Package: evitaicossa 0.0-1

Robin K. S. Hankin

evitaicossa:Antiassociative Algebra

Methods to deal with the free antiassociative algebra over the reals with an arbitrary number of indeterminates. Antiassociativity means that (xy)z = -x(yz). Antiassociative algebras are nilpotent with nilindex four (Remm, 2022, <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2202.10812>) and this drives the design and philosophy of the package. Methods are defined to create and manipulate arbitrary elements of the antiassociative algebra, and to extract and replace coefficients. A vignette is provided.

Authors:Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre]

evitaicossa.pdf |evitaicossa.html
evitaicossa/json (API)

# Installevitaicossa in R:
install.packages('evitaicossa',repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3

52 exports 0.09 score 7 dependencies

Last updated 7 days agofrom:e4edfe86bf



Antiassociative algebras with R: the evitaicossa package

Rendered fromevitaicossa.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 29 2024.

Last update: 2024-06-29
Started: 2024-06-29

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Antiassociative Algebraevitaicossa-package evitaicossa
Function to create objects of class 'aaa'aaa aaa_double aaa_identity aaa_single aaa_triple lavter thing_to_aaa
Class '"aaa"'aaa-class
All symbols in an aaa objectallsymbols
Arithmetic methods for 'aaa' objects+,aaa,missing-method -,aaa,missing-method aaa_arith_aaa aaa_arith_numeric aaa_negative aaa_plus_aaa aaa_plus_numeric aaa_power_numeric aaa_prod_aaa aaa_prod_numeric Arith,aaa,aaa-method Arith,aaa,numeric-method Arith,numeric,aaa-method Arith-methods c_aaa_add c_aaa_prod numeric_arith_aaa
Comparison methods for antiassociative algebraaaa_compare_aaa aaa_compare_error aaa_equal_aaa Compare,aaa,aaa-method Compare,aaa,ANY-method Compare,aaa,numeric-method Compare,ANY,aaa-method Compare,numeric,aaa-method Compare-methods c_aaa_equal
Extract or Replace Parts of 'aaa' objectscoeffs c_aaa_extract c_aaa_overwriter d1 d1,aaa-method d2 d2,aaa-method dc dc,aaa-method double double<- extracter extracter<- getthings overwriter s1 s1,aaa-method sc sc,aaa-method single single<- t1 t1,aaa-method t2 t2,aaa-method t3 t3,aaa-method tc tc,aaa-method triple triple<- [,aaa,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,aaa,character,ANY,ANY-method [,aaa,matrix,ANY,ANY-method [<-,aaa,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [<-,aaa,character,missing,numeric-method [<-,aaa,disord,missing,numeric-method [<-,aaa,matrix,ANY,ANY-method [<-,aaa,missing,ANY,ANY-method
Linear functionslinear linear1 linear2 linear3
Random elements of the free antiassociative algebraraaa raaaa
Print method for antiassociative algebra objectsaaa_show double_string print putsign show show,aaa-method single_string triple_string
The additive zero in antiassociative zero