Title: | Analyze Text, Audio, and Video from 'Zoom' Meetings |
Description: | Provides utilities for processing and analyzing the files that are exported from a recorded 'Zoom' Meeting. This includes analyzing data captured through video cameras and microphones, the text-based chat, and meta-data. You can analyze aspects of the conversation among meeting participants and their emotional expressions throughout the meeting. |
Authors: | Andrew Knight [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Andrew Knight <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 0.1.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-21 06:58:02 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Used to aggregate the sentiment variables to the individual and meeting levels
aggSentiment(inputData, meetingId = NULL, speakerId = NULL, sentMethod)
aggSentiment(inputData, meetingId = NULL, speakerId = NULL, sentMethod)
inputData |
data.frame that has been output from textSentiment function |
meetingId |
string that indicates the name of the variable containing the meeting ID |
speakerId |
string that indicates the name of the variable containing the speaker identity |
sentMethod |
string that indicates what type of sentiment analysis to aggregate–must be either 'aws' or 'syuzhet' |
A data.frame giving the sentiment metrics aggregated to the requested level. If only meetingId is specified, metrics are aggregated to that level. If only speakerId is specified, metrics are aggregated to the individual level across any meetings. If both meetingId and speakerId are specified, metrics are aggregated to the level of the individual within meeting.
agg.out = aggSentiment(inputData=sample_transcript_sentiment_aws, meetingId="batchMeetingId", speakerId = "userId", sentMethod="aws") agg.out = aggSentiment(inputData=sample_chat_sentiment_syu, meetingId="batchMeetingId", speakerId = "userName", sentMethod="syuzhet")
agg.out = aggSentiment(inputData=sample_transcript_sentiment_aws, meetingId="batchMeetingId", speakerId = "userId", sentMethod="aws") agg.out = aggSentiment(inputData=sample_chat_sentiment_syu, meetingId="batchMeetingId", speakerId = "userName", sentMethod="syuzhet")
#' This helper calls grabVideoStills, which function currently relies on the av package and 'ffmpeg' to split a video file into images. This function will save the images to the director specified by the user.
batchGrabVideoStills( batchInfo, imageDir = NULL, overWriteDir = FALSE, sampleWindow )
batchGrabVideoStills( batchInfo, imageDir = NULL, overWriteDir = FALSE, sampleWindow )
batchInfo |
the batchInfo data.frame that is output from batchProcessZoomOutput |
imageDir |
the directory where you want the function to write the extracted image files |
overWriteDir |
logical indicating whether you want to overwrite imageDir if it exists |
sampleWindow |
an integer indicating how frequently you want to sample images in number of seconds. |
a data.frame that gives information about the batch. Each record corresponds to one video, with:
batchMeetingId - the meeting identifier
videoExists - boolean indicating whether the video file was there
imageDir - path to the directory where video images are saved
sampleWindow - integer with the sampleWindow requested
numFramesExtracted - the number of image files that were saved
vidBatchInfo = batchGrabVideoStills(batchInfo=sample_batch_info, imageDir=tempdir(), overWriteDir=TRUE, sampleWindow=2) ## Not run: vidBatchInfo = batchGrabVideoStills(batchInfo=zoomOut$batchInfo, imageDir="~/Documents/myMeetings/videoImages", overWriteDir=TRUE, sampleWindow=600) ## End(Not run)
vidBatchInfo = batchGrabVideoStills(batchInfo=sample_batch_info, imageDir=tempdir(), overWriteDir=TRUE, sampleWindow=2) ## Not run: vidBatchInfo = batchGrabVideoStills(batchInfo=zoomOut$batchInfo, imageDir="~/Documents/myMeetings/videoImages", overWriteDir=TRUE, sampleWindow=600) ## End(Not run)
Provide the location of a structured batchInput file and this function will process a set of meetings at once.
