Package 'unmarked'

Title: Models for Data from Unmarked Animals
Description: Fits hierarchical models of animal abundance and occurrence to data collected using survey methods such as point counts, site occupancy sampling, distance sampling, removal sampling, and double observer sampling. Parameters governing the state and observation processes can be modeled as functions of covariates. References: Kellner et al. (2023) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.14123>, Fiske and Chandler (2011) <doi:10.18637/jss.v043.i10>.
Authors: Richard Chandler [aut], Ken Kellner [cre, aut], Ian Fiske [aut], David Miller [aut], Andy Royle [aut], Jeff Hostetler [aut], Rebecca Hutchinson [aut], Adam Smith [aut], Lea Pautrel [aut], Marc Kery [ctb], Mike Meredith [ctb], Auriel Fournier [ctb], Ariel Muldoon [ctb], Chris Baker [ctb]
Maintainer: Ken Kellner <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 1.4.3
Built: 2024-10-02 06:41:43 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Models for Data from Unmarked Animals


Fits hierarchical models of animal occurrence and abundance to data collected on species that may be detected imperfectly. Models include single- and multi-season site occupancy models, binomial N-mixture models, and multinomial N-mixture models. The data can arise from survey methods such as occurrence sampling, temporally replicated counts, removal sampling, double observer sampling, and distance sampling. Parameters governing the state and observation processes can be modeled as functions of covariates. General treatment of these models can be found in MacKenzie et al. (2006) and Royle and Dorazio (2008). The primary reference for the package is Fiske and Chandler (2011).


Overview of Model-fitting Functions:

occu fits occurrence models with no linkage between abundance and detection (MacKenzie et al. 2002).

occuRN fits abundance models to presence/absence data by exploiting the link between detection probability and abundance (Royle and Nichols 2003).

occuFP fits occupancy models to data characterized by false negatives and false positive detections (e.g., Royle and Link [2006] and Miller et al. [2011]).

occuMulti fits multi-species occupancy model of Rota et al. [2016].

colext fits the mutli-season occupancy model of MacKenzie et al. (2003).

pcount fits N-mixture models (aka binomial mixture models) to repeated count data (Royle 2004a, Kery et al 2005).

distsamp fits the distance sampling model of Royle et al. (2004) to distance data recorded in discrete intervals.

gdistsamp fits the generalized distance sampling model described by Chandler et al. (2011) to distance data recorded in discrete intervals.

gpcount fits the generalized N-mixture model described by Chandler et al. (2011) to repeated count data collected using the robust design.

multinomPois fits the multinomial-Poisson model of Royle (2004b) to data collected using methods such as removal sampling or double observer sampling.

gmultmix fits a generalized form of the multinomial-mixture model of Royle (2004b) that allows for estimating availability and detection probability.

pcountOpen fits the open population model of Dail and Madsen (2011) to repeated count data. This is a genearlized form of the Royle (2004a) N-mixture model that includes parameters for recruitment and apparent survival.

Data: All data are passed to unmarked's estimation functions as a formal S4 class called an unmarkedFrame, which has child classes for each model type. This allows metadata (eg as distance interval cut points, measurement units, etc...) to be stored with the response and covariate data. See unmarkedFrame for a detailed description of unmarkedFrames and how to create them.

Model Specification: unmarked's model-fitting functions allow specification of covariates for both the state process and the detection process. For two-level hierarchical models, (eg occu, occuRN, pcount, multinomPois, distsamp) covariates for the detection process (at the site or observation level) and the state process (at the site level) are specified with a double right-hand sided formula, in that order. Such a formula looks like

 x1+x2++xn x1+x2++xn~ x1 + x2 + \ldots + x_n ~ x_1 + x_2 + \ldots + x_n

where x1x_1 through xnx_n are additive covariates of the process of interest. Using two tildes in a single formula differs from standard R convention, but it is informative about the model being fit. The meaning of these covariates, or what they model, is full described in the help files for the individual functions and is not the same for all functions. For models with more than two processes (eg colext, gmultmix, pcountOpen), single right-hand sided formulas (only one tilde) are used to model each parameter.

Utility Functions: unmarked contains several utility functions for organizing data into the form required by its model-fitting functions. csvToUMF converts an appropriately formated comma-separated values (.csv) file to a list containing the components required by model-fitting functions.


Ian Fiske, Richard Chandler, Andy Royle, Marc Kery, David Miller, and Rebecca Hutchinson


Chandler, R. B., J. A. Royle, and D. I. King. 2011. Inference about density and temporary emigration in unmarked populations. Ecology 92:1429-1435.

Dail, D. and L. Madsen. 2011. Models for estimating abundance from repeated counts of an open metapopulation. Biometrics 67:577-587.

Fiske, I. and R. B. Chandler. 2011. unmarked: An R package for fitting hierarchical models of wildlife occurrence and abundance. Journal of Statistical Software 43:1–23.

Kery, M., Royle, J. A., and Schmid, H. 2005 Modeling avian abundance from replicated counts using binomial mixture models. Ecological Applications 15:1450–1461.

MacKenzie, D. I., J. D. Nichols, G. B. Lachman, S. Droege, J. A. Royle, and C. A. Langtimm. 2002. Estimating site occupancy rates when detection probabilities are less than one. Ecology 83: 2248–2255.

MacKenzie, D. I., J. D. Nichols, J. E. Hines, M. G. Knutson, and A. B. Franklin. 2003. Estimating site occupancy, colonization, and local extinction when a species is detected imperfectly. Ecology 84:2200–2207.

MacKenzie, D. I., J. D. Nichols, J. A. Royle, K. H. Pollock, L. L. Bailey, and J. E. Hines. 2006. Occupancy Estimation and Modeling. Amsterdam: Academic Press.

Miller, D.A., J.D. Nichols, B.T. McClintock, E.H.C. Grant, L.L. Bailey, and L.A. Weir. 2011. Improving occupancy estimation when two types of observational error occur: non-detection and species misidentification. Ecology 92:1422-1428.

Rota, C.T., et al. 2016. A multi-species occupancy model for two or more interacting species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7: 1164-1173.

Royle, J. A. 2004a. N-Mixture models for estimating population size from spatially replicated counts. Biometrics 60:108–105.

Royle, J. A. 2004b. Generalized estimators of avian abundance from count survey data. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27:375–386.

Royle, J. A., D. K. Dawson, and S. Bates. 2004. Modeling abundance effects in distance sampling. Ecology 85:1591–1597.

Royle, J. A., and R. M. Dorazio. 2006. Hierarchical models of animal abundance and occurrence. Journal Of Agricultural Biological And Environmental Statistics 11:249–263.

Royle, J.A., and W.A. Link. 2006. Generalized site occupancy models allowing for false positive and false negative errors. Ecology 87:835-841.

Royle, J. A. and R. M. Dorazio. 2008. Hierarchical Modeling and Inference in Ecology. Academic Press.

Royle, J. A. and J. D. Nichols. 2003. Estimating Abundance from Repeated Presence-Absence Data or Point Counts. Ecology, 84:777–790.

Sillett, S. and Chandler, R.B. and Royle, J.A. and Kery, M. and Morrison, S.A. In Press. Hierarchical distance sampling models to estimate population size and habitat-specific abundance of an island endemic. Ecological Applications


## An example site-occupancy analysis

# Simulate occupancy data
nSites <- 100
nReps <- 5
covariates <- data.frame(veght=rnorm(nSites),
    habitat=factor(c(rep('A', 50), rep('B', 50))))

psipars <- c(-1, 1, -1)
ppars <- c(1, -1, 0)
X <- model.matrix(~veght+habitat, covariates) # design matrix
psi <- plogis(X %*% psipars)
p <- plogis(X %*% ppars)

y <- matrix(NA, nSites, nReps)
z <- rbinom(nSites, 1, psi)       # true occupancy state
for(i in 1:nSites) {
    y[i,] <- rbinom(nReps, 1, z[i]*p[i])

# Organize data and look at it
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = y, siteCovs = covariates)

# Fit some models
fm1 <- occu(~1 ~1, umf)
fm2 <- occu(~veght+habitat ~veght+habitat, umf)
fm3 <- occu(~veght ~veght+habitat, umf)

# Model selection
fms <- fitList(m1=fm1, m2=fm2, m3=fm3)

# Empirical Bayes estimates of the number of sites occupied
sum(bup(ranef(fm3), stat="mode"))     # Sum of posterior modes
sum(z)                                # Actual

# Model-averaged prediction and plots

# psi in each habitat type
newdata1 <- data.frame(habitat=c('A', 'B'), veght=0)
Epsi1 <- predict(fms, type="state", newdata=newdata1)
with(Epsi1, {
    plot(1:2, Predicted, xaxt="n", xlim=c(0.5, 2.5), ylim=c(0, 0.5),
        ylab=expression(paste("Probability of occurrence (", psi, ")")),
        pch=16, cex=1.5)
    axis(1, 1:2, c('A', 'B'))
    arrows(1:2, Predicted-SE, 1:2, Predicted+SE, angle=90, code=3, length=0.05)

# psi and p as functions of vegetation height
newdata2 <- data.frame(habitat=factor('A', levels=c('A','B')),
    veght=seq(-2, 2, length=50))
Epsi2 <- predict(fms, type="state", newdata=newdata2, appendData=TRUE)
Ep <- predict(fms, type="det", newdata=newdata2, appendData=TRUE)

op <- par(mfrow=c(2, 1), mai=c(0.9, 0.8, 0.2, 0.2))
plot(Predicted~veght, Epsi2, type="l", lwd=2, ylim=c(0,1),
    xlab="Vegetation height (standardized)",
    ylab=expression(paste("Probability of occurrence (", psi, ")")))
    lines(lower ~ veght, Epsi2, col=gray(0.7))
    lines(upper ~ veght, Epsi2, col=gray(0.7))
plot(Predicted~veght, Ep, type="l", lwd=2, ylim=c(0,1),
    xlab="Vegetation height (standardized)",
    ylab=expression(paste("Detection probability (", italic(p), ")")))
lines(lower~veght, Ep, col=gray(0.7))
lines(upper~veght, Ep, col=gray(0.7))

Methods for bracket extraction [ in Package ‘unmarked’


Methods for bracket extraction [ in Package ‘unmarked’


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedEstimateList,ANY,ANY,ANY'
x[i, j, drop]
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFit,ANY,ANY,ANY'
x[i, j, drop]
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFrame,numeric,numeric,missing'
x[i, j]
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFrame,list,missing,missing'
x[i, j]
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedMultFrame,missing,numeric,missing'
x[i, j]
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedMultFrame,numeric,missing,missing'
x[i, j]
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFrameGMM,numeric,missing,missing'
x[i, j]
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFrameGDS,numeric,missing,missing'
x[i, j]
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFramePCO,numeric,missing,missing'
x[i, j]



Object of appropriate S4 class


Row numbers


Observation numbers (eg occasions, distance classes, etc...)


Not currently used


x = "unmarkedEstimateList", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", drop = "ANY"

Extract a unmarkedEstimate object from an unmarkedEstimateList by name (either 'det' or 'state')

x = "unmarkedFit", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", drop = "ANY"

Extract a unmarkedEstimate object from an unmarkedFit by name (either 'det' or 'state')

x = "unmarkedFrame", i = "missing", j = "numeric", drop = "missing"

Extract observations from an unmarkedFrame.

x = "unmarkedFrame", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "missing"

Extract rows from an unmarkedFrame

x = "unmarkedFrame", i = "numeric", j = "numeric", drop = "missing"

Extract rows and observations from an unmarkedFrame

x = "unmarkedMultFrame", i = "missing", j = "numeric", drop = "missing"

Extract primary sampling periods from an unmarkedMultFrame

x = "unmarkedFrame", i = "list", j = "missing", drop = "missing"

List is the index of observations to subset for each site.

x = "unmarkedMultFrame", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "missing"

Extract rows (sites) from an unmarkedMultFrame

x = "unmarkedGMM", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "missing"

Extract rows (sites) from an unmarkedFrameGMM object

x = "unmarkedGDS", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "missing"

Extract rows (sites) from an unmarkedFrameGDS object

x = "unmarkedPCO", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "missing"

Extract rows (sites) from an unmarkedFramePCO object


mallardUMF <- unmarkedFramePCount(mallard.y, siteCovs =,
	obsCovs = mallard.obs)

mallardUMF[1:5, 1:2]

Methods for Function backTransform in Package ‘unmarked’


Methods for function backTransform in Package ‘unmarked’. This converts from link-scale to original-scale


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFit'
backTransform(obj, type)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedEstimate'



Object of appropriate S4 class


one of names(obj), eg 'state' or 'det'


obj = "unmarkedEstimate"

Typically done internally

obj = "unmarkedFit"

Back-transform a parameter from a fitted model. Only possible if no covariates are present. Must specify argument type as one of the values returned by names(obj).

obj = "unmarkedLinComb"

Back-transform a predicted value created by linearComb. This is done internally by predict but can be done explicitly by user.


## Not run: 

mallardUMF <- unmarkedFramePCount(mallard.y, siteCovs =, 
    obsCovs = mallard.obs)

(fm <- pcount(~ 1 ~ forest, mallardUMF))    # Fit a model
backTransform(fm, type="det")               # This works because there are no detection covariates
#backTransform(fm, type="state")             # This doesn't work because covariates are present
lc <- linearComb(fm, c(1, 0), type="state") # Estimate abundance on the log scale when forest=0
backTransform(lc)                           # Abundance on the original scale

## End(Not run)

BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species


Data frames for 2 species from the breeding bird survey (BBS). Each data frame has a row for each site and columns for each sampling event. There is a point count and occurrence–designated by .bin– version for each species.





A data frame of point count observations for the catbird.


A data frame of occurrence observations for the catbird.


A data frame of point count observations for the wood thrush.


A data frame of point count observations for the wood thrush.


Royle J. N-mixture models for estimating population size from spatially replicated counts. Biometrics. 2004. 60(1):108–115.



Methods for Function coef in Package ‘unmarked’


Extract coefficients


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFit'
coef(object, type, altNames = TRUE, fixedOnly=TRUE)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedEstimate'
coef(object, altNames = TRUE, fixedOnly=TRUE, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'linCombOrBackTrans'



Object of appropriate S4 class


Either 'state' or 'det'


Return specific names for parameter estimates?


Return only fixed effect parameters?


Further arguments. Not currently used


A named numeric vector of parameter estimates.


object = "linCombOrBackTrans"

Object from linearComb

object = "unmarkedEstimate"

unmarkedEstimate object

object = "unmarkedFit"

Fitted model

Fit the dynamic occupancy model of MacKenzie et. al (2003)


Estimate parameters of the colonization-extinction model, including covariate-dependent rates and detection process.


colext(psiformula= ~1, gammaformula =  ~ 1, epsilonformula = ~ 1,
    pformula = ~ 1, data, starts, method="BFGS", se=TRUE, ...)



Right-hand sided formula for the initial probability of occupancy at each site.


Right-hand sided formula for colonization probability.


Right-hand sided formula for extinction probability.


Right-hand sided formula for detection probability.


unmarkedMultFrame object that supplies the data (see unmarkedMultFrame).


optionally, initial values for parameters in the optimization.


Optimization method used by optim.


logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


This function fits the colonization-extinction model of MacKenzie et al (2003). The colonization and extinction rates can be modeled with covariates that vary yearly at each site using a logit link. These covariates are supplied by special unmarkedMultFrame yearlySiteCovs slot. These parameters are specified using the gammaformula and epsilonformula arguments. The initial probability of occupancy is modeled by covariates specified in the psiformula.

The conditional detection rate can also be modeled as a function of covariates that vary at the secondary sampling period (ie., repeat visits). These covariates are specified by the first part of the formula argument and the data is supplied via the usual obsCovs slot.

The projected and smoothed trajectories (Weir et al 2009) can be obtained from the smoothed.mean and projected.mean slots (see examples).


unmarkedFitColExt object describing model fit.


MacKenzie, D.I. et al. (2002) Estimating Site Occupancy Rates When Detection Probabilities Are Less Than One. Ecology, 83(8), 2248-2255.

MacKenzie, D. I., J. D. Nichols, J. E. Hines, M. G. Knutson, and A. B. Franklin. 2003. Estimating site occupancy, colonization, and local extinction when a species is detected imperfectly. Ecology 84:2200–2207.

MacKenzie, D. I. et al. (2006) Occupancy Estimation and Modeling.Amsterdam: Academic Press.

Weir L. A., Fiske I. J., Royle J. (2009) Trends in Anuran Occupancy from Northeastern States of the North American Amphibian Monitoring Program. Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 4(3):389-402.

See Also

nonparboot, unmarkedMultFrame, and formatMult


# Fake data
R <- 4 # number of sites
J <- 3 # number of secondary sampling occasions
T <- 2 # number of primary periods

y <- matrix(c(
   1,1,0,  0,0,0,
   0,0,0,  0,0,0,
   1,1,1,  1,1,0,
   1,0,1,  0,0,1), nrow=R, ncol=J*T, byrow=TRUE)

site.covs <- data.frame(x1=1:4, x2=factor(c('A','B','A','B')))
site.covs <- list(
   year = matrix(c(
      'year1', 'year2',
      'year1', 'year2',
      'year1', 'year2',
      'year1', 'year2'), nrow=R, ncol=T, byrow=TRUE)

obs.covs <- list(
   x4 = matrix(c(
      -1,0,1,  -1,1,1,
      -2,0,0,  0,0,2,
      -3,1,0,  1,1,2,
      0,0,0,   0,1,-1), nrow=R, ncol=J*T, byrow=TRUE),
   x5 = matrix(c(
      'a','b','c',  'a','b','c',
      'd','b','a',  'd','b','a',
      'a','a','c',  'd','b','a',
      'a','b','a',  'd','b','a'), nrow=R, ncol=J*T, byrow=TRUE))

umf <- unmarkedMultFrame(y=y, siteCovs=site.covs,, obsCovs=obs.covs,
    numPrimary=2)                  # organize data
umf                                # look at data
summary(umf)                       # summarize
fm <- colext(~1, ~1, ~1, ~1, umf)  # fit a model

## Not run: 
# Real data
umf <- formatMult(masspcru)
obsCovs(umf) <- scale(obsCovs(umf))

## Use 1/4 of data just for run speed in example
umf <- umf[which((1:numSites(umf)) %% 4 == 0),]

## constant transition rates
(fm <- colext(psiformula = ~ 1,
gammaformula = ~ 1,
epsilonformula = ~ 1,
pformula = ~ JulianDate + I(JulianDate^2), umf, control = list(trace=1, maxit=1e4)))

## get the trajectory estimates

# Empirical Bayes estimates of number of sites occupied in each year
re <- ranef(fm)
modes <- colSums(bup(re, stat="mode"))
plot(1:7, modes, xlab="Year", ylab="Sites occupied", ylim=c(0, 70))

## Find bootstrap standard errors for smoothed trajectory
fm <- nonparboot(fm, B = 100)  # This takes a while!

## try yearly transition rates
yearlySiteCovs(umf) <- data.frame(year = factor(rep(1:7, numSites(umf))))
(fm.yearly <- colext(psiformula = ~ 1,
gammaformula = ~ year,
epsilonformula = ~ year,
pformula = ~ JulianDate + I(JulianDate^2), umf,
	control = list(trace=1, maxit=1e4)))

## End(Not run)

Compute the penalty weight for the MPLE penalized likelihood method


This function computes the weight for the MPLE penalty of Moreno & Lele (2010).


computeMPLElambda(formula, data, knownOcc=numeric(0), starts,
method="BFGS",engine=c("C", "R"))



Double right-hand side formula describing covariates of detection and occupancy in that order.


An unmarkedFrameOccu object


Vector of sites that are known to be occupied. These should be supplied as row numbers of the y matrix, eg, c(3,8) if sites 3 and 8 were known to be occupied a priori.


Vector of parameter starting values.


Optimization method used by optim.


Either "C" or "R" to use fast C++ code or native R code during the optimization.


See occuPEN for details and examples.


The computed lambda.


Rebecca A. Hutchinson


Moreno, M. and S. R. Lele. 2010. Improved estimation of site occupancy using penalized likelihood. Ecology 91: 341-346.

