Package 'smoothSurv'

Title: Survival Regression with Smoothed Error Distribution
Description: Contains, as a main contribution, a function to fit a regression model with possibly right, left or interval censored observations and with the error distribution expressed as a mixture of G-splines. Core part of the computation is done in compiled 'C++' written using the 'Scythe' Statistical Library Version 0.3.
Authors: Arnošt Komárek [aut, cre] , Kevin M. Quinn [ctb, cph] (Scythe_*.[h,cpp] files in the /src subdirectory), Andrew D. Martin [ctb, cph] (Scythe_*.[h,cpp] files in the /src subdirectory), Daniel B. Pemstein [ctb, cph] (Scythe_*.[h,cpp] files in the /src subdirectory), Berwin A. Turlach [ctb] (Basis of the code in /src/solve.QP.compact.cpp)
Maintainer: Arnošt Komárek <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 2.6
Built: 2025-03-08 06:08:08 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Confidence Intervals for Regression Parameters of 'smoothSurvReg' Model


Computes confidence intervals for one or more regression related parameters (regression coefficients, scale parameter or regression coefficients in a model for scale) for a 'smoothSurvReg' model.


## S3 method for class 'smoothSurvReg'
confint(object, parm, level = 0.95,
    method = c("pseudo-variance", "asymptotic"), ...)



Object of class smoothSurvReg.


A specification of which parameters are to be given confidence intervals, either a vector of numbers or a vector of names. If missing, all parameters are considered.


The confidence level required.


Type of confidence intervals to b calculated. Option “pseudo-variance” provides confidence intervals derived from inverted minus second derivatives of the penalized log-likelihood (pseudo-variance matrix), option “asymptotic” provides confidence intervals derived from the asyptotic covariance matrix of the parameter estimates.


Argument included in the function parameters for the compatibility with the generic function.


A matrix (or vector) with columns giving lower and upper confidence limits for each parameter. These will be labelled as (1 - level)/2 and 1 - (1 - level)/2 in % (by default 2.5 % and 97.5 %).


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]

See Also


Estimate expectation of survival times and their difference from the results given by survival regression function


Estimate expectation of survival times and their difference from the results given by survival regression function


estimTdiff(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'smoothSurvReg'
estimTdiff(x, cov1, cov2, logscale.cov1, logscale.cov2,
    time0 = 0, conf.level=0.95, ...)



Object of an appropriate class.


Vector or matrix with covariates values for which the expectations of the first survival time are to be computed. It must be a matrix with as many columns as is the number of covariates (interactions included, intercept excluded) or the vector of length equal to the number of covariates (interactions included, intercept excluded). If matrix is supplied then is assumed that each row of this matrix gives one covariate combination for the first survival time. Intercept is not to be included in cov1. If cov1 is missing an expectation of a survivor time for the value of a covariate vector equal to zero is computed. If there is only intercept in the model, this parameter must be always missing.


Vector or matrix with covariate values for which the expectations of the second survival time are to be computed. It must be of same size as cov1.


Vector or matrix with covariate values for the expression of log-scale (if this depended on covariates) for the first survival time. It can be omitted in the case that log-scale was common for all observations.


Vector or matrix with covariate values for the expression of log-scale (if this depended on covariates) for the second survival time. It can be omitted in the case that log-scale was common for all observations.


Starting time of the follow-up as used in the model. I.e. the model is assumed to be log(Ttime0)=xβ+σε\log(T-time0) = x'\beta + \sigma\varepsilon


confidence level of produced confidence intervals.


who knows


A data.frame with columns named “ET1”, “sd.ET1”, “ET1.lower”, “ET1.upper”, 'ET2”, “sd.ET2”, “ET2.lower”, “ET2.upper”, “diffT”, “sd.diffT”, “diffT.lower”, “diffT.upper” giving the estimates of expected values of the survival times for covariate values given in rows of cov1 and logscale.cov1, their standard errors, estimates of expected values of survival times for covariate values given in rows of cov2 and logscale.cov2, their standard errors and estimates of a difference of expected values of survival times for covariate values given in rows of cov1, logscale.cov1 and cov2, logscale.cov2, their standard errors and confidence intervals.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]

See Also


Evaluate a G-spline in a grid of values


This function computes values of

f(x)=j=1gcjφμj,σj2(x)f(x) = \sum_{j=1}^g c_j \varphi_{\mu_j, \sigma_j^2}(x)

in a grid of xx values.

In above expression, φμj,σj2(x)\varphi_{\mu_j, \sigma_j^2}(x) denotes a density of N(μj,σj2)N(\mu_j, \sigma_j^2).


eval.Gspline(Gspline, grid)



A data frame with at least three columns named “Knot”, “SD basis” and “c coef.” which determine μ1,,μg\mu_1, \dots,\mu_g, σ1,,σg\sigma_1, \dots, \sigma_g and c1,,cgc_1,\dots, c_g. Data.frame with such properties can be found e.g. as spline component of the resulting object returned by functions smoothSurvReg and minPenalty.


A numeric vector giving the grid of xx values at which the G-spline is to be evaluated.


A data.frame with columns named “x” (grid) and “y” (G-spline values).