batchProcessZoomOutput(batchInput, exportZoomRosetta = NULL)
batchProcessZoomOutput(batchInput, exportZoomRosetta = NULL)
batchInput |
String giving the location of the xlsx file that contains the information for the zoom meetings. All corresponding Zoom downloads for the meetings in the batch must be saved in the same directory as the batchInput file. |
exportZoomRosetta |
optional string giving the path for exporting the zoomRosetta file to link up unique individual IDs manually. Providing this path will write the zoomRosetta file to that location. |
a list that has a data.frame for each of the elements of a Zoom output that are available in the input directory:
batchInfo - Each row is a meeting included in batchInput. Columns provide information about each meeting.
meetInfo - Each row is a meeting for which there was a downloaded participants file. Columns provide information about the meeting from the Zoom Cloud recording site.
partInfo - Each row is a Zoom display name (with display name changes in parentheses). Columns provide information about participants from the Zoom Cloud recording site.
transcript - Each row is an utterance in the audio transcript. This is the output from processZoomTranscript.
chat - Each row is a message posted to the chat. This is the output from processZoomChat.
rosetta - Each row is a unique display name (within meeting) encountered in the batchInput. This is used to reconcile user identities.
batchOut = batchProcessZoomOutput(batchInput=system.file('extdata', 'myMeetingsBatch.xlsx', package = 'zoomGroupStats'), exportZoomRosetta=file.path(tempdir(),"_rosetta.xlsx"))
batchOut = batchProcessZoomOutput(batchInput=system.file('extdata', 'myMeetingsBatch.xlsx', package = 'zoomGroupStats'), exportZoomRosetta=file.path(tempdir(),"_rosetta.xlsx"))
Using this function you can analyze attributes of facial expressions within a batch of video files. This batch approach requires breaking the videos into still frames in advance by using the batchGrabVideoStills() function.
batchVideoFaceAnalysis( batchInfo, imageDir, sampleWindow, facesCollectionID = NA )
batchVideoFaceAnalysis( batchInfo, imageDir, sampleWindow, facesCollectionID = NA )
batchInfo |
the batchInfo data.frame that is output from batchProcessZoomOutput |
imageDir |
the path to the top-level directory of where all the images are stored |
sampleWindow |
an integer indicating how frequently you have sampled images in number of seconds. |
facesCollectionID |
name of an 'AWS' collection with identified faces |
data.frame with one record for every face detected in each frame across all meetings. For each face, there is an abundance of information from 'AWS Rekognition'. This output is quite detailed. Note that there will be a varying number of faces per sampled frame in the video. Imagine that you have sampled the meeting and had someone rate each person's face within that sampled moment.
## Not run: vidOut = batchVideoFaceAnalysis(batchInfo=zoomOut$batchInfo, imageDir="~/Documents/meetingImages", sampleWindow = 300) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: vidOut = batchVideoFaceAnalysis(batchInfo=zoomOut$batchInfo, imageDir="~/Documents/meetingImages", sampleWindow = 300) ## End(Not run)
A major challenge in analyzing virtual meetings is reconciling the display name that zoom users in chat and transcript. This function outputs a data.frame that can be helpful in manually adding a new unique identifier to use in further data anlaysis.
zoomOutput |
the output from running processZoomOutput |
a data.frame that has unique values for the zoom display name that show up across any files that are available, including participants, transcript, and chat. If the user gives the participants file, it will separate display name changes and include all versions. If there are emails attached to display names, it will include those.
rosetta.out = createZoomRosetta(processZoomOutput(fileRoot= file.path(system.file('extdata', package = 'zoomGroupStats'),"meeting001"))) ## Not run: rosetta.out = createZoomRosetta(processZoomOutput(fileRoot="~/zoomMeetings/meeting001")) ## End(Not run)
rosetta.out = createZoomRosetta(processZoomOutput(fileRoot= file.path(system.file('extdata', package = 'zoomGroupStats'),"meeting001"))) ## Not run: rosetta.out = createZoomRosetta(processZoomOutput(fileRoot="~/zoomMeetings/meeting001")) ## End(Not run)
This function currently relies on the av package and 'ffmpeg' to split a video file into images. This function will save the images to the directory specified by the user.
