1):181–204. doi:10.3150/21-BEJ1454.

Prentice, M. J. (1978). On invariant tests of uniformity for directions and orientations. The Annals of Statistics, 6(1):169–176. doi:10.1214/aos/1176344075


# bk, vk2, and uk for the PCvM test in p = 3
(bk <- Gegen_coefs_Pn(k = 1:5, type = "PCvM", p = 3))
(vk2 <- bk_to_vk2(bk = bk, p = 3))
(uk <- bk_to_uk(bk = bk, p = 3))

# vk2 is the same as
weights_dfs_Sobolev(K_max = 10, thre = 0, p = 3, type = "PCvM")$weights

# bk and uk for the Rothman test in p = 3, with adequate signs
t <- 1 / 3
(bk <- Gegen_coefs_Pn(k = 1:5, type = "PRt", p = 3, Rothman_t = t))
(ak <- akx(x = drop(q_proj_unif(t, p = 3)), p = 3, k = 1:5, sqr = TRUE))
(uk <- bk_to_uk(bk = bk, p = 3, signs = ak))

Statistics for testing (hyper)spherical uniformity


Low-level implementation of several statistics for assessing uniformity on the (hyper)sphere Sp1:={xRp:x=1}S^{p-1}:=\{{\bf x}\in R^p:||{\bf x}||=1\}, p2p\ge 2.




sph_stat_Ajne(X, Psi_in_X = FALSE)

sph_stat_Gine_Gn(X, Psi_in_X = FALSE, p = 0L)

sph_stat_Gine_Fn(X, Psi_in_X = FALSE, p = 0L)

sph_stat_Pycke(X, Psi_in_X = FALSE, p = 0L)

sph_stat_Bakshaev(X, Psi_in_X = FALSE, p = 0L)

sph_stat_Riesz(X, Psi_in_X = FALSE, p = 0L, s = 1)

sph_stat_PCvM(X, Psi_in_X = FALSE, p = 0L, N = 160L, L = 1000L)

sph_stat_PRt(X, Psi_in_X = FALSE, p = 0L, t = 1/3, N = 160L,
  L = 1000L)

sph_stat_PAD(X, Psi_in_X = FALSE, p = 0L, N = 160L, L = 1000L)

sph_stat_Poisson(X, Psi_in_X = FALSE, p = 0L, rho = 0.5)

sph_stat_Softmax(X, Psi_in_X = FALSE, p = 0L, kappa = 1)

sph_stat_Stereo(X, Psi_in_X = FALSE, p = 0L, a = 0)

sph_stat_CCF09(X, dirs, K_CCF09 = 25L, original = FALSE)


sph_stat_CJ12(X, Psi_in_X = FALSE, p = 0L, regime = 3L)



an array of size c(n, p, M) containing the Cartesian coordinates of M samples of size n of directions on Sp1S^{p-1}. Must not contain NA's.


does X contain the shortest angles matrix Ψ\boldsymbol\Psi that is obtained with Psi_mat(X)? If FALSE (default), Ψ\boldsymbol\Psi is computed internally.


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


ss parameter for the ss-Riesz test, a real in (0,2)(0, 2). Defaults to 1.


number of points used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature. Defaults to 160.


number of discretization points to interpolate angular functions that require evaluating an integral. Defaults to 1e3.


tt parameter for the Rothman and Cressie tests, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


ρ\rho parameter for the Poisson test, a real in [0,1)[0, 1). Defaults to 0.5.


κ\kappa parameter for the Softmax test, a non-negative real. Defaults to 1.



  • an=a/na_n = a / n parameter used in the length of the arcs of the coverage-based tests. Must be positive. Defaults to 2 * pi.

  • aa parameter for the Stereo test, a real in [1,1][-1, 1]. Defaults to 0.


a matrix of size c(n_proj, p) containing n_proj random directions (in Cartesian coordinates) on Sp1S^{p-1} to perform the CCF09 test.


integer giving the truncation of the series present in the asymptotic distribution of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Defaults to 25.


return the CCF09 statistic as originally defined? If FALSE (default), a faster and equivalent statistic is computed, and rejection happens for large values of the statistic, which is consistent with the rest of tests. Otherwise, rejection happens for low values.


type of asymptotic regime for the CJ12 test, either 1 (sub-exponential regime), 2 (exponential), or 3 (super-exponential; default).


Detailed descriptions and references of the statistics are available in García-Portugués and Verdebout (2018).

The Pycke and CJ12 statistics employ the scalar products matrix, rather than the shortest angles matrix, when Psi_in_X = TRUE. This matrix is obtained by setting scalar_prod = TRUE in Psi_mat.


A matrix of size c(M, 1) containing the statistics for each of the M samples.


Be careful on avoiding the next bad usages of the functions, which will produce spurious results:

  • The directions in X do not have unit norm.

  • X does not contain Psi_mat(X) when X_in_Theta = TRUE.

  • The parameter p does not match with the dimension of RpR^p.

  • Not passing the scalar products matrix to sph_stat_CJ12 when Psi_in_X = TRUE.

  • The directions in dirs do not have unit norm.


García-Portugués, E. and Verdebout, T. (2018) An overview of uniformity tests on the hypersphere. arXiv:1804.00286. doi:10.48550/arXiv.1804.00286.


## Sample uniform spherical data

M <- 2
n <- 100
p <- 3
X <- r_unif_sph(n = n, p = p, M = M)

## Sobolev tests

# Rayleigh

# Bingham

# Ajne
Psi <- Psi_mat(X)
dim(Psi) <- c(dim(Psi), 1)
sph_stat_Ajne(Psi, Psi_in_X = TRUE)

# Gine Gn
sph_stat_Gine_Gn(Psi, Psi_in_X = TRUE, p = p)

# Gine Fn
sph_stat_Gine_Fn(Psi, Psi_in_X = TRUE, p = p)

# Pycke
sph_stat_Pycke(Psi, Psi_in_X = TRUE, p = p)

# Bakshaev
sph_stat_Bakshaev(Psi, Psi_in_X = TRUE, p = p)

# Riesz
sph_stat_Riesz(X, s = 1)
sph_stat_Riesz(Psi, Psi_in_X = TRUE, p = p, s = 1)

# Projected Cramér-von Mises
sph_stat_PCvM(Psi, Psi_in_X = TRUE, p = p)

# Projected Rothman
sph_stat_PRt(Psi, Psi_in_X = TRUE, p = p)

# Projected Anderson-Darling
sph_stat_PAD(Psi, Psi_in_X = TRUE, p = p)

## Other tests

# CCF09
dirs <- r_unif_sph(n = 3, p = p, M = 1)[, , 1]
sph_stat_CCF09(X, dirs = dirs)

## High-dimensional tests

# Rayleigh HD-Standardized

# CJ12
sph_stat_CJ12(X, regime = 1)
sph_stat_CJ12(Psi, regime = 1, Psi_in_X = TRUE, p = p)
sph_stat_CJ12(X, regime = 2)
sph_stat_CJ12(Psi, regime = 2, Psi_in_X = TRUE, p = p)
sph_stat_CJ12(X, regime = 3)
sph_stat_CJ12(Psi, regime = 3, Psi_in_X = TRUE, p = p)

Finite Sobolev statistics for testing (hyper)spherical uniformity


Computes the finite Sobolev statistic

Sn,p({bk,p}k=1K)=i,j=1nk=1Kbk,pCk(p/21)(cos1(XiXj)),S_{n, p}(\{b_{k, p}\}_{k=1}^K) = \sum_{i, j = 1}^n \sum_{k = 1}^K b_{k, p}C_k^(p / 2 - 1)(\cos^{-1}({\bf X}_i'{\bf X}_j)),

for a sequence {bk,p}k=1K\{b_{k, p}\}_{k = 1}^K of non-negative weights. For p=2p = 2, the Gegenbauer polynomials are replaced by Chebyshev ones.


sph_stat_Sobolev(X, Psi_in_X = FALSE, p = 0, vk2 = c(0, 0, 1))

cir_stat_Sobolev(Theta, Psi_in_Theta = FALSE, vk2 = c(0, 0, 1))



an array of size c(n, p, M) containing the Cartesian coordinates of M samples of size n of directions on Sp1S^{p-1}. Must not contain NA's.


does X contain the shortest angles matrix Ψ\boldsymbol\Psi that is obtained with Psi_mat(X)? If FALSE (default), Ψ\boldsymbol\Psi is computed internally.


