Package 'NMF'

Title: Algorithms and Framework for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)
Description: Provides a framework to perform Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). The package implements a set of already published algorithms and seeding methods, and provides a framework to test, develop and plug new/custom algorithms. Most of the built-in algorithms have been optimized in C++, and the main interface function provides an easy way of performing parallel computations on multicore machines.
Authors: Renaud Gaujoux [aut], Cathal Seoighe [aut], Nicolas Sauwen [cre]
Maintainer: Nicolas Sauwen <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.28
Built: 2025-01-20 07:06:48 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Algorithms and framework for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF).


This package provides a framework to perform Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). It implements a set of already published algorithms and seeding methods, and provides a framework to test, develop and plug new/custom algorithms. Most of the built-in algorithms have been optimized in C++, and the main interface function provides an easy way of performing parallel computations on multicore machines.


nmf Run a given NMF algorithm


Renaud Gaujoux [email protected]


See Also



# generate a synthetic dataset with known classes
n <- 50; counts <- c(5, 5, 8);
V <- syntheticNMF(n, counts)

# perform a 3-rank NMF using the default algorithm
res <- nmf(V, 3)


Internal Routine for Fast Combinatorial Nonnegative Least-Squares


This is the workhorse function for the higher-level function fcnnls, which implements the fast nonnegative least-square algorithm for multiple right-hand-sides from Van Benthem et al. (2004) to solve the following problem:

minYXKFs.t. K>=0\begin{array}{l} \min \|Y - X K\|_F\\ \mbox{s.t. } K>=0 \end{array}

where YY and XX are two real matrices of dimension n×pn \times p and n×rn \times r respectively, and .F\|.\|_F is the Frobenius norm.

The algorithm is very fast compared to other approaches, as it is optimised for handling multiple right-hand sides.


.fcnnls(x, y, verbose = FALSE, pseudo = FALSE, eps = 0)



the coefficient matrix


the target matrix to be approximated by XKX K.


logical that indicates if log messages should be shown.


By default (pseudo=FALSE) the algorithm uses Gaussian elimination to solve the successive internal linear problems, using the solve function. If pseudo=TRUE the algorithm uses Moore-Penrose generalized pseudoinverse from the corpcor package instead of solve.


threshold for considering entries as nonnegative. This is an experimental parameter, and it is recommended to leave it at 0.


A list with the following elements:


the fitted coefficient matrix.


the set of passive constraints, as a logical matrix of the same size as K that indicates which element is positive.


Van Benthem M and Keenan MR (2004). "Fast algorithm for the solution of large-scale non-negativity-constrained least squares problems." _Journal of Chemometrics_, *18*(10), pp. 441-450. ISSN 0886-9383, <URL:>, <URL:>.

Sub-setting NMF Objects


This method provides a convenient way of sub-setting objects of class NMF, using a matrix-like syntax.

It allows to consistently subset one or both matrix factors in the NMF model, as well as retrieving part of the basis components or part of the mixture coefficients with a reduced amount of code.


## S4 method for signature 'NMF'
x[i, j, ..., drop = FALSE]



index used to subset on the rows of the basis matrix (i.e. the features). It can be a numeric, logical, or character vector (whose elements must match the row names of x). In the case of a logical vector the entries are recycled if necessary.


index used to subset on the columns of the mixture coefficient matrix (i.e. the samples). It can be a numeric, logical, or character vector (whose elements must match the column names of x). In the case of a logical vector the entries are recycled if necessary.


used to specify a third index to subset on the basis components, i.e. on both the columns and rows of the basis matrix and mixture coefficient respectively. It can be a numeric, logical, or character vector (whose elements must match the basis names of x). In the case of a logical vector the entries are recycled if necessary.

Note that only the first extra subset index is used. A warning is thrown if more than one extra argument is passed in ....


single logical value used to drop the NMF-class wrapping and only return subsets of one of the factor matrices (see Details)


object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


The returned value depends on the number of subset index passed and the value of argument drop:

  • No index as in x[] or x[,]: the value is the object x unchanged.

  • One single index as in x[i]: the value is the complete NMF model composed of the selected basis components, subset by i, except if argument drop=TRUE, or if it is missing and i is of length 1. Then only the basis matrix is returned with dropped dimensions: x[i, drop=TRUE] <=> drop(basis(x)[, i]).

    This means for example that x[1L] is the first basis vector, and x[1:3, drop = TRUE] is the matrix composed of the 3 first basis vectors – in columns.

    Note that in version <= 0.18.3, the call x[i, drop = TRUE.or.FALSE] was equivalent to basis(x)[, i, drop=TRUE.or.FALSE].

  • More than one index with drop=FALSE (default) as in x[i,j], x[i,], x[,j], x[i,j,k], x[i,,k], etc...: the value is a NMF object whose basis and/or mixture coefficient matrices have been subset accordingly. The third index k affects simultaneously the columns of the basis matrix AND the rows of the mixture coefficient matrix. In this case argument drop is not used.

  • More than one index with drop=TRUE and i xor j missing: the value returned is the matrix that is the more affected by the subset index. That is that x[i, , drop=TRUE] and x[i, , k, drop=TRUE] return the basis matrix subset by [i,] and [i,k] respectively, while x[, j, drop=TRUE] and x[, j, k, drop=TRUE] return the mixture coefficient matrix subset by [,j] and [k,j] respectively.


# create a dummy NMF object that highlight the different way of subsetting
a <- nmfModel(W=outer(seq(1,5),10^(0:2)), H=outer(10^(0:2),seq(-1,-10)))
basisnames(a) <- paste('b', 1:nbasis(a), sep='')
rownames(a) <- paste('f', 1:nrow(a), sep='')
colnames(a) <- paste('s', 1:ncol(a), sep='')

# or alternatively:
# dimnames(a) <- list( features=paste('f', 1:nrow(a), sep='')
#					, samples=paste('s', 1:ncol(a), sep='')
#					, basis=paste('b', 1:nbasis(a)) )

# look at the resulting NMF object

# extract basis components
a[1, drop=FALSE] # not dropping matrix dimension

# subset on the features
# dropping the NMF-class wrapping => return subset basis matrix
a[2:4,, drop=TRUE]

# subset on the samples
# dropping the NMF-class wrapping => return subset coef matrix
a[,2:4, drop=TRUE]

# subset on the basis => subsets simultaneously basis and coef matrix
a[4:5,,2:3, drop=TRUE] # return subset basis matrix
a[,4:5,2:3, drop=TRUE] # return subset coef matrix

# 'drop' has no effect here
a[,,2:3, drop=TRUE]

Advanced Usage of the Package NMF


The functions documented here provide advanced functionalities useful when developing within the framework implemented in the NMF package. returns the index of the best fit in a list of NMF fit, according to some quantitative measure. The index of the fit with the lowest measure is returned.

Usage, FUN = deviance, ...)



an NMF model fitted by multiple runs.


the function that computes the quantitative measure.


extra arguments passed to FUN.

Utility function to aggregate numerical quality measures from NMFfitXn objects.


Given a numerical vector, this function computes an aggregated value using one of the following methods: best or mean


## S3 method for class 'measure'
aggregate(x, method = c("best", "mean"), decreasing = FALSE, ...)



a numerical vector


the method to aggregate values. This argument can take two values : - mean: the mean of the measures - best: the best measure according to the specified sorting order (decreasing or not)


logical that specified the sorting order


extra arguments to allow extension

Annotated Heatmaps


The function aheatmap plots high-quality heatmaps, with a detailed legend and unlimited annotation tracks for both columns and rows. The annotations are coloured differently according to their type (factor or numeric covariate). Although it uses grid graphics, the generated plot is compatible with base layouts such as the ones defined with 'mfrow' or layout, enabling the easy drawing of multiple heatmaps on a single a plot – at last!.


aheatmap(x, color = "-RdYlBu2:100", breaks = NA,
    border_color = NA, cellwidth = NA, cellheight = NA,
    scale = "none", Rowv = TRUE, Colv = TRUE,
    revC = identical(Colv, "Rowv") || is_NA(Rowv) || (is.integer(Rowv) && 
        length(Rowv) > 1) || is(Rowv, "silhouette"),
    distfun = "euclidean", hclustfun = "complete",
    reorderfun = function(d, w) reorder(d, w),
    treeheight = 50, legend = TRUE, annCol = NA,
    annRow = NA, annColors = NA, annLegend = TRUE,
    labRow = NULL, labCol = NULL, subsetRow = NULL,
    subsetCol = NULL, txt = NULL, fontsize = 10,
    cexRow = min(0.2 + 1/log10(nr), 1.2),
    cexCol = min(0.2 + 1/log10(nc), 1.2), filename = NA,
    width = NA, height = NA, main = NULL, sub = NULL,
    info = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose"),
    gp = gpar())



numeric matrix of the values to be plotted. An ExpressionSet object can also be passed, in which case the expression values are plotted (exprs(x)).


colour specification for the heatmap. Default to palette '-RdYlBu2:100', i.e. reversed palette 'RdYlBu2' (a slight modification of RColorBrewer's palette 'RdYlBu') with 100 colors. Possible values are:

  • a character/integer vector of length greater than 1 that is directly used and assumed to contain valid R color specifications.

  • a single color/integer (between 0 and 8)/other numeric value that gives the dominant colors. Numeric values are converted into a pallete by rev(sequential_hcl(2, h = x, l = c(50, 95))). Other values are concatenated with the grey colour '#F1F1F1'.

  • one of RColorBrewer's palette name (see display.brewer.all) , or one of 'RdYlBu2', 'rainbow', 'heat', 'topo', 'terrain', 'cm'.

When the coluor palette is specified with a single value, and is negative or preceded a minus ('-'), the reversed palette is used. The number of breaks can also be specified after a colon (':'). For example, the default colour palette is specified as '-RdYlBu2:100'.


a sequence of numbers that covers the range of values in x and is one element longer than color vector. Used for mapping values to colors. Useful, if needed to map certain values to certain colors. If value is NA then the breaks are calculated automatically. If breaks is a single value, then the colour palette is centered on this value.


color of cell borders on heatmap, use NA if no border should be drawn.


individual cell width in points. If left as NA, then the values depend on the size of plotting window.


individual cell height in points. If left as NA, then the values depend on the size of plotting window.


character indicating how the values should scaled in either the row direction or the column direction. Note that the scaling is performed after row/column clustering, so that it has no effect on the row/column ordering. Possible values are:

  • "row": center and standardize each row separately to row Z-scores

  • "column": center and standardize each column separately to column Z-scores

  • "r1": scale each row to sum up to one

  • "c1": scale each column to sum up to one

  • "none": no scaling


clustering specification(s) for the rows. It allows to specify the distance/clustering/ordering/display parameters to be used for the rows only. Possible values are:

  • TRUE or NULL (to be consistent with heatmap): compute a dendrogram from hierarchical clustering using the distance and clustering methods distfun and hclustfun.

  • NA: disable any ordering. In this case, and if not otherwise specified with argument revC=FALSE, the heatmap shows the input matrix with the rows in their original order, with the first row on top to the last row at the bottom. Note that this differ from the behaviour or heatmap, but seemed to be a more sensible choice when vizualizing a matrix without reordering.

  • an integer vector of length the number of rows of the input matrix (nrow(x)), that specifies the row order. As in the case Rowv=NA, the ordered matrix is shown first row on top, last row at the bottom.

  • a character vector or a list specifying values to use instead of arguments distfun, hclustfun and reorderfun when clustering the rows (see the respective argument descriptions for a list of accepted values). If Rowv has no names, then the first element is used for distfun, the second (if present) is used for hclustfun, and the third (if present) is used for reorderfun.

  • a numeric vector of weights, of length the number of rows of the input matrix, used to reorder the internally computed dendrogram d by reorderfun(d, Rowv).

  • FALSE: the dendrogram is computed using methods distfun, hclustfun, and reorderfun but is not shown.

  • a single integer that specifies how many subtrees (i.e. clusters) from the computed dendrogram should have their root faded out. This can be used to better highlight the different clusters.

  • a single double that specifies how much space is used by the computed dendrogram. That is that this value is used in place of treeheight.


clustering specification(s) for the columns. It accepts the same values as argument Rowv (modulo the expected length for vector specifications), and allow specifying the distance/clustering/ordering/display parameters to be used for the columns only. Colv may also be set to "Rowv", in which case the dendrogram or ordering specifications applied to the rows are also applied to the columns. Note that this is allowed only for square input matrices, and that the row ordering is in this case by default reversed (revC=TRUE) to obtain the diagonal in the standard way (from top-left to bottom-right). See argument Rowv for other possible values.


a logical that specify if the row order defined by Rowv should be reversed. This is mainly used to get the rows displayed from top to bottom, which is not the case by default. Its default value is computed at runtime, to suit common situations where natural ordering is a more sensible choice: no or fix ordering of the rows (Rowv=NA or an integer vector of indexes – of length > 1), and when a symmetric ordering is requested – so that the diagonal is shown as expected. An argument in favor of the "odd" default display (bottom to top) is that the row dendrogram is plotted from bottom to top, and reversing its reorder may take a not too long but non negligeable time.


default distance measure used in clustering rows and columns. Possible values are:

  • all the distance methods supported by dist (e.g. "euclidean" or "maximum").

  • all correlation methods supported by cor, such as "pearson" or "spearman". The pairwise distances between rows/columns are then computed as d <- dist(1 - cor(..., method = distfun)).

    One may as well use the string "correlation" which is an alias for "pearson".

  • an object of class dist such as returned by dist or as.dist.


default clustering method used to cluster rows and columns. Possible values are:

  • a method name (a character string) supported by hclust (e.g. 'average').

  • an object of class hclust such as returned by hclust

  • a dendrogram


default dendrogram reordering function, used to reorder the dendrogram, when either Rowv or Colv is a numeric weight vector, or provides or computes a dendrogram. It must take 2 parameters: a dendrogram, and a weight vector.


Specification of subsetting the rows before drawing the heatmap. Possible values are:

  • an integer vector of length > 1 specifying the indexes of the rows to keep;

  • a character vector of length > 1 specyfing the names of the rows to keep. These are the original rownames, not the names specified in labRow.

  • a logical vector of length > 1, whose elements are recycled if the vector has not as many elements as rows in x.

Note that in the case Rowv is a dendrogram or hclust object, it is first converted into an ordering vector, and cannot be displayed – and a warning is thrown.


Specification of subsetting the columns before drawing the heatmap. It accepts the similar values as subsetRow. See details above.


character matrix of the same size as x, that contains text to display in each cell. NA values are allowed and are not displayed. See demo for an example.


how much space (in points) should be used to display dendrograms. If specified as a single value, it is used for both dendrograms. A length-2 vector specifies separate values for the row and column dendrogram respectively. Default value: 50 points.


boolean value that determines if a colour ramp for the heatmap's colour palette should be drawn or not. Default is TRUE.


specifications of column annotation tracks displayed as coloured rows on top of the heatmaps. The annotation tracks are drawn from bottom to top. A single annotation track can be specified as a single vector; multiple tracks are specified as a list, a data frame, or an ExpressionSet object, in which case the phenotypic data is used (pData(eset)). Character or integer vectors are converted and displayed as factors. Unnamed tracks are internally renamed into Xi, with i being incremented for each unamed track, across both column and row annotation tracks. For each track, if no corresponding colour is specified in argument annColors, a palette or a ramp is automatically computed and named after the track's name.


specifications of row annotation tracks displayed as coloured columns on the left of the heatmaps. The annotation tracks are drawn from left to right. The same conversion, renaming and colouring rules as for argument annCol apply.


list for specifying annotation track colors manually. It is possible to define the colors for only some of the annotations. Check examples for details.


boolean value specifying if the legend for the annotation tracks should be drawn or not. Default is TRUE.


labels for the rows.


labels for the columns. See description for argument labRow for a list of the possible values.


base fontsize for the plot


fontsize for the rownames, specified as a fraction of argument fontsize.


fontsize for the colnames, specified as a fraction of argument fontsize.


Main title as a character string or a grob.


Subtitle as a character string or a grob.


(experimental) Extra information as a character vector or a grob. If info=TRUE, information about the clustering methods is displayed at the bottom of the plot.


file path ending where to save the picture. Currently following formats are supported: png, pdf, tiff, bmp, jpeg. Even if the plot does not fit into the plotting window, the file size is calculated so that the plot would fit there, unless specified otherwise.


manual option for determining the output file width in


manual option for determining the output file height in inches.


if TRUE then verbose messages are displayed and the borders of some viewports are highlighted. It is entended for debugging purposes.


graphical parameters for the text used in plot. Parameters passed to grid.text, see gpar.


The development of this function started as a fork of the function pheatmap from the pheatmap package, and provides several enhancements such as:

  • argument names match those used in the base function heatmap;

  • unlimited number of annotation for both columns and rows, with simplified and more flexible interface;

  • easy specification of clustering methods and colors;

  • return clustering data, as well as grid grob object.

Please read the associated vignette for more information and sample code.

PDF graphic devices

if plotting on a PDF graphic device – started with pdf, one may get generate a first blank page, due to internals of standard functions from the grid package that are called by aheatmap. The NMF package ships a custom patch that fixes this issue. However, in order to comply with CRAN policies, the patch is not applied by default and the user must explicitly be enabled it. This can be achieved on runtime by either setting the NMF specific option 'grid.patch' via nmf.options(grid.patch=TRUE), or on load time if the environment variable 'R_PACKAGE_NMF_GRID_PATCH' is defined and its value is something that is not equivalent to FALSE (i.e. not ”, 'false' nor 0).


Original version of pheatmap: Raivo Kolde

Enhancement into aheatmap: Renaud Gaujoux


## See the demo 'aheatmap' for more examples:
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

# Generate random data
n <- 50; p <- 20
x <- abs(rmatrix(n, p, rnorm, mean=4, sd=1))
x[1:10, seq(1, 10, 2)] <- x[1:10, seq(1, 10, 2)] + 3
x[11:20, seq(2, 10, 2)] <- x[11:20, seq(2, 10, 2)] + 2
rownames(x) <- paste("ROW", 1:n)
colnames(x) <- paste("COL", 1:p)

## Default heatmap

## Distance methods
aheatmap(x, Rowv = "correlation")
aheatmap(x, Rowv = "man") # partially matched to 'manhattan'
aheatmap(x, Rowv = "man", Colv="binary")

# Generate column annotations
annotation = data.frame(Var1 = factor(1:p %% 2 == 0, labels = c("Class1", "Class2")), Var2 = 1:10)
aheatmap(x, annCol = annotation)

Returns the method names used to compute the NMF fits in the list. It returns NULL if the list is empty.


Returns the method names used to compute the NMF fits in the list. It returns NULL if the list is empty.


## S4 method for signature 'NMFList'
algorithm(object, string = FALSE,
    unique = TRUE)



a logical that indicate whether the names should be collapsed into a comma-separated string.


a logical that indicates whether the result should contain the set of method names, removing duplicated names. This argument is forced to TRUE when string=TRUE.


an object computed using some algorithm, or that describes an algorithm itself.

Generic Interface for Algorithms


The functions documented here are S4 generics that define an general interface for – optimisation – algorithms.

This interface builds upon the broad definition of an algorithm as a workhorse function to which is associated auxiliary objects such as an underlying model or an objective function that measures the adequation of the model with observed data. It aims at complementing the interface provided by the stats package.


algorithm(object, ...)

  algorithm(object, ...)<-value

  seeding(object, ...)

  seeding(object, ...)<-value

  niter(object, ...)

  niter(object, ...)<-value

  nrun(object, ...)

  objective(object, ...)

  objective(object, ...)<-value

  runtime(object, ...)

  runtime.all(object, ...)

  seqtime(object, ...)

  modelname(object, ...)

  run(object, y, x, ...)

  logs(object, ...)

  compare(object, ...)



an object computed using some algorithm, or that describes an algorithm itself.


replacement value


extra arguments to allow extension


data object, e.g. a target matrix


a model object used as a starting point by the algorithm, e.g. a non-empty NMF model.


algorithm and algorithm<- get/set an object that describes the algorithm used to compute another object, or with which it is associated. It may be a simple character string that gives the algorithm's names, or an object that includes the algorithm's definition itself (e.g. an NMFStrategy object).

seeding get/set the seeding method used to initialise the computation of an object, i.e. usually the function that sets the starting point of an algorithm.

niter and niter<- get/set the number of iterations performed to compute an object. The function niter<- would usually be called just before returning the result of an algorithm, when putting together data about the fit.

nrun returns the number of times the algorithm has been run to compute an object. Usually this will be 1, but may be be more if the algorithm involves multiple starting points.

objective and objective<- get/set the objective function associated with an object. Some methods for objective may also compute the objective value with respect to some target/observed data.

runtime returns the CPU time required to compute an object. This would generally be an object of class proc_time.

runtime.all returns the CPU time required to compute a collection of objects, e.g. a sequence of independent fits.

seqtime returns the sequential CPU time – that would be – required to compute a collection of objects. It would differ from runtime.all if the computations were performed in parallel.

modelname returns a the type of model associated with an object.

run calls the workhorse function that actually implements a strategy/algorithm, and run it on some data object.

logs returns the log messages output during the computation of an object.

compare compares objects obtained from running separate algorithms.



signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the name of the algorithm that fitted the NMF model object.


signature(object = "NMFList"): Returns the method names used to compute the NMF fits in the list. It returns NULL if the list is empty.

See algorithm,NMFList-method for more details.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the name of the common NMF algorithm used to compute all fits stored in object

Since all fits are computed with the same algorithm, this method returns the name of algorithm that computed the first fit. It returns NULL if the object is empty.


signature(object = "NMFSeed"): Returns the workhorse function of the seeding method described by object.


signature(object = "NMFStrategyFunction"): Returns the single R function that implements the NMF algorithm – as stored in slot algorithm.


signature(object = "NMFSeed", value = "function"): Sets the workhorse function of the seeding method described by object.


signature(object = "NMFStrategyFunction", value = "function"): Sets the function that implements the NMF algorithm, stored in slot algorithm.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Compares the fits obtained by separate runs of NMF, in a single call to nmf.


signature(object = "ANY"): Default method that returns the value of attribute/slot 'logs' or, if this latter does not exists, the value of element 'logs' if object is a list. It returns NULL if no logging data was found.


signature(object = "ANY"): Default method which returns the class name(s) of object. This should work for objects representing models on their own.

For NMF objects, this is the type of NMF model, that corresponds to the name of the S4 sub-class of NMF, inherited by object.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the type of a fitted NMF model. It is a shortcut for modelname(fit(object).


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the common type NMF model of all fits stored in object

Since all fits are from the same NMF model, this method returns the model type of the first fit. It returns NULL if the object is empty.


signature(object = "NMFStrategy"): Returns the model(s) that an NMF algorithm can fit.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the number of iteration performed to fit an NMF model, typically with function nmf.

Currently this data is stored in slot 'extra', but this might change in the future.


signature(object = "NMFfit", value = "numeric"): Sets the number of iteration performed to fit an NMF model.

This function is used internally by the function nmf. It is not meant to be called by the user, except when developing new NMF algorithms implemented as single function, to set the number of iterations performed by the algorithm on the seed, before returning it (see NMFStrategyFunction).


signature(object = "ANY"): Default method that returns the value of attribute ‘nrun’.

Such an attribute my be attached to objects to keep track of data about the parent fit object (e.g. by method consensus), which can be used by subsequent function calls such as plot functions (e.g. see consensusmap). This method returns NULL if no suitable data was found.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the number of NMF runs performed to create object.

It is a pure virtual method defined to ensure nrun is defined for sub-classes of NMFfitX, which throws an error if called.

Note that because the nmf function allows to run the NMF computation keeping only the best fit, nrun may return a value greater than one, while only the result of the best run is stored in the object (cf. option 'k' in method nmf).


signature(object = "NMFfit"): This method always returns 1, since an NMFfit object is obtained from a single NMF run.


signature(object = "NMFfitX1"): Returns the number of NMF runs performed, amongst which object was selected as the best fit.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the number of runs performed to compute the fits stored in the list (i.e. the length of the list itself).


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the objective function associated with the algorithm that computed the fitted NMF model object, or the objective value with respect to a given target matrix y if it is supplied.

See objective,NMFfit-method for more details.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the CPU time required to compute a single NMF fit.


signature(object = "NMFList"): Returns the CPU time required to compute all NMF fits in the list. It returns NULL if the list is empty. If no timing data are available, the sequential time is returned.

See runtime,NMFList-method for more details.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Identical to runtime, since their is a single fit.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the CPU time required to compute all the NMF runs. It returns NULL if no CPU data is available.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): If no time data is available from in slot ‘runtime.all’ and argument null=TRUE, then the sequential time as computed by seqtime is returned, and a warning is thrown unless warning=FALSE.

See runtime.all,NMFfitXn-method for more details.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the name of the seeding method that generated the starting point for the NMF algorithm that fitted the NMF model object.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the name of the common seeding method used the computation of all fits stored in object

Since all fits are seeded using the same method, this method returns the name of the seeding method used for the first fit. It returns NULL if the object is empty.


signature(object = "NMFList"): Returns the CPU time that would be required to sequentially compute all NMF fits stored in object.

This method calls the function runtime on each fit and sum up the results. It returns NULL on an empty object.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the CPU time that would be required to sequentially compute all NMF fits stored in object.

This method calls the function runtime on each fit and sum up the results. It returns NULL on an empty object.

Interface fo NMF algorithms

This interface is implemented for NMF algorithms by the classes NMFfit, NMFfitX and NMFStrategy, and their respective sub-classes. The examples given in this documentation page are mainly based on this implementation.


# modelname,ANY-method
# get the type of an NMF model
modelname(nmfModel(3, model='NMFns'))
modelname(nmfModel(3, model='NMFOffset'))

# modelname,NMFStrategy-method
# get the type of model(s) associated with an NMF algorithm
modelname( nmfAlgorithm('brunet') )
modelname( nmfAlgorithm('nsNMF') )
modelname( nmfAlgorithm('offset') )

Accessing NMF Factors


basis and basis<- are S4 generic functions which respectively extract and set the matrix of basis components of an NMF model (i.e. the first matrix factor).

The methods .basis, .coef and their replacement versions are implemented as pure virtual methods for the interface class NMF, meaning that concrete NMF models must provide a definition for their corresponding class (i.e. sub-classes of class NMF). See NMF for more details.

coef and coef<- respectively extract and set the coefficient matrix of an NMF model (i.e. the second matrix factor). For example, in the case of the standard NMF model VWHV \equiv WH, the method coef will return the matrix HH.

.coef and .coef<- are low-level S4 generics that simply return/set coefficient data in an object, leaving some common processing to be performed in coef and coef<-.

Methods coefficients and coefficients<- are simple aliases for methods coef and coef<- respectively.

scoef is similar to coef, but returns the mixture coefficient matrix of an NMF model, with the columns scaled so that they sum up to a given value (1 by default).


basis(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'
basis(object, all = TRUE, ...)

  .basis(object, ...)

  basis(object, ...)<-value

  ## S4 replacement method for signature 'NMF'
basis(object, use.dimnames = TRUE,


  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'

  coef(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'
coef(object, all = TRUE, ...)

  .coef(object, ...)

  coef(object, ...)<-value

  ## S4 replacement method for signature 'NMF'
coef(object, use.dimnames = TRUE,


  coefficients(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'
coefficients(object, all = TRUE, ...)

  scoef(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'
scoef(object, scale = 1)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
scoef(object, scale = 1)



an object from which to extract the factor matrices, typically an object of class NMF.


extra arguments to allow extension and passed to the low-level access functions .coef and .basis.

Note that these throw an error if used in replacement functions .


a logical that indicates whether the complete matrix factor should be returned (TRUE) or only the non-fixed part. This is relevant only for formula-based NMF models that include fixed basis or coefficient terms.


logical that indicates if the object's dim names should be set using those from the new value, or left unchanged – after truncating them to fit new dimensions if necessary. This is useful to only set the entries of a factor.


replacement value


scaling factor, which indicates to the value the columns of the coefficient matrix should sum up to.


an object of class "factanal" or "princomp" or the loadings component of such an object.


For example, in the case of the standard NMF model VWHV \equiv W H, the method basis will return the matrix WW.

basis and basis<- are defined for the top virtual class NMF only, and rely internally on the low-level S4 generics .basis and .basis<- respectively that effectively extract/set the coefficient data. These data are post/pre-processed, e.g., to extract/set only their non-fixed terms or check dimension compatibility.

coef and coef<- are S4 methods defined for the corresponding generic functions from package stats (See coef). Similarly to basis and basis<-, they are defined for the top virtual class NMF only, and rely internally on the S4 generics .coef and .coef<- respectively that effectively extract/set the coefficient data. These data are post/pre-processed, e.g., to extract/set only their non-fixed terms or check dimension compatibility.



signature(object = "ANY"): Default method returns the value of S3 slot or attribute 'basis'. It returns NULL if none of these are set.

Arguments ... are not used by this method.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the basis matrix of the best fit amongst all the fits stored in object. It is a shortcut for basis(fit(object)).


signature(object = "NMF"): Pure virtual method for objects of class NMF, that should be overloaded by sub-classes, and throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMFstd"): Get the basis matrix in standard NMF models

This function returns slot W of object.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the basis matrix from an NMF model fitted with function nmf.

It is a shortcut for .basis(fit(object), ...), dispatching the call to the .basis method of the actual NMF model.


signature(object = "NMF", value = "matrix"): Pure virtual method for objects of class NMF, that should be overloaded by sub-classes, and throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMFstd", value = "matrix"): Set the basis matrix in standard NMF models

This function sets slot W of object.


signature(object = "NMFfit", value = "matrix"): Sets the the basis matrix of an NMF model fitted with function nmf.

It is a shortcut for .basis(fit(object)) <- value, dispatching the call to the .basis<- method of the actual NMF model. It is not meant to be used by the user, except when developing NMF algorithms, to update the basis matrix of the seed object before returning it.


signature(object = "NMF"): Default methods that calls .basis<- and check the validity of the updated object.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the coefficient matrix of the best fit amongst all the fits stored in object. It is a shortcut for coef(fit(object)).


signature(object = "NMF"): Pure virtual method for objects of class NMF, that should be overloaded by sub-classes, and throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMFstd"): Get the mixture coefficient matrix in standard NMF models

This function returns slot H of object.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the the coefficient matrix from an NMF model fitted with function nmf.

It is a shortcut for .coef(fit(object), ...), dispatching the call to the .coef method of the actual NMF model.


signature(object = "NMF", value = "matrix"): Pure virtual method for objects of class NMF, that should be overloaded by sub-classes, and throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMFstd", value = "matrix"): Set the mixture coefficient matrix in standard NMF models

This function sets slot H of object.


signature(object = "NMFfit", value = "matrix"): Sets the the coefficient matrix of an NMF model fitted with function nmf.

It is a shortcut for .coef(fit(object)) <- value, dispatching the call to the .coef<- method of the actual NMF model. It is not meant to be used by the user, except when developing NMF algorithms, to update the coefficient matrix in the seed object before returning it.


signature(object = "NMF"): Default methods that calls .coef<- and check the validity of the updated object.


signature(object = "NMF"): Alias to coef,NMF, therefore also pure virtual.


signature(x = "NMF"): Method loadings for NMF Models

The method loadings is identical to basis, but do not accept any extra argument.

The method loadings is provided to standardise the NMF interface against the one defined in the stats package, and emphasises the similarities between NMF and PCA or factorial analysis (see loadings).

See Also

Other NMF-interface: .DollarNames,NMF-method, misc, NMF-class, $<-,NMF-method, $,NMF-method, nmfModel, nmfModels, rnmf


# scoef
# Scaled coefficient matrix
x <- rnmf(3, 10, 5)
scoef(x, 100)

# .basis,NMFstd-method
# random standard NMF model
x <- rnmf(3, 10, 5)

# set matrix factors
basis(x) <- matrix(1, nrow(x), nbasis(x))
coef(x) <- matrix(1, nbasis(x), ncol(x))
# set random factors
basis(x) <- rmatrix(basis(x))
coef(x) <- rmatrix(coef(x))

# incompatible matrices generate an error:
try( coef(x) <- matrix(1, nbasis(x)-1, nrow(x)) )
# but the low-level method allow it
.coef(x) <- matrix(1, nbasis(x)-1, nrow(x))
try( validObject(x) )

Correlations in NMF Models


basiscor computes the correlation matrix between basis vectors, i.e. the columns of its basis matrix – which is the model's first matrix factor.

profcor computes the correlation matrix between basis profiles, i.e. the rows of the coefficient matrix – which is the model's second matrix factor.


basiscor(x, y, ...)

  profcor(x, y, ...)



a matrix or an object with suitable methods basis or coef.


a matrix or an object with suitable methods basis or coef, and dimensions compatible with x. If missing the correlations are computed between x and y=x.


extra arguments passed to cor.