See Also

unmarked, unmarkedFrameOccu, occu, occuPEN, occuPEN_CV, nonparboot

Methods for Function confint in Package ‘unmarked’


Methods for function confint in Package ‘unmarked’


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedBackTrans'
confint(object, parm, level)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedEstimate'
confint(object, parm, level)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedLinComb'
confint(object, parm, level)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFit'
confint(object, parm, level, type, method)



Object of appropriate S4 class


Name of parameter(s) of interest


Level of confidence


Either "state" or "det"


Either "normal" or "profile"


A vector of lower and upper confidence intervals. These are asymtotic unless method='profile' is used on unmarkedFit objects in which case they are profile likelihood intervals.

See Also


Detection/non-detection data on the European crossbill (Loxia curvirostra)


267 1-kmsq quadrats were surveyed 3 times per year during 1999-2007.




A data frame with 267 observations on the following 58 variables.


Plot ID




Percent forest cover


a numeric vector


Detection data for 1999, survey 1


Detection data for 1999, survey 2


Detection data for 1999, survey 3


Detection data for 2000, survey 1


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


Detection data for 2006, survey 3


Detection data for 2007, survey 1


Detection data for 2007, survey 2


Detection data for 2007, survey 3


Day of the season for 1999, survey 1


Day of the season for 1999, survey 2


Day of the season for 1999, survey 3


Day of the season for 2000, survey 1


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


Day of the season for 2007, survey 3


Schmid, H. N. Zbinden, and V. Keller. 2004. Uberwachung der Bestandsentwicklung haufiger Brutvogel in der Schweiz, Swiss Ornithological Institute Sempach Switzerland

See Also

Switzerland for corresponding covariate data defined for all 1-kmsq pixels in Switzerland. Useful for making species distribution maps.



Cross-validation methods for fitted unmarked models and fit lists


Test predictive accuracy of fitted models using several cross-validation approaches. The dataset is divided by site only into folds or testing and training datasets (i.e., encounter histories within sites are never split up).


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFit'
  object, method=c("Kfold","holdout","leaveOneOut"),
  folds=10, holdoutPct=0.25, statistic=RMSE_MAE, parallel=FALSE, ncores, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFitList'
  object, method=c("Kfold","holdout","leaveOneOut"),
  folds=10, holdoutPct=0.25, statistic=RMSE_MAE, parallel=FALSE, ncores, 
  sort = c("none", "increasing", "decreasing"), ...)



A fitted model inheriting class unmarkedFit or a list of fitted models with class unmarkedFitList


Cross validation method to use as string. Valid options are "Kfold", "holdout", or "leaveOneOut"


Number of folds to use for k-fold cross validation


Proportion of dataset (value between 0-1) to use as the "holdout" or "test" set, for the holdout method


Function that calculates statistics for each fold. The function must take an unmarkedFit object as the first argument and return a named numeric vector with statistic value(s). The default function RMSE_MAE returns root-mean-square error and mean absolute error. See unmarked:::RMSE_MAE for an example of correct statistic function structure.


If TRUE, run folds in parallel. This may speed up cross-validation if the unmarked model takes a long time to fit or you have a large number of sites and are using leave-one-out cross-validation.


Number of parallel cores to use.


If doing cross-validation on a fitList, you can optionally sort the resulting table(s) of statistic values for each model.


Other arguments passed to the statistic function.


unmarkedCrossVal or unmarkedCrossValList object containing calculated statistic values for each fold.


Ken Kellner [email protected]

See Also

fitList, unmarkedFit


## Not run: 
#Get data
pferUMF <- unmarkedFrameOccu(pfer.bin)
siteCovs(pferUMF) <- data.frame(sitevar1 = rnorm(numSites(pferUMF)))    
obsCovs(pferUMF) <- data.frame(obsvar1 = rnorm(numSites(pferUMF) * obsNum(pferUMF)))

#Fit occupancy model
fm <- occu(~ obsvar1 ~ 1, pferUMF)

#k-fold cross validation with 10 folds
(kfold = crossVal(fm, method="Kfold", folds=10))

#holdout method with 25
(holdout = crossVal(fm,method='holdout', holdoutPct=0.25))

#Leave-one-out method
(leave = crossVal(fm, method='leaveOneOut'))

#Fit a second model and combine into a fitList
fm2 <- occu(~1 ~1, pferUMF)
fl <- fitList(fm2,fm)

#Cross-validation for all fits in fitList using holdout method
(cvlist <- crossVal(fl, method='holdout'))

## End(Not run)

Landscape data for Santa Cruz Island


Spatially-referenced elevation, forest cover, and vegetation data for Santa Cruz Island.




A data frame with 2787 observations on the following 5 variables.


Easting (meters)


Northing (meters)


a numeric vector, FEET (multiply by 0.3048 to convert to meters)


a numeric vector, proportion cover


a numeric vector, proportion cover


The resolution is 300x300 meters.

The Coordinate system is EPSG number 26911

NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_11N Projection: Transverse_Mercator False_Easting: 500000.000000 False_Northing: 0.000000 Central_Meridian: -117.000000 Scale_Factor: 0.999600 Latitude_Of_Origin: 0.000000 Linear Unit: Meter GCS_North_American_1983 Datum: D_North_American_1983


Brian Cohen of the Nature Conservancy helped prepare the data


Sillett, S. and Chandler, R.B. and Royle, J.A. and Kery, M. and Morrison, S.A. In Press. Hierarchical distance sampling models to estimate population size and habitat-specific abundance of an island endemic. Ecological Applications


## Not run: 

levelplot(elevation ~ x + y, cruz, aspect="iso",

if(require(raster)) {
elev <- rasterFromXYZ(cruz[,1:3],
     crs="+proj=utm +zone=11 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs")

## End(Not run)

Convert .CSV File to an unmarkedFrame


This function converts an appropriatedly formated comma-separated values file (.csv) to a format usable by unmarked's fitting functions (see Details).


csvToUMF(filename, long=FALSE, type, species, ...)



string describing filename of file to read in


FALSE if file is in long format or TRUE if file is in long format (see Details)


if data is in long format with multiple species, then this can specify a particular species to extract if there is a column named "species".


specific type of unmarkedFrame.


further arguments to be passed to the unmarkedFrame constructor.


This function provides a quick way to take a .csv file with headers named as described below and provides the data required and returns of data in the format required by the model-fitting functions in unmarked. The .csv file can be in one of 2 formats: long or wide. See the first 2 lines of the examples for what these formats look like.

The .csv file is formatted as follows:

  • col 1 is site labels.

  • if data is in long format, col 2 is date of observation.

  • next J columns are the observations (y) - counts or 0/1's.

  • next is a series of columns for the site variables (one column per variable). The column header is the variable name.

  • next is a series of columns for the observation-level variables. These are in sets of J columns for each variable, e.g., var1-1 var1-2 var1-3 var2-1 var2-2 var2-3, etc. The column header of the first variable in each group must indicate the variable name.


an unmarkedFrame object


Ian Fiske [email protected]


# examine a correctly formatted long .csv
head(read.csv(system.file("csv","frog2001pcru.csv", package="unmarked")))

# examine a correctly formatted wide .csv
head(read.csv(system.file("csv","widewt.csv", package="unmarked")))

# convert them!
dat1 <- csvToUMF(system.file("csv","frog2001pcru.csv", package="unmarked"),
                 long = TRUE, type = "unmarkedFrameOccu")
dat2 <- csvToUMF(system.file("csv","frog2001pfer.csv", package="unmarked"),
                 long = TRUE, type = "unmarkedFrameOccu")
dat3 <- csvToUMF(system.file("csv","widewt.csv", package="unmarked"),
                 long = FALSE, type = "unmarkedFrameOccu")

Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions


These functions represent the currently available detection functions used for modeling line and point transect data with distsamp. Detection functions begin with "g", and density functions begin with a "d".


gxhn(x, sigma)
gxexp(x, rate)
gxhaz(x, shape, scale)

dxhn(x, sigma)
dxexp(x, rate)
dxhaz(x, shape, scale)
drhn(r, sigma)
drexp(r, rate)
drhaz(r, shape, scale)



Perpendicular distance


Radial distance


Shape parameter of half-normal detection function


Shape parameter of negative-exponential detection function


Shape parameter of hazard-rate detection function


Scale parameter of hazard-rate detection function

See Also

distsamp for example of using these for plotting detection function


# Detection probabilities at 25m for range of half-normal sigma values.
round(gxhn(25, 10:15), 2)

# Plot negative exponential distributions
plot(function(x) gxexp(x, rate=10), 0, 50, xlab="distance",
    ylab="Detection probability")
plot(function(x) gxexp(x, rate=20), 0, 50, add=TRUE, lty=2)
plot(function(x) gxexp(x, rate=30), 0, 50, add=TRUE, lty=3)

# Plot half-normal probability density functions for line- and point-transects
par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
plot(function(x) dxhn(x, 20), 0, 50, xlab="distance",
    ylab="Probability density", main="Line-transect")
plot(function(x) drhn(x, 20), 0, 50, xlab="distance",
    ylab="Probability density", main="Point-transect")

Fit the hierarchical distance sampling model of Royle et al. (2004)


Fit the hierarchical distance sampling model of Royle et al. (2004) to line or point transect data recorded in discrete distance intervals.


distsamp(formula, data, keyfun=c("halfnorm", "exp",
  "hazard", "uniform"), output=c("density", "abund"),
  unitsOut=c("ha", "kmsq"), starts, method="BFGS", se=TRUE,
  engine=c("C", "R", "TMB"), rel.tol=0.001, ...)



Double right-hand formula describing detection covariates followed by abundance covariates. ~1 ~1 would be a null model.


object of class unmarkedFrameDS, containing response matrix, covariates, distance interval cut points, survey type ("line" or "point"), transect lengths (for survey = "line"), and units ("m" or "km") for cut points and transect lengths. See example for set up.


One of the following detection functions: "halfnorm", "hazard", "exp", or "uniform." See details.


Model either "density" or "abund"


Units of density. Either "ha" or "kmsq" for hectares and square kilometers, respectively.


Vector of starting values for parameters.


Optimization method used by optim.


logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.


Use code written in C++ or R


Requested relative accuracy of the integral, see integrate


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


Unlike conventional distance sampling, which uses the 'conditional on detection' likelihood formulation, this model is based upon the unconditional likelihood and allows for modeling both abundance and detection function parameters.

The latent transect-level abundance distribution f(Nθ)f(N | \mathbf{\theta}) assumed to be Poisson with mean λ\lambda (but see gdistsamp for alternatives).

The detection process is modeled as multinomial: yijMultinomial(Ni,πij)y_{ij} \sim Multinomial(N_i, \pi_{ij}), where πij\pi_{ij} is the multinomial cell probability for transect i in distance class j. These are computed based upon a detection function g(xσ)g(x | \mathbf{\sigma}), such as the half-normal, negative exponential, or hazard rate.

Parameters λ\lambda and σ\sigma can be vectors affected by transect-specific covariates using the log link.


unmarkedFitDS object (child class of unmarkedFit-class) describing the model fit.


You cannot use obsCovs.


Richard Chandler [email protected]


Royle, J. A., D. K. Dawson, and S. Bates (2004) Modeling abundance effects in distance sampling. Ecology 85, pp. 1591-1597.

Sillett, S. and Chandler, R.B. and Royle, J.A. and Kery, M. and Morrison, S.A. In Press. Hierarchical distance sampling models to estimate population size and habitat-specific abundance of an island endemic. Ecological Applications

See Also

unmarkedFrameDS, unmarkedFit-class fitList, formatDistData, parboot, sight2perpdist, detFuns, gdistsamp, ranef. Also look at vignette("distsamp").


## Line transect examples


ltUMF <- with(linetran, {
   unmarkedFrameDS(y = cbind(dc1, dc2, dc3, dc4),
   siteCovs = data.frame(Length, area, habitat),
   dist.breaks = c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20),
   tlength = linetran$Length * 1000, survey = "line", unitsIn = "m")


# Half-normal detection function. Density output (log scale). No covariates.
(fm1 <- distsamp(~ 1 ~ 1, ltUMF))

# Some methods to use on fitted model
backTransform(fm1, type="state")                # animals / ha
exp(coef(fm1, type="state", altNames=TRUE))     # same
backTransform(fm1, type="det")                  # half-normal SD
hist(fm1, xlab="Distance (m)")	# Only works when there are no det covars
# Empirical Bayes estimates of posterior distribution for N_i
plot(ranef(fm1, K=50))

# Effective strip half-width
(eshw <- integrate(gxhn, 0, 20, sigma=10.9)$value)

# Detection probability
eshw / 20 # 20 is strip-width

# Halfnormal. Covariates affecting both density and and detection.
(fm2 <- distsamp(~area + habitat ~ habitat, ltUMF))

# Hazard-rate detection function.
(fm3 <- distsamp(~ 1 ~ 1, ltUMF, keyfun="hazard"))

# Plot detection function.
fmhz.shape <- exp(coef(fm3, type="det"))
fmhz.scale <- exp(coef(fm3, type="scale"))
plot(function(x) gxhaz(x, shape=fmhz.shape, scale=fmhz.scale), 0, 25,
	xlab="Distance (m)", ylab="Detection probability")

## Point transect examples

# Analysis of the Island Scrub-jay data.
# See Sillett et al. (In press)


jayumf <- unmarkedFrameDS(y=as.matrix(issj[,1:3]),
 dist.breaks=c(0,100,200,300), unitsIn="m", survey="point")

(fm1jay <- distsamp(~chaparral ~chaparral, jayumf))

## Not run: 


ptUMF <- with(pointtran, {
	unmarkedFrameDS(y = cbind(dc1, dc2, dc3, dc4, dc5),
	siteCovs = data.frame(area, habitat),
	dist.breaks = seq(0, 25, by=5), survey = "point", unitsIn = "m")

# Half-normal.
(fmp1 <- distsamp(~ 1 ~ 1, ptUMF))
hist(fmp1, ylim=c(0, 0.07), xlab="Distance (m)")

# effective radius
sig <- exp(coef(fmp1, type="det"))
ea <- 2*pi * integrate(grhn, 0, 25, sigma=sig)$value # effective area
sqrt(ea / pi) # effective radius

# detection probability
ea / (pi*25^2)

## End(Not run)

Open population model for distance sampling data


Fit the model of Dail and Madsen (2011) and Hostetler and Chandler (2015) with a distance sampling observation model (Sollmann et al. 2015).


distsampOpen(lambdaformula, gammaformula, omegaformula, pformula,
    data, keyfun=c("halfnorm", "exp", "hazard", "uniform"),
    output=c("abund", "density"), unitsOut=c("ha", "kmsq"),
    mixture=c("P", "NB", "ZIP"), K,
    dynamics=c("constant", "autoreg", "notrend", "trend", "ricker", "gompertz"),
    fix=c("none", "gamma", "omega"), immigration=FALSE, iotaformula = ~1,
    starts, method="BFGS", se=TRUE, ...)



Right-hand sided formula for initial abundance


Right-hand sided formula for recruitment rate (when dynamics is "constant", "autoreg", or "notrend") or population growth rate (when dynamics is "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz")


Right-hand sided formula for apparent survival probability (when dynamics is "constant", "autoreg", or "notrend") or equilibrium abundance (when dynamics is "ricker" or "gompertz")


A right-hand side formula describing the detection function covariates


An object of class unmarkedFrameDSO


One of the following detection functions: "halfnorm", "hazard", "exp", or "uniform"


Model either "density" or "abund"


Units of density. Either "ha" or "kmsq" for hectares and square kilometers, respectively


String specifying mixture: "P", "NB", or "ZIP" for the Poisson, negative binomial, or zero-inflated Poisson distributions respectively


Integer defining upper bound of discrete integration. This should be higher than the maximum observed count and high enough that it does not affect the parameter estimates. However, the higher the value the slower the computation


Character string describing the type of population dynamics. "constant" indicates that there is no relationship between omega and gamma. "autoreg" is an auto-regressive model in which recruitment is modeled as gamma*N[i,t-1]. "notrend" model gamma as lambda*(1-omega) such that there is no temporal trend. "trend" is a model for exponential growth, N[i,t] = N[i,t-1]*gamma, where gamma in this case is finite rate of increase (normally referred to as lambda). "ricker" and "gompertz" are models for density-dependent population growth. "ricker" is the Ricker-logistic model, N[i,t] = N[i,t-1]*exp(gamma*(1-N[i,t-1]/omega)), where gamma is the maximum instantaneous population growth rate (normally referred to as r) and omega is the equilibrium abundance (normally referred to as K). "gompertz" is a modified version of the Gompertz-logistic model, N[i,t] = N[i,t-1]*exp(gamma*(1-log(N[i,t-1]+1)/log(omega+1))), where the interpretations of gamma and omega are similar to in the Ricker model


If "omega", omega is fixed at 1. If "gamma", gamma is fixed at 0


Logical specifying whether or not to include an immigration term (iota) in population dynamics


Right-hand sided formula for average number of immigrants to a site per time step


Vector of starting values


Optimization method used by optim


Logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


These models generalize distance sampling models (Buckland et al. 2001) by relaxing the closure assumption (Dail and Madsen 2011, Hostetler and Chandler 2015, Sollmann et al. 2015).

The models include two or three additional parameters: gamma, either the recruitment rate (births and immigrations), the finite rate of increase, or the maximum instantaneous rate of increase; omega, either the apparent survival rate (deaths and emigrations) or the equilibrium abundance (carrying capacity); and iota, the number of immigrants per site and year. Estimates of population size at each time period can be derived from these parameters, and thus so can trend estimates. Or, trend can be estimated directly using dynamics="trend".

When immigration is set to FALSE (the default), iota is not modeled. When immigration is set to TRUE and dynamics is set to "autoreg", the model will separately estimate birth rate (gamma) and number of immigrants (iota). When immigration is set to TRUE and dynamics is set to "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz", the model will separately estimate local contributions to population growth (gamma and omega) and number of immigrants (iota).

The latent abundance distribution, f(Nθ)f(N | \mathbf{\theta}) can be set as a Poisson, negative binomial, or zero-inflated Poisson random variable, depending on the setting of the mixture argument, mixture = "P", mixture = "NB", mixture = "ZIP" respectively. For the first two distributions, the mean of NiN_i is λi\lambda_i. If NiNBN_i \sim NB, then an additional parameter, α\alpha, describes dispersion (lower α\alpha implies higher variance). For the ZIP distribution, the mean is λi(1ψ)\lambda_i(1-\psi), where psi is the zero-inflation parameter.

For "constant", "autoreg", or "notrend" dynamics, the latent abundance state following the initial sampling period arises from a Markovian process in which survivors are modeled as SitBinomial(Nit1,ωit)S_{it} \sim Binomial(N_{it-1}, \omega_{it}), and recruits follow GitPoisson(γit)G_{it} \sim Poisson(\gamma_{it}). Alternative population dynamics can be specified using the dynamics and immigration arguments.

λi\lambda_i, γit\gamma_{it}, and ιit\iota_{it} are modeled using the the log link. pijtp_{ijt} is modeled using the logit link. ωit\omega_{it} is either modeled using the logit link (for "constant", "autoreg", or "notrend" dynamics) or the log link (for "ricker" or "gompertz" dynamics). For "trend" dynamics, ωit\omega_{it} is not modeled.

For the distance sampling detection process, half-normal ("halfnorm"), exponential ("exp"), hazard ("hazard"), and uniform ("uniform") key functions are available.


An object of class unmarkedFitDSO


This function can be extremely slow, especially if there are covariates of gamma or omega. Consider testing the timing on a small subset of the data, perhaps with se=FALSE. Finding the lowest value of K that does not affect estimates will also help with speed.


When gamma or omega are modeled using year-specific covariates, the covariate data for the final year will be ignored; however, they must be supplied.

If the time gap between primary periods is not constant, an M by T matrix of integers should be supplied to unmarkedFrameDSO using the primaryPeriod argument.

Secondary sampling periods are optional, but can greatly improve the precision of the estimates.

Optimization may fail if the initial value of the intercept for the detection parameter (sigma) is too small or large relative to transect width. By default, this parameter is initialized at log(average band width). You may have to adjust this starting value.


Richard Chandler, Jeff Hostetler, Andy Royle, Ken Kellner


Buckland, S.T., Anderson, D.R., Burnham, K.P., Laake, J.L., Borchers, D.L. and Thomas, L. (2001) Introduction to Distance Sampling: Estimating Abundance of Biological Populations. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Dail, D. and L. Madsen (2011) Models for Estimating Abundance from Repeated Counts of an Open Metapopulation. Biometrics. 67: 577-587.