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]


spline <- minPenalty(knots=seq(-4.2, 4.2, by=0.3), sdspline=0.2, difforder=3)$spline
  values <- eval.Gspline(spline, seq(-4.5, 4.5, by=0.05))
  plot(values, type="l", bty="n", lwd=3)

Density of the Extreme Value Distribution of a Minimum.


Density function of the extreme value distribution of a minimum with location α\alpha and scale β\beta and the density of the standardized version (with zero mean and unit variance).


dextreme(x, alpha=0, beta=1)



Vector of quantiles.


Vector of location parameters.


Vector of scale parameters.


Extreme value distribution of a minimum with the location α\alpha and the scale β\beta has a density

f(x)=1βexp[xαβexp(xαβ)]f(x) = \frac{1}{\beta}\exp\left[\frac{x-\alpha}{\beta}-\exp\left(\frac{x-\alpha}{\beta}\right)\right]

the mean equal to αβ  e\alpha - \beta\;e, where ee is approximately 0.57720.5772 and the variance equal to β2π6\beta^2\frac{\pi}{6}. Its standardized version is obtained with α=6π  e\alpha = \frac{\sqrt{6}}{\pi}\;e and β=6π\beta = \frac{\sqrt{6}}{\pi}


The value of the density.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]


dextreme(1, (sqrt(6)/pi)*0.5772, sqrt(6)/pi)
dstextreme(1)        ## approximately same result as on the previous row

Density for Objects of Class 'smoothSurvReg'


Compute and plot density function for given combinations of covariates based on the fitted model.


## S3 method for class 'smoothSurvReg'
fdensity(x, cov, logscale.cov, time0 = 0, plot = TRUE,
    by, xlim, ylim, xlab = "t", ylab = "f(t)", 
    type = "l", lty, main, sub, legend, bty = "n", cex.legend = 1, ...)



Object of class smoothSurvReg.


Vector or matrix with covariates values for which the survivor curve/cdf is to be computed and plotted. It must be a matrix with as many columns as is the number of covariates (interactions included) or the vector of length equal to the number of covariates (interactions included). Intercept is not to be included in cov. If cov is missing a survivor curve for the value of a covariate vector equal to zero is plotted. If there is only intercept in the model the survivor curve based on the fitted error distribution is always plotted.


Vector or matrix with covariate values for the expression of log-scale (if this depended on covariates). It can be omitted in the case that log-scale was common for all observations.


Starting time of the follow-up as used in the model. I.e. the model is assumed to be log(Ttime0)=xβ+σε\log(T-time0) = x'\beta + \sigma\varepsilon


If TRUE the plot is directly produced, otherwise only a data.frame with information used for later plotting is returned.


Step for a ploting grid. If missing it is automatically computed.

xlim, ylim

Arguments passed to the plot function.

xlab, ylab

Arguments passed to the plot function.

type, lty

Arguments passed to the plot function.

main, sub

Arguments passed to the plot function.

legend, bty

Argument passed to the plot function.


argument passed to cex argument of the legend function.


Arguments passed to the plot function.


A dataframe with columns named x and y where x gives the grid and y the values of the density function at that grid.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]

See Also

smoothSurvReg, plot

Hazard Curves for Objects of Class 'smoothSurvReg'


Compute and plot hazard function for given combinations of covariates based on the fitted model.


## S3 method for class 'smoothSurvReg'
hazard(x, cov, logscale.cov, time0 = 0, plot = TRUE,
    by, xlim, ylim, xlab = "t", ylab = "h(t)", 
    type = "l", lty, main, sub, legend, bty = "n", cex.legend = 1, ...)



Object of class smoothSurvReg.


Vector or matrix with covariates values for which the survivor curve/cdf is to be computed and plotted. It must be a matrix with as many columns as is the number of covariates (interactions included) or the vector of length equal to the number of covariates (interactions included). Intercept is not to be included in cov. If cov is missing a survivor curve for the value of a covariate vector equal to zero is plotted. If there is only intercept in the model the survivor curve based on the fitted error distribution is always plotted.


Vector or matrix with covariate values for the expression of log-scale (if this depended on covariates). It can be omitted in the case that log-scale was common for all observations.


Starting time of the follow-up as used in the model. I.e. the model is assumed to be log(Ttime0)=xβ+σε\log(T-time0) = x'\beta + \sigma\varepsilon


If TRUE the plot is directly produced, otherwise only a data.frame with information used for later plotting is returned.


Step for a ploting grid. If missing it is automatically computed.

xlim, ylim

Arguments passed to the plot function.

xlab, ylab

Arguments passed to the plot function.

type, lty

Arguments passed to the plot function.

main, sub

Arguments passed to the plot function.

legend, bty

Argument passed to the plot function.


argument passed to cex argument of the legend function.


Arguments passed to the plot function.


A dataframe with columns named x and y where x gives the grid and y the values of the hazard function at that grid.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]

See Also

smoothSurvReg, plot

Minimize the penalty term under the two (mean and variance) constraints


This function minimizes

12j=m+1g(Δmaj)2\frac{1}{2}\sum_{j=m+1}^g \Bigl(\Delta^m a_j\Bigr)^2

with respect to a1,,aga_1,\dots, a_g under the constraints

j=1gcjμj=0\sum_{j=1}^g c_j \mu_j = 0


j=1gcj(μj2+σ02)=1,\sum_{j=1}^g c_j (\mu_j^2 + \sigma_0^2) = 1,


cj=exp(aj)l=1gexp(al)c_j = \frac{\exp(a_j)}{\sum_{l=1}^g}\exp(a_l)

with one of aa's fixed to zero.

