Package: pamr 1.57

Balasubramanian Narasimhan

pamr:Pam: Prediction Analysis for Microarrays

Some functions for sample classification in microarrays.

Authors:Trevor Hastie [aut], Rob Tibshirani [aut], Balasubramanian Narasimhan [aut, cre], Gilbert Chu [aut]

pamr.pdf |pamr.html
pamr/json (API)

# Installpamr in R:
install.packages('pamr',repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • khan - Khan microarray data

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

23 exports 1 stars 3.16 score 4 dependencies 18 dependents 6.9k downloads

Last updated 4 days agofrom:2c0fd189f4



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Khan microarray datakhan
A function to adaptive choose threshold scales, for use in pamr.trainpamr.adaptthresh
A function to mean-adjust microarray data by batchespamr.batchadjust
A function giving a table of true versus predicted values, from a nearest shrunken centroid fit.pamr.confusion
Compute confusin matrix from pamr survival fitpamr.confusion.survival
A function to cross-validate the nearest shrunken centroid
A function to decorrelate (adjust) the feature matrix with respect to some additional predictorspamr.decorrelate
A function to estimate false discovery rates for the nearest shrunken centroid classifierpamr.fdr
A function to plot the genes that surive the thresholding from the nearest shrunken centroid classifierpamr.geneplot
A function that takes estimate class probabilities and produces a class prediction or indeterminate predictionpamr.indeterminate
A function to list the genes that survive the thresholding, from the nearest shrunken centroid classifierpamr.listgenes
A function to interactively define classes from a clustering treepamr.makeclasses
A function that interactively leads the user through a PAM
A function to plot the shrunken class centroids, from the nearest shrunken centroid classifierpamr.plotcen
A function to plot the cross-validated error curves from the nearest shrunken centroid classifierpamr.plotcv
A function to plot the cross-validated sample probabilities from the nearest shrunken centroid classifierpamr.plotcvprob
A function to plot the FDR curve from the nearest shrunken centroid classifierpamr.plotfdr
A function to plot the survival curves in each Kaplan Meier stratumpamr.plotstrata
A function to plots Kaplan-Meier curves stratified by a group variablepamr.plotsurvival
A function giving prediction information, from a nearest shrunken centroid fit.pamr.predict
A function giving prediction information for many threshold values, from a nearest shrunken centroid fit.pamr.predictmany
A function to assign observations to categories, based on their survival
A function giving a table of true versus predicted values, from a nearest shrunken centroid fit from survival data.pamr.test.errors.surv.compute
A function to train a nearest shrunken centroid classifierpamr.train