Title: | Accompanion to the Book on Interval Censoring by Bogaerts, Komarek, and Lesaffre |
Description: | Contains datasets and several smaller functions suitable for analysis of interval-censored data. The package complements the book Bogaerts, Komárek and Lesaffre (2017, ISBN: 978-1-4200-7747-6) "Survival Analysis with Interval-Censored Data: A Practical Approach" <https://www.routledge.com/Survival-Analysis-with-Interval-Censored-Data-A-Practical-Approach-with/Bogaerts-Komarek-Lesaffre/p/book/9781420077476>. Full R code related to the examples presented in the book can be found at <https://ibiostat.be/online-resources/icbook/supplemental>. Packages mentioned in the "Suggests" section are used in those examples. |
Authors: | Arnošt Komárek [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Arnošt Komárek <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.5 |
Built: | 2025-02-13 06:57:11 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
The study population for this example consists of 257 individuals with Type A or B hemophilia who had been treated at two French hospitals since 1978. These patients were at risk for infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through contaminated blood factor received for their treatment. By the time of analysis, 188 patients were found to be infected with the virus, 41 of whom subsequently progressed to the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or other related clinical symptoms. For reasons of simplicity, we refer to all of these events as AIDS. The primary goal of the analysis was to assess the effects of level of treatment received for hemophilia, and age, on the risk of developing AIDS-related symptoms.
The time scale was obtained by dividing the real time axis into 6-month
intervals, with denoting the time period from January 1,
1978 to June 30, 1978.
a data frame with 257 rows and the following variables
left (lower) limit of interval containing the infection time.
right (upper) limit of interval containing the infection
time. It is equal to NA
for those with right-censored
infection time at L.Y
left (lower) limit of interval containing the time of the
first clinical symptoms. It is equal to NA
for those who
were not infected by the end of the study period.
right (upper) limit of interval containing the time of the
first clinical symptoms. It is equal to NA
for those who
were not infected by the end of the study period or for those
whose time of the first clinical symptoms is right-censored at
the age covariate which is equal to 1 if the estimated
age at time infection is years, and 2 otherwise.
treatment group. It is 0 for lightly treated group and 1 for heavily treated group.
variable created from age
variable created from group
Kim, M. Y., De Gruttola, V. G., and Lagakos, S. W. (1993). Analyzing doubly censored data with covariates, with application to AIDS. Biometrics, 49, 13-22.
data("aidsCohort", package="icensBKL") summary(aidsCohort)
data("aidsCohort", package="icensBKL") summary(aidsCohort)
AIDS Clinical Trials Group protocol ACTG 181 was a natural history substudy of a comparative trial of three anti-pneumocystis drugs. Patients were followed for shedding of cytomegalovirus (CMV) in urine and blood samples, and for colonization of mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) in the sputum and stool. Subjects were screened for CMV in the urine every 4 weeks and in the blood every 12 weeks. Subjects were screened for MAC every 12 weeks. Many patients missed several of the prescheduled clinic visits, and returned with new laboratory indications for CMV or MAC. Thus, their times until first CMV shedding or MAC colonization are censored into intervals of time when the missed clinic visits occurred. However, for the current analysis, visit times were rounded to the closest quarter because they are of practical interest to physicians in that they correspond to standard clinic schedules. Only 204 of the 232 subjects in the study who were tested for CMV shedding and MAC colonization at least once during the trial, and did not have a prior CMV or MAC diagnosis are included in the data base.
a data frame with 204 rows and the following variables
left (lower) limit of interval (L.CMV, R.CMV] that
contains time of CMV shedding (months). It is NA
if the time of CMV
shedding is left-censored at R.CMV
right (upper) limit of interval (L.CMV, R.CMV] that
contains time of CMV shedding (months). It is NA
if the time of CMV
shedding is right-censored at L.CMV
left (lower) limit of interval (L.MAC, R.MAC] that
contains time of MAC colonization (months). It is NA
if the
time of MAC colonization is left-censored at R.MAC
right (upper) limit of interval (L.MAC, R.MAC] that
contains time of MAC colonization (months). It is NA
if the
time of MAC colonization is right-censored at L.MAC
Betensky, R. A. and Finkelstein, D. M. (1999). A non-parametric maximum likelihood estimator for bivariate interval censored data. Statistics in Medicine, 18, 3089-3100.
data("aidsCT", package="icensBKL") summary(aidsCT)
data("aidsCT", package="icensBKL") summary(aidsCT)
Breadle et al. (1984a, 1984b) report a retrospective study carried out to compare the cosmetic effects of radiotherapy alone versus radiotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy on women with early breast cancer.
Patients were observed initially every 4 to 6 months, but as their recovery progressed, the interval betwenn visits lengthened. At each visit, the clinician recorded a measure of breast retraction on a 3-point scale (none, moderate, severe). Event of interest was the time to first appearance of moderate or severe breast retraction.
The subjects in this data were patients who had been treated at the Joint Center for Radiation Therapy in Boston between 1976 and 1980.
a data frame with 94 rows and the following variables
lower limit of interval (lower,upper] that contains the
event of interest (months). It is NA
for left-censored observations.
upper limit of interval (lower,upper] that contains the
event of interest (months). It is NA
for right-censored observations.
treatment regimen
radio only
=radiotherapy only
=radiotherapy + chemotherapy
Finkelstein, D. M. and Wolfe, R. A. (1985). A semiparametric model for regression analysis of interval-censored failure time data. Biometrics, 41, 933-945. Table 4.
Beadle, G. F., Harris, J. R., Silver, B., Botnick, L., and Hellman, S. (1984a). Cosmetic results following primary radiation therapy for early breast cancer. Cancer, 54, 2911-2918.
Beadle, G. F., Harris, J. R., Come, S., Henderson, C., Silver, B., and Hellman, S. (1984b). The effect of adjuvant chemotherapy on the cosmetic results after primary radiation treatment for early stage breast cancer: A preliminary analysis. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics, 10, 2131-2137.
data("breastCancer", package="icensBKL") summary(breastCancer)
data("breastCancer", package="icensBKL") summary(breastCancer)
Cumulative density function of the Clayton copula evaluated at points (u, v) with given parameter exp(beta %*%cov)
clayton.copula(u, v, beta, cov)
clayton.copula(u, v, beta, cov)
u |
vector of points in [0,1] representing the first coordinate where the Clayton copula must be evaluated |
v |
vector of points in [0,1] representing the second coordinate where the Clayton copula must be evaluated |
beta |
vector of coefficients to be multiplied with the covariates in order to determine the parameter of the Clayton copula |
cov |
vector of covariates to be multipleid with the coefficients in order to determine the parameter of the Clayton copula |
Cumulative density function of the Clayton copula evaluated at points (u,v) with given parameter exp(beta %*%cov)
This is not to be called by the user.