Each generic has methods defined for computing correlations between NMF models and/or compatible matrices. The computation is performed by the base function cor.



signature(x = "NMF", y = "matrix"): Computes the correlations between the basis vectors of x and the columns of y.


signature(x = "matrix", y = "NMF"): Computes the correlations between the columns of x and the the basis vectors of y.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "NMF"): Computes the correlations between the basis vectors of x and y.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "missing"): Computes the correlations between the basis vectors of x.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "matrix"): Computes the correlations between the basis profiles of x and the rows of y.


signature(x = "matrix", y = "NMF"): Computes the correlations between the rows of x and the basis profiles of y.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "NMF"): Computes the correlations between the basis profiles of x and y.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "missing"): Computes the correlations between the basis profiles of x.


# generate two random NMF models
a <- rnmf(3, 100, 20)
b <- rnmf(3, 100, 20)

# Compute auto-correlations
# Compute correlations with b
basiscor(a, b)
profcor(a, b)

# try to recover the underlying NMF model 'a' from noisy data
res <- nmf(fitted(a) + rmatrix(a), 3)

# Compute correlations with the true model
basiscor(a, res)
profcor(a, res)

# Compute correlations with a random compatible matrix
W <- rmatrix(basis(a))
basiscor(a, W)
identical(basiscor(a, W), basiscor(W, a))

H <- rmatrix(coef(a))
profcor(a, H)
identical(profcor(a, H), profcor(H, a))

Dimension names for NMF objects


The methods dimnames, rownames, colnames and basisnames and their respective replacement form allow to get and set the dimension names of the matrix factors in a NMF model.

dimnames returns all the dimension names in a single list. Its replacement form dimnames<- allows to set all dimension names at once.

rownames, colnames and basisnames provide separate access to each of these dimension names respectively. Their respective replacement form allow to set each dimension names separately.


basisnames(x, ...)

  basisnames(x, ...)<-value

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'

  ## S4 replacement method for signature 'NMF'



an object with suitable basis and coef methods, such as an object that inherit from NMF.


extra argument to allow extension.


a character vector, or NULL or, in the case of dimnames<-, a list 2 or 3-length list of character vectors.


The function basisnames is a new S4 generic defined in the package NMF, that returns the names of the basis components of an object. Its default method should work for any object, that has a suitable basis method defined for its class.

The method dimnames is implemented for the base generic dimnames, which make the base function rownames and colnames work directly.

Overall, these methods behave as their equivalent on matrix objects. The function basisnames<- ensures that the dimension names are handled in a consistent way on both factors, enforcing the names on both matrix factors simultaneously.

The function basisnames<- is a new S4 generic defined in the package NMF, that sets the names of the basis components of an object. Its default method should work for any object, that has suitable basis<- and coef<- methods method defined for its class.



signature(x = "ANY"): Default method which returns the column names of the basis matrix extracted from x, using the basis method.

For NMF objects these also correspond to the row names of the coefficient matrix.


signature(x = "ANY"): Default method which sets, respectively, the row and the column names of the basis matrix and coefficient matrix of x to value.


signature(x = "NMF"): Returns the dimension names of the NMF model x.

It returns either NULL if no dimnames are set on the object, or a 3-length list containing the row names of the basis matrix, the column names of the mixture coefficient matrix, and the column names of the basis matrix (i.e. the names of the basis components).


signature(x = "NMF"): sets the dimension names of the NMF model x.

value can be NULL which resets all dimension names, or a 1, 2 or 3-length list providing names at least for the rows of the basis matrix.

The optional second element of value (NULL if absent) is used to set the column names of the coefficient matrix. The optional third element of value (NULL if absent) is used to set both the column names of the basis matrix and the row names of the coefficient matrix.


# create a random NMF object
a <- rnmf(2, 5, 3)

# set dimensions
dims <- list( features=paste('f', 1:nrow(a), sep='')
				, samples=paste('s', 1:ncol(a), sep='')
				, basis=paste('b', 1:nbasis(a), sep='') )
dimnames(a) <- dims

# access the dimensions separately

# set only the first dimension (rows of basis): the other two dimnames are set to NULL
dimnames(a) <- dims[1]

# set only the two first dimensions (rows and columns of basis and coef respectively):
# the basisnames are set to NULL
dimnames(a) <- dims[1:2]

# reset the dimensions
dimnames(a) <- NULL

# set each dimensions separately
rownames(a) <- paste('X', 1:nrow(a), sep='') # only affect rows of basis

colnames(a) <- paste('Y', 1:ncol(a), sep='') # only affect columns of coef

basisnames(a) <- paste('Z', 1:nbasis(a), sep='') # affect both basis and coef matrices

Specific NMF Layer for Bioconductor


The package NMF provides an optional layer for working with common objects and functions defined in the Bioconductor platform.


It provides:

  • computation functions that support ExpressionSet objects as inputs.

  • aliases and methods for generic functions defined and widely used by Bioconductor base packages.

  • specialised visualisation methods that adapt the titles and legend using bioinformatics terminology.

  • functions to link the results with annotations, etc...

Testing Compatibility of Algorithm and Models


canFit is an S4 generic that tests if an algorithm can fit a particular model.


canFit(x, y, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFStrategy,character'
canFit(x, y,
    exact = FALSE)



an object that describes an algorithm


an object that describes a model


extra arguments to allow extension


for logical that indicates if an algorithm is considered able to fit only the models that it explicitly declares (TRUE), or if it should be considered able to also fit models that extend models that it explicitly fits.



signature(x = "NMFStrategy", y = "character"): Tells if an NMF algorithm can fit a given class of NMF models


signature(x = "NMFStrategy", y = "NMF"): Tells if an NMF algorithm can fit the same class of models as y


signature(x = "character", y = "ANY"): Tells if a registered NMF algorithm can fit a given NMF model

See Also

Other regalgo: nmfAlgorithm

Comparing Results from Different NMF Runs


The functions documented here allow to compare the fits computed in different NMF runs. The fits do not need to be from the same algorithm, nor have the same dimension.


## S4 method for signature 'NMFfit'
compare(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'list'
compare(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFList'
summary(object, = NULL,
    select = NULL, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFList,missing'
plot(x, y, skip = -1, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF.rank'
consensusmap(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'list'
consensusmap(object, layout,
    Rowv = FALSE, main = names(object), ...)



extra arguments passed by compare to summary,NMFList or to the summary method of each fit.


the columns to be output in the result data.frame. The column are given by their names (partially matched). The column names are the names of the summary measures returned by the summary methods of the corresponding NMF results.

the sorting criteria, i.e. a partial match of a column name, by which the result data.frame is sorted. The sorting direction (increasing or decreasing) is computed internally depending on the chosen criteria (e.g. decreasing for the cophenetic coefficient, increasing for the residuals).


an NMFList object that contains fits from separate NMF runs.




specification of the layout. It may be a single numeric or a numeric couple, to indicate a square or rectangular layout respectively, that is filled row by row. It may also be a matrix that is directly passed to the function layout from the package graphics.


an object computed using some algorithm, or that describes an algorithm itself.


an integer that indicates the number of points to skip/remove from the beginning of the curve. If skip=1L (default) only the initial residual – that is computed before any iteration, is skipped, if present in the track (it associated with iteration 0).


clustering specification(s) for the rows. It allows to specify the distance/clustering/ordering/display parameters to be used for the rows only. Possible values are:

  • TRUE or NULL (to be consistent with heatmap): compute a dendrogram from hierarchical clustering using the distance and clustering methods distfun and hclustfun.

  • NA: disable any ordering. In this case, and if not otherwise specified with argument revC=FALSE, the heatmap shows the input matrix with the rows in their original order, with the first row on top to the last row at the bottom. Note that this differ from the behaviour or heatmap, but seemed to be a more sensible choice when vizualizing a matrix without reordering.

  • an integer vector of length the number of rows of the input matrix (nrow(x)), that specifies the row order. As in the case Rowv=NA, the ordered matrix is shown first row on top, last row at the bottom.

  • a character vector or a list specifying values to use instead of arguments distfun, hclustfun and reorderfun when clustering the rows (see the respective argument descriptions for a list of accepted values). If Rowv has no names, then the first element is used for distfun, the second (if present) is used for hclustfun, and the third (if present) is used for reorderfun.

  • a numeric vector of weights, of length the number of rows of the input matrix, used to reorder the internally computed dendrogram d by reorderfun(d, Rowv).

  • FALSE: the dendrogram is computed using methods distfun, hclustfun, and reorderfun but is not shown.

  • a single integer that specifies how many subtrees (i.e. clusters) from the computed dendrogram should have their root faded out. This can be used to better highlight the different clusters.

  • a single double that specifies how much space is used by the computed dendrogram. That is that this value is used in place of treeheight.


Main title as a character string or a grob.


The methods compare enables to compare multiple NMF fits either passed as arguments or as a list of fits. These methods eventually call the method summary,NMFList, so that all its arguments can be passed named in ....



signature(object = "NMFfit"): Compare multiple NMF fits passed as arguments.


signature(object = "list"): Compares multiple NMF fits passed as a standard list.


signature(object = "NMF.rank"): Draw a single plot with a heatmap of the consensus matrix obtained for each value of the rank, in the range tested with nmfEstimateRank.


signature(object = "list"): Draw a single plot with a heatmap of the consensus matrix of each element in the list object.


signature(x = "NMFList", y = "missing"): plot plot on a single graph the residuals tracks for each fit in x. See function nmf for details on how to enable the tracking of residuals.


signature(object = "NMFList"): summary,NMFList computes summary measures for each NMF result in the list and return them in rows in a data.frame. By default all the measures are included in the result, and NA values are used where no data is available or the measure does not apply to the result object (e.g. the dispersion for single' NMF runs is not meaningful). This method is very useful to compare and evaluate the performance of different algorithms.


# compare,NMFfit-method
x <- rmatrix(20,10)
res <- nmf(x, 3)
res2 <- nmf(x, 2, 'lee')

# compare arguments
compare(res, res2, target=x)

# compare,list-method
# compare elements of a list
compare(list(res, res2), target=x)

Clustering Connectivity and Consensus Matrices


connectivity is an S4 generic that computes the connectivity matrix based on the clustering of samples obtained from a model's predict method.

The consensus matrix has been proposed by Brunet et al. (2004) to help visualising and measuring the stability of the clusters obtained by NMF approaches. For objects of class NMF (e.g. results of a single NMF run, or NMF models), the consensus matrix reduces to the connectivity matrix.


connectivity(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'
connectivity(object, no.attrib = FALSE)

  consensus(object, ...)



an object with a suitable predict method.


extra arguments to allow extension. They are passed to predict, except for the vector and factor methods.


a logical that indicates if attributes containing information about the NMF model should be attached to the result (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


The connectivity matrix of a given partition of a set of samples (e.g. given as a cluster membership index) is the matrix CC containing only 0 or 1 entries such that:

Cij={1 if sample i belongs to the same cluster as sample j0 otherwise.C_{ij} = \left\{\begin{array}{l} 1\mbox{ if sample }i\mbox{ belongs to the same cluster as sample }j\\ 0\mbox{ otherwise} \end{array}\right..


a square matrix of dimension the number of samples in the model, full of 0s or 1s.



signature(object = "ANY"): Default method which computes the connectivity matrix using the result of predict(x, ...) as cluster membership index.


signature(object = "factor"): Computes the connectivity matrix using x as cluster membership index.


signature(object = "numeric"): Equivalent to connectivity(as.factor(x)).


signature(object = "NMF"): Computes the connectivity matrix for an NMF model, for which cluster membership is given by the most contributing basis component in each sample. See predict,NMF-method.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Pure virtual method defined to ensure consensus is defined for sub-classes of NMFfitX. It throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMF"): This method is provided for completeness and is identical to connectivity, and returns the connectivity matrix, which, in the case of a single NMF model, is also the consensus matrix.


signature(object = "NMFfitX1"): The result is the matrix stored in slot ‘consensus’. This method returns NULL if the consensus matrix is empty.

See consensus,NMFfitX1-method for more details.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): This method returns NULL on an empty object. The result is a matrix with several attributes attached, that are used by plotting functions such as consensusmap to annotate the plots.

See consensus,NMFfitXn-method for more details.


Brunet J, Tamayo P, Golub TR and Mesirov JP (2004). "Metagenes and molecular pattern discovery using matrix factorization." _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_, *101*(12), pp. 4164-9. ISSN 0027-8424, <URL:>, <URL:>.

See Also



# connectivity,ANY-method
# clustering of random data
h <- hclust(dist(rmatrix(10,20)))
connectivity(cutree(h, 2))

# connectivity,factor-method
connectivity(gl(2, 4))

Returns the consensus matrix computed while performing all NMF runs, amongst which object was selected as the best fit.


The result is the matrix stored in slot ‘consensus’. This method returns NULL if the consensus matrix is empty.


## S4 method for signature 'NMFfitX1'
consensus(object, no.attrib = FALSE)



an object with a suitable predict method.


a logical that indicates if attributes containing information about the NMF model should be attached to the result (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

Computes the consensus matrix of the set of fits stored in object, as the mean connectivity matrix across runs.


This method returns NULL on an empty object. The result is a matrix with several attributes attached, that are used by plotting functions such as consensusmap to annotate the plots.


## S4 method for signature 'NMFfitXn'
consensus(object, ...,
    no.attrib = FALSE)



an object with a suitable predict method.


extra arguments to allow extension. They are passed to predict, except for the vector and factor methods.


a logical that indicates if attributes containing information about the NMF model should be attached to the result (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

Hierarchical Clustering of a Consensus Matrix


The function consensushc computes the hierarchical clustering of a consensus matrix, using the matrix itself as a similarity matrix and average linkage. It is


consensushc(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
    method = "average", dendrogram = TRUE)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFfitX'
    what = c("consensus", "fit"), ...)



a matrix or an NMFfitX object, as returned by multiple NMF runs.


extra arguments passed to next method calls


linkage method passed to hclust.


a logical that specifies if the result of the hierarchical clustering (en hclust object) should be converted into a dendrogram. Default value is TRUE.


character string that indicates which matrix to use in the computation.


an object of class dendrogram or hclust depending on the value of argument dendrogram.



signature(object = "matrix"): Workhorse method for matrices.


signature(object = "NMF"): Compute the hierarchical clustering on the connectivity matrix of object.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Compute the hierarchical clustering on the consensus matrix of object, or on the connectivity matrix of the best fit in object.

Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient


The function cophcor computes the cophenetic correlation coefficient from consensus matrix object, e.g. as obtained from multiple NMF runs.


cophcor(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
cophcor(object, linkage = "average")



an object from which is extracted a consensus matrix.


extra arguments to allow extension and passed to subsequent calls.


linkage method used in the hierarchical clustering. It is passed to hclust.


The cophenetic correlation coeffificient is based on the consensus matrix (i.e. the average of connectivity matrices) and was proposed by Brunet et al. (2004) to measure the stability of the clusters obtained from NMF.

It is defined as the Pearson correlation between the samples' distances induced by the consensus matrix (seen as a similarity matrix) and their cophenetic distances from a hierachical clustering based on these very distances (by default an average linkage is used). See Brunet et al. (2004).



signature(object = "matrix"): Workhorse method for matrices.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Computes the cophenetic correlation coefficient on the consensus matrix of object. All arguments in ... are passed to the method cophcor,matrix.


Brunet J, Tamayo P, Golub TR and Mesirov JP (2004). "Metagenes and molecular pattern discovery using matrix factorization." _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_, *101*(12), pp. 4164-9. ISSN 0027-8424, <URL:>, <URL:>.

See Also


Distances and Objective Functions


The NMF package defines methods for the generic deviance from the package stats, to compute approximation errors between NMF models and matrices, using a variety of objective functions.

nmfDistance returns a function that computes the distance between an NMF model and a compatible matrix.


deviance(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'
deviance(object, y,
    method = c("", "KL", "euclidean"), ...)

  nmfDistance(method = c("", "KL", "euclidean"))

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFfit'
deviance(object, y, method, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFStrategy'
deviance(object, x, y, ...)



a matrix compatible with the NMF model object, i.e. y must have the same dimension as fitted(object).


a character string or a function with signature (x="NMF", y="matrix", ...) that implements a distance measure between an NMF model x and a target matrix y, i.e. an objective function to use to compute the deviance. In deviance, it is passed to nmfDistance to get the function that effectively computes the deviance.


extra parameters passed to the objective function.


an NMF model that estimates y.


an object for which the deviance is desired.


deviance returns a nonnegative numerical value

nmfDistance returns a function with least two arguments: an NMF model and a matrix.



signature(object = "NMF"): Computes the distance between a matrix and the estimate of an NMF model.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the deviance of a fitted NMF model.

This method returns the final residual value if the target matrix y is not supplied, or the approximation error between the fitted NMF model stored in object and y. In this case, the computation is performed using the objective function method if not missing, or the objective of the algorithm that fitted the model (stored in slot 'distance').

If not computed by the NMF algorithm itself, the value is automatically computed at the end of the fitting process by the function nmf, using the objective function associated with the NMF algorithm, so that it should always be available.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the deviance achieved by the best fit object, i.e. the lowest deviance achieved across all NMF runs.


signature(object = "NMFStrategy"): Computes the value of the objective function between the estimate x and the target y.

See Also

Other stats: deviance,NMF-method, hasTrack, residuals, residuals<-, trackError

Dispersion of a Matrix


Computes the dispersion coefficient of a – consensus – matrix object, generally obtained from multiple NMF runs.


dispersion(object, ...)



an object from which the dispersion is computed


extra arguments to allow extension


The dispersion coefficient is based on the consensus matrix (i.e. the average of connectivity matrices) and was proposed by Kim et al. (2007) to measure the reproducibility of the clusters obtained from NMF.

It is defined as:

ρ=i,j=1n4(Cij12)2,\rho = \sum_{i,j=1}^n 4 (C_{ij} - \frac{1}{2})^2 ,

where nn is the total number of samples.

By construction, 0ρ10 \leq \rho \leq 1 and ρ=1\rho = 1 only for a perfect consensus matrix, where all entries 0 or 1. A perfect consensus matrix is obtained only when all the connectivity matrices are the same, meaning that the algorithm gave the same clusters at each run. See Kim et al. (2007).



signature(object = "matrix"): Workhorse method that computes the dispersion on a given matrix.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Computes the dispersion on the consensus matrix obtained from multiple NMF runs.


Kim H and Park H (2007). "Sparse non-negative matrix factorizations via alternating non-negativity-constrained least squares for microarray data analysis." _Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)_, *23*(12), pp. 1495-502. ISSN 1460-2059, <URL:>, <URL:>.

Golub ExpressionSet


This data comes originally from the gene expression data from Golub et al. (1999). The version included in the package is the one used and referenced in Brunet et al. (2004). The samples are from 27 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and 11 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).


There are 3 covariates listed.

  • Samples: The original sample labels.

  • ALL.AML: Whether the patient had AML or ALL. It is a factor with levels c('ALL', 'AML').

  • Cell: ALL arises from two different types of lymphocytes (T-cell and B-cell). This specifies which for the ALL patients; There is no such information for the AML samples. It is a factor with levels c('T-cell', 'B-cell', NA).


The samples were assayed using Affymetrix Hgu6800 chips and the original data on the expression of 7129 genes (Affymetrix probes) are available on the Broad Institute web site (see references below).

The data in esGolub were obtained from the web page related to the paper from Brunet et al. (2004), which describes an application of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization to gene expression clustering. (see link in section Source).

They contain the 5,000 most highly varying genes according to their coefficient of variation, and were installed in an object of class ExpressionSet.


Original data from Golub et al.:


Golub TR, Slonim DK, Tamayo P, Huard C, Gaasenbeek M, Mesirov JP, Coller H, Loh ML, Downing JR, Caligiuri Ma, Bloomfield CD and Lander ES (1999). "Molecular classification of cancer: class discovery and class prediction by gene expression monitoring." _Science (New York, N.Y.)_, *286*(5439), pp. 531-7. ISSN 0036-8075, <URL:>.

Brunet J, Tamayo P, Golub TR and Mesirov JP (2004). "Metagenes and molecular pattern discovery using matrix factorization." _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_, *101*(12), pp. 4164-9. ISSN 0027-8424, <URL:>, <URL:>.


# requires package Biobase to be installed
if(requireNamespace("Biobase", quietly=TRUE)){

	## Not run: pData(esGolub)


Fast Combinatorial Nonnegative Least-Square


This function solves the following nonnegative least square linear problem using normal equations and the fast combinatorial strategy from Van Benthem et al. (2004):

minYXKFs.t. K>=0\begin{array}{l} \min \|Y - X K\|_F\\ \mbox{s.t. } K>=0 \end{array}

where YY and XX are two real matrices of dimension n×pn \times p and n×rn \times r respectively, and .F\|.\|_F is the Frobenius norm.

The algorithm is very fast compared to other approaches, as it is optimised for handling multiple right-hand sides.


fcnnls(x, y, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix,matrix'
fcnnls(x, y, verbose = FALSE,
    pseudo = TRUE, ...)



extra arguments passed to the internal function .fcnnls. Currently not used.


toggle verbosity (default is FALSE).


the coefficient matrix


the target matrix to be approximated by XKX K.


By default (pseudo=FALSE) the algorithm uses Gaussian elimination to solve the successive internal linear problems, using the solve function. If pseudo=TRUE the algorithm uses Moore-Penrose generalized pseudoinverse from the corpcor package instead of solve.


Within the NMF package, this algorithm is used internally by the SNMF/R(L) algorithm from Kim et al. (2007) to solve general Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) problems, using alternating nonnegative constrained least-squares. That is by iteratively and alternatively estimate each matrix factor.

The algorithm is an active/passive set method, which rearrange the right-hand side to reduce the number of pseudo-inverse calculations. It uses the unconstrained solution KuK_u obtained from the unconstrained least squares problem, i.e. minYXKF2\min \|Y - X K\|_F^2 , so as to determine the initial passive sets.

The function fcnnls is provided separately so that it can be used to solve other types of nonnegative least squares problem. For faster computation, when multiple nonnegative least square fits are needed, it is recommended to directly use the function .fcnnls.

The code of this function is a port from the original MATLAB code provided by Kim et al. (2007).


A list containing the following components:


the estimated optimal matrix KK.


the fitted matrix XKX K.


the residual matrix YXKY - X K.


the residual sum of squares between the fitted matrix XKX K and the target matrix YY. That is the sum of the square residuals.


a rxpr x p logical matrix containing the passive set, that is the set of entries in KK that are not null (i.e. strictly positive).


a logical that is TRUE if the computation was performed using the pseudoinverse. See argument pseudo.



signature(x = "matrix", y = "matrix"): This method wraps a call to the internal function .fcnnls, and formats the results in a similar way as other lest-squares methods such as lm.


signature(x = "numeric", y = "matrix"): Shortcut for fcnnls(as.matrix(x), y, ...).


signature(x = "ANY", y = "numeric"): Shortcut for fcnnls(x, as.matrix(y), ...).


Original MATLAB code : Van Benthem and Keenan

Adaption of MATLAB code for SNMF/R(L): H. Kim

Adaptation to the NMF package framework: Renaud Gaujoux


Original MATLAB code from Van Benthem and Keenan, slightly modified by H. Kim:(

Van Benthem M and Keenan MR (2004). "Fast algorithm for the solution of large-scale non-negativity-constrained least squares problems." _Journal of Chemometrics_, *18*(10), pp. 441-450. ISSN 0886-9383, <URL:>, <URL:>.

Kim H and Park H (2007). "Sparse non-negative matrix factorizations via alternating non-negativity-constrained least squares for microarray data analysis." _Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)_, *23*(12), pp. 1495-502. ISSN 1460-2059, <URL:>, <URL:>.

See Also



## Define a random nonnegative matrix matrix
n <- 200; p <- 20; r <- 3
V <- rmatrix(n, p)

## Compute the optimal matrix K for a given X matrix
X <- rmatrix(n, r)
res <- fcnnls(X, V)

## Compute the same thing using the Moore-Penrose generalized pseudoinverse
res <- fcnnls(X, V, pseudo=TRUE)

## It also works in the case of single vectors
y <- runif(n)
res <- fcnnls(X, y)
# or
res <- fcnnls(X[,1], y)

Feature Selection in NMF Models


The function featureScore implements different methods to computes basis-specificity scores for each feature in the data.

The function extractFeatures implements different methods to select the most basis-specific features of each basis component.


featureScore(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
    method = c("kim", "max"))

  extractFeatures(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
    method = c("kim", "max"),
    format = c("list", "combine", "subset"), nodups = TRUE)



an object from which scores/features are computed/extracted


extra arguments to allow extension


scoring or selection method. It specifies the name of one of the method described in sections Feature scores and Feature selection.

Additionally for extractFeatures, it may be an integer vector that indicates the number of top most contributing features to extract from each column of object, when ordered in decreasing order, or a numeric value between 0 and 1 that indicates the minimum relative basis contribution above which a feature is selected (i.e. basis contribution threshold). In the case of a single numeric value (integer or percentage), it is used for all columns.

Note that extractFeatures(x, 1) means relative contribution threshold of 100%, to select the top contributing features one must explicitly specify an integer value as in extractFeatures(x, 1L). However, if all elements in methods are > 1, they are automatically treated as if they were integers: extractFeatures(x, 2) means the top-2 most contributing features in each component.


output format. The following values are accepted:


(default) returns a list with one element per column in object, each containing the indexes of the selected features, as an integer vector. If object has row names, these are used to name each index vector. Components for which no feature were selected are assigned a NA value.


returns all indexes in a single vector. Duplicated indexes are made unique if nodups=TRUE (default).


returns an object of the same class as object, but subset with the selected indexes, so that it contains data only from basis-specific features.


logical that indicates if duplicated indexes, i.e. features selected on multiple basis components (which should in theory not happen), should be only appear once in the result. Only used when format='combine'.


One of the properties of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization is that is tend to produce sparse representation of the observed data, leading to a natural application to bi-clustering, that characterises groups of samples by a small number of features.

In NMF models, samples are grouped according to the basis components that contributes the most to each sample, i.e. the basis components that have the greatest coefficient in each column of the coefficient matrix (see predict,NMF-method). Each group of samples is then characterised by a set of features selected based on basis-specifity scores that are computed on the basis matrix.


featureScore returns a numeric vector of the length the number of rows in object (i.e. one score per feature).

extractFeatures returns the selected features as a list of indexes, a single integer vector or an object of the same class as object that only contains the selected features.



signature(object = "matrix"): Select features on a given matrix, that contains the basis component in columns.


signature(object = "NMF"): Select basis-specific features from an NMF model, by applying the method extractFeatures,matrix to its basis matrix.


signature(object = "matrix"): Computes feature scores on a given matrix, that contains the basis component in columns.


signature(object = "NMF"): Computes feature scores on the basis matrix of an NMF model.

Feature scores

The function featureScore can compute basis-specificity scores using the following methods:


Method defined by Kim et al. (2007).

The score for feature ii is defined as:

Si=1+1log2kq=1kp(i,q)log2p(i,q)S_i = 1 + \frac{1}{\log_2 k} \sum_{q=1}^k p(i,q) \log_2 p(i,q)


where p(i,q)p(i,q) is the probability that the ii-th feature contributes to basis qq:

p(i,q)=W(i,q)r=1kW(i,r)p(i,q) = \frac{W(i,q)}{\sum_{r=1}^k W(i,r)}

The feature scores are real values within the range [0,1]. The higher the feature score the more basis-specific the corresponding feature.


Method defined by Carmona-Saez et al. (2006).

The feature scores are defined as the row maximums.

Feature selection

The function extractFeatures can select features using the following methods:


uses Kim et al. (2007) scoring schema and feature selection method.

The features are first scored using the function featureScore with method ‘kim’. Then only the features that fulfil both following criteria are retained:

  • score greater than μ^+3σ^\hat{\mu} + 3 \hat{\sigma}, where μ^\hat{\mu} and σ^\hat{\sigma} are the median and the median absolute deviation (MAD) of the scores respectively;

  • the maximum contribution to a basis component is greater than the median of all contributions (i.e. of all elements of W).


uses the selection method used in the bioNMF software package and described in Carmona-Saez et al. (2006).

For each basis component, the features are first sorted by decreasing contribution. Then, one selects only the first consecutive features whose highest contribution in the basis matrix is effectively on the considered basis.


Kim H and Park H (2007). "Sparse non-negative matrix factorizations via alternating non-negativity-constrained least squares for microarray data analysis." _Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)_, *23*(12), pp. 1495-502. ISSN 1460-2059, <URL:>, <URL:>.

Carmona-Saez P, Pascual-Marqui RD, Tirado F, Carazo JM and Pascual-Montano A (2006). "Biclustering of gene expression data by Non-smooth Non-negative Matrix Factorization." _BMC bioinformatics_, *7*, pp. 78. ISSN 1471-2105, <URL:>, <URL:>.


# random NMF model
x <- rnmf(3, 50,20)

# probably no feature is selected
# extract top 5 for each basis
extractFeatures(x, 5L)
# extract features that have a relative basis contribution above a threshold
extractFeatures(x, 0.5)
# ambiguity?
extractFeatures(x, 1) # means relative contribution above 100%
extractFeatures(x, 1L) # means top contributing feature in each component

Extracting Fitted Models


The functions fit and minfit are S4 genetics that extract the best model object and the best fit object respectively, from a collection of models or from a wrapper object.

fit<- sets the fitted model in a fit object. It is meant to be called only when developing new NMF algorithms, e.g. to update the value of the model stored in the starting point.


fit(object, ...)


  minfit(object, ...)



an object fitted by some algorithm, e.g. as returned by the function nmf.


replacement value


extra arguments to allow extension


A fit object differs from a model object in that it contains data about the fit, such as the initial RNG settings, the CPU time used, etc..., while a model object only contains the actual modelling data such as regression coefficients, loadings, etc...

That best model is generally defined as the one that achieves the maximum/minimum some quantitative measure, amongst all models in a collection.

In the case of NMF models, the best model is the one that achieves the best approximation error, according to the objective function associated with the algorithm that performed the fit(s).



signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the NMF model object stored in slot 'fit'.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the model object that achieves the lowest residual approximation error across all the runs.

It is a pure virtual method defined to ensure fit is defined for sub-classes of NMFfitX, which throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMFfitX1"): Returns the model object associated with the best fit, amongst all the runs performed when fitting object.

Since NMFfitX1 objects only hold the best fit, this method simply returns the NMF model fitted by object – that is stored in slot ‘fit’.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the best NMF fit object amongst all the fits stored in object, i.e. the fit that achieves the lowest estimation residuals.


signature(object = "NMFfit", value = "NMF"): Updates the NMF model object stored in slot 'fit' with a new value.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the object its self, since there it is the result of a single NMF run.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the fit object that achieves the lowest residual approximation error across all the runs.

It is a pure virtual method defined to ensure minfit is defined for sub-classes of NMFfitX, which throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMFfitX1"): Returns the fit object associated with the best fit, amongst all the runs performed when fitting object.

Since NMFfitX1 objects only hold the best fit, this method simply returns object coerced into an NMFfit object.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the best NMF model in the list, i.e. the run that achieved the lower estimation residuals.

The model is selected based on its deviance value.

Fitted Matrix in NMF Models


Computes the estimated target matrix based on a given NMF model. The estimation depends on the underlying NMF model. For example in the standard model VWHV \equiv W H, the target matrix is estimated by the matrix product WHW H. In other models, the estimate may depend on extra parameters/matrix (cf. Non-smooth NMF in NMFns-class).


fitted(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFstd'
fitted(object, W, H, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFOffset'
fitted(object, W, H,
    offset = object@offset)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFns'
fitted(object, W, H, S, ...)



an object that inherit from class NMF


extra arguments to allow extension


a matrix to use in the computation as the basis matrix in place of basis(object). It must be compatible with the coefficient matrix used in the computation (i.e. number of columns in W = number of rows in H).


a matrix to use in the computation as the coefficient matrix in place of coef(object). It must be compatible with the basis matrix used in the computation (i.e. number of rows in H = number of columns in W).


offset vector


smoothing matrix to use instead of smoothing(object) It must be a square matrix compatible with the basis and coefficient matrices used in the computation.


This function is a S4 generic function imported from fitted in the package stats. It is implemented as a pure virtual method for objects of class NMF, meaning that concrete NMF models must provide a definition for their corresponding class (i.e. sub-classes of class NMF). See NMF for more details.


the target matrix estimate as fitted by the model object



signature(object = "NMF"): Pure virtual method for objects of class NMF, that should be overloaded by sub-classes, and throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMFstd"): Compute the target matrix estimate in standard NMF models.

The estimate matrix is computed as the product of the two matrix slots W and H:

V^=WH\hat{V} = W H


signature(object = "NMFOffset"): Computes the target matrix estimate for an NMFOffset object.

The estimate is computed as:

WH+offsetW H + offset


signature(object = "NMFns"): Compute estimate for an NMFns object, according to the Nonsmooth NMF model (cf. NMFns-class).

Extra arguments in ... are passed to method smoothing, and are typically used to pass a value for theta, which is used to compute the smoothing matrix instead of the one stored in object.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Computes and return the estimated target matrix from an NMF model fitted with function nmf.

It is a shortcut for fitted(fit(object), ...), dispatching the call to the fitted method of the actual NMF model.


# random standard NMF model
x <- rnmf(3, 10, 5)
all.equal(fitted(x), basis(x) %*% coef(x))

Extracting RNG Data from NMF Objects


The nmf function returns objects that contain embedded RNG data, that can be used to exactly reproduce any computation. These data can be extracted using dedicated methods for the S4 generics getRNG and getRNG1.


getRNG1(object, ...)

