Package 'usedthese'

Title: Summarises Package & Function Usage
Description: Consistent with 'knitr' syntax highlighting, 'usedthese' adds a summary table of package & function usage to a Quarto document and enables aggregation of usage across a website.
Authors: Carl Goodwin [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Carl Goodwin <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.5.0
Built: 2024-09-25 06:21:53 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Summarise function usage in a single document



Consistent with knitr syntax highlighting, used_here() adds a summary table of R package & function usage to a knitted Quarto or R Markdown document


used_here(fil = current_input())



If the usage summary is required in the document you are currently knitting, then no argument need be specified.

If you want to create a summary by running just the code chunk, then it is necessary to specify the quoted name of the saved file. You should first load and attach the packages used in a fresh R session.


If the rendered summary includes rows where the package name is multiple packages separated by a comma, this will be due to an unresolved conflict. The recommended approach is to use the 'conflicted' package.


A printed kable table with the css class "usedthese"


# Simple example which mimics a two-line script and creates
# an html table with a CSS class "usedthese"
usedthese::used_here("mean(c(1, 2, 3))\nsum(c(1, 2, 3))")

Scrape the summaries for site-wide analysis



Harvests and consolidates function usage tables from pages of a Quarto website by searching for tables with the CSS class "usedthese"


used_there(url, num_links = 30)



The url to the website listing page of posts containing usage tables created with used_here()


The number of links returned from the listing page may be restricted using this argument.


A tibble summarising package & function usage


# Uses a Quarto listing url to scrape & consolidate usage
used_there("", 1)