Kris Bogaerts [email protected]
Clayton, D. G. (1978). A model for association in bivariate life-tables and its application in epidemiological studies of familial tendency in chronic disease incidence. Biometrika, 65, 141-151.
Calculation of a contour probability (possible Bayesian counterpart of a p-value) based on the MCMC posterior sample for a univariate parameter corresponding to the equal-tail credible interval.
For details, see Bogaerts, Komárek and Lesaffre (201X, Sec.
contourProb(sample, theta0 = 0)
contourProb(sample, theta0 = 0)
sample |
a numeric vector with the MCMC sample from the posterior distribution of a univariate parameter. |
theta0 |
a value of the parameter to which the contour probability is to be related. |
A value of the contour probability.
Arnošt Komárek [email protected]
Bogaerts, K., Komárek, A. and Lesaffre, E. (201X). Survival Analysis with Interval-Censored Data: A Practical Approach. Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall/CRC.
set.seed(20170127) sample <- rnorm(1000, mean = 2, sd = 1) contourProb(sample) contourProb(sample, theta0 = 2)
set.seed(20170127) sample <- rnorm(1000, mean = 2, sd = 1) contourProb(sample) contourProb(sample, theta0 = 2)
The function fits a survival copula (Clayton, Gaussian or Plackett) to interval censored data using a two-stage procedure. The marginal dsitributions are fitted using an acceleated failure time model with a smoothed error distribution as implemented in the smoothSurv package. The copula parameter may depend on covariates as well.
fit.copula(data, copula = "normal", init.param = NULL, cov = ~1, marginal1 = formula(data), logscale1 = ~1, lambda1 = exp(3:(-3)), marginal2 = formula(data), logscale2 = ~1, lambda2 = exp(3:(-3)), bootstrap = FALSE, nboot = 1000, control1 = smoothSurvReg.control(info = FALSE), control2 = smoothSurvReg.control(info = FALSE), seed = 12345)
fit.copula(data, copula = "normal", init.param = NULL, cov = ~1, marginal1 = formula(data), logscale1 = ~1, lambda1 = exp(3:(-3)), marginal2 = formula(data), logscale2 = ~1, lambda2 = exp(3:(-3)), bootstrap = FALSE, nboot = 1000, control1 = smoothSurvReg.control(info = FALSE), control2 = smoothSurvReg.control(info = FALSE), seed = 12345)
data |
Data frame in which to interpret the variables occurring in the formula. |
copula |
A character string specifying the copula used to fit the model. Valid choices are "normal", "clayton" or "plackett". |
init.param |
Optional vector of the initial values of the regression parameter(s) of the copula. |
cov |
A formula expression to determine a possible dependence of the copula parameter. For the Clayton and Plackett copula, the dependence will be modelled on the log-scale. For the normal copula, the dependence will be modelled modulo a Fisher transformation. |
marginal1 |
A formula expression as for other regression models to be used in a |
logscale1 |
A formula expression to determine a possible dependence of the log-scale in the first marginal on covariates. It is used in a |
lambda1 |
A vector of values of the tuning parameter |
marginal2 |
A formula expression as for other regression models to be used in a |
logscale2 |
A formula expression to determine a possible dependence of the log-scale in the second marginal on covariates. It is used in a |
lambda2 |
A vector of values of the tuning parameter |
bootstrap |
If TRUE, a bootstrap is applied in order to determine the standard erros of the copula parameter(s). |
nboot |
The number of bootstrap samples to be used in case the bootstrap argument is TRUE. |
control1 |
A |
control2 |
A |
seed |
seed for random numbers generator. |
A list with elements fit
, variance
, BScoefficients
, BSresults
Kris Bogaerts [email protected]
### Signal Tandmobiel study ### Plackett copula fitted to emergence times ### of teeth 14 and 24, covariate = gender data(tandmob, package = "icensBKL") tand1424 <- subset(tandmob, select = c("GENDER", "fGENDER", "L14", "R14", "L24", "R24")) summary(tand1424) T1424.plackett <- fit.copula(tand1424, copula = "plackett", init.param = NULL, cov = ~GENDER, marginal1 = Surv(L14, R14, type = "interval2") ~ GENDER, logscale1 = ~GENDER, lambda1 = exp((-3):3), marginal2 = Surv(L24, R24, type = "interval2") ~ GENDER, logscale2 = ~GENDER, lambda2 = exp((-3):3), bootstrap = FALSE) print(T1424.plackett)
### Signal Tandmobiel study ### Plackett copula fitted to emergence times ### of teeth 14 and 24, covariate = gender data(tandmob, package = "icensBKL") tand1424 <- subset(tandmob, select = c("GENDER", "fGENDER", "L14", "R14", "L24", "R24")) summary(tand1424) T1424.plackett <- fit.copula(tand1424, copula = "plackett", init.param = NULL, cov = ~GENDER, marginal1 = Surv(L14, R14, type = "interval2") ~ GENDER, logscale1 = ~GENDER, lambda1 = exp((-3):3), marginal2 = Surv(L24, R24, type = "interval2") ~ GENDER, logscale2 = ~GENDER, lambda2 = exp((-3):3), bootstrap = FALSE) print(T1424.plackett)
a data frame with 301 rows (272 patients; 243 patients contributing one observation, 29 patients contributiong two observations) and the variables that can be divided into the following conceptual groups:
Identification of the patient and the homograft
identification number of a patient
0/1, equal to 1 if this is already the second homograft (replacement) for a given patient
Time variable and censoring indicators
follow-up time after the operation (years)
0/1, value of 1 indicates that the homograft
failed after the time timeFU
because of biodegeneration, that is for other reasons than
infection. Value of 0 indicates right censoring when considering
the failure of the homograft because of biodegeneration as event
0/1, value of 1 indicates that the homograft
failed after the time timeFU
for various reasons.
Value of 0 indicates right censoring
when considering the failure of the homograft as event
0/1, value of 1 indicates death timeFU
after the operation
Basic characteristics of the patients
age at operation (years)
gender of the patient
Description of diagnosis
a simple way how to reflect the diagnosis, cross-clamp time (min)
codes between grafts which are anatomically correctly (concordant) and which are not correctly (discordant) placed. It has a close relationship to the diagnosis
further distinguishes discordant grafts according to the Truncus status
=discordant, not Truncus
=discordant, Truncus
further distinguishes discordant grafts according to the Truncus status. This variable is equal to 0 for all concordant grafts and for all discordant, not Truncus grafts
further distinguishes concordant grafts according to the Ross status. This variable is also equal to 0 for all discordant grafts.
Features of the homografts
size of the homograft (mm)
donor graft
=pulmonary donor graft
=aortic donor graft
Immunological factors
is the blood group compatible between recipient and donor?
blood group of recipient
blood group of donor
Rhesus factor of recipient
Rhesus factor of donor
warm ischemia (ischemic time) (hours)
cold ischemia (ischemic time) (days)
Department of Cardiac Surgery, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Meyns, B., Jashari, R., Gewillig, M., Mertens, L., Komrek, A.,
Lesaffre, E., Budts, W., and Daenen, W. (2005).