Hostetler, J. A. and R. B. Chandler (2015) Improved State-space Models for Inference about Spatial and Temporal Variation in Abundance from Count Data. Ecology 96: 1713-1723.

Sollmann, R., Gardner, B., Chandler, R.B., Royle, J.A. and Sillett, T.S. (2015) An open-population hierarchical distance sampling model. Ecology 96: 325-331.

See Also

distsamp, gdistsamp, unmarkedFrameDSO


## Not run: 
  #Generate some data 
  lambda=4; gamma=0.5; omega=0.8; sigma=25; 
  M=100; T=10; J=4
  y <- array(NA, c(M, J, T))
  N <- matrix(NA, M, T)
  S <- G <- matrix(NA, M, T-1)
  db <- c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100)

  #Half-normal, line transect
  g <- function(x, sig) exp(-x^2/(2*sig^2))

  cp <- u <- a <- numeric(J)
  L <-  1
  a[1] <- L*db[2]
  cp[1] <- integrate(g, db[1], db[2], sig=sigma)$value
  for(j in 2:J) {
    a[j] <-  db[j+1]  - sum(a[1:j])
    cp[j] <- integrate(g, db[j], db[j+1], sig=sigma)$value
  u <- a / sum(a)
  cp <- cp / a * u
  cp[j+1] <- 1-sum(cp)

  for(i in 1:M) {
    N[i,1] <- rpois(1, lambda)
    y[i,1:J,1] <- rmultinom(1, N[i,1], cp)[1:J]

    for(t in 1:(T-1)) {
        S[i,t] <- rbinom(1, N[i,t], omega)
        G[i,t] <- rpois(1, gamma)
        N[i,t+1] <- S[i,t] + G[i,t]
        y[i,1:J,t+1] <- rmultinom(1, N[i,t+1], cp)[1:J]
  y <- matrix(y, M)
  #Make a covariate
  sc <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(M))

  umf <- unmarkedFrameDSO(y = y, siteCovs=sc, numPrimary=T, dist.breaks=db, 
                          survey="line", unitsIn="m", tlength=rep(1, M))

  (fit <- distsampOpen(~x1, ~1, ~1, ~1, data = umf, K=50, keyfun="halfnorm"))
  #Compare to truth
  cf <- coef(fit)
  data.frame(model=c(exp(cf[1]), cf[2], exp(cf[3]), plogis(cf[4]), exp(cf[5])), 
             truth=c(lambda, 0, gamma, omega, sigma))

  head(predict(fit, type='lambda'))

  #Check fit with parametric bootstrap
  pb <- parboot(fit, nsims=15)
  # Empirical Bayes estimates of abundance for each site / year
  re <- ranef(fit)
  plot(re, layout=c(10,5), xlim=c(-1, 10))
## End(Not run)

constructor of unmarkedFitList objects


Organize models for model selection or model-averaged prediction.


fitList(..., fits, autoNames=c("object", "formula"))



Fitted models. Preferrably named.


An alternative way of providing the models. A (preferrably named) list of fitted models.


Option to change the names unmarked assigns to models if you don't name them yourself. If autoNames="object", models in the fitList will be named based on their R object names. If autoNames="formula", the models will instead be named based on their formulas. This is not possible for some model types.


Two requirements exist to conduct AIC-based model-selection and model-averaging in unmarked. First, the data objects (ie, unmarkedFrames) must be identical among fitted models. Second, the response matrix must be identical among fitted models after missing values have been removed. This means that if a response value was removed in one model due to missingness, it needs to be removed from all models.


Richard Chandler [email protected]


(dbreaksLine <- c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20)) 
lengths <- linetran$Length * 1000

ltUMF <- with(linetran, {
	unmarkedFrameDS(y = cbind(dc1, dc2, dc3, dc4), 
	siteCovs = data.frame(Length, area, habitat), dist.breaks = dbreaksLine,
	tlength = lengths, survey = "line", unitsIn = "m")

fm1 <- distsamp(~ 1 ~1, ltUMF)
fm2 <- distsamp(~ area ~1, ltUMF)
fm3 <- distsamp( ~ 1 ~area, ltUMF)

## Two methods of creating an unmarkedFitList using fitList()

# Method 1
fmList <- fitList(Null=fm1, .area=fm2, area.=fm3)

# Method 2. Note that the arugment name "fits" must be included in call.
models <- list(Null=fm1, .area=fm2, area.=fm3)
fmList <- fitList(fits = models)

# Extract coefficients and standard errors

# Model-averaged prediction
predict(fmList, type="state")

# Model selection
modSel(fmList, nullmod="Null")

Methods for Function fitted in Package ‘unmarked’


Extracted fitted values from a fitted model.


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFit'
fitted(object, na.rm = FALSE)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFitColExt'
fitted(object, na.rm = FALSE)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFitOccu'
fitted(object, na.rm = FALSE)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFitOccuRN'
fitted(object, K, na.rm = FALSE)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFitPCount'
fitted(object, K, na.rm = FALSE)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFitDS'
fitted(object, na.rm = FALSE)



A fitted model of appropriate S4 class


Integer specifying upper bound of integration.


Logical. Should missing values be removed from data?


Returns a matrix of expected values


object = "unmarkedFit"

A fitted model

object = "unmarkedFitColExt"

A model fit by colext

object = "unmarkedFitOccu"

A model fit by occu

object = "unmarkedFitOccuRN"

A model fit by occuRN

object = "unmarkedFitPCount"

A model fit by pcount

object = "unmarkedFitDS"

A model fit by distsamp

Bin distance data


Convert individual-level distance data to the transect-level format required by distsamp or gdistsamp


formatDistData(distData, distCol, transectNameCol, dist.breaks,
                      occasionCol, effortMatrix)



data.frame where each row is a detected individual. Must have at least 2 columns. One for distances and the other for transect names.


character, name of the column in distData that contains the distances. The distances should be numeric.


character, column name containing transect names. The transect column should be a factor.


numeric vector of distance interval cutpoints. Length must equal J+1.


optional character. If transects were visited more than once, this can be used to format data for gdistsamp. It is the name of the column in distData that contains the occasion numbers. The occasion column should be a factor.


optional matrix of 1 and 0s that is M * T in size and will allow for the insertion of NAs where the matrix = 0, indicating that a survey was not completed. When not supplied a matrix of all 1s is created since it is assumed all surveys were completed.


This function creates a site (M) by distance interval (J) response matrix from a data.frame containing the detection distances for each individual and the transect names. Alternatively, if each transect was surveyed T times, the resulting matrix is M x JT, which is the format required by gdistsamp, seeunmarkedFrameGDS.


An M x J or M x JT matrix containing the binned distance data. Transect names will become rownames and colnames will describe the distance intervals.


It is important that the factor containing transect names includes levels for all the transects surveyed, not just those with >=1 detection. Likewise, if transects were visited more than once, the factor containing the occasion numbers should include levels for all occasions. See the example for how to add levels to a factor.

See Also

distsamp, unmarkedFrame


# Create a data.frame containing distances of animals detected
# along 4 transects.
dat <- data.frame(transect=gl(4,5, labels=letters[1:4]),
                  distance=rpois(20, 10))

# Look at your transect names.

# Suppose that you also surveyed a transect named "e" where no animals were
# detected. You must add it to the levels of dat$transect
levels(dat$transect) <- c(levels(dat$transect), "e")

# Distance cut points defining distance intervals
cp <- c(0, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18)

# Create formated response matrix
yDat <- formatDistData(dat, "distance", "transect", cp)

# Now you could merge yDat with transect-level covariates and
# then use unmarkedFrameDS to prepare data for distsamp

## Example for data from multiple occasions

dat2 <- data.frame(distance=1:100, site=gl(5, 20),
                   visit=factor(rep(1:4, each=5)))
cutpt <- seq(0, 100, by=25)
y2 <- formatDistData(dat2, "distance", "site", cutpt, "visit")
umf <- unmarkedFrameGDS(y=y2, numPrimary=4, survey="point",
                        dist.breaks=cutpt, unitsIn="m")
 ## Example for datda from multiple occasions with effortMatrix
 dat3 <-  data.frame(distance=1:100, site=gl(5, 20), visit=factor(rep(1:4, each=5)))
 cutpt <- seq(0, 100, by=25)
 effortMatrix <- matrix(ncol=4, nrow=5, rbinom(20,1,0.8))
 y3 <- formatDistData(dat2, "distance", "site", cutpt, "visit", effortMatrix)

Create unmarkedMultFrame from Long Format Data Frame


This convenience function converts multi-year data in long format to unmarkedMultFrame Object. See Details for more information.




a data.frame appropriately formatted (see Details).

Details is a data frame with columns formatted as follows:

Column 1 = year number
Column 2 = site name or number
Column 3 = julian date or chronological sample number during year
Column 4 = observations (y)
Column 5 – Final Column = covariates

Note that if the data is already in wide format, it may be easier to create an unmarkedMultFrame object directly with a call to unmarkedMultFrame.


unmarkedMultFrame object

Convert between wide and long data formats.


Convert a data.frame between wide and long formats.


formatWide(dfin, sep = ".", obsToY, type, ...)
formatLong(dfin, species = NULL, type, ...)



A data.frame to be reformatted.


A seperator of column names in wide format.


Optional matrix specifying relationship between covariate column structure and response matrix structure.


Type of unmarkedFrame to create?


Character name of species response column


Further arguments to the unmarkedFrame* constructor functions


Note that not all possible unmarkedFrame* classes have been tested with these functions. Multinomial data sets (e.g., removal, double-observer, capture-recapture) are almost certainly easier to enter directly to the constructor function and are not supported by formatLong or formatWide.

In order for these functions to work, the columns of dfin need to be in the correct order. formatLong requires that the columns are in the following scheme:

  1. site name or number.

  2. date or observation number.

  3. response variable (detections, counts, etc).

  4. The remaining columns are observation-level covariates.

formatWide requires particular names for the columns. The column order for formatWide is

  1. (optional) site name, named “site”.

  2. response, named “y.1”, “y.2”, ..., “y.J”.

  3. columns of site-level covariates, each with a relevant name per column.

  4. groups of columns of observation-level covariates, each group having the name form “someObsCov.1”, “someObsCov.2”, ..., “someObsCov.J”.


A data.frame

See Also


2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data


frogs contains NAAMP data for Pseudacris feriarum (pfer) and Pseudacris crucifer (pcru) in 2001.





matrix of observed calling indices for pcru


matrix of detections for pcru

array of covariates measured at the observation-level for pcru


matrix of observed calling indices for pfer


matrix of detections for pfer

array of covariates measured at the observation-level for pfer


The rows of pcru.y, pcru.bin, pfer.y, and pfer.bin correspond to sites and columns correspond to visits to each site. The first 2 dimensions of and are matrices of covariates that correspond to the observation matrices (sites ×\times observation), with the 3rd dimension corresponding to separate covariates.



Mossman MJ, Weir LA. North American Amphibian Monitoring Program (NAAMP). Amphibian Declines: the conservation status of United States species. University of California Press, Berkeley, California, USA. 2005:307-313.



Fit the combined distance and removal model of Amundson et al. (2014).


Fit the model of Amundson et al. (2014) to point count datasets containing both distance and time of observation data. The Amundson et al. (2014) model is extended to account for temporary emigration by estimating an additional availability probability if multiple counts at a site are available. Abundance can be modeled as a Poisson, negative binomial, or Zero-inflated Poisson. Multiple distance sampling key functions are also available.


gdistremoval(lambdaformula=~1, phiformula=~1, removalformula=~1,
  distanceformula=~1, data, keyfun=c("halfnorm", "exp", "hazard", "uniform"),
  output=c("abund", "density"), unitsOut=c("ha", "kmsq"), mixture=c('P', 'NB', 'ZIP'), 
  K, starts, method = "BFGS", se = TRUE, engine=c("C","TMB"), threads=1, ...)



A right-hand side formula describing the abundance covariates


A right-hand side formula describing the availability covariates


A right-hand side formula describing removal probability covariates


A right-hand side formula describing the detection function covariates


An object of class unmarkedFrameGDR


One of the following detection functions: "halfnorm", "hazard", "exp", or "uniform"


Model either "abund" or "density"


Units of density. Either "ha" or "kmsq" for hectares and square kilometers, respectively


Either "P", "NB", or "ZIP" for the Poisson, negative binomial, and Zero-inflated Poisson models of abundance


An integer value specifying the upper bound used in the integration


A numeric vector of starting values for the model parameters


Optimization method used by optim


logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors


Either "C" to use C++ code or "TMB" to use TMB for optimization


Set the number of threads to use for optimization in C++, if OpenMP is available on your system. Increasing the number of threads may speed up optimization in some cases by running the likelihood calculation in parallel. If threads=1 (the default), OpenMP is disabled


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


An object of class unmarkedFitGDR


Ken Kellner [email protected]


Amundson, C.L., Royle, J.A. and Handel, C.M., 2014. A hierarchical model combining distance sampling and time removal to estimate detection probability during avian point counts. The Auk 131: 476-494.

See Also

unmarkedFrameGDR, gdistsamp, gmultmix

Fit the generalized distance sampling model of Chandler et al. (2011).


Extends the distance sampling model of Royle et al. (2004) to estimate the probability of being available for detection. Also allows abundance to be modeled using the negative binomial and zero-inflated Poisson distributions.


gdistsamp(lambdaformula, phiformula, pformula, data, keyfun =
c("halfnorm", "exp", "hazard", "uniform"), output = c("abund",
"density"), unitsOut = c("ha", "kmsq"), mixture = c("P", "NB", "ZIP"), K,
starts, method = "BFGS", se = TRUE, engine=c("C","R"), rel.tol=1e-4, threads=1, ...)



A right-hand side formula describing the abundance covariates.


A right-hand side formula describing the availability covariates.


A right-hand side formula describing the detection function covariates.


An object of class unmarkedFrameGDS


One of the following detection functions: "halfnorm", "hazard", "exp", or "uniform." See details.


Model either "density" or "abund"


Units of density. Either "ha" or "kmsq" for hectares and square kilometers, respectively.


Either "P", "NB", or "ZIP" for the Poisson, negative binomial, or zero-inflated Poisson models of abundance.


An integer value specifying the upper bound used in the integration.


A numeric vector of starting values for the model parameters.


Optimization method used by optim.


logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.


Either "C" to use fast C++ code or "R" to use native R code during the optimization.


relative accuracy for the integration of the detection function. See integrate. You might try adjusting this if you get an error message related to the integral. Alternatively, try providing different starting values.


Set the number of threads to use for optimization in C++, if OpenMP is available on your system. Increasing the number of threads may speed up optimization in some cases by running the likelihood calculation in parallel. If threads=1 (the default), OpenMP is disabled.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


Extends the model of Royle et al. (2004) by estimating the probability of being available for detection ϕ\phi. To estimate this additional parameter, replicate distance sampling data must be collected at each transect. Thus the data are collected at i = 1, 2, ..., R transects on t = 1, 2, ..., T occassions. As with the model of Royle et al. (2004), the detections must be binned into distance classes. These data must be formatted in a matrix with R rows, and JT columns where J is the number of distance classses. See unmarkedFrameGDS for more information about data formatting.

The definition of availability depends on the context. The model is

MiPois(λ)M_i \sim \text{Pois}(\lambda)

Ni,tBin(Mi,ϕ)N_{i,t} \sim \text{Bin}(M_i, \phi)

yi,1,t,,yi,J,tMultinomial(Ni,t,πi,1,t,,πi,J,t)y_{i,1,t}, \dots, y_{i,J,t} \sim \text{Multinomial}(N_{i,t}, \pi_{i,1,t}, \dots, \pi_{i,J,t})

If there is no movement, then MiM_i is local abundance, and Ni,tN_{i,t} is the number of individuals that are available to be detected. In this case, ϕ=g0\phi=g_0. Animals might be missed on the transect line because they are difficult to see or detected. This relaxes the assumption of conventional distance sampling that g0=1g_0=1.

However, when there is movement in the form of temporary emigration, local abundance is Ni,tN_{i,t}; it's the fraction of MiM_i that are on the plot at time t. In this case, ϕ\phi is the temporary emigration parameter, and we need to assume that g0=1g_0=1 in order to interpret Ni,tN_{i,t} as local abundance. See Chandler et al. (2011) for an analysis of the model under this form of temporary emigration.

If there is movement and g0<1g_0<1 then it isn't possible to estimate local abundance at time t. In this case, MiM_i would be the total number of individuals that ever use plot i (the super-population), and Ni,tN_{i,t} would be the number available to be detected at time t. Since a fraction of the unavailable individuals could be off the plot, and another fraction could be on the plot, it isn't possible to infer local abundance and density during occasion t.


An object of class unmarkedFitGDS.


If you aren't interested in estimating ϕ\phi, but you want to use the negative binomial or ZIP distributions, set numPrimary=1 when formatting the data.


You cannot use obsCovs, but you can use yearlySiteCovs (a confusing name since this model isn't for multi-year data. It's just a hold-over from the colext methods of formatting data upon which it is based.)


Richard Chandler [email protected]


Royle, J. A., D. K. Dawson, and S. Bates. 2004. Modeling abundance effects in distance sampling. Ecology 85:1591-1597.

Chandler, R. B, J. A. Royle, and D. I. King. 2011. Inference about density and temporary emigration in unmarked populations. Ecology 92:1429–1435.

See Also



# Simulate some line-transect data


R <- 50 # number of transects
T <- 5  # number of replicates
strip.width <- 50
transect.length <- 100
breaks <- seq(0, 50, by=10)

lambda <- 5 # Abundance
phi <- 0.6  # Availability
sigma <- 30 # Half-normal shape parameter

J <- length(breaks)-1
y <- array(0, c(R, J, T))
for(i in 1:R) {
    M <- rpois(1, lambda) # Individuals within the 1-ha strip
    for(t in 1:T) {
        # Distances from point
        d <- runif(M, 0, strip.width)
        # Detection process
        if(length(d)) {
            cp <- phi*exp(-d^2 / (2 * sigma^2)) # half-normal w/ g(0)<1
            d <- d[rbinom(length(d), 1, cp) == 1]
            y[i,,t] <- table(cut(d, breaks, include.lowest=TRUE))
y <- matrix(y, nrow=R) # convert array to matrix

# Organize data
umf <- unmarkedFrameGDS(y = y, survey="line", unitsIn="m",
    dist.breaks=breaks, tlength=rep(transect.length, R), numPrimary=T)

# Fit the model
m1 <- gdistsamp(~1, ~1, ~1, umf, output="density", K=50)


backTransform(m1, type="lambda")
backTransform(m1, type="phi")
backTransform(m1, type="det")

## Not run: 
# Empirical Bayes estimates of abundance at each site
re <- ranef(m1)
plot(re, layout=c(10,5), xlim=c(-1, 20))

## End(Not run)

Methods for Function getB in Package ‘unmarked’


Methods for function getB in Package ‘unmarked’. These methods return a matrix of probabilities detections were certain for occupancy models that account for false positives.

Methods for Function getFP in Package ‘unmarked’


Methods for function getFP in Package ‘unmarked’. These methods return a matrix of false positive detection probabilities.

Methods for Function getP in Package ‘unmarked’


Methods for function getP in Package ‘unmarked’. These methods return a matrix of the back-transformed detection parameter (pp the detection probability or λ\lambda the detection rate, depending on the model). The matrix is of dimension MxJ, with M the number of sites and J the number of sampling periods; or of dimension MxJT for models with multiple primary periods T.


signature(object = "unmarkedFit")

A fitted model object

signature(object = "unmarkedFitDS")

A fitted model object

signature(object = "unmarkedFitMPois")

A fitted model object

signature(object = "unmarkedFitGMM")

A fitted model object

signature(object = "unmarkedFitOccuCOP")

With unmarkedFitOccuCOP the object of a model fitted with occuCOP. Returns a matrix of λ\lambda the detection rate.

Green frog count index data


Multinomial calling index data.




A list with 2 components

220 x 3 matrix of count indices


list of covariates


Royle, J. Andrew, and William A. Link. 2005. A General Class of Multinomial Mixture Models for Anuran Calling Survey Data. Ecology 86, no. 9: 2505–2512.



