Package: simdata 0.4.0

Michael Kammer

simdata:Generate Simulated Datasets

Generate simulated datasets from an initial underlying distribution and apply transformations to obtain realistic data. Implements the 'NORTA' (Normal-to-anything) approach from Cario and Nelson (1997) and other data generating mechanisms. Simple network visualization tools are provided to facilitate communicating the simulation setup.

Authors:Michael Kammer [aut, cre]

simdata.pdf |simdata.html
simdata/json (API)

# Installsimdata in R:
install.packages('simdata',repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

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28 exports 0.00 score 12 dependencies

Last updated 4 days agofrom:72934963bf



simdata: A package for creating simulated datasets

Rendered fromDemo.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 02 2024.

Last update: 2024-07-02
Started: 2024-07-02

simdata: NORTA based simulation designs

Rendered fromNORTA_demo.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 02 2024.

Last update: 2024-07-02
Started: 2024-07-02

simdata: Technical documentation

Rendered fromTechnical_documentation.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 02 2024.

Last update: 2024-07-02
Started: 2024-07-02

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Helper to apply functionsapply_array
Create 'function_list' object from list of functionsas_function_list
Apply list of functions to column of objectcolapply_functions
Check if matrix contains constant column(s)contains_constant
Build correlation matrixcor_from_upper
Convert correlation matrix to covariance matrixcor_to_cov
Convert correlation matrix to specification used by 'cor_from_upper'cor_to_upper
Post-processing of datamatrixdo_processing
Estimate correlation matrix via simulationestimate_final_correlation
Apply list of functions to inputfunction_list
Extract individual functions from 'function_list'get_from_function_list
Extract names of individual functions from 'function_list'get_names_from_function_list
Check if matrix is collinearis_collinear
Check if matrix is a correlation matrixis_cor_matrix
Find pairwise initial correlation for NORTA from target correlationoptimize_cor_for_pair
Find initial correlation matrix for NORTA from target correlationoptimize_cor_mat
Define partial functionpartial
Visualize fixed correlation structure as a networkplot_cor_network plot_cor_network.default plot_cor_network.simdesign_mvtnorm
Visualize estimated correlation matrix as a networkplot_estimated_cor_network
Truncate columns of datamatrix at datamatrix specific thresholdsprocess_truncate_by_iqr
Truncate columns of datamatrix at specified thresholdsprocess_truncate_by_threshold
Helper to estimate quantile functions from data for NORTAquantile_functions_from_data quantile_function_from_density quantile_function_from_quantiles
Design specification for simulating datasetssimdesign
Uniform disc sampling design specificationsimdesign_discunif
Multivariate normal design specificationsimdesign_mvtnorm
NORTA-based design specificationsimdesign_norta
Simulate design matrixsimulate_data simulate_data.default simulate_data.simdesign
Simulate data which satisfies certain conditionssimulate_data_conditional