Package: redbookperu 0.0.3

Paul E. Santos Andrade

redbookperu:Access and Analyze Data from the Red Book of Endemic Plants of Peru

Provides access to and analysis of data from "The Red Book of Endemic Plants of Peru" (León, B., Roque, J., Ulloa, C., Jorgensen, P.M., Pitman, N., Cano, A. 2006) <doi:10.15381/rpb.v13i2.1782>. This package offers comprehensive taxonomic, geographic, and conservation information about Peru's endemic plant species. It includes functions to verify species inclusion, obtain updated taxonomic details, and explore the dataset.

Authors:Paul E. Santos Andrade [aut, cre], Lucely L. Vilca Bustamante [aut]

redbookperu.pdf |redbookperu.html
redbookperu/json (API)

# Installredbookperu in R:
install.packages('redbookperu',repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • redbook_position - List of the number positions of the first 3 letters of the species name in the redbook_tab
  • redbook_sp_data - Database of the Red Book of Endemic Plants of Peru
  • redbook_sps_class - List of Species Names in redbook_sps_class Separated by Category
  • redbook_tab - Species Names Listed in The Red Book of Endemic Plants of Peru

2 exports 0.36 score 0 dependencies 125 downloads

Last updated 3 days agofrom:35e7900741