Generalized multinomial N-mixture model


A three level hierarchical model for designs involving repeated counts that yield multinomial outcomes. Possible data collection methods include repeated removal sampling and double observer sampling. The three model parameters are abundance, availability, and detection probability.


gmultmix(lambdaformula, phiformula, pformula, data, mixture = c("P", "NB", "ZIP"), K, 
         starts, method = "BFGS", se = TRUE, engine=c("C","R"), threads=1, ...)



Righthand side (RHS) formula describing abundance covariates


RHS formula describing availability covariates


RHS formula describing detection covariates


An object of class unmarkedFrameGMM


Either "P", "NB", or "ZIP" for the Poisson, negative binomial, or zero-inflated Poisson models of abundance


The upper bound of integration


Starting values


Optimization method used by optim


Logical. Should standard errors be calculated?


Either "C" to use fast C++ code or "R" to use native R code during the optimization.


Set the number of threads to use for optimization in C++, if OpenMP is available on your system. Increasing the number of threads may speed up optimization in some cases by running the likelihood calculation in parallel. If threads=1 (the default), OpenMP is disabled.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


The latent transect-level super-population abundance distribution f(Mθ)f(M | \mathbf{\theta}) can be set as a Poisson, negative binomial, or zero-inflated Poisson random variable, depending on the setting of the mixture argument. mixture = "P", mixture = "NB", and mixture = "ZIP" select the Poisson, negative binomial, and zero-inflated Poisson distributions respectively. The mean of MiM_i is λi\lambda_i. If MiNBM_i \sim NB, then an additional parameter, α\alpha, describes dispersion (lower α\alpha implies higher variance). If MiZIPM_i \sim ZIP, then an additional zero-inflation parameter ψ\psi is estimated.

The number of individuals available for detection at time j is a modeled as binomial: NijBinomial(Mi,ϕij)N_{ij} \sim Binomial(M_i, \mathbf{\phi_{ij}}).

The detection process is modeled as multinomial: yitMultinomial(Nit,πit)\mathbf{y_{it}} \sim Multinomial(N_{it}, \pi_{it}), where πijt\pi_{ijt} is the multinomial cell probability for plot i at time t on occasion j.

Cell probabilities are computed via a user-defined function related to the sampling design. Alternatively, the default functions removalPiFun or doublePiFun can be used for equal-interval removal sampling or double observer sampling. Note that the function for computing cell probabilites is specified when setting up the data using unmarkedFrameGMM.

Parameters λ\lambda, ϕ\phi and pp can be modeled as linear functions of covariates using the log, logit and logit links respectively.


An object of class unmarkedFitGMM.


In the case where availability for detection is due to random temporary emigration, population density at time j, D(i,j), can be estimated by N(i,j)/plotArea.

This model is also applicable to sampling designs in which the local population size is closed during the J repeated counts, and availability is related to factors such as the probability of vocalizing. In this case, density can be estimated by M(i)/plotArea.

If availability is a function of both temporary emigration and other processess such as song rate, then density cannot be directly estimated, but inference about the super-population size, M(i), is possible.

Three types of covariates can be supplied, site-level, site-by-year-level, and observation-level. These must be formatted correctly when organizing the data with unmarkedFrameGPC


Richard Chandler [email protected] and Andy Royle


Royle, J. A. (2004) Generalized estimators of avian abundance from count survey data. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27, pp. 375–386.

Chandler, R. B., J. A. Royle, and D. I. King. 2011. Inference about density and temporary emigration in unmarked populations. Ecology 92:1429-1435.

See Also

unmarkedFrameGMM for setting up the data and metadata. multinomPois for surveys where no secondary sampling periods were used. Example functions to calculate multinomial cell probabilities are described piFuns


# Simulate data using the multinomial-Poisson model with a
# repeated constant-interval removal design.

n <- 100  # number of sites
T <- 4    # number of primary periods
J <- 3    # number of secondary periods

lam <- 3
phi <- 0.5
p <- 0.3

y <- array(NA, c(n, T, J))
M <- rpois(n, lam)          # Local population size
N <- matrix(NA, n, T)       # Individuals available for detection

for(i in 1:n) {
    N[i,] <- rbinom(T, M[i], phi)
    y[i,,1] <- rbinom(T, N[i,], p)    # Observe some
    Nleft1 <- N[i,] - y[i,,1]         # Remove them
    y[i,,2] <- rbinom(T, Nleft1, p)   # ...
    Nleft2 <- Nleft1 - y[i,,2]
    y[i,,3] <- rbinom(T, Nleft2, p)

y.ijt <- cbind(y[,1,], y[,2,], y[,3,], y[,4,])

umf1 <- unmarkedFrameGMM(y=y.ijt, numPrimary=T, type="removal")

(m1 <- gmultmix(~1, ~1, ~1, data=umf1, K=30))

backTransform(m1, type="lambda")        # Individuals per plot
backTransform(m1, type="phi")           # Probability of being avilable
(p <- backTransform(m1, type="det"))    # Probability of detection
p <- coef(p)

# Multinomial cell probabilities under removal design
c(p, (1-p) * p, (1-p)^2 * p)

# Or more generally:

# Empirical Bayes estimates of super-population size
re <- ranef(m1)
plot(re, layout=c(5,5), xlim=c(-1,20), subset=site%in%1:25)

Fit multi-scale occupancy models


Fit multi-scale occupancy models as described in Nichols et al. (2008) to repeated presence-absence data collected using the robust design. This model allows for inference about occupancy, availability, and detection probability.


goccu(psiformula, phiformula, pformula, data, linkPsi = c("logit", "cloglog"),
      starts, method = "BFGS", se = TRUE, ...)



Right-hand sided formula describing occupancy covariates


Right-hand sided formula describing availability covariates


Right-hand sided formula for detection probability covariates


An object of class unmarkedFrameGOccu or unmarkedMultFrame


Link function for the occupancy model. Options are "logit" for the standard occupancy model or "cloglog" for the complimentary log-log link, which relates occupancy to site-level abundance.


Starting values


Optimization method used by optim


Logical. Should standard errors be calculated?


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


Primary periods could represent spatial or temporal sampling replicates. For example, you could have several spatial sub-units within each site, where each sub-unit was then sampled repeatedly. This is a frequent design for eDNA studies. Or, you could have multiple primary periods of sampling at each site (conducted at different times within a season), each of which contains several secondary sampling periods. In both cases the robust design structure can be used to estimate an availability probability in addition to detection probability. See Kery and Royle (2015) 10.10 for more details.


An object of class unmarkedFitGOccu


Ken Kellner [email protected]


Kery, M., & Royle, J. A. (2015). Applied hierarchical modeling in ecology: Volume 1: Prelude and static models. Elsevier Science.

Nichols, J. D., Bailey, L. L., O'Connell Jr, A. F., Talancy, N. W., Campbell Grant, E. H., Gilbert, A. T., Annand E. M., Husband, T. P., & Hines, J. E. (2008). Multi-scale occupancy estimation and modelling using multiple detection methods. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(5), 1321-1329.

See Also

occu, colext, unmarkedMultFrame, unmarkedFrameGOccu


M <- 100
T <- 5
J <- 4

psi <- 0.5
phi <- 0.3
p <- 0.4

z <- rbinom(M, 1, psi)
zmat <- matrix(z, nrow=M, ncol=T)

zz <- rbinom(M*T, 1, zmat*phi)
zz <- matrix(zz, nrow=M, ncol=T)

zzmat <- zz[,rep(1:T, each=J)]
y <- rbinom(M*T*J, 1, zzmat*p)
y <- matrix(y, M, J*T)
umf <- unmarkedMultFrame(y=y, numPrimary=T)

## Not run: 
  mod <- goccu(psiformula = ~1, phiformula = ~1, pformula = ~1, umf)

## End(Not run)

Generalized binomial N-mixture model for repeated count data


Fit the model of Chandler et al. (2011) to repeated count data collected using the robust design. This model allows for inference about population size, availability, and detection probability.


gpcount(lambdaformula, phiformula, pformula, data,
mixture = c("P", "NB", "ZIP"), K, starts, method = "BFGS", se = TRUE,
engine = c("C", "R"), threads=1, ...)



Right-hand sided formula describing covariates of abundance.


Right-hand sided formula describing availability covariates


Right-hand sided formula for detection probability covariates


An object of class unmarkedFrameGPC


Either "P", "NB", or "ZIP" for Poisson, negative binomial, or zero-inflated Poisson distributions


The maximum possible value of M, the super-population size.


Starting values


Optimization method used by optim


Logical. Should standard errors be calculated?


Either "C" or "R" for the C++ or R versions of the likelihood. The C++ code is faster, but harder to debug.


Set the number of threads to use for optimization in C++, if OpenMP is available on your system. Increasing the number of threads may speed up optimization in some cases by running the likelihood calculation in parallel. If threads=1 (the default), OpenMP is disabled.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


The latent transect-level super-population abundance distribution f(Mθ)f(M | \mathbf{\theta}) can be set as either a Poisson, negative binomial, or zero-inflated Poisson random variable, depending on the setting of the mixture argument. The expected value of MiM_i is λi\lambda_i. If MiNBM_i \sim NB, then an additional parameter, α\alpha, describes dispersion (lower α\alpha implies higher variance). If MiZIPM_i \sim ZIP, then an additional zero-inflation parameter ψ\psi is estimated.

The number of individuals available for detection at time j is a modeled as binomial: NijBinomial(Mi,ϕij)N_{ij} \sim Binomial(M_i, \mathbf{\phi_{ij}}).

The detection process is also modeled as binomial: yikjBinomial(Nij,pikj)y_{ikj} \sim Binomial(N_{ij}, p_{ikj}).

Parameters λ\lambda, ϕ\phi and pp can be modeled as linear functions of covariates using the log, logit and logit links respectively.


An object of class unmarkedFitGPC


In the case where availability for detection is due to random temporary emigration, population density at time j, D(i,j), can be estimated by N(i,j)/plotArea.

This model is also applicable to sampling designs in which the local population size is closed during the J repeated counts, and availability is related to factors such as the probability of vocalizing. In this case, density can be estimated by M(i)/plotArea.

If availability is a function of both temporary emigration and other processess such as song rate, then density cannot be directly estimated, but inference about the super-population size, M(i), is possible.

Three types of covariates can be supplied, site-level, site-by-year-level, and observation-level. These must be formatted correctly when organizing the data with unmarkedFrameGPC


Richard Chandler [email protected]


Royle, J. A. 2004. N-Mixture models for estimating population size from spatially replicated counts. Biometrics 60:108–105.

Chandler, R. B., J. A. Royle, and D. I. King. 2011. Inference about density and temporary emigration in unmarked populations. Ecology 92:1429-1435.

See Also

gmultmix, gdistsamp, unmarkedFrameGPC



nSites <- 20
nVisits <- 4
nReps <- 3

lambda <- 5
phi <- 0.7
p <- 0.5

M <- rpois(nSites, lambda) # super-population size

N <- matrix(NA, nSites, nVisits)
y <- array(NA, c(nSites, nReps, nVisits))
for(i in 1:nVisits) {
    N[,i] <- rbinom(nSites, M, phi) # population available during vist j

for(i in 1:nSites) {
    for(j in 1:nVisits) {
        y[i,,j] <- rbinom(nReps, N[i,j], p)

ym <- matrix(y, nSites)
ym[1,] <- NA
ym[2, 1:nReps] <- NA
ym[3, (nReps+1):(nReps+nReps)] <- NA
umf <- unmarkedFrameGPC(y=ym, numPrimary=nVisits)

## Not run: 
fmu <- gpcount(~1, ~1, ~1, umf, K=40, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=1))

backTransform(fmu, type="lambda")
backTransform(fmu, type="phi")
backTransform(fmu, type="det")

## End(Not run)

Fit the integrated distance sampling model of Kery et al. (2022).


Model abundance using a combination of distance sampling data (DS) and other similar data types, including simple point counts (PC) and occupancy/detection-nondetection (OC/DND) data.


IDS(lambdaformula = ~1, detformulaDS = ~1, detformulaPC = NULL, detformulaOC = NULL,
    dataDS, dataPC = NULL, dataOC = NULL, availformula = NULL,
    durationDS = NULL, durationPC = NULL, durationOC = NULL, keyfun = "halfnorm",
    maxDistPC, maxDistOC, K = 100, unitsOut = "ha", 
    starts = NULL, method = "BFGS", ...)



Formula for abundance


Formula for distance-based (DS) detection probability


Formula for point count detection probability. If NULL, will share a model with DS detection probability


Formula for occupancy/detection-nondetection detection probability. If NULL, will share a model with DS detection probability


An object of class unmarkedFrameDS. Required


An object of class unmarkedFramePCount. If NULL, no PC data will be used in the model


An object of class unmarkedFrameOccu. If NULL, no OC/DND data will be used in the model


Optional. If specified, formula for availability. Only possible to use if you have variable detection survey lengths (see below)


Optional. Vector of survey durations at each distance sampling site


Optional. Vector of survey durations at each PC site


Optional. Vector of survey durations at each OC/DND site


Distance sampling key function; either "halfnorm" or "exp"


Maximum observation distance for PC surveys; defaults to maximum of distance bins from the distance sampling data


Maximum observation distance for OC/DND surveys; defaults to maximum of distance bins from the distance sampling data


Integer, upper bound for integrating out latent abundance. Only used if you have included OC/DND data


Units of density for output. Either "ha" or "kmsq" for hectares and square kilometers, respectively


A numeric vector of starting values for the model parameters


Optimization method used by optim


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


This function facilitates a combined analysis of distance sampling data (DS) with other similar data types, including simple point counts (PC) and occupancy/detection-nondetection (OC/DND) data. The combined approach capitalizes on the strengths and minimizes the weaknesses of each type. The PC and OC/DND data are viewed as latent distance sampling surveys with an underlying abundance model shared by all data types. All analyses must include some distance sampling data, but can include either PC or DND data or both. If surveys are of variable duration, it is also possible to estimate availability.

Input data must be provided as a series of separate unmarkedFrames: unmarkedFrameDS for the distance sampling data, unmarkedFramePCount for the point count data, and unmarkedFrameOccu for OC/DND data. See the help files for these objects for guidance on how to organize the data.


An object of class unmarkedFitIDS


Simulations indicated estimates of availability were very unreliable when including detection/non-detection data, so the function will not allow you to use DND data and estimate availability at the same time. In general estimation of availability can be difficult; use simulations to see how well it works for your specific situation.


Ken Kellner [email protected]


Kery M, Royle JA, Hallman T, Robinson WD, Strebel N, Kellner KF. 2024. Integrated distance sampling models for simple point counts. Ecology.

See Also



## Not run: 

# Simulate data based on a real dataset

# Formulas for each model
formulas <- list(lam=~elev, ds=~1, phi=~1)

# Sample sizes
design <- list(Mds=2912, J=6, Mpc=506)

# Model parameters
coefs <- list(lam = c(intercept=3, elev=-0.5),
              ds = c(intercept=-2.5),
              phi = c(intercept=-1.3))

# Survey durations
durs <- list(ds = rep(5, design$Mds), pc=runif(design$Mpc, 3, 30))

sim_umf <- simulate("IDS", # name of model we are simulating for
                    nsim=1, # number of replicates
                    # arguments used by unmarkedFrameDS
                    dist.breaks = seq(0, 0.30, length.out=7),
                    # arguments used by IDS
                    # could also have e.g. keyfun here
                    durationDS=durs$ds, durationPC=durs$pc, durationOC=durs$oc,
                    maxDistPC=0.5, maxDistOC=0.5,

# Look at the results
lapply(sim_umf, head)

# Fit a model
(mod_sim <- IDS(lambdaformula = ~elev, detformulaDS = ~1,
                dataDS=sim_umf$ds, dataPC=sim_umf$pc,
                availformula = ~1, durationDS=durs$ds, durationPC=durs$pc,

# Compare with known parameter values
# Note:  this is an unusually good estimate of availability
# It is hard to estimate in most cases
cbind(truth=unlist(coefs), est=coef(mod_sim))

# Predict density at each distance sampling site
head(predict(mod_sim, 'lam'))

## End(Not run)

A function to impute missing entries in continuous obsCovs


This function uses an ad-hoc averaging approach to impute missing entries in obsCovs. The missing entry is replaced by an average of the average for the site and the average for the visit number.


imputeMissing(umf, whichCovs = seq(length=ncol(obsCovs(umf))))



The data set who's obsCovs are being imputed.


An integer vector giving the indices of the covariates to be imputed. This defaults to all covariates in obsCovs.


A version of umf that has the requested obsCovs imputed.


Ian Fiske


pcru.obscovs <- data.frame(MinAfterSunset=as.vector(t([,,1])),
pcruUMF <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = pcru.bin, obsCovs = pcru.obscovs)
pcruUMF.i1 <- imputeMissing(pcruUMF)
pcruUMF.i2 <- imputeMissing(pcruUMF, whichCovs = 2)

Distance-sampling data for the Island Scrub Jay (Aphelocoma insularis)


Data were collected at 307 survey locations ("point transects") on Santa Cruz Island, California during the Fall of 2008. The distance data are binned into 3 distance intervals [0-100], (100-200], and (200-300]. The coordinates of the survey locations as well as 3 habitat covariates are also included.




A data frame with 307 observations on the following 8 variables.


Number of individuals detected within 100m


Detections in the interval (100-200m]


Detections in the interval (200-300m]


Easting (meters)


Northing (meters)


Elevation in meters


Forest cover


Chaparral cover


Sillett, S. and Chandler, R.B. and Royle, J.A. and Kery, M. and Morrison, S.A. In Press. Hierarchical distance sampling models to estimate population size and habitat-specific abundance of an island endemic. Ecological Applications

See Also

Island-wide covariates are also available cruz



umf <- unmarkedFrameDS(y=as.matrix(issj[,1:3]), siteCovs=issj[,6:8],
    dist.breaks=c(0,100,200,300), unitsIn="m", survey="point")

European Jay data from the Swiss Breeding Bird Survey 2002


The Swiss breeding bird survey ("Monitoring Haufige Brutvogel" MHB) has monitored the populations of 150 common species since 1999. The MHB sample consists of 267 1-km squares that are laid out as a grid across Switzerland. Fieldwork is conducted by about 200 skilled birdwatchers, most of them volunteers. Avian populations are monitored using a simplified territory mapping protocol, where each square is surveyed up to three times during the breeding season (only twice above the tree line). Surveys are conducted along a transect that does not change over the years.

The list jay has the data for European Jay territories for 238 sites surveyed in 2002.




jay is a list with 3 elements:


a data frame with rows for 238 sites and columns for each of the observable detection histories. For the sites visited 3 times, these are "100", "010", "001", "110", "101", "011", "111". Sites visited twice have "10x", "01x", "11x".

Each row gives the number of territories with the corresponding detection history, with NA for the detection histories not applicable: sites visited 3 times have NAs in the last 3 columns while those visited twice have NAs in the first 7 columns.


a data frame with rows for 238 sites, and the following columns:

  1. elev : the mean elevation of the quadrat, m.

  2. length : the length of the route walked in the quadrat, km.

  3. forest : percentage forest cover.


a data frame with rows for 238 sites, and the following columns:

  1. x, y : the coordinates of the site.

  2. date1, date2, date3 : the Julian date of the visit, with 1 April = 1. Sites visited twice have NA in the 3rd column.

  3. dur1, dur2, dur3 : the duration of the survey, mins. For 10 visits the duration is not available, so there are additional NAs in these columns.


In previous versions, jay had additional information not required for the analysis, and a data frame with essentially the same information as the Switzerland data set.


Swiss Ornithological Institute


Royle, J.A., Kery, M., Gauthier, R., Schmid, H. (2007) Hierarchical spatial models of abundance and occurrence from imperfect survey data. Ecological Monographs, 77, 465-481.