  .getRNG(object, ...)



an R object from which RNG settings can be extracted, e.g. an integer vector containing a suitable value for .Random.seed or embedded RNG data, e.g., in S3/S4 slot rng or rng$noise.


extra arguments to allow extension and passed to a suitable S4 method .getRNG or .setRNG.



signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the RNG settings used for the best fit.

This method throws an error if the object is empty.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the RNG settings used for the first NMF run of multiple NMF runs.


signature(object = "NMFfitX1"): Returns the RNG settings used to compute the first of all NMF runs, amongst which object was selected as the best fit.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the RNG settings used for the first run.

This method throws an error if the object is empty.


# For multiple NMF runs, the RNG settings used for the first run is also stored
V <- rmatrix(20,10)
res <- nmf(V, 3, nrun=3)
# RNG used for the best fit
# RNG used for the first of all fits
# they may differ if the best fit is not the first one
rng.equal(res, getRNG1(res))

Heatmaps of NMF Factors


The NMF package ships an advanced heatmap engine implemented by the function aheatmap. Some convenience heatmap functions have been implemented for NMF models, which redefine default values for some of the arguments of aheatmap, hence tuning the output specifically for NMF models.


basismap(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'
basismap(object, color = "YlOrRd:50",
    scale = "r1", Rowv = TRUE, Colv = NA,
    subsetRow = FALSE, annRow = NA, annCol = NA,
    tracks = "basis", main = "Basis components",
    info = FALSE, ...)

  coefmap(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'
coefmap(object, color = "YlOrRd:50",
    scale = "c1", Rowv = NA, Colv = TRUE, annRow = NA,
    annCol = NA, tracks = "basis",
    main = "Mixture coefficients", info = FALSE, ...)

  consensusmap(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFfitX'
consensusmap(object, annRow = NA,
    annCol = NA,
    tracks = c("basis:", "consensus:", "silhouette:"),
    main = "Consensus matrix", info = FALSE, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
    color = "-RdYlBu",
    distfun = function(x) as.dist(1 - x),
    hclustfun = "average", Rowv = TRUE, Colv = "Rowv",
    main = if (is.null(nr) || nr > 1) "Consensus matrix" else "Connectiviy matrix",
    info = FALSE, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFfitX'
coefmap(object, Colv = TRUE,
    annRow = NA, annCol = NA,
    tracks = c("basis", "consensus:"), ...)



an object from which is extracted NMF factors or a consensus matrix


extra arguments passed to aheatmap.


Argument that specifies how to filter the rows that will appear in the heatmap. When FALSE (default), all rows are used. Besides the values supported by argument subsetRow of aheatmap, other possible values are:

  • TRUE: only the rows that are basis-specific are used. The default selection method is from KimH2007. This is equivalent to subsetRow='kim'.

  • a single character string or numeric value that specifies the method to use to select the basis-specific rows, that should appear in the heatmap (cf. argument method for function extractFeatures).

    Note extractFeatures is called with argument nodups=TRUE, so that features that are selected for multiple components only appear once.


Special additional annotation tracks to highlight associations between basis components and sample clusters:


matches each row (resp. column) to the most contributing basis component in basismap (resp. coefmap). In basismap (resp. coefmap), adding a track ':basis' to annCol (resp. annRow) makes the column (resp. row) corresponding to the component being also highlited using the mathcing colours.


if TRUE then the name of the algorithm that fitted the NMF model is displayed at the bottom of the plot, if available. Other wise it is passed as is to aheatmap.


colour specification for the heatmap. Default to palette '-RdYlBu2:100', i.e. reversed palette 'RdYlBu2' (a slight modification of RColorBrewer's palette 'RdYlBu') with 100 colors. Possible values are:

  • a character/integer vector of length greater than 1 that is directly used and assumed to contain valid R color specifications.

  • a single color/integer (between 0 and 8)/other numeric value that gives the dominant colors. Numeric values are converted into a pallete by rev(sequential_hcl(2, h = x, l = c(50, 95))). Other values are concatenated with the grey colour '#F1F1F1'.

  • one of RColorBrewer's palette name (see display.brewer.all) , or one of 'RdYlBu2', 'rainbow', 'heat', 'topo', 'terrain', 'cm'.

When the coluor palette is specified with a single value, and is negative or preceded a minus ('-'), the reversed palette is used. The number of breaks can also be specified after a colon (':'). For example, the default colour palette is specified as '-RdYlBu2:100'.


character indicating how the values should scaled in either the row direction or the column direction. Note that the scaling is performed after row/column clustering, so that it has no effect on the row/column ordering. Possible values are:

  • "row": center and standardize each row separately to row Z-scores

  • "column": center and standardize each column separately to column Z-scores

  • "r1": scale each row to sum up to one

  • "c1": scale each column to sum up to one

  • "none": no scaling


clustering specification(s) for the rows. It allows to specify the distance/clustering/ordering/display parameters to be used for the rows only. Possible values are:

  • TRUE or NULL (to be consistent with heatmap): compute a dendrogram from hierarchical clustering using the distance and clustering methods distfun and hclustfun.

  • NA: disable any ordering. In this case, and if not otherwise specified with argument revC=FALSE, the heatmap shows the input matrix with the rows in their original order, with the first row on top to the last row at the bottom. Note that this differ from the behaviour or heatmap, but seemed to be a more sensible choice when vizualizing a matrix without reordering.

  • an integer vector of length the number of rows of the input matrix (nrow(x)), that specifies the row order. As in the case Rowv=NA, the ordered matrix is shown first row on top, last row at the bottom.

  • a character vector or a list specifying values to use instead of arguments distfun, hclustfun and reorderfun when clustering the rows (see the respective argument descriptions for a list of accepted values). If Rowv has no names, then the first element is used for distfun, the second (if present) is used for hclustfun, and the third (if present) is used for reorderfun.

  • a numeric vector of weights, of length the number of rows of the input matrix, used to reorder the internally computed dendrogram d by reorderfun(d, Rowv).

  • FALSE: the dendrogram is computed using methods distfun, hclustfun, and reorderfun but is not shown.

  • a single integer that specifies how many subtrees (i.e. clusters) from the computed dendrogram should have their root faded out. This can be used to better highlight the different clusters.

  • a single double that specifies how much space is used by the computed dendrogram. That is that this value is used in place of treeheight.


clustering specification(s) for the columns. It accepts the same values as argument Rowv (modulo the expected length for vector specifications), and allow specifying the distance/clustering/ordering/display parameters to be used for the columns only. Colv may also be set to "Rowv", in which case the dendrogram or ordering specifications applied to the rows are also applied to the columns. Note that this is allowed only for square input matrices, and that the row ordering is in this case by default reversed (revC=TRUE) to obtain the diagonal in the standard way (from top-left to bottom-right). See argument Rowv for other possible values.


specifications of row annotation tracks displayed as coloured columns on the left of the heatmaps. The annotation tracks are drawn from left to right. The same conversion, renaming and colouring rules as for argument annCol apply.


specifications of column annotation tracks displayed as coloured rows on top of the heatmaps. The annotation tracks are drawn from bottom to top. A single annotation track can be specified as a single vector; multiple tracks are specified as a list, a data frame, or an ExpressionSet object, in which case the phenotypic data is used (pData(eset)). Character or integer vectors are converted and displayed as factors. Unnamed tracks are internally renamed into Xi, with i being incremented for each unamed track, across both column and row annotation tracks. For each track, if no corresponding colour is specified in argument annColors, a palette or a ramp is automatically computed and named after the track's name.


Main title as a character string or a grob.


default distance measure used in clustering rows and columns. Possible values are:

  • all the distance methods supported by dist (e.g. "euclidean" or "maximum").

  • all correlation methods supported by cor, such as "pearson" or "spearman". The pairwise distances between rows/columns are then computed as d <- dist(1 - cor(..., method = distfun)).

    One may as well use the string "correlation" which is an alias for "pearson".

  • an object of class dist such as returned by dist or as.dist.


default clustering method used to cluster rows and columns. Possible values are:

  • a method name (a character string) supported by hclust (e.g. 'average').

  • an object of class hclust such as returned by hclust

  • a dendrogram


IMPORTANT: although they essentially have the same set of arguments, their order sometimes differ between them, as well as from aheatmap. We therefore strongly recommend to use fully named arguments when calling these functions.

basimap default values for the following arguments of aheatmap:

  • the color palette;

  • the scaling specification, which by default scales each row separately so that they sum up to one (scale='r1');

  • the column ordering which is disabled;

  • allowing for passing feature extraction methods in argument subsetRow, that are passed to extractFeatures. See argument description here and therein.

  • the addition of a default named annotation track, that shows the dominant basis component for each row (i.e. each feature).

    This track is specified in argument tracks (see its argument description). By default, a matching column annotation track is also displayed, but may be disabled using tracks=':basis'.

  • a suitable title and extra information like the fitting algorithm, when object is a fitted NMF model.

coefmap redefines default values for the following arguments of aheatmap:

  • the color palette;

  • the scaling specification, which by default scales each column separately so that they sum up to one (scale='c1');

  • the row ordering which is disabled;

  • the addition of a default annotation track, that shows the most contributing basis component for each column (i.e. each sample).

    This track is specified in argument tracks (see its argument description). By default, a matching row annotation track is also displayed, but can be disabled using tracks='basis:'.

  • a suitable title and extra information like the fitting algorithm, when object is a fitted NMF model.

consensusmap redefines default values for the following arguments of aheatmap:

  • the colour palette;

  • the column ordering which is set equal to the row ordering, since a consensus matrix is symmetric;

  • the distance and linkage methods used to order the rows (and columns). The default is to use 1 minus the consensus matrix itself as distance, and average linkage.

  • the addition of two special named annotation tracks, 'basis:' and 'consensus:', that show, for each column (i.e. each sample), the dominant basis component in the best fit and the hierarchical clustering of the consensus matrix respectively (using 1-consensus as distance and average linkage).

    These tracks are specified in argument tracks, which behaves as in basismap.

  • a suitable title and extra information like the type of NMF model or the fitting algorithm, when object is a fitted NMF model.



signature(object = "NMF"): Plots a heatmap of the basis matrix of the NMF model object. This method also works for fitted NMF models (i.e. NMFfit objects).


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Plots a heatmap of the basis matrix of the best fit in object.


signature(object = "NMF"): The default method for NMF objects has special default values for some arguments of aheatmap (see argument description).


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Plots a heatmap of the coefficient matrix of the best fit in object.

This method adds:

  • an extra special column annotation track for multi-run NMF fits, 'consensus:', that shows the consensus cluster associated to each sample.

  • a column sorting schema 'consensus' that can be passed to argument Colv and orders the columns using the hierarchical clustering of the consensus matrix with average linkage, as returned by consensushc(object). This is also the ordering that is used by default for the heatmap of the consensus matrix as ploted by consensusmap.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Plots a heatmap of the consensus matrix obtained when fitting an NMF model with multiple runs.


signature(object = "NMF"): Plots a heatmap of the connectivity matrix of an NMF model.


signature(object = "matrix"): Main method that redefines default values for arguments of aheatmap.


# heatmap-NMF
## More examples are provided in demo `heatmaps`
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

# random data with underlying NMF model
v <- syntheticNMF(20, 3, 10)
# estimate a model
x <- nmf(v, 3)

# basismap
# show basis matrix
## Not run: 
# without the default annotation tracks
basismap(x, tracks=NA)

## End(Not run)

# coefmap
# coefficient matrix
## Not run: 
# without the default annotation tracks
coefmap(x, tracks=NA)

## End(Not run)

# consensusmap
## Not run: 
res <- nmf(x, 3, nrun=3)

## End(Not run)

Fixed Terms in NMF Models


Formula-based NMF models may contain fixed basis and/or coefficient terms. The functions documented here provide access to these data, which are read-only and defined when the model object is instantiated (e.g., see nmfModel,formula-method).

ibterms, icterms and iterms respectively return the indexes of the fixed basis terms, the fixed coefficient terms and all fixed terms, within the basis and/or coefficient matrix of an NMF model.

nterms, nbterms, and ncterms return, respectively, the number of all fixed terms, fixed basis terms and fixed coefficient terms in an NMF model. In particular: i.e. nterms(object) = nbterms(object) + ncterms(object).

bterms and cterms return, respectively, the primary data for fixed basis and coefficient terms in an NMF model – as stored in slots bterms and cterms . These are factors or numeric vectors which define fixed basis components, e.g., used for defining separate offsets for different a priori groups of samples, or to incorporate/correct for some known covariate.

ibasis and icoef return, respectively, the indexes of all latent basis vectors and estimated coefficients within the basis or coefficient matrix of an NMF model.


ibterms(object, ...)

  icterms(object, ...)

  iterms(object, ...)






  ibasis(object, ...)

  icoef(object, ...)



NMF object


extra parameters to allow extension (currently not used)



signature(object = "NMF"): Default pure virtual method that ensure a method is defined for concrete NMF model classes.


signature(object = "NMFstd"): Method for standard NMF models, which returns the integer vector that is stored in slot ibterms when a formula-based NMF model is instantiated.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Method for single NMF fit objects, which returns the indexes of fixed basis terms from the fitted model.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Method for multiple NMF fit objects, which returns the indexes of fixed basis terms from the best fitted model.


signature(object = "NMF"): Default pure virtual method that ensure a method is defined for concrete NMF model classes.


signature(object = "NMFstd"): Method for standard NMF models, which returns the integer vector that is stored in slot icterms when a formula-based NMF model is instantiated.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Method for single NMF fit objects, which returns the indexes of fixed coefficient terms from the fitted model.

Testing NMF Objects


The functions documented here tests different characteristics of NMF objects.

is.nmf tests if an object is an NMF model or a class that extends the class NMF.

hasBasis tests whether an objects contains a basis matrix – returned by a suitable method basis – with at least one row.

hasBasis tests whether an objects contains a coefficient matrix – returned by a suitable method coef – with at least one column.

is.partial.nmf tests whether an NMF model object contains either an empty basis or coefficient matrix. It is a shorcut for !hasCoef(x) || !hasBasis(x).



  is.empty.nmf(x, ...)




  isNMFfit(object, recursive = TRUE)



an R object. See section Details, for how each function uses this argument.


extra parameters to allow extension or passed to subsequent calls


any R object.


if TRUE and object is a plain list then isNMFfit tests each element of the list. Note that the recursive test only applies in the case of lists that are not themselves NMFfit objects, like NMFfitXn objects for which the result of isNMFfit will always be TRUE, although they are list objects (a single logical value).


is.nmf tests if object is the name of a class (if a character string), or inherits from a class, that extends NMF.

is.empty.nmf returns TRUE if the basis and coefficient matrices of x have respectively zero rows and zero columns. It returns FALSE otherwise.

In particular, this means that an empty model can still have a non-zero number of basis components, i.e. a factorization rank that is not null. This happens, for example, in the case of NMF models created calling the factory method nmfModel with a value only for the factorization rank.

isNMFfit checks if object inherits from class NMFfit or NMFfitX, which are the two types of objects returned by the function nmf. If object is a plain list and recursive=TRUE, then the test is performed on each element of the list, and the return value is a logical vector (or a list if object is a list of list) of the same length as object.


isNMFfit returns a logical vector (or a list if object is a list of list) of the same length as object.


The function is.nmf does some extra work with the namespace as this function needs to return correct results even when called in .onLoad. See discussion on r-devel:

See Also

NMFfit, NMFfitX, NMFfitXn


# is.nmf
# test if an object is an NMF model, i.e. that it implements the NMF interface
is.nmf( nmfModel(3) )
is.nmf( nmf(rmatrix(10, 5), 2) )

# is.empty.nmf
# empty model
is.empty.nmf( nmfModel(3) )
# non empty models
is.empty.nmf( nmfModel(3, 10, 0) )
is.empty.nmf( rnmf(3, 10, 5) )

# isNMFfit
## Testing results of fits
# generate a random
V <- rmatrix(20, 10)

# single run -- using very low value for maxIter to speed up the example
res <- nmf(V, 3, maxIter=3L)

# multiple runs - keeping single fit
resm <- nmf(V, 3, nrun=2, maxIter=3L)

# with a list of results
isNMFfit(list(res, resm, 'not a result'))
isNMFfit(list(res, resm, 'not a result'), recursive=FALSE)

Package Check Utils


isCRANcheck tries to identify if one is running CRAN-like checks.






each argument specifies a set of tests to do using an AND operator. The final result tests if any of the test set is true. Possible values are:


Check if the environment variable _R_CHECK_TIMINGS_ is set, as with the flag '--timing' was set.


Check if the environment variable _R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_ is set, as with the flag '--as-cran' was set.


Currently isCRANcheck returns TRUE if the check is run with either environment variable _R_CHECK_TIMINGS_ (as set by flag '--timings') or _R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMINGS_ (as set by flag '--as-cran').

Warning: the checks performed on CRAN check machines are on purpose not always run with such flags, so that users cannot effectively "trick" the checks. As a result, there is no guarantee this function effectively identifies such checks. If really needed for honest reasons, CRAN recommends users rely on custom dedicated environment variables to enable specific tests or examples.


  • isCHECK: tries harder to test if running under R CMD check. It will definitely identifies check runs for:

    • unit tests that use the unified unit test framework defined by pkgmaker (see utest);

    • examples that are run with option R_CHECK_RUNNING_EXAMPLES_ = TRUE, which is automatically set for man pages generated with a fork of roxygen2 (see References).

    Currently, isCHECK checks both CRAN expected flags, the value of environment variable _R_CHECK_RUNNING_UTESTS_, and the value of option R_CHECK_RUNNING_EXAMPLES_. It will return TRUE if any of these environment variables is set to anything not equivalent to FALSE, or if the option is TRUE. For example, the function utest sets it to the name of the package being checked (_R_CHECK_RUNNING_UTESTS_=<pkgname>), but unit tests run as part of unit tests vignettes are run with _R_CHECK_RUNNING_UTESTS_=FALSE, so that all tests are run and reported when generating them.


Adapted from the function CRAN in the fda package.



LaTeX Utilities for Vignettes


latex_preamble outputs/returns command definition LaTeX commands to be put in the preamble of vignettes.


  R = TRUE,
  Bioconductor = TRUE,
  ArrayExpress = TRUE,
  biblatex = FALSE,
  only = FALSE,
  file = ""

latex_bibliography(PACKAGE, file = "")



package name


logical that indicate if general R commands should be added (e.g. package names, inline R code format commands)


logical that indicate if general CRAN commands should be added (e.g. CRAN package citations)


logical that indicate if general Bioconductor commands should be added (e.g. Bioc package citations)


logical that indicate if general GEOmnibus commands should be added (e.g. urls to GEO datasets)


logical that indicate if general ArrayExpress commands should be added (e.g. urls to ArrayExpress datasets)


logical that indicates if a \bibliography command should be added to include references from the package's REFERENCES.bib file.


a logical that indicates if the only the commands whose dedicated argument is not missing should be considered.


connection where to print. If NULL the result is returned silently.


Argument PACKAGE is not required for latex_preamble, but must be correctly specified to ensure biblatex=TRUE generates the correct bibliography command.


  • latex_bibliography: latex_bibliography prints or return a LaTeX command that includes a package bibliography file if it exists.


latex_preamble(R=TRUE, only=TRUE)
latex_preamble(R=FALSE, CRAN=FALSE, GEO=FALSE)
latex_preamble(GEO=TRUE, only=TRUE)

Extending Annotation Vectors


Extends a vector used as an annotation track to match the number of rows and the row names of a given data.


match_atrack(x, data = NULL)



annotation vector


reference data


a vector of the same type as x

Registry for NMF Algorithms


Registry for NMF Algorithms

selectNMFMethod tries to select an appropriate NMF algorithm that is able to fit a given the NMF model.

getNMFMethod retrieves NMF algorithm objects from the registry.

existsNMFMethod tells if an NMF algorithm is registered under the

removeNMFMethod removes an NMF algorithm from the registry.


selectNMFMethod(name, model, load = FALSE, exact = FALSE,
    all = FALSE, quiet = FALSE)


  existsNMFMethod(name, exact = TRUE)

  removeNMFMethod(name, ...)



name of a registered NMF algorithm


class name of an NMF model, i.e. a class that inherits from class NMF.


a logical that indicates if the selected algorithms should be loaded into NMFStrategy objects


a logical that indicates if all algorithms that can fit model should be returned or only the default or first found.


a logical that indicates if the operation should be performed quietly, without throwing errors or warnings.


extra arguments passed to pkgreg_fetch or pkgreg_remove.


a logical that indicates if the access key should be matched exactly (TRUE) or partially (FALSE).


selectNMFMethod returns a character vector or NMFStrategy objects, or NULL if no suitable algorithm was found.

Dimension of NMF Objects


The methods dim, nrow, ncol and nbasis return the different dimensions associated with an NMF model.

dim returns all dimensions in a length-3 integer vector: the number of row and columns of the estimated target matrix, as well as the factorization rank (i.e. the number of basis components).

nrow, ncol and nbasis provide separate access to each of these dimensions respectively.


nbasis(x, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFfitXn'



an object with suitable basis and coef methods, such as an object that inherit from NMF.


extra arguments to allow extension.


The NMF package does not implement specific functions nrow and ncol, but rather the S4 method dim for objects of class NMF. This allows the base methods nrow and ncol to directly work with such objects, to get the number of rows and columns of the target matrix estimated by an NMF model.

The function nbasis is a new S4 generic defined in the package NMF, that returns the number of basis components of an object. Its default method should work for any object, that has a suitable basis method defined for its class.


a single integer value or, for dim, a length-3 integer vector, e.g. c(2000, 30, 3) for an NMF model that fits a 2000 x 30 matrix using 3 basis components.



signature(x = "NMF"): method for NMF objects for the base generic dim. It returns all dimensions in a length-3 integer vector: the number of row and columns of the estimated target matrix, as well as the factorization rank (i.e. the number of basis components).


signature(x = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the dimension common to all fits.

Since all fits have the same dimensions, it returns the dimension of the first fit. This method returns NULL if the object is empty.


signature(x = "ANY"): Default method which returns the number of columns of the basis matrix extracted from x using a suitable method basis, or, if the latter is NULL, the value of attributes 'nbasis'.

For NMF models, this also corresponds to the number of rows in the coefficient matrix.


signature(x = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the number of basis components common to all fits.

Since all fits have been computed using the same rank, it returns the factorization rank of the first fit. This method returns NULL if the object is empty.

Running NMF algorithms


The function nmf is a S4 generic defines the main interface to run NMF algorithms within the framework defined in package NMF. It has many methods that facilitates applying, developing and testing NMF algorithms.

The package vignette vignette('NMF') contains an introduction to the interface, through a sample data analysis.


nmf(x, rank, method, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix,numeric,NULL'
nmf(x, rank, method,
    seed = NULL, model = NULL, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix,numeric,list'
nmf(x, rank, method, ...,
    .parameters = list())

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix,numeric,function'
nmf(x, rank, method,
    seed, model = "NMFstd", ..., name,
    objective = "euclidean", mixed = FALSE)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix,NMF,ANY'
nmf(x, rank, method, seed,

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix,NULL,ANY'
nmf(x, rank, method, seed,

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix,matrix,ANY'
nmf(x, rank, method, seed,
    model = list(), ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'formula,ANY,ANY'
nmf(x, rank, method, ...,
    model = NULL)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix,numeric,NMFStrategy'
nmf(x, rank,
    method, seed = nmf.getOption("default.seed"),
    rng = NULL, nrun = if (length(rank) > 1) 30 else 1,
    model = NULL, .options = list(),
    .pbackend = nmf.getOption("pbackend"),
    .callback = NULL, ...)



target data to fit, i.e. a matrix-like object


specification of the factorization rank. It is usually a single numeric value, but other type of values are possible (e.g. matrix), for which specific methods are implemented. See for example methods nmf,matrix,matrix,ANY.

If rank is a numeric vector with more than one element, e.g. a range of ranks, then nmf performs the estimation procedure described in nmfEstimateRank.


specification of the NMF algorithm. The most common way of specifying the algorithm is to pass the access key (i.e. a character string) of an algorithm stored in the package's dedicated registry, but methods exists that handle other types of values, such as function or list object. See their descriptions in section Methods.

If method is missing the algorithm to use is obtained from the option nmf.getOption('default.algorithm'), unless it can be infer from the type of NMF model to fit, if this later is available from other arguments. Factory fresh default value is ‘brunet’, which corresponds to the standard NMF algorithm from Brunet2004 (see section Algorithms).

Cases where the algorithm is inferred from the call are when an NMF model is passed in arguments rank or seed (see description for nmf,matrix,numeric,NULL in section Methods).


extra arguments to allow extension of the generic. Arguments that are not used in the chain of internal calls to nmf methods are passed to the function that effectively implements the algorithm that fits an NMF model on x.


list of method-specific parameters. Its elements must have names matching a single method listed in method, and be lists of named values that are passed to the corresponding method.


name associated with the NMF algorithm implemented by the function method [only used when method is a function].


specification of the objective function associated with the algorithm implemented by the function method [only used when method is a function].

It may be either 'euclidean' or 'KL' for specifying the euclidean distance (Frobenius norm) or the Kullback-Leibler divergence respectively, or a function with signature (x="NMF", y="matrix", ...) that computes the objective value for an NMF model x on a target matrix y, i.e. the residuals between the target matrix and its NMF estimate. Any extra argument may be specified, e.g. function(x, y, alpha, beta=2, ...).


a logical that indicates if the algorithm implemented by the function method support mixed-sign target matrices, i.e. that may contain negative values [only used when method is a function].


specification of the starting point or seeding method, which will compute a starting point, usually using data from the target matrix in order to provide a good guess.

The seeding method may be specified in the following way:

a character string:

giving the name of a registered seeding method. The corresponding method will be called to compute the starting point.

Available methods can be listed via nmfSeed(). See its dedicated documentation for details on each available registered methods (nmfSeed).

a list:

giving the name of a registered seeding method and, optionally, extra parameters to pass to it.

a single numeric:

that is used to seed the random number generator, before generating a random starting point.

Note that when performing multiple runs, the L'Ecuyer's RNG is used in order to produce a sequence of random streams, that is used in way that ensures that parallel computation are fully reproducible.

an object that inherits from NMF:

it should contain the data of an initialised NMF model, i.e. it must contain valid basis and mixture coefficient matrices, directly usable by the algorithm's workhorse function.

a function:

that computes the starting point. It must have signature (object="NMF", target="matrix", ...) and return an object that inherits from class NMF. It is recommended to use argument object as a template for the returned object, by only updating the basis and coefficient matrices, using basis<- and coef<- respectively.


rng specification for the run(s). This argument should be used to set the the RNG seed, while still specifying the seeding method argument seed.


specification of the type of NMF model to use.

It is used to instantiate the object that inherits from class NMF, that will be passed to the seeding method. The following values are supported:

  • NULL, the default model associated to the NMF algorithm is instantiated and ... is looked-up for arguments with names that correspond to slots in the model class, which are passed to the function nmfModel to instantiate the model. Arguments in ... that do not correspond to slots are passed to the algorithm.

  • a single character string, that is the name of the NMF model class to be instantiate. In this case, arguments in ... are handled in the same way as when model is NULL.

  • a list that contains named values that are passed to the function nmfModel to instantiate the model. In this case, ... is not looked-up at all, and passed entirely to the algorithm. This means that all necessary model parameters must be specified in model.

Argument/slot conflicts: In the case a parameter of the algorithm has the same name as a model slot, then model MUST be a list – possibly empty –, if one wants this parameter to be effectively passed to the algorithm.

If a variable appears in both arguments model and ..., the former will be used to initialise the NMF model, the latter will be passed to the NMF algorithm. See code examples for an illustration of this situation.


number of runs to perform. It specifies the number of runs to perform. By default only one run is performed, except if rank is a numeric vector with more than one element, in which case a default of 30 runs per value of the rank are performed, allowing the computation of a consensus matrix that is used in selecting the appropriate rank (see consensus).

When using a random seeding method, multiple runs are generally required to achieve stability and avoid bad local minima.


this argument is used to set runtime options.

It can be a list containing named options with their values, or, in the case only boolean/integer options need to be set, a character string that specifies which options are turned on/off or their value, in a unix-like command line argument way.

The string must be composed of characters that correspond to a given option (see mapping below), and modifiers '+' and '-' that toggle options on and off respectively. E.g. .options='tv' will toggle on options track and verbose, while .options='t-v' will toggle on option track and toggle off option verbose.

Modifiers '+' and '-' apply to all option character found after them: t-vp+k means track=TRUE, verbose=parallel=FALSE, and keep.all=TRUE. The default behaviour is to assume that .options starts with a '+'.

for options that accept integer values, the value may be appended to the option's character e.g. 'p4' for asking for 4 processors or 'v3' for showing verbosity message up to level 3.

The following options are available (the characters after “-” are those to use to encode .options as a string):

debug - d

Toggle debug mode (default: FALSE). Like option verbose but with more information displayed.

keep.all - k

used when performing multiple runs (nrun>1): if TRUE, all factorizations are saved and returned (default: FALSE). Otherwise only the factorization achieving the minimum residuals is returned.

parallel - p

this option is useful on multicore *nix or Mac machine only, when performing multiple runs (nrun > 1) (default: TRUE). If TRUE, the runs are performed using the parallel foreach backend defined in argument .pbackend. If this is set to 'mc' or 'par' then nmf tries to perform the runs using multiple cores with package doParallel – which therefore needs to be installed.

If equal to an integer, then nmf tries to perform the computation on the specified number of processors. When passing options as a string the number is appended to the option's character e.g. 'p4' for asking for 4 processors.

If FALSE, then the computation is performed sequentially using the base function sapply.

Unlike option 'P' (capital 'P'), if the computation cannot be performed in parallel, then it will still be carried on sequentially.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR MAC OS X USERS: The parallel computation is based on the doMC and multicore packages, so the same care should be taken as stated in the vignette of doMC: “it is not safe to use doMC from on Mac OS X. Instead, you should use doMC from a terminal session, starting R from the command line.”

parallel.required - P

Same as p, but an error is thrown if the computation cannot be performed in parallel or with the specified number of processors.

shared.memory - m

toggle usage of shared memory (requires the package synchronicity). Default is as defined by nmf.getOption('shared.memory').

restore.seed - r

deprecated option since version 0.5.99. Will throw a warning if used.

simplifyCB - S

toggle simplification of the callback results. Default is TRUE

track - t

enables error tracking (default: FALSE). If TRUE, the returned object's slot residuals contains the trajectory of the objective values, which can be retrieved via residuals(res, track=TRUE) This tracking functionality is available for all built-in algorithms.

verbose - v

Toggle verbosity (default: FALSE). If TRUE, messages about the configuration and the state of the current run(s) are displayed. The level of verbosity may be specified with an integer value, the greater the level the more messages are displayed. Value FALSE means no messages are displayed, while value TRUE is equivalent to verbosity level 1.


specification of the foreach parallel backend to register and/or use when running in parallel mode. See options p and P in argument .options for how to enable this mode. Note that any backend that is internally registered is cleaned-up on exit, so that the calling foreach environment should not be affected by a call to nmf – except when .pbackend=NULL.

Currently it accepts the following values:


use the backend(s) defined by the package doParallel;

a numeric value

use the specified number of cores with doParallel backend;


use the foreach sequential backend doSEQ;


use currently registered backend;


do not compute using a foreach loop – and therefore not in parallel – but rather use a call to standard sapply. This is useful for when developing/debugging NMF algorithms, as foreach loop handling may sometime get in the way.

Note that this is equivalent to using .options='-p' or .options='p0', but takes precedence over any option specified in .options: e.g. nmf(..., .options='P10', .pbackend=NA) performs all runs sequentially using sapply. Use nmf.options(pbackend=NA) to completely disable foreach/parallel computations for all subsequent nmf calls.


identical to ‘par’ and defined to ensure backward compatibility.


Used when option keep.all=FALSE (default). It allows to pass a callback function that is called after each run when performing multiple runs (i.e. with nrun>1). This is useful for example if one is also interested in saving summary measures or process the result of each NMF fit before it gets discarded. After each run, the callback function is called with two arguments, the NMFfit object that as just been fitted and the run number: .callback(res, i). For convenience, a function that takes only one argument or has signature (x, ...) can still be passed in .callback. It is wrapped internally into a dummy function with two arguments, only the first of which is passed to the actual callback function (see example with summary).

The call is wrapped into a tryCatch so that callback errors do not stop the whole computation (see below).

The results of the different calls to the callback function are stored in a miscellaneous slot accessible using the method $ for NMFfit objects: res$.callback. By default nmf tries to simplify the list of callback result using sapply, unless option 'simplifyCB' is FASE.

If no error occurs res$.callback contains the list of values that resulted from the calling the callback function –, ordered as the fits. If any error occurs in one of the callback calls, then the whole computation is not stopped, but the error message is stored in res$.callback, in place of the result.

See the examples for sample code.