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


weights for the finite Sobolev test. A non-negative vector or matrix. Defaults to c(0, 0, 1).


a matrix of size c(n, M) with M samples of size n of circular data on [0,2π)[0, 2\pi). Must not contain NA's.


does Theta contain the shortest angles matrix Ψ\boldsymbol\Psi that is obtained with
Psi_mat(array(Theta, dim = c(n, 1, M)))? If FALSE (default), Ψ\boldsymbol\Psi is computed internally.


A matrix of size c(M, ncol(vk2)) containing the statistics for each of the M samples.

Uniform spherical cap distribution


Density, simulation, and associated functions for a uniform distribution within a spherical cap of angle 0απ0\leq \alpha\leq \pi about a direction μ\boldsymbol{\mu} on Sp1:={xRp:x=1}S^{p-1}:=\{\mathbf{x} \in R^p:||\mathbf{x}||=1\}, p2p \geq 2. The density at xSp1\mathbf{x} \in S^{p-1} is given by

cp,r1[1r,1](xμ)withcp,r:=ωp[1Fp(1r)],c_{p,r} 1_{[1 - r, 1]}(\mathbf{x}' \boldsymbol{\mu}) \quad \mathrm{with}\quad c_{p,r} := \omega_{p}\left[1 - F_p(1 - r)\right],

where r=cos(α)r=\cos(\alpha) is the projected radius of the spherical cap about μ\boldsymbol{\mu}, ωp\omega_p is the surface area of Sp1S^{p-1}, and FpF_p is the projected uniform distribution (see p_proj_unif).

The angular function of the uniform cap distribution is g(t):=1[1r,1](t)g(t):=1_{[1 - r, 1]}(t). The associated projected density is g~(t):=ωp1cp,r(1t2)(p3)/21[1r,1](t)\tilde{g}(t):=\omega_{p-1} c_{p,r} (1 - t^2)^{(p - 3) / 2} 1_{[1 - r, 1]}(t).


d_unif_cap(x, mu, angle = pi/10)

c_unif_cap(p, angle = pi/10)

r_unif_cap(n, mu, angle = pi/10)

p_proj_unif_cap(x, p, angle = pi/10)

q_proj_unif_cap(u, p, angle = pi/10)

d_proj_unif_cap(x, p, angle = pi/10, scaled = TRUE)

r_proj_unif_cap(n, p, angle = pi/10)



locations to evaluate the density or distribution. For d_unif_cap, positions on Sp1S^{p - 1} given either as a matrix of size c(nx, p) or a vector of length p. Normalized internally if required (with a warning message). For d_unif_proj_cap and p_unif_proj_cap, a vector with values in [1,1][-1, 1].


the directional mean μ\boldsymbol{\mu} of the distribution. A unit-norm vector of length p.


angle α\alpha defining the spherical cap about μ\boldsymbol{\mu}. A scalar in [0,π][0, \pi]. Defaults to π/10\pi / 10.


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


sample size, a positive integer.


vector of probabilities.


whether to scale the angular function by the normalizing constant. Defaults to TRUE.


Depending on the function:

  • d_unif_cap: a vector of length nx or 1 with the evaluated density at x.

  • r_unif_cap: a matrix of size c(n, p) with the random sample.

  • c_unif_cap: the normalizing constant.

  • p_proj_unif_cap: a vector of length x with the evaluated distribution function at x.

  • q_proj_unif_cap: a vector of length u with the evaluated quantile function at u.

  • d_proj_unif_cap: a vector of size nx with the evaluated angular function.

  • r_proj_unif_cap: a vector of length n containing simulated values from the cosines density associated to the angular function.


Alberto Fernández-de-Marcos and Eduardo García-Portugués.


# Simulation and density evaluation for p = 2
mu <- c(0, 1)
angle <- pi / 5
n <- 1e2
x <- r_unif_cap(n = n, mu = mu, angle = angle)
col <- viridisLite::viridis(n)
r_noise <- runif(n, 0.95, 1.05) # Perturbation to improve visualization
color <- col[rank(d_unif_cap(x = x, mu = mu, angle = angle))]
plot(r_noise * x, pch = 16, col = color, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1))

# Simulation and density evaluation for p = 3
mu <- c(0, 0, 1)
angle <- pi / 5
x <- r_unif_cap(n = n, mu = mu, angle = angle)
color <- col[rank(d_unif_cap(x = x, mu = mu, angle = angle))]
scatterplot3d::scatterplot3d(x, size = 5, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1),
                             zlim = c(-1, 1), color = color)

# Simulated data from the cosines density
n <- 1e3
p <- 3
angle <- pi / 3
hist(r_proj_unif_cap(n = n, p = p, angle = angle),
     breaks = seq(cos(angle), 1, l = 10), probability = TRUE,
     main = "Simulated data from proj_unif_cap", xlab = "t", xlim = c(-1, 1))
t <- seq(-1, 1, by = 0.01)
lines(t, d_proj_unif_cap(x = t, p = p, angle = angle), col = "red")

Circular and (hyper)spherical uniformity statistics


Implementation of several statistics for assessing uniformity on the (hyper)sphere Sp1:={xRp:x=1}S^{p-1} := \{{\bf x} \in R^p : ||{\bf x}|| = 1\}, p2p\ge 2, for a sample X1,,XnSp1{\bf X}_1,\ldots,{\bf X}_n\in S^{p-1}.

unif_stat receives a (several) sample(s) of directions in Cartesian coordinates, except for the circular case (p=2p=2) in which the sample(s) can be angles Θ1,,Θn[0,2π)\Theta_1,\ldots,\Theta_n\in [0, 2\pi).

unif_stat allows to compute several statistics to several samples within a single call, facilitating thus Monte Carlo experiments.


unif_stat(data, type = "all", data_sorted = FALSE, CCF09_dirs = NULL,
  CJ12_reg = 3, cov_a = 2 * pi, Cressie_t = 1/3, K_CCF09 = 25,
  Poisson_rho = 0.5, Pycke_q = 0.5, Rayleigh_m = 1, Riesz_s = 1,
  Rothman_t = 1/3, Sobolev_vk2 = c(0, 0, 1), Softmax_kappa = 1,
  Stereo_a = 0)



sample to compute the test statistic. An array of size c(n, p, M) containing M samples of size n of directions (in Cartesian coordinates) on Sp1S^{p-1}. Alternatively, a matrix of size c(n, M) with the angles on [0,2π)[0, 2\pi) of the M circular samples of size n on S1S^{1}. Other objects accepted are an array of size c(n, 1, M) or a vector of size n with angular data. Must not contain NA's.


type of test to be applied. A character vector containing any of the following types of tests, depending on the dimension pp:

If type = "all" (default), then type is set as avail_cir_tests or avail_sph_tests, depending on the value of pp.


is the circular data sorted? If TRUE, certain statistics are faster to compute. Defaults to FALSE.


a matrix of size c(n_proj, p) containing n_proj random directions (in Cartesian coordinates) on Sp1S^{p-1} to perform the CCF09 test. If NULL (default), a sample of size n_proj = 50 directions is computed internally.


type of asymptotic regime for CJ12 test, either 1 (sub-exponential regime), 2 (exponential), or 3 (super-exponential; default).


an=a/na_n = a / n parameter used in the length of the arcs of the coverage-based tests. Must be positive. Defaults to 2 * pi.


tt parameter for the Cressie test, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


integer giving the truncation of the series present in the asymptotic distribution of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Defaults to 25.