Note that the minimum is always zero. We are thus mainly interested in the point where the minimum is reached.


minPenalty(knots = NULL, dist.range = c(-6, 6), by.knots = 0.3, sdspline = NULL,
    difforder = 3, init.c,
    maxiter = 200, rel.tolerance = 1e-10, toler.chol = 1e-15, toler.eigen = 1e-3,
    maxhalf = 10, debug = 0, info = TRUE)



A vector of knots μ1,,μg\mu_1,\dots,\mu_g.


Approximate minimal and maximal knot. If not given by knots the knots are determined as c(seq(0, dist.range[2], by = by.knots), seq(0, dist.range[1], by = -by.knots)). The sequence of knots is sorted and multiple entries are removed.


The distance between the two knots used when building a vector of knots if these are not given by knots.


Standard deviation σ02\sigma_0^2 of the basis G-spline (here it appeares only in the variance constraint). If not given it is determined as 2/3 times the maximal distance between the two knots. If sdspline >= 1 it is changed to 0.9 to be able to satisfy the constraints.


The order of the finite difference used in the penalty term.


Optional vector of the initial values for the G-spline coefficients c, all values must lie between 0 and 1 and must sum up to 1.


Maximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations.


(Relative) tolerance to declare the convergence. For this function, the convergence is declared if absolute value of the penalty is lower than rel.tolerance and if both constraints are satisfied up to rel.tolerance.


Tolerance to declare Cholesky decomposition singular.


Tolerance to declare an eigen value of a matrix to be zero.


Maximum number of step-halving steps if updated estimate leads to a decrease of the objective function.


If non-zero print debugging information.


If TRUE information concerning the iteration process is printed during the computation to the standard output.


A list with the components “spline”, “penalty”, “warning”, “fail”.


A data frame with columns named “Knot”, “SD basis”, “c coef.” and “a coef.” which gives the optimal values of c1,,cgc_1,\dots, c_g and a1,,aga_1,\dots, a_g in the latter two columns. This data.frame can be further worked out using the function eval.Gspline.


The value of the penalty term when declaring convergence.


Possible warnings concerning the convergence.


Failure indicator. It is zero if everything went OK.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]


optimum <- minPenalty(knots=seq(-4.2, 4.2, by = 0.3), sdspline=0.2, difforder=3)
where <- optimum$spline
show <- eval.Gspline(where, seq(-4.2, 4.2, by=0.05))
plot(show, type="l", bty="n", lwd=2)

Left Continuous Piecewise Constant Function with a Finite Support.


Function to evaluate a left continuous piecewise constant function with a finite support.


piece(x, breaks, values)



Vector of values where the piecewise constant function should be evaluated.


Vector of sorted breakpoints of the piecewise constant function.


Values of the piecewise constant function. It takes the value value[i] on the interval (breaks[i], breaks[i+1]]. The function is assumed to be zero outside its range specified as (breaks[1], breaks[length(breaks)]]. The length of the vector values must be equal to length(breaks) - 1


The value of the piecewise constant function.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]


my.breaks <- c(-2, 1.5, 4, 7)
my.values <- c(0.5, 0.9, -2)
grid <- seq(-3, 8, by = 0.25)
piece(grid, my.breaks, my.values)

Plot Objects of Class 'smoothSurvReg'


Plot the fitted error distribution.


## S3 method for class 'smoothSurvReg'
plot(x, plot = TRUE, resid = TRUE, knots = TRUE,
   compare = TRUE, components = FALSE, standard = TRUE,
   by, toler.c = 1e-5,
   xlim, ylim,
   xlab = expression(epsilon), ylab = expression(paste("f(",epsilon,")", sep = "")),
   type = "l", lty = 1, main, sub, bty = "n", ...)



Object of class smoothSurvReg.


If TRUE the plot is directly produced, otherwise only a data.frame with information used for later plotting is returned.


If resid & plot residuals are added to the plot in the following way. Residuals based on exact observations are plotted by pch = 3 (+), residuals based on right censored observations using pch = 4 (x), residuals based on left censored observations using pch = 2 (traingle) and midpoints of residuals based on interval censored observations using pch = 5 (diamond).


If knots & plot bullets indicating (transformed) knots corresponding to 'c' G-spline coefficients higher than toler.c are added to the x-axis of the plot.


If compare & !components & standard & plot plots of the three parametric distributions (st. normal, st. logistic and st. minimum extreme value) are added to the plot for comparison.


If components & standard & plot dashed lines with weighted G-spline components are added to the plot.


If standard data for plotting the fitted error distribution are created, otherwise data for plotting the distribution of α+σε\alpha + \sigma\varepsilon are created. In the case that log(σ)\log(\sigma) depends on covariates and standard is FALSE, all covariates equal to zero are used to compute log(σ)\log(\sigma).


Step for a ploting grid. If NULL it is automatically computed.


