Package: cartographr 0.2.2

David Willinger

cartographr:Crafting Print-Ready Maps and Layered Visualizations

Simplifying the creation of print-ready maps, this package offers a user-friendly interface derived from 'ggplot2' for handling OpenStreetMap data. It streamlines the map-making process, allowing users to focus on the story their maps tell. Transforming raw geospatial data into informative visualizations is made easy with simple features 'sf' geometries. Whether for urban planning, environmental studies, or impactful public presentations, this tool facilitates straightforward and effective map creation. Enhance the dissemination of spatial information with high-quality, narrative-driven visualizations!

Authors:David Willinger [aut, cre, cph]

cartographr.pdf |cartographr.html
cartographr/json (API)

# Installcartographr in R:
install.packages('cartographr',repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • crime - Manhattan crime dataset
  • osm - OSM SoHo New York simple features
  • soho_boundary - SoHo Boundary Simple Features Vector

19 exports 0.09 score 66 dependencies

Last updated 7 days agofrom:f39853792a



Introduction to cartographr

Rendered fromcartographr.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 29 2024.

Last update: 2024-06-29
Started: 2024-06-29

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Manhattan crime datasetcrime
Crop a preprocessed mapcrop
Retrieve OpenStreetMap Dataget_osmdata
Create a palette for mapsget_palette
OSM SoHo New York simple featuresosm
Plot a map with custom paletteplot_map
Preprocess OSM Datapreprocess_map
Print configuration detailsprint_config
Save a map to a filesave_map
Set or get attribution settingset_attribution
Set output size for mapsset_output_size
SoHo Boundary Simple Features Vectorsoho_boundary
Apply infomap theme with specified fonttheme_infomap theme_infomap_anton theme_infomap_barlow theme_infomap_cinzel theme_infomap_poppins
Create a poster themetheme_poster theme_poster_anton theme_poster_barlow theme_poster_cinzel theme_poster_poppins