ρ\rho parameter for the Poisson test, a real in [0,1)[0, 1). Defaults to 0.5.


qq parameter for the Pycke "qq-test", a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 2.


integer mm for the mm-modal Rayleigh test. Defaults to m = 1 (the standard Rayleigh test).


ss parameter for the ss-Riesz test, a real in (0,2)(0, 2). Defaults to 1.


tt parameter for the Rothman test, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


weights for the finite Sobolev test. A non-negative vector or matrix. Defaults to c(0, 0, 1).


κ\kappa parameter for the Softmax test, a non-negative real. Defaults to 1.


aa parameter for the Stereo test, a real in [1,1][-1, 1]. Defaults to 0.


Except for CCF09_dirs, K_CCF09, and CJ12_reg, all the test-specific parameters are vectorized.

Descriptions and references for most of the statistics are available in García-Portugués and Verdebout (2018).


A data frame of size c(M, length(type)), with column names given by type, that contains the values of the test statistics.


García-Portugués, E. and Verdebout, T. (2018) An overview of uniformity tests on the hypersphere. arXiv:1804.00286. doi:10.48550/arXiv.1804.00286.


## Circular data

# Sample
n <- 10
M <- 2
Theta <- r_unif_cir(n = n, M = M)

# Matrix
unif_stat(data = Theta, type = "all")

# Array
unif_stat(data = array(Theta, dim = c(n, 1, M)), type = "all")

# Vector
unif_stat(data = Theta[, 1], type = "all")

## Spherical data

# Circular sample in Cartesian coordinates
n <- 10
M <- 2
X <- array(dim = c(n, 2, M))
for (i in 1:M) X[, , i] <- cbind(cos(Theta[, i]), sin(Theta[, i]))

# Array
unif_stat(data = X, type = "all")

# High-dimensional data
X <- r_unif_sph(n = n, p = 3, M = M)
unif_stat(data = X, type = "all")

## Specific arguments

# Rothman
unif_stat(data = Theta, type = "Rothman", Rothman_t = 0.5)

# CCF09
unif_stat(data = X, type = "CCF09", CCF09_dirs = X[, , 1])
unif_stat(data = X, type = "CCF09", CCF09_dirs = X[, , 1], K_CCF09 = 1)

# CJ12
unif_stat(data = X, type = "CJ12", CJ12_reg = 3)
unif_stat(data = X, type = "CJ12", CJ12_reg = 1)

Null distributions for circular and (hyper)spherical uniformity statistics


Approximate computation of the null distributions of several statistics for assessing uniformity on the (hyper)sphere Sp1:={xRp:x=1}S^{p-1}:=\{{\bf x}\in R^p:||{\bf x}||=1\}, p2p\ge 2. The approximation is done either by means of the asymptotic distribution or by Monte Carlo.


unif_stat_distr(x, type, p, n, approx = "asymp", M = 10000,
  stats_MC = NULL, K_max = 10000, method = "I", Stephens = FALSE,
  CCF09_dirs = NULL, CJ12_beta = 0, CJ12_reg = 3, cov_a = 2 * pi,
  Cressie_t = 1/3, K_Ajne = 500, K_CCF09 = 25, K_Kuiper = 25,
  K_Watson = 25, K_Watson_1976 = 5, Poisson_rho = 0.5, Pycke_q = 0.5,
  Rayleigh_m = 1, Riesz_s = 1, Rothman_t = 1/3, Sobolev_vk2 = c(0, 0,
  1), Softmax_kappa = 1, Stereo_a = 0, ...)



evaluation points for the null distribution(s). Either a vector of size nx, if the evaluation points are common for the tests in type, or a matrix of size c(nx, length(type)) with columns containing the evaluation points for each test. Must not contain NA's.


type of test to be applied. A character vector containing any of the following types of tests, depending on the dimension pp:

If type = "all" (default), then type is set as avail_cir_tests or avail_sph_tests, depending on the value of pp.


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


sample size employed for computing the statistic.


type of approximation to the null distribution, either "asymp" (default) for employing the asymptotic null distribution, if available, or "MC", for employing the Monte Carlo approximation of the exact null distribution.


number of Monte Carlo replications for approximating the null distribution when approx = "MC". Also, number of Monte Carlo samples for approximating the asymptotic distributions based on weighted sums of chi squared random variables. Defaults to 1e4.


a data frame of size c(M, length(type)), with column names containing the character vector type, that results from extracting $stats_MC from a call to unif_stat_MC. If provided, the computation of Monte Carlo statistics when approx = "MC" is skipped. stats_MC is checked internally to see if it is sorted. Internally computed if NULL (default).


integer giving the truncation of the series that compute the asymptotic p-value of a Sobolev test. Defaults to 1e4.


method for approximating the density, distribution, or quantile function of the weighted sum of chi squared random variables. Must be "I" (Imhof), "SW" (Satterthwaite–Welch), "HBE" (Hall–Buckley–Eagleson), or "MC" (Monte Carlo; only for distribution or quantile functions). Defaults to "I".


compute Stephens (1970) modification so that the null distribution of the is less dependent on the sample size? The modification does not alter the test decision.


a matrix of size c(n_proj, p) containing n_proj random directions (in Cartesian coordinates) on Sp1S^{p-1} to perform the CCF09 test. If NULL (default), a sample of size n_proj = 50 directions is computed internally.


β\beta parameter in the exponential regime of CJ12 test, a positive real.


type of asymptotic regime for CJ12 test, either 1 (sub-exponential regime), 2 (exponential), or 3 (super-exponential; default).


an=a/na_n = a / n parameter used in the length of the arcs of the coverage-based tests. Must be positive. Defaults to 2 * pi.


tt parameter for the Cressie test, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


integer giving the truncation of the series present in the asymptotic distribution of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Defaults to 25.

K_Kuiper, K_Watson, K_Watson_1976, K_Ajne

integer giving the truncation of the series present in the null asymptotic distributions. For the Kolmogorov-Smirnov-related series defaults to 25.


ρ\rho parameter for the Poisson test, a real in [0,1)[0, 1). Defaults to 0.5.


qq parameter for the Pycke "qq-test", a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 2.


integer mm for the mm-modal Rayleigh test. Defaults to m = 1 (the standard Rayleigh test).


ss parameter for the ss-Riesz test, a real in (0,2)(0, 2). Defaults to 1.


tt parameter for the Rothman test, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


weights for the finite Sobolev test. A non-negative vector or matrix. Defaults to c(0, 0, 1).