Kery & Royle (2016) Applied Hierarachical Modeling in Ecology Section 7.9



# Carry out a simple analysis, without covariates:
# Create a customised piFun (see ?piFun for details)
crPiFun <- function(p) {
   p1 <- p[,1] # Extract the columns of the p matrix, one for 
   p2 <- p[,2] #   each of J = 3 sample occasions
   p3 <- p[,3]
   cbind(      # define multinomial cell probabilities:
      "100" = p1 * (1-p2) * (1-p3),
      "010" = (1-p1) * p2 * (1-p3),
      "001" = (1-p1) * (1-p2) * p3,
      "110" = p1 * p2 * (1-p3),
      "101" = p1 * (1-p2) * p3,
      "011" = (1-p1) * p2 * p3,
      "111" = p1 * p2 * p3,
      "10x" = p1*(1-p2),
      "01x" = (1-p1)*p2,
      "11x" = p1*p2)
# Build the unmarkedFrame object
mhb.umf <- unmarkedFrameMPois(y=as.matrix(jay$caphist),
  obsToY=matrix(1, 3, 10), piFun="crPiFun")
# Fit a model
( fm1 <- multinomPois(~1 ~1, mhb.umf) )

Convert Poisson mean (lambda) to probability of occurrence (psi).


Abundance and occurrence are fundamentally related.





Numeric vector with values >= 0


A vector of psi values of the same length as lambda.

See Also

pcount, multinomPois, distsamp



Methods for Function linearComb in Package ‘unmarked’


Methods for function linearComb in Package ‘unmarked’


obj = "unmarkedEstimate", coefficients = "matrixOrVector"

Typically called internally

obj = "unmarkedFit", coefficients = "matrixOrVector"

Returns linear combinations of parameters from a fitted model. Coefficients are supplied through coefficients. The required argument type specifies which model estimate to use. You can use names(fittedmodel) to view possible values for the type argument.


ovenFrame <- unmarkedFrameMPois(ovendata.list$data,$covariates[,-1])), type = "removal")
fm <- multinomPois(~ 1 ~ ufc + trba, ovenFrame)
linearComb(fm, c(1, 0.5, 0.5), type = "state")
linearComb(fm, matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.5), 3, 3,
  byrow=TRUE), type="state")

Simulated line transect data


Response matrix of animals detected in four distance classes plus transect lengths and two covariates.




A data frame with 12 observations on the following 7 variables.


Counts in distance class 1 [0-5 m)


Counts in distance class 2 [5-10 m)


Counts in distance class 3 [10-15 m)


Counts in distance class 4 [15-20 m)


Transect lengths in km


Numeric covariate


a factor with levels A and B



# Format for distsamp()
ltUMF <- with(linetran, {
        unmarkedFrameDS(y = cbind(dc1, dc2, dc3, dc4), 
        siteCovs = data.frame(Length, area, habitat), 
        dist.breaks = c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20),
        tlength = linetran$Length * 1000, survey = "line", unitsIn = "m")

Create functions to compute multinomial cell probabilities


These are factory functions that generate piFuns with the required defaults, which are enclosed within the environment of the piFun. See the main entry for piFuns.





a vector of times for each interval, length(times) is the number of survey occasions; can be all 1's if times are the same.


the number of survey occasions


makeRemPiFun produces a piFun for a removal model with the required number of occasions and potentially varying time intervals. The input to the piFun must be probabilities per unit time. This is a generalisation of the piFun in the Examples section of piFuns.

makeCrPiFun produces a piFun for a standard capture-recapture model, M0, Mt or Mx. Probabilities of detection may vary across occasions. See Kery & Royle (2016) section 7.8.1.

makeCrPiFunMb produces a piFun for a capture-recapture model with a behavioral response after the first capture, Mb. Probabilities of detection are constant across occasions. The first column is the probability of detection for animals not caught before, column #2 is for animals after the first capture. The remaining columns are ignored. See Kery & Royle (2016) section 7.8.2.

makeCrPiFunMh produces a piFun for a capture-recapture model with individual heterogeneity in detection probability, Mh, using a logit-normal distribution. Probabilities of detection are constant across occasions. The first column is the mean of the logit-normal on the probability scale. Cell p[1, 2] is a value in [0, 1] which controls the spread of the distribution. The remaining cells are ignored. See Kery & Royle (2016) section 7.8.3.


A piFun with the appropriate defaults.


Kery, M., Royle, J. A. (2016) Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology Vol 1.


# Generate piFuns and check their behaviour:

# makeRemPiFun
# ============
( pRem <- matrix(0.4, nrow=5, ncol=3) )
myPi <- makeRemPiFun(times=c(2,3,5))
ls(environment(myPi))  # See what's in the environment

( pRem <- matrix(runif(15), 5, 3) )

myPi <- makeRemPiFun(c(5,3,2))

# More than 3 occasions
myPi <- makeRemPiFun(c(1,2,3,5))
try(myPi(pRem))  # Error
( pRem <- matrix(runif(20), 5, 4) )
# Probability of escaping detection
1 - rowSums(myPi(pRem))

# makeCrPiFun
# ===========
p <- matrix(0.4, 2, 3)
myPi <- makeCrPiFun(3)
myPi  # Look at the function

p <- matrix(runif(6, 0.1, 0.9), 2, 3)  # different p's everywhere

p <- matrix(runif(4*5, 0.1, 0.9), 4, 5)  # > 3 occasions
try(myPi(p))  # Error
myPi <- makeCrPiFun(5)
( tmp <- myPi(p) )
1 - rowSums(tmp) # Probability of non-capture

# makeCrPiFunMb
# ==============
( pMb <- cbind(rep(0.7, 5), 0.3, NA) )
myPi <- makeCrPiFunMb(3)

( pMb <- matrix(runif(15), 5, 3) )  # col #3 will be ignored

# with > 3 occasions
( pMb <- matrix(runif(15), 3, 5) )
myPi <- makeCrPiFunMb(5)

# makeCrPiFunMh
# =============
pMh <- cbind(rep(0.4, 5), NA, NA)
pMh[1, 2] <- 0.3
myPi <- makeCrPiFunMh(3)
pMh <- cbind(runif(5), NA, NA)
pMh[1, 2] <- 0.3

# with > 3 occasions
pMh <- cbind(runif(5), NA, NA, NA, NA)
pMh[1, 2] <- 0.3
myPi <- makeCrPiFunMh(5)
1 - rowSums(myPi(pMh))  # Probability of non-detection

Mallard count data


Mallard repeated count data and covariates




A list with 3 components


response matrix

site-specific covariates


survey-specific covariates


Kery, M., Royle, J. A., and Schmid, H. (2005) Modeling Avaian Abundance from Replicated Counts Using Binomial Mixture Models. Ecological Applications 15(4), pp. 1450–1461.



Massachusetts North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data


masspcru contains NAAMP data for Pseudacris crucifer (pcru) in Massachusetts from 2001 to 2007 in the raw long format.




Data frame with


Year of data collection.


Stop number.


Day of year.


Observed calling index.


Minutes after sunset of the observation.


Temperature measured during observation.


These data come from the North American Amphibian Monitoring Program. Please see the reference below for more details.



Mossman MJ, Weir LA. North American Amphibian Monitoring Program (NAAMP). Amphibian Declines: the conservation status of United States species. University of California Press, Berkeley, California, USA. 2005:307-313.



Occupancy data for coyote, red fox, and bobcat


Occupancy data and site covariates for coyote, red fox, and bobcat from 1437 camera trap sites sampled 3 times. Each sampling period represents one week. This data is a simplified form of the dataset used by Rota et al. (2016).




A list with four elements:


A 1437x3 occupancy matrix for bobcat


A 1437x3 occupancy matrix for coyote


A 1437x3 occupancy matrix for red fox


A data frame containing covariates for the 1437 sites, with the following columns:


Proportion of disturbed land in 5 km radius


Housing density in 5 km radius


Latitude / 100


Longitude / 100


Number of photos of people at site / 1000


1 if camera was on trail, 0 if not


Used with permission of Roland Kays and Arielle Parsons at North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.


Rota, C.T., et al. 2016. A multi-species occupancy model for two or more interacting species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7: 1164-1173.

Model selection results from an unmarkedFitList


Model selection results from an unmarkedFitList



an object of class "unmarkedFitList" created by the function fitList.


optional character naming which model in the fitList contains results from the null model. Only used in calculation of Nagelkerke's R-squared index.


A S4 object with the following slots


data.frame with formula, estimates, standard errors and model selection information. Converge is optim convergence code. CondNum is model condition number. n is the number of sites. delta is delta AIC. cumltvWt is cumulative AIC weight. Rsq is Nagelkerke's (1991) R-squared index, which is only returned when the nullmod argument is specified.


matrix referencing column names of estimates (row 1) and standard errors (row 2).


Two requirements exist to conduct AIC-based model-selection and model-averaging in unmarked. First, the data objects (ie, unmarkedFrames) must be identical among fitted models. Second, the response matrix must be identical among fitted models after missing values have been removed. This means that if a response value was removed in one model due to missingness, it needs to be removed from all models.


Richard Chandler [email protected]


Nagelkerke, N.J.D. (2004) A Note on a General Definition of the Coefficient of Determination. Biometrika 78, pp. 691-692.


(dbreaksLine <- c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20)) 
lengths <- linetran$Length * 1000

ltUMF <- with(linetran, {
	unmarkedFrameDS(y = cbind(dc1, dc2, dc3, dc4), 
	siteCovs = data.frame(Length, area, habitat), dist.breaks = dbreaksLine,
	tlength = lengths, survey = "line", unitsIn = "m")

fm1 <- distsamp(~ 1 ~1, ltUMF)
fm2 <- distsamp(~ area ~1, ltUMF)
fm3 <- distsamp( ~ 1 ~area, ltUMF)

fl <- fitList(Null=fm1, A.=fm2, .A=fm3)

ms <- modSel(fl, nullmod="Null")

coef(ms)                            # Estimates only
SE(ms)                              # Standard errors only
(toExport <- as(ms, "data.frame"))  # Everything

Multinomial-Poisson Mixtures Model


Fit the multinomial-Poisson mixture model to data collected using survey methods such as removal sampling or double observer sampling.


multinomPois(formula, data, starts, method = "BFGS",
   se = TRUE, engine=c("C","R","TMB"), ...)



double right-hand side formula for detection and abundance covariates, in that order.


unmarkedFrame supplying data.


vector of starting values.


Optimization method used by optim.


logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.


Either "C" to use fast C++ code or "R" to use native R code during the optimization.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


This function takes advantage of the closed form of the integrated likelihood when a latent Poisson distribution is assumed for abundance at each site and a multinomial distribution is taken for the observation state. Many common sampling methods can be framed in this context. For example, double-observer point counts and removal sampling can be analyzed with this function by specifying the proper multinomial cell probablilities. This is done with by supplying the appropriate function (piFun) argument. removalPiFun and doublePiFun are supplied as example cell probability functions.


unmarkedFit object describing the model fit.


Ian Fiske


Royle, J. A. (2004). Generalized estimators of avian abundance from count survey data. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 27(1), 375-386.

Royle, J. A., & Dorazio, R. M. (2006). Hierarchical Models of Animal Abundance and Occurrence. Journal Of Agricultural Biological And Environmental Statistics, 11(3), 249.

See Also

piFuns, unmarkedFrameMPois


# Simulate independent double observer data
nSites <- 50
lambda <- 10
p1 <- 0.5
p2 <- 0.3
cp <- c(p1*(1-p2), p2*(1-p1), p1*p2)
N <- rpois(nSites, lambda)
y <- matrix(NA, nSites, 3)
for(i in 1:nSites) {
  y[i,] <- rmultinom(1, N[i], c(cp, 1-sum(cp)))[1:3]

# Fit model
observer <- matrix(c('A','B'), nSites, 2, byrow=TRUE)
umf <- unmarkedFrameMPois(y=y, obsCovs=list(observer=observer),
fm <- multinomPois(~observer-1 ~1, umf)

# Estimates of fixed effects
e <- coef(fm)

# Estimates of random effects
re <- ranef(fm, K=20)
#ltheme <- canonical.theme(color = FALSE)
#lattice.options(default.theme = ltheme)
plot(re, layout=c(10,5))

## Real data
ovenFrame <- unmarkedFrameMPois(ovendata.list$data,$covariates[,-1])),
    type = "removal")
(fm1 <- multinomPois(~ 1 ~ ufc + trba, ovenFrame))

# Detection probability for a single pass
backTransform(fm1, type="det")

# Detection probability after 4 removal passes

# Empirical Bayes estimates of abundance at first 25 sites
# Very low uncertainty because p is very high
plot(ranef(fm1, K=10), layout=c(10,7), xlim=c(-1, 10))

Open population multinomial N-mixture model


Fit the model of Dail and Madsen (2011) and Hostetler and Chandler (2015) for designs involving repeated counts that yield multinomial outcomes. Possible data collection methods include repeated removal sampling and double observer sampling.


multmixOpen(lambdaformula, gammaformula, omegaformula, pformula,
    data, mixture=c("P", "NB", "ZIP"), K,
    dynamics=c("constant", "autoreg", "notrend", "trend", "ricker", "gompertz"),
    fix=c("none", "gamma", "omega"), immigration=FALSE, iotaformula = ~1,
    starts, method="BFGS", se=TRUE, ...)



Right-hand sided formula for initial abundance


Right-hand sided formula for recruitment rate (when dynamics is "constant", "autoreg", or "notrend") or population growth rate (when dynamics is "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz")


Right-hand sided formula for apparent survival probability (when dynamics is "constant", "autoreg", or "notrend") or equilibrium abundance (when dynamics is "ricker" or "gompertz")


A right-hand side formula describing the detection function covariates


An object of class unmarkedFrameMMO


String specifying mixture: "P", "NB", or "ZIP" for the Poisson, negative binomial, or zero-inflated Poisson distributions respectively


Integer defining upper bound of discrete integration. This should be higher than the maximum observed count and high enough that it does not affect the parameter estimates. However, the higher the value the slower the computation


Character string describing the type of population dynamics. "constant" indicates that there is no relationship between omega and gamma. "autoreg" is an auto-regressive model in which recruitment is modeled as gamma*N[i,t-1]. "notrend" model gamma as lambda*(1-omega) such that there is no temporal trend. "trend" is a model for exponential growth, N[i,t] = N[i,t-1]*gamma, where gamma in this case is finite rate of increase (normally referred to as lambda). "ricker" and "gompertz" are models for density-dependent population growth. "ricker" is the Ricker-logistic model, N[i,t] = N[i,t-1]*exp(gamma*(1-N[i,t-1]/omega)), where gamma is the maximum instantaneous population growth rate (normally referred to as r) and omega is the equilibrium abundance (normally referred to as K). "gompertz" is a modified version of the Gompertz-logistic model, N[i,t] = N[i,t-1]*exp(gamma*(1-log(N[i,t-1]+1)/log(omega+1))), where the interpretations of gamma and omega are similar to in the Ricker model


If "omega", omega is fixed at 1. If "gamma", gamma is fixed at 0


Logical specifying whether or not to include an immigration term (iota) in population dynamics


Right-hand sided formula for average number of immigrants to a site per time step


Vector of starting values


Optimization method used by optim


Logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


These models generalize multinomial N-mixture models (Royle et al. 2004) by relaxing the closure assumption (Dail and Madsen 2011, Hostetler and Chandler 2015, Sollmann et al. 2015).

The models include two or three additional parameters: gamma, either the recruitment rate (births and immigrations), the finite rate of increase, or the maximum instantaneous rate of increase; omega, either the apparent survival rate (deaths and emigrations) or the equilibrium abundance (carrying capacity); and iota, the number of immigrants per site and year. Estimates of population size at each time period can be derived from these parameters, and thus so can trend estimates. Or, trend can be estimated directly using dynamics="trend".

When immigration is set to FALSE (the default), iota is not modeled. When immigration is set to TRUE and dynamics is set to "autoreg", the model will separately estimate birth rate (gamma) and number of immigrants (iota). When immigration is set to TRUE and dynamics is set to "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz", the model will separately estimate local contributions to population growth (gamma and omega) and number of immigrants (iota).

The latent abundance distribution, f(Nθ)f(N | \mathbf{\theta}) can be set as a Poisson, negative binomial, or zero-inflated Poisson random variable, depending on the setting of the mixture argument, mixture = "P", mixture = "NB", mixture = "ZIP" respectively. For the first two distributions, the mean of NiN_i is λi\lambda_i. If NiNBN_i \sim NB, then an additional parameter, α\alpha, describes dispersion (lower α\alpha implies higher variance). For the ZIP distribution, the mean is λi(1ψ)\lambda_i(1-\psi), where psi is the zero-inflation parameter.

For "constant", "autoreg", or "notrend" dynamics, the latent abundance state following the initial sampling period arises from a Markovian process in which survivors are modeled as SitBinomial(Nit1,ωit)S_{it} \sim Binomial(N_{it-1}, \omega_{it}), and recruits follow GitPoisson(γit)G_{it} \sim Poisson(\gamma_{it}). Alternative population dynamics can be specified using the dynamics and immigration arguments.

λi\lambda_i, γit\gamma_{it}, and ιit\iota_{it} are modeled using the the log link. pijtp_{ijt} is modeled using the logit link. ωit\omega_{it} is either modeled using the logit link (for "constant", "autoreg", or "notrend" dynamics) or the log link (for "ricker" or "gompertz" dynamics). For "trend" dynamics, ωit\omega_{it} is not modeled.

The detection process is modeled as multinomial: yitMultinomial(Nit,πit)\mathbf{y_{it}} \sim Multinomial(N_{it}, \pi_{it}), where πijt\pi_{ijt} is the multinomial cell probability for plot i at time t on occasion j.

Options for the detection process include equal-interval removal sampling ("removal"), double observer sampling ("double"), or dependent double-observer sampling ("depDouble"). This option is specified when setting up the data using unmarkedFrameMMO. Note that unlike the related functions multinomPois and gmultmix, custom functions for the detection process (i.e., piFuns) are not supported. To request additional options contact the author.


An object of class unmarkedFitMMO


This function can be extremely slow, especially if there are covariates of gamma or omega. Consider testing the timing on a small subset of the data, perhaps with se=FALSE. Finding the lowest value of K that does not affect estimates will also help with speed.


When gamma or omega are modeled using year-specific covariates, the covariate data for the final year will be ignored; however, they must be supplied.

If the time gap between primary periods is not constant, an M by T matrix of integers should be supplied to unmarkedFrameMMO using the primaryPeriod argument.

Secondary sampling periods are optional, but can greatly improve the precision of the estimates.


Ken Kellner [email protected], Richard Chandler


Dail, D. and L. Madsen (2011) Models for Estimating Abundance from Repeated Counts of an Open Metapopulation. Biometrics. 67: 577-587.

Hostetler, J. A. and R. B. Chandler (2015) Improved State-space Models for Inference about Spatial and Temporal Variation in Abundance from Count Data. Ecology 96: 1713-1723.

Royle, J. A. (2004). Generalized estimators of avian abundance from count survey data. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27(1), 375-386.

See Also

multinomPois, gmultmix, unmarkedFrameMMO


#Generate some data 
  lambda=4; gamma=0.5; omega=0.8; p=0.5
  M <- 100; T <- 5
  y <- array(NA, c(M, 3, T))
  N <- matrix(NA, M, T)
  S <- G <- matrix(NA, M, T-1)

  for(i in 1:M) {
    N[i,1] <- rpois(1, lambda)
    y[i,1,1] <- rbinom(1, N[i,1], p)    # Observe some
    Nleft1 <- N[i,1] - y[i,1,1]         # Remove them
    y[i,2,1] <- rbinom(1, Nleft1, p)   # ...
    Nleft2 <- Nleft1 - y[i,2,1]
    y[i,3,1] <- rbinom(1, Nleft2, p)

    for(t in 1:(T-1)) {
      S[i,t] <- rbinom(1, N[i,t], omega)
      G[i,t] <- rpois(1, gamma)
      N[i,t+1] <- S[i,t] + G[i,t]
      y[i,1,t+1] <- rbinom(1, N[i,t+1], p)    # Observe some
      Nleft1 <- N[i,t+1] - y[i,1,t+1]         # Remove them
      y[i,2,t+1] <- rbinom(1, Nleft1, p)   # ...
      Nleft2 <- Nleft1 - y[i,2,t+1]
      y[i,3,t+1] <- rbinom(1, Nleft2, p)
  y=matrix(y, M)
  #Create some random covariate data
  sc <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(100))

  ## Not run: 
  #Create unmarked frame
  umf <- unmarkedFrameMMO(y=y, numPrimary=5, siteCovs=sc, type="removal")

  #Fit model
  (fit <- multmixOpen(~x1, ~1, ~1, ~1, K=30, data=umf))
  #Compare to truth
  cf <- coef(fit)
  data.frame(model=c(exp(cf[1]), cf[2], exp(cf[3]), plogis(cf[4]), plogis(cf[5])), 
             truth=c(lambda, 0, gamma, omega, p))

  head(predict(fit, type='lambda'))

  #Check fit with parametric bootstrap
  pb <- parboot(fit, nsims=15)

  # Empirical Bayes estimates of abundance for each site / year
  re <- ranef(fit)
  plot(re, layout=c(10,5), xlim=c(-1, 10))
## End(Not run)

Fit N-mixture Time-to-detection Models


Fit N-mixture models with time-to-detection data.


nmixTTD(stateformula= ~1, detformula = ~1, data, K=100,
    mixture = c("P","NB"), ttdDist = c("exp", "weibull"), starts, method="BFGS", 
    se=TRUE, engine = c("C", "R"), threads = 1, ...)