The nmf function has multiple methods that compose a very flexible interface allowing to:

  • combine NMF algorithms with seeding methods and/or stopping/convergence criterion at runtime;

  • perform multiple NMF runs, which are computed in parallel whenever the host machine allows it;

  • run multiple algorithms with a common set of parameters, ensuring a consistent environment (notably the RNG settings).

The workhorse method is nmf,matrix,numeric,NMFStrategy, which is eventually called by all other methods. The other methods provides convenient ways of specifying the NMF algorithm(s), the factorization rank, or the seed to be used. Some allow to directly run NMF algorithms on different types of objects, such as data.frame or ExpressionSet objects.


The returned value depends on the run mode:

Single run:

An object of class NMFfit.

Multiple runs, single method:

When nrun > 1 and method is not list, this method returns an object of class NMFfitX.

Multiple runs, multiple methods:

When nrun > 1 and method is a list, this method returns an object of class NMFList.



signature(x = "data.frame", rank = "ANY", method = "ANY"): Fits an NMF model on a data.frame.

The target data.frame is coerced into a matrix with as.matrix.


signature(x = "matrix", rank = "numeric", method = "NULL"): Fits an NMF model using an appropriate algorithm when method is not supplied.

This method tries to select an appropriate algorithm amongst the NMF algorithms stored in the internal algorithm registry, which contains the type of NMF models each algorithm can fit. This is possible when the type of NMF model to fit is available from argument seed, i.e. if it is an NMF model itself. Otherwise the algorithm to use is obtained from nmf.getOption('default.algorithm').

This method is provided for internal usage, when called from other nmf methods with argument method missing in the top call (e.g. nmf,matrix,numeric,missing).


signature(x = "matrix", rank = "numeric", method = "list"): Fits multiple NMF models on a common matrix using a list of algorithms.

The models are fitted sequentially with nmf using the same options and parameters for all algorithms. In particular, irrespective of the way the computation is seeded, this method ensures that all fits are performed using the same initial RNG settings.

This method returns an object of class NMFList, that is essentially a list containing each fit.


signature(x = "matrix", rank = "numeric", method = "character"): Fits an NMF model on x using an algorithm registered with access key method.

Argument method is partially match against the access keys of all registered algorithms (case insensitive). Available algorithms are listed in section Algorithms below or the introduction vignette. A vector of their names may be retrieved via nmfAlgorithm().


signature(x = "matrix", rank = "numeric", method = "function"): Fits an NMF model on x using a custom algorithm defined the function method.

The supplied function must have signature (x=matrix, start=NMF, ...) and return an object that inherits from class NMF. It will be called internally by the workhorse nmf method, with an NMF model to be used as a starting point passed in its argument start.

Extra arguments in ... are passed to method from the top nmf call. Extra arguments that have no default value in the definition of the function method are required to run the algorithm (e.g. see argument alpha of myfun in the examples).

If the algorithm requires a specific type of NMF model, this can be specified in argument model that is handled as in the workhorse nmf method (see description for this argument).


signature(x = "matrix", rank = "NMF", method = "ANY"): Fits an NMF model using the NMF model rank to seed the computation, i.e. as a starting point.

This method is provided for convenience as a shortcut for nmf(x, nbasis(object), method, seed=object, ...) It discards any value passed in argument seed and uses the NMF model passed in rank instead. It throws a warning if argument seed not missing.

If method is missing, this method will call the method nmf,matrix,numeric,NULL, which will infer an algorithm suitable for fitting an NMF model of the class of rank.


signature(x = "matrix", rank = "NULL", method = "ANY"): Fits an NMF model using the NMF model supplied in seed, to seed the computation, i.e. as a starting point.

This method is provided for completeness and is equivalent to nmf(x, seed, method, ...).


signature(x = "matrix", rank = "missing", method = "ANY"): Method defined to ensure the correct dispatch to workhorse methods in case of argument rank is missing.


signature(x = "matrix", rank = "numeric", method = "missing"): Method defined to ensure the correct dispatch to workhorse methods in case of argument method is missing.


signature(x = "matrix", rank = "matrix", method = "ANY"): Fits an NMF model partially seeding the computation with a given matrix passed in rank.

The matrix rank is used either as initial value for the basis or mixture coefficient matrix, depending on its dimension.

Currently, such partial NMF model is directly used as a seed, meaning that the remaining part is left uninitialised, which is not accepted by all NMF algorithm. This should change in the future, where the missing part of the model will be drawn from some random distribution.

Amongst built-in algorithms, only ‘snmf/l’ and ‘snmf/r’ support partial seeds, with only the coefficient or basis matrix initialised respectively.


signature(x = "matrix", rank = "data.frame", method = "ANY"): Shortcut for nmf(x, as.matrix(rank), method, ...).


signature(x = "formula", rank = "ANY", method = "ANY"): This method implements the interface for fitting formula-based NMF models. See nmfModel.

Argument rank target matrix or formula environment. If not missing, model must be a list, a data.frame or an environment in which formula variables are searched for.

Optimized C++ vs. plain R

Lee and Seung's multiplicative updates are used by several NMF algorithms. To improve speed and memory usage, a C++ implementation of the specific matrix products is used whenever possible. It directly computes the updates for each entry in the updated matrix, instead of using multiple standard matrix multiplication.

The algorithms that benefit from this optimization are: 'brunet', 'lee', 'nsNMF' and 'offset'. However there still exists plain R versions for these methods, which implement the updates as standard matrix products. These are accessible by adding the prefix '.R#' to their name: '.R#brunet', '.R#lee', '.R#nsNMF' and '.R#offset'.


All algorithms are accessible by their respective access key as listed below. The following algorithms are available:


Standard NMF, based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence, from Brunet et al. (2004). It uses simple multiplicative updates from Lee et al. (2001), enhanced to avoid numerical underflow.

Default stopping criterion: invariance of the connectivity matrix (see nmf.stop.connectivity).


Standard NMF based on the Euclidean distance from Lee et al. (2001). It uses simple multiplicative updates.

Default stopping criterion: invariance of the connectivity matrix (see nmf.stop.connectivity).


Least-Square NMF from Wang et al. (2006). It uses modified versions of Lee and Seung's multiplicative updates for the Euclidean distance, which incorporates weights on each entry of the target matrix, e.g. to reflect measurement uncertainty.

Default stopping criterion: stationarity of the objective function (see nmf.stop.stationary).


Nonsmooth NMF from Pascual-Montano et al. (2006). It uses a modified version of Lee and Seung's multiplicative updates for the Kullback-Leibler divergence Lee et al. (2001), to fit a extension of the standard NMF model, that includes an intermediate smoothing matrix, meant meant to produce sparser factors.

Default stopping criterion: invariance of the connectivity matrix (see nmf.stop.connectivity).


NMF with offset from Badea (2008). It uses a modified version of Lee and Seung's multiplicative updates for Euclidean distance Lee et al. (2001), to fit an NMF model that includes an intercept, meant to capture a common baseline and shared patterns, in order to produce cleaner basis components.

Default stopping criterion: invariance of the connectivity matrix (see nmf.stop.connectivity).


Pattern-Expression NMF from Zhang2008. It uses multiplicative updates to minimize an objective function based on the Euclidean distance, that is regularized for effective expression of patterns with basis vectors.

Default stopping criterion: stationarity of the objective function (see nmf.stop.stationary).

‘snmf/r’, ‘snmf/l’

Alternating Least Square (ALS) approach from Kim et al. (2007). It applies the nonnegative least-squares algorithm from Van Benthem et al. (2004) (i.e. fast combinatorial nonnegative least-squares for multiple right-hand), to estimate the basis and coefficient matrices alternatively (see fcnnls). It minimises an Euclidean-based objective function, that is regularized to favour sparse basis matrices (for ‘snmf/l’) or sparse coefficient matrices (for ‘snmf/r’).

Stopping criterion: built-in within the internal workhorse function nmf_snmf, based on the KKT optimality conditions.

Seeding methods

The purpose of seeding methods is to compute initial values for the factor matrices in a given NMF model. This initial guess will be used as a starting point by the chosen NMF algorithm.

The seeding method to use in combination with the algorithm can be passed to interface nmf through argument seed. The seeding seeding methods available in registry are listed by the function nmfSeed (see list therein).

Detailed examples of how to specify the seeding method and its parameters can be found in the Examples section of this man page and in the package's vignette.


Brunet J, Tamayo P, Golub TR and Mesirov JP (2004). "Metagenes and molecular pattern discovery using matrix factorization." _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_, *101*(12), pp. 4164-9. ISSN 0027-8424, <URL:>, <URL:>.

Lee DD and Seung H (2001). "Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization." _Advances in neural information processing systems_. <URL:>.

Wang G, Kossenkov AV and Ochs MF (2006). "LS-NMF: a modified non-negative matrix factorization algorithm utilizing uncertainty estimates." _BMC bioinformatics_, *7*, pp. 175. ISSN 1471-2105, <URL:>, <URL:>.

Pascual-Montano A, Carazo JM, Kochi K, Lehmann D and Pascual-marqui RD (2006). "Nonsmooth nonnegative matrix factorization (nsNMF)." _IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell_, *28*, pp. 403-415.

Badea L (2008). "Extracting gene expression profiles common to colon and pancreatic adenocarcinoma using simultaneous nonnegative matrix factorization." _Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing_, *290*, pp. 267-78. ISSN 1793-5091, <URL:>.

Kim H and Park H (2007). "Sparse non-negative matrix factorizations via alternating non-negativity-constrained least squares for microarray data analysis." _Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)_, *23*(12), pp. 1495-502. ISSN 1460-2059, <URL:>, <URL:>.

Van Benthem M and Keenan MR (2004). "Fast algorithm for the solution of large-scale non-negativity-constrained least squares problems." _Journal of Chemometrics_, *18*(10), pp. 441-450. ISSN 0886-9383, <URL:>, <URL:>.

See Also



# Only basic calls are presented in this manpage.
# Many more examples are provided in the demo file nmf.R
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

# random data
x <- rmatrix(20,10)

# run default algorithm with rank 2
res <- nmf(x, 2)

# specify the algorithm
res <- nmf(x, 2, 'lee')

# get verbose message on what is going on
res <- nmf(x, 2, .options='v')
## Not run: 
# more messages
res <- nmf(x, 2, .options='v2')
# even more
res <- nmf(x, 2, .options='v3')
# and so on ...

## End(Not run)

NMF Algorithm/Updates for Kullback-Leibler Divergence


The built-in NMF algorithms described here minimise the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KL) between an NMF model and a target matrix. They use the updates for the basis and coefficient matrices (WW and HH) defined by Brunet et al. (2004), which are essentially those from Lee et al. (2001), with an stabilisation step that shift up all entries from zero every 10 iterations, to a very small positive value.

nmf_update.brunet implements in C++ an optimised version of the single update step.

Algorithms ‘brunet’ and ‘.R#brunet’ provide the complete NMF algorithm from Brunet et al. (2004), using the C++-optimised and pure R updates nmf_update.brunet and nmf_update.brunet_R respectively.

Algorithm ‘KL’ provides an NMF algorithm based on the C++-optimised version of the updates from Brunet et al. (2004), which uses the stationarity of the objective value as a stopping criterion nmf.stop.stationary, instead of the stationarity of the connectivity matrix nmf.stop.connectivity as used by ‘brunet’.


nmf_update.brunet_R(i, v, x, eps = .Machine$double.eps,

  nmf_update.brunet(i, v, x, copy = FALSE,
    eps = .Machine$double.eps, ...)

  nmfAlgorithm.brunet_R(..., .stop = NULL,
    maxIter = nmf.getOption("maxIter") %||% 2000,
    eps = .Machine$double.eps, stopconv = 40,
    check.interval = 10)

  nmfAlgorithm.brunet(..., .stop = NULL,
    maxIter = nmf.getOption("maxIter") %||% 2000,
    copy = FALSE, eps = .Machine$double.eps, stopconv = 40,
    check.interval = 10)

  nmfAlgorithm.KL(..., .stop = NULL,
    maxIter = nmf.getOption("maxIter") %||% 2000,
    copy = FALSE, eps = .Machine$double.eps, = .Machine$double.eps,
    check.interval = 5 * check.niter, check.niter = 10L)



current iteration number.


target matrix.


current NMF model, as an NMF object.


small numeric value used to ensure numeric stability, by shifting up entries from zero to this fixed value.


extra arguments. These are generally not used and present only to allow other arguments from the main call to be passed to the initialisation and stopping criterion functions (slots onInit and Stop respectively).


logical that indicates if the update should be made on the original matrix directly (FALSE) or on a copy (TRUE - default). With copy=FALSE the memory footprint is very small, and some speed-up may be achieved in the case of big matrices. However, greater care should be taken due the side effect. We recommend that only experienced users use copy=TRUE.


specification of a stopping criterion, that is used instead of the one associated to the NMF algorithm. It may be specified as:

  • the access key of a registered stopping criterion;

  • a single integer that specifies the exact number of iterations to perform, which will be honoured unless a lower value is explicitly passed in argument maxIter.

  • a single numeric value that specifies the stationnarity threshold for the objective function, used in with nmf.stop.stationary;

  • a function with signature (object="NMFStrategy", i="integer", y="matrix", x="NMF", ...), where object is the NMFStrategy object that describes the algorithm being run, i is the current iteration, y is the target matrix and x is the current value of the NMF model.


maximum number of iterations to perform.


number of iterations intervals over which the connectivity matrix must not change for stationarity to be achieved.


interval (in number of iterations) on which the stopping criterion is computed.

maximum absolute value of the gradient, for the objective function to be considered stationary.


number of successive iteration used to compute the stationnary criterion.


nmf_update.brunet_R implements in pure R a single update step, i.e. it updates both matrices.


Original implementation in MATLAB: Jean-Philippe Brunet [email protected]

Port to R and optimisation in C++: Renaud Gaujoux


Original license terms:

This software and its documentation are copyright 2004 by the Broad Institute/Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights are reserved. This software is supplied without any warranty or guaranteed support whatsoever. Neither the Broad Institute nor MIT can not be responsible for its use, misuse, or functionality.


Brunet J, Tamayo P, Golub TR and Mesirov JP (2004). "Metagenes and molecular pattern discovery using matrix factorization." _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_, *101*(12), pp. 4164-9. ISSN 0027-8424, <URL:>, <URL:>.

Lee DD and Seung H (2001). "Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization." _Advances in neural information processing systems_. <URL:>.

NMF Multiplicative Update for NMF with Offset Models


These update rules proposed by Badea (2008) are modified version of the updates from Lee et al. (2001), that include an offset/intercept vector, which models a common baseline for each feature accross all samples:

VWH+IV \approx W H + I

nmf_update.euclidean_offset.h and nmf_update.euclidean_offset.w compute the updated NMFOffset model, using the optimized C++ implementations.

nmf_update.offset_R implements a complete single update step, using plain R updates.

nmf_update.offset implements a complete single update step, using C++-optimised updates.

Algorithms ‘offset’ and ‘.R#offset’ provide the complete NMF-with-offset algorithm from Badea (2008), using the C++-optimised and pure R updates nmf_update.offset and nmf_update.offset_R respectively.


nmf_update.euclidean_offset.h(v, w, h, offset,
    eps = 10^-9, copy = TRUE)

  nmf_update.euclidean_offset.w(v, w, h, offset,
    eps = 10^-9, copy = TRUE)

  nmf_update.offset_R(i, v, x, eps = 10^-9, ...)

  nmf_update.offset(i, v, x, copy = FALSE, eps = 10^-9,

  nmfAlgorithm.offset_R(..., .stop = NULL,
    maxIter = nmf.getOption("maxIter") %||% 2000,
    eps = 10^-9, stopconv = 40, check.interval = 10)

  nmfAlgorithm.offset(..., .stop = NULL,
    maxIter = nmf.getOption("maxIter") %||% 2000,
    copy = FALSE, eps = 10^-9, stopconv = 40,
    check.interval = 10)



current value of the offset/intercept vector. It must be of length equal to the number of rows in the target matrix.


target matrix.


small numeric value used to ensure numeric stability, by shifting up entries from zero to this fixed value.


logical that indicates if the update should be made on the original matrix directly (FALSE) or on a copy (TRUE - default). With copy=FALSE the memory footprint is very small, and some speed-up may be achieved in the case of big matrices. However, greater care should be taken due the side effect. We recommend that only experienced users use copy=TRUE.


current iteration number.


current NMF model, as an NMF object.


extra arguments. These are generally not used and present only to allow other arguments from the main call to be passed to the initialisation and stopping criterion functions (slots onInit and Stop respectively).


specification of a stopping criterion, that is used instead of the one associated to the NMF algorithm. It may be specified as:

  • the access key of a registered stopping criterion;

  • a single integer that specifies the exact number of iterations to perform, which will be honoured unless a lower value is explicitly passed in argument maxIter.

  • a single numeric value that specifies the stationnarity threshold for the objective function, used in with nmf.stop.stationary;

  • a function with signature (object="NMFStrategy", i="integer", y="matrix", x="NMF", ...), where object is the NMFStrategy object that describes the algorithm being run, i is the current iteration, y is the target matrix and x is the current value of the NMF model.


maximum number of iterations to perform.


number of iterations intervals over which the connectivity matrix must not change for stationarity to be achieved.


interval (in number of iterations) on which the stopping criterion is computed.


current basis matrix


current coefficient matrix


The associated model is defined as an NMFOffset object. The details of the multiplicative updates can be found in Badea (2008). Note that the updates are the ones defined for a single datasets, not the simultaneous NMF model, which is fit by algorithm ‘siNMF’ from formula-based NMF models.


an NMFOffset model object.


Original update definition: Liviu Badea

Port to R and optimisation in C++: Renaud Gaujoux


Badea L (2008). "Extracting gene expression profiles common to colon and pancreatic adenocarcinoma using simultaneous nonnegative matrix factorization." _Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing_, *290*, pp. 267-78. ISSN 1793-5091, <URL:>.

Lee DD and Seung H (2001). "Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization." _Advances in neural information processing systems_. <URL:>.

NMF Multiplicative Updates for Euclidean Distance


Multiplicative updates from Lee et al. (2001) for standard Nonnegative Matrix Factorization models VWHV \approx W H, where the distance between the target matrix and its NMF estimate is measured by the – euclidean – Frobenius norm.

nmf_update.euclidean.w and nmf_update.euclidean.h compute the updated basis and coefficient matrices respectively. They use a C++ implementation which is optimised for speed and memory usage.

nmf_update.euclidean.w_R and nmf_update.euclidean.h_R implement the same updates in plain R.


nmf_update.euclidean.h(v, w, h, eps = 10^-9,
    nbterms = 0L, ncterms = 0L, copy = TRUE)

  nmf_update.euclidean.h_R(v, w, h, wh = NULL, eps = 10^-9)

  nmf_update.euclidean.w(v, w, h, eps = 10^-9,
    nbterms = 0L, ncterms = 0L, weight = NULL, copy = TRUE)

  nmf_update.euclidean.w_R(v, w, h, wh = NULL, eps = 10^-9)



small numeric value used to ensure numeric stability, by shifting up entries from zero to this fixed value.


already computed NMF estimate used to compute the denominator term.


numeric vector of sample weights, e.g., used to normalise samples coming from multiple datasets. It must be of the same length as the number of samples/columns in v – and h.


target matrix


current basis matrix


current coefficient matrix


number of fixed basis terms


number of fixed coefficient terms


logical that indicates if the update should be made on the original matrix directly (FALSE) or on a copy (TRUE - default). With copy=FALSE the memory footprint is very small, and some speed-up may be achieved in the case of big matrices. However, greater care should be taken due the side effect. We recommend that only experienced users use copy=TRUE.


The coefficient matrix (H) is updated as follows:

Hkjmax(HkjWTV)kj,ε)(WTWH)kj+εH_{kj} \leftarrow \frac{\max(H_{kj} W^T V)_{kj}, \varepsilon) }{(W^T W H)_{kj} + \varepsilon}

These updates are used by the built-in NMF algorithms Frobenius and lee.

The basis matrix (W) is updated as follows:

Wikmax(Wik(VHT)ik,ε)(WHHT)ik+εW_ik \leftarrow \frac{\max(W_ik (V H^T)_ik, \varepsilon) }{ (W H H^T)_ik + \varepsilon}


a matrix of the same dimension as the input matrix to update (i.e. w or h). If copy=FALSE, the returned matrix uses the same memory as the input object.


Update definitions by Lee2001.

C++ optimised implementation by Renaud Gaujoux.


Lee DD and Seung H (2001). "Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization." _Advances in neural information processing systems_. <URL:>.

NMF Multiplicative Updates for Kullback-Leibler Divergence


Multiplicative updates from Lee et al. (2001) for standard Nonnegative Matrix Factorization models VWHV \approx W H, where the distance between the target matrix and its NMF estimate is measured by the Kullback-Leibler divergence.

nmf_update.KL.w and nmf_update.KL.h compute the updated basis and coefficient matrices respectively. They use a C++ implementation which is optimised for speed and memory usage.

nmf_update.KL.w_R and nmf_update.KL.h_R implement the same updates in plain R.


nmf_update.KL.h(v, w, h, nbterms = 0L, ncterms = 0L,
    copy = TRUE)

  nmf_update.KL.h_R(v, w, h, wh = NULL)

  nmf_update.KL.w(v, w, h, nbterms = 0L, ncterms = 0L,
    copy = TRUE)

  nmf_update.KL.w_R(v, w, h, wh = NULL)



target matrix


current basis matrix


current coefficient matrix


number of fixed basis terms


number of fixed coefficient terms


logical that indicates if the update should be made on the original matrix directly (FALSE) or on a copy (TRUE - default). With copy=FALSE the memory footprint is very small, and some speed-up may be achieved in the case of big matrices. However, greater care should be taken due the side effect. We recommend that only experienced users use copy=TRUE.


already computed NMF estimate used to compute the denominator term.


The coefficient matrix (H) is updated as follows:

HkjHkj(sumiWikVij(WH)ij)sumiWik.H_{kj} \leftarrow H_{kj} \frac{\left( sum_i \frac{W_{ik} V_{ij}}{(WH)_{ij}} \right)}{ sum_i W_{ik} }.

These updates are used in built-in NMF algorithms KL and brunet.

The basis matrix (W) is updated as follows:

WikWiksumj[HkjAij(WH)ij]sumjHkjW_{ik} \leftarrow W_{ik} \frac{ sum_j [\frac{H_{kj} A_{ij}}{(WH)_{ij}} ] }{sum_j H_{kj} }


a matrix of the same dimension as the input matrix to update (i.e. w or h). If copy=FALSE, the returned matrix uses the same memory as the input object.


Update definitions by Lee2001.

C++ optimised implementation by Renaud Gaujoux.


Lee DD and Seung H (2001). "Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization." _Advances in neural information processing systems_. <URL:>.

NMF Algorithm/Updates for Frobenius Norm


The built-in NMF algorithms described here minimise the Frobenius norm (Euclidean distance) between an NMF model and a target matrix. They use the updates for the basis and coefficient matrices (WW and HH) defined by Lee et al. (2001).

nmf_update.lee implements in C++ an optimised version of the single update step.

Algorithms ‘lee’ and ‘.R#lee’ provide the complete NMF algorithm from Lee et al. (2001), using the C++-optimised and pure R updates nmf_update.lee and nmf_update.lee_R respectively.

Algorithm ‘Frobenius’ provides an NMF algorithm based on the C++-optimised version of the updates from Lee et al. (2001), which uses the stationarity of the objective value as a stopping criterion nmf.stop.stationary, instead of the stationarity of the connectivity matrix nmf.stop.connectivity as used by ‘lee’.


nmf_update.lee_R(i, v, x, rescale = TRUE, eps = 10^-9,

  nmf_update.lee(i, v, x, rescale = TRUE, copy = FALSE,
    eps = 10^-9, weight = NULL, ...)

  nmfAlgorithm.lee_R(..., .stop = NULL,
    maxIter = nmf.getOption("maxIter") %||% 2000,
    rescale = TRUE, eps = 10^-9, stopconv = 40,
    check.interval = 10)

  nmfAlgorithm.lee(..., .stop = NULL,
    maxIter = nmf.getOption("maxIter") %||% 2000,
    rescale = TRUE, copy = FALSE, eps = 10^-9,
    weight = NULL, stopconv = 40, check.interval = 10)

  nmfAlgorithm.Frobenius(..., .stop = NULL,
    maxIter = nmf.getOption("maxIter") %||% 2000,
    rescale = TRUE, copy = FALSE, eps = 10^-9,
    weight = NULL, = .Machine$double.eps,
    check.interval = 5 * check.niter, check.niter = 10L)



logical that indicates if the basis matrix WW should be rescaled so that its columns sum up to one.


current iteration number.


target matrix.


current NMF model, as an NMF object.


small numeric value used to ensure numeric stability, by shifting up entries from zero to this fixed value.


extra arguments. These are generally not used and present only to allow other arguments from the main call to be passed to the initialisation and stopping criterion functions (slots onInit and Stop respectively).


logical that indicates if the update should be made on the original matrix directly (FALSE) or on a copy (TRUE - default). With copy=FALSE the memory footprint is very small, and some speed-up may be achieved in the case of big matrices. However, greater care should be taken due the side effect. We recommend that only experienced users use copy=TRUE.


specification of a stopping criterion, that is used instead of the one associated to the NMF algorithm. It may be specified as:

  • the access key of a registered stopping criterion;

  • a single integer that specifies the exact number of iterations to perform, which will be honoured unless a lower value is explicitly passed in argument maxIter.

  • a single numeric value that specifies the stationnarity threshold for the objective function, used in with nmf.stop.stationary;

  • a function with signature (object="NMFStrategy", i="integer", y="matrix", x="NMF", ...), where object is the NMFStrategy object that describes the algorithm being run, i is the current iteration, y is the target matrix and x is the current value of the NMF model.


maximum number of iterations to perform.


number of iterations intervals over which the connectivity matrix must not change for stationarity to be achieved.


interval (in number of iterations) on which the stopping criterion is computed.

maximum absolute value of the gradient, for the objective function to be considered stationary.


number of successive iteration used to compute the stationnary criterion.


numeric vector of sample weights, e.g., used to normalise samples coming from multiple datasets. It must be of the same length as the number of samples/columns in v – and h.


nmf_update.lee_R implements in pure R a single update step, i.e. it updates both matrices.


Original update definition: D D Lee and HS Seung

Port to R and optimisation in C++: Renaud Gaujoux


Lee DD and Seung H (2001). "Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization." _Advances in neural information processing systems_. <URL:>.

Multiplicative Updates for LS-NMF


Implementation of the updates for the LS-NMF algorithm from Wang et al. (2006).

wrss implements the objective function used by the LS-NMF algorithm.


nmf_update.lsnmf(i, X, object, weight, eps = 10^-9, ...)

  wrss(object, X, weight)

  nmfAlgorithm.lsNMF(..., .stop = NULL,
    maxIter = nmf.getOption("maxIter") %||% 2000, weight,
    eps = 10^-9, = .Machine$double.eps,
    check.interval = 5 * check.niter, check.niter = 10L)



current iteration


target matrix


current NMF model


value for Σ\Sigma, i.e. the weights that are applied to each entry in X by X * weight (= entry wise product). Weights are usually specified as a matrix of the same dimension as X (e.g. uncertainty estimates for each measurement), but may also be passed as a vector, in which case the standard rules for entry wise product between matrices and vectors apply (e.g. recylcing elements).


small number passed to the standard euclidean-based NMF updates (see nmf_update.euclidean).


extra arguments (not used)


specification of a stopping criterion, that is used instead of the one associated to the NMF algorithm. It may be specified as:

  • the access key of a registered stopping criterion;

  • a single integer that specifies the exact number of iterations to perform, which will be honoured unless a lower value is explicitly passed in argument maxIter.

  • a single numeric value that specifies the stationnarity threshold for the objective function, used in with nmf.stop.stationary;

  • a function with signature (object="NMFStrategy", i="integer", y="matrix", x="NMF", ...), where object is the NMFStrategy object that describes the algorithm being run, i is the current iteration, y is the target matrix and x is the current value of the NMF model.


maximum number of iterations to perform.

maximum absolute value of the gradient, for the objective function to be considered stationary.


interval (in number of iterations) on which the stopping criterion is computed.


number of successive iteration used to compute the stationnary criterion.


updated object object


Wang G, Kossenkov AV and Ochs MF (2006). "LS-NMF: a modified non-negative matrix factorization algorithm utilizing uncertainty estimates." _BMC bioinformatics_, *7*, pp. 175. ISSN 1471-2105, <URL:>, <URL:>.

NMF Multiplicative Update for Nonsmooth Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (nsNMF).


These update rules, defined for the NMFns model VWSHV \approx W S H from Pascual-Montano et al. (2006), that introduces an intermediate smoothing matrix to enhance sparsity of the factors.

nmf_update.ns computes the updated nsNMF model. It uses the optimized C++ implementations nmf_update.KL.w and nmf_update.KL.h to update WW and HH respectively.

nmf_update.ns_R implements the same updates in plain R.

Algorithms ‘nsNMF’ and ‘.R#nsNMF’ provide the complete NMF algorithm from Pascual-Montano et al. (2006), using the C++-optimised and plain R updates nmf_update.brunet and nmf_update.brunet_R respectively. The stopping criterion is based on the stationarity of the connectivity matrix.


nmf_update.ns(i, v, x, copy = FALSE, ...)

  nmf_update.ns_R(i, v, x, ...)

  nmfAlgorithm.nsNMF_R(..., .stop = NULL,
    maxIter = nmf.getOption("maxIter") %||% 2000,
    stopconv = 40, check.interval = 10)

  nmfAlgorithm.nsNMF(..., .stop = NULL,
    maxIter = nmf.getOption("maxIter") %||% 2000,
    copy = FALSE, stopconv = 40, check.interval = 10)



current iteration number.


target matrix.


current NMF model, as an NMF object.


logical that indicates if the update should be made on the original matrix directly (FALSE) or on a copy (TRUE - default). With copy=FALSE the memory footprint is very small, and some speed-up may be achieved in the case of big matrices. However, greater care should be taken due the side effect. We recommend that only experienced users use copy=TRUE.


extra arguments. These are generally not used and present only to allow other arguments from the main call to be passed to the initialisation and stopping criterion functions (slots onInit and Stop respectively).


specification of a stopping criterion, that is used instead of the one associated to the NMF algorithm. It may be specified as:

  • the access key of a registered stopping criterion;

  • a single integer that specifies the exact number of iterations to perform, which will be honoured unless a lower value is explicitly passed in argument maxIter.

  • a single numeric value that specifies the stationnarity threshold for the objective function, used in with nmf.stop.stationary;

  • a function with signature (object="NMFStrategy", i="integer", y="matrix", x="NMF", ...), where object is the NMFStrategy object that describes the algorithm being run, i is the current iteration, y is the target matrix and x is the current value of the NMF model.


maximum number of iterations to perform.


number of iterations intervals over which the connectivity matrix must not change for stationarity to be achieved.


interval (in number of iterations) on which the stopping criterion is computed.


The multiplicative updates are based on the updates proposed by Brunet et al. (2004), except that the NMF estimate WHW H is replaced by WSHW S H and WW (resp. HH) is replaced by WSW S (resp. SHS H) in the update of HH (resp. WW).

See nmf_update.KL for more details on the update formula.


an NMFns model object.


Pascual-Montano A, Carazo JM, Kochi K, Lehmann D and Pascual-marqui RD (2006). "Nonsmooth nonnegative matrix factorization (nsNMF)." _IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell_, *28*, pp. 403-415.

Brunet J, Tamayo P, Golub TR and Mesirov JP (2004). "Metagenes and molecular pattern discovery using matrix factorization." _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_, *101*(12), pp. 4164-9. ISSN 0027-8424, <URL:>, <URL:>.

Generic Interface for Nonnegative Matrix Factorisation Models


The class NMF is a virtual class that defines a common interface to handle Nonnegative Matrix Factorization models (NMF models) in a generic way. Provided a minimum set of generic methods is implemented by concrete model classes, these benefit from a whole set of functions and utilities to perform common computations and tasks in the context of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.

The function misc provides access to miscellaneous data members stored in slot misc (as a list), which allow extensions of NMF models to be implemented, without defining a new S4 class.


misc(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'

  ## S4 replacement method for signature 'NMF'

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'
.DollarNames(x, pattern = "")



an object that inherit from class NMF


extra arguments (not used)


object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


A literal character string or a name (possibly backtick quoted). For extraction, this is normally (see under ‘Environments’) partially matched to the names of the object.


typically an array-like R object of a similar class as x.


A regular expression. Only matching names are returned.


Class NMF makes it easy to develop new models that integrate well into the general framework implemented by the NMF package.

Following a few simple guidelines, new types of NMF models benefit from all the functionalities available for the built-in NMF models – that derive themselves from class NMF. See section Implementing NMF models below.

See NMFstd, and references and links therein for details on the built-in implementations of the standard NMF model and its extensions.



A list that is used internally to temporarily store algorithm parameters during the computation.



signature(x = "NMF"): This method provides a convenient way of sub-setting objects of class NMF, using a matrix-like syntax.

It allows to consistently subset one or both matrix factors in the NMF model, as well as retrieving part of the basis components or part of the mixture coefficients with a reduced amount of code.