κ\kappa parameter for the Softmax test, a non-negative real. Defaults to 1.


aa parameter for the Stereo test, a real in [1,1][-1, 1]. Defaults to 0.


if approx = "MC", optional performance parameters to be passed to
unif_stat_MC: chunks, cores, and seed.


When approx = "asymp", statistics that do not have an implemented or known asymptotic are omitted, and a warning is generated.

For Sobolev tests, K_max = 1e4 produces probabilities uniformly accurate with three digits for the "PCvM", "PAD", and "PRt" tests, for dimensions p11p \le 11. With K_max = 5e4, these probabilities are uniformly accurate in the fourth digit. With K_max = 1e3, only two-digit uniform accuracy is obtained. Uniform accuracy deteriorates when pp increases, e.g., a digit accuracy is lost when p=51p = 51.

Descriptions and references on most of the asymptotic distributions are available in García-Portugués and Verdebout (2018).


A data frame of size c(nx, length(type)), with column names given by type, that contains the values of the null distributions of the statistics evaluated at x.


García-Portugués, E. and Verdebout, T. (2018) An overview of uniformity tests on the hypersphere. arXiv:1804.00286. doi:10.48550/arXiv.1804.00286.


## Asymptotic distribution

# Circular statistics
x <- seq(0, 1, l = 5)
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = "Kuiper", p = 2, n = 10)
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = c("Ajne", "Kuiper"), p = 2, n = 10)
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = c("Ajne", "Kuiper"), p = 2, n = 10, K_Ajne = 5)

# All circular statistics
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = avail_cir_tests, p = 2, n = 10, K_max = 1e3)

# Spherical statistics
unif_stat_distr(x = cbind(x, x + 1), type = c("Rayleigh", "Bingham"),
                p = 3, n = 10)
unif_stat_distr(x = cbind(x, x + 1), type = c("Rayleigh", "Bingham"),
                p = 3, n = 10, M = 100)

# All spherical statistics
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = avail_sph_tests, p = 3, n = 10, K_max = 1e3)

## Monte Carlo distribution

# Circular statistics
x <- seq(0, 5, l = 10)
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = avail_cir_tests, p = 2, n = 10, approx = "MC")
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = "Kuiper", p = 2, n = 10, approx = "MC")
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = c("Ajne", "Kuiper"), p = 2, n = 10,
                approx = "MC")

# Spherical statistics
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = avail_sph_tests, p = 3, n = 10,
                approx = "MC")
unif_stat_distr(x = cbind(x, x + 1), type = c("Rayleigh", "Bingham"),
                p = 3, n = 10, approx = "MC")
unif_stat_distr(x = cbind(x, x + 1), type = c("Rayleigh", "Bingham"),
                p = 3, n = 10, approx = "MC")

## Specific arguments

# Rothman
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = "Rothman", p = 2, n = 10, Rothman_t = 0.5,
                approx = "MC")

# CCF09
dirs <- r_unif_sph(n = 5, p = 3, M = 1)[, , 1]
x <- seq(0, 1, l = 10)
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = "CCF09", p = 3, n = 10, approx = "MC",
                CCF09_dirs = dirs)
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = "CCF09", p = 3, n = 10, approx = "MC")

# CJ12
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = "CJ12", p = 3, n = 100, CJ12_reg = 3)
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = "CJ12", p = 3, n = 100, CJ12_reg = 2,
               CJ12_beta = 0.01)
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = "CJ12", p = 3, n = 100, CJ12_reg = 1)

## Sobolev

x <- seq(0, 1, l = 10)
vk2 <- diag(1, nrow = 3)
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = "Sobolev", approx = "asymp", p = 3, n = 100,
                Sobolev_vk2 = vk2)
sapply(1:3, function(i)
  unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = "Sobolev", approx = "asymp", p = 3, n = 100,
                  Sobolev_vk2 = vk2[i, ])$Sobolev)
sapply(1:3, function(i)
  unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = "Sobolev", approx = "MC", p = 3, n = 100,
                  Sobolev_vk2 = vk2[i, ], M = 1e3)$Sobolev)
unif_stat_distr(x = x, type = "Sobolev", approx = "MC", p = 3, n = 100,
                Sobolev_vk2 = vk2, M = 1e3)

Monte Carlo simulation of circular and (hyper)spherical uniformity statistics


Utility for performing Monte Carlo simulation of several statistics for assessing uniformity on the (hyper)sphere Sp1:={xRp:x=1}S^{p-1}:=\{{\bf x}\in R^p:||{\bf x}||=1\}, p2p\ge 2.

unif_stat_MC provides a convenient wrapper for parallel evaluation of unif_stat, the estimation of critical values under the null distribution, and the computation of empirical powers under the alternative.


unif_stat_MC(n, type = "all", p, M = 10000, r_H1 = NULL,
  crit_val = NULL, alpha = c(0.1, 0.05, 0.01), return_stats = TRUE,
  stats_sorted = FALSE, chunks = ceiling((n * M)/1e+05), cores = 1,
  seeds = NULL, CCF09_dirs = NULL, CJ12_reg = 3, cov_a = 2 * pi,
  Cressie_t = 1/3, K_CCF09 = 25, Poisson_rho = 0.5, Pycke_q = 0.5,
  Rayleigh_m = 1, Riesz_s = 1, Rothman_t = 1/3, Sobolev_vk2 = c(0, 0,
  1), Softmax_kappa = 1, Stereo_a = 0, ...)



sample size.


type of test to be applied. A character vector containing any of the following types of tests, depending on the dimension pp:

If type = "all" (default), then type is set as avail_cir_tests or avail_sph_tests, depending on the value of pp.


integer giving the dimension of the ambient space RpR^p that contains Sp1S^{p-1}.


number of Monte Carlo replications. Defaults to 1e4.


if provided, the computation of empirical powers is carried out for the alternative hypothesis sampled with r_H1. This must be a function with the same arguments and value as r_unif_sph (see examples). Defaults to NULL, indicating that the critical values are estimated from samples of r_unif_sph.


if provided, must be the critical values as returned by $stats_MC in a call to unif_stat_MC. They are used for computing the empirical powers of the tests present in type. Defaults to NULL, which means that no power computation is done.


vector with significance levels. Defaults to c(0.10, 0.05, 0.01).


return the Monte Carlo statistics? If only the critical values or powers are desired, FALSE saves memory in the returned object. Defaults to TRUE.


sort the returned Monte Carlo statistics? If TRUE, this is useful for evaluating faster the empirical cumulative distribution function when approximating the distribution in unif_stat_distr. Defaults to FALSE.


number of chunks to split the M Monte Carlo replications. Useful for parallelizing the simulation study in chunks tasks containing ceiling(M / chunks) replications. Useful also for avoiding memory bottlenecks when M is large. Defaults to
ceiling((n * M) / 1e5).


number of cores to perform the simulation. Defaults to 1.


if provided, a vector of size chunks for fixing the seeds on each of the simulation chunks (useful for reproducing parallel simulations). Specifically, for k in 1:chunks, seeds are set as set.seed(seeds[k], kind = "Mersenne-Twister") in each chunk. Defaults to NULL (no seed setting is done).


a matrix of size c(n_proj, p) containing n_proj random directions (in Cartesian coordinates) on Sp1S^{p-1} to perform the CCF09 test. If NULL (default), a sample of size n_proj = 50 directions is computed internally.


type of asymptotic regime for CJ12 test, either 1 (sub-exponential regime), 2 (exponential), or 3 (super-exponential; default).


an=a/na_n = a / n parameter used in the length of the arcs of the coverage-based tests. Must be positive. Defaults to 2 * pi.


tt parameter for the Cressie test, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


integer giving the truncation of the series present in the asymptotic distribution of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Defaults to 25.