Right-hand sided formula for the abundance at each site.


Right-hand sided formula for mean time-to-detection.


unmarkedFrameOccuTTD object that supplies the data (see unmarkedFrameOccuTTD). Note that only single-season models are supported by nmixTTD.


The upper summation index used to numerically integrate out the latent abundance. This should be set high enough so that it does not affect the parameter estimates. Computation time will increase with K.


String specifying mixture distribution: "P" for Poisson or "NB" for negative binomial.


Distribution to use for time-to-detection; either "exp" for the exponential, or "weibull" for the Weibull, which adds an additional shape parameter kk.


optionally, initial values for parameters in the optimization.


Optimization method used by optim.


logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.


Either "C" or "R" to use fast C++ code or native R code during the optimization.


Set the number of threads to use for optimization in C++, if OpenMP is available on your system. Increasing the number of threads may speed up optimization in some cases by running the likelihood calculation in parallel. If threads=1 (the default), OpenMP is disabled.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


This model extends time-to-detection (TTD) occupancy models to estimate site abundance using data from single or repeated visits. Latent abundance can be modeled as Poisson (mixture="P") or negative binomial (mixture="NB"). Time-to-detection can be modeled as an exponential (ttdDist="exp") or Weibull (ttdDist="weibull") random variable with rate parameter λ\lambda and, for the Weibull, an additional shape parameter kk. Note that occuTTD puts covariates on λ\lambda and not 1/λ1/\lambda, i.e., the expected time between events.

Assuming that there are NN independent individuals at a site, and all individuals have the same individual detection rate, the expected detection rate across all individuals λ\lambda is equal to the the individual-level detection rate rr multipled by the number of individuals present NN.

In the case where there are no detections before the maximum sample time at a site (surveyLength) is reached, we are not sure if the site has N=0N=0 or if we just didn't wait long enough for a detection. We therefore must censor (CC the exponential or Weibull distribution at the maximum survey length, TmaxTmax. Thus, assuming true abundance at site ii is NiN_i, and an exponential distribution for the TTD yiy_i (parameterized with the rate), then:

yiExponential(riNi)C(Tmax)y_i \sim Exponential(r_i * N_i) C(Tmax)

Note that when Ni=0N_i = 0, the exponential rate lambda=0lambda = 0 and the scale is therefore 1/0=Inf1 / 0 = Inf, and thus the value will be censored at TmaxTmax.

Because in unmarked values of NA are typically used to indicate missing values that were a result of the sampling structure (e.g., lost data), we indicate a censored yiy_i in nmixTTD instead by setting yi=Tmaxiy_i = Tmax_i in the y matrix provided to unmarkedFrameOccuTTD. You can provide either a single value of TmaxTmax to the surveyLength argument of unmarkedFrameOccuTTD, or provide a matrix, potentially with a unique value of TmaxTmax for each value of y. Note that in the latter case the value of y that will be interpreted by nmixTTD as a censored observation (i.e., TmaxTmax) will differ between observations!


unmarkedFitNmixTTD object describing model fit.


Ken Kellner [email protected]


Strebel, N., Fiss, C., Kellner, K. F., Larkin, J. L., Kery, M., & Cohen, J (2021). Estimating abundance based on time-to-detection data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12: 909-920.

See Also

unmarked, unmarkedFrameOccuTTD


## Not run: 

# Simulate data
M = 1000 # Number of sites
nrep <- 3 # Number of visits per site
Tmax = 5 # Max duration of a visit
alpha1 = -1 # Covariate on rate
beta1 = 1 # Covariate on density
mu.lambda = 1 # Rate at alpha1 = 0
mu.dens = 1 # Density at beta1 = 0

covDet <- matrix(rnorm(M*nrep),nrow = M,ncol = nrep) #Detection covariate
covDens <- rnorm(M) #Abundance/density covariate
dens <- exp(log(mu.dens) + beta1 * covDens)
sum(N <- rpois(M, dens)) # Realized density per site
lambda <- exp(log(mu.lambda) + alpha1 * covDet) # per-individual detection rate
ttd <- NULL
for(i in 1:nrep) {
  ttd <- cbind(ttd,rexp(M, N*lambda[,i]))  # Simulate time to first detection per visit
ttd[N == 0,] <- 5 # Not observed where N = 0; ttd set to Tmax
ttd[ttd >= Tmax] <- 5 # Crop at Tmax

#Build unmarked frame
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuTTD(y = ttd, surveyLength=5,
                            siteCovs = data.frame(covDens=covDens),
                            obsCovs = data.frame(covDet=as.vector(t(covDet))))

#Fit model
fit <- nmixTTD(~covDens, ~covDet, data=umf, K=max(N)+10)

#Compare to truth
cbind(coef(fit), c(log(mu.dens), beta1, log(mu.lambda), alpha1))

#Predict abundance/density values
head(predict(fit, type='state'))

## End(Not run)

Nonparametric bootstrapping in unmarked


Call nonparboot on an unmarkedFit to obtain non-parametric bootstrap samples. These can then be used by vcov in order to get bootstrap estimates of standard errors.


Calling nonparboot on an unmarkedFit returns the original unmarkedFit, with the bootstrap samples added on. Then subsequent calls to vcov with the argument method="nonparboot" will use these bootstrap samples. Additionally, standard errors of derived estimates from either linearComb or backTransform can be instructed to use bootstrap samples by providing the argument method = "nonparboot".

For occu and occuRN both sites and occassions are re-sampled. For all other fitting functions, only sites are re-sampled.


signature(object = "unmarkedFit")

Obtain nonparametric bootstrap samples for a general unmarkedFit.

signature(object = "unmarkedFitColExt")

Obtain nonparametric bootstrap samples for colext fits.

signature(object = "unmarkedFitDS")

Obtain nonparametric bootstrap samples for a distsamp fits.

signature(object = "unmarkedFitMPois")

Obtain nonparametric bootstrap samples for a distsamp fits.

signature(object = "unmarkedFitOccu")

Obtain nonparametric bootstrap samples for a occu fits.

signature(object = "unmarkedFitOccuPEN")

Obtain nonparametric bootstrap samples for an occuPEN fit.

signature(object = "unmarkedFitOccuPEN_CV")

Obtain nonparametric bootstrap samples for occuPEN_CV fit.

signature(object = "unmarkedFitOccuRN")

Obtain nonparametric bootstrap samples for a occuRN fits.

signature(object = "unmarkedFitPCount")

Obtain nonparametric bootstrap samples for a pcount fits.


ovenFrame <- unmarkedFrameMPois(ovendata.list$data,$covariates[,-1])), type = "removal")
(fm <- multinomPois(~ 1 ~ ufc + trba, ovenFrame))
fm <- nonparboot(fm, B = 20) # should use larger B in real life.
vcov(fm, method = "hessian")
vcov(fm, method = "nonparboot")
avg.abundance <- backTransform(linearComb(fm, type = "state", coefficients = c(1, 0, 0)))

## Bootstrap sample information propagates through to derived quantities.
vcov(avg.abundance, method = "hessian")
vcov(avg.abundance, method = "nonparboot")
SE(avg.abundance, method = "nonparboot")

Fit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model


This function fits the single season occupancy model of MacKenzie et al (2002).


occu(formula, data, knownOcc=numeric(0), linkPsi=c("logit", "cloglog"),
            starts, method="BFGS", se=TRUE, engine=c("C", "R", "TMB"),
            threads = 1, ...)



Double right-hand side formula describing covariates of detection and occupancy in that order.


An unmarkedFrameOccu object


Vector of sites that are known to be occupied. These should be supplied as row numbers of the y matrix, eg, c(3,8) if sites 3 and 8 were known to be occupied a priori.


Link function for the occupancy model. Options are "logit" for the standard occupancy model or "cloglog" for the complimentary log-log link, which relates occupancy to site-level abundance. See details.


Vector of parameter starting values.


Optimization method used by optim.


Logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.


Code to use for optimization. Either "C" for fast C++ code, "R" for native R code, or "TMB" for Template Model Builder. "TMB" is used automatically if your formula contains random effects.


Set the number of threads to use for optimization in C++, if OpenMP is available on your system. Increasing the number of threads may speed up optimization in some cases by running the likelihood calculation in parallel. If threads=1 (the default), OpenMP is disabled.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


See unmarkedFrame and unmarkedFrameOccu for a description of how to supply data to the data argument.

occu fits the standard occupancy model based on zero-inflated binomial models (MacKenzie et al. 2006, Royle and Dorazio 2008). The occupancy state process (ziz_i) of site ii is modeled as

ziBernoulli(ψi)z_i \sim Bernoulli(\psi_i)

The observation process is modeled as

yijziBernoulli(zipij)y_{ij}|z_i \sim Bernoulli(z_i p_{ij})

By default, covariates of ψi\psi_i and pijp_{ij} are modeled using the logit link according to the formula argument. The formula is a double right-hand sided formula like ~ detform ~ occform where detform is a formula for the detection process and occform is a formula for the partially observed occupancy state. See formula for details on constructing model formulae in R.

When linkPsi = "cloglog", the complimentary log-log link function is used for psipsi instead of the logit link. The cloglog link relates occupancy probability to the intensity parameter of an underlying Poisson process (Kery and Royle 2016). Thus, if abundance at a site is can be modeled as Ni Poisson(λi)N_i ~ Poisson(\lambda_i), where log(λi)=α+βxlog(\lambda_i) = \alpha + \beta*x, then presence/absence data at the site can be modeled as Zi Binomial(ψi)Z_i ~ Binomial(\psi_i) where cloglog(ψi)=α+βxcloglog(\psi_i) = \alpha + \beta*x.


unmarkedFitOccu object describing the model fit.


Ian Fiske


Kery, Marc, and J. Andrew Royle. 2016. Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology, Volume 1. Academic Press.

MacKenzie, D. I., J. D. Nichols, G. B. Lachman, S. Droege, J. Andrew Royle, and C. A. Langtimm. 2002. Estimating Site Occupancy Rates When Detection Probabilities Are Less Than One. Ecology 83: 2248-2255.

MacKenzie, D. I. et al. 2006. Occupancy Estimation and Modeling. Amsterdam: Academic Press.

Royle, J. A. and R. Dorazio. 2008. Hierarchical Modeling and Inference in Ecology. Academic Press.

See Also

unmarked, unmarkedFrameOccu, modSel, parboot


pferUMF <- unmarkedFrameOccu(pfer.bin)
plot(pferUMF, panels=4)
# add some fake covariates for illustration
siteCovs(pferUMF) <- data.frame(sitevar1 = rnorm(numSites(pferUMF)))

# observation covariates are in site-major, observation-minor order
obsCovs(pferUMF) <- data.frame(obsvar1 = rnorm(numSites(pferUMF) * obsNum(pferUMF)))

(fm <- occu(~ obsvar1 ~ 1, pferUMF))

confint(fm, type='det', method = 'normal')
confint(fm, type='det', method = 'profile')

# estimate detection effect at obsvars=0.5
(lc <- linearComb(fm['det'],c(1,0.5)))

# transform this to probability (0 to 1) scale and get confidence limits
(btlc <- backTransform(lc))
confint(btlc, level = 0.9)

# Empirical Bayes estimates of proportion of sites occupied
re <- ranef(fm)
sum(bup(re, stat="mode"))

Fit the occupancy model using count dta


This function fits a single season occupancy model using count data.


        psiformula = ~1, lambdaformula = ~1, 
        psistarts, lambdastarts, starts,
        method = "BFGS", se = TRUE, 
        engine = c("C", "R"), na.rm = TRUE, 
        return.negloglik = NULL, L1 = FALSE, ...)



An unmarkedFrameOccuCOP object created with the unmarkedFrameOccuCOP function.


Formula describing the occupancy covariates.


Formula describing the detection covariates.


Vector of starting values for likelihood maximisation with optim for occupancy probability ψ\psi. These values must be logit-transformed (with qlogis) (see details). By default, optimisation will start at 0, corresponding to an occupancy probability of 0.5 (plogis(0) is 0.5).


Vector of starting values for likelihood maximisation with optim for detection rate λ\lambda. These values must be log-transformed (with log) (see details). By default, optimisation will start at 0, corresponding to detection rate of 1 (exp(0) is 1).


Vector of starting values for likelihood maximisation with optim. If psistarts and lambdastarts are provided, starts = c(psistarts, lambdastarts).


Optimisation method used by optim.


Logical specifying whether to compute (se=TRUE) standard errors or not (se=FALSE).


Code to use for optimisation. Either "C" for fast C++ code, or "R" for native R code.


Logical specifying whether to fit the model (na.rm=TRUE) or not (na.rm=FALSE) if there are NAs in the unmarkedFrameOccuCOP object.


A list of vectors of parameters (c(psiparams, lambdaparams)). If specified, the function will not maximise likelihood but return the negative log-likelihood for the those parameters in the nll column of a dataframe. See an example below.


Logical specifying whether the length of observations (L) are purposefully set to 1 (L1=TRUE) or not (L1=FALSE).


Additional arguments to pass to optim, such as lower and upper bounds or a list of control parameters.


See unmarkedFrameOccuCOP for a description of how to supply data to the data argument. See unmarkedFrame for a more general documentation of unmarkedFrame objects for the different models implemented in unmarked.

The COP occupancy model

occuCOP fits a single season occupancy model using count data, as described in Pautrel et al. (2023).

The occupancy sub-model is:

ziBernoulli(ψi)z_i \sim \text{Bernoulli}(\psi_i)

  • With ziz_i the occupany state of site ii. zi=1z_i=1 if site ii is occupied by the species, i.e. if the species is present in site ii. zi=0z_i=0 if site ii is not occupied.

  • With ψi\psi_i the occupancy probability of site ii.

The observation sub-model is:

Nijzi=1Poisson(λijLij)Nijzi=00N_{ij} | z_i = 1 \sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda_{ij} L_{ij}) \\ N_{ij} | z_i = 0 \sim 0

  • With NijN_{ij} the count of detection events in site ii during observation jj.

  • With λij\lambda_{ij} the detection rate in site ii during observation jj (for example, 1 detection per day.).

  • With LijL_{ij} the length of observation jj in site ii (for example, 7 days.).

What we call "observation" (jj) here can be a sampling occasion, a transect, a discretised session. Consequently, the unit of λij\lambda_{ij} and LijL_{ij} can be either a time-unit (day, hour, ...) or a space-unit (kilometer, meter, ...).

The transformation of parameters ψ\psi and λ\lambda

In order to perform unconstrained optimisation, parameters are transformed.

The occupancy probability (ψ\psi) is transformed with the logit function (psi_transformed = qlogis(psi)). It can be back-transformed with the "inverse logit" function (psi = plogis(psi_transformed)).

The detection rate (λ\lambda) is transformed with the log function (lambda_transformed = log(lambda)). It can be back-transformed with the exponential function (lambda = exp(lambda_transformed)).


unmarkedFitOccuCOP object describing the model fit. See the unmarkedFit classes.


Léa Pautrel


Pautrel, L., Moulherat, S., Gimenez, O. & Etienne, M.-P. Submitted. Analysing biodiversity observation data collected in continuous time: Should we use discrete or continuous-time occupancy models? Preprint at doi:10.1101/2023.11.17.567350.

See Also

unmarked, unmarkedFrameOccuCOP, unmarkedFit-class


options(max.print = 50)

# We simulate data in 100 sites with 3 observations of 7 days per site.
nSites <- 100
nObs <- 3

# For an occupancy covariate, we associate each site to a land-use category.
landuse <- sample(factor(c("Forest", "Grassland", "City"), ordered = TRUE), 
                  size = nSites, replace = TRUE)
simul_psi <- ifelse(landuse == "Forest", 0.8, 
                    ifelse(landuse == "Grassland", 0.4, 0.1))
z <- rbinom(n = nSites, size = 1, prob = simul_psi)

# For a detection covariate, we create a fake wind variable.
wind <- matrix(rexp(n = nSites * nObs), nrow = nSites, ncol = nObs)
simul_lambda <- wind / 5
L = matrix(7, nrow = nSites, ncol = nObs)

# We now simulate count detection data
y <- matrix(rpois(n = nSites * nObs, lambda = simul_lambda * L), 
            nrow = nSites, ncol = nObs) * z

# We create our unmarkedFrameOccuCOP object
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuCOP(
  y = y,
  L = L,
  siteCovs = data.frame("landuse" = landuse),
  obsCovs = list("wind" = wind)

# We fit our model without covariates
fitNull <- occuCOP(data = umf)

# We fit our model with covariates
fitCov <- occuCOP(data = umf, psiformula = ~ landuse, lambdaformula = ~ wind)

# We back-transform the parameter's estimates
## Back-transformed occupancy probability with no covariates
backTransform(fitNull, "psi")

## Back-transformed occupancy probability depending on habitat use
        newdata = data.frame("landuse" = c("Forest", "Grassland", "City")),
        appendData = TRUE)

## Back-transformed detection rate with no covariates
backTransform(fitNull, "lambda")

## Back-transformed detection rate depending on wind
        appendData = TRUE)

## This is not easily readable. We can show the results in a clearer way, by:
##  - adding the site and observation
##  - printing only the wind covariate used to get the predicted lambda
    "site" = rep(1:nSites, each = nObs),
    "observation" = rep(1:nObs, times = nSites),
    "wind" = getData(fitCov)@obsCovs
  predict(fitCov, "lambda", appendData = FALSE)

# We can choose the initial parameters when fitting our model.
# For psi, intituively, the initial value can be the proportion of sites 
#          in which we have observations.
(psi_init <- mean(rowSums(y) > 0))

# For lambda, the initial value can be the mean count of detection events 
#             in sites in which there was at least one observation.
(lambda_init <- mean(y[rowSums(y) > 0, ]))

# We have to transform them.
  data = umf,
  psiformula = ~ 1,
  lambdaformula = ~ 1,
  psistarts = qlogis(psi_init),
  lambdastarts = log(lambda_init)

# If we have covariates, we need to have the right length for the start vectors.
# psi ~ landuse --> 3 param to estimate: Intercept, landuseForest, landuseGrassland
# lambda ~ wind --> 2 param to estimate: Intercept, wind
  data = umf,
  psiformula = ~ landuse,
  lambdaformula = ~ wind,
  psistarts = rep(qlogis(psi_init), 3),
  lambdastarts = rep(log(lambda_init), 2)

# And with covariates, we could have chosen better initial values, such as the
# proportion of sites in which we have observations per land-use category.
(psi_init_covs <- c(
  "City" = mean(rowSums(y[landuse == "City", ]) > 0),
  "Forest" = mean(rowSums(y[landuse == "Forest", ]) > 0),
  "Grassland" = mean(rowSums(y[landuse == "Grassland", ]) > 0)
  data = umf,
  psiformula = ~ landuse,
  lambdaformula = ~ wind,
  psistarts = qlogis(psi_init_covs))

# We can fit our model with a different optimisation algorithm.
occuCOP(data = umf, method = "Nelder-Mead")

# We can run our model with a C++ or with a R likelihood function.
## They give the same result. 
occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "C", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0)
occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "R", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0)

## The C++ (the default) is faster.
system.time(occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "C", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0))
system.time(occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "R", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0))

## However, if you want to understand how the likelihood is calculated,
## you can easily access the R likelihood function.
print(occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "R", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0)@nllFun)

# Finally, if you do not want to fit your model but only get the likelihood,
# you can get the negative log-likelihood for a given set of parameters.
occuCOP(data = umf, return.negloglik = list(
  c("psi" = qlogis(0.25), "lambda" = log(2)),
  c("psi" = qlogis(0.5), "lambda" = log(1)),
  c("psi" = qlogis(0.75), "lambda" = log(0.5))

Fit occupancy models when false positive detections occur (e.g., Royle and Link [2006] and Miller et al. [2011])


This function fits the single season occupancy model while allowing for false positive detections.


occuFP(detformula = ~ 1, FPformula = ~ 1, Bformula = ~ 1, 
stateformula = ~ 1, data, starts, method="BFGS", se = TRUE, engine = "R", ...)



formula describing covariates of detection.


formula describing covariates of false positive detection probability.


formula describing covariates of probability detections are certain.


formula describing covariates of occupancy.