Tolerance to indicate zero 'c' G-spline coefficients used if knots == TRUE.

xlim, ylim

Arguments passed to the plot function.

xlab, ylab

Arguments passed to the plot function.

type, lty

Arguments passed to the plot function.

main, sub

Arguments passed to the plot function.


Argument passed to the plot function.


Arguments passed to the plot function.


A dataframe with columns named x and y where x gives the grid and y the values of the density at that grid.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]

See Also

smoothSurvReg, plot

Print for Objects of Class 'estimTdiff'


Print a summary information of the estimates and tests for expected values of survival times based on a regression.


## S3 method for class 'estimTdiff'
print(x, digits = min(options()$digits, 4), ...)



Object of class estimTdiff.


Controls the number of digits to print when printing numeric values. It is a suggestion only. Valid values are 1...22.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


No return value, called to print the object.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]

See Also

smoothSurvReg, print

Summary and Print for Objects of Class 'smoothSurvReg'


Print a summary information of the fitted model.

For regression coefficients the following information is given:

⁠Value⁠ - estimate of the coefficient
⁠Std.Error⁠ - estimated standard error based on the pseudo-variance estimate (3.1)
in Komárek, Lesaffre and Hilton (2005)
⁠Std.Error2⁠ - estimated standard error based on the asymptotic variance estimate (3.2)
in Komárek, Lesaffre and Hilton (2005)
⁠Z⁠ - the Wald statistic obtained as ‘⁠Value⁠’ divided by ‘⁠Std.Error⁠
⁠Z2⁠ - the Wald statistic obtained as ‘⁠Value⁠’ divided by ‘⁠Std.Error2⁠
⁠p⁠ - the two-sided P-value based on normality of the statistic ‘⁠Z⁠
⁠p2⁠ - the two-sided P-value based on normality of the statistic ‘⁠Z2⁠

Further, we print:

⁠Lambda⁠ - the optimal value of the smoothing hyperparameter
divided by the sample size, i.e., λ/n\lambda/n in the notation
of Komárek, Lesaffre and Hilton (2005)
⁠Log(Lambda)⁠ - logarithm of the above
⁠df⁠ - effective degrees of freedom of the model, see Section 2.2.3
of Komárek, Lesaffre and Hilton (2005)
⁠AIC⁠ - Akaike's information criterion of the model, see Section 2.2.3
of Komárek, Lesaffre and Hilton (2005)

With argument spline set to TRUE, analogous table like that for the regression coefficients is printed also for the weights of the penalized Gaussian mixture (G-spline).


## S3 method for class 'smoothSurvReg'
print(x, spline, digits = min(options()$digits, 4), ...)
## S3 method for class 'smoothSurvReg'
summary(object, spline, digits = min(options()$digits, 4), ...)



Object of class smoothSurvReg.


Object of class smoothSurvReg.


TRUE/FALSE. If TRUE an information on fitted G-spline is printed.


Controls the number of digits to print when printing numeric values. It is a suggestion only. Valid values are 1...22.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


No return value, called to print the object.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]


Komárek, A., Lesaffre, E., and Hilton, J. F. (2005). Accelerated failure time model for arbitrarily censored data with smoothed error distribution. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 14, 726–745.

Lesaffre, E., Komárek, A., and Declerck, D. (2005). An overview of methods for interval-censored data with an emphasis on applications in dentistry. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 14, 539–552.

See Also

smoothSurvReg, print, summary

Residuals for Objects of Class 'smoothSurvReg'


Compute residuals for the fitted model.


## S3 method for class 'smoothSurvReg'
residuals(object, ...)



Object of class smoothSurvReg.


Argument included in the function parameters for the compatibility with the generic function.


A dataframe with columns named res, res2 and censor where the column res2 is included only if there are any interval censored observations. Column res contains all residuals, column res2 is applicable only for interval censored observations. Column censor gives the type of censoring (0 for right censoring, 1 for exact observations, 2 for left censoring and 3 for interval censoring).


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]

See Also


Regression for a Survival Model with Smoothed Error Distribution


Regression for a survival model. These are all time-transformed location models, with the most useful case being the accelerated failure models that use a log transformation. Error distribution is assumed to be a mixture of G-splines. Parameters are estimated by the penalized maximum likelihood method.


smoothSurvReg(formula = formula(data), logscale = ~1, 
   data = parent.frame(), subset, na.action =,
   init.beta, init.logscale, init.c, init.dist = "best",
   update.init = TRUE, aic = TRUE, lambda = exp(2:(-9)),
   model = FALSE, control = smoothSurvReg.control(), ...)



A formula expression as for other regression models. See the documentation for lm and formula for details. Use Surv on the left hand side of the formula.


A formula expression to determine a possible dependence of the log-scale on covariates.


Optional data frame in which to interpret the variables occurring in the formula.


Subset of the observations to be used in the fit.


Function to be used to handle any NAs in the data. It's default value is It is not recommended to change it in the case when logscale depends on covariates.


Optional vector of the initial values of the regression parameter β\beta (intercept and regression itself).


Optional value of the initial value of the parameters that determines the log-scale parameter log(σ)\log(\sigma).


Optional vector of the initial values for the G-spline coefficients c, all values must lie between 0 and 1 and must sum up to 1.


