Package: attachment 0.4.2

Sébastien Rochette

attachment:Deal with Dependencies

Manage dependencies during package development. This can retrieve all dependencies that are used in ".R" files in the "R/" directory, in ".Rmd" files in "vignettes/" directory and in 'roxygen2' documentation of functions. There is a function to update the "DESCRIPTION" file of your package with 'CRAN' packages or any other remote package. All functions to retrieve dependencies of ".R" scripts and ".Rmd" or ".qmd" files can be used independently of a package development.

Authors:Sébastien Rochette [cre, aut], Vincent Guyader [aut], Murielle Delmotte [aut], Swann Floc'hlay [aut], ThinkR [cph, fnd]

attachment.pdf |attachment.html
attachment/json (API)

# Installattachment in R:
install.packages('attachment',repos = c('', ''))

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20 exports 1.45 score 44 dependencies 4 dependents 2.2k downloads

Last updated 4 days agofrom:b2e5e1bb55



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