Package 'CompQuadForm'

Title: Distribution Function of Quadratic Forms in Normal Variables
Description: Computes the distribution function of quadratic forms in normal variables using Imhof's method, Davies's algorithm, Farebrother's algorithm or Liu et al.'s algorithm.
Authors: P. Lafaye de Micheaux
Maintainer: P. Lafaye de Micheaux <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.4.3
Built: 2024-10-07 06:25:52 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Davies method


Distribution function (survival function in fact) of quadratic forms in normal variables using Davies's method.


davies(q, lambda, h = rep(1, length(lambda)), delta = rep(0,
         length(lambda)), sigma = 0, lim = 10000, acc = 0.0001)



value point at which distribution function is to be evaluated


the weights λ1,λ2,...,λn\lambda_1, \lambda_2, ..., \lambda_n, i.e. distinct non-zero characteristic roots of AΣA\Sigma


respective orders of multiplicity njn_j of the λ\lambdas


non-centrality parameters δj2\delta_j^2 (should be positive)


coefficient σ\sigma of the standard Gaussian


maximum number of integration terms. Realistic values for 'lim' range from 1,000 if the procedure is to be called repeatedly up to 50,000 if it is to be called only occasionally


error bound. Suitable values for 'acc' range from 0.001 to 0.00005 which should be adequate for most statistical purposes.


Computes P[Q>q]P[Q>q] where Q=j=1rλjXj+σX0Q = \sum_{j=1}^r\lambda_jX_j+\sigma X_0 where XjX_j are independent random variables having a non-central chi2chi^2 distribution with njn_j degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter deltaj2delta_j^2 for j=1,...,rj=1,...,r and X0X_0 having a standard Gaussian distribution.



vector, indicating performance of procedure, with the following components: 1: absolute value sum, 2: total number of integration terms, 3: number of integrations, 4: integration interval in main integration, 5: truncation point in initial integration, 6: standard deviation of convergence factor term, 7: number of cycles to locate integration parameters


fault indicator: 0: no error, 1: requested accuracy could not be obtained, 2: round-off error possibly significant, 3: invalid parameters, 4: unable to locate integration parameters




Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux ([email protected]) and Pierre Duchesne ([email protected])


P. Duchesne, P. Lafaye de Micheaux, Computing the distribution of quadratic forms: Further comparisons between the Liu-Tang-Zhang approximation and exact methods, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Volume 54, (2010), 858-862

Davies R.B., Algorithm AS 155: The Distribution of a Linear Combination of chi-2 Random Variables, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics), 29(3), p. 323-333, (1980)


# Some results from Table 3, p.327, Davies (1980)

 round(1 - davies(1, c(6, 3, 1), c(1, 1, 1))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(7, c(6, 3, 1), c(1, 1, 1))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(20, c(6, 3, 1), c(1, 1, 1))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(2, c(6, 3, 1), c(2, 2, 2))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(20, c(6, 3, 1), c(2, 2, 2))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(60, c(6, 3, 1), c(2, 2, 2))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(10, c(6, 3, 1), c(6, 4, 2))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(50, c(6, 3, 1), c(6, 4, 2))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(120, c(6, 3, 1), c(6, 4, 2))$Qq, 4)

 round(1 - davies(20, c(7, 3), c(6, 2), c(6, 2))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(100, c(7, 3), c(6, 2), c(6, 2))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(200, c(7, 3), c(6, 2), c(6, 2))$Qq, 4)

 round(1 - davies(10, c(7, 3), c(1, 1), c(6, 2))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(60, c(7, 3), c(1, 1), c(6, 2))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(150, c(7, 3), c(1, 1), c(6, 2))$Qq, 4)

 round(1 - davies(70, c(7, 3, 7, 3), c(6, 2, 1, 1), c(6, 2, 6, 2))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(160, c(7, 3, 7, 3), c(6, 2, 1, 1), c(6, 2, 6, 2))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(260, c(7, 3, 7, 3), c(6, 2, 1, 1), c(6, 2, 6, 2))$Qq, 4)

 round(1 - davies(-40, c(7, 3, -7, -3), c(6, 2, 1, 1), c(6, 2, 6,
 2))$Qq, 4)
 round(1 - davies(40, c(7, 3, -7, -3), c(6, 2, 1, 1), c(6, 2, 6, 2))$Qq,
 round(1 - davies(140, c(7, 3, -7, -3), c(6, 2, 1, 1), c(6, 2, 6,
 2))$Qq, 4)