A character string specifying the distribution used by survreg to find the initial values for parameters (if not given by the user). It is assumed to name "best" or an element from survreg.distributions. These include "weibull", "exponential", "gaussian", "logistic", "lognormal" and "loglogistic". If "best" is specified one of "lognormal", "weibull" and "loglogistic" giving the highest likelihood is used.


If TRUE, the initial values are updated during the grid search for the lambda parameter giving the optimal AIC. Otherwise, fits with all lambdas during the grid search start with same initials determine at the beginning either from the values of init.beta, init.scale, init.c or from the initial survreg fit as determined by the parameter init.dist.


If TRUE the optimal value of the tuning parameter λ\lambda is determined via a grid search through the values specified by the parameter lambda. If FALSE, only the model with λ=\lambda = lambda[1] is fitted.


A grid of values of the tuning parameter λ\lambda searched for the optimal value if aic = TRUE.


If TRUE, the model frame is returned.


A list of control values, in the format producted by smoothSurvReg.control.


Other arguments which will be passed to smoothSurvReg.control. See its help page for more options to control the fit and for the possibility to fix some values and not to estimate them.


Read the papers referred below.

There is a slight difference in the definition of the penalty used by the R function compared to what is written in the paper. The penalized log-likelihood given in the paper has a form

P(θ)=(θ)λ2j=m+1g(Δmaj)2,\ell_P(\theta) = \ell(\theta) - \frac{\lambda}{2}\sum_{j=m+1}^g(\Delta^m a_j)^2,

while the penalized log-likelihood used in the R function multiplies the tuning parameter λ\lambda given by lambda by a sample size nn to keep default values more or less useful for samples of different sizes. So that the penalized log-likelihood which is maximized by the R function has the form

P(θ)=(θ)λn2j=m+1g(Δmaj)2.\ell_P(\theta) = \ell(\theta) - \frac{\lambda\cdot n}{2}\sum_{j=m+1}^g(\Delta^m a_j)^2.


An object of class smoothSurvReg is returned. See smoothSurvReg.object for details.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]


Komárek, A., Lesaffre, E., and Hilton, J. F. (2005). Accelerated failure time model for arbitrarily censored data with smoothed error distribution. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 14, 726–745.

Lesaffre, E., Komárek, A., and Declerck, D. (2005). An overview of methods for interval-censored data with an emphasis on applications in dentistry. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 14, 539–552.


##### EXAMPLE 1:  Common scale
##### ========================
### We generate interval censored data and fit a model with few artificial covariates
x1 <- rbinom(50, 1, 0.4)                                         ## binary covariate
x2 <- rnorm(50, 180, 10)                                         ## continuous covariate
y1 <- 0.5*x1 - 0.01*x2 + 0.005 *x1*x2 + 1.5*rnorm(50, 0, 1)      ## generate log(T), left limit
t1 <- exp(y1)                                                    ## left limit of the survival time
t2 <- t1 + rgamma(50, 1, 1)                                      ## right limit of the survival time
surv <- Surv(t1, t2, type = "interval2")                         ## survival object

## Fit the model with an interaction
fit1 <- smoothSurvReg(surv ~ x1 * x2, logscale = ~1, info = FALSE, lambda = exp(2:(-1)))

## Print the summary information
summary(fit1, spline = TRUE)

## Plot the fitted error distribution

## Plot the fitted error distribution with its components
plot(fit1, components = TRUE)

## Plot the cumulative distribution function corresponding to the error density
survfit(fit1, cdf = TRUE)

## Plot survivor curves for persons with (x1, x2) = (0, 180) and (1, 180)
cov <- matrix(c(0, 180, 0,   1, 180, 180), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
survfit(fit1, cov = cov)

## Plot hazard curves for persons with (x1, x2) = (0, 180) and (1, 180)
cov <- matrix(c(0, 180, 0,   1, 180, 180), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
hazard(fit1, cov = cov)

## Plot densities for persons with (x1, x2) = (0, 180) and (1, 180)
cov <- matrix(c(0, 180, 0,   1, 180, 180), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
fdensity(fit1, cov = cov)

## Compute estimates expectations of survival times for persons with
## (x1, x2) = (0, 180), (1, 180), (0, 190), (1, 190), (0, 200), (1, 200)
## and estimates of a difference of these expectations:
## T(0, 180) - T(1, 180), T(0, 190) - T(1, 190), T(0, 200) - T(1, 200),
cov1 <- matrix(c(0, 180, 0,   0, 190, 0,   0, 200, 0), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
cov2 <- matrix(c(1, 180, 180,   1, 190, 190,   1, 200, 200), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
print(estimTdiff(fit1, cov1 = cov1, cov2 = cov2))

##### EXAMPLE 2:  Scale depends on covariates
##### =======================================
### We generate interval censored data and fit a model with few artificial covariates
x1 <- rbinom(50, 1, 0.4)                                        ## binary covariate
x2 <- rnorm(50, 180, 10)                                        ## continuous covariate
x3 <- runif(50, 0, 1)                                           ## covariate for the scale parameter
logscale <- 1 + x3
scale <- exp(logscale)
y1 <- 0.5*x1 - 0.01*x2 + 0.005 *x1*x2 + scale*rnorm(50, 0, 1)    ## generate log(T), left limit
t1 <- exp(y1)                                                    ## left limit of the survival time
t2 <- t1 + rgamma(50, 1, 1)                                      ## right limit of the survival time
surv <- Surv(t1, t2, type = "interval2")                         ## survival object