See [,NMF-method for more details.


signature(x = "NMF"): shortcut for x@misc[[name, exact=TRUE]] respectively.


signature(x = "NMF"): shortcut for x@misc[[name, exact=TRUE]] respectively.


signature(x = "NMF"): shortcut for x@misc[[name]] <- value


signature(x = "NMF"): shortcut for x@misc[[name]] <- value


signature(object = "NMF"): Pure virtual method for objects of class NMF, that should be overloaded by sub-classes, and throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMF", value = "matrix"): Pure virtual method for objects of class NMF, that should be overloaded by sub-classes, and throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMF"): Default methods that calls .basis<- and check the validity of the updated object.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "matrix"): Computes the correlations between the basis vectors of x and the columns of y.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "NMF"): Computes the correlations between the basis vectors of x and y.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "missing"): Computes the correlations between the basis vectors of x.


signature(object = "NMF"): Plots a heatmap of the basis matrix of the NMF model object. This method also works for fitted NMF models (i.e. NMFfit objects).


signature(x = "NMF"): Binds compatible matrices and NMF models together.


signature(object = "NMF"): Pure virtual method for objects of class NMF, that should be overloaded by sub-classes, and throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMF", value = "matrix"): Pure virtual method for objects of class NMF, that should be overloaded by sub-classes, and throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMF"): Default methods that calls .coef<- and check the validity of the updated object.


signature(object = "NMF"): Alias to coef,NMF, therefore also pure virtual.


signature(object = "NMF"): The default method for NMF objects has special default values for some arguments of aheatmap (see argument description).


signature(object = "NMF"): Computes the connectivity matrix for an NMF model, for which cluster membership is given by the most contributing basis component in each sample. See predict,NMF-method.


signature(object = "NMF"): This method is provided for completeness and is identical to connectivity, and returns the connectivity matrix, which, in the case of a single NMF model, is also the consensus matrix.


signature(object = "NMF"): Compute the hierarchical clustering on the connectivity matrix of object.


signature(object = "NMF"): Plots a heatmap of the connectivity matrix of an NMF model.


signature(object = "NMF"): Computes the distance between a matrix and the estimate of an NMF model.


signature(x = "NMF"): method for NMF objects for the base generic dim. It returns all dimensions in a length-3 integer vector: the number of row and columns of the estimated target matrix, as well as the factorization rank (i.e. the number of basis components).


signature(x = "NMF"): Returns the dimension names of the NMF model x.

It returns either NULL if no dimnames are set on the object, or a 3-length list containing the row names of the basis matrix, the column names of the mixture coefficient matrix, and the column names of the basis matrix (i.e. the names of the basis components).


signature(x = "NMF"): sets the dimension names of the NMF model x.

value can be NULL which resets all dimension names, or a 1, 2 or 3-length list providing names at least for the rows of the basis matrix.

See dimnames for more details.


signature(x = "NMF"): Auto-completion for NMF objects


signature(x = "NMF"): Auto-completion for NMF objects


signature(object = "NMF"): Select basis-specific features from an NMF model, by applying the method extractFeatures,matrix to its basis matrix.


signature(object = "NMF"): Computes feature scores on the basis matrix of an NMF model.


signature(object = "NMF"): Pure virtual method for objects of class NMF, that should be overloaded by sub-classes, and throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMF"): Default pure virtual method that ensure a method is defined for concrete NMF model classes.


signature(object = "NMF"): Default pure virtual method that ensure a method is defined for concrete NMF model classes.


signature(x = "NMF"): Method loadings for NMF Models

The method loadings is identical to basis, but do not accept any extra argument.

See loadings,NMF-method for more details.


signature(object = "NMF"): Deprecated method that is substituted by coefmap and basismap.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "NMF"): Compares two NMF models.

Arguments in ... are used only when identical=FALSE and are passed to all.equal.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "NMFfit"): Compares two NMF models when at least one comes from a NMFfit object, i.e. an object returned by a single run of nmf.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "NMFfitX"): Compares two NMF models when at least one comes from multiple NMF runs.


signature(object = "NMF"): Apply nneg to the basis matrix of an NMF object (i.e. basis(object)). All extra arguments in ... are passed to the method nneg,matrix.


signature(object = "NMF"): Default method for NMF models


signature(x = "NMF", y = "matrix"): Computes the correlations between the basis profiles of x and the rows of y.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "NMF"): Computes the correlations between the basis profiles of x and y.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "missing"): Computes the correlations between the basis profiles of x.


signature(x = "NMF"): Returns the target matrix estimate of the NMF model x, perturbated by adding a random matrix generated using the default method of rmatrix: it is a equivalent to fitted(x) + rmatrix(fitted(x), ...).

This method can be used to generate random target matrices that depart from a known NMF model to a controlled extend. This is useful to test the robustness of NMF algorithms to the presence of certain types of noise in the data.


signature(x = "NMF", target = "numeric"): Generates a random NMF model of the same class and rank as another NMF model.

This is the workhorse method that is eventually called by all other methods. It generates an NMF model of the same class and rank as x, compatible with the dimensions specified in target, that can be a single or 2-length numeric vector, to specify a square or rectangular target matrix respectively.

See rnmf,NMF,numeric-method for more details.


signature(x = "NMF", target = "missing"): Generates a random NMF model of the same dimension as another NMF model.

It is a shortcut for rnmf(x, nrow(x), ncol(x), ...), which returns a random NMF model of the same class and dimensions as x.


signature(object = "NMF"): Apply rposneg to the basis matrix of an NMF object.


signature(object = "NMF"): Show method for objects of class NMF


signature(x = "NMF"): Compute the sparseness of an object of class NMF, as the sparseness of the basis and coefficient matrices computed separately.

It returns the two values in a numeric vector with names ‘basis’ and ‘coef’.


signature(object = "NMF"): Computes summary measures for a single NMF model.

The following measures are computed:

See summary,NMF-method for more details.

Implementing NMF models

The class NMF only defines a basic data/low-level interface for NMF models, as a collection of generic methods, responsible with data handling, upon which relies a comprehensive set of functions, composing a rich higher-level interface.

Actual NMF models are defined as sub-classes that inherits from class NMF, and implement the management of data storage, providing definitions for the interface's pure virtual methods.

The minimum requirement to define a new NMF model that integrates into the framework of the NMF package are the followings:

  • Define a class that inherits from class NMF and implements the new model, say class myNMF.

  • Implement the following S4 methods for the new class myNMF:


    signature(object = "myNMF", value = "matrix"): Must return the estimated target matrix as fitted by the NMF model object.


    signature(object = "myNMF"): Must return the basis matrix(e.g. the first matrix factor in the standard NMF model).


    signature(object = "myNMF", value = "matrix"): Must return object with the basis matrix set to value.


    signature(object = "myNMF"): Must return the matrix of mixture coefficients (e.g. the second matrix factor in the standard NMF model).


    signature(object = "myNMF", value = "matrix"): Must return object with the matrix of mixture coefficients set to value.

    The NMF package provides "pure virtual" definitions of these methods for class NMF (i.e. with signatures (object='NMF', ...) and (object='NMF', value='matrix')) that throw an error if called, so as to force their definition for model classes.

  • Optionally, implement method rnmf(signature(x="myNMF", target="ANY")). This method should call callNextMethod(x=x, target=target, ...) and fill the returned NMF model with its specific data suitable random values.

For concrete examples of NMF models implementations, see class NMFstd and its extensions (e.g. classes NMFOffset or NMFns).

Creating NMF objects

Strictly speaking, because class NMF is virtual, no object of class NMF can be instantiated, only objects from its sub-classes. However, those objects are sometimes shortly referred in the documentation and vignettes as "NMF objects" instead of "objects that inherits from class NMF".

For built-in models or for models that inherit from the standard model class NMFstd, the factory method nmfModel enables to easily create valid NMF objects in a variety of common situations. See documentation for the the factory method nmfModel for more details.


Definition of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization in its modern formulation: Lee et al. (1999)

Historical first definition and algorithms: Paatero et al. (1994)

Lee DD and Seung HS (1999). "Learning the parts of objects by non-negative matrix factorization." _Nature_, *401*(6755), pp. 788-91. ISSN 0028-0836, <URL:>, <URL:>.

Paatero P and Tapper U (1994). "Positive matrix factorization: A non-negative factor model with optimal utilization of error estimates of data values." _Environmetrics_, *5*(2), pp. 111-126. <URL:>, <URL:>.

See Also

Main interface to perform NMF in nmf-methods.

Built-in NMF models and factory method in nmfModel.

Method seed to set NMF objects with values suitable to start algorithms with.

Other NMF-interface: basis, .basis, .basis<-, basis<-, coef, .coef, .coef<-, coef<-, coefficients, loadings,NMF-method, nmfModel, nmfModels, rnmf, scoef


# show all the NMF models available (i.e. the classes that inherit from class NMF)
# show all the built-in NMF models available

# class NMF is a virtual class so cannot be instantiated:
try( new('NMF') )

# To instantiate an NMF model, use the factory method nmfModel. see ?nmfModel
nmfModel(3, model='NMFns')

Defunct Functions and Classes in the NMF Package


Defunct Functions and Classes in the NMF Package


metaHeatmap(object, ...)



an R object


other arguments



signature(object = "matrix"): Defunct method substituted by aheatmap.


signature(object = "NMF"): Deprecated method that is substituted by coefmap and basismap.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Deprecated method subsituted by consensusmap.

Deprecated Functions in the Package NMF


Deprecated Functions in the Package NMF



an R object


extra arguments

Testing Equality of NMF Models


The function nmf.equal tests if two NMF models are the same, i.e. they contain – almost – identical data: same basis and coefficient matrices, as well as same extra parameters.


nmf.equal(x, y, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF,NMF'
nmf.equal(x, y, identical = TRUE,

  ## S4 method for signature 'list,list'
nmf.equal(x, y, ..., all = FALSE,
    vector = FALSE)



an NMF model or an object that is associated with an NMF model, e.g. the result from a fit with nmf.


an NMF model or an object that is associated with an NMF model, e.g. the result from a fit with nmf.


a logical that indicates if the comparison should be made using the function identical (TRUE) or all.equal (FALSE). See description for method nmf.equal,NMF,NMF.


extra arguments to allow extension, and passed to subsequent calls


a logical that indicates if all fits should be compared separately or only the best fits


a logical, only used when all=TRUE, that indicates if all fits must be equal for x and y to be declared equal, or if one wants to return the result of each comparison in a vector.


nmf.equal compares two NMF models, and return TRUE iff they are identical acording to the function identical when identical=TRUE, or equal up to some tolerance acording to the function all.equal. This means that all data contained in the objects are compared, which includes at least the basis and coefficient matrices, as well as the extra parameters stored in slot ‘misc’.

If extra arguments are specified in ..., then the comparison is performed using all.equal, irrespective of the value of argument identical.



signature(x = "NMF", y = "NMF"): Compares two NMF models.

Arguments in ... are used only when identical=FALSE and are passed to all.equal.


signature(x = "NMFfit", y = "NMF"): Compares two NMF models when at least one comes from a NMFfit object, i.e. an object returned by a single run of nmf.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "NMFfit"): Compares two NMF models when at least one comes from a NMFfit object, i.e. an object returned by a single run of nmf.


signature(x = "NMFfit", y = "NMFfit"): Compares two fitted NMF models, i.e. objects returned by single runs of nmf.


signature(x = "NMFfitX", y = "NMF"): Compares two NMF models when at least one comes from multiple NMF runs.


signature(x = "NMF", y = "NMFfitX"): Compares two NMF models when at least one comes from multiple NMF runs.


signature(x = "NMFfitX1", y = "NMFfitX1"): Compares the NMF models fitted by multiple runs, that only kept the best fits.


signature(x = "list", y = "list"): Compares the results of multiple NMF runs.

This method either compare the two best fit, or all fits separately. All extra arguments in ... are passed to each internal call to nmf.equal.


signature(x = "list", y = "missing"): Compare all elements in x to x[[1]].

Listing and Retrieving NMF Algorithms


nmfAlgorithm lists access keys or retrieves NMF algorithms that are stored in registry. It allows to list


nmfAlgorithm(name = NULL, version = NULL, all = FALSE,



Access key. If not missing, it must be a single character string that is partially matched against the available algorithms in the registry. In this case, if all=FALSE (default), then the algorithm is returned as an NMFStrategy object that can be directly passed to nmf. An error is thrown if no matching algorithm is found.

If missing or NULL, then access keys of algorithms – that match the criteria version, are returned. This argument is assumed to be regular expression if all=TRUE or version is not NULL.


version of the algorithm(s) to retrieve. Currently only value 'R' is supported, which searched for plain R implementations.


a logical that indicates if all algorithm keys should be returned, including the ones from alternative algorithm versions (e.g. plain R implementations of algorithms, for which a version based on optimised C updates is used by default).


extra arguments passed to getNMFMethod when name is not NULL and all=FALSE. It is not used otherwise.


an NMFStrategy object if name is not NULL and all=FALSE, or a named character vector that contains the access keys of the matching algorithms. The names correspond to the access key of the primary algorithm: e.g. algorithm ‘lee’ has two registered versions, one plain R (‘.R#lee’) and the other uses optimised C updates (‘lee’), which will all get named ‘lee’.

See Also

Other regalgo: canFit


# list all main algorithms
# list all versions of algorithms
# list all plain R versions

NMF Algorithm - Sparse NMF via Alternating NNLS


NMF algorithms proposed by Kim et al. (2007) that enforces sparsity constraint on the basis matrix (algorithm ‘SNMF/L’) or the mixture coefficient matrix (algorithm ‘SNMF/R’).


nmfAlgorithm.SNMF_R(..., maxIter = 20000L, eta = -1,
    beta = 0.01, bi_conv = c(0, 10), eps_conv = 1e-04)

  nmfAlgorithm.SNMF_L(..., maxIter = 20000L, eta = -1,
    beta = 0.01, bi_conv = c(0, 10), eps_conv = 1e-04)



maximum number of iterations.


parameter to suppress/bound the L2-norm of W and in H in ‘SNMF/R’ and ‘SNMF/L’ respectively.

If eta < 0, then it is set to the maximum value in the target matrix is used.


regularisation parameter for sparsity control, which balances the trade-off between the accuracy of the approximation and the sparseness of H and W in ‘SNMF/R’ and ‘SNMF/L’ respectively.

Larger beta generates higher sparseness on H (resp. W). Too large beta is not recommended.


parameter of the biclustering convergence test. It must be a size 2 numeric vector bi_conv=c(wminchange, iconv), with:


the minimal allowance of change in row-clusters.


decide convergence if row-clusters (within the allowance of wminchange) and column-clusters have not changed for iconv convergence checks.

Convergence checks are performed every 5 iterations.


threshold for the KKT convergence test.


extra argument not used.


The algorithm ‘SNMF/R’ solves the following NMF optimization problem on a given target matrix AA of dimension n×pn \times p:

minW,H12(AWHF2+ηWF2+β(j=1pH.j12))s.t.W0,H0\begin{array}{ll} & \min_{W,H} \frac{1}{2} \left(|| A - WH ||_F^2 + \eta ||W||_F^2 + \beta (\sum_{j=1}^p ||H_{.j}||_1^2)\right)\\ s.t. & W\geq 0, H\geq 0 \end{array}

The algorithm ‘SNMF/L’ solves a similar problem on the transposed target matrix AA, where HH and WW swap roles, i.e. with sparsity constraints applied to W.


Kim H and Park H (2007). "Sparse non-negative matrix factorizations via alternating non-negativity-constrained least squares for microarray data analysis." _Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)_, *23*(12), pp. 1495-502. ISSN 1460-2059, <URL:>, <URL:>.

Apply Function for NMF Objects


The function nmfApply provides exteneded apply-like functionality for objects of class NMF. It enables to easily apply a function over different margins of NMF models.


nmfApply(X, MARGIN, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE,



an object that has suitable basis and coef methods, e.g. an NMF model.


a single numeric (integer) value that specifies over which margin(s) the function FUN is applied. See section Details for a list of possible values.


a function to apply over the specified margins.


extra arguments passed to FUN


a logical only used when MARGIN=3, that indicates if sapply should try to simplify result if possible. Since this argument follows ‘...’ its name cannot be abbreviated.


a logical only used when MARGIN=3, that indicates if sapply should use the names of the basis components to name the results if present. Since this argument follows ‘...’ its name cannot be abbreviated.


The function FUN is applied via a call to apply or sapply according to the value of argument MARGIN as follows:


apply FUN to each row of the basis matrix: apply(basis(X), 1L, FUN, ...).


apply FUN to each column of the coefficient matrix: apply(coef(X), 2L, FUN, ...).


apply FUN to each pair of associated basis component and basis profile: more or less sapply(seq(nbasis(X)), function(i, ...) FUN(basis(X)[,i], coef(X)[i, ], ...), ...).

In this case FUN must be have at least two arguments, to which are passed each basis components and basis profiles respectively – as numeric vectors.


apply FUN to each column of the basis matrix, i.e. to each basis component: apply(basis(X), 2L, FUN, ...).


apply FUN to each row of the coefficient matrix: apply(coef(X), 1L, FUN, ...).


a vector or a list. See apply and sapply for more details on the output format.

Checking NMF Algorithm


nmfCheck enables to quickly check that a given NMF algorithm runs properly, by applying it to some small random data.


nmfCheck(method = NULL, rank = max(ncol(x)/5, 3),
    x = NULL, seed = 1234, ...)



name of the NMF algorithm to be tested.


rank of the factorization


target data. If NULL, a random 20 x 10 matrix is generated


specifies a seed or seeding method for the computation.


other arguments passed to the call to nmf.


the result of the NMF fit invisibly.


# test default algorithm

# test 'lee' algorithm

Estimate Rank for NMF Models


A critical parameter in NMF algorithms is the factorization rank rr. It defines the number of basis effects used to approximate the target matrix. Function nmfEstimateRank helps in choosing an optimal rank by implementing simple approaches proposed in the literature.

Note that from version 0.7, one can equivalently call the function nmf with a range of ranks.

In the plot generated by plot.NMF.rank, each curve represents a summary measure over the range of ranks in the survey. The colours correspond to the type of data to which the measure is related: coefficient matrix, basis component matrix, best fit, or consensus matrix.


nmfEstimateRank(x, range,
    method = nmf.getOption("default.algorithm"), nrun = 30,
    model = NULL, ..., verbose = FALSE, stop = FALSE)

  ## S3 method for class 'NMF.rank'
 plot(x, y = NULL,
    what = c("all", "cophenetic", "rss", "residuals", "dispersion", "evar", 
        "sparseness", "sparseness.basis", "sparseness.coef", "silhouette", 
        "silhouette.coef", "silhouette.basis", "silhouette.consensus"),
    na.rm = FALSE, xname = "x", yname = "y",
    xlab = "Factorization rank", ylab = "",
    main = "NMF rank survey", ...)



For nmfEstimateRank a target object to be estimated, in one of the format accepted by interface nmf.

For plot.NMF.rank an object of class NMF.rank as returned by function nmfEstimateRank.


a numeric vector containing the ranks of factorization to try. Note that duplicates are removed and values are sorted in increasing order. The results are notably returned in this order.


A single NMF algorithm, in one of the format accepted by the function nmf.


a numeric giving the number of run to perform for each value in range.


model specification passed to each nmf call. In particular, when x is a formula, it is passed to argument data of nmfModel to determine the target matrix – and fixed terms.


toggle verbosity. This parameter only affects the verbosity of the outer loop over the values in range. To print verbose (resp. debug) messages from each NMF run, one can use .options='v' (resp. .options='d') that will be passed to the function nmf.


logical flag for running the estimation process with fault tolerance. When TRUE, the whole execution will stop if any error is raised. When FALSE (default), the runs that raise an error will be skipped, and the execution will carry on. The summary measures for the runs with errors are set to NA values, and a warning is thrown.


For nmfEstimateRank, these are extra parameters passed to interface nmf. Note that the same parameters are used for each value of the rank. See nmf.

For plot.NMF.rank, these are extra graphical parameter passed to the standard function plot. See plot.


reference object of class NMF.rank, as returned by function nmfEstimateRank. The measures contained in y are used and plotted as a reference. It is typically used to plot results obtained from randomized data. The associated curves are drawn in red (and pink), while those from x are drawn in blue (and green).


a character vector whose elements partially match one of the following item, which correspond to the measures computed by summary on each – multi-run – NMF result: ‘all’, ‘cophenetic’, ‘rss’, ‘residuals’, ‘dispersion’, ‘evar’, ‘silhouette’ (and more specific *.coef, *.basis, *.consensus), ‘sparseness’ (and more specific *.coef, *.basis). It specifies which measure must be plotted (what='all' plots all the measures).


single logical that specifies if the rank for which the measures are NA values should be removed from the graph or not (default to FALSE). This is useful when plotting results which include NAs due to error during the estimation process. See argument stop for nmfEstimateRank.

xname, yname

legend labels for the curves corresponding to measures from x and y respectively


x-axis label


y-axis label


main title


Given a NMF algorithm and the target matrix, a common way of estimating rr is to try different values, compute some quality measures of the results, and choose the best value according to this quality criteria. See Brunet et al. (2004) and Hutchins et al. (2008).

The function nmfEstimateRank allows to perform this estimation procedure. It performs multiple NMF runs for a range of rank of factorization and, for each, returns a set of quality measures together with the associated consensus matrix.

In order to avoid overfitting, it is recommended to run the same procedure on randomized data. The results on the original and the randomised data may be plotted on the same plots, using argument y.


nmfEstimateRank returns a S3 object (i.e. a list) of class NMF.rank with the following elements:


a data.frame containing the quality measures for each rank of factorizations in range. Each row corresponds to a measure, each column to a rank.


a list of consensus matrices, indexed by the rank of factorization (as a character string).


a list of the fits, indexed by the rank of factorization (as a character string).


Brunet J, Tamayo P, Golub TR and Mesirov JP (2004). "Metagenes and molecular pattern discovery using matrix factorization." _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_, *101*(12), pp. 4164-9. ISSN 0027-8424, <URL:>, <URL:>.

Hutchins LN, Murphy SM, Singh P and Graber JH (2008). "Position-dependent motif characterization using non-negative matrix factorization." _Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)_, *24*(23), pp. 2684-90. ISSN 1367-4811, <URL:>, <URL:>.


if( !isCHECK() ){

n <- 50; r <- 3; m <- 20
V <- syntheticNMF(n, r, m)

# Use a seed that will be set before each first run
res <- nmfEstimateRank(V, seq(2,5), method='brunet', nrun=10, seed=123456)
# or equivalently
res <- nmf(V, seq(2,5), method='brunet', nrun=10, seed=123456)

# plot all the measures
# or only one: e.g. the cophenetic correlation coefficient
plot(res, 'cophenetic')

# run same estimation on randomized data
rV <- randomize(V)
rand <- nmfEstimateRank(rV, seq(2,5), method='brunet', nrun=10, seed=123456)
plot(res, rand)

Base Class for to store Nonnegative Matrix Factorisation results


Base class to handle the results of general Nonnegative Matrix Factorisation algorithms (NMF).

The function NMFfit is a factory method for NMFfit objects, that should not need to be called by the user. It is used internally by the functions nmf and seed to instantiate the starting point of NMF algorithms.


NMFfit(fit = nmfModel(), ..., rng = NULL)



an NMF model


extra argument used to initialise slots in the instantiating NMFfit object.


RNG settings specification (typically a suitable value for .Random.seed).


It provides a general structure and generic functions to manage the results of NMF algorithms. It contains a slot with the fitted NMF model (see slot fit) as well as data about the methods and parameters used to compute the factorization.

The purpose of this class is to handle in a generic way the results of NMF algorithms. Its slot fit contains the fitted NMF model as an object of class NMF.

Other slots contains data about how the factorization has been computed, such as the algorithm and seeding method, the computation time, the final residuals, etc...

Class NMFfit acts as a wrapper class for its slot fit. It inherits from interface class NMF defined for generic NMF models. Therefore, all the methods defined by this interface can be called directly on objects of class NMFfit. The calls are simply dispatched on slot fit, i.e. the results are the same as if calling the methods directly on slot fit.



An object that inherits from class NMF, and contains the fitted NMF model.

NB: class NMF is a virtual class. The default class for this slot is NMFstd, that implements the standard NMF model.


A numeric vector that contains the final residuals or the residuals track between the target matrix and its NMF estimate(s). Default value is numeric().

See method residuals for details on accessor methods and main interface nmf for details on how to compute NMF with residuals tracking.


a single character string that contains the name of the algorithm used to fit the model. Default value is ''.


a single character string that contains the name of the seeding method used to seed the algorithm that fitted the NMF model. Default value is ''. See nmf for more details.


an object that contains the RNG settings used for the fit. Currently the settings are stored as an integer vector, the value of .Random.seed at the time the object is created. It is initialized by the initialized method. See getRNG for more details.


either a single "character" string that contains the name of the built-in objective function, or a function that measures the residuals between the target matrix and its NMF estimate. See objective and deviance,NMF-method.


a list that contains the extra parameters – usually specific to the algorithm – that were used to fit the model.


object of class "proc_time" that contains various measures of the time spent to fit the model. See system.time


a list that contains the options used to compute the object.


a list that contains extra miscellaneous data for internal usage only. For example it can be used to store extra parameters or temporary data, without the need to explicitly extend the NMFfit class. Currently built-in algorithms only use this slot to store the number of iterations performed to fit the object.

Data that need to be easily accessible by the end-user should rather be set using the methods $<- that sets elements in the list slot misc – that is inherited from class NMF.


stored call to the last nmf method that generated the object.



signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the name of the algorithm that fitted the NMF model object.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the basis matrix from an NMF model fitted with function nmf.

It is a shortcut for .basis(fit(object), ...), dispatching the call to the .basis method of the actual NMF model.


signature(object = "NMFfit", value = "matrix"): Sets the the basis matrix of an NMF model fitted with function nmf.

It is a shortcut for .basis(fit(object)) <- value, dispatching the call to the .basis<- method of the actual NMF model. It is not meant to be used by the user, except when developing NMF algorithms, to update the basis matrix of the seed object before returning it.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the the coefficient matrix from an NMF model fitted with function nmf.

It is a shortcut for .coef(fit(object), ...), dispatching the call to the .coef method of the actual NMF model.


signature(object = "NMFfit", value = "matrix"): Sets the the coefficient matrix of an NMF model fitted with function nmf.

It is a shortcut for .coef(fit(object)) <- value, dispatching the call to the .coef<- method of the actual NMF model. It is not meant to be used by the user, except when developing NMF algorithms, to update the coefficient matrix in the seed object before returning it.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Compare multiple NMF fits passed as arguments.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the deviance of a fitted NMF model.

This method returns the final residual value if the target matrix y is not supplied, or the approximation error between the fitted NMF model stored in object and y. In this case, the computation is performed using the objective function method if not missing, or the objective of the algorithm that fitted the model (stored in slot 'distance').

See deviance,NMFfit-method for more details.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the NMF model object stored in slot 'fit'.


signature(object = "NMFfit", value = "NMF"): Updates the NMF model object stored in slot 'fit' with a new value.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Computes and return the estimated target matrix from an NMF model fitted with function nmf.

It is a shortcut for fitted(fit(object), ...), dispatching the call to the fitted method of the actual NMF model.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Method for single NMF fit objects, which returns the indexes of fixed basis terms from the fitted model.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Method for single NMF fit objects, which returns the indexes of fixed coefficient terms from the fitted model.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Method for multiple NMF fit objects, which returns the indexes of fixed coefficient terms from the best fitted model.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the object its self, since there it is the result of a single NMF run.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the type of a fitted NMF model. It is a shortcut for modelname(fit(object).


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the number of iteration performed to fit an NMF model, typically with function nmf.

Currently this data is stored in slot 'extra', but this might change in the future.


signature(object = "NMFfit", value = "numeric"): Sets the number of iteration performed to fit an NMF model.

This function is used internally by the function nmf. It is not meant to be called by the user, except when developing new NMF algorithms implemented as single function, to set the number of iterations performed by the algorithm on the seed, before returning it (see NMFStrategyFunction).


signature(x = "NMFfit", y = "NMF"): Compares two NMF models when at least one comes from a NMFfit object, i.e. an object returned by a single run of nmf.


signature(x = "NMFfit", y = "NMFfit"): Compares two fitted NMF models, i.e. objects returned by single runs of nmf.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Creates an NMFfitX1 object from a single fit. This is used in nmf when only the best fit is kept in memory or on disk.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): This method always returns 1, since an NMFfit object is obtained from a single NMF run.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the objective function associated with the algorithm that computed the fitted NMF model object, or the objective value with respect to a given target matrix y if it is supplied.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the offset from the fitted model.


signature(x = "NMFfit", y = "missing"): Plots the residual track computed at regular interval during the fit of the NMF model x.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the residuals – track – between the target matrix and the NMF fit object.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the CPU time required to compute a single NMF fit.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Identical to runtime, since their is a single fit.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the name of the seeding method that generated the starting point for the NMF algorithm that fitted the NMF model object.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Show method for objects of class NMFfit


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Computes summary measures for a single fit from nmf.

This method adds the following measures to the measures computed by the method summary,NMF:

See summary,NMFfit-method for more details.


# run default NMF algorithm on a random matrix
n <- 50; r <- 3; p <- 20
V <- rmatrix(n, p)
res <- nmf(V, r)

# result class is NMFfit

# show result

# compute summary measures
summary(res, target=V)

Virtual Class to Handle Results from Multiple Runs of NMF Algorithms


This class defines a common interface to handle the results from multiple runs of a single NMF algorithm, performed with the nmf method.


Currently, this interface is implemented by two classes, NMFfitX1 and NMFfitXn, which respectively handle the case where only the best fit is kept, and the case where the list of all the fits is returned.

See nmf for more details on the method arguments.



Object of class proc_time that contains CPU times required to perform all the runs.



signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Plots a heatmap of the basis matrix of the best fit in object.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Plots a heatmap of the coefficient matrix of the best fit in object.

This method adds:

  • an extra special column annotation track for multi-run NMF fits, 'consensus:', that shows the consensus cluster associated to each sample.

  • a column sorting schema 'consensus' that can be passed to argument Colv and orders the columns using the hierarchical clustering of the consensus matrix with average linkage, as returned by consensushc(object). This is also the ordering that is used by default for the heatmap of the consensus matrix as ploted by consensusmap.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Pure virtual method defined to ensure consensus is defined for sub-classes of NMFfitX. It throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Compute the hierarchical clustering on the consensus matrix of object, or on the connectivity matrix of the best fit in object.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Plots a heatmap of the consensus matrix obtained when fitting an NMF model with multiple runs.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Computes the cophenetic correlation coefficient on the consensus matrix of object. All arguments in ... are passed to the method cophcor,matrix.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the deviance achieved by the best fit object, i.e. the lowest deviance achieved across all NMF runs.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Computes the dispersion on the consensus matrix obtained from multiple NMF runs.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the model object that achieves the lowest residual approximation error across all the runs.

It is a pure virtual method defined to ensure fit is defined for sub-classes of NMFfitX, which throws an error if called.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the RNG settings used for the first NMF run of multiple NMF runs.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Method for multiple NMF fit objects, which returns the indexes of fixed basis terms from the best fitted model.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Deprecated method subsituted by consensusmap.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the fit object that achieves the lowest residual approximation error across all the runs.

It is a pure virtual method defined to ensure minfit is defined for sub-classes of NMFfitX, which throws an error if called.


signature(x = "NMFfitX", y = "NMF"): Compares two NMF models when at least one comes from multiple NMF runs.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Provides a way to aggregate NMFfitXn objects into an NMFfitX1 object.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the number of NMF runs performed to create object.

It is a pure virtual method defined to ensure nrun is defined for sub-classes of NMFfitX, which throws an error if called.

See nrun,NMFfitX-method for more details.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the cluster membership index from an NMF model fitted with multiple runs.

Besides the type of clustering available for any NMF models ('columns', 'rows', 'samples', 'features'), this method can return the cluster membership index based on the consensus matrix, computed from the multiple NMF runs.

See predict,NMFfitX-method for more details.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the residuals achieved by the best fit object, i.e. the lowest residual approximation error achieved across all NMF runs.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the CPU time required to compute all the NMF runs. It returns NULL if no CPU data is available.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Show method for objects of class NMFfitX


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Computes a set of measures to help evaluate the quality of the best fit of the set. The result is similar to the result from the summary method of NMFfit objects. See NMF for details on the computed measures. In addition, the cophenetic correlation (cophcor) and dispersion coefficients of the consensus matrix are returned, as well as the total CPU time (runtime.all).

See Also

Other multipleNMF: NMFfitX1-class, NMFfitXn-class


# generate a synthetic dataset with known classes
n <- 20; counts <- c(5, 2, 3);
V <- syntheticNMF(n, counts)

# perform multiple runs of one algorithm (default is to keep only best fit)
res <- nmf(V, 3, nrun=3)

# plot a heatmap of the consensus matrix
## Not run:  consensusmap(res)

Structure for Storing the Best Fit Amongst Multiple NMF Runs


This class is used to return the result from a multiple run of a single NMF algorithm performed with function nmf with the – default – option keep.all=FALSE (cf. nmf).