# You should sometimes play with the 'lim' parameter:
davies(0.00001,lambda=0.2, lim=20000)

Ruben/Farebrother method


Distribution function (survival function in fact) of quadratic forms in normal variables using Farebrother's algorithm.


farebrother(q, lambda, h = rep(1, length(lambda)),
            delta = rep(0, length(lambda)), maxit = 100000,
            eps = 10^(-10), mode = 1)



value point at which distribution function is to be evaluated


the weights λ1,λ2,...,λn\lambda_1, \lambda_2, ..., \lambda_n, i.e. the distinct non-zero characteristic roots of AΣA\Sigma


vector of the respective orders of multiplicity mim_i of the λ\lambdas


the non-centrality parameters δi\delta_i (should be positive)


the maximum number of term K in equation below


the desired level of accuracy


if 'mode' > 0 then β=modeλmin\beta=mode*\lambda_{min} otherwise β=βB=2/(1/λmin+1/λmax)\beta=\beta_B=2/(1/\lambda_{min}+1/\lambda_{max})


Computes P[Q>q] where Q=j=1nλjχ2(mj,δj2)Q=\sum_{j=1}^n\lambda_j\chi^2(m_j,\delta_j^2). P[Q<q] is approximated by k=0K1akP[χ2(m+2k)<q/β]\sum_k=0^{K-1} a_k P[\chi^2(m+2k)<q/\beta] where m=j=1nmjm=\sum_{j=1}^n m_j and β\beta is an arbitrary constant (as given by argument mode).



the density of the linear form


the fault indicator. -i: one or more of the constraints λi>0\lambda_i>0

, mi>0m_i>0 and δi20\delta_i^2\geq0 is not satisfied. 1: non-fatal underflow of a0a_0. 2: one or more of the constraints n>0n>0, q>0q>0, maxit>0maxit>0 and eps>0eps>0 is not satisfied. 3: the current estimate of the probability is greater than 2. 4: the required accuracy could not be obtained in 'maxit' iterations. 5: the value returned by the procedure does not satisfy 0RUBEN10\leq RUBEN\leq 1. 6: 'dnsty' is negative. 9: faults 4 and 5. 10: faults 4 and 6. 0: otherwise.




Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux ([email protected]) and Pierre Duchesne ([email protected])


P. Duchesne, P. Lafaye de Micheaux, Computing the distribution of quadratic forms: Further comparisons between the Liu-Tang-Zhang approximation and exact methods, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Volume 54, (2010), 858-862

Farebrother R.W., Algorithm AS 204: The distribution of a Positive Linear Combination of chi-squared random variables, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (applied Statistics), Vol. 33, No. 3 (1984), p. 332-339


# Some results from Table 3, p.327, Davies (1980)

 1 - farebrother(1, c(6, 3, 1), c(1, 1, 1), c(0, 0, 0))$Qq

Imhof method.


Distribution function (survival function in fact) of quadratic forms in normal variables using Imhof's method.


imhof(q, lambda, h = rep(1, length(lambda)),
      delta = rep(0, length(lambda)),
      epsabs = 10^(-6), epsrel = 10^(-6), limit = 10000)



value point at which the survival function is to be evaluated


distinct non-zero characteristic roots of AΣA\Sigma


respective orders of multiplicity of the λ\lambdas


non-centrality parameters (should be positive)


absolute accuracy requested


relative accuracy requested


determines the maximum number of subintervals in the partition of the given integration interval


Let X=(X1,,Xn)\boldsymbol{X}=(X_1,\ldots,X_n)' be a column random vector which follows a multidimensional normal law with mean vector 0\boldsymbol{0} and non-singular covariance matrix Σ\boldsymbol{\Sigma}. Let μ=(μ1,,μn)\boldsymbol{\mu}=(\mu_1,\ldots,\mu_n)' be a constant vector, and consider the quadratic form


The function imhof computes P[Q>q]P[Q>q].