## Fit the model with an interaction
fit2 <- smoothSurvReg(surv ~ x1 * x2, logscale = ~x3, info = FALSE, lambda = exp(2:(-1)))

## Print the summary information
summary(fit2, spline = TRUE)

## Plot the fitted error distribution

## Plot the fitted error distribution with its components
plot(fit2, components = TRUE)

## Plot survivor curves for persons with (x1, x2) = (0, 180) and (1, 180)
## x3 = 0.8 and 0.9
cov <- matrix(c(0, 180, 0,   1, 180, 180), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
logscale.cov <- c(0.8, 0.9)
survfit(fit2, cov = cov, logscale.cov = logscale.cov)

## Plot hazard curves for persons with (x1, x2) = (0, 180) and (1, 180)
## x3 = 0.8 and 0.9
cov <- matrix(c(0, 180, 0,   1, 180, 180), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
logscale.cov <- c(0.8, 0.9)
hazard(fit2, cov = cov, logscale.cov=c(0.8, 0.9))

## Plot densities for persons with (x1, x2) = (0, 180) and (1, 180)
## x3 = 0.8 and 0.9
cov <- matrix(c(0, 180, 0,   1, 180, 180), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
logscale.cov <- c(0.8, 0.9)
fdensity(fit2, cov = cov, logscale.cov = logscale.cov)

## More involved examples can be found in script files
## used to perform analyses  and draw pictures 
## presented in above mentioned references.
## These scripts and some additional files can be found as *.tar.gz files
## in the /inst/doc directory of this package.

More Options for 'smoothSurvReg'


This function checks and sets the fitting options for smoothSurvReg. Its arguments can be used instead of ... in a call to smoothSurvReg.


smoothSurvReg.control(est.c = TRUE, est.scale = TRUE,
   maxiter = 200, firstiter = 0, rel.tolerance = 5e-5,
   toler.chol = 1e-15, toler.eigen = 1e-3,
   maxhalf = 10, debug = 0, info = TRUE, lambda.use = 1.0, sdspline = NULL,
   difforder = 3, dist.range = c(-6, 6), by.knots = 0.3,
   knots = NULL, nsplines = NULL, last.three = NULL)



If TRUE the G-spline coefficients are estimated. Otherwise, they are fixed to the values given by init.c parameter of smoothSurvReg.


If TRUE the scale parameter σ\sigma is estimated. Otherwise, it is fixed to the value given by init.scale parameter of smoothSurvReg.


Maximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations.


The index of the first iteration. This option comes from older versions of this function.


(Relative) tolerance to declare the convergence. In this version of the function, the convergence is declared if the relative difference between two consecutive values of the penalized log-likelihood are smaller than rel.tolerance.


Tolerance to declare Cholesky decomposition singular.


Tolerance to declare an eigen value of a matrix to be zero.


Maximum number of step-halving steps if updated estimate leads to a decrease of the objective function.


If non-zero print debugging information.


If TRUE information concerning the iteration process is printed during the computation to the standard output.


The value of the tuning (penalty) parameter λ\lambda used in a current fit by the function. Value of this option is not interesting for the user. The parameter lambda of the function smoothSurvReg is more important for the user.


Standard deviation of the basis G-spline. If not given it is determined as 2/3 times the maximal distance between the two knots. If est.c = TRUE and sdspline >= 1 it is changed to 0.9 to be able to satisfy the constraints imposed to the fitted error distribution.


The order of the finite difference used in the penalty term.


Approximate minimal and maximal knot. If not given by knots the knots are determined as c(seq(0, dist.range[2], by = by.knots), seq(0, dist.range[1], by = -by.knots)). The sequence of knots is sorted and multiple entries are removed.


The distance between the two knots used when building a vector of knots if these are not given by knots. This option is ignored if nsplines is not NULL.


A vector of knots.


This option is ignored at this moment. It is used to give the number of G-splines to the function


A vector of length 3 with indeces of reference knots. The 'a' coefficient of the knot[last.three[1]] is then equal to zero, 'a' coefficients with indeces last.three[2:3] are expressed as a function of remaining 'a' coefficients such that resulting error distribution has zero mean and unit variance. If maxiter > 0 last.three is determined after the convergence is reached. If maxiter == 0 last.three is used to compute variance matrices.


A list with the same elements as the input except dist.range and by.knots is returned.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]

Work Function to Fit the Model Using 'smoothSurvReg'


Fit the survival regression model with smoothed error distribution. This function is not to be called by the user.

Usage, z, y, offset = NULL, correctlik, init, controlvals, common.logscale)



A covariate matrix.


A covariate matrix for log(scale).


A two- or three- column matrix with response. The last column indicate the type of censoring. See Surv for details.


A vector with possible offset term.


Correction term to the likelihood due to the log transformation of the response.


A list with components beta, scale, ccoef giving the initial values for the fitting process.


A list returned by smoothSurvReg.control.


Indicator (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether the log-scale is same for all observations or whether it depends on covariates.