ρ\rho parameter for the Poisson test, a real in [0,1)[0, 1). Defaults to 0.5.


qq parameter for the Pycke "qq-test", a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 2.


integer mm for the mm-modal Rayleigh test. Defaults to m = 1 (the standard Rayleigh test).


ss parameter for the ss-Riesz test, a real in (0,2)(0, 2). Defaults to 1.


tt parameter for the Rothman test, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


weights for the finite Sobolev test. A non-negative vector or matrix. Defaults to c(0, 0, 1).


κ\kappa parameter for the Softmax test, a non-negative real. Defaults to 1.


aa parameter for the Stereo test, a real in [1,1][-1, 1]. Defaults to 0.


optional arguments to be passed to the r_H1 sampler or to foreach (for example, .export to export global variables or other functions to the foreach environment).


It is possible to have a progress bar if unif_stat_MC is wrapped with progressr::with_progress or if progressr::handlers(global = TRUE) is invoked (once) by the user. See the examples below. The progress bar is updated with the number of finished chunks.

All the tests reject for large values of the test statistic (max_gap = TRUE is assumed for the Range test), so the critical values for the significance levels alpha correspond to the alpha-upper quantiles of the null distribution of the test statistic.

The Monte Carlo simulation for the CCF09 test is made conditionally on the choice of CCF09_dirs. That is, all the Monte Carlo statistics share the same random directions.

Except for CCF09_dirs, K_CCF09, and CJ12_reg, all the test-specific parameters are vectorized.


A list with the following entries:

  • crit_val_MC: a data frame of size c(length(alpha), length(type)), with column names given by type and rows corresponding to the significance levels alpha, that contains the estimated critical values of the tests.

  • power_MC: a data frame of size c(nrow(crit_val), length(type)), with column names given by type and rows corresponding to the significance levels of crit_val, that contains the empirical powers of the tests. NA if crit_val = NULL.

  • stats_MC: a data frame of size c(M, length(type)), with column names given by type, that contains the Monte Carlo statistics.


## Critical values

# Single statistic, specific alpha
cir <- unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, type = "Ajne", p = 2, alpha = 0.15)

# All circular statistics
cir <- unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, p = 2)

# All spherical statistics
sph <- unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, p = 3)

## Using a progress bar

# Define a progress bar
  format = paste("(:spin) [:bar] :percent Iter: :current/:total Rate:",
                 ":tick_rate iter/sec ETA: :eta Elapsed: :elapsedfull"),
  clear = FALSE))

# Call unif_stat_MC() within with_progress()
with_progress(unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, p = 3, chunks = 10))

# With several cores
with_progress(unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, p = 3, chunks = 10, cores = 2))

# Instead of using with_progress() each time, it is more practical to run
# handlers(global = TRUE)
# once to activate progress bars in your R session

## Power computation

# Single statistic
cir_pow <- unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, type = "Ajne", p = 2,
                        crit_val = cir$crit_val_MC)

# All circular statistics
cir_pow <- unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, p = 2, crit_val = cir$crit_val_MC)

# All spherical statistics
sph_pow <- unif_stat_MC(n = 10, M = 1e2, p = 3, crit_val = sph$crit_val_MC)

## Custom r_H1

# Circular
r_H1 <- function(n, p, M, l = 0.05) {

  stopifnot(p == 2)
  Theta_to_X(matrix(runif(n * M, 0, (2 - l) * pi), n, M))

dirs <- r_unif_sph(n = 5, p = 2, M = 1)[, , 1]
cir <- unif_stat_MC(n = 50, M = 1e2, p = 2, CCF09_dirs = dirs)
cir_pow <- unif_stat_MC(n = 50, M = 1e2, p = 2, r_H1 = r_H1, l = 0.10,
                        crit_val = cir$crit_val_MC, CCF09_dirs = dirs)

# Spherical
r_H1 <- function(n, p, M, l = 0.5) {

  samp <- array(dim = c(n, p, M))
  for (j in 1:M) {

    samp[, , j] <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = n, mean = c(l, rep(0, p - 1)),
                                    sigma = diag(rep(1, p)))
    samp[, , j] <- samp[, , j] / sqrt(rowSums(samp[, , j]^2))


dirs <- r_unif_sph(n = 5, p = 3, M = 1)[, , 1]
sph <- unif_stat_MC(n = 50, M = 1e2, p = 3, CCF09_dirs = dirs)
sph_pow <- unif_stat_MC(n = 50, M = 1e2, p = 3, r_H1 = r_H1, l = 0.5,
                       crit_val = sph$crit_val_MC, CCF09_dirs = dirs)

## Pre-built r_H1

# Circular
dirs <- r_unif_sph(n = 5, p = 2, M = 1)[, , 1]
cir_pow <- unif_stat_MC(n = 50, M = 1e2, p = 2, r_H1 = r_alt, alt = "vMF",
                        kappa = 1, crit_val = cir$crit_val_MC,
                        CCF09_dirs = dirs)

# Spherical
dirs <- r_unif_sph(n = 5, p = 3, M = 1)[, , 1]
sph_pow <- unif_stat_MC(n = 50, M = 1e2, p = 3, r_H1 = r_alt, alt = "vMF",
                        kappa = 1, crit_val = sph$crit_val_MC,
                        CCF09_dirs = dirs)

Circular and (hyper)spherical uniformity tests


Implementation of several uniformity tests on the (hyper)sphere Sp1:={xRp:x=1}S^{p-1}:=\{{\bf x}\in R^p:||{\bf x}||=1\}, p2p\ge 2, with calibration either in terms of their asymptotic/exact distributions, if available, or Monte Carlo.

unif_test receives a sample of directions X1,,XnSp1{\bf X}_1,\ldots,{\bf X}_n\in S^{p-1} in Cartesian coordinates, except for the circular case (p=2p=2) in which the sample can be represented in terms of angles Θ1,,Θn[0,2π)\Theta_1,\ldots,\Theta_n\in [0, 2\pi).

unif_test allows to perform several tests within a single call, facilitating thus the exploration of a dataset by applying several tests.


unif_test(data, type = "all", p_value = "asymp", alpha = c(0.1, 0.05,
  0.01), M = 10000, stats_MC = NULL, crit_val = NULL,
  data_sorted = FALSE, K_max = 10000, method = "I", CCF09_dirs = NULL,
  CJ12_beta = 0, CJ12_reg = 3, cov_a = 2 * pi, Cressie_t = 1/3,
  K_CCF09 = 25, Poisson_rho = 0.5, Pycke_q = 0.5, Rayleigh_m = 1,
  Riesz_s = 1, Rothman_t = 1/3, Sobolev_vk2 = c(0, 0, 1),
  Softmax_kappa = 1, Stereo_a = 0, ...)



sample to perform the test. A matrix of size c(n, p) containing a sample of size n of directions (in Cartesian coordinates) on Sp1S^{p-1}. Alternatively if p = 2, a matrix of size c(n, 1) containing the n angles on [0,2π)[0, 2\pi) of the circular sample on S1S^{1}. Other objects accepted are an array of size c(n, p, 1) with directions (in Cartesian coordinates), or a vector of size n or an array of size c(n, 1, 1) with angular data. Must not contain NA's.


type of test to be applied. A character vector containing any of the following types of tests, depending on the dimension pp:

If type = "all" (default), then type is set as avail_cir_tests or avail_sph_tests, depending on the value of pp.


type of pp-value computation. Either "MC" for employing the approximation by Monte Carlo of the exact null distribution, "asymp" (default) for the use of the asymptotic/exact null distribution (if available), or "crit_val" for approximation by means of the table of critical values crit_val.


vector with significance levels. Defaults to c(0.10, 0.05, 0.01).


number of Monte Carlo replications for approximating the null distribution when approx = "MC". Also, number of Monte Carlo samples for approximating the asymptotic distributions based on weighted sums of chi squared random variables. Defaults to 1e4.


a data frame of size c(M, length(type)), with column names containing the character vector type, that results from extracting $stats_MC from a call to unif_stat_MC. If provided, the computation of Monte Carlo statistics when approx = "MC" is skipped. stats_MC is checked internally to see if it is sorted. Internally computed if NULL (default).


table with critical values for the tests, to be used if p_value = "crit_val". A data frame, with column names containing the character vector type and rows corresponding to the significance levels alpha, that results from extracting $crit_val_MC from a call to unif_stat_MC. Internally computed if NULL (default).


is the circular data sorted? If TRUE, certain statistics are faster to compute. Defaults to FALSE.


integer giving the truncation of the series that compute the asymptotic p-value of a Sobolev test. Defaults to 1e4.


method for approximating the density, distribution, or quantile function of the weighted sum of chi squared random variables. Must be "I" (Imhof), "SW" (Satterthwaite–Welch), "HBE" (Hall–Buckley–Eagleson), or "MC" (Monte Carlo; only for distribution or quantile functions). Defaults to "I".


a matrix of size c(n_proj, p) containing n_proj random directions (in Cartesian coordinates) on Sp1S^{p-1} to perform the CCF09 test. If NULL (default), a sample of size n_proj = 50 directions is computed internally.


β\beta parameter in the exponential regime of CJ12 test, a positive real.


type of asymptotic regime for CJ12 test, either 1 (sub-exponential regime), 2 (exponential), or 3 (super-exponential; default).


an=a/na_n = a / n parameter used in the length of the arcs of the coverage-based tests. Must be positive. Defaults to 2 * pi.


tt parameter for the Cressie test, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


integer giving the truncation of the series present in the asymptotic distribution of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Defaults to 25.


ρ\rho parameter for the Poisson test, a real in [0,1)[0, 1). Defaults to 0.5.


qq parameter for the Pycke "qq-test", a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 2.


integer mm for the mm-modal Rayleigh test. Defaults to m = 1 (the standard Rayleigh test).


ss parameter for the ss-Riesz test, a real in (0,2)(0, 2). Defaults to 1.


tt parameter for the Rothman test, a real in (0,1)(0, 1). Defaults to 1 / 3.


weights for the finite Sobolev test. A non-negative vector or matrix. Defaults to c(0, 0, 1).


κ\kappa parameter for the Softmax test, a non-negative real. Defaults to 1.


aa parameter for the Stereo test, a real in [1,1][-1, 1]. Defaults to 0.


If p_value = "MC" or p_value = "crit_val", optional performance parameters to be passed to unif_stat_MC: chunks, cores, and seed. If p_value = "MC", additional parameters to unif_stat_distr.


All the tests reject for large values of the test statistic, so the critical values for the significance levels alpha correspond to the alpha-upper quantiles of the null distribution of the test statistic.

When p_value = "asymp", tests that do not have an implemented or known asymptotic are omitted, and a warning is generated.

When p_value = "MC", it is possible to have a progress bar indicating the Monte Carlo simulation progress if unif_test is wrapped with progressr::with_progress or if progressr::handlers(global = TRUE) is invoked (once) by the user. See the examples below. The progress bar is updated with the number of finished chunks.

All the statistics are continuous random variables except the Hodges–Ajne statistic ("Hodges_Ajne"), the Cressie statistic ("Cressie"), and the number of (different) uncovered spacings ("Num_uncover"). These three statistics are discrete random variables.

The Monte Carlo calibration for the CCF09 test is made conditionally on the choice of
CCF09_dirs. That is, all the Monte Carlo statistics share the same random directions.

Except for CCF09_dirs, K_CCF09, and CJ12_reg, all the test-specific parameters are vectorized.

Descriptions and references for most of the tests are available in García-Portugués and Verdebout (2018).


If only a single test is performed, a list with class htest containing the following components:

  • statistic: the value of the test statistic.

  • p.value: the p-value of the test. If p_value = "crit_val", an NA.

  • alternative: a character string describing the alternative hypothesis.

  • method: a character string indicating what type of test was performed.

  • a character string giving the name of the data.

  • reject: the rejection decision for the levels of significance alpha.

  • crit_val: a vector with the critical values for the significance levels alpha used with p_value = "MC" or p_value = "asymp".

  • param: parameter(s) used in the test (if any).

If several tests are performed, a type-named list with entries for each test given by the above list.


García-Portugués, E. and Verdebout, T. (2018) An overview of uniformity tests on the hypersphere. arXiv:1804.00286. doi:10.48550/arXiv.1804.00286.


## Asymptotic distribution

# Circular data
n <- 10
samp_cir <- r_unif_cir(n = n)

# Matrix
unif_test(data = samp_cir, type = "Ajne", p_value = "asymp")

# Vector
unif_test(data = samp_cir[, 1], type = "Ajne", p_value = "asymp")

# Array
unif_test(data = array(samp_cir, dim = c(n, 1, 1)), type = "Ajne",
          p_value = "asymp")

# Several tests
unif_test(data = samp_cir, type = avail_cir_tests, p_value = "asymp")

# Spherical data
n <- 10
samp_sph <- r_unif_sph(n = n, p = 3)

# Array
unif_test(data = samp_sph, type = "Bingham", p_value = "asymp")

# Matrix
unif_test(data = samp_sph[, , 1], type = "Bingham", p_value = "asymp")

# Several tests
unif_test(data = samp_sph, type = avail_sph_tests, p_value = "asymp")

## Monte Carlo

# Circular data
unif_test(data = samp_cir, type = "Ajne", p_value = "MC")
unif_test(data = samp_cir, type = avail_cir_tests, p_value = "MC")

# Spherical data
unif_test(data = samp_sph, type = "Bingham", p_value = "MC")
unif_test(data = samp_sph, type = avail_sph_tests, p_value = "MC")

# Caching stats_MC
stats_MC_cir <- unif_stat_MC(n = nrow(samp_cir), p = 2)$stats_MC
stats_MC_sph <- unif_stat_MC(n = nrow(samp_sph), p = 3)$stats_MC
unif_test(data = samp_cir, type = avail_cir_tests,
          p_value = "MC", stats_MC = stats_MC_cir)
unif_test(data = samp_sph, type = avail_sph_tests, p_value = "MC",
          stats_MC = stats_MC_sph)

## Critical values

# Circular data
unif_test(data = samp_cir, type = avail_cir_tests, p_value = "crit_val")

# Spherical data
unif_test(data = samp_sph, type = avail_sph_tests, p_value = "crit_val")

# Caching crit_val
crit_val_cir <- unif_stat_MC(n = n, p = 2)$crit_val_MC
crit_val_sph <- unif_stat_MC(n = n, p = 3)$crit_val_MC
unif_test(data = samp_cir, type = avail_cir_tests,
          p_value = "crit_val", crit_val = crit_val_cir)
unif_test(data = samp_sph, type = avail_sph_tests, p_value = "crit_val",
          crit_val = crit_val_sph)

## Specific arguments

# Rothman
unif_test(data = samp_cir, type = "Rothman", Rothman_t = 0.5)

# CCF09
unif_test(data = samp_sph, type = "CCF09", p_value = "MC",
          CCF09_dirs = samp_sph[1:2, , 1])
unif_test(data = samp_sph, type = "CCF09", p_value = "MC",
          CCF09_dirs = samp_sph[3:4, , 1])

## Using a progress bar when p_value = "MC"

# Define a progress bar
  format = paste("(:spin) [:bar] :percent Iter: :current/:total Rate:",
                 ":tick_rate iter/sec ETA: :eta Elapsed: :elapsedfull"),
  clear = FALSE))

# Call unif_test() within with_progress()
  unif_test(data = samp_sph, type = avail_sph_tests, p_value = "MC",
            chunks = 10, M = 1e3)

# With several cores
  unif_test(data = samp_sph, type = avail_sph_tests, p_value = "MC",
            cores = 2, chunks = 10, M = 1e3)

# Instead of using with_progress() each time, it is more practical to run
# handlers(global = TRUE)
# once to activate progress bars in your R session

Venus craters


Craters on Venus from the USGS Astrogeology Science Center.




A data frame with 967 rows and 4 variables:


name of the crater (if named).


diameter of the crater (in km).


longitude angle θ[0,2π)\theta \in [0, 2\pi) of the crater center.


latitude angle ϕ[π/2,π/2]\phi \in [-\pi/2, \pi/2] of the crater center.


The (θ,ϕ)(\theta, \phi) angles are such their associated planetocentric coordinates are:

(cos(ϕ)cos(θ),cos(ϕ)sin(θ),sin(ϕ)),(\cos(\phi) \cos(\theta), \cos(\phi) \sin(\theta), \sin(\phi))',

with (0,0,1)(0, 0, 1)' denoting the north pole.

The script performing the data preprocessing is available at venus.R.



# Load data

# Add Cartesian coordinates
venus$X <- cbind(cos(venus$theta) * cos(venus$phi),
                 sin(venus$theta) * cos(venus$phi),

# Tests
unif_test(data = venus$X, type = c("PCvM", "PAD", "PRt"), p_value = "asymp")

Weighted sums of non-central chi squared random variables


Approximated density, distribution, and quantile functions for weighted sums of non-central chi squared random variables:

QK=i=1Kwiχdi2(λi),Q_K = \sum_{i = 1}^K w_i \chi^2_{d_i}(\lambda_i),

where w1,,wnw_1, \ldots, w_n are positive weights, d1,,dnd_1, \ldots, d_n are positive degrees of freedom, and λ1,,λn\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_n are non-negative non-centrality parameters. Also, simulation of QKQ_K.


d_wschisq(x, weights, dfs, ncps = 0, method = c("I", "SW", "HBE")[1],
  exact_chisq = TRUE, imhof_epsabs = 1e-06, imhof_epsrel = 1e-06,
  imhof_limit = 10000, grad_method = "simple",
  grad_method.args = list(eps = 1e-07))

p_wschisq(x, weights, dfs, ncps = 0, method = c("I", "SW", "HBE", "MC")[1],
  exact_chisq = TRUE, imhof_epsabs = 1e-06, imhof_epsrel = 1e-06,
  imhof_limit = 10000, M = 10000, MC_sample = NULL)

q_wschisq(u, weights, dfs, ncps = 0, method = c("I", "SW", "HBE", "MC")[1],
  exact_chisq = TRUE, imhof_epsabs = 1e-06, imhof_epsrel = 1e-06,
  imhof_limit = 10000, nlm_gradtol = 1e-06, nlm_iterlim = 1000,
  M = 10000, MC_sample = NULL)

r_wschisq(n, weights, dfs, ncps = 0)

cutoff_wschisq(thre = 1e-04, weights, dfs, ncps = 0, log = FALSE,
  x_tail = NULL)



vector of quantiles.


vector with the positive weights of the sum. Must have the same length as dfs.


vector with the positive degrees of freedom of the chi squared random variables. Must have the same length as weights.


non-centrality parameters. Either 0 (default) or a vector with the same length as weights.


method for approximating the density, distribution, or quantile function. Must be "I" (Imhof), "SW" (Satterthwaite–Welch), "HBE" (Hall–Buckley–Eagleson), or "MC" (Monte Carlo; only for distribution or quantile functions). Defaults to "I".


if weights and dfs have length one, shall the Chisquare functions be called? Otherwise, the approximations are computed for this exact case. Defaults to TRUE.

imhof_epsabs, imhof_epsrel, imhof_limit

precision parameters passed to imhof's epsabs, epsrel, and limit, respectively. They default to 1e-6, 1e-6, and 1e4.

grad_method, grad_method.args

numerical differentiation parameters passed to grad's method and method.args, respectively. They default to "simple", and list(eps = 1e-7) (better precision than imhof_epsabs to avoid numerical artifacts).


number of Monte Carlo samples for approximating the distribution if method = "MC". Defaults to 1e4.


if provided, it is employed when method = "MC". If not, it is computed internally.


vector of probabilities.

nlm_gradtol, nlm_iterlim

convergence control parameters passed to nlm's gradtol and iterlim, respectively. They default to 1e-6 and 1e3.


sample size.


vector with the error thresholds of the tail probability and mean/variance explained by the first terms of the series. Defaults to 1e-4. See details.


are weights and dfs given in log-scale? Defaults to FALSE.


scalar evaluation point for determining the upper tail probability. If NULL, set to the 0.90 quantile of the whole series, computed by the "HBE" approximation.


Four methods are implemented for approximating the distribution of a weighted sum of chi squared random variables:

  • "I": Imhof's approximation (Imhof, 1961) for the evaluation of the distribution function. If this method is selected, the function is simply a wrapper to imhof from the CompQuadForm package (Duchesne and Lafaye De Micheaux, 2010).

  • "SW": Satterthwaite–Welch (Satterthwaite, 1946; Welch, 1938) approximation, consisting in matching the first two moments of QKQ_K with a gamma distribution.

  • "HBE": Hall–Buckley–Eagleson (Hall, 1983; Buckley and Eagleson, 1988) approximation, consisting in matching the first three moments of QKQ_K with a gamma distribution.

  • "MC": Monte Carlo approximation using the empirical cumulative distribution function with M simulated samples.

The Imhof method is exact up to the prescribed numerical accuracy. It is also the most time-consuming method. The density and quantile functions for this approximation are obtained by numerical differentiation and inversion, respectively, of the approximated distribution.

For the methods based on gamma matching, the GammaDist density, distribution, and quantile functions are invoked. The Hall–Buckley–Eagleson approximation tends to overperform the Satterthwaite–Welch approximation.

The Monte Carlo method is relatively inaccurate and slow, but serves as an unbiased reference of the true distribution function. The inversion of the empirical cumulative distribution is done by quantile.

An empirical comparison of these and other approximation methods is given in Bodenham and Adams (2016).

cutoff_wschisq removes NAs/NaNs in weights or dfs with a message. The threshold thre ensures that the tail probability of the truncated and whole series differ less than thre at x_tail, or that thre is the proportion of the mean/variance of the whole series that is not retained. The (upper) tail probabilities for evaluating truncation are computed using the Hall–Buckley–Eagleson approximation at x_tail.


  • d_wschisq: density function evaluated at x, a vector.

  • p_wschisq: distribution function evaluated at x, a vector.

  • q_wschisq: quantile function evaluated at u, a vector.

  • r_wschisq: a vector of size n containing a random sample.

  • cutoff_wschisq: a data frame with the indexes up to which the truncated series explains the tail probability with absolute error thre, or the proportion of the mean/variance of the whole series that is not explained by the truncated series.


Eduardo García-Portugués and Paula Navarro-Esteban.


Bodenham, D. A. and Adams, N. M. (2016). A comparison of efficient approximations for a weighted sum of chi-squared random variables. Statistics and Computing, 26(4):917–928. doi:10.1007/s11222-015-9583-4

Buckley, M. J. and Eagleson, G. K. (1988). An approximation to the distribution of quadratic forms in normal random variables. Australian Journal of Statistics, 30(1):150–159. doi:10.1111/j.1467-842X.1988.tb00471.x

Duchesne, P. and Lafaye De Micheaux, P. (2010) Computing the distribution of quadratic forms: Further comparisons between the Liu–Tang–Zhang approximation and exact methods. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54(4):858–862. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2009.11.025

Hall, P. (1983). Chi squared approximations to the distribution of a sum of independent random variables. Annals of Probability, 11(4):1028–1036. doi:10.1214/aop/1176993451

Imhof, J. P. (1961). Computing the distribution of quadratic forms in normal variables. Biometrika, 48(3/4):419–426. doi:10.2307/2332763

Satterthwaite, F. E. (1946). An approximate distribution of estimates of variance components. Biometrics Bulletin, 2(6):110–114. doi:10.2307/3002019

Welch, B. L. (1938). The significance of the difference between two means when the population variances are unequal. Biometrika, 29(3/4):350–362. doi:10.2307/2332010


# Plotting functions for the examples
add_approx_dens <- function(x, dfs, weights, ncps) {

  lines(x, d_wschisq(x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
                     method = "SW", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 3)
  lines(x, d_wschisq(x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
                     method = "HBE", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 4)
  lines(x, d_wschisq(x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
                     method = "I", exact_chisq = TRUE), col = 2)
  legend("topright", legend = c("True", "SW", "HBE", "I"), lwd = 2,
         col = c(1, 3:4, 2))

add_approx_distr <- function(x, dfs, weights, ncps, ...) {

  lines(x, p_wschisq(x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
                     method = "SW", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 3)
  lines(x, p_wschisq(x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
                     method = "HBE", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 4)
  lines(x, p_wschisq(x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
                     method = "MC", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 5,
                     type = "s")
  lines(x, p_wschisq(x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
                     method = "I", exact_chisq = TRUE), col = 2)
  legend("bottomright", legend = c("True", "SW", "HBE", "MC", "I"), lwd = 2,
         col = c(1, 3:5, 2))

add_approx_quant <- function(u, dfs, weights, ncps, ...) {

  lines(u, q_wschisq(u, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
                     method = "SW", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 3)
  lines(u, q_wschisq(u, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
                     method = "HBE", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 4)
  lines(u, q_wschisq(u, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
                     method = "MC", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 5,
                     type = "s")
  lines(u, q_wschisq(u, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
                     method = "I", exact_chisq = TRUE), col = 2)
  legend("topleft", legend = c("True", "SW", "HBE", "MC", "I"), lwd = 2,
         col = c(1, 3:5, 2))


# Validation plots for density, distribution, and quantile functions
u <- seq(0.01, 0.99, l = 100)
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(1, 3))

# Case 1: 1 * ChiSq_3(0) + 1 * ChiSq_3(0) = ChiSq_6(0)
weights <- c(1, 1)
dfs <- c(3, 3)
ncps <- 0
x <- seq(-1, 30, l = 100)
main <- expression(1 * chi[3]^2 * (0) + 1 * chi[3]^2 * (0))
plot(x, dchisq(x, df = 6), type = "l", main = main, ylab = "Density")
add_approx_dens(x = x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
plot(x, pchisq(x, df = 6), type = "l", main = main, ylab = "Distribution")
add_approx_distr(x = x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
plot(u, qchisq(u, df = 6), type = "l", main = main, ylab = "Quantile")
add_approx_quant(u = u, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)

# Case 2: 2 * ChiSq_3(1) + 1 * ChiSq_6(0.5) + 0.5 * ChiSq_12(0.25)
weights <- c(2, 1, 0.5)
dfs <- c(3, 6, 12)
ncps <- c(1, 0.5, 0.25)
x <- seq(0, 70, l = 100)
main <- expression(2 * chi[3]^2 * (1)+ 1 * chi[6]^2 * (0.5) +
                   0.5 * chi[12]^2 * (0.25))
samp <- r_wschisq(n = 1e4, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
hist(samp, breaks = 50, freq = FALSE, main = main, ylab = "Density",
     xlim = range(x), xlab = "x"); box()
add_approx_dens(x = x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
plot(x, ecdf(samp)(x), main = main, ylab = "Distribution", type = "s")
add_approx_distr(x = x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
plot(u, quantile(samp, probs = u), type = "s", main = main,
     ylab = "Quantile")
add_approx_quant(u = u, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)

# Case 3: \sum_{k = 1}^K k^(-3) * ChiSq_{5k}(1 / k^2)
K <- 1e2
weights<- 1 / (1:K)^3
dfs <- 5 * 1:K
ncps <- 1 / (1:K)^2
x <- seq(0, 25, l = 100)
main <- substitute(sum(k^(-3) * chi[5 * k]^2 * (1 / k^2), k == 1, K),
                   list(K = K))
samp <- r_wschisq(n = 1e4, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
hist(samp, breaks = 50, freq = FALSE, main = main, ylab = "Density",
     xlim = range(x), xlab = "x"); box()
add_approx_dens(x = x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
plot(x, ecdf(samp)(x), main = main, ylab = "Distribution", type = "s")
add_approx_distr(x = x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
plot(u, quantile(samp, probs = u), type = "s", main = main,
     ylab = "Quantile")
add_approx_quant(u = u, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)

# Cutoffs for infinite series of the last example
K <- 1e7
log_weights<- -3 * log(1:K)
log_dfs <- log(5) + log(1:K)
(cutoff <- cutoff_wschisq(thre = 10^(-(1:4)), weights = log_weights,
                          dfs = log_dfs, log = TRUE))

# Approximation
x <- seq(0, 25, l = 100)
l <- length(cutoff$mean)
main <- expression(sum(k^(-3) * chi[5 * k]^2, k == 1, K))
col <- viridisLite::viridis(l)
plot(x, d_wschisq(x, weights = exp(log_weights[1:cutoff$mean[l]]),
                  dfs = exp(log_dfs[1:cutoff$mean[l]])), type = "l",
     ylab = "Density", col = col[l], lwd = 3)
for(i in rev(seq_along(cutoff$mean)[-l])) {
  lines(x, d_wschisq(x, weights = exp(log_weights[1:cutoff$mean[i]]),
                     dfs = exp(log_dfs[1:cutoff$mean[i]])), col = col[i])
legend("topright", legend = paste0(rownames(cutoff), " (", cutoff$mean, ")"),
       lwd = 2, col = col)