An unmarkedFrameOccuFP object


Vector of parameter starting values.


Optimization method used by optim.


Logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.


Currently only choice is R.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


See unmarkedFrame and unmarkedFrameOccuFP for a description of how to supply data to the data argument.

occuFP fits an extension of the standard single-season occupancy model (MacKenzie et al. 2002), which allows false positive detections. The occupancy status of a site is the same way as with the occu function, where stateformula is used to specify factors that lead to differences in occupancy probabilities among sites.

The observation process differs in that both false negative and false positive errors are modeled for observations. The function allows data to be of 3 types. These types are specified using in unmarkedFrameOccuFP as type. Occassions are specified to belong to 1 of the 3 data types and all or a subset of the data types can be combined in the same model.

For type 1 data, the detection process is assumed to fit the assumptions of the standard MacKenzie model where false negative probabilities are estimated but false positive detections are assumed not to occur. If all of your data is of this type you should use occu to analyze data. The detection parameter p, which is modeled using the detformula is the only observation parameter for these data.

For type 2 data, both false negative and false positive detection probabilities are estimated. If all data is of this type the likelihood follows Royle and Link (2006). Both p (the true positive detection probability) and fp (the false positive detection probability described by fpformula) are estimated for occassions when this data type occurs

For type 3 data, observations are assumed to include both certain detections (false positives assumed not to occur) and uncertain detections that may include false positive detections. When only this data type occurs, the estimator is the same as the multiple detection state model described in Miller et al. (2011). Three observation parameters occur for this data type: p - true positive detection probability, fp - false positive detection probability, and b - the probability a true positive detection was designated as certain.

When both type 1 and type 2 data occur, the estimator is equivalent to the multiple detection method model described in Miller et al. (2011). The frog data example in the same paper uses an analysis where type 1 (dipnet surveys) and type 3 (call surveys) data were used.

Data in the y matrix of the unmarked frame should be all 0s and 1s for type 1 and type 2 data. For type 3 data, uncertain detections are given a value of 1 and certain detections a value of 2.


unmarkedFitOccuFP object describing the model fit.


David Miller


MacKenzie, D. I., J. D. Nichols, G. B. Lachman, S. Droege, J. Andrew Royle, and C. A. Langtimm. 2002. Estimating Site Occupancy Rates When Detection Probabilities Are Less Than One. Ecology 83: 2248-2255.

Miller, D.A., J.D. Nichols, B.T. McClintock, E.H.C. Grant, L.L. Bailey, and L.A. Weir. 2011. Improving occupancy estimation when two types of observational error occur: non-detection and species misidentification. Ecology 92:1422-1428.

Royle, J.A., and W.A. Link. 2006. Generalized site occupancy models allowing for false positive and false negative errors. Ecology 87:835-841.

See Also

unmarked, unmarkedFrameOccuFP, modSel, parboot


n = 100
o = 10
o1 = 5
y = matrix(0,n,o)
p = .7
r = .5
fp = 0.05
y[1:(n*.5),(o-o1+1):o] <- rbinom((n*o1*.5),1,p)
y[1:(n*.5),1:(o-o1)] <- rbinom((o-o1)*n*.5,1,r)
y[(n*.5+1):n,(o-o1+1):o] <- rbinom((n*o1*.5),1,fp)
type <- c((o-o1),o1,0)  ### vector with the number of each data type
site <- c(rep(1,n*.5*.8),rep(0,n*.5*.2),rep(1,n*.5*.2),rep(0,n*.8*.5))
occ <- matrix(c(rep(0,n*(o-o1)),rep(1,n*o1)),n,o)
site <- data.frame(habitat = site)
occ <- list(METH = occ)

umf1 <- unmarkedFrameOccuFP(y,site,occ, type = type)

m1 <- occuFP(detformula = ~ METH, FPformula = ~1,
             stateformula = ~ habitat, data = umf1)
predict(m1, type = 'fp')
confint(m1, type = 'det')

Fit Single-Season and Dynamic Multi-State Occupancy Models


This function fits single-season and dynamic multi-state occupancy models with both the multinomial and conditional binomial parameterizations.


occuMS(detformulas, psiformulas, phiformulas=NULL, data, 
    starts, method="BFGS", se=TRUE, engine=c("C","R"), silent=FALSE, ...)



Character vector of formulas for detection probabilities. See details for a description of how to order these formulas.


Character vector of formulas for occupancy probabilities. See details for a description of how to order these formulas.


Character vector of formulas for state transition probabilities. Only used if you are fitting a dynamic model. See details for a description of how to order these formulas.


An unmarkedFrameOccuMS object


Either "multinomial" for the multinomial parameterization (MacKenzie et al. 2009) which allows an arbitrary number of occupancy states, or "condbinom" for the conditional binomial parameterization (Nichols et al. 2007) which requires exactly 3 occupancy states. See details.


Vector of parameter starting values.


Optimization method used by optim.


Logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.


Either "C" to use fast C++ code or "R" to use native R code during the optimization.


Boolean; if TRUE, suppress warnings.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


Traditional occupancy models fit data with exactly two states: detection and non-detection (MacKenzie et al. 2002). The occuMS function fits models to occupancy data for which there are greater than 2 states (Nichols et al 2007, MacKenzie et al. 2009). For example, detections may be further divided into multiple biologically relevant categories, e.g. breeding vs. non-breeding, or some/many individuals present. As with detection status, classification of these additional occupancy states is likely to be imperfect.

Multiple parameterizations for multi-state occupancy models have been proposed. The occuMS function fits two at present: the "conditional binomial" parameterization of Nichols et al. (2007), and the more general "multinomial" parameterization of MacKenzie et al. (2009). Both single-season and dynamic models are possible with occuMS (MacKenzie et al. 2009).

The conditional binomial parameterization (parameterization = 'condbinom') models occupancy and the presence or absence of an additional biological state of interest given the species is present (typically breeding status). Thus, there should be exactly 3 occupancy states in the data: 0 (non-detection); 1 (detection, no evidence of breeding); or 2 (detection, evidence of breeding).

Two state parameters are estimated: ψ\psi, the probability of occupancy, and RR, the probability of successful reproduction given an occupied state (although this could be some other binary biological condition). Covariates (in siteCovs) can be supplied for either or both of these parameters with the stateformulas argument, which takes a character vector of R-style formulas with length = 2, with formulas in the order (ψ\psi, RR). For example, to fit a model where ψ\psi varies with a landcover covariate and RR is constant, stateformulas = c('~landcover','~1').

There are three detection parameters associated with the conditional binomial parameterization: p1p_1, the probability of detecting the species given true state 1; p2p_2, the probability of detecting the species given true state 2; and δ\delta, the probability of detecting state 2 (i.e., breeding), given that the species has been detected. See MacKenzie et al. (2009), pages 825-826 for more details. As with occupancy, covariates (in obsCovs) can be supplied for these detection probabilities with the detformulas argument, which takes a character vector of formulas with length = 3 in the order (p1p_1, p2p_2, δ\delta). So, to fit a model where p1p_1 varies with temperature and the other two parameters are constant, detformulas = c('~temp','~1','~1').

The multinomial parameterization (parameterization = "multinomial") is more general, allowing an arbitrary number of occupancy states SS. SS - 1 occupancy probabilities ψ\psi are estimated. Thus, if there are SS = 4 occupancy states (0, 1, 2, 3), occuMS estimates ψ1\psi_1, ψ2\psi_2, and ψ3\psi_3 (the probability of state 0 can be obtained by subtracting the others from 1). Covariates can be supplied for each occupancy probability with a character vector with length S1S-1, e.g. stateformulas = c('~landcover','~1','~1') where ψ1\psi_1 varies with landcover and ψ2\psi_2 and ψ3\psi_3 are constant.

The number of detection probabilities estimated quickly expands as SS increases, equal to S×(S1)/2S \times (S-1) / 2. In the simplest case (when SS = 3), there are 3 detection probabilities: p11p_{11}, the probability of detecting state 1 given true state 1; p12p_{12}, the probability of detecting state 1 given true state 2; and p22p_{22}, the probability of detecting state 2 given true state 2. Covariates can be supplied for any or all of these detection probabilities with the detformulas argument, which takes a character vector of formulas with length = 3 in the order (p11p_{11}, p12p_{12}, p22p_{22}). So, to fit a model where p11p_{11} varies with temperature and the other two detection probabilities are constant, detformulas = c('~temp','~1','~1'). If there were SS = 4 occupancy states, there are 6 estimated detection probabilities and the order is (p11p_{11}, p12p_{12}, p13p_{13}, p22p_{22}, p23p_{23}, p33p_{33}), and so on. See MacKenzie et al. (2009) for a more detailed explanation.

Dynamic (multi-season) models can be fit as well for both parameterizations (MacKenzie et al. 2009). In a standard dynamic occupancy model, additional parameters for probabilities of colonization (i.e., state 0 -> 1) and extinction (1 -> 0) are estimated. In a multi-state context, we must estimate a transition probability matrix (ϕ\phi) between all possible states. You can provide formulas for some of the probabilities in this matrix using the phiformulas argument. The approach differs depending on parameterization.

For the conditional binomial parameterization, phiformulas is a character vector of length 6. The first three elements are formulas for the probability a site is occupied at time tt given that it was previously in states 0, 1, or 2 at time t1t-1 (phi0, phi1, phi2). Elements 4-6 are formulas for the probability of reproduction (or other biological state) given state 0, 1, or 2 at time t1t-1 (R0, R1, R2). See umf@phiOrder$cond_binom for a reminder of the correct order, where umf is your unmarkedFrameOccuMS.

For the multinomial parameterization, phiformulas can be used to provide formulas for some transitions between different occupancy states. You can't give formulas for the probabilities of remaining in the same state between seasons to keep the model identifiable. Thus, if there are 3 possible states (0, 1, 2), phiformulas should contain 6 formulas for the following transitions: p(0->1), p(0->2), p(1->0), p(1->2), p(2->0), p(2->1), in that order (and similar for more than 3 states). The remaining probabilities of staying in the same state between seasons can be obtained via subtraction. See umf@phiOrder$multinomial for the correct order matching the number of states in your dataset.

See unmarkedFrame and unmarkedFrameOccuMS for a description of how to supply data to the data argument.


unmarkedFitOccuMS object describing the model fit.


Ken Kellner [email protected]


MacKenzie, D. I., J. D. Nichols, G. B. Lachman, S. Droege, J. Andrew Royle, and C. A. Langtimm. 2002. Estimating Site Occupancy Rates When Detection Probabilities Are Less Than One. Ecology 83: 2248-2255.

MacKenzie, D. I., Nichols, J. D., Seamans, M. E., and R. J. Gutierrez, 2009. Modeling species occurrence dynamics with multiple states and imperfect detection. Ecology 90: 823-835.

Nichols, J. D., Hines, J. E., Mackenzie, D. I., Seamans, M. E., and R. J. Gutierrez. 2007. Occupancy estimation and modeling with multiple states and state uncertainty. Ecology 88: 1395-1400.

See Also

unmarked, unmarkedFrameOccuMS


## Not run: 

#Simulate data

N <- 500; J <- 5; S <- 3
site_covs <- matrix(rnorm(N*2),ncol=2)
obs_covs <- matrix(rnorm(N*J*2),ncol=2)
a1 <- -0.5; b1 <- 1; a2 <- -0.6; b2 <- -0.7

## Multinomial parameterization ##

p11 <- -0.4; p12 <- -1.09; p22 <- -0.84
truth <- c(a1,b1,a2,b2,p11,0,p12,p22)

#State process
lp <- matrix(NA,ncol=S,nrow=N)
for (n in 1:N){
  lp[n,2] <- exp(a1+b1*site_covs[n,1])
  lp[n,3] <- exp(a2+b2*site_covs[n,2])
  lp[n,1] <- 1  
psi_mat <- lp/rowSums(lp)

z <- rep(NA,N)
for (n in 1:N){
  z[n] <- sample(0:2, 1, replace=T, prob=psi_mat[n,])

probs_raw <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1,exp(p11),0,1,exp(p12),exp(p22)),nrow=3,byrow=T)
probs_raw <- probs_raw/rowSums(probs_raw)
y <- matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=J)
for (n in 1:N){

  probs <- switch(z[n]+1,
    y[n,] <- sample(0:2, J, replace=T, probs)

#Construct unmarkedFrame
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuMS(y=y,,


#3 states, so detformulas is a character vector of formulas of 
#length 3 in following order:
#1) p[11]: prob of detecting state 1 given true state 1
#2) p[12]: prob of detecting state 1 given true state 2
#3) p[22]: prob of detecting state 2 given true state 2
detformulas <- c('~V1','~1','~1')
#If you had 4 states, it would be p[11],p[12],p[13],p[22],p[23],p[33] and so on

#3 states, so stateformulas is a character vector of length 2 in following order:
#1) psi[1]: probability of state 1
#2) psi[2]: probability of state 2
#You can get probability of state 0 (unoccupied) as 1 - psi[1] - psi[2]
stateformulas <- c('~V1','~V2')

#Fit model
fit <- occuMS(detformulas, stateformulas, data=umf,

#Look at results
#Compare with truth

#Generate predicted values

#Fit a null model
detformulas <- rep('~1',3)
stateformulas <- rep('~1',2)
fit_null <- occuMS(detformulas, stateformulas, data=umf,

#Compare fits

## Conditional binomial parameterization ##

p11 <- 0.4; p12 <- 0.6; p22 <- 0.8
truth_cb <- c(a1,b1,a2,b2,qlogis(p11),0,qlogis(c(p12,p22)))

#Simulate data

#State process
psi_mat <- matrix(NA,ncol=S,nrow=N)
for (n in 1:N){
  psi_mat[n,2] <- plogis(a1+b1*site_covs[n,1])
  psi_mat[n,3] <- plogis(a2+b2*site_covs[n,2])
psi_bin <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(psi_mat),ncol=ncol(psi_mat))
psi_bin[,1] <- 1-psi_mat[,2]
psi_bin[,2] <- (1-psi_mat[,3])*psi_mat[,2]
psi_bin[,3] <- psi_mat[,2]*psi_mat[,3]
z <- rep(NA,N)
for (n in 1:N){
  z[n] <- sample(0:2, 1, replace=T, prob=psi_bin[n,])

#Detection process
y_cb <- matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=J)
for (n in 1:N){
  #p11 = p1; p12 = p2; p22 = delta
  probs <- switch(z[n]+1,
    y_cb[n,] <- sample(0:2, J, replace=T, probs)

#Build unmarked frame
umf2 <- unmarkedFrameOccuMS(y=y_cb,,


#detformulas is a character vector of formulas of length 3 in following order:
#1) p[1]: prob of detecting species given true state 1
#2) p[2]: prob of detecting species given true state 2
#3) delta: prob of detecting state 2 (eg breeding) given species was detected
detformulas <- c('~V1','~1','~1')

#stateformulas is a character vector of length 2 in following order:
#1) psi: probability of occupancy
#2) R: probability state 2 (eg breeding) given occupancyc
stateformulas <- c('~V1','~V2')

#Fit model
fit_cb <- occuMS(detformulas, stateformulas, data=umf2,

#Look at results
#Compare with truth

#Generate predicted values

## Dynamic (multi-season) model ##

#Simulate data-----------------------------------------------
N <- 500 #Number of sites
T <- 3 #Number of primary periods
J <- 5 #Number of secondary periods
S <- 3 #Number of occupancy states (0,1,2)

#Generate covariates
site_covs <-*2),ncol=2))
yearly_site_covs <-*T*2),ncol=2))
obs_covs <-*J*T*2),ncol=2))

#True parameter values
b <- c(
  #Occupancy parameters
  a1=-0.5, b1=1, a2=-0.6, b2=-0.7,
  #Transition prob (phi) parameters
  phi01=0.7, phi01_cov=-0.5, phi02=-0.5, phi10=1.2, 
  phi12=0.3, phi12_cov=1.1, phi20=-0.3, phi21=1.4, phi21_cov=0,
  #Detection prob parameters
  p11=-0.4, p11_cov=0, p12=-1.09, p22=-0.84

#Generate occupancy probs (multinomial parameterization)
lp <- matrix(1, ncol=S, nrow=N)
lp[,2] <- exp(b[1]+b[2]*site_covs[,1])
lp[,3] <- exp(b[3]+b[4]*site_covs[,2])
psi <- lp/rowSums(lp)

#True occupancy state matrix
z <- matrix(NA, nrow=N, ncol=T)

#Initial occupancy
for (n in 1:N){
  z[n,1] <- sample(0:(S-1), 1, prob=psi[n,])

#Raw phi probs
phi_raw <- matrix(NA, nrow=N*T, ncol=S^2-S)
phi_raw[,1] <- exp(b[5]+b[6]*yearly_site_covs[,1]) #p[0->1]
phi_raw[,2] <- exp(b[7]) #p[0->2]
phi_raw[,3] <- exp(b[8]) #p[1->0]
phi_raw[,4] <- exp(b[9]+b[10]*yearly_site_covs[,2]) #p[1->2]
phi_raw[,5] <- exp(b[11]) #p[2->0]
phi_raw[,6] <- exp(b[12]+b[13]*yearly_site_covs[,1])

#Generate states in times 2..T
px <- 1
for (n in 1:N){
  for (t in 2:T){
    phi_mat <- matrix(c(1, phi_raw[px,1], phi_raw[px,2],  # phi|z=0
                        phi_raw[px,3], 1, phi_raw[px,4],  # phi|z=1
                        phi_raw[px,5], phi_raw[px,6], 1), # phi|z=2
                      nrow=S, byrow=T)
    phi_mat <- phi_mat/rowSums(phi_mat)
    z[n, t] <- sample(0:(S-1), 1, prob=phi_mat[z[n,(t-1)]+1,])
    px <- px + 1
    if(t==T) px <- px + 1 #skip last datapoint for each site

#Raw p probs
p_mat <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, #p|z=0
                  1, exp(b[14]), 0, #p|z=1
                  1, exp(b[16]), exp(b[17])), #p|z=2 
                nrow=S, byrow=T)
p_mat <- p_mat/rowSums(p_mat)

#Simulate observation data
y <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=J*T)
for (n in 1:N){
  yx <- 1
  for (t in 1:T){
      yx <- yx + J
    for (j in 1:J){
      y[n, yx] <- sample(0:(S-1), 1, prob=p_mat[z[n,t]+1,])
      yx <- yx+1

#Model fitting

#Build UMF
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuMS(y=y, siteCovs=site_covs,

#Initial occupancy
psiformulas <- c('~V1','~V2') #on psi[1] and psi[2]

#Transition probs
#Guide to order:
phiformulas <- c('~V1','~1','~1','~V2','~1','~V1')

#Detection probability
detformulas <- c('~V1','~1','~1') #on p[1|1], p[1|2], p[2|2]

#Fit model
(fit <- occuMS(detformulas=detformulas, psiformulas=psiformulas,
              phiformulas=phiformulas, data=umf))

#Compare with truth
compare <- cbind(b,coef(fit),
colnames(compare) <- c('truth','estimate','lower','upper')

#Estimated phi matrix for site 1
phi_est <- predict(fit, 'phi',
phi_est <- sapply(phi_est, function(x) x$Predicted[1])
phi_est_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow=S, ncol=S)
phi_est_mat[c(4,7,2,8,3,6)] <- phi_est
diag(phi_est_mat) <- 1 - rowSums(phi_est_mat,na.rm=T)

#Actual phi matrix for site 1
phi_act_mat <- diag(S)
phi_act_mat[c(4,7,2,8,3,6)] <- phi_raw[1,]
phi_act_mat <- phi_act_mat/rowSums(phi_act_mat)

cat('Estimated phi\n')
cat('Actual phi\n')

#Rough check of model fit
fit_sim <- simulate(fit, nsim=20)
#line should fall near middle of histogram

## End(Not run)

Fit the Rota et al. (2016) Multi-species Occupancy Model


This function fits the multispecies occupancy model of Rota et al (2016).


occuMulti(detformulas, stateformulas, data, maxOrder, penalty=0, boot=30, 
       starts, method="BFGS", se=TRUE, engine=c("C","R"), silent=FALSE, ...)