A list with components regres, spline, loglik, aic, degree.smooth, var, var2, dCdC, iter, estimated, warning, fail, H, I, G, U.


WARNING: Most users will call the higher level routine smoothSurvReg. Consequently, this function has very few error checks on its input arguments.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]

Smoothed Survival Regression Object


This class of objects is returned by the smoothSurvReg class of functions to represent a fitted smoothed survival regression model.

Objects of this class have methods for the functions print, summary, plot, residuals, survfit.


The following components must be included in a legitimate smoothSurvReg object.


Indicator of the failure of the fitting procedure. Possible values are 0 for no problems, 3 if the iteration process was stopped because of non-positive definite minus Hessian, 4 if the eiteration process was stopped because too many halving steps were performed, 5 if it was not possible to find the three reference knots (it was not then possible to perform optimization with respect to the full parameter vector), 6 if the maximal number of iterations was performed without reaching a convergence. The fail component is increased by 10 if the final minus Hessian of the penalized log-likelihood was not positive definite. The fail component is further increased by 20 if the computed effective degrees of freedom were non-positive. The fail component is further increased by 40 if there are negative estimates of standard errors for some regression parameters. The fail component is 99 or higher if the fitting procedure failed at all and there is no fit produced.


The following components must be included in a legitimate smoothSurvReg object if fail is lower than 99.


Estimates of the regression parameters α,β,σ\alpha, \beta, \sigma if these have been estimated with their standard errors stored in a data frame with colnames “Value”, “Std.Error”, “Std.Error2” and rownames derived from the names of the design matrix with “(Intercept)” for the intercept, “Scale” for the scale and “Log(scale)” for the log-scale. If the log-scale depends on covariates then rows named “LScale.(Intercept)”, “LScale.cov1” etc. give estimates of regression parameters for log-scale. The two standard errors are computed using either var or var2 described below.


Description of the fitted error density. A data frame with colnames “Knot”, “SD basis”, “c coef.”, “Std.Error.c”, “Std.Error2.c”, “a coef.”, “Std.Error.a” and “Std.Error2.a” and rownames knot[1], ..., knot[g] where gg stands for the number of basis G-splines. The column “Knot” contains the knots in ascending order, “SD basis” the standard deviation of an appropriate basis G-spline, “c coef.” estimates of the G-spline coefficients and “Std.Error.c” and “Std.Error2.c” the estimates of their standard errors based either on var or var2. The column “a coef.” contains the estimates of transformed cc coefficients where

cj=exp(aj)l=1gexp(al),j=1,,g.c_j = \frac{\exp(a_j)}{\sum_{l=1}^{g}\exp(a_l)}, j = 1,\dots, g.

If the error distribution is estimated, one of the aa coefficients is set to zero and two other aa's are expressed as a function of the remaining aa coefficients (to avoid equality constraints concerning the mean and the variance of the error distribution). The standard error for these three aa coefficients is then not available (it is equal to NA). Standard error is set to NaN is a diagonal element of the appropriate covariance matrix was negative.


Maximized penalized log-likelihood, log-likelihood and the penalty term. A data frame with one row and three columns named “Log Likelihood”, “Penalty” and “Penalized Log Likelihood”.


Akaike's information criterion of the fitted model computed as a maximized value of the penalized log-likelihood minus the effective degrees of freedom.


Effective degrees of freedom, number of parameters and related information. A data frame with one row and columns named “Lambda”, “Log(Lambda)”, “df”, “Number of parameters”, “Mean param.”, “Scale param.”, “Spline param.” where “Lambda” gives the value of the tunning parameter used in the final (optimal) fit, “df” the effective degrees of freedom, “Number of parameters” the real number of parameters and “Mean param.”, “Scale param.” and “Spline param.” its decomposition. Note that if G-spline coefficients are estimated “Spline param.” is equal to the number of basis G-spline with non-zero coefficients minus three.


The estimate of the covariance matrix of the estimates based on the Bayesian approximation. It is equal to the inverse of the converged minus Hessian of the penalized log-likelihood. Note that there are no columns and rows corresponding to the three transformed G-spline coefficients since these are functions of the remaining transformed G-spline coefficients (to avoid equality constraints).


The estimate of the covariance matrix of the estimates based on the asymptotic theory for penalized models. It is equal to H1IH1H^{-1}\,I\,H^{-1} where H is converged minus Hessian of the penalized log-likelihood and I is converged minus Hessian of the log-likelihood component of the penalized log-likelihood.


A matrix with derivatives of cc spline coefficients with respect to dd spline coefficients (these are aa coefficients with three of them omitted). This matrix can be used later to compute estimates and standard errors of functions of original parameters using a Delta method. For closer definition of dd coefficients see an enclosed document.


Used number of iterations to fit the model with the optimal λ\lambda.


Indicator of what has really been estimated and not fixed. A four-component vector with component names “(Intercept)”, “Scale”, “ccoef”, “common.logscale”. The first component is TRUE if the intercept was included in the regression model. The second component is TRUE if the scale parameter was not fixed, the third component is TRUE is the G-spline coefficients were not fixed. The fourth component is TRUE if the log-scale does not depend on covariates.


A data frame with one column called “warnings” and three rows called “Convergence”, “Final minus Hessian” and “df” containing a string information corresponding to the value of the fail component of the object. It contains a string “OK” if there are no problems with the appropriate part of the fitting process.