Factors influencing the survival of cryopreserved homografts. The
second homograft performs as well as the first.
European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery, 28, 211-216.
data("graft", package="icensBKL") summary(graft)
data("graft", package="icensBKL") summary(graft)
The data arises from a 16-center prospective study in the 1980s on people with hemophilia for the purpose of investigating the risk of HIV-1 infection on these people. The event of interest is the HIV-1 infection. Patients received either no or low-dose factor VIII concentrate. Times are recorded in quarters and 0 represents January 1, 1978, the start of the epidemic and the time at which all patients are considered to be negative.
a data frame with 368 rows and the following variables
patient identification number
lower limit of interval (lower,upper] that contains the event of interest (quarters).
upper limit of interval (lower,upper] that contains the
event of interest (quarters). It is NA
for right-censored observations.
treatment regimen
=no factor VIII concentrate
low dose
=low-dose factor VIII concentrate
Sun, J. (2006). The Statistical Analysis of Interval-censored Failure Time Data. New York: Springer. ISBN 978-0387-32905-5. Table A.2.
Goedert, J. J., Kessler, C. M., Aledort, L. M., Biggar, R. J., Andes, W. A., White, G. C., Drummond, J. E., Vaidya, K., Mann, D. L., Eyster, M. E. and et al. (1989). A prospective study of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection and the development of AIDS in subjects with hemophilia. The New England Journal of Medicine, 321, 1141-1148.
Kroner, B. L., Rosenberg, P. S., Aledort, L. M., Alvord, W. G., and Goedert, J. J. (1994) HIV-1 infection incidence among persons with hemophilia in the United States and western Europe, 1978-1990. Multicenter Hemophilia Cohort Study. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 7, 279-286.
Sun, J. (2006). The Statistical Analysis of Interval-censored Failure Time Data. New York: Springer. ISBN 978-0387-32905-5. Section 3.4.
data("hiv", package="icensBKL") summary(hiv)
data("hiv", package="icensBKL") summary(hiv)
Principal Component Analysis for interval-censored data as described in Cecere, Groenen and Lesaffre (2013).
icbiplot(L, R, p = 2, MaxIter = 10000, tol = 1e-06, plotit = TRUE, seed = NULL, ...)
icbiplot(L, R, p = 2, MaxIter = 10000, tol = 1e-06, plotit = TRUE, seed = NULL, ...)
L |
Matrix of dimension number of individuals/samples by number of variables with left endpoints of observed intervals. |
R |
Matrix of dimension number of individuals/samples by number of variables with right endpoints of observed intervals. |
p |
Dimension of the solution. Default value is |
MaxIter |
Maximum number of iterations in the iterative minimazation algorithm |
tol |
Tolerance when convergence is declared |
plotit |
Logical value. Default equals TRUE. A biplot in dimension 2 is plotted. |
seed |
The seed for the random number generator. If NULL, current R system seed is used. |
... |
further arguments to be passed. |
Returns a list with the following components
X |
matrix of number of individuals times 2 (p) with coordinates representing the individuals |
Y |
matrix of number of variables times 2 (p) with coordinates representing the variables |
H |
matrix of number of individuals times number of variables with approximated events |
Disperssion accounted for (DAF) index |
FpV |
matrix showing the fit per variable |
iter |
number of iterations performed |
Silvia Cecere, port into icensBKL by Arnošt Komárek [email protected]
Cecere, S., Groenen, P. J. F., and Lesaffre, E. (2013). The interval-censored biplot. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 22(1), 123-134.
data("tandmob", package = "icensBKL") Boys <- subset(tandmob, fGENDER=="boy") L <- cbind(Boys$L14, Boys$L24, Boys$L34, Boys$L44) R <- cbind(Boys$R14, Boys$R24, Boys$R34, Boys$R44) L[is.na(L)] <- 0 R[is.na(R)] <- 20 ## 20 = infinity in this case icb <- icbiplot(L, R, p = 2, MaxIter = 10000, tol = 1e-6, plotit = TRUE, seed = 12345)
data("tandmob", package = "icensBKL") Boys <- subset(tandmob, fGENDER=="boy") L <- cbind(Boys$L14, Boys$L24, Boys$L34, Boys$L44) R <- cbind(Boys$R14, Boys$R24, Boys$R34, Boys$R44) L[is.na(L)] <- 0 R[is.na(R)] <- 20 ## 20 = infinity in this case icb <- icbiplot(L, R, p = 2, MaxIter = 10000, tol = 1e-6, plotit = TRUE, seed = 12345)
Convert an object of class icsurv
(created by several functions
of the package Icens
to a two-column data.frame
that can
be easily used to plot the fitted distribution function.
fit |
an object of class |
A data.frame
with columns labeled time
and cdf
Arnošt Komárek [email protected]
### Distribution function of the emergence of tooth 44 on boys ### (this example: only a subset of boys) data("tandmob", package="icensBKL") Boys <- subset(tandmob, fGENDER=="boy") Sboy <- Surv(Boys$L44, Boys$R44, type="interval2") Aboy <- subset(Boys, select=c("L44", "R44")) Aboy$L44[is.na(Aboy$L44)] <- 0 Aboy$R44[is.na(Aboy$R44)] <- 20 ## 20 = infinity in this case fitB.NPMLE <- EMICM(Aboy) print(fitB.NPMLE) plot(fitB.NPMLE) fitB.NPMLE <- icsurv2cdf(fitB.NPMLE) print(fitB.NPMLE) plot(fitB.NPMLE$time, fitB.NPMLE$cdf, type="l", xlim=c(6, 13), ylim=c(0, 1), xlab="Age (years)", ylab="Proportion emerged")
### Distribution function of the emergence of tooth 44 on boys ### (this example: only a subset of boys) data("tandmob", package="icensBKL") Boys <- subset(tandmob, fGENDER=="boy") Sboy <- Surv(Boys$L44, Boys$R44, type="interval2") Aboy <- subset(Boys, select=c("L44", "R44")) Aboy$L44[is.na(Aboy$L44)] <- 0 Aboy$R44[is.na(Aboy$R44)] <- 20 ## 20 = infinity in this case fitB.NPMLE <- EMICM(Aboy) print(fitB.NPMLE) plot(fitB.NPMLE) fitB.NPMLE <- icsurv2cdf(fitB.NPMLE) print(fitB.NPMLE) plot(fitB.NPMLE$time, fitB.NPMLE$cdf, type="l", xlim=c(6, 13), ylim=c(0, 1), xlab="Age (years)", ylab="Proportion emerged")
Weighted log-rank tests for non-parametric comparison of
survival curves observed as interval-censored data.