The λr\lambda_r's are the distinct non-zero characteristic roots of AΣA\Sigma, the hrh_r's their respective orders of multiplicity, the δr\delta_r's are certain linear combinations of μ1,,μn\mu_1,\ldots,\mu_n and the χhr;δr2\chi^2_{h_r;\delta_r} are independent χ2\chi^2-variables with hrh_r degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter δr\delta_r. The variable χh,δ2\chi^2_{h,\delta} is defined here by the relation χh,δ2=(X1+δ)2+i=2hXi2\chi^2_{h,\delta}=(X_1 + \delta)^2+\sum_{i=2}^hX_i^2, where X1,,XhX_1,\ldots,X_h are independent unit normal deviates.





estimate of the modulus of the absolute error, which should equal or exceed abs(i - result)


Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux ([email protected]) and Pierre Duchesne ([email protected])


P. Duchesne, P. Lafaye de Micheaux, Computing the distribution of quadratic forms: Further comparisons between the Liu-Tang-Zhang approximation and exact methods, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Volume 54, (2010), 858-862

J. P. Imhof, Computing the Distribution of Quadratic Forms in Normal Variables, Biometrika, Volume 48, Issue 3/4 (Dec., 1961), 419-426


# Some results from Table 1, p.424, Imhof (1961)

# Q1 with x = 2
round(imhof(2, c(0.6, 0.3, 0.1))$Qq, 4)

# Q2 with x = 6
round(imhof(6, c(0.6, 0.3, 0.1), c(2, 2, 2))$Qq, 4)

# Q6 with x = 15
round(imhof(15, c(0.7, 0.3), c(1, 1), c(6, 2))$Qq, 4)

Liu's method


Distribution function (survival function in fact) of quadratic forms in normal variables using Liu et al.'s method.


liu(q, lambda, h = rep(1, length(lambda)),
    delta = rep(0, length(lambda)))



value point at which the survival function is to be evaluated


distinct non-zero characteristic roots of AΣA\Sigma, i.e. the λi\lambda_i's


respective orders of multiplicity hih_i's of the λ\lambda's


non-centrality parameters δi\delta_i's (should be positive)


New chi-square approximation to the distribution of non-negative definite quadratic forms in non-central normal variables.

Computes P[Q>q]P[Q>q] where Q=j=1nλjχ2(hj,δj)Q=\sum_{j=1}^n\lambda_j\chi^2(h_j,\delta_j).

This method does not work as good as the Imhof's method. Thus Imhof's method should be recommended.





Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux ([email protected]) and Pierre Duchesne ([email protected])


P. Duchesne, P. Lafaye de Micheaux, Computing the distribution of quadratic forms: Further comparisons between the Liu-Tang-Zhang approximation and exact methods, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Volume 54, (2010), 858-862

H. Liu, Y. Tang, H.H. Zhang, A new chi-square approximation to the distribution of non-negative definite quadratic forms in non-central normal variables, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Volume 53, (2009), 853-856


# Some results from Liu et al. (2009)
# Q1 from Liu et al.
round(liu(2, c(0.5, 0.4, 0.1), c(1, 2, 1), c(1, 0.6, 0.8)), 6)
round(liu(6, c(0.5, 0.4, 0.1), c(1, 2, 1), c(1, 0.6, 0.8)), 6)
round(liu(8, c(0.5, 0.4, 0.1), c(1, 2, 1), c(1, 0.6, 0.8)), 6)

# Q2 from Liu et al.
round(liu(1, c(0.7, 0.3), c(1, 1), c(6, 2)), 6)
round(liu(6, c(0.7, 0.3), c(1, 1), c(6, 2)), 6)
round(liu(15, c(0.7, 0.3), c(1, 1), c(6, 2)), 6)

# Q3 from Liu et al.
round(liu(2, c(0.995, 0.005), c(1, 2), c(1, 1)), 6)
round(liu(8, c(0.995, 0.005), c(1, 2), c(1, 1)), 6)
round(liu(12, c(0.995, 0.005), c(1, 2), c(1, 1)), 6)

# Q4 from Liu et al.
round(liu(3.5, c(0.35, 0.15, 0.35, 0.15), c(1, 1, 6, 2), c(6, 2, 6, 2)),
round(liu(8, c(0.35, 0.15, 0.35, 0.15), c(1, 1, 6, 2), c(6, 2, 6, 2)), 6)
round(liu(13, c(0.35, 0.15, 0.35, 0.15), c(1, 1, 6, 2), c(6, 2, 6, 2)), 6)