Converged minus Hessian of the penalized log-likelihood.


Converged minus Hessian of the log-likelihood component of the penalized log-likelihood. I=HGI = H - G.


Converged minus Hessian of the penalty term of the penalty term of the penalized log-likelihood. G=HIG = H - I.


Converged score vector based on the penalized log-likelihood.


The na.action attribute, if any, that was returned by the na.action routine.


The terms object used.


A symbolic description of the model to be fit.


The matched call.


A string indicating the error distribution of the untransformed response to find the initial values. Possible values are “lognormal”, “loglogistic”, “weibull”.


If requested, the model frame used.


The model matrix used.


The response matrix used (two columns if there were no interval censored observations, three columns if there were some interval censored observations). The last column indicates the death status.


The model matrix used for the expression of log-scale.


A data frame describing the initial error density. It has columns named “Knot”, “SD basis”, “c coef.” and rows named “knot[1]”, ..., “knot[g]”.


Initial estimates of the regression parameters. A data frame with one column named “Value” and rows named as in the regres component of the smoothSurvReg object.


Adjusted intercept and scale. A data frame with a column named “Value” and rows named “(Intercept)” and “Scale”. “(Intercept)” gives the overall intercept taking into account the mean of the fitted error distribution, “Scale” gives the overall scale taking into account the variance of the fitted error distribution. If the error distribution is standardized (always when G-spline coefficients are estimated) then the “(Intercept)” is equal to the “(Intercept)” from the regres component and “Scale” is equal to the “Scale” of either regres or init.regres component. NA's appeare in this data.frame in the case that log-scale depends on covariates.


A data frame with columns named “Mean”, “Var” and “SD” and a row named “Error distribution: ” giving the mean, variance and the standard deviation of the fitted error distribution. These are equal to 0, 1 and 1 if the G-spline coefficients were estimated.


Information concerning the searched values of the tunning paramater λ\lambda when looking for the best AIC. A data frame with columns named “Lambda”, “Log(Lambda)”, “AIC”, “df”, “PenalLogLik”, “LogLik”, “nOfParm”, “fail”.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]

Density of Standardized Logistic Distribution.


Density function of the logistic distribution with zero mean and unit variance.





Vector of quantiles.


dstlogis(x) = dlogis(x, 0, sqrt(3)/pi)


The value of the density.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]

See Also

dlogis for the logistic distribution.


dstlogis(seq(-3, 3, 0.2))

Standardization of the Data


Chosen columns of a data.frame are standardized by using a sample mean and sample standard deviation.

Usage, cols)



Input data frame.


A character vector with names of the columns to be standardized.


For each chosen column the sample mean and the sample standard deviation is computed and then used to standardize the column. Missing values are ignored when computing the mean and the standard deviation.


A data.frame with same variables as the input data.frame. Chosen columns are standardized.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]

See Also



variable1 <- rnorm(30)
variable2 <- rbinom(30, 1, 0.4)
variable3 <- runif(30)
data.example <- data.frame(variable1, variable2, variable3)
## We standardize only the first and the third column.
data.std <-, c("variable1", "variable3"))
print(c(mean(data.std$variable1), sd(data.std$variable1)))
print(c(mean(data.std$variable3), sd(data.std$variable3)))

Survivor Curves for Objects of Class 'smoothSurvReg'


Compute and plot survivor function/cumulative distribution function for given combinations of covariates based on the fitted model.


## S3 method for class 'smoothSurvReg'
survfit(formula, cov, logscale.cov, time0 = 0, plot = TRUE, cdf = FALSE,
   by, xlim, ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "t", ylab, 
   type = "l", lty, main, sub, legend, bty = "n", cex.legend = 1, ...)



Object of class smoothSurvReg.


Vector or matrix with covariates values for which the survivor curve/cdf is to be computed and plotted. It must be a matrix with as many columns as is the number of covariates (interactions included) or the vector of length equal to the number of covariates (interactions included). Intercept is not to be included in cov. If cov is missing a survivor curve for the value of a covariate vector equal to zero is plotted. If there is only intercept in the model the survivor curve based on the fitted error distribution is always plotted.


Vector or matrix with covariate values for the expression of log-scale (if this depended on covariates). It can be omitted in the case that log-scale was common for all observations.


Starting time of the follow-up as used in the model. I.e. the model is assumed to be log(Ttime0)=xβ+σε\log(T-time0) = x'\beta + \sigma\varepsilon


If TRUE the plot is directly produced, otherwise only a data.frame with information used for later plotting is returned.


If TRUE cumulative distribution function is plotted instead of the survivor function.


Step for a ploting grid. If NULL it is automatically computed.

xlim, ylim

Arguments passed to the plot function.

xlab, ylab

Arguments passed to the plot function.

type, lty

Arguments passed to the plot function.

main, sub

Arguments passed to the plot function.

legend, bty

Argument passed to the plot function.


argument passed to cex argument of the legend function.


Arguments passed to the plot function.


A dataframe with columns named x and y where x gives the grid and y the values of the survivor/cum. distribution function at that grid.


Arnošt Komárek [email protected]

See Also

smoothSurvReg, plot