It implements an interval-censored analog to well known
class of right-censored
-sample tests of Fleming and Harrington (1991, Chapter 7)
proposed by Gómez and Oller (2008) and described
also in Gómez et al. (2009, Sec. 3).
This R implementation considerably exploited the example code shown in Gómez et al. (2009, Sec. 3.3).
kSampleIcens(A, group, icsurv, rho=0, gamma=0)
kSampleIcens(A, group, icsurv, rho=0, gamma=0)
A |
two column matrix or |
group |
a vector of group indicators. Its length must be the same
as number of rows in |
icsurv |
estimated cdf of based on a pooled sample. It must be an
object of class It does not have to be supplied. Nevertheless, if supplied by the
user, it is not re-calculated inside the function call which spares
some computational time, especially if the test is to be run
with different |
rho |
parameter of the weighted log-rank (denoted as
gamma |
parameter of the weighted log-rank
(denoted as |
An object of class htest
Arnošt Komárek [email protected]
Fleming, T. R. and Harrington, D. P. (1991). Counting Processes and Survival Analysis. New York: Wiley.
Gómez, G. and Oller Pique, R. (2008). A new class of rank tests for interval-censored data. Harvard University Biostatistics Working Paper Series, Working Paper 93. https://biostats.bepress.com/harvardbiostat/paper93/
Gómez, G., Calle, M. L., Oller, R., Langohr, K. (2009). Tutorial on methods for interval-censored data and their implementation in R. Statistical Modelling, 9, 259-297.
Bogaerts, K., Komárek, A. and Lesaffre, E. (2017). Survival Analysis with Interval-Censored Data: A Practical Approach. Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall/CRC.
### Comparison of emergence distributions ## of tooth 44 on boys and girls data("tandmob", package="icensBKL") ## take only first 50 children here ## to decrease the CPU time ## of the example tandmob50 <- tandmob[1:50,] ## only needed variables Acompare <- subset(tandmob50, select=c("fGENDER", "L44", "R44")) ## left-censored observations: ## change lower limit denoted by NA to 0 Acompare$L44[is.na(Acompare$L44)] <- 0 ## right-censored observations: ## change upper limit denoted by NA to 20 ## 20 = infinity in this case Acompare$R44[is.na(Acompare$R44)] <- 20 ## inputs for kSampleIcens function Amat <- Acompare[, c("L44", "R44")] Group <- Acompare$fGENDER ## two-sample test ## (interval-censored version of classical Mantel's log-rank) kSampleIcens(A=Amat, group=Group, rho=0, gamma=0) ## some other choices of rho and gamma, ## pooled CDF is supplied to kSampleIcens function ## to speed-up the calculation ## and also to set maxiter to higher value than above ## to ensure convergence poolcdf <- PGM(A=Amat, maxiter=10000) ## IC version of classical Mantel's log-rank again kSampleIcens(A=Amat, group=Group, icsurv=poolcdf, rho=0, gamma=0) ## IC version of Peto-Prentice generalization of ## the Wilcoxon test kSampleIcens(A=Amat, group=Group, icsurv=poolcdf, rho=1, gamma=0) kSampleIcens(A=Amat, group=Group, icsurv=poolcdf, rho=0, gamma=1) kSampleIcens(A=Amat, group=Group, icsurv=poolcdf, rho=1, gamma=1)
### Comparison of emergence distributions ## of tooth 44 on boys and girls data("tandmob", package="icensBKL") ## take only first 50 children here ## to decrease the CPU time ## of the example tandmob50 <- tandmob[1:50,] ## only needed variables Acompare <- subset(tandmob50, select=c("fGENDER", "L44", "R44")) ## left-censored observations: ## change lower limit denoted by NA to 0 Acompare$L44[is.na(Acompare$L44)] <- 0 ## right-censored observations: ## change upper limit denoted by NA to 20 ## 20 = infinity in this case Acompare$R44[is.na(Acompare$R44)] <- 20 ## inputs for kSampleIcens function Amat <- Acompare[, c("L44", "R44")] Group <- Acompare$fGENDER ## two-sample test ## (interval-censored version of classical Mantel's log-rank) kSampleIcens(A=Amat, group=Group, rho=0, gamma=0) ## some other choices of rho and gamma, ## pooled CDF is supplied to kSampleIcens function ## to speed-up the calculation ## and also to set maxiter to higher value than above ## to ensure convergence poolcdf <- PGM(A=Amat, maxiter=10000) ## IC version of classical Mantel's log-rank again kSampleIcens(A=Amat, group=Group, icsurv=poolcdf, rho=0, gamma=0) ## IC version of Peto-Prentice generalization of ## the Wilcoxon test kSampleIcens(A=Amat, group=Group, icsurv=poolcdf, rho=1, gamma=0) kSampleIcens(A=Amat, group=Group, icsurv=poolcdf, rho=0, gamma=1) kSampleIcens(A=Amat, group=Group, icsurv=poolcdf, rho=1, gamma=1)
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the log-logistic distribution.
dllogis(x, shape, scale=1, log=FALSE) pllogis(q, shape, scale=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qllogis(p, shape, scale=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rllogis(n, shape, scale=1)
dllogis(x, shape, scale=1, log=FALSE) pllogis(q, shape, scale=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qllogis(p, shape, scale=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rllogis(n, shape, scale=1)
x , q
vector of quantiles. |
p |
vector of probabilities. |
n |
number of observations. |
shape |
the shape parameter |
scale |
the scale parameter |
log , log.p
logical; if |
lower.tail |
logical; if |
Log-logistic distribution
has a density
and a distribution function
where and
are positive
parameters (
is the inverse of the
parameter and
is the
The mean and the variance are given by
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function,
and rllogis
generates random deviates.
Arnošt Komárek [email protected]
set.seed(1977) print(x <- rllogis(10, shape=3, scale=5)) print(d <- dllogis(x, shape=3, scale=5)) print(p <- pllogis(x, shape=3, scale=5)) qllogis(p, shape=3, scale=5)
set.seed(1977) print(x <- rllogis(10, shape=3, scale=5)) print(d <- dllogis(x, shape=3, scale=5)) print(p <- pllogis(x, shape=3, scale=5)) qllogis(p, shape=3, scale=5)
Mastitis in dairy cattle is the inflammation of the udder and the most important disease in the dairy sector of the western world. Mastitis reduces the milk production and the quality of the milk. For this mastitis study, 100 cows were included into the study from the time of parturition (assumed to be free of infection). They were screened monthly at the udder-quarter level for bacterial infections. Since the udder quarters are separated, one quarter might be infected while other quarters remain free of infection. The cows were followed up until the end of the lactation period, which lasted approximately 300 to 350 days. Some cows were lost to follow-up, due to, e.g. culling. Because of the approximately monthly follow-up (except during July/August for which only one visit was planned due to lack of personnel), data are interval censored. Right censored data are present when no infection occurred before the end of the lactation period or the lost to follow up time. As visits were planned independently of infection times, independent noninformative censoring is a valid assumption.
Two covariates were recorded. The first is the number of calvings, i.e., parity. This is a categorical cow-level covariate with the following categories: (1) one calving, (2) 2 to 4 calvings and (3) more than 4 calvings and is also represented by two dummy variables (representing classes 2 and 3). The second covariate is the position of the udder quarter (front or rear). Both variables have been suggested in the literature to impact the incidence of mastitis (Weller et al., 1992; Adkinson et al., 1993).
Date are adopted from Goethal et al. (2009).
a data frame with 400 rows and the following variables
identification number of the cow.
indication of the location of the udder (front
indication of the location of the udder, 0 =
, 1 = rear
variable indicating parity (1
dummy variable for a parity of 1.
dummy variable for a parity of 2 to 4.
dummy variable for a parity of 4.
lower limit of interval lower, upper
that contains time of infection.
upper limit of interval lower, upper
that contains time of infection.
censor indicator,
0 = right-censored, 1 = interval-censored.
Left-censored observations have a missing value in the lower limit
). Right-censored observations have a missing value in
the upper limit (ul
Goethals, K., Ampe, B., Berkvens, D., Laevens, H., Janssen, P. and Duchateau, L. (2009). Modeling interval-censored, clustered cow udder quarter infection times through the shared gamma frailty model. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 14(1), 1-14.
Adkinson, R. W., Ingawa, K. H., Blouin, D. C., and Nickerson, S. C. (1993). Distribution of clinical mastitis among quarters of the bovine udder. Journal of Dairy Science, 76(11), 3453-3459.
Goethals, K., Ampe, B., Berkvens, D., Laevens, H., Janssen, P., and Duchateau, L. (2009). Modeling interval-censored, clustered cow udder quarter infection times through the shared gamma frailty model. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 14(1), 1-14.
Weller, J. I., Saran, A., and Zeliger, Y. (1992). Genetic and environmental relationships among somatic cell count, bacterial infection, and clinical mastitis. Journal of Dairy Science, 75(9), 2532-2540.
data("mastitis", package="icensBKL") summary(mastitis)
data("mastitis", package="icensBKL") summary(mastitis)
In February 2013 a survey on mobile phone purchases was held among 15 to 79 years old owners of a mobile phone in Finland. The participants were randomly sampled from a publicly available phone number directory by setting quotas in the gender, age and region of the respondents. A total of 536 completed interviews were recorded using a computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) system. The amount of female owners but also 15-24 years old owners were underrepresented in the data while male and 65-79 years old owners were overrepresented in the study compared to the 2012 Finnish official statistics. The respondents answered several questions about the purchase of their current and previous mobile phone and reported also some family characteristics. More details about the survey may be found in Karvanen et al. (2014).
The purchase times are interval censored because only the month and not the day of purchase was asked. In addition, many respondents could not recall the time of purchase. For their current phone, 310 respondents were able to report the month and year of the purchase, an additional 115 were able to provide the season and year and 37 were not able to recall even the year. Out of 517 respondents who answered the questions about their previous phone, 117 were able to report the purchase month and year, an additional 91 were able to report the season and year, 146 provided only the year and 163 were not able to recall even the year. A maximum purchase interval of 200 months is assumed when the purchase year is missing. Three respondents who reported their previous phone to have bought after their current phone, 30 respondents for whom the purchase intervals of their previous and current phone are completely overlapping and 6 respondents who did not report their household size were excluded from the analysis.
The dataset shown here includes 478 respondents who correctly reported to have had a previous phone and have non-overlapping intervals for the purchase times of the previous and current phone.
a data frame with 478 rows and the following variables
lower limit purchase date of the previous phone.
upper limit purchase date of the previous phone.
lower limit purchase date of the current phone.
upper limit purchase date of the current phone.
numeric lower limit purchase date of the previous phone
(0 January 1, 1992)
numeric upper limit purchase date of the previous phone.
numeric lower limit purchase date of the current phone.
numeric upper limit purchase date of the current phone.
gender (0 male, 1
derived from gender
age group (1 15-24 years, 2
years, 3
35-44 years, 4
45-54 years, 5
55-64 years, 6
65-79 years).
derived from agegrp
size of household (1 1 person, 2
persons, 3
3 persons, 4
4 persons, 5
persons or more).
derived from hhsize
household income before taxes (1 30 000 EUR or
less, 2
30 001-50 000 EUR, 3
50 001-70 000 EUR, 4
more than 70 000 EUR, 5
No answer).
derived from income
Karvanen, J., Rantanen, A., and Luoma, L. (2014). Survey data and Bayesian analysis: A cost-efficient way to estimate customer equity. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 12(3), 305-329.
data("mobile", package="icensBKL") summary(mobile)
data("mobile", package="icensBKL") summary(mobile)
Cumulative density function of the normal copula evaluated at points (u,v) with given parameter exp(beta %*%cov)
normal.copula(u, v, beta, cov)
normal.copula(u, v, beta, cov)
u |
vector of points in [0,1] representing the first coordinate where the normal copula must be evaluated |
v |
vector of points in [0,1] representing the second coordinate where the normal copula must be evaluated |
beta |
vector of coefficients to be multiplied with the covariates in order to determine the parameter of the normal copula |
cov |
vector of covariates to be multipleid with the coefficients in order to determine the parameter of the normal copula |
Cumulative density function of the normal copula evaluated at points (u,v) with given parameter exp(beta %*%cov)
This is not to be called by the user.
Kris Bogaerts [email protected]
Nelsen, R. B. (1998). An Introduction to Copulas. Lecture Notes in Statistics 139. Springer-Verlag, New-York.
Bayesian non-parametric estimation of a survival curve for right-censored data as proposed by Susarla and Van Ryzin (1976, 1978)
NPbayesSurv(time, censor, choice = c("exp", "weibull", "lnorm"), c = 1, parm, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Survival Probability", maintitle = "", cex.lab = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.0, cex.main = 1.5, cex.text = 1.2, lwd = 2)
NPbayesSurv(time, censor, choice = c("exp", "weibull", "lnorm"), c = 1, parm, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Survival Probability", maintitle = "", cex.lab = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.0, cex.main = 1.5, cex.text = 1.2, lwd = 2)
time , censor
numeric vectors with (right-censored) survival times and 0/1 censoring indicators (1 for event, 0 for censored) |
choice |
a character string indicating the initial guess
( |
c |
parameter of the Dirichlet process prior |
parm |
a numeric vector of parameters for the initial guess:
xlab , ylab
labels for axes of the plot |
maintitle |
text for the main title |
cex.lab , cex.axis , cex.main , cex.text , lwd
graphical parameters |
A vector corresponding to the parm
Emmanuel Lesaffre [email protected], Arnošt Komárek [email protected]
Susarla, V. and Van Ryzin, J. (1976). Nonparametric Bayesian estimation of survival curves from incomplete observations. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 71(356), 897-902.
Susarla, V. and Van Ryzin, J. (1978). Large sample theory for a Bayesian nonparametric survival curve estimator based on censored samples. The Annals of Statistics, 6(4), 755-768.
## Nonparametric Bayesian estimation of a survival curve ## Homograft study, aortic homograft patients data("graft", package = "icensBKL") graft.AH <- subset(graft, Hgraft == "AH") # aortic homograft patients time <- graft$timeFU[graft$Hgraft == "AH"] censor <- graft$homo.failure[graft$Hgraft == "AH"] ## Initial guess: Weibull, c = 0.1 and 100 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) NPbayesSurv(time, censor, "weibull", c = 100, xlab = "Follow-up time since the operation (years)", maintitle = "c = 100") NPbayesSurv(time, censor, "weibull", c = 100, xlab = "Follow-up time since the operation (years)", maintitle = "c = 100") par(oldpar) ## Initial guess: Exponential, c = 100 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) NPbayesSurv(time, censor, "exp", c = 100, xlab = "Follow-up time since the operation (years)", maintitle = "Exp: c = 100") ## Initial guess: Log-normal, c = 100 NPbayesSurv(time, censor, "lnorm", c = 100, xlab = "Follow-up time since the operation (years)", maintitle = "Log-Normal: c = 100") par(oldpar)
## Nonparametric Bayesian estimation of a survival curve ## Homograft study, aortic homograft patients data("graft", package = "icensBKL") graft.AH <- subset(graft, Hgraft == "AH") # aortic homograft patients time <- graft$timeFU[graft$Hgraft == "AH"] censor <- graft$homo.failure[graft$Hgraft == "AH"] ## Initial guess: Weibull, c = 0.1 and 100 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) NPbayesSurv(time, censor, "weibull", c = 100, xlab = "Follow-up time since the operation (years)", maintitle = "c = 100") NPbayesSurv(time, censor, "weibull", c = 100, xlab = "Follow-up time since the operation (years)", maintitle = "c = 100") par(oldpar) ## Initial guess: Exponential, c = 100 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) NPbayesSurv(time, censor, "exp", c = 100, xlab = "Follow-up time since the operation (years)", maintitle = "Exp: c = 100") ## Initial guess: Log-normal, c = 100 NPbayesSurv(time, censor, "lnorm", c = 100, xlab = "Follow-up time since the operation (years)", maintitle = "Log-Normal: c = 100") par(oldpar)
Bayesian non-parametric estimation of a survival curve for right-censored data as proposed by Susarla and Van Ryzin (1976, 1978)
NPICbayesSurv(low, upp, choice = c("exp", "weibull", "lnorm"), cc, parm, n.sample = 5000, n.burn = 5000, cred.level = 0.95)
NPICbayesSurv(low, upp, choice = c("exp", "weibull", "lnorm"), cc, parm, n.sample = 5000, n.burn = 5000, cred.level = 0.95)
low |
lower limits of observed intervals with |
upp |
upper limits of observed intervals with |
choice |
a character string indicating the initial guess
( |
cc |
parameter of the Dirichlet process prior |
parm |
a numeric vector of parameters for the initial guess:
n.sample |
number of iterations of the Gibbs sampler after the burn-in |
n.burn |
length of the burn-in |
cred.level |
credibility level of calculated pointwise credible intervals for values of the survival function |
A list
with the following components
a data.frame
with columns: t
(time points),
(posterior mean of the value of the survival function at
), Lower, Upper
(lower and upper bound of the
pointwise credible interval for the value of the survival function)
grid of time points (excluding an “infinity” value)
a matrix with sampled weights
a matrix with sampled values of
a matrix with sampled values of the survival function
parameter of the Dirichlet process prior which was used
character indicating the initial guess
parameters of the initial guess
length of the burn-in
number of sampled values
Emmanuel Lesaffre [email protected], Arnošt Komárek [email protected]
Calle, M. L. and Gómez, G. (2001). Nonparametric Bayesian estimation from interval-censored data using Monte Carlo methods. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 98(1-2), 73-87.
## Breast Cancer study (radiotherapy only group) ## Dirichlet process approach to estimate nonparametrically ## the survival distribution with interval-censored data data("breastCancer", package = "icensBKL") breastR <- subset(breastCancer, treat == "radio only", select = c("low", "upp")) ### Lower and upper interval limit to be used here low <- breastR[, "low"] upp <- breastR[, "upp"] ### Common parameters for sampling ### (quite low, only for testing) n.sample <- 100 n.burn <- 100 ### Gibbs sampler set.seed(19680821) Samp <- NPICbayesSurv(low, upp, choice = "weibull", n.sample = n.sample, n.burn = n.burn) print(ncol(Samp$w)) ## number of supporting intervals print(nrow(Samp$S)) ## number of grid points (without "infinity") print(Samp$S[, "t"]) ## grid points (without "infinity") print(Samp$t) ## grid points (without "infinity") print(Samp$S) ## posterior mean and pointwise credible intervals print(Samp$w[1:10,]) ## sampled weights (the first 10 iterations) print(Samp$n[1:10,]) ## sampled latend vectors (the first 10 iterations) print(Samp$Ssample[1:10,]) ## sampled S (the first 10 iterations) print(Samp$parm) ## parameters of the guess ### Fitted survival function including pointwise credible bands ngrid <- nrow(Samp$S) plot(Samp$S[1:(ngrid-1), "t"], Samp$S[1:(ngrid-1), "Mean"], type = "l", xlim = c(0, 50), ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Time", ylab = expression(hat(S)(t))) polygon(c(Samp$S[1:(ngrid-1), "t"], Samp$S[(ngrid-1):1, "t"]), c(Samp$S[1:(ngrid-1), "Lower"], Samp$S[(ngrid-1):1, "Upper"]), col = "grey95", border = NA) lines(Samp$S[1:(ngrid - 1), "t"], Samp$S[1:(ngrid - 1), "Lower"], col = "grey", lwd = 2) lines(Samp$S[1:(ngrid - 1), "t"], Samp$S[1:(ngrid - 1), "Upper"], col = "grey", lwd = 2) lines(Samp$S[1:(ngrid - 1), "t"], Samp$S[1:(ngrid - 1), "Mean"], col = "black", lwd = 3)
## Breast Cancer study (radiotherapy only group) ## Dirichlet process approach to estimate nonparametrically ## the survival distribution with interval-censored data data("breastCancer", package = "icensBKL") breastR <- subset(breastCancer, treat == "radio only", select = c("low", "upp")) ### Lower and upper interval limit to be used here low <- breastR[, "low"] upp <- breastR[, "upp"] ### Common parameters for sampling ### (quite low, only for testing) n.sample <- 100 n.burn <- 100 ### Gibbs sampler set.seed(19680821) Samp <- NPICbayesSurv(low, upp, choice = "weibull", n.sample = n.sample, n.burn = n.burn) print(ncol(Samp$w)) ## number of supporting intervals print(nrow(Samp$S)) ## number of grid points (without "infinity") print(Samp$S[, "t"]) ## grid points (without "infinity") print(Samp$t) ## grid points (without "infinity") print(Samp$S) ## posterior mean and pointwise credible intervals print(Samp$w[1:10,]) ## sampled weights (the first 10 iterations) print(Samp$n[1:10,]) ## sampled latend vectors (the first 10 iterations) print(Samp$Ssample[1:10,]) ## sampled S (the first 10 iterations) print(Samp$parm) ## parameters of the guess ### Fitted survival function including pointwise credible bands ngrid <- nrow(Samp$S) plot(Samp$S[1:(ngrid-1), "t"], Samp$S[1:(ngrid-1), "Mean"], type = "l", xlim = c(0, 50), ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Time", ylab = expression(hat(S)(t))) polygon(c(Samp$S[1:(ngrid-1), "t"], Samp$S[(ngrid-1):1, "t"]), c(Samp$S[1:(ngrid-1), "Lower"], Samp$S[(ngrid-1):1, "Upper"]), col = "grey95", border = NA) lines(Samp$S[1:(ngrid - 1), "t"], Samp$S[1:(ngrid - 1), "Lower"], col = "grey", lwd = 2) lines(Samp$S[1:(ngrid - 1), "t"], Samp$S[1:(ngrid - 1), "Upper"], col = "grey", lwd = 2) lines(Samp$S[1:(ngrid - 1), "t"], Samp$S[1:(ngrid - 1), "Mean"], col = "black", lwd = 3)
Cumulative density function of the Plackett copula evaluated at points (u,v) with given parameter exp(beta %*%cov)
plackett.copula(u, v, beta, cov)
plackett.copula(u, v, beta, cov)
u |
vector of points in [0,1] representing the first coordinate where the Plackett copula must be evaluated |
v |
vector of points in [0,1] representing the second coordinate where the Plackett copula must be evaluated |
beta |
vector of coefficients to be multiplied with the covariates in order to determine the parameter of the Plackett copula |
cov |
vector of covariates to be multipleid with the coefficients in order to determine the parameter of the Plackett copula |
Cumulative density function of the Plackett copula evaluated at points (u,v) with given parameter exp(beta %*%cov)
This is not to be called by the user.
Kris Bogaerts [email protected]
R. L. Plackett (1965). A class of bivariate distributions. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 60, 516-522.
Compute survivor function at left and right endpoint based on the fitted model. The function is an adapted version of the survfit.smoothSurvReg function of the package smoothSurv.
survfitS.smoothSurvReg(formula, cov, logscale.cov)
survfitS.smoothSurvReg(formula, cov, logscale.cov)
formula |
Object of class smoothSurvReg. |
cov |
Vector or matrix with covariates values for which the survivor function
is to be computed. It must be a matrix with as many columns as
is the number of covariates (interactions included) or the vector of length
equal to the number of covariates (interactions included). Intercept is not
to be included in |
logscale.cov |
Vector or matrix with covariate values for the expression of log-scale (if this depended on covariates). It can be omitted in the case that log-scale was common for all observations. |
A data.frame
with columns named S1
and S2
containing the value of survivor function at the left and right endpoints, respectively.
This is not to be called by the user.
Kris Bogaerts [email protected]
This is a random sample of 500 children (256 boys and 244 girls) from the dataset resulting from a longitudinal prospective dental study performed in Flanders (North of Belgium) in 1996 – 2001. The cohort of 4 468 randomly sampled children who attended the first year of the basic school at the beginning of the study was annualy dental examined by one of 16 trained dentists. The original dataset consists thus of at most 6 dental observations for each child.
The dataset presented here contains mainly the information on the emergence and caries times summarized in the interval-censored observations. In addition to the interval censored observation of the emergence time of several teeth, a random visit was selected in order to create current status data of the emergence times for the same children. Also the time to caries of the four permanent first molars are included in the data set. Finally, the covariates gender, frequency of brushing, the presence of sealants and occlusal plaque on the first permanent molars collected in the first year were included as potential confounders in the data set.
For more detail on the design of the study see Vanobbergen et al. (2000).
a data frame with 500 rows and the following variables
identification number of a child.
numeric gender; 0=boy, 1=girl.
factor derived from a variable GENDER
dmft-score at baseline around the age of 7 years.
numeric occlusal plaque status of teeth 16, 26, 36, 46 (permanent first molars); 0=no plaque, 1=pits/fissures, 2=total.
factors derived from variables
OH16o, OH26o, OH36o, OH46o
numeric brushing frequency at baseline; 0=less than daily, 1=at least once a day.
factor derived from a variable BRUSHING
numeric baseline presence of sealing on teeth 16, 26, 36, 46 (permanent first molars); 0=no, 1=yes.
factors derived from
variables SEAL16, SEAL26, SEAL36, SEAL46
numeric baseline dmft score of teeth 54, 64, 74, 84 (primary first molars); 0=sound, 1=caries experience.
numeric baseline dmft score of teeth 55, 65, 75, 85 (primary second molars); 0=sound, 1=caries experience.
derived from variables DMF_54, DMF_64, DMF_74, DMF_84
derived from variables DMF_55, DMF_65, DMF_75, DMF_85
left (lower) limit of observed emergence time of teeth 14, 24,
34, 44 (permanent first premolars), NA
for left-censored observations.
right (upper) limit of observed emergence time of teeth 14, 24,
34, 44 (permanent first premolars), NA
for right-censored observations.
left (lower) limit of observed emergence time of teeth 15, 25,
35, 45 (permanent second premolars), NA
for left-censored observations.
right (upper) limit of observed emergence time of teeth 15, 25,
35, 45 (permanent second premolars), NA
for right-censored observations.
left (lower) limit of observed emergence time of teeth 16, 26,
36, 46 (permanent first molars), NA
for left-censored observations.
right (upper) limit of observed emergence time of teeth 16, 26,
36, 46 (permanent first molars), NA
for right-censored observations.
age at visit selected to determine current status.
numeric current status of teeth 14, 24,
34, 44 (permanent first premolars) at age given by variable
; 0=not emerged, 1=emerged.
factors derived from variables
CS_14, CS_24, CS_34, CS_44
left (lower) limit of observed time to
caries of teeth 16, 26, 36, 46 (permanent first molars), NA
for left-censored observations.
right (upper) limit of observed time
to caries of teeth 16, 26, 36, 46 (permanent first molars), NA
for right-censored observations.
Leuven Biostatistics and Statistical Bioinformatics Centre (L-Biostat), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kapucijnenvoer 35, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Data collection was supported by Unilever, Belgium. The Signal Tandmobiel project comprises the following partners: D. Declerck (Dental School, Catholic University Leuven), L. Martens (Dental School, University Ghent), J. Vanobbergen (Oral Health Promotion and Prevention, Flemish Dental Association), P. Bottenberg (Dental School, University Brussels), E. Lesaffre (Biostatistical Centre, Catholic University Leuven), K. Hoppenbrouwers (Youth Health Department, Catholic University Leuven; Flemish Association for Youth Health Care).
Carvalho, J. C., Ekstrand, K. R., and Thylstrup, A. (1989). Dental plaque and caries on occlusal surfaces of first permanent molars in relation to stage of eruption. Journal of Dental Research, 68, 773–779.
Vanobbergen, J., Martens, L., Lesaffre, E., and Declerck, D. (2000). The Signal-Tandmobiel project – a longitudinal intervention health promotion study in Flanders (Belgium): baseline and first year results. European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 2, 87–96.
data("tandmob", package="icensBKL") summary(tandmob)
data("tandmob", package="icensBKL") summary(tandmob)
This is the dataset resulting from a longitudinal prospective dental study performed in Flanders (North of Belgium) in 1996 – 2001. The cohort of 4\,468 randomly sampled children who attended the first year of the basic school at the beginning of the study was annualy dental examined by one of 16 trained dentists. The original dataset consists thus of at most 6 dental observations for each child.
The dataset presented here contains mainly the information on the emergence and caries times summarized in the interval-censored observations. Some baseline covariates are also included here.
For more detail on the design of the study see Vanobbergen et al. (2000).
a data frame with 4\,430 rows (38 sampled children did not come to any of the designed dental examinations) and the following variables
identification number of a child
character boy or girl
numeric, 0 = boy, 1 = girl
character, date of birth in the format DDmmmYY
factor, code of the province with
=Vlaams Brabant
=Oost Vlaanderen
=West Vlaanderen
factor, code of the educational system with
=Free school
=Community school
=Province/council school
factor, code indicating the starting age of brushing the teeth (as reported by parents) with
=[0, 1] years
=(1, 2] years
=(2, 3] years
=(3, 4] years
=(4, 5] years
=later than at the age of 5
lower limit of the emergence (in years of age) of the
permanent tooth xx. NA
if the emergence was left-censored.
xx takes values 11, 21, 31, 41 (permanent incisors), 12, 22, 32, 42 (permanent central canines), 13, 23, 33, 43 (permanent lateral canines), 14, 24, 34, 44 (permanent first premolars), 15, 25, 35, 45 (permanent second premolars), 16, 26, 36, 46 (permanent first molars), 17, 27, 37, 47 (permanent second molars).
upper limit of the emergence (in years of age) of the
permanent tooth xx. NA
if the emergence was right-censored.
xx takes values as for the variable EBEG.xx
lower limit for the caries time (in years of age, ‘F’
stands for ‘failure’) of the permanent tooth xx. NA
if the
caries time was left-censored.
xx takes values as for the variable EBEG.xx
upper limit for the caries time (in years of age, ‘F’
stands for ‘failure’) of the permanent tooth xx. NA
if the
caries time was right-censored.
xx takes values as for the variable EBEG.xx
Unfortunately, for all teeth except 16, 26, 36 and 46 almost all the caries times are right-censored. For teeth 16, 26, 36, 46, the amount of right-censoring is only about 25%.
indicator whether a deciduous tooth xx was decayed or missing due to caries or filled on at most the last examination before the first examination when the emergence of the permanent successor was recorded.
xx takes values 53, 63, 73, 83 (deciduous lateral incisors), 54, 64, 74, 84 (deciduous first molars), 55, 65, 75, 85 (deciduous second molars).
indicator whether a~deciduous tooth xx was removed due to the orthodontical reasons or decayed on at most the last examination before the first examination when the emergence of the permanent successor was recorded.
Biostatistical Centre, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kapucijnenvoer 35, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Data collection was supported by Unilever, Belgium. The Signal Tandmobiel project comprises the following partners: D. Declerck (Dental School, Catholic University Leuven), L. Martens (Dental School, University Ghent), J. Vanobbergen (Oral Health Promotion and Prevention, Flemish Dental Association), P. Bottenberg (Dental School, University Brussels), E. Lesaffre (Biostatistical Centre, Catholic University Leuven), K. Hoppenbrouwers (Youth Health Department, Catholic University Leuven; Flemish Association for Youth Health Care).
Vanobbergen, J., Martens, L., Lesaffre, E., and Declerck, D. (2000). The Signal-Tandmobiel project – a longitudinal intervention health promotion study in Flanders (Belgium): baseline and first year results. European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 2, 87–96.
data("tandmobAll", package="icensBKL") summary(tandmobAll)
data("tandmobAll", package="icensBKL") summary(tandmobAll)
For the current study, the objective was to determine the sensory shelf life (SSL) of whole-fat, stirred yoghurt with strawberry pulp. A reversed storage design was used in which yoghurt pots of 150 g were kept at 4°C, and some of them were stored in a 42°C oven for 0, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours. These times were chosen because previous experiments showed that deterioration in flavor occurred quickly up to approximately 12 hours and then slowed down. After being stored at 42°C, the samples were refrigerated at 4°C until they were tasted. More details about the experiment can be found in Hough (2010).
Fifty adults between 18 and 30 years and 50 children between 10 and 12 years who consumed stirred yoghurt at least once a week were recruited from a town in Argentina. For each of the 7 samples presented in random order, the subject tasted the sample and answered the question: “Would you normally consume this product? Yes or No?”. If a subject would consume the samples up to 8 hours' storage but not the samples with 12 hours' storage or longer, it is known that SSL is somewhere between 8 and 12 hours storage. The data are thus interval-censored. Right-censored data occur when the subject accepts all samples and left-censored data if the sample with the first storage time is rejected. For subjects with inconsistent answers, several options to construct the interval are possible. Here, the widest uncertainty interval as to the storage time at which the subject rejects the yoghurt was applied. That is, from the first “yes” before a “no” until the last “no” which occurs after a “yes”.
Several subjects were excluded from the analysis (4 adults and 3 children) because they preferred the stored product to the fresh product. The data are reproduced from Hough (2010).
a data frame with 93 rows and the following variables
lower (left) limit of interval that contains an event of
interest, set to NA
for left-censored observations.
upper (right) limit of interval that contains an event of
interest, set to NA
for right-censored observations.
a binary variable indicating whether respondent is child (0) or adult (1).
derived from variable adult
Hough, G. (2010). Sensory Shelf Life Estimation of Food Products. CRC press. ISBN 9781420092912.
Hough, G. (2010). Sensory Shelf Life Estimation of Food Products. CRC press. ISBN 9781420092912.
data("yoghurt", package="icensBKL") summary(yoghurt)
data("yoghurt", package="icensBKL") summary(yoghurt)