Character vector of formulas for the detection models, one per species.


Character vector of formulas for the natural parameters. To fix a natural parameter at 0, specify the corresponding formula as "0" or "~0".


An unmarkedFrameOccuMulti object


Optional; specify maximum interaction order. Defaults to number of species (all possible interactions). Reducing this value may speed up optimization if you aren't interested in higher-order interactions.


Penalty term for likelihood. The total penalty is calculated as penalty * 0.5 * sum(paramvals^2). Defaults to 0 (no penalty).


Number of bootstrap samples to use to generate the variance-covariance matrix when penalty > 0.


Vector of parameter starting values.


Optimization method used by optim.


Logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.


Either "C" to use fast C++ code or "R" to use native R code during the optimization.


Boolean; if TRUE, suppress warnings.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


See unmarkedFrame and unmarkedFrameOccuMulti for a description of how to supply data to the data argument.

occuMulti fits the multispecies occupancy model from Rota et al. (2016), for two or more interacting species. The model generalizes the standard single-species occupancy model from MacKenzie et al. (2002). The latent occupancy state at site ii for a set of ss potentially interacting species is a vector Zi\mathbf{Z}_i of length ss containing a sequence of the values 0 or 1. For example, when s=2s = 2, the possible states are [11][11], [10][10], [01][01], or [00][00], corresponding to both species present, only species 1 or species 2 present, or both species absent, respectively. The latent state modeled as a multivariate Bernoulli random variable:

ZiMVB(ψi)\mathbf{Z}_i \sim \textrm{MVB}(\boldsymbol{\psi}_i)

where ψi\boldsymbol{\psi}_i is a vector of length 2s2^s containing the probability of each possible combination of 0s and 1s, such that ψi=1\sum\boldsymbol{\psi}_i = 1.

For s=2s = 2, the corresponding natural parameters ff are

f1=log(ψ10ψ00)f_1 = \log\left(\frac{\psi_{10}}{\psi_{00}}\right)

f2=log(ψ01ψ00)f_2 = \log\left(\frac{\psi_{01}}{\psi_{00}}\right)

f12=log(ψ11ψ00ψ10ψ01)f_{12} = \log\left(\frac{\psi_{11}\psi_{00}}{\psi_{10}\psi_{01}}\right)

The natural parameters can then be modeled as linear functions of covariates. Covariates for each ff must be specified with the stateformulas argument, which takes a character vector of individual formulas of length equal to the number of natural parameters (which in turn depends on the number of species in the model).

The observation process is similar to the standard single-species occupancy model, except that the observations yij\mathbf{y}_{ij} at site ii on occasion jj are vectors of length ss and there are independent values of detection probability pp for each species ss:

yijZiMVB(Zipsij)\mathbf{y}_{ij}|\mathbf{Z}_i \sim \textrm{MVB}(\mathbf{Z}_i p_{sij})

Independent detection models (potentially containing different covariates) must be provided for each species with the detformulas argument, which takes a character vector of individual formulas with length equal to the number of species ss.

If you are having problems with separation or boundary estimates (indicated by very large parameter estimates and SEs), use of penalized likelihood may help: see Clipp et al. (2021). occuMulti supports use of the Bayes-inspired penalty of Hutchinson et al. (2015). You can set the penalty value manually using the penalty argument, or identify the optimal penalty using K-fold cross validation with the optimizePenalty function. See example below.


unmarkedFitOccuMulti object describing the model fit.


Ken Kellner [email protected]


Clipp, H. L., Evans, A., Kessinger, B. E., Kellner, K. F., and C. T. Rota. 2021. A penalized likelihood for multi-species occupancy models improves predictions of species interactions. Ecology.

Hutchinson, R. A., J. V. Valente, S. C. Emerson, M. G. Betts, and T. G. Dietterich. 2015. Penalized Likelihood Methods Improve Parameter Estimates in Occupancy Models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12368

MacKenzie, D. I., J. D. Nichols, G. B. Lachman, S. Droege, J. Andrew Royle, and C. A. Langtimm. 2002. Estimating Site Occupancy Rates When Detection Probabilities Are Less Than One. Ecology 83: 2248-2255.

Rota, C.T., et al. 2016. A multi-species occupancy model for two or more interacting species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7: 1164-1173.

See Also

unmarked, unmarkedFrameOccuMulti


## Not run: 
#Simulate 3 species data
N <- 1000
nspecies <- 3
J <- 5

occ_covs <- * 10),ncol=10))
names(occ_covs) <- paste('occ_cov',1:10,sep='')

det_covs <- list()
for (i in 1:nspecies){
  det_covs[[i]] <- matrix(rnorm(N*J),nrow=N)
names(det_covs) <- paste('det_cov',1:nspecies,sep='')

#True vals
beta <- c(0.5,0.2,0.4,0.5,-0.1,-0.3,0.2,0.1,-1,0.1)
f1 <- beta[1] + beta[2]*occ_covs$occ_cov1
f2 <- beta[3] + beta[4]*occ_covs$occ_cov2
f3 <- beta[5] + beta[6]*occ_covs$occ_cov3
f4 <- beta[7]
f5 <- beta[8]
f6 <- beta[9]
f7 <- beta[10]
f <- cbind(f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7)
z <- expand.grid(rep(list(1:0),nspecies))[,nspecies:1]
colnames(z) <- paste('sp',1:nspecies,sep='')
dm <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~.^",nspecies,"-1")),z)

psi <- exp(f %*% t(dm))
psi <- psi/rowSums(psi)

#True state
ztruth <- matrix(NA,nrow=N,ncol=nspecies)
for (i in 1:N){
  ztruth[i,] <- as.matrix(z[sample(8,1,prob=psi[i,]),])

p_true <- c(0.6,0.7,0.5)

# fake y data
y <- list()

for (i in 1:nspecies){
  y[[i]] <- matrix(NA,N,J)
  for (j in 1:N){
    for (k in 1:J){
      y[[i]][j,k] <- rbinom(1,1,ztruth[j,i]*p_true[i])
names(y) <- c('coyote','tiger','bear')

#Create the unmarked data object
data = unmarkedFrameOccuMulti(y=y,siteCovs=occ_covs,obsCovs=det_covs)

#Summary of data object

# Look at f parameter design matrix

# Formulas for state and detection processes

# Length should match number/order of columns in fDesign
occFormulas <- c('~occ_cov1','~occ_cov2','~occ_cov3','~1','~1','~1','~1')

#Length should match number/order of species in data@ylist
detFormulas <- c('~1','~1','~1')

fit <- occuMulti(detFormulas,occFormulas,data)

#Look at output


#Compare with known values

#predict method

#marginal occupancy

#probability of co-occurrence of two or more species
head(predict(fit, 'state', species=c('coyote','tiger')))

#conditional occupancy
head(predict(fit,'state',species=2,cond=3)) #tiger | bear present
head(predict(fit,'state',species='tiger',cond='bear')) #tiger | bear present
head(predict(fit,'state',species='tiger',cond='-bear')) #bear absent

#residuals (by species)

#ranef (by species)
ranef(fit, species='coyote')

#parametric bootstrap
bt <- parboot(fit,nsim=30)

#update model
occFormulas <- c('~occ_cov1','~occ_cov2','~occ_cov2+occ_cov3','~1','~1','~1','~1')
fit2 <- update(fit,stateformulas=occFormulas)

#List of fitted models
fl <- fitList(fit,fit2)

#Model selection

#Fit model while forcing some natural parameters to be 0
#For example: fit model with no species interactions
occFormulas <- c('~occ_cov1','~occ_cov2','~occ_cov2+occ_cov3','0','0','0','0')
fit3 <- occuMulti(detFormulas,occFormulas,data)

#Alternatively, you can force all interaction parameters above a certain
#order to be zero with maxOrder. This will be faster.
occFormulas <- c('~occ_cov1','~occ_cov2','~occ_cov2+occ_cov3')
fit4 <- occuMulti(detFormulas,occFormulas,data,maxOrder=1)

#Add Bayes penalty term to likelihood. This is useful if your parameter
#estimates are very large, eg because of separation.
fit5 <- occuMulti(detFormulas, occFormulas, data, penalty=1)

#Find optimal penalty term value from a range of possible values using
#K-fold cross validation, and re-fit the model
fit_opt <- optimizePenalty(fit5, penalties=c(0,1,2))

## End(Not run)

Fit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model with the penalized likelihood methods of Hutchinson et al. (2015)


This function fits the occupancy model of MacKenzie et al (2002) with the penalized methods of Hutchinson et al (2015).


occuPEN(formula, data, knownOcc=numeric(0), starts, method="BFGS",
    engine=c("C", "R"), lambda=0, pen.type = c("Bayes","Ridge","MPLE"), ...)



Double right-hand side formula describing covariates of detection and occupancy in that order.


An unmarkedFrameOccu object


Vector of sites that are known to be occupied. These should be supplied as row numbers of the y matrix, eg, c(3,8) if sites 3 and 8 were known to be occupied a priori.


Vector of parameter starting values.


Optimization method used by optim.


Either "C" or "R" to use fast C++ code or native R code during the optimization.


Penalty weight parameter.


Which form of penalty to use.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


See unmarkedFrame and unmarkedFrameOccu for a description of how to supply data to the data argument.

occuPEN fits the standard occupancy model based on zero-inflated binomial models (MacKenzie et al. 2006, Royle and Dorazio 2008) using the penalized likelihood methods described in Hutchinson et al. (2015). See occu for model details. occuPEN returns parameter estimates that maximize a penalized likelihood in which the penalty is specified by the pen.type argument. The penalty function is weighted by lambda.

The MPLE method includes an equation for computing lambda (Moreno & Lele, 2010). If the value supplied does not equal match the one computed with this equation, the supplied value is used anyway (with a warning).


unmarkedFitOccuPEN object describing the model fit.


Rebecca A. Hutchinson


Hutchinson, R. A., J. V. Valente, S. C. Emerson, M. G. Betts, and T. G. Dietterich. 2015. Penalized Likelihood Methods Improve Parameter Estimates in Occupancy Models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12368

MacKenzie, D. I., J. D. Nichols, G. B. Lachman, S. Droege, J. Andrew Royle, and C. A. Langtimm. 2002. Estimating Site Occupancy Rates When Detection Probabilities Are Less Than One. Ecology 83: 2248-2255.

MacKenzie, D. I. et al. 2006. Occupancy Estimation and Modeling. Amsterdam: Academic Press.

Moreno, M. and S. R. Lele. 2010. Improved estimation of site occupancy using penalized likelihood. Ecology 91: 341-346.

Royle, J. A. and R. Dorazio. 2008. Hierarchical Modeling and Inference in Ecology. Academic Press.

See Also

unmarked, unmarkedFrameOccu, occu, computeMPLElambda, occuPEN_CV, nonparboot


# Simulate occupancy data
nSites <- 100
nReps <- 2
covariates <- data.frame(veght=rnorm(nSites),
    habitat=factor(c(rep('A', nSites/2), rep('B', nSites/2))))

psipars <- c(-1, 1, -1)
ppars <- c(1, -1, 0)
X <- model.matrix(~veght+habitat, covariates) # design matrix
psi <- plogis(X %*% psipars)
p <- plogis(X %*% ppars)

y <- matrix(NA, nSites, nReps)
z <- rbinom(nSites, 1, psi)       # true occupancy state
for(i in 1:nSites) {
    y[i,] <- rbinom(nReps, 1, z[i]*p[i])

# Organize data and look at it
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = y, siteCovs = covariates)
obsCovs(umf) <- covariates

# Fit some models
fmMLE <- occu(~veght+habitat ~veght+habitat, umf)
fm1pen <- occuPEN(~veght+habitat ~veght+habitat, umf,lambda=0.33,pen.type="Ridge")
fm2pen <- occuPEN(~veght+habitat ~veght+habitat, umf,lambda=1,pen.type="Bayes")

fm3pen <- occuPEN(~veght+habitat ~veght+habitat, umf,lambda=0.5,pen.type="MPLE")
MPLElambda = computeMPLElambda(~veght+habitat ~veght+habitat, umf) 
fm4pen <- occuPEN(~veght+habitat ~veght+habitat, umf,lambda=MPLElambda,pen.type="MPLE")

# nonparametric bootstrap for uncertainty analysis:
fm1pen <- nonparboot(fm1pen,B=20) # should use more samples

Fit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model with the penalized likelihood methods of Hutchinson et al. (2015) using cross-validation


This function fits the occupancy model of MacKenzie et al (2002) with the penalized methods of Hutchinson et al (2015) using k-fold cross-validation to choose the penalty weight.


occuPEN_CV(formula, data, knownOcc=numeric(0), starts, method="BFGS",
    engine=c("C", "R"), lambdaVec=c(0,2^seq(-4,4)),
    pen.type = c("Bayes","Ridge"), k = 5, foldAssignments = NA,



Double right-hand side formula describing covariates of detection and occupancy in that order.


An unmarkedFrameOccu object


Vector of sites that are known to be occupied. These should be supplied as row numbers of the y matrix, eg, c(3,8) if sites 3 and 8 were known to be occupied a priori.


Vector of parameter starting values.


Optimization method used by optim.


Either "C" or "R" to use fast C++ code or native R code during the optimization.


Vector of values to try for lambda.


Which form of penalty to use.


Number of folds for k-fold cross-validation.


Vector containing the number of the fold that each site falls into. Length of the vector should be equal to the number of sites, and the vector should contain k unique values. E.g. for 9 sites and 3 folds, c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) or c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3).


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


See unmarkedFrame and unmarkedFrameOccu for a description of how to supply data to the data argument.

This function wraps k-fold cross-validation around occuPEN_CV for the "Bayes" and "Ridge" penalties of Hutchinson et al. (2015). The user may specify the number of folds (k), the values to try (lambdaVec), and the assignments of sites to folds (foldAssignments). If foldAssignments is not provided, the assignments are done pseudo-randomly, and the function attempts to put some sites with and without positive detections in each fold. This randomness introduces variability into the results of this function across runs; to eliminate the randomness, supply foldAssignments.


unmarkedFitOccuPEN_CV object describing the model fit.


Rebecca A. Hutchinson


Hutchinson, R. A., J. V. Valente, S. C. Emerson, M. G. Betts, and T. G. Dietterich. 2015. Penalized Likelihood Methods Improve Parameter Estimates in Occupancy Models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12368

MacKenzie, D. I., J. D. Nichols, G. B. Lachman, S. Droege, J. Andrew Royle, and C. A. Langtimm. 2002. Estimating Site Occupancy Rates When Detection Probabilities Are Less Than One. Ecology 83: 2248-2255.

See Also

unmarked, unmarkedFrameOccu, occu, occuPEN, nonparboot


# Simulate occupancy data
nSites <- 60
nReps <- 2
covariates <- data.frame(veght=rnorm(nSites),
    habitat=factor(c(rep('A', 30), rep('B', 30))))

psipars <- c(-1, 1, -1)
ppars <- c(1, -1, 0)
X <- model.matrix(~veght+habitat, covariates) # design matrix
psi <- plogis(X %*% psipars)
p <- plogis(X %*% ppars)

y <- matrix(NA, nSites, nReps)
z <- rbinom(nSites, 1, psi)       # true occupancy state
for(i in 1:nSites) {
    y[i,] <- rbinom(nReps, 1, z[i]*p[i])

# Organize data and look at it
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = y, siteCovs = covariates)
obsCovs(umf) <- covariates

## Not run: 

# Fit some models
fmMLE <- occu(~veght+habitat ~veght+habitat, umf)

fm1penCV <- occuPEN_CV(~veght+habitat ~veght+habitat,
 umf,pen.type="Ridge", foldAssignments=rep(1:5,ceiling(nSites/5))[1:nSites])

fm2penCV <- occuPEN_CV(~veght+habitat ~veght+habitat,

# nonparametric bootstrap for uncertainty analysis:
# bootstrap is wrapped around the cross-validation
fm2penCV <- nonparboot(fm2penCV,B=10) # should use more samples

# Mean squared error of parameters:

## End(Not run)

Fit the occupancy model of Royle and Nichols (2003)


Fit the occupancy model of Royle and Nichols (2003), which relates probability of detection of the species to the number of individuals available for detection at each site. Probability of occupancy is a derived parameter: the probability that at least one individual is available for detection at the site.


occuRN(formula, data, K=25, starts, method="BFGS", se=TRUE, 
              engine=c("C","R"), threads=1, ...)



double right-hand side formula describing covariates of detection and abundance, in that order.


Object of class unmarkedFrameOccu supplying data to the model.


the upper summation index used to numerically integrate out the latent abundance. This should be set high enough so that it does not affect the parameter estimates. Computation time will increase with K.


initial values for the optimization.


Optimization method used by optim.


logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.


Either "C" to use fast C++ code or "R" to use native R code during the optimization.


Set the number of threads to use for optimization in C++, if OpenMP is available on your system. Increasing the number of threads may speed up optimization in some cases by running the likelihood calculation in parallel. If threads=1 (the default), OpenMP is disabled.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


This function fits the latent abundance mixture model described in Royle and Nichols (2003).

The number of animals available for detection at site ii is modelled as Poisson:

NiPoisson(λi)N_i \sim Poisson(\lambda_i)

We assume that all individuals at site ii during sample jj have identical detection probabilities, rijr_{ij}, and that detections are independent. The species will be recorded if at least one individual is detected. Thus, the detection probability for the species is linked to the detection probability for an individual by

pij=1(1rij)Nip_{ij} = 1 - (1 - r_{ij}) ^ {N_i}

Note that if Ni=0N_i = 0, then pij=0p_{ij} = 0, and increasing values of NiN_i lead to higher values of pijp_{ij} The equation for the detection history is then:

yijBernoulli(pij)y_{ij} \sim Bernoulli(p_{ij})

Covariates of λi\lambda_i are modelled with the log link and covariates of rijr_{ij} are modelled with the logit link.


unmarkedFit object describing the model fit.


Ian Fiske


Royle, J. A. and Nichols, J. D. (2003) Estimating Abundance from Repeated Presence-Absence Data or Point Counts. Ecology, 84(3) pp. 777–790.


## Not run: 

woodthrushUMF <- unmarkedFrameOccu(woodthrush.bin)
# survey occasion-specific detection probabilities
(fm.wood.rn <- occuRN(~ obsNum ~ 1, woodthrushUMF))

# Empirical Bayes estimates of abundance at each site
re <- ranef(fm.wood.rn)

## End(Not run)

Fit Single-Season and Dynamic Time-to-detection Occupancy Models


Fit time-to-detection occupancy models of Garrard et al. (2008, 2013), either single-season or dynamic. Time-to-detection can be modeled with either an exponential or Weibull distribution.


occuTTD(psiformula= ~1, gammaformula =  ~ 1, epsilonformula = ~ 1,
    detformula = ~ 1, data, ttdDist = c("exp", "weibull"), 
    linkPsi = c("logit", "cloglog"), starts, method="BFGS", se=TRUE, 
    engine = c("C", "R"), ...)



Right-hand sided formula for the initial probability of occupancy at each site.


Right-hand sided formula for colonization probability.


Right-hand sided formula for extinction probability.


Right-hand sided formula for mean time-to-detection.


unmarkedFrameOccuTTD object that supplies the data (see unmarkedFrameOccuTTD).


Distribution to use for time-to-detection; either "exp" for the exponential, or "weibull" for the Weibull, which adds an additional shape parameter kk.


Link function for the occupancy model. Options are "logit" for the standard occupancy model or "cloglog" for the complimentary log-log link, which relates occupancy to site-level abundance.


optionally, initial values for parameters in the optimization.


Optimization method used by optim.


logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.


Either "C" or "R" to use fast C++ code or native R code during the optimization.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


Estimates site occupancy and detection probability from time-to-detection (TTD) data, e.g. time to first detection of a particular bird species during a point count or time-to-detection of a plant species while searching a quadrat (Garrard et al. 2008). Time-to-detection can be modeled as an exponential (ttdDist="exp") or Weibull (ttdