Package: roads 1.2.0

Sarah Endicott

roads:Road Network Projection

Iterative least cost path and minimum spanning tree methods for projecting forest road networks. The methods connect a set of target points to an existing road network using 'igraph' <> to identify least cost routes. The cost of constructing a road segment between adjacent pixels is determined by a user supplied weight raster and a weight function; options include the average of adjacent weight raster values, and a function of the elevation differences between adjacent cells that penalizes steep grades. These road network projection methods are intended for integration into R workflows and modelling frameworks used for forecasting forest change, and can be applied over multiple time-steps without rebuilding a graph at each time-step.

Authors:Sarah Endicott [aut, cre], Kyle Lochhead [aut], Josie Hughes [aut], Patrick Kirby [aut], Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada as represented by the Minister of the Environment [cph], Province of British Columbia [cph]

roads.pdf |roads.html
roads/json (API)

# Installroads in R:
install.packages('roads',repos = c('', ''))

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Last updated 8 days agofrom:b00efa5fcf



Reconstruct road development history

Rendered fromReconstructRoadHistory.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 28 2024.

Last update: 2024-06-28
Started: 2023-02-02

roads Package

Rendered fromroads-vignette.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 28 2024.

Last update: 2024-06-28
Started: 2022-06-22

Using the grade penalty function

Rendered fromgrade-penalty.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 28 2024.

Last update: 2024-06-28
Started: 2024-06-28

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Data from the CLUS exampleCLUSexample
Grade penalty example datadem_example
Demonstration set of 10 input scenariosdemoScen
Get landing target points within harvest blocksgetLandingsFromTarget
Grade penalty edge weight functiongradePenaltyFn
Plot projected roadsplotRoads
Prepare example dataprepExData
Project road networkprojectRoads projectRoads,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,list-method projectRoads,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,missing-method
Convert raster to linesrasterToLineSegments
Simple cost edge weight functionsimpleCostFn