grabVideoStills( inputVideo, imageDir = NULL, overWriteDir = FALSE, sampleWindow )
grabVideoStills( inputVideo, imageDir = NULL, overWriteDir = FALSE, sampleWindow )
inputVideo |
full filepath to a video file |
imageDir |
the directory where you want the function to write the extracted image files |
overWriteDir |
logical indicating whether you want to overwrite imageDir if it exists |
sampleWindow |
an integer indicating how frequently you want to sample images in number of seconds. |
a data.frame that gives information about the still frames. Each record is a stillframe, with the following info:
imageSeconds - number of seconds from the start of the video when this image was captured
imageName - full path to where the image has been saved as a .png
vidOut = grabVideoStills(inputVideo=system.file('extdata', "meeting001_video.mp4", package = 'zoomGroupStats'), imageDir=tempdir(), overWriteDir=TRUE, sampleWindow=2) ## Not run: grabVideoStills(inputVideo='myMeeting.mp4', imageDir="~/Documents/myMeetings/videoImages", overWriteDir=TRUE, sampleWindow=45) ## End(Not run)
vidOut = grabVideoStills(inputVideo=system.file('extdata', "meeting001_video.mp4", package = 'zoomGroupStats'), imageDir=tempdir(), overWriteDir=TRUE, sampleWindow=2) ## Not run: grabVideoStills(inputVideo='myMeeting.mp4', imageDir="~/Documents/myMeetings/videoImages", overWriteDir=TRUE, sampleWindow=45) ## End(Not run)
Import an edited zoomRosetta file that tells how to link up Zoom display names to some unique individual identifier
importZoomRosetta(zoomOutput, zoomRosetta, meetingId)
importZoomRosetta(zoomOutput, zoomRosetta, meetingId)
zoomOutput |
the output of batchProcessZoomOutput |
zoomRosetta |
the path to an edited zoomRosetta xlsx |
meetingId |
the name of the meetingId you want to use |
returns zoomOutput with identifiers in zoomRosetta merged to any available data.frames in the zoomOutput file
batchOutIds = importZoomRosetta(zoomOutput= batchProcessZoomOutput(batchInput=system.file('extdata', 'myMeetingsBatch.xlsx', package = 'zoomGroupStats')), zoomRosetta=system.file('extdata', 'myMeetingsBatch_rosetta_edited.xlsx', package = 'zoomGroupStats'), meetingId="batchMeetingId") ## Not run: batchOutIds = importZoomRosetta(zoomOutput=batchOut, zoomRosetta="myEditedRosetta.xlsx", meetingId="batchMeetingId") ## End(Not run)
batchOutIds = importZoomRosetta(zoomOutput= batchProcessZoomOutput(batchInput=system.file('extdata', 'myMeetingsBatch.xlsx', package = 'zoomGroupStats')), zoomRosetta=system.file('extdata', 'myMeetingsBatch_rosetta_edited.xlsx', package = 'zoomGroupStats'), meetingId="batchMeetingId") ## Not run: batchOutIds = importZoomRosetta(zoomOutput=batchOut, zoomRosetta="myEditedRosetta.xlsx", meetingId="batchMeetingId") ## End(Not run)
This creates a set of temporal windows of specified size so that metrics can be computed within those windows.
makeTimeWindows(inputData, timeVar, windowSize)
makeTimeWindows(inputData, timeVar, windowSize)
inputData |
data.frame that has data over time, usually within a single meeting |
timeVar |
name of a numeric column that contains the time variable you want to use |
windowSize |
numeric value giving the length of time window |
list with two data.frames:
windowedData - inputData with the temporal window identifying information included
allWindows - contains the full set of temporal windows and identifying information. This is valuable because inputData may not have records within all of the possible temporal windows
win.out = makeTimeWindows(sample_transcript_processed, timeVar="utteranceStartSeconds", windowSize=10)
win.out = makeTimeWindows(sample_transcript_processed, timeVar="utteranceStartSeconds", windowSize=10)
Parses the data from the chatfile that is downloaded from the Zoom Cloud recording site. Note that this is the file that accompanies a recording. This is not the file that you might download directly within a given Zoom session, nor is it the one that is saved locally on your computer. This is the file that you can access after a session if you record in the cloud.
processZoomChat( fname, sessionStartDateTime = "1970-01-01 00:00:00", languageCode = "en" )
processZoomChat( fname, sessionStartDateTime = "1970-01-01 00:00:00", languageCode = "en" )
fname |
String that is the path to the downloaded Zoom .txt chat file |
sessionStartDateTime |
String that is the start of the session in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
languageCode |
String denoting the language |
data.frame where each record is a message submission in the chat, containing columns:
messageId - Numeric identifier for each message, only unique within a given meeting
messageSeconds - When message was posted, in number of seconds from start of session
messageTime - When message was posted as POSIXct, using the supplied sessionStartDateTime
userName - Display name of user who posted the message
message - Text of the message that was posted
messageLanguage - Language code for the message
ch.out = processZoomChat( fname=system.file('extdata', "meeting001_chat.txt", package = 'zoomGroupStats'), sessionStartDateTime = '2020-04-20 13:30:00', languageCode = 'en')
ch.out = processZoomChat( fname=system.file('extdata', "meeting001_chat.txt", package = 'zoomGroupStats'), sessionStartDateTime = '2020-04-20 13:30:00', languageCode = 'en')
The user provides a fileRoot that is used for a given meeting. Output files should be named as fileRoot_chat.txt; fileRoot_transcript.vtt; and fileRoot_participants.csv. Any relevant files will be processed.
processZoomOutput( fileRoot, rosetta = TRUE, sessionStartDateTime = "1970-01-01 00:00:00", recordingStartDateTime = "1970-01-01 00:00:00", languageCode = "en" )
processZoomOutput( fileRoot, rosetta = TRUE, sessionStartDateTime = "1970-01-01 00:00:00", recordingStartDateTime = "1970-01-01 00:00:00", languageCode = "en" )
fileRoot |
string giving the path to the files and the root |
rosetta |
boolean to produce the rosetta file or not |
sessionStartDateTime |
string giving the start of the session in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
recordingStartDateTime |
string giving the start of the recording in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
languageCode |
string giving the language code |
a named list containing data.frames for each of the available files:
meetInfo - A single row with info for the meeting that is in the participants file. Columns provide information about the meeting from the Zoom Cloud recording site.
partInfo - Each row is a Zoom display name (with display name changes in parentheses). Columns provide information about participants from the Zoom Cloud recording site.
transcript - Each row is an utterance in the audio transcript. This is the output from processZoomTranscript.
chat - Each row is a message posted to the chat. This is the output from processZoomChat.
rosetta - Each row is a unique display name (within meeting) encountered in the batchInput. This is used to reconcile user identities.
zoomOut = processZoomOutput(fileRoot=file.path( system.file('extdata', package = 'zoomGroupStats'),"meeting001" ), rosetta=TRUE) ## Not run: zoomOut = processZoomOutput(fileRoot="~/zoomMeetings/myMeeting", rosetta=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
zoomOut = processZoomOutput(fileRoot=file.path( system.file('extdata', package = 'zoomGroupStats'),"meeting001" ), rosetta=TRUE) ## Not run: zoomOut = processZoomOutput(fileRoot="~/zoomMeetings/myMeeting", rosetta=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
This function parses the information from the downloadable meeting information file in Zooms reports section. The function presumes that you have checked the box to include the meeting information in the file. That means that there is a header (2 rows) containing the zoom meeting information. Following that header are four columns: Name of user, user email, total duration, and guest.
inputPath |
character |
list of two data.frames with parsed information from the downloadable Zoom participants file
meetInfo - provides the meeting level information that Zoom Cloud gives
partInfo - provides the participant level information that Zoom Cloud gives
partInfo = processZoomParticipantsInfo( system.file('extdata', "meeting001_participants.csv", package = 'zoomGroupStats') )
partInfo = processZoomParticipantsInfo( system.file('extdata', "meeting001_participants.csv", package = 'zoomGroupStats') )
Process Zoom transcript file
processZoomTranscript( fname, recordingStartDateTime = "1970-01-01 00:00:00", languageCode = "en" )
processZoomTranscript( fname, recordingStartDateTime = "1970-01-01 00:00:00", languageCode = "en" )
fname |
String that is the path to the exported Zoom .vtt transcript chat file |
recordingStartDateTime |
String that is the timestamp when the recording was started in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
languageCode |
String denoting the language |
data.frame where each record is an utterance in the transcript, with columns:
utteranceId - Numeric identifier for each utterance in the transcript
utteranceStartSeconds - number of seconds from the start of the recording when utterance began
utteranceStartTime - POSIXct timestamp of the start of the utterance, using recordingStartDateTime as the zero
utteranceEndSeconds - number of seconds from the start of the recording when utterance ended
utteranceEndTime - POSIXct timestamp of the end of the utterance, using recordingStartDateTime as the zero
utteranceTimeWindow - number of seconds that this utterance lasted
userName - Zoom display name of the person who spoke this utterance
utteranceMessage - transcribed spoken words of this utterance
utteranceLanguage - language code for this utterance
This function parses the data from the transcript file (.vtt) that is downloaded from the Zoom website. NOTE: This is the file that accompanies a recording to the cloud.
tr.out = processZoomTranscript( fname=system.file('extdata', 'meeting001_transcript.vtt', package = 'zoomGroupStats'), recordingStartDateTime = '2020-04-20 13:30:00', languageCode = 'en')
tr.out = processZoomTranscript( fname=system.file('extdata', 'meeting001_transcript.vtt', package = 'zoomGroupStats'), recordingStartDateTime = '2020-04-20 13:30:00', languageCode = 'en')
Parsed batch info file in a recorded 'Zoom' meeting
A data frame with 3 rows of 13 variables:
a character meeting identification variable
the prefix to the files for this particular meeting
binary indicating whether there is a participants file downloaded
binary indicating whether there is a transcript file downloaded
binary indicating whether there is a chat file downloaded
binary indicating whether there is a video file downloaded
start of the actual session as a character YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
start of the actual recording as a character YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
binary indicating whether there is a participants file already processed
binary indicating whether there is a transcript file already processed
binary indicating whether there is a chat file already processed
binary indicating whether there is a video file already processed
character giving the directory in which all files will be found
Parsed chat file in a 'Zoom' meeting
A data frame with 30 rows of 9 variables:
a character meeting identification variable
'Zoom' display name attached to this speaker
an incremented numeric identifier for a marked chat message
when the message was posted as the number of seconds from the start of the recording
timestamp for message
text of the message
language code of the message
character email address
numeric id of each speaker
Parsed chat file in a 'Zoom' meeting with sentiment analysis using AWS
A data frame with 10 rows of 14 variables:
a character meeting identification variable
an incremented numeric identifier for a marked chat message
'Zoom' display name attached to the messager
when the message was posted as the number of seconds from the start of the recording
timestamp for message
text of the message
language code of the message
character email address
numeric id of each speaker
character giving the sentiment classification of this text
probability that this text is mixed emotion
probability that this text is negative
probability that this text is neutral
probability that this text is positive
Parsed chat file in a 'Zoom' meeting with sentiment analysis using syuzhet
A data frame with 30 rows of 30 variables:
a character meeting identification variable
an incremented numeric identifier for a marked chat message
'Zoom' display name attached to the messager
when the message was posted as the number of seconds from the start of the recording
timestamp for message
text of the message
language code of the message
character email address
numeric id of each speaker
number of words in this utterance
number of anger words
number of anticipation words
number of disgust words
number of fear words
number of joy words
number of sadness words
number of surprise words
number of trust words
number of negative words
number of positive words
Parsed spoken language in a 'Zoom' meeting.
A data frame with 30 rows of 12 variables:
a character meeting identification variable
'Zoom' display name attached to this speaker
an incremented numeric identifier for a marked speech utterance
when the utterance started as the number of seconds from the start of the recording
timestamp for the start of the utterance
when the utterance ended as the number of seconds from the start of the recording
timestamp for the end of the utterance
duration of the utterance, in seconds
the text of the utterance
language code of the utterance
character email address
numeric id of each speaker
Parsed spoken language in a 'Zoom' meeting with AWS-based sentiment analysis.
A data frame with 30 rows of 17 variables:
a character meeting identification variable
an incremented numeric identifier for a marked speech utterance
'Zoom' display name attached to this speaker
when the utterance started as the number of seconds from the start of the recording
timestamp for the start of the utterance
when the utterance ended as the number of seconds from the start of the recording
timestamp for the end of the utterance
duration of the utterance, in seconds
the text of the utterance
language code of the utterance
character email address
numeric id of each speaker
character giving the sentiment classification of this text
probability that this text is mixed emotion
probability that this text is negative
probability that this text is neutral
probability that this text is positive
Parsed spoken language in a 'Zoom' meeting with syuzhet-based sentiment analysis.
A data frame with 30 rows of 23 variables:
a character meeting identification variable
an incremented numeric identifier for a marked speech utterance
'Zoom' display name attached to this speaker
when the utterance started as the number of seconds from the start of the recording
timestamp for the start of the utterance
when the utterance ended as the number of seconds from the start of the recording
timestamp for the end of the utterance
duration of the utterance, in seconds
the text of the utterance
language code of the utterance
character email address
numeric id of each speaker
number of words in this utterance
number of anger words
number of anticipation words
number of disgust words
number of fear words
number of joy words
number of sadness words
number of surprise words
number of trust words
number of negative words
number of positive words
This function takes in the output of one of the other functions (either processZoomChat or processZoomTranscript) and produces a set of conversation measures.
textConversationAnalysis( inputData, inputType, meetingId, speakerId, sentMethod = "none" )
textConversationAnalysis( inputData, inputType, meetingId, speakerId, sentMethod = "none" )
inputData |
data.frame that is the output of either processZoomChat or processZoomTranscript |
inputType |
string of either 'transcript' or 'chat' |
meetingId |
string giving the name of the variable with the meetingId |
speakerId |
string giving the name of the identifier for the individual who made this contribution |
sentMethod |
string giving the type of sentiment analysis to include, either 'aws' or 'syuzhet' |
A list of two data.frames, with names conditional on your choice to analyze a parsed transcript file or a parsed chat file. The first list item contains statistics at the corpus level. The second list item contains statistics at the speaker/messager level of analysis.
convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_transcript_processed, inputType='transcript', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="none") convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_transcript_sentiment_syu, inputType='transcript', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="syuzhet") convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_chat_sentiment_aws, inputType='chat', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="aws") ## Not run: convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_transcript_sentiment_aws, inputType='transcript', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="aws") convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_transcript_sentiment_syu, inputType='transcript', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="syuzhet") convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_chat_processed, inputType='chat', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="none") convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_chat_sentiment_aws, inputType='chat', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="aws") convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_chat_sentiment_syu, inputType='chat',meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="syuzhet") ## End(Not run)
convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_transcript_processed, inputType='transcript', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="none") convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_transcript_sentiment_syu, inputType='transcript', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="syuzhet") convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_chat_sentiment_aws, inputType='chat', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="aws") ## Not run: convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_transcript_sentiment_aws, inputType='transcript', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="aws") convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_transcript_sentiment_syu, inputType='transcript', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="syuzhet") convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_chat_processed, inputType='chat', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="none") convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_chat_sentiment_aws, inputType='chat', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="aws") convo.out = textConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_chat_sentiment_syu, inputType='chat',meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName', sentMethod="syuzhet") ## End(Not run)
This function takes in the output of the chat and transcript functions. It then conducts a sentiment analysis on an identified chunk of text and returns the values. To use the aws option, you must have an aws account that with privileges for the comprehend service However you authenticate for AWS, you should do so before running calling the function with this option in sentMethods
textSentiment( inputData, idVars, textVar, sentMethods, appendOut = FALSE, languageCodeVar )
textSentiment( inputData, idVars, textVar, sentMethods, appendOut = FALSE, languageCodeVar )
inputData |
data.frame that has been output by either the processZoomTranscript or processZoomChat functions |
idVars |
vector with the name of variables that give the unique identifiers for this piece of text. Usually this will be a the meeting id variable and the text id variable (e.g., utteranceId, messageId) |
textVar |
name of variable that contains the text |
sentMethods |
a vector specifying the types of sentiment analysis-currently either "aws" or "syuzhet" |
appendOut |
boolean indicating whether you want the sentiment results merged to the inputData in your output |
languageCodeVar |
name of variable that contains the language code |
returns a list containing as data.frames the output of the sentiment analyses that were requested in sentMethods. For each output data.frame, the first columns are the idVars specified to enable combining back with the original inputData
sent.out = textSentiment(inputData=sample_chat_processed, idVars=c('batchMeetingId', 'messageId'), textVar='message', sentMethods='syuzhet',appendOut=TRUE, languageCodeVar='messageLanguage') ## Not run: sent.out = textSentiment(inputData=sample_transcript_processed, idVars=c('batchMeetingId','utteranceId'), textVar='utteranceMessage', sentMethods=c('aws','syuzhet'), appendOut=TRUE, languageCodeVar='utteranceLanguage') ## End(Not run)
sent.out = textSentiment(inputData=sample_chat_processed, idVars=c('batchMeetingId', 'messageId'), textVar='message', sentMethods='syuzhet',appendOut=TRUE, languageCodeVar='messageLanguage') ## Not run: sent.out = textSentiment(inputData=sample_transcript_processed, idVars=c('batchMeetingId','utteranceId'), textVar='utteranceMessage', sentMethods=c('aws','syuzhet'), appendOut=TRUE, languageCodeVar='utteranceLanguage') ## End(Not run)
Generate a very basic analysis of the conversational turntaking in either a Zoom transcript or a Zoom chat file.
turnTaking(inputData, inputType, meetingId, speakerId)
turnTaking(inputData, inputType, meetingId, speakerId)
inputData |
data.frame output from either processZoomChat or processZoomTranscript |
inputType |
string of either 'chat' or 'transcript' |
meetingId |
string giving the name of the meeting identifier |
speakerId |
string giving the name of the variable with the identity of the speaker |
list of four data.frames giving different levels of analysis for turn taking:
rawTurn - This data.frame gives a dataset with a lagged column so that you could calculate custom metrics
aggTurnsDyad - This gives a dyad-level dataset so that you know whose speech patterns came before whose
aggTurnsSpeaker - This gives a speaker-level dataset with metrics that you could use to assess each given person's influence on the conversation
aggTurnsSpeaker_noself - This is a replication of the aggTurnsSpeaker dataset, but it excludes turns where a speaker self-follows (i.e., Speaker A => Speaker A)
turn.out = turnTaking(inputData=sample_transcript_processed, inputType='transcript', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName') turn.out = turnTaking(inputData=sample_chat_processed, inputType='chat', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName')
turn.out = turnTaking(inputData=sample_transcript_processed, inputType='transcript', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName') turn.out = turnTaking(inputData=sample_chat_processed, inputType='chat', meetingId='batchMeetingId', speakerId='userName')
Using this function you can analyze attributes of facial expressions within a video file. There are two ways to supply the video information. First, you can provide the actual video file. The function will then break it down into still frames using the grabVideoStills() function. Second, you can use the videoImageDirectory argument to give the location of a directory where images have been pre-saved.
videoFaceAnalysis( inputVideo, recordingStartDateTime, sampleWindow, facesCollectionID = NA, videoImageDirectory = NULL, grabVideoStills = FALSE, overWriteDir = FALSE )
videoFaceAnalysis( inputVideo, recordingStartDateTime, sampleWindow, facesCollectionID = NA, videoImageDirectory = NULL, grabVideoStills = FALSE, overWriteDir = FALSE )
inputVideo |
string path to the video file (ideal is gallery) |
recordingStartDateTime |
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS of the start of the recording |
sampleWindow |
Frame rate for the analysis |
facesCollectionID |
name of an 'AWS' collection with identified faces |
videoImageDirectory |
path to a directory that either contains image files or where you want to save image files |
grabVideoStills |
logical indicating whether you want the function to split the video file or not |
overWriteDir |
logical indicating whether to overwrite videoImageDirectory if it exists |
data.frame with one record for every face detected in each frame. For each face, there is an abundance of information from 'AWS Rekognition'. This output is quite detailed. Note that there will be a varying number of faces per sampled frame in the video. Imagine that you have sampled the meeting and had someone rate each person's face within that sampled moment.
## Not run: vid.out = videoFaceAnalysis(inputVideo="meeting001_video.mp4", recordingStartDateTime="2020-04-20 13:30:00", sampleWindow=1, facesCollectionID="group-r", videoImageDirectory="~/Documents/meetingImages", grabVideoStills=FALSE, overWriteDir=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: vid.out = videoFaceAnalysis(inputVideo="meeting001_video.mp4", recordingStartDateTime="2020-04-20 13:30:00", sampleWindow=1, facesCollectionID="group-r", videoImageDirectory="~/Documents/meetingImages", grabVideoStills=FALSE, overWriteDir=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
Run a windowed analysis on either a Zoom transcript or chat This function conducts a temporal window analysis on the conversation in either a Zoom transcript or chat. It replicates the textConversationAnalysis function across a set of windows at a window size specified by the user.
windowedTextConversationAnalysis( inputData, inputType, meetingId, speakerId, sentMethod = "none", timeVar = "automatic", windowSize )
windowedTextConversationAnalysis( inputData, inputType, meetingId, speakerId, sentMethod = "none", timeVar = "automatic", windowSize )
inputData |
data.frame output of either processZoomTranscript or processZoomChat |
inputType |
string of either 'chat' or 'transcript' |
meetingId |
string giving the column with the meeting identifier |
speakerId |
string giving the name of the identifier for the individual who made this contribution |
sentMethod |
string giving the type of sentiment analysis to include, either 'aws' or 'syuzhet' |
timeVar |
name of variable giving the time marker to be used. For transcript, either use 'utteranceStartSeconds' or 'utteranceEndSeconds'; for chat use 'messageTime' |
windowSize |
integer value of the duration of the window in number of seconds |
list with two data.frames. In the first (windowlevel), each row is a temporal window. In the second (speakerlevel), each row is a user's metrics within a given temporal window.
win.text.out = windowedTextConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_transcript_sentiment_aws, inputType="transcript", meetingId="batchMeetingId", speakerId="userName", sentMethod="aws", timeVar="utteranceStartSeconds", windowSize=600)
win.text.out = windowedTextConversationAnalysis(inputData=sample_transcript_sentiment_aws, inputType="transcript", meetingId="batchMeetingId", speakerId="userName", sentMethod="aws", timeVar="utteranceStartSeconds", windowSize=600)