It extends both classes NMFfitX and NMFfit, and stores a the result of the best fit in its NMFfit structure.

Beside the best fit, this class allows to hold data about the computation of the multiple runs, such as the number of runs, the CPU time used to perform all the runs, as well as the consensus matrix.

Due to the inheritance from class NMFfit, objects of class NMFfitX1 can be handled exactly as the results of single NMF run – as if only the best run had been performed.



object of class matrix used to store the consensus matrix based on all the runs.


an integer that contains the number of runs performed to compute the object.


an object that contains RNG settings used for the first run. See getRNG1.



signature(object = "NMFfitX1"): The result is the matrix stored in slot ‘consensus’. This method returns NULL if the consensus matrix is empty.


signature(object = "NMFfitX1"): Returns the model object associated with the best fit, amongst all the runs performed when fitting object.

Since NMFfitX1 objects only hold the best fit, this method simply returns the NMF model fitted by object – that is stored in slot ‘fit’.


signature(object = "NMFfitX1"): Returns the RNG settings used to compute the first of all NMF runs, amongst which object was selected as the best fit.


signature(object = "NMFfitX1"): Returns the fit object associated with the best fit, amongst all the runs performed when fitting object.

Since NMFfitX1 objects only hold the best fit, this method simply returns object coerced into an NMFfit object.


signature(x = "NMFfitX1", y = "NMFfitX1"): Compares the NMF models fitted by multiple runs, that only kept the best fits.


signature(object = "NMFfitX1"): Returns the number of NMF runs performed, amongst which object was selected as the best fit.


signature(object = "NMFfitX1"): Show method for objects of class NMFfitX1

See Also

Other multipleNMF: NMFfitX-class, NMFfitXn-class


# generate a synthetic dataset with known classes
n <- 15; counts <- c(5, 2, 3);
V <- syntheticNMF(n, counts, factors = TRUE)

# get the class factor
groups <- V$pData$Group

# perform multiple runs of one algorithm, keeping only the best fit (default)
#i.e.: the implicit nmf options are .options=list(keep.all=FALSE) or .options='-k'
res <- nmf(V[[1]], 3, nrun=2)

# compute summary measures
# get more info
summary(res, target=V[[1]], class=groups)

# show computational time

# plot the consensus matrix, as stored (pre-computed) in the object
## Not run:  consensusmap(res, annCol=groups)

Structure for Storing All Fits from Multiple NMF Runs


This class is used to return the result from a multiple run of a single NMF algorithm performed with function nmf with option keep.all=TRUE (cf. nmf).


It extends both classes NMFfitX and list, and stores the result of each run (i.e. a NMFfit object) in its list structure.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This class is designed to be read-only, even though all the list-methods can be used on its instances. Adding or removing elements would most probably lead to incorrect results in subsequent calls. Capability for concatenating and merging NMF results is for the moment only used internally, and should be included and supported in the next release of the package.



standard slot that contains the S3 list object data. See R documentation on S3/S4 classes for more details (e.g., setOldClass).



signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the name of the common NMF algorithm used to compute all fits stored in object

Since all fits are computed with the same algorithm, this method returns the name of algorithm that computed the first fit. It returns NULL if the object is empty.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the basis matrix of the best fit amongst all the fits stored in object. It is a shortcut for basis(fit(object)).


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the coefficient matrix of the best fit amongst all the fits stored in object. It is a shortcut for coef(fit(object)).


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Compares the fits obtained by separate runs of NMF, in a single call to nmf.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): This method returns NULL on an empty object. The result is a matrix with several attributes attached, that are used by plotting functions such as consensusmap to annotate the plots.


signature(x = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the dimension common to all fits.

Since all fits have the same dimensions, it returns the dimension of the first fit. This method returns NULL if the object is empty.


signature(x = "NMFfitXn", y = "ANY"): Computes the best or mean entropy across all NMF fits stored in x.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the best NMF fit object amongst all the fits stored in object, i.e. the fit that achieves the lowest estimation residuals.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the RNG settings used for the best fit.

This method throws an error if the object is empty.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the RNG settings used for the first run.

This method throws an error if the object is empty.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the best NMF model in the list, i.e. the run that achieved the lower estimation residuals.

The model is selected based on its deviance value.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the common type NMF model of all fits stored in object

Since all fits are from the same NMF model, this method returns the model type of the first fit. It returns NULL if the object is empty.


signature(x = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the number of basis components common to all fits.

Since all fits have been computed using the same rank, it returns the factorization rank of the first fit. This method returns NULL if the object is empty.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the number of runs performed to compute the fits stored in the list (i.e. the length of the list itself).


signature(x = "NMFfitXn", y = "ANY"): Computes the best or mean purity across all NMF fits stored in x.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): If no time data is available from in slot ‘runtime.all’ and argument null=TRUE, then the sequential time as computed by seqtime is returned, and a warning is thrown unless warning=FALSE.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the name of the common seeding method used the computation of all fits stored in object

Since all fits are seeded using the same method, this method returns the name of the seeding method used for the first fit. It returns NULL if the object is empty.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Returns the CPU time that would be required to sequentially compute all NMF fits stored in object.

This method calls the function runtime on each fit and sum up the results. It returns NULL on an empty object.


signature(object = "NMFfitXn"): Show method for objects of class NMFfitXn

See Also

Other multipleNMF: NMFfitX1-class, NMFfitX-class


# generate a synthetic dataset with known classes
n <- 15; counts <- c(5, 2, 3);
V <- syntheticNMF(n, counts, factors = TRUE)

# get the class factor
groups <- V$pData$Group

# perform multiple runs of one algorithm, keeping all the fits
res <- nmf(V[[1]], 3, nrun=2, .options='k') # .options=list(keep.all=TRUE) also works

# get more info
summary(res, target=V[[1]], class=groups)

# compute/show computational times

# plot the consensus matrix, computed on the fly
## Not run:  consensusmap(res, annCol=groups)

Showing Arguments of NMF Algorithms


This function returns the extra arguments that can be passed to a given NMF algorithm in call to nmf.

nmfArgs is a shortcut for args(nmfWrapper(x)), to display the arguments of a given NMF algorithm.


nmfFormals(x, ...)




algorithm specification


extra argument to allow extension


# show arguments of an NMF algorithm

Class for Storing Heterogeneous NMF fits


This class wraps a list of NMF fit objects, which may come from different runs of the function nmf, using different parameters, methods, etc.. These can be either from a single run (NMFfit) or multiple runs (NMFfitX).

Note that its definition/interface is very likely to change in the future.



signature(object = "NMFList"): Returns the method names used to compute the NMF fits in the list. It returns NULL if the list is empty.


signature(object = "NMFList"): Returns the CPU time required to compute all NMF fits in the list. It returns NULL if the list is empty. If no timing data are available, the sequential time is returned.


signature(object = "NMFList"): Returns the CPU time that would be required to sequentially compute all NMF fits stored in object.

This method calls the function runtime on each fit and sum up the results. It returns NULL on an empty object.


signature(object = "NMFList"): Show method for objects of class NMFList

Factory Methods NMF Models


nmfModel is a S4 generic function which provides a convenient way to build NMF models. It implements a unified interface for creating NMF objects from any NMF models, which is designed to resolve potential dimensions inconsistencies.

nmfModels lists all available NMF models currently defined that can be used to create NMF objects, i.e. – more or less – all S4 classes that inherit from class NMF.


nmfModel(rank, target = 0L, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'numeric,numeric'
nmfModel(rank, target,
    ncol = NULL, model = "NMFstd", W, H, ...,
    force.dim = TRUE, order.basis = TRUE)

  ## S4 method for signature 'numeric,matrix'
nmfModel(rank, target, ...,
    use.names = TRUE)

  ## S4 method for signature 'formula,ANY'
nmfModel(rank, target, ...,
    data = NULL, no.attrib = FALSE)

  nmfModels(builtin.only = FALSE)



specification of the target factorization rank (i.e. the number of components).


an object that specifies the dimension of the estimated target matrix.


extra arguments to allow extension, that are passed down to the workhorse method nmfModel,numeric.numeric, where they are used to initialise slots specific to the instantiating NMF model class.


a numeric value that specifies the number of columns of the target matrix, fitted the NMF model. It is used only if not missing and when argument target is a single numeric value.


the class of the object to be created. It must be a valid class name that inherits from class NMF. Default is the standard NMF model NMFstd.


value for the basis matrix. data.frame objects are converted into matrices with as.matrix.


value for the mixture coefficient matrix data.frame objects are converted into matrices with as.matrix.


logical that indicates whether the method should try lowering the rank or shrinking dimensions of the input matrices to make them compatible


logical that indicates whether the basis components should reorder the rows of the mixture coefficient matrix to match the order of the basis components, based on their respective names. It is only used if the basis and coefficient matrices have common unique column and row names respectively.


a logical that indicates whether the dimension names of the target matrix should be set on the returned NMF model.


Optional argument where to look for the variables used in the formula.


logical that indicate if attributes containing data related to the formula should be attached as attributes. If FALSE attributes 'target' and 'formula' contain the target matrix, and a list describing each formula part (response, regressors, etc.).


logical that indicates whether only built-in NMF models, i.e. defined within the NMF package, should be listed.


All nmfModel methods return an object that inherits from class NMF, that is suitable for seeding NMF algorithms via arguments rank or seed of the nmf method, in which case the factorisation rank is implicitly set by the number of basis components in the seeding model (see nmf).

For convenience, shortcut methods and internal conversions for working on data.frame objects directly are implemented. However, note that conversion of a data.frame into a matrix object may take some non-negligible time, for large datasets. If using this method or other NMF-related methods several times, consider converting your data data.frame object into a matrix once for good, when first loaded.


an object that inherits from class NMF.

a list



signature(rank = "numeric", target = "numeric"): Main factory method for NMF models

This method is the workhorse method that is eventually called by all other methods. See section Main factory method for more details.


signature(rank = "numeric", target = "missing"): Creates an empty NMF model of a given rank.

This call is equivalent to nmfModel(rank, 0L, ...), which creates empty NMF object with a basis and mixture coefficient matrix of dimension 0 x rank and rank x 0 respectively.


signature(rank = "missing", target = "ANY"): Creates an empty NMF model of null rank and a given dimension.

This call is equivalent to nmfModel(0, target, ...).


signature(rank = "NULL", target = "ANY"): Creates an empty NMF model of null rank and given dimension.

This call is equivalent to nmfModel(0, target, ...), and is meant for internal usage only.


signature(rank = "missing", target = "missing"): Creates an empty NMF model or from existing factors

This method is equivalent to nmfModel(0, 0, ..., force.dim=FALSE). This means that the dimensions of the NMF model will be taken from the optional basis and mixture coefficient arguments W and H. An error is thrown if their dimensions are not compatible.

Hence, this method may be used to generate an NMF model from existing factor matrices, by providing the named arguments W and/or H:

nmfModel(W=w) or nmfModel(H=h) or nmfModel(W=w, H=h)

Note that this may be achieved using the more convenient interface is provided by the method nmfModel,matrix,matrix (see its dedicated description).

See the description of the appropriate method below.


signature(rank = "numeric", target = "matrix"): Creates an NMF model compatible with a target matrix.

This call is equivalent to nmfModel(rank, dim(target), ...). That is that the returned NMF object fits a target matrix of the same dimension as target.

Only the dimensions of target are used to construct the NMF object. The matrix slots are filled with NA values if these are not specified in arguments W and/or H. However, dimension names are set on the return NMF model if present in target and argument use.names=TRUE.


signature(rank = "matrix", target = "matrix"): Creates an NMF model based on two existing factors.

This method is equivalent to nmfModel(0, 0, W=rank, H=target..., force.dim=FALSE). This allows for a natural shortcut for wrapping existing compatible matrices into NMF models: ‘⁠nmfModel(w, h)⁠

Note that an error is thrown if their dimensions are not compatible.


signature(rank = "data.frame", target = "data.frame"): Same as nmfModel('matrix', 'matrix') but for data.frame objects, which are generally produced by read.delim-like functions.

The input data.frame objects are converted into matrices with as.matrix.


signature(rank = "matrix", target = "ANY"): Creates an NMF model with arguments rank and target swapped.

This call is equivalent to nmfModel(rank=target, target=rank, ...). This allows to call the nmfModel function with arguments rank and target swapped. It exists for convenience:

  • allows typing nmfModel(V) instead of nmfModel(target=V) to create a model compatible with a given matrix V (i.e. of dimension nrow(V), 0, ncol(V))

  • one can pass the arguments in any order (the one that comes to the user's mind first) and it still works as expected.


signature(rank = "formula", target = "ANY"): Build a formula-based NMF model, that can incorporate fixed basis or coefficient terms.

Main factory method

The main factory engine of NMF models is implemented by the method with signature numeric, numeric. Other factory methods provide convenient ways of creating NMF models from e.g. a given target matrix or known basis/coef matrices (see section Other Factory Methods).

This method creates an object of class model, using the extra arguments in ... to initialise slots that are specific to the given model.

All NMF models implement get/set methods to access the matrix factors (see basis), which are called to initialise them from arguments W and H. These argument names derive from the definition of all built-in models that inherit derive from class NMFstd, which has two slots, W and H, to hold the two factors – following the notations used in Lee et al. (1999).

If argument target is missing, the method creates a standard NMF model of dimension 0xrankx0. That is that the basis and mixture coefficient matrices, W and H, have dimension 0xrank and rankx0 respectively.

If target dimensions are also provided in argument target as a 2-length vector, then the method creates an NMF object compatible to fit a target matrix of dimension target[1]xtarget[2]. That is that the basis and mixture coefficient matrices, W and H, have dimension target[1]xrank and rankxtarget[2] respectively. The target dimensions can also be specified using both arguments target and ncol to define the number of rows and the number of columns of the target matrix respectively. If no other argument is provided, these matrices are filled with NAs.

If arguments W and/or H are provided, the method creates a NMF model where the basis and mixture coefficient matrices, W and H, are initialised using the values of W and/or H.

The dimensions given by target, W and H, must be compatible. However if force.dim=TRUE, the method will reduce the dimensions to the achieve dimension compatibility whenever possible.

When W and H are both provided, the NMF object created is suitable to seed a NMF algorithm in a call to the nmf method. Note that in this case the factorisation rank is implicitly set by the number of basis components in the seed.


Lee DD and Seung HS (1999). "Learning the parts of objects by non-negative matrix factorization." _Nature_, *401*(6755), pp. 788-91. ISSN 0028-0836, <URL:>, <URL:>.

See Also


Other NMF-interface: basis, .basis, .basis<-, basis<-, coef, .coef, .coef<-, coef<-, coefficients, .DollarNames,NMF-method, loadings,NMF-method, misc, NMF-class, $<-,NMF-method, $,NMF-method, rnmf, scoef


# nmfModel,numeric,numeric-method
# data
n <- 20; r <- 3; p <- 10
V <- rmatrix(n, p) # some target matrix

# create a r-ranked NMF model with a given target dimensions n x p as a 2-length vector
nmfModel(r, c(n,p)) # directly
nmfModel(r, dim(V)) # or from an existing matrix <=> nmfModel(r, V)
# or alternatively passing each dimension separately
nmfModel(r, n, p)

# trying to create a NMF object based on incompatible matrices generates an error
w <- rmatrix(n, r)
h <- rmatrix(r+1, p)
try( new('NMFstd', W=w, H=h) )
try( nmfModel(w, h) )
try( nmfModel(r+1, W=w, H=h) )
# The factory method can be force the model to match some target dimensions
# but warnings are thrown
nmfModel(r, W=w, H=h)
nmfModel(r, n-1, W=w, H=h)

# nmfModel,numeric,missing-method
## Empty model of given rank

# nmfModel,missing,ANY-method
nmfModel(target=10) #square
nmfModel(target=c(10, 5))

# nmfModel,missing,missing-method
# Build an empty NMF model

# create a NMF object based on one random matrix: the missing matrix is deduced
# Note this only works when using factory method NMF
n <- 50; r <- 3;
w <- rmatrix(n, r)

# create a NMF object based on random (compatible) matrices
p <- 20
h <- rmatrix(r, p)

# specifies two compatible matrices
nmfModel(W=w, H=h)
# error if not compatible
try( nmfModel(W=w, H=h[-1,]) )

# nmfModel,numeric,matrix-method
# create a r-ranked NMF model compatible with a given target matrix
obj <- nmfModel(r, V)

# nmfModel,matrix,matrix-method
## From two existing factors

# allows a convenient call without argument names
w <- rmatrix(n, 3); h <- rmatrix(3, p)
nmfModel(w, h)

# Specify the type of NMF model (e.g. 'NMFns' for non-smooth NMF)
mod <- nmfModel(w, h, model='NMFns')

# One can use such an NMF model as a seed when fitting a target matrix with nmf()
V <- rmatrix(mod)
res <- nmf(V, mod)
nmf.equal(res, nmf(V, mod))

# NB: when called only with such a seed, the rank and the NMF algorithm
# are selected based on the input NMF model.
# e.g. here rank was 3 and the algorithm "nsNMF" is used, because it is the default
# algorithm to fit "NMFns" models (See ?nmf).

# nmfModel,matrix,ANY-method
## swapped arguments `rank` and `target`
V <- rmatrix(20, 10)
nmfModel(V) # equivalent to nmfModel(target=V)
nmfModel(V, 3) # equivalent to nmfModel(3, V)

# nmfModel,formula,ANY-method
# empty 3-rank model
nmfModel(~ 3)

# 3-rank model that fits a given data matrix
x <- rmatrix(20,10)
nmfModel(x ~ 3)

# add fixed coefficient term defined by a factor
gr <- gl(2, 5)
nmfModel(x ~ 3 + gr)

# add fixed coefficient term defined by a numeric covariate
nmfModel(x ~ 3 + gr + b, data=list(b=runif(10)))

# 3-rank model that fits a given ExpressionSet (with fixed coef terms)
if(requireNamespace("Biobase", quietly=TRUE)){
e <- Biobase::ExpressionSet(x)
pData(e) <- data.frame(a=runif(10))
nmfModel(e ~ 3 + gr + a) # `a` is looked up in the phenotypic data of x pData(x)

# nmfModels
# show all the NMF models available (i.e. the classes that inherit from class NMF)
# show all the built-in NMF models available

NMF Model - Nonsmooth Nonnegative Matrix Factorization


This class implements the Nonsmooth Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (nsNMF) model, required by the Nonsmooth NMF algorithm.

The Nonsmooth NMF algorithm is defined by Pascual-Montano et al. (2006) as a modification of the standard divergence based NMF algorithm (see section Details and references below). It aims at obtaining sparser factor matrices, by the introduction of a smoothing matrix.


The Nonsmooth NMF algorithm is a modification of the standard divergence based NMF algorithm (see NMF). Given a non-negative n×pn \times p matrix VV and a factorization rank rr, it fits the following model:

VWS(θ)H,V \equiv W S(\theta) H,


  • WW and HH are such as in the standard model, i.e. non-negative matrices of dimension n×rn \times r and r×pr \times p respectively;

  • SS is a r×rr \times r square matrix whose entries depends on an extra parameter 0θ10\leq \theta \leq 1 in the following way:

    S=(1θ)I+θr11T,S = (1-\theta)I + \frac{\theta}{r} 11^T ,

    where II is the identity matrix and 11 is a vector of ones.

The interpretation of S as a smoothing matrix can be explained as follows: Let XX be a positive, nonzero, vector. Consider the transformed vector Y=SXY = S X. If θ=0\theta = 0, then Y=XY = X and no smoothing on XX has occurred. However, as θ1\theta \to 1, the vector YY tends to the constant vector with all elements almost equal to the average of the elements of XX. This is the smoothest possible vector in the sense of non-sparseness because all entries are equal to the same nonzero value, instead of having some values close to zero and others clearly nonzero.



signature(object = "NMFns"): Compute estimate for an NMFns object, according to the Nonsmooth NMF model (cf. NMFns-class).

Extra arguments in ... are passed to method smoothing, and are typically used to pass a value for theta, which is used to compute the smoothing matrix instead of the one stored in object.


signature(object = "NMFns"): Show method for objects of class NMFns

Creating objects from the Class

Object of class NMFns can be created using the standard way with operator new

However, as for all NMF model classes – that extend class NMF, objects of class NMFns should be created using factory method nmfModel :



nmfModel(model='NMFns', W=w, theta=0.3

See nmfModel for more details on how to use the factory method.


The Nonsmooth NMF algorithm uses a modified version of the multiplicative update equations in Lee & Seung's method for Kullback-Leibler divergence minimization. The update equations are modified to take into account the – constant – smoothing matrix. The modification reduces to using matrix WSW S instead of matrix WW in the update of matrix HH, and similarly using matrix SHS H instead of matrix HH in the update of matrix WW.

After the matrix WW has been updated, each of its columns is scaled so that it sums up to 1.


Pascual-Montano A, Carazo JM, Kochi K, Lehmann D and Pascual-marqui RD (2006). "Nonsmooth nonnegative matrix factorization (nsNMF)." _IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell_, *28*, pp. 403-415.

See Also

Other NMF-model: initialize,NMFOffset-method, NMFOffset-class, NMFstd-class


# create a completely empty NMFns object

# create a NMF object based on random (compatible) matrices
n <- 50; r <- 3; p <- 20
w <- rmatrix(n, r)
h <- rmatrix(r, p)
nmfModel(model='NMFns', W=w, H=h)

# apply Nonsmooth NMF algorithm to a random target matrix
V <- rmatrix(n, p)
## Not run: nmf(V, r, 'ns')

# random nonsmooth NMF model
rnmf(3, 10, 5, model='NMFns', theta=0.3)

Updating NMF Objects


This function serves to update an objects created with previous versions of the NMF package, which would otherwise be incompatible with the current version, due to changes in their S4 class definition.


nmfObject(object, verbose = FALSE)



an R object created by the NMF package, e.g., an object of class NMF or NMFfit.


logical to toggle verbose messages.


This function makes use of heuristics to automatically update object slots, which have been borrowed from the BiocGenerics package, the function updateObjectFromSlots in particular.

NMF Model - Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Offset


This class implements the Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Offset model, required by the NMF with Offset algorithm.


## S4 method for signature 'NMFOffset'
initialize(.Object, ..., offset)



optional numeric vector used to initialise slot ‘offset’.


An object: see the Details section.


data to include in the new object. Named arguments correspond to slots in the class definition. Unnamed arguments must be objects from classes that this class extends.


The NMF with Offset algorithm is defined by Badea (2008) as a modification of the euclidean based NMF algorithm from Lee2001 (see section Details and references below). It aims at obtaining 'cleaner' factor matrices, by the introduction of an offset matrix, explicitly modelling a feature specific baseline – constant across samples.



signature(object = "NMFOffset"): Computes the target matrix estimate for an NMFOffset object.

The estimate is computed as:

WH+offsetW H + offset


signature(object = "NMFOffset"): The function offset returns the offset vector from an NMF model that has an offset, e.g. an NMFOffset model.


signature(x = "NMFOffset", target = "numeric"): Generates a random NMF model with offset, from class NMFOffset.

The offset values are drawn from a uniform distribution between 0 and the maximum entry of the basis and coefficient matrices, which are drawn by the next suitable rnmf method, which is the workhorse method rnmf,NMF,numeric.


signature(object = "NMFOffset"): Show method for objects of class NMFOffset

Creating objects from the Class

Object of class NMFOffset can be created using the standard way with operator new

However, as for all NMF model classes – that extend class NMF, objects of class NMFOffset should be created using factory method nmfModel :



nmfModel(model='NMFOffset', W=w, offset=rep(1, nrow(w)))

See nmfModel for more details on how to use the factory method.

Initialize method

The initialize method for NMFOffset objects tries to correct the initial value passed for slot offset, so that it is consistent with the dimensions of the NMF model: it will pad the offset vector with NA values to get the length equal to the number of rows in the basis matrix.


Badea L (2008). "Extracting gene expression profiles common to colon and pancreatic adenocarcinoma using simultaneous nonnegative matrix factorization." _Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing_, *290*, pp. 267-78. ISSN 1793-5091, <URL:>.

See Also

Other NMF-model: NMFns-class, NMFstd-class


# create a completely empty NMF object

# create a NMF object based on random (compatible) matrices
n <- 50; r <- 3; p <- 20
w <- rmatrix(n, r)
h <- rmatrix(r, p)
nmfModel(model='NMFOffset', W=w, H=h, offset=rep(0.5, nrow(w)))

# apply Nonsmooth NMF algorithm to a random target matrix
V <- rmatrix(n, p)
## Not run: nmf(V, r, 'offset')

# random NMF model with offset
rnmf(3, 10, 5, model='NMFOffset')

Run NMF Methods and Generate a Report


Generates an HTML report from running a set of method on a given target matrix, for a set of factorization ranks.


nmfReport(x, rank, method, colClass = NULL, ...,
    output = NULL, template = NULL)



target matrix


factorization rank


list of methods to apply


reference class to assess accuracy


extra paramters passed to nmf


output HTML file


template Rmd file


The report is based on an .Rmd document 'report.Rmd' stored in the package installation sub-directory scripts/, and is compiled using knitr.

At the beginning of the document, a file named 'functions.R' is looked for in the current directory, and sourced if present. This enables the definition of custom NMF methods (see setNMFMethod) or setting global options.


a list with the following elements:


the fit(s) for each method and each value of the rank.


a data.frame that contains the summary assessment measures, for each fit.


## Not run: 

x <- rmatrix(20, 10)
gr <- gl(2, 5)
nmfReport(x, 2:4, method = list('br', 'lee'), colClass = gr, nrun = 5)

## End(Not run)

Seeding Strategies for NMF Algorithms


nmfSeed lists and retrieves NMF seeding methods.

getNMFSeed is an alias for nmfSeed.

existsNMFSeed tells if a given seeding method exists in the registry.


nmfSeed(name = NULL, ...)

  getNMFSeed(name = NULL, ...)

  existsNMFSeed(name, exact = TRUE)



access key of a seeding method stored in registry. If missing, nmfSeed returns the list of all available seeding methods.


extra arguments used for internal calls


a logical that indicates if the access key should be matched exactly or partially.


Currently the internal registry contains the following seeding methods, which may be specified to the function nmf via its argument seed using their access keys:


The entries of each factors are drawn from a uniform distribution over [0,max(x)][0, max(x)], where $x$ is the target matrix.


Nonnegative Double Singular Value Decomposition.

The basic algorithm contains no randomization and is based on two SVD processes, one approximating the data matrix, the other approximating positive sections of the resulting partial SVD factors utilising an algebraic property of unit rank matrices.

It is well suited to initialise NMF algorithms with sparse factors. Simple practical variants of the algorithm allows to generate dense factors.

Reference: Boutsidis et al. (2008)


Uses the result of an Independent Component Analysis (ICA) (from the fastICA package). Only the positive part of the result are used to initialise the factors.


Fixed seed.

This method allows the user to manually provide initial values for both matrix factors.


Boutsidis C and Gallopoulos E (2008). "SVD based initialization: A head start for nonnegative matrix factorization." _Pattern Recognition_, *41*(4), pp. 1350-1362. ISSN 00313203, <URL:>, <URL:>.


# list all registered seeding methods
# retrieve one of the methods

NMFSeed is a constructor method that instantiate NMFSeed objects.


NMFSeed is a constructor method that instantiate NMFSeed objects.

NMF seeding methods are registered via the function setNMFSeed, which stores them as NMFSeed objects in a dedicated registry.

removeNMFSeed removes an NMF seeding method from the registry.


NMFSeed(key, method, ...)

  setNMFSeed(..., overwrite = isLoadingNamespace(),
    verbose = TRUE)

  removeNMFSeed(name, ...)



access key as a single character string


specification of the seeding method, as a function that takes at least the following arguments:


uninitialised/empty NMF model, i.e. that it has 0 rows and columns, but has already the rank requested in the call to nmf or seed.


target matrix


extra arguments


arguments passed to NMFSeed and used to initialise slots in the NMFSeed object, or to pkgreg_remove.


name of the seeding method.


logical that indicates if any existing NMF method with the same name should be overwritten (TRUE) or not (FALSE), in which case an error is thrown.


a logical that indicates if information about the registration should be printed (TRUE) or not (FALSE).



signature(key = "character"): Default method simply calls new with the same arguments.


signature(key = "NMFSeed"): Creates an NMFSeed based on a template object (Constructor-Copy), in particular it uses the same name.

Base class that defines the interface for NMF seeding methods.


This class implements a simple wrapper strategy object that defines a unified interface to seeding methods, that are used to initialise NMF models before fitting them with any NMF algorithm.



character string giving the name of the seeding strategy


workhorse function that implements the seeding strategy. It must have signature (object="NMF", x="matrix", ...) and initialise the NMF model object with suitable values for fitting the target matrix x.



signature(object = "NMFSeed"): Returns the workhorse function of the seeding method described by object.


signature(object = "NMFSeed", value = "function"): Sets the workhorse function of the seeding method described by object.


signature(key = "NMFSeed"): Creates an NMFSeed based on a template object (Constructor-Copy), in particular it uses the same name.


signature(object = "NMFSeed"): Show method for objects of class NMFSeed

NMF Model - Standard model


This class implements the standard model of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. It provides a general structure and generic functions to manage factorizations that follow the standard NMF model, as defined by Lee et al. (2001).


Let VV be a n×mn \times m non-negative matrix and rr a positive integer. In its standard form (see references below), a NMF of VV is commonly defined as a pair of matrices (W,H)(W, H) such that:

VWH,V \equiv W H,


  • WW and HH are n×rn \times r and r×mr \times m matrices respectively with non-negative entries;

  • \equiv is to be understood with respect to some loss function. Common choices of loss functions are based on Frobenius norm or Kullback-Leibler divergence.

Integer rr is called the factorization rank. Depending on the context of application of NMF, the columns of WW and HH are given different names:

columns of W

basis vector, metagenes, factors, source, image basis

columns of H

mixture coefficients, metagene sample expression profiles, weights

rows of H

basis profiles, metagene expression profiles

NMF approaches have been successfully applied to several fields. The package NMF was implemented trying to use names as generic as possible for objects and methods.

The following terminology is used:


the columns of the target matrix VV


the rows of the target matrix VV

basis matrix

the first matrix factor WW

basis vectors

the columns of first matrix factor WW

mixture matrix

the second matrix factor HH

mixtures coefficients

the columns of second matrix factor HH

However, because the package NMF was primarily implemented to work with gene expression microarray data, it also provides a layer to easily and intuitively work with objects from the Bioconductor base framework. See bioc-NMF for more details.



A matrix that contains the basis matrix, i.e. the first matrix factor of the factorisation


A matrix that contains the coefficient matrix, i.e. the second matrix factor of the factorisation


a data.frame that contains the primary data that define fixed basis terms. See bterms.


integer vector that contains the indexes of the basis components that are fixed, i.e. for which only the coefficient are estimated.

IMPORTANT: This slot is set on construction of an NMF model via nmfModel and is not recommended to not be subsequently changed by the end-user.


a data.frame that contains the primary data that define fixed coefficient terms. See cterms.


integer vector that contains the indexes of the basis components that have fixed coefficients, i.e. for which only the basis vectors are estimated.

IMPORTANT: This slot is set on construction of an NMF model via nmfModel and is not recommended to not be subsequently changed by the end-user.



signature(object = "NMFstd"): Get the basis matrix in standard NMF models

This function returns slot W of object.


signature(object = "NMFstd", value = "matrix"): Set the basis matrix in standard NMF models

This function sets slot W of object.


signature(object = "NMFstd"): Default method tries to coerce value into a data.frame with


signature(object = "NMFstd"): Get the mixture coefficient matrix in standard NMF models

This function returns slot H of object.


signature(object = "NMFstd", value = "matrix"): Set the mixture coefficient matrix in standard NMF models

This function sets slot H of object.


signature(object = "NMFstd"): Default method tries to coerce value into a data.frame with


signature(object = "NMFstd"): Compute the target matrix estimate in standard NMF models.

The estimate matrix is computed as the product of the two matrix slots W and H:

V^=WH\hat{V} = W H


signature(object = "NMFstd"): Method for standard NMF models, which returns the integer vector that is stored in slot ibterms when a formula-based NMF model is instantiated.


signature(object = "NMFstd"): Method for standard NMF models, which returns the integer vector that is stored in slot icterms when a formula-based NMF model is instantiated.


Lee DD and Seung H (2001). "Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization." _Advances in neural information processing systems_. <URL:>.

See Also

Other NMF-model: initialize,NMFOffset-method, NMFns-class, NMFOffset-class


# create a completely empty NMFstd object

# create a NMF object based on one random matrix: the missing matrix is deduced
# Note this only works when using factory method NMF
n <- 50; r <- 3;
w <- rmatrix(n, r)

# create a NMF object based on random (compatible) matrices
p <- 20
h <- rmatrix(r, p)
nmfModel(W=w, H=h)

# create a NMF object based on incompatible matrices: generate an error
h <- rmatrix(r+1, p)
try( new('NMFstd', W=w, H=h) )
try( nmfModel(w, h) )

# Giving target dimensions to the factory method allow for coping with dimension
# incompatibilty (a warning is thrown in such case)
nmfModel(r, W=w, H=h)

Stopping Criteria for NMF Iterative Strategies


The function documented here implement stopping/convergence criteria commonly used in NMF algorithms.

NMFStop acts as a factory method that creates stopping criterion functions from different types of values, which are subsequently used by NMFStrategyIterative objects to determine when to stop their iterative process.

nmf.stop.iteration generates a function that implements the stopping criterion that limits the number of iterations to a maximum of n), i.e. that returns TRUE if i>=n, FALSE otherwise.

nmf.stop.threshold generates a function that implements the stopping criterion that stops when a given stationarity threshold is achieved by successive iterations. The returned function is identical to nmf.stop.stationary, but with the default threshold set to threshold.

More precisely, the objective function is computed over nn successive iterations (specified in argument check.niter), every check.interval iterations. The criterion stops when the absolute difference between the maximum and the minimum objective values over these iterations is lower than a given threshold α\alpha (specified in

nmf.stop.connectivity implements the stopping criterion that is based on the stationarity of the connectivity matrix.


NMFStop(s, check = TRUE)



  nmf.stop.stationary(object, i, y, x, = .Machine$double.eps,
    check.interval = 5 * check.niter, check.niter = 10L,

  nmf.stop.connectivity(object, i, y, x, stopconv = 40,
    check.interval = 10, ...)



specification of the stopping criterion. See section Details for the supported formats and how they are processed.


logical that indicates if the validity of the stopping criterion function should be checked before returning it.


maximum number of iteration to perform.


default stationarity threshold


an NMF strategy object


the current iteration


the target matrix


the current NMF model

maximum absolute value of the gradient, for the objective function to be considered stationary.


interval (in number of iterations) on which the stopping criterion is computed.


number of successive iteration used to compute the stationnary criterion.


extra arguments passed to the function objective, which computes the objective value between x and y.


number of iterations intervals over which the connectivity matrix must not change for stationarity to be achieved.


NMFStop can take the following values:


is returned unchanged, except when it has no arguments, in which case it assumed to be a generator, which is immediately called and should return a function that implements the actual stopping criterion;


the value is used to create a stopping criterion that stops at that exact number of iterations via nmf.stop.iteration;


the value is used to create a stopping criterion that stops when at that stationary threshold via nmf.stop.threshold;


must be a single string which must be an access key for registered criteria (currently available: “connectivity” and “stationary”), or the name of a function in the global environment or the namespace of the loading package.

maxiNs+1kiDkminiNs+1kiDknα,\left| \frac{\max_{i- N_s + 1 \leq k \leq i} D_k - \min_{i - N_s +1 \leq k \leq i} D_k}{n} \right| \leq \alpha,


a function that can be passed to argument .stop of function nmf, which is typically used when the algorith is implemented as an iterative strategy.

a function that can be used as a stopping criterion for NMF algorithms defined as NMFStrategyIterative objects. That is a function with arguments (strategy, i, target, data, ...) that returns TRUE if the stopping criterion is satisfied – which in turn stops the iterative process, and FALSE otherwise.

Factory Method for NMFStrategy Objects


Creates NMFStrategy objects that wraps implementation of NMF algorithms into a unified interface.


NMFStrategy(name, method, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFStrategy,matrix,NMFfit'
run(object, y, x,

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFStrategy,matrix,NMF'
run(object, y, x, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFStrategyFunction,matrix,NMFfit'
    y, x, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFStrategyIterative,matrix,NMFfit'
    y, x, .stop = NULL,
    maxIter = nmf.getOption("maxIter") %||% 2000, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFStrategyIterativeX,matrix,NMFfit'
    y, x, maxIter, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFStrategyOctave,matrix,NMFfit'
    y, x, ...)



name/key of an NMF algorithm.


definition of the algorithm


extra arguments passed to new.


specification of a stopping criterion, that is used instead of the one associated to the NMF algorithm. It may be specified as:

  • the access key of a registered stopping criterion;

  • a single integer that specifies the exact number of iterations to perform, which will be honoured unless a lower value is explicitly passed in argument maxIter.

  • a single numeric value that specifies the stationnarity threshold for the objective function, used in with nmf.stop.stationary;

  • a function with signature (object="NMFStrategy", i="integer", y="matrix", x="NMF", ...), where object is the NMFStrategy object that describes the algorithm being run, i is the current iteration, y is the target matrix and x is the current value of the NMF model.


maximum number of iterations to perform.


an object computed using some algorithm, or that describes an algorithm itself.


data object, e.g. a target matrix


a model object used as a starting point by the algorithm, e.g. a non-empty NMF model.



signature(name = "character", method = "function"): Creates an NMFStrategyFunction object that wraps the function method into a unified interface.

method must be a function with signature (y="matrix", x="NMFfit", ...), and return an object of class NMFfit.


signature(name = "character", method = "NMFStrategy"): Creates an NMFStrategy object based on a template object (Constructor-Copy).


signature(name = "NMFStrategy", method = "missing"): Creates an NMFStrategy based on a template object (Constructor-Copy), in particular it uses the same name.


signature(name = "missing", method = "character"): Creates an NMFStrategy based on a registered NMF algorithm that is used as a template (Constructor-Copy), in particular it uses the same name.

It is a shortcut for NMFStrategy(nmfAlgorithm(method, exact=TRUE), ...).


signature(name = "NULL", method = "NMFStrategy"): Creates an NMFStrategy based on a template object (Constructor-Copy) but using a randomly generated name.


signature(name = "character", method = "character"): Creates an NMFStrategy based on a registered NMF algorithm that is used as a template.


signature(name = "NULL", method = "character"): Creates an NMFStrategy based on a registered NMF algorithm (Constructor-Copy) using a randomly generated name.

It is a shortcut for NMFStrategy(NULL, nmfAlgorithm(method), ...).


signature(name = "character", method = "missing"): Creates an NMFStrategy, determining its type from the extra arguments passed in ...: if there is an argument named Update then an NMFStrategyIterative is created, or if there is an argument named algorithm then an NMFStrategyFunction is created. Calls other than these generates an error.


signature(object = "NMFStrategy", y = "matrix", x = "NMFfit"): Pure virtual method defined for all NMF algorithms to ensure that a method run is defined by sub-classes of NMFStrategy.

It throws an error if called directly.


signature(object = "NMFStrategy", y = "matrix", x = "NMF"): Method to run an NMF algorithm directly starting from a given NMF model.


signature(object = "NMFStrategyFunction", y = "matrix", x = "NMFfit"): Runs the NMF algorithms implemented by the single R function – and stored in slot 'algorithm' of object, on the data object y, using x as starting point. It is equivalent to calling object@algorithm(y, x, ...).

This method is usually not called directly, but only via the function nmf, which takes care of many other details such as seeding the computation, handling RNG settings, or setting up parallelisation.


signature(object = "NMFStrategyIterative", y = "matrix", x = "NMFfit"): Runs an NMF iterative algorithm on a target matrix y.


signature(object = "NMFStrategyOctave", y = "matrix", x = "NMFfit"): Runs the NMF algorithms implemented by the Octave/Matlab function associated with the strategy – and stored in slot 'algorithm' of object.

This method is usually not called directly, but only via the function nmf, which takes care of many other details such as seeding the computation, handling RNG settings, or setting up parallel computations.

Interface for Single Function NMF Strategies


This class implements the virtual interface NMFStrategy for NMF algorithms that are implemented by a single workhorse R function.



a function that implements an NMF algorithm. It must have signature (y='matrix', x='NMFfit'), where y is the target matrix to approximate and x is the NMF model assumed to be seeded with an appropriate initial value – as it is done internally by function nmf.

Note that argument names currently do not matter, but it is recommended to name them as specified above.



signature(object = "NMFStrategyFunction"): Returns the single R function that implements the NMF algorithm – as stored in slot algorithm.


signature(object = "NMFStrategyFunction", value = "function"): Sets the function that implements the NMF algorithm, stored in slot algorithm.


signature(object = "NMFStrategyFunction", y = "matrix", x = "NMFfit"): Runs the NMF algorithms implemented by the single R function – and stored in slot 'algorithm' of object, on the data object y, using x as starting point. It is equivalent to calling object@algorithm(y, x, ...).

This method is usually not called directly, but only via the function nmf, which takes care of many other details such as seeding the computation, handling RNG settings, or setting up parallelisation.

Interface for Algorithms: Implementation for Iterative NMF Algorithms


This class provides a specific implementation for the generic function run – concretising the virtual interface class NMFStrategy, for NMF algorithms that conform to the following iterative schema (starred numbers indicate mandatory steps):

  • 1. Initialisation

  • 2*. Update the model at each iteration

  • 3. Stop if some criterion is satisfied

  • 4. Wrap up

This schema could possibly apply to all NMF algorithms, since these are essentially optimisation algorithms, almost all of which use iterative methods to approximate a solution of the optimisation problem. The main advantage is that it allows to implement updates and stopping criterion separately, and combine them in different ways. In particular, many NMF algorithms are based on multiplicative updates, following the approach from Lee et al. (2001), which are specially suitable to be cast into this simple schema.



optional function that performs some initialisation or pre-processing on the model, before starting the iteration loop.


mandatory function that implement the update step, which computes new values for the model, based on its previous value. It is called at each iteration, until the stopping criterion is met or the maximum number of iteration is achieved.


optional function that implements the stopping criterion. It is called before each Update step. If not provided, the iterations are stopped after a fixed number of updates.


optional function that wraps up the result into an NMF object. It is called just before returning the



signature(object = "NMFStrategyIterative", y = "matrix", x = "NMFfit"): Runs an NMF iterative algorithm on a target matrix y.


signature(object = "NMFStrategyIterative"): Show method for objects of class NMFStrategyIterative


Lee DD and Seung H (2001). "Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization." _Advances in neural information processing systems_. <URL:>.

Transforming from Mixed-sign to Nonnegative Data


nneg is a generic function to transform a data objects that contains negative values into a similar object that only contains values that are nonnegative or greater than a given threshold.

posneg is a shortcut for nneg(..., method='posneg'), to split mixed-sign data into its positive and negative part. See description for method "posneg", in nneg.

rposneg performs the "reverse" transformation of the posneg function.


nneg(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
    method = c("pmax", "posneg", "absolute", "min"),
    threshold = 0, shift = TRUE)


  rposneg(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
rposneg(object, unstack = TRUE)



The data object to transform


extra arguments to allow extension or passed down to nneg,matrix or rposneg,matrix in subsequent calls.


Name of the transformation method to use, that is partially matched against the following possible methods:


Each entry is constrained to be above threshold threshold.


The matrix is split into its "positive" and "negative" parts, with the entries of each part constrained to be above threshold threshold. The result consists in these two parts stacked in rows (i.e. rbind-ed) into a single matrix, which has double the number of rows of the input matrix object.


The absolute value of each entry is constrained to be above threshold threshold.


Global shift by adding the minimum entry to each entry, only if it is negative, and then apply threshold.


Nonnegative lower threshold value (single numeric). See argument shit for details on how the threshold is used and affects the result.


a logical indicating whether the entries below the threshold value threshold should be forced (shifted) to 0 (default) or to the threshold value itself. In other words, if shift=TRUE (default) all entries in the result matrix are either 0 or strictly greater than threshold. They are all greater or equal than threshold otherwise.


Logical indicating whether the positive and negative parts should be unstacked and combined into a matrix as pos - neg, which contains half the number of rows of object (default), or left stacked as [pos; -neg].


an object of the same class as argument object.

an object of the same type of object



signature(object = "matrix"): Transforms a mixed-sign matrix into a nonnegative matrix, optionally apply a lower threshold. This is the workhorse method, that is eventually called by all other methods defined in the NMF package.


signature(object = "NMF"): Apply nneg to the basis matrix of an NMF object (i.e. basis(object)). All extra arguments in ... are passed to the method nneg,matrix.


signature(object = "NMF"): Apply rposneg to the basis matrix of an NMF object.

See Also


Other transforms: t.NMF


# nneg,matrix-method
# random mixed sign data (normal distribution)
x <- rmatrix(5,5, rnorm, mean=0, sd=5)

# pmax (default)
# using a threshold
nneg(x, threshold=2)
# without shifting the entries lower than threshold
nneg(x, threshold=2, shift=FALSE)

# posneg: split positive and negative part
nneg(x, method='posneg')
nneg(x, method='pos', threshold=2)

# absolute
nneg(x, method='absolute')
nneg(x, method='abs', threshold=2)

# min
nneg(x, method='min')
nneg(x, method='min', threshold=2)

# nneg,NMF-method
# random
M <- nmfModel(x, rmatrix(ncol(x), 3))
nnM <- nneg(M)
# mixture coefficients are not affected
identical( coef(M), coef(nnM) )

# posneg
# shortcut for the "posneg" transformation
posneg(x, 2)

# rposneg,matrix-method
# random mixed sign data (normal distribution)
x <- rmatrix(5,5, rnorm, mean=0, sd=5)

# posneg-transform: split positive and negative part
y <- posneg(x)
# posneg-reverse
z <- rposneg(y)
identical(x, z)
rposneg(y, unstack=FALSE)

# But posneg-transformation with a non zero threshold is not reversible
y1 <- posneg(x, 1)
identical(rposneg(y1), x)

# rposneg,NMF-method
# random mixed signed NMF model
M <- nmfModel(rmatrix(10, 3, rnorm), rmatrix(3, 4))
# split positive and negative part
nnM <- posneg(M)
M2 <- rposneg(nnM)
identical(M, M2)

Returns the objective function associated with the algorithm that computed the fitted NMF model object, or the objective value with respect to a given target matrix y if it is supplied.


Returns the objective function associated with the algorithm that computed the fitted NMF model object, or the objective value with respect to a given target matrix y if it is supplied.


## S4 method for signature 'NMFfit'
objective(object, y)



optional target matrix used to compute the objective value.


an object computed using some algorithm, or that describes an algorithm itself.

Returns the offset from the fitted model.


Returns the offset from the fitted model.


## S4 method for signature 'NMFfit'



An offset to be included in a model frame

Offsets in NMF Models with Offset


The function offset returns the offset vector from an NMF model that has an offset, e.g. an NMFOffset model.


## S4 method for signature 'NMFOffset'



an instance of class NMFOffset.

NMF Package Specific Options


NMF Package Specific Options

nmf.options sets/get single or multiple options, that are specific to the NMF package. It behaves in the same way as options.

nmf.getOption returns the value of a single option, that is specific to the NMF package. It behaves in the same way as getOption.

nmf.resetOptions reset all NMF specific options to their default values.

nmf.printOptions prints all NMF specific options along with their default values, in a relatively compact way.



  nmf.getOption(x, default = NULL)

  nmf.resetOptions(..., ALL = FALSE)




option specifications. For nmf.options this can be named arguments or a single unnamed argument that is a named list (see options.

For nmf.resetOptions, this must be the names of the options to reset.


logical that indicates if options that are not part of the default set of options should be removed.


a character string holding an option name.


if the specified option is not set in the options list, this value is returned. This facilitates retrieving an option and checking whether it is set and setting it separately if not.

Available options


Default number of cores to use to perform parallel NMF computations. Note that this option is effectively used only if the global option 'cores' is not set. Moreover, the number of cores can also be set at runtime, in the call to nmf, via arguments .pbackend or .options (see nmf for more details).


Default NMF algorithm used by the nmf function when argument method is missing. The value should the key of one of the registered NMF algorithms or a valid specification of an NMF algorithm. See ?nmfAlgorithm.


Default seeding method used by the nmf function when argument seed is missing. The value should the key of one of the registered seeding methods or a vallid specification of a seeding method. See ?nmfSeed.


Toggle default residual tracking. When TRUE, the nmf function compute and store the residual track in the result – if not otherwise specified in argument .options. Note that tracking may significantly slow down the computations.


Number of iterations between two points in the residual track. This option is relevant only when residual tracking is enabled. See ?nmf.


this is a symbolic link to option track for backward compatibility.


Default loop/parallel foreach backend used by the nmf function when argument .pbackend is missing. Currently the following values are supported: 'par' for multicore, 'seq' for sequential, NA for standard sapply (i.e. do not use a foreach loop), NULL for using the currently registered foreach backend.


this is a symbolic link to option pbackend for backward compatibility.


Interval/frequency (in number of runs) at which garbage collection is performed.


Default level of verbosity.


Toogles debug mode. In this mode the console output may be very – very – messy, and is aimed at debugging only.


Default maximum number of iteration to use (default NULL). This option is for internal/technical usage only, to globally speed up examples or tests of NMF algorithms. To be used with care at one's own risk... It is documented here so that advanced users are aware of its existence, and can avoid possible conflict with their own custom options.


# show all NMF specific options

# get some options
# set new values
nmf.options(pbackend='mc', default.algorithm='lee')

# reset to default

Utilities for Parallel Computations


Utilities for Parallel Computations

ts_eval generates a thread safe version of eval. It uses boost mutexes provided by the synchronicity package. The generated function has arguments expr and envir, which are passed to eval.

ts_tempfile generates a unique temporary filename that includes the name of the host machine and/or the caller's process id, so that it is thread safe.

hostfile generates a temporary filename composed with the name of the host machine and/or the current process id.

gVariable generates a function that access a global static variable, possibly in shared memory (only for numeric matrix-coercible data in this case). It is used primarily in parallel computations, to preserve data accross computations that are performed by the same process.


ts_eval(mutex = synchronicity::boost.mutex(),
    verbose = FALSE)

  ts_tempfile(pattern = "file", ..., host = TRUE,
    pid = TRUE)

  hostfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(),
    fileext = "", host = TRUE, pid = TRUE)

  gVariable(init, shared = FALSE)



a mutex or a mutex descriptor. If missing, a new mutex is created via the function boost.mutex from the synchronicity package.


a logical that indicates if messages should be printed when locking and unlocking the mutex.


extra arguments passed to tempfile.


logical that indicates if the host machine name should be appear in the filename.


logical that indicates if the current process id be appear in the filename.


initial value


a logical that indicates if the variable should be stored in shared memory or in a local environment.


a non-empty character vector giving the initial part of the name.


a non-empty character vector giving the directory name


a non-empty character vector giving the file extension

Plots the residual track computed at regular interval during the fit of the NMF model x.


Plots the residual track computed at regular interval during the fit of the NMF model x.


## S4 method for signature 'NMFfit,missing'
plot(x, y, skip = -1, ...)



an integer that indicates the number of points to skip/remove from the beginning of the curve. If skip=1L (default) only the initial residual – that is computed before any iteration, is skipped, if present in the track (it associated with iteration 0).


the coordinates of points in the plot. Alternatively, a single plotting structure, function or any R object with a plot method can be provided.


the y coordinates of points in the plot, optional if x is an appropriate structure.


Arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters (see par). Many methods will accept the following arguments:


what type of plot should be drawn. Possible types are

  • "p" for points,

  • "l" for lines,

  • "b" for both,

  • "c" for the lines part alone of "b",

  • "o" for both ‘overplotted’,

  • "h" for ‘histogram’ like (or ‘high-density’) vertical lines,

  • "s" for stair steps,

  • "S" for other steps, see ‘Details’ below,

  • "n" for no plotting.

All other types give a warning or an error; using, e.g., type = "punkte" being equivalent to type = "p" for S compatibility. Note that some methods, e.g. plot.factor, do not accept this.


an overall title for the plot: see title.


a sub title for the plot: see title.


a title for the x axis: see title.


a title for the y axis: see title.


the y/xy/x aspect ratio, see plot.window.

Clustering and Prediction


The methods predict for NMF models return the cluster membership of each sample or each feature. Currently the classification/prediction of new data is not implemented.


predict(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'
    what = c("columns", "rows", "samples", "features"),
    prob = FALSE, dmatrix = FALSE)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFfitX'
    what = c("columns", "rows", "samples", "features", "consensus", "chc"),
    dmatrix = FALSE, ...)



an NMF model


a character string that indicates the type of cluster membership should be returned: ‘columns’ or ‘rows’ for clustering the colmuns or the rows of the target matrix respectively. The values ‘samples’ and ‘features’ are aliases for ‘colmuns’ and ‘rows’ respectively.


logical that indicates if the relative contributions of/to the dominant basis component should be computed and returned. See Details.


logical that indicates if a dissimiliarity matrix should be attached to the result. This is notably used internally when computing NMF clustering silhouettes.


additional arguments affecting the predictions produced.


The cluster membership is computed as the index of the dominant basis component for each sample (what='samples' or 'columns') or each feature (what='features' or 'rows'), based on their corresponding entries in the coefficient matrix or basis matrix respectively.

For example, if what='samples', then the dominant basis component is computed for each column of the coefficient matrix as the row index of the maximum within the column.

If argument prob=FALSE (default), the result is a factor. Otherwise a list with two elements is returned: element predict contains the cluster membership index (as a factor) and element prob contains the relative contribution of the dominant component to each sample (resp. the relative contribution of each feature to the dominant basis component):

  • Samples:

    pj=xk0/kxkp_j = x_{k_0} / \sum_k x_k

    , for each sample 1jp1\leq j \leq p, where xkx_k is the contribution of the kk-th basis component to jj-th sample (i.e. H[k ,j]), and xk0x_{k_0} is the maximum of these contributions.

  • Features:

    pi=yk0/kykp_i = y_{k_0} / \sum_k y_k

    , for each feature 1ip1\leq i \leq p, where yky_k is the contribution of the kk-th basis component to ii-th feature (i.e. W[i, k]), and yk0y_{k_0} is the maximum of these contributions.



signature(object = "NMF"): Default method for NMF models


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the cluster membership index from an NMF model fitted with multiple runs.

Besides the type of clustering available for any NMF models ('columns', 'rows', 'samples', 'features'), this method can return the cluster membership index based on the consensus matrix, computed from the multiple NMF runs.

Argument what accepts the following extra types:


returns the cluster membership based on the hierarchical clustering of the consensus matrix, as performed by consensushc.


same as 'chc' but the levels of the membership index are re-labeled to match the order of the clusters as they would be displayed on the associated dendrogram, as re-ordered on the default annotation track in consensus heatmap produced by consensusmap.


Brunet J, Tamayo P, Golub TR and Mesirov JP (2004). "Metagenes and molecular pattern discovery using matrix factorization." _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_, *101*(12), pp. 4164-9. ISSN 0027-8424, <URL:>, <URL:>.

Pascual-Montano A, Carazo JM, Kochi K, Lehmann D and Pascual-marqui RD (2006). "Nonsmooth nonnegative matrix factorization (nsNMF)." _IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell_, *28*, pp. 403-415.


# random target matrix
v <- rmatrix(20, 10)
# fit an NMF model
x <- nmf(v, 5)

# predicted column and row clusters
predict(x, 'rows')

# with relative contributions of each basis component
predict(x, prob=TRUE)
predict(x, 'rows', prob=TRUE)

Plotting Expression Profiles


Plotting Expression Profiles

When using NMF for clustering in particular, one looks for strong associations between the basis and a priori known groups of samples. Plotting the profiles may highlight such patterns.


profplot(x, ...)

  ## Default S3 method:
 profplot(x, y,
    scale = c("none", "max", "c1"), match.names = TRUE,
    legend = TRUE, confint = TRUE, Colv, labels,
    annotation, ..., add = FALSE)



a matrix or an NMF object from which is extracted the mixture coefficient matrix. It is extracted from the best fit if x is the results from multiple NMF runs.


a matrix or an NMF object from which is extracted the mixture coefficient matrix. It is extracted from the best fit if y is the results from multiple NMF runs.


specifies how the data should be scaled before plotting. If 'none' or NA, then no scaling is applied and the "raw" data is plotted. If TRUE or 'max' then each row of both matrices are normalised with their respective maximum values. If 'c1', then each column of both matrix is scaled into proportions (i.e. to sum up to one). Default is 'none'.


a logical that indicates if the profiles in y should be subset and/or re-ordered to match the profile names in x (i.e. the rownames). This is attempted only when both x and y have names.


a logical that specifies whether drawing the legend or not, or coordinates specifications passed to argument x of legend, that specifies the position of the legend.


logical that indicates if confidence intervals for the R-squared should be shown in legend.


specifies the way the columns of x are ordered before plotting. It is used only when y is missing. It can be:

  • a single numeric value, specifying the index of a row of x, that is used to order the columns by x[, order(x[abs(Colv),])]. Decreasing order is specified with a negative index.

  • an integer vector directly specifying the order itself, in which case the columns are ordered by x[, Colv]

  • a factor used to order the columns by x[, order(Colv)] and as argument annotation if this latter is missing or not NA.

  • any other object with a suitable order method. The columns are by x[, order(Colv)]


a character vector containing labels for each sample (i.e. each column of x). These are used for labelling the x-axis.


a factor annotating each sample (i.e. each column of x). If not missing, a coloured raw is plotted under the x-axis and annotates each sample accordingly. If argument Colv is a factor, then it is used to annotate the plot, unless annotation=NA.


graphical parameters passed to matplot or matpoints.


logical that indicates if the plot should be added as points to a previous plot


The function can also be used to compare the profiles from two NMF models or mixture coefficient matrices. In this case, it draws a scatter plot of the paired profiles.

See Also



# create a random target matrix
v <- rmatrix(30, 10)

# fit a single NMF model
res <- nmf(v, 3)

# fit a multi-run NMF model
res2 <- nmf(v, 3, nrun=2)
# ordering according to first profile
profplot(res2, Colv=1) # increasing

# draw a profile correlation plot: this show how the basis components are
# returned in an unpredictable order
profplot(res, res2)

# looking at all the correlations allow to order the components in a "common" order
profcor(res, res2)

Purity and Entropy of a Clustering


The functions purity and entropy respectively compute the purity and the entropy of a clustering given a priori known classes.

The purity and entropy measure the ability of a clustering method, to recover known classes (e.g. one knows the true class labels of each sample), that are applicable even when the number of cluster is different from the number of known classes. Kim et al. (2007) used these measures to evaluate the performance of their alternate least-squares NMF algorithm.


purity(x, y, ...)

  entropy(x, y, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFfitXn,ANY'
purity(x, y, method = "best",

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFfitXn,ANY'
entropy(x, y, method = "best",



an object that can be interpreted as a factor or can generate such an object, e.g. via a suitable method predict, which gives the cluster membership for each sample.


a factor or an object coerced into a factor that gives the true class labels for each sample. It may be missing if x is a contingency table.


extra arguments to allow extension, and usually passed to the next method.


a character string that specifies how the value is computed. It may be either 'best' or 'mean' to compute the best or mean purity respectively.


Suppose we are given ll categories, while the clustering method generates kk clusters.

The purity of the clustering with respect to the known categories is given by:

Purity=1nq=1kmax1jlnqjPurity = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{q=1}^k \max_{1 \leq j \leq l} n_q^j



  • nn is the total number of samples;

  • nqjn_q^j is the number of samples in cluster qq that belongs to original class jj (1jl1 \leq j \leq l).

The purity is therefore a real number in [0,1][0,1]. The larger the purity, the better the clustering performance.

The entropy of the clustering with respect to the known categories is given by:

Entropy=1nlog2lq=1kj=1lnqjlog2nqjnqEntropy = - \frac{1}{n \log_2 l} \sum_{q=1}^k \sum_{j=1}^l n_q^j \log_2 \frac{n_q^j}{n_q}



  • nn is the total number of samples;

  • nn is the total number of samples in cluster qq (1qk1 \leq q \leq k);

  • nqjn_q^j is the number of samples in cluster qq that belongs to original class jj (1jl1 \leq j \leq l).

The smaller the entropy, the better the clustering performance.


a single numeric value

the entropy (i.e. a single numeric value)



signature(x = "table", y = "missing"): Computes the purity directly from the contingency table x.

This is the workhorse method that is eventually called by all other methods.


signature(x = "factor", y = "ANY"): Computes the purity on the contingency table of x and y, that is coerced into a factor if necessary.


signature(x = "ANY", y = "ANY"): Default method that should work for results of clustering algorithms, that have a suitable predict method that returns the cluster membership vector: the purity is computed between x and predict{y}


signature(x = "NMFfitXn", y = "ANY"): Computes the best or mean entropy across all NMF fits stored in x.


signature(x = "table", y = "missing"): Computes the purity directly from the contingency table x


signature(x = "factor", y = "ANY"): Computes the purity on the contingency table of x and y, that is coerced into a factor if necessary.


signature(x = "ANY", y = "ANY"): Default method that should work for results of clustering algorithms, that have a suitable predict method that returns the cluster membership vector: the purity is computed between x and predict{y}


signature(x = "NMFfitXn", y = "ANY"): Computes the best or mean purity across all NMF fits stored in x.


Kim H and Park H (2007). "Sparse non-negative matrix factorizations via alternating non-negativity-constrained least squares for microarray data analysis." _Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)_, *23*(12), pp. 1495-502. ISSN 1460-2059, <URL:>, <URL:>.

See Also

Other assess: sparseness


# generate a synthetic dataset with known classes: 50 features, 18 samples (5+5+8)
n <- 50; counts <- c(5, 5, 8);
V <- syntheticNMF(n, counts)
cl <- unlist(mapply(rep, 1:3, counts))

# perform default NMF with rank=2
x2 <- nmf(V, 2)
purity(x2, cl)
entropy(x2, cl)
# perform default NMF with rank=2
x3 <- nmf(V, 3)
purity(x3, cl)
entropy(x3, cl)

Randomizing Data


randomize permutates independently the entries in each column of a matrix-like object, to produce random data that can be used in permutation tests or bootstrap analysis.


randomize(x, ...)



data to be permutated. It must be an object suitable to be passed to the function apply.


extra arguments passed to the function sample.


In the context of NMF, it may be used to generate random data, whose factorization serves as a reference for selecting a factorization rank, that does not overfit the data.


a matrix


x <- matrix(1:32, 4, 8)

Residuals in NMF Models


The package NMF defines methods for the function residuals that returns the final residuals of an NMF fit or the track of the residuals along the fit process, computed according to the objective function associated with the algorithm that fitted the model.

residuals<- sets the value of the last residuals, or, optionally, of the complete residual track.

Tells if an NMFfit object contains a recorded residual track.

trackError adds a residual value to the track of residuals.


residuals(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMFfit'
residuals(object, track = FALSE,
    niter = NULL, ...)

  residuals(object, ...)<-value

  ## S4 replacement method for signature 'NMFfit'
residuals(object, ..., niter = NULL,
    track = FALSE)<-value

  hasTrack(object, niter = NULL)

  trackError(object, value, niter, force = FALSE)



an NMFfit object as fitted by function nmf, in single run mode.


extra parameters (not used)


a logical that indicates if the complete track of residuals should be returned (if it has been computed during the fit), or only the last value.


specifies the iteration number for which one wants to get/set/test a residual value. This argument is used only if not NULL


residual value


logical that indicates if the value should be added to the track even if there already is a value for this iteration number or if the iteration does not conform to the tracking interval nmf.getOption('track.interval').


When called with track=TRUE, the whole residuals track is returned, if available. Note that method nmf does not compute the residuals track, unless explicitly required.

It is a S4 methods defined for the associated generic functions from package stats (See residuals).


residuals returns a single numeric value if track=FALSE or a numeric vector containing the residual values at some iterations. The names correspond to the iterations at which the residuals were computed.



signature(object = "NMFfit"): Returns the residuals – track – between the target matrix and the NMF fit object.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Returns the residuals achieved by the best fit object, i.e. the lowest residual approximation error achieved across all NMF runs.


Stricly speaking, the method residuals,NMFfit does not fulfill its contract as defined by the package stats, but rather acts as function deviance. The might be changed in a later release to make it behave as it should.

See Also

Other stats: deviance, deviance,NMF-method, nmfDistance

Generating Random Matrices


The S4 generic rmatrix generates a random matrix from a given object. Methods are provided to generate matrices with entries drawn from any given random distribution function, e.g. runif or rnorm.


rmatrix(x, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'numeric'
rmatrix(x, y = NULL, dist = runif,
    byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL, ...)



object from which to generate a random matrix


optional specification of number of columns


a random distribution function or a numeric seed (see details of method rmatrix,numeric)


a logical passed in the internal call to the function matrix


NULL or a list passed in the internal call to the function matrix


extra arguments passed to the distribution function dist.



signature(x = "numeric"): Generates a random matrix of given dimensions, whose entries are drawn using the distribution function dist.

This is the workhorse method that is eventually called by all other methods. It returns a matrix with:

  • x rows and y columns if y is not missing and not NULL;

  • dimension x[1] x x[2] if x has at least two elements;

  • dimension x (i.e. a square matrix) otherwise.

The default is to draw its entries from the standard uniform distribution using the base function runif, but any other function that generates random numeric vectors of a given length may be specified in argument dist. All arguments in ... are passed to the function specified in dist.

The only requirement is that the function in dist is of the following form:

⁠ function(n, ...){ # return vector of length n ... }⁠

This is the case of all base random draw function such as rnorm, rgamma, etc...


signature(x = "ANY"): Default method which calls rmatrix,vector on the dimensions of x that is assumed to be returned by a suitable dim method: it is equivalent to rmatrix(dim(x), y=NULL, ...).


signature(x = "NMF"): Returns the target matrix estimate of the NMF model x, perturbated by adding a random matrix generated using the default method of rmatrix: it is a equivalent to fitted(x) + rmatrix(fitted(x), ...).

This method can be used to generate random target matrices that depart from a known NMF model to a controlled extend. This is useful to test the robustness of NMF algorithms to the presence of certain types of noise in the data.


# rmatrix,numeric-method
## Generate a random matrix of a given size
rmatrix(5, 3)

## Generate a random matrix of the same dimension of a template matrix
a <- matrix(1, 3, 4)

## Specificy the distribution to use

# the default is uniform
a <- rmatrix(1000, 50)
## Not run:  hist(a) 

# use normal ditribution
a <- rmatrix(1000, 50, rnorm)
## Not run:  hist(a) 

# extra arguments can be passed to the random variate generation function
a <- rmatrix(1000, 50, rnorm, mean=2, sd=0.5)
## Not run:  hist(a) 

# rmatrix,ANY-method
# random matrix of the same dimension as another matrix
x <- matrix(3,4)

# rmatrix,NMF-method
# generate noisy fitted target from an NMF model (the true model)
gr <- as.numeric(mapply(rep, 1:3, 3))
h <- outer(1:3, gr, '==') + 0
x <- rnmf(10, H=h)
y <- rmatrix(x)
## Not run: 
# show heatmap of the noisy target matrix: block patterns should be clear

## End(Not run)

# test NMF algorithm on noisy data
# add some noise to the true model (drawn from uniform [0,1])
res <- nmf(rmatrix(x), 3)

# add more noise to the true model (drawn from uniform [0,10])
res <- nmf(rmatrix(x, max=10), 3)

Generating Random NMF Models


Generates NMF models with random values drawn from a uniform distribution. It returns an NMF model with basis and mixture coefficient matrices filled with random values. The main purpose of the function rnmf is to provide a common interface to generate random seeds used by the nmf function.


rnmf(x, target, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF,numeric'
rnmf(x, target, ncol = NULL,
    keep.names = TRUE, dist = runif)

  ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,matrix'
rnmf(x, target, ...,
    dist = list(max = max(max(target, na.rm = TRUE), 1)),
    use.dimnames = TRUE)

  ## S4 method for signature 'numeric,missing'
rnmf(x, target, ..., W, H,
    dist = runif)

  ## S4 method for signature 'missing,missing'
rnmf(x, target, ..., W, H)

  ## S4 method for signature 'numeric,numeric'
rnmf(x, target, ncol = NULL,
    ..., dist = runif)

  ## S4 method for signature 'formula,ANY'
rnmf(x, target, ...,
    dist = runif)



an object that determines the rank, dimension and/or class of the generated NMF model, e.g. a numeric value or an object that inherits from class NMF. See the description of the specific methods for more details on the supported types.


optional specification of target dimensions. See section Methods for how this parameter is used by the different methods.


extra arguments to allow extensions and passed to the next method eventually down to nmfModel, where they are used to initialise slots that are specific to the instantiating NMF model.


single numeric value that specifies the number of columns of the coefficient matrix. Only used when target is a single numeric value.


a logical that indicates if the dimension names of the original NMF object x should be conserved (TRUE) or discarded (FALSE).


specification of the random distribution to use to draw the entries of the basis and coefficient matrices. It may be specified as:

  • a function which must be a distribution function such as e.g. runif that is used to draw the entries of both the basis and coefficient matrices. It is passed in the dist argument of rmatrix.

  • a list of arguments that are passed internally to rmatrix, via'rmatrix', dist).

  • a character string that is partially matched to ‘basis’ or ‘coef’, that specifies which matrix in should be drawn randomly, the other remaining as in x – unchanged.

  • a list with elements ‘basis’ and/or ‘coef’, which specify the dist argument separately for the basis and coefficient matrix respectively.

    These elements may be either a distribution function, or a list of arguments that are passed internally to rmatrix, via'rmatrix', dist$basis) or'rmatrix', dist$coef).


a logical that indicates whether the dimnames of the target matrix should be set on the returned NMF model.


value for the basis matrix. data.frame objects are converted into matrices with as.matrix.


value for the mixture coefficient matrix data.frame objects are converted into matrices with as.matrix.


If necessary, extensions of the standard NMF model or custom models must define a method "rnmf,<NMF.MODEL.CLASS>,numeric" for initialising their specific slots other than the basis and mixture coefficient matrices. In order to benefit from the complete built-in interface, the overloading methods should call the generic version using function callNextMethod, prior to set the values of the specific slots. See for example the method rnmf defined for NMFOffset models: showMethods(rnmf, class='NMFOffset', include=TRUE)).

For convenience, shortcut methods for working on data.frame objects directly are implemented. However, note that conversion of a data.frame into a matrix object may take some non-negligible time, for large datasets. If using this method or other NMF-related methods several times, consider converting your data data.frame object into a matrix once for good, when first loaded.


An NMF model, i.e. an object that inherits from class NMF.



signature(x = "NMFOffset", target = "numeric"): Generates a random NMF model with offset, from class NMFOffset.

The offset values are drawn from a uniform distribution between 0 and the maximum entry of the basis and coefficient matrices, which are drawn by the next suitable rnmf method, which is the workhorse method rnmf,NMF,numeric.


signature(x = "NMF", target = "numeric"): Generates a random NMF model of the same class and rank as another NMF model.

This is the workhorse method that is eventually called by all other methods. It generates an NMF model of the same class and rank as x, compatible with the dimensions specified in target, that can be a single or 2-length numeric vector, to specify a square or rectangular target matrix respectively.

The second dimension can also be passed via argument ncol, so that calling rnmf(x, 20, 10, ...) is equivalent to rnmf(x, c(20, 10), ...), but easier to write.

The entries are uniformly drawn between 0 and max (optionally specified in ...) that defaults to 1.

By default the dimnames of x are set on the returned NMF model. This behaviour is disabled with argument keep.names=FALSE. See nmfModel.


signature(x = "ANY", target = "matrix"): Generates a random NMF model compatible and consistent with a target matrix.

The entries are uniformly drawn between 0 and max(target). It is more or less a shortcut for: ‘⁠ rnmf(x, dim(target), max=max(target), ...)⁠

It returns an NMF model of the same class as x.


signature(x = "ANY", target = "data.frame"): Shortcut for rnmf(x, as.matrix(target)).


signature(x = "NMF", target = "missing"): Generates a random NMF model of the same dimension as another NMF model.

It is a shortcut for rnmf(x, nrow(x), ncol(x), ...), which returns a random NMF model of the same class and dimensions as x.


signature(x = "numeric", target = "missing"): Generates a random NMF model of a given rank, with known basis and/or coefficient matrices.

This methods allow to easily generate partially random NMF model, where one or both factors are known. Although the later case might seems strange, it makes sense for NMF models that have fit extra data, other than the basis and coefficient matrices, that are drawn by an rnmf method defined for their own class, which should internally call rnmf,NMF,numeric and let it draw the basis and coefficient matrices. (e.g. see NMFOffset and rnmf,NMFOffset,numeric-method).

Depending on whether arguments W and/or H are missing, this method interprets x differently:

  • W provided, H missing: x is taken as the number of columns that must be drawn to build a random coefficient matrix (i.e. the number of columns in the target matrix).

  • W is missing, H is provided: x is taken as the number of rows that must be drawn to build a random basis matrix (i.e. the number of rows in the target matrix).

  • both W and H are provided: x is taken as the target rank of the model to generate.

  • Having both W and H missing produces an error, as the dimension of the model cannot be determined in this case.

The matrices W and H are reduced if necessary and possible to be consistent with this value of the rank, by the internal call to nmfModel.

All arguments in ... are passed to the function nmfModel which is used to build an initial NMF model, that is in turn passed to rnmf,NMF,numeric with dist=list(coef=dist) or dist=list(basis=dist) when suitable. The type of NMF model to generate can therefore be specified in argument model (see nmfModel for other possible arguments).

The returned NMF model, has a basis matrix equal to W (if not missing) and a coefficient matrix equal to H (if not missing), or drawn according to the specification provided in argument dist (see method rnmf,NMF,numeric for details on the supported values for dist).


signature(x = "missing", target = "missing"): Generates a random NMF model with known basis and coefficient matrices.

This method is a shortcut for calling rnmf,numeric,missing with a suitable value for x (the rank), when both factors are known: rnmf(min(ncol(W), nrow(H)), ..., W=W, H=H).

Arguments W and H are required. Note that calling this method only makes sense for NMF models that contains data to fit other than the basis and coefficient matrices, e.g. NMFOffset.


signature(x = "numeric", target = "numeric"): Generates a random standard NMF model of given dimensions.

This is a shortcut for rnmf(nmfModel(x, target, ncol, ...)), dist=dist). It generates a standard NMF model compatible with the dimensions passed in target, that can be a single or 2-length numeric vector, to specify a square or rectangular target matrix respectively. See nmfModel.


signature(x = "formula", target = "ANY"): Generate a random formula-based NMF model, using the method nmfModel,formula,ANY-method.

See Also


Other NMF-interface: basis, .basis, .basis<-, basis<-, coef, .coef, .coef<-, coef<-, coefficients, .DollarNames,NMF-method, loadings,NMF-method, misc, NMF-class, $<-,NMF-method, $,NMF-method, nmfModel, nmfModels, scoef


# rnmf,NMFOffset,numeric-method
# random NMF model with offset
x <- rnmf(2, 3, model='NMFOffset')
# from a matrix
x <- rnmf(2, rmatrix(5,3, max=10), model='NMFOffset')

# rnmf,NMF,numeric-method
## random NMF of same class and rank as another model

x <- nmfModel(3, 10, 5)
rnmf(x, 20) # square
rnmf(x, 20, 13)
rnmf(x, c(20, 13))

# using another distribution
rnmf(x, 20, dist=rnorm)

# other than standard model
y <- rnmf(3, 50, 10, model='NMFns')

# rnmf,ANY,matrix-method
# random NMF compatible with a target matrix
x <- nmfModel(3, 10, 5)
y <- rmatrix(20, 13)
rnmf(x, y) # rank of x
rnmf(2, y) # rank 2

# rnmf,NMF,missing-method
## random NMF from another model

a <- nmfModel(3, 100, 20)
b <- rnmf(a)

# rnmf,numeric,missing-method
# random NMF model with known basis matrix
x <- rnmf(5, W=matrix(1:18, 6)) # 6 x 5 model with rank=3
basis(x) # fixed
coef(x) # random

# random NMF model with known coefficient matrix
x <- rnmf(5, H=matrix(1:18, 3)) # 5 x 6 model with rank=3
basis(x) # random
coef(x) # fixed

# random model other than standard NMF
x <- rnmf(5, H=matrix(1:18, 3), model='NMFOffset')
basis(x) # random
coef(x) # fixed
offset(x) # random

# rnmf,missing,missing-method
# random model other than standard NMF
x <- rnmf(W=matrix(1:18, 6), H=matrix(21:38, 3), model='NMFOffset')
basis(x) # fixed
coef(x) # fixed
offset(x) # random

# rnmf,numeric,numeric-method
## random standard NMF of given dimensions

# generate a random NMF model with rank 3 that fits a 100x20 matrix
rnmf(3, 100, 20)

# generate a random NMF model with rank 3 that fits a 100x100 matrix
rnmf(3, 100)

Residual Sum of Squares and Explained Variance


rss and evar are S4 generic functions that respectively computes the Residual Sum of Squares (RSS) and explained variance achieved by a model.

The explained variance for a target VV is computed as:

evar=1RSSi,jvij2evar = 1 - \frac{RSS}{\sum_{i,j} v_{ij}^2}



rss(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
rss(object, target)

  evar(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'ANY'
evar(object, target, ...)



an R object with a suitable fitted, rss or evar method.


extra arguments to allow extension, e.g. passed to rss in evar calls.


target matrix


where RSS is the residual sum of squares.

The explained variance is usefull to compare the performance of different models and their ability to accurately reproduce the original target matrix. Note, however, that a possible caveat is that some models explicitly aim at minimizing the RSS (i.e. maximizing the explained variance), while others do not.


a single numeric value



signature(object = "ANY"): Default method for evar.

It requires a suitable rss method to be defined for object, as it internally calls rss(object, target, ...).


signature(object = "matrix"): Computes the RSS between a target matrix and its estimate object, which must be a matrix of the same dimensions as target.

The RSS between a target matrix VV and its estimate vv is computed as:

RSS=i,j(vijVij)2RSS = \sum_{i,j} (v_{ij} - V_{ij})^2

Internally, the computation is performed using an optimised C++ implementation, that is light in memory usage.


signature(object = "ANY"): Residual sum of square between a given target matrix and a model that has a suitable fitted method. It is equivalent to rss(fitted(object), ...)

In the context of NMF, Hutchins et al. (2008) used the variation of the RSS in combination with the algorithm from Lee et al. (1999) to estimate the correct number of basis vectors. The optimal rank is chosen where the graph of the RSS first shows an inflexion point, i.e. using a screeplot-type criterium. See section Rank estimation in nmf.

Note that this way of estimation may not be suitable for all models. Indeed, if the NMF optimisation problem is not based on the Frobenius norm, the RSS is not directly linked to the quality of approximation of the NMF model. However, it is often the case that it still decreases with the rank.


Hutchins LN, Murphy SM, Singh P and Graber JH (2008). "Position-dependent motif characterization using non-negative matrix factorization." _Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)_, *24*(23), pp. 2684-90. ISSN 1367-4811, <URL:>, <URL:>.

Lee DD and Seung HS (1999). "Learning the parts of objects by non-negative matrix factorization." _Nature_, *401*(6755), pp. 788-91. ISSN 0028-0836, <URL:>, <URL:>.


# rss,matrix-method
# RSS bewteeen random matrices
x <- rmatrix(20,10, max=50)
y <- rmatrix(20,10, max=50)
rss(x, y)
rss(x, x + rmatrix(x, max=0.1))

# rss,ANY-method
# RSS between an NMF model and a target matrix
x <- rmatrix(20, 10)
y <- rnmf(3, x) # random compatible model
rss(y, x)

# fit a model with nmf(): one should do better
y2 <- nmf(x, 3) # default minimizes the KL-divergence
rss(y2, x)
y2 <- nmf(x, 3, 'lee') # 'lee' minimizes the RSS
rss(y2, x)

Returns the CPU time required to compute all NMF fits in the list. It returns NULL if the list is empty. If no timing data are available, the sequential time is returned.


Returns the CPU time required to compute all NMF fits in the list. It returns NULL if the list is empty. If no timing data are available, the sequential time is returned.


## S4 method for signature 'NMFList'
runtime(object, all = FALSE)



logical that indicates if the CPU time of each fit should be returned (TRUE) or only the total CPU time used to compute all the fits in object.


an object computed using some algorithm, or that describes an algorithm itself.

Returns the CPU time used to perform all the NMF fits stored in object.


If no time data is available from in slot ‘runtime.all’ and argument null=TRUE, then the sequential time as computed by seqtime is returned, and a warning is thrown unless warning=FALSE.


## S4 method for signature 'NMFfitXn'
runtime.all(object, null = FALSE,
    warning = TRUE)



a logical that indicates if the sequential time should be returned if no time data is available in slot ‘runtime.all’.


a logical that indicates if a warning should be thrown if the sequential time is returned instead of the real CPU time.


an object computed using some algorithm, or that describes an algorithm itself.

Rescaling NMF Models


Rescales an NMF model keeping the fitted target matrix identical.


## S3 method for class 'NMF'
 scale(x, center = c("basis", "coef"),
    scale = 1)



an NMF object


either a numeric normalising vector δ\delta, or either 'basis' or 'coef', which respectively correspond to using the column sums of the basis matrix or the inverse of the row sums of the coefficient matrix as a normalising vector. If numeric, center should be a single value or a vector of length the rank of the NMF model, i.e. the number of columns in the basis matrix.


scaling coefficient applied to DD, i.e. the value of α\alpha, or, if center='coef', the value of 1/α1/\alpha (see section Details).


Standard NMF models are identifiable modulo a scaling factor, meaning that the basis components and basis profiles can be rescaled without changing the fitted values:

X=W1H1=(W1D)(D1H1)=W2H2X = W_1 H_1 = (W_1 D) (D^{-1} H_1) = W_2 H_2

with D=αdiag(1/δ1,,1δr)D= \alpha diag(1/\delta_1, \ldots, 1\delta_r)

The default call scale(object) rescales the basis NMF object so that each column of the basis matrix sums up to one.


an NMF object


# random 3-rank 10x5 NMF model
x <- rnmf(3, 10, 5)

# rescale based on basis

rx <- scale(x, 'basis', 10)

# rescale based on coef
rowSums(coef(scale(x, 'coef')))
rx <- scale(x, 'coef', 10)

# fitted target matrix is identical but the factors have been rescaled
rx <- scale(x, 'basis')
all.equal(fitted(x), fitted(rx))
all.equal(basis(x), basis(rx))

Interface for NMF Seeding Methods


The function seed provides a single interface for calling all seeding methods used to initialise NMF computations. These methods at least set the basis and coefficient matrices of the initial object to valid nonnegative matrices. They will be used as a starting point by any NMF algorithm that accept initialisation.

IMPORTANT: this interface is still considered experimental and is subject to changes in future release.


seed(x, model, method, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'matrix,NMF,NMFSeed'
seed(x, model, method,
    rng, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,ANY,function'
seed(x, model, method, name,



target matrix one wants to approximate with NMF


specification of the NMF model, e.g., the factorization rank.


specification of a seeding method. See each method for details on the supported formats.


extra to allow extensions and passed down to the actual seeding method.


rng setting to use. If not missing the RNG settings are set and restored on exit using setRNG.

All arguments in ... are passed to teh seeding strategy.


optional name of the seeding method for custom seeding strategies.


an NMFfit object.



signature(x = "matrix", model = "NMF", method = "NMFSeed"): This is the workhorse method that seeds an NMF model object using a given seeding strategy defined by an NMFSeed object, to fit a given target matrix.


signature(x = "ANY", model = "ANY", method = "function"): Seeds an NMF model using a custom seeding strategy, defined by a function.

method must have signature (x='NMFfit', y='matrix', ...), where x is the unseeded NMF model and y is the target matrix to fit. It must return an NMF object, that contains the seeded NMF model.


signature(x = "ANY", model = "ANY", method = "missing"): Seeds the model with the default seeding method given by nmf.getOption('default.seed')


signature(x = "ANY", model = "ANY", method = "NULL"): Use NMF method 'none'.


signature(x = "ANY", model = "ANY", method = "numeric"): Use method to set the RNG with setRNG and use method “random” to seed the NMF model.

Note that in this case the RNG settings are not restored. This is due to some internal technical reasons, and might change in future releases.


signature(x = "ANY", model = "ANY", method = "character"): Use the registered seeding method whose access key is method.


signature(x = "ANY", model = "list", method = "NMFSeed"): Seed a model using the elements in model to instantiate it with nmfModel.


signature(x = "ANY", model = "numeric", method = "NMFSeed"): Seeds a standard NMF model (i.e. of class NMFstd) of rank model.

Registering NMF Algorithms


Adds a new algorithm to the registry of algorithms that perform Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.

nmfRegisterAlgorithm is an alias to setNMFMethod for backward compatibility.


setNMFMethod(name, method, ...,
    overwrite = isLoadingNamespace(), verbose = TRUE)

  nmfRegisterAlgorithm(name, method, ...,
    overwrite = isLoadingNamespace(), verbose = TRUE)



arguments passed to the factory function NMFStrategy, which instantiate the NMFStrategy object that is stored in registry.


logical that indicates if any existing NMF method with the same name should be overwritten (TRUE) or not (FALSE), in which case an error is thrown.


a logical that indicates if information about the registration should be printed (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


name/key of an NMF algorithm.


definition of the algorithm


# define/regsiter a new -- dummy -- NMF algorithm with the minimum arguments
# y: target matrix
# x: initial NMF model (i.e. the seed)
# NB: this algorithm simply return the seed unchanged
setNMFMethod('mynmf', function(y, x, ...){ x })

# check algorithm on toy data
res <- nmfCheck('mynmf')
# the NMF seed is not changed
stopifnot( nmf.equal(res, nmfCheck('mynmf', seed=res)) )

Computational Setup Functions


Functions used internally to setup the computational environment.

setupBackend sets up a foreach backend given some specifications.

setupSharedMemory checks if one can use the packages bigmemory and sychronicity to speed-up parallel computations when not keeping all the fits. When both these packages are available, only one result per host is written on disk, with its achieved deviance stored in shared memory, that is accessible to all cores on a same host. It returns TRUE if both packages are available and NMF option 'shared' is toggled on.

setupTempDirectory creates a temporary directory to store the best fits computed on each host. It ensures each worker process has access to it.

setupLibPaths add the path to the NMF package to each workers' libPaths.

setupRNG sets the RNG for use by the function nmf. It returns the old RNG as an rstream object or the result of set.seed if the RNG is not changed due to one of the following reason: - the settings are not compatible with rstream


setupBackend(spec, backend, optional = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE)



  setupLibPaths(pkg = "NMF", verbose = FALSE)

  setupRNG(seed, n, verbose = FALSE)



target parallel specification: either TRUE or FALSE, or a single numeric value that specifies the number of cores to setup.


value from argument .pbackend of nmf.


a logical that indicates if the specification must be fully satisfied, throwing an error if it is not, or if one can switch back to sequential, only outputting a verbose message.


logical or integer level of verbosity for message outputs.


package name whose path should be exported the workers.


initial RNG seed specification


number of RNG seeds to generate


Returns FALSE if no foreach backend is to be used, NA if the currently registered backend is to be used, or, if this function call registered a new backend, the previously registered backend as a foreach object, so that it can be restored after the computation is over.

Show method for objects of class NMF


Show method for objects of class NMF


## S4 method for signature 'NMF'



Any R object

Show method for objects of class NMFfit


Show method for objects of class NMFfit


## S4 method for signature 'NMFfit'



Any R object

Show method for objects of class NMFfitX


Show method for objects of class NMFfitX


## S4 method for signature 'NMFfitX'



Any R object

Show method for objects of class NMFfitX1


Show method for objects of class NMFfitX1


## S4 method for signature 'NMFfitX1'



Any R object

Show method for objects of class NMFfitXn


Show method for objects of class NMFfitXn


## S4 method for signature 'NMFfitXn'



Any R object

Show method for objects of class NMFList


Show method for objects of class NMFList


## S4 method for signature 'NMFList'



Any R object

Show method for objects of class NMFns


Show method for objects of class NMFns


## S4 method for signature 'NMFns'



Any R object

Show method for objects of class NMFOffset


Show method for objects of class NMFOffset


## S4 method for signature 'NMFOffset'



Any R object

Show method for objects of class NMFSeed


Show method for objects of class NMFSeed


## S4 method for signature 'NMFSeed'



Any R object

Show method for objects of class NMFStrategyIterative


Show method for objects of class NMFStrategyIterative


## S4 method for signature 'NMFStrategyIterative'



Any R object

Silhouette of NMF Clustering


Silhouette of NMF Clustering


## S3 method for class 'NMF'
 silhouette(x, what = NULL, order = NULL,



an NMF object, as returned by nmf.


defines the type of clustering the computed silhouettes are meant to assess: 'samples' for the clustering of samples (i.e. the columns of the target matrix), 'features' for the clustering of features (i.e. the rows of the target matrix), and 'chc' for the consensus clustering of samples as defined by hierarchical clustering dendrogram, 'consensus' for the consensus clustering of samples, with clustered ordered as in the default hierarchical clustering used by consensusmap when plotting the heatmap of the consensus matrix (for multi-run NMF fits). That is dist = 1 - consensus(x), average linkage and reordering based on row means.


integer indexing vector that can be used to force the silhouette order.


extra arguments not used.

See Also



x <- rmatrix(75, 15, dimnames = list(paste0('a', 1:75), letters[1:15]))
# NB: using low value for maxIter for the example purpose only
res <- nmf(x, 4, nrun = 3, maxIter = 20)

# sample clustering from best fit

# average silhouette are computed in summary measures

# consensus silhouettes are ordered as on default consensusmap heatmap
## Not run:  op <- par(mfrow = c(1,2)) 
si <- silhouette(res, what = 'consensus')
## Not run:  par(op) 

# if the order is based on some custom numeric weights
## Not run:  op <- par(mfrow = c(1,2)) 
cm <- consensusmap(res, Rowv = runif(ncol(res)))
# NB: use reverse order because silhouettes are plotted top-down
si <- silhouette(res, what = 'consensus', order = rev(cm$rowInd))
## Not run:  par(op) 

# do the reverse: order the heatmap as a set of silhouettes
si <- silhouette(res, what = 'features')
## Not run:  op <- par(mfrow = c(1,2)) 
basismap(res, Rowv = si)
## Not run:  par(op)

Smoothing Matrix in Nonsmooth NMF Models


The function smoothing builds a smoothing matrix for using in Nonsmooth NMF models.


smoothing(x, theta = x@theta, ...)



a object of class NMFns.


the smoothing parameter (numeric) between 0 and 1.


extra arguments to allow extension (not used)


For a rr-rank NMF, the smoothing matrix of parameter θ\theta is built as follows:

S=(1θ)I+θr11T,S = (1-\theta)I + \frac{\theta}{r} 11^T ,

where II is the identity matrix and 11 is a vector of ones (cf. NMFns-class for more details).


if x estimates a rr-rank NMF, then the result is a r×rr \times r square matrix.


x <- nmfModel(3, model='NMFns')
smoothing(x, 0.1)



Generic function that computes the sparseness of an object, as defined by Hoyer (2004). The sparseness quantifies how much energy of a vector is packed into only few components.


sparseness(x, ...)



an object whose sparseness is computed.


extra arguments to allow extension


In Hoyer (2004), the sparseness is defined for a real vector xx as:

Sparseness(x)=nxixi2n1Sparseness(x) = \frac{\sqrt{n} - \frac{\sum |x_i|}{\sqrt{\sum x_i^2}}}{\sqrt{n}-1}

, where nn is the length of xx.

The sparseness is a real number in [0,1][0,1]. It is equal to 1 if and only if x contains a single nonzero component, and is equal to 0 if and only if all components of x are equal. It interpolates smoothly between these two extreme values. The closer to 1 is the sparseness the sparser is the vector.

The basic definition is for a numeric vector, and is extended for matrices as the mean sparseness of its column vectors.


usually a single numeric value – in [0,1], or a numeric vector. See each method for more details.



signature(x = "numeric"): Base method that computes the sparseness of a numeric vector.

It returns a single numeric value, computed following the definition given in section Description.


signature(x = "matrix"): Computes the sparseness of a matrix as the mean sparseness of its column vectors. It returns a single numeric value.


signature(x = "NMF"): Compute the sparseness of an object of class NMF, as the sparseness of the basis and coefficient matrices computed separately.

It returns the two values in a numeric vector with names ‘basis’ and ‘coef’.


Hoyer P (2004). "Non-negative matrix factorization with sparseness constraints." _The Journal of Machine Learning Research_, *5*, pp. 1457-1469. <URL:>.

See Also

Other assess: entropy, purity

Get/Set a Static Variable in NMF Algorithms


This function is used in iterative NMF algorithms to manage variables stored in a local workspace, that are accessible to all functions that define the iterative schema described in NMFStrategyIterative.

It is specially useful for computing stopping criteria, which often require model data from different iterations.


staticVar(name, value, init = FALSE)



Name of the static variable (as a single character string)


New value of the static variable


a logical used when a value is provided, that specifies if the variable should be set to the new value only if it does not exist yet (init=TRUE).


The value of the static variable

Assessing and Comparing NMF Models


The NMF package defines summary methods for different classes of objects, which helps assessing and comparing the quality of NMF models by computing a set of quantitative measures, e.g. with respect to their ability to recover known classes and/or the original target matrix.

The most useful methods are for classes NMF, NMFfit, NMFfitX and NMFList, which compute summary measures for, respectively, a single NMF model, a single fit, a multiple-run fit and a list of heterogenous fits performed with the function nmf.


summary(object, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'NMF'
summary(object, class, target)



an NMF object. See available methods in section Methods.


extra arguments passed to the next summary method.


known classes/cluster of samples specified in one of the formats that is supported by the functions entropy and purity.


target matrix specified in one of the formats supported by the functions rss and evar


Due to the somehow hierarchical structure of the classes mentionned in Description, their respective summary methods call each other in chain, each super-class adding some extra measures, only relevant for objects of a specific class.



signature(object = "NMF"): Computes summary measures for a single NMF model.

The following measures are computed:


Sparseness of the factorization computed by the function sparseness.


Purity of the clustering, with respect to known classes, computed by the function purity.


Entropy of the clustering, with respect to known classes, computed by the function entropy.


Residual Sum of Squares computed by the function rss.


Explained variance computed by the function evar.


signature(object = "NMFfit"): Computes summary measures for a single fit from nmf.

This method adds the following measures to the measures computed by the method summary,NMF:


Residual error as measured by the objective function associated to the algorithm used to fit the model.


Number of iterations performed to achieve convergence of the algorithm.


Total CPU time required for the fit.


Total CPU time required for the fit. For NMFfit objects, this element is always equal to the value in “cpu”, but will be different for multiple-run fits.


Number of runs performed to fit the model. This is always equal to 1 for NMFfit objects, but will vary for multiple-run fits.


signature(object = "NMFfitX"): Computes a set of measures to help evaluate the quality of the best fit of the set. The result is similar to the result from the summary method of NMFfit objects. See NMF for details on the computed measures. In addition, the cophenetic correlation (cophcor) and dispersion coefficients of the consensus matrix are returned, as well as the total CPU time (runtime.all).


# summary,NMF-method
# random NMF model
x <- rnmf(3, 20, 12)
summary(x, gl(3, 4))
summary(x, target=rmatrix(x))
summary(x, gl(3,4), target=rmatrix(x))

# summary,NMFfit-method
# generate a synthetic dataset with known classes: 50 features, 18 samples (5+5+8)
n <- 50; counts <- c(5, 5, 8);
V <- syntheticNMF(n, counts)
cl <- unlist(mapply(rep, 1:3, counts))

# perform default NMF with rank=2
x2 <- nmf(V, 2)
summary(x2, cl, V)
# perform default NMF with rank=2
x3 <- nmf(V, 3)
summary(x2, cl, V)

Simulating Datasets


The function syntheticNMF generates random target matrices that follow some defined NMF model, and may be used to test NMF algorithms. It is designed to designed to produce data with known or clear classes of samples.


syntheticNMF(n, r, p, offset = NULL, noise = TRUE,
    factors = FALSE, seed = NULL)



number of rows of the target matrix.


specification of the factorization rank. It may be a single numeric, in which case argument p is required and r groups of samples are generated from a draw from a multinomial distribution with equal probabilities, that provides their sizes.

It may also be a numerical vector, which contains the number of samples in each class (i.e integers). In this case argument p is discarded and forced to be the sum of r.


number of columns of the synthetic target matrix. Not used if parameter r is a vector (see description of argument r).


specification of a common offset to be added to the synthetic target matrix, before noisification. Its may be a numeric vector of length n, or a single numeric value that is used as the standard deviation of a centred normal distribution from which the actual offset values are drawn.


a logical that indicate if noise should be added to the matrix.


a logical that indicates if the NMF factors should be return together with the matrix.


a single numeric value used to seed the random number generator before generating the matrix. The state of the RNG is restored on exit.


a matrix, or a list if argument factors=TRUE.

When factors=FALSE, the result is a matrix object, with the following attributes set:


the true underlying coefficient matrix (i.e. H);


the true underlying coefficient matrix (i.e. H);


the offset if any;


a list with one element 'Group' that contains a factor that indicates the true groups of samples, i.e. the most contributing basis component for each sample;


a list with one element 'Group' that contains a factor that indicates the true groups of features, i.e. the basis component to which each feature contributes the most.

Moreover, the result object is an ExposeAttribute object, which means that relevant attributes are accessible via $, e.g., res$coefficients. In particular, methods coef and basis will work as expected and return the true underlying coefficient and basis matrices respectively.


# generate a synthetic dataset with known classes: 50 features, 18 samples (5+5+8)
n <- 50
counts <- c(5, 5, 8)

# no noise
V <- syntheticNMF(n, counts, noise=FALSE)
## Not run: aheatmap(V)

# with noise
V <- syntheticNMF(n, counts)
## Not run: aheatmap(V)

Transformation NMF Model Objects


t transpose an NMF model, by transposing and swapping its basis and coefficient matrices: t([W,H])=[t(H),t(W)]t([W,H]) = [t(H), t(W)].


## S3 method for class 'NMF'



NMF model object.


The function t is a generic defined in the base package. The method t.NMF defines the trasnformation for the general NMF interface. This method may need to be overloaded for NMF models, whose structure requires specific handling.

See Also

Other transforms: nneg, posneg, rposneg


x <- rnmf(3, 100, 20)
# transpose
y <- t(x)

# factors are swapped-transposed
stopifnot( identical(basis(y), t(coef(x))) )
stopifnot( identical(coef(y), t(basis(x))) )

Utility Function in the NMF Package


Utility Function in the NMF Package

str_args formats the arguments of a function using args, but returns the output as a string.


str_args(x, exdent = 10L)



a function


indentation for extra lines if the output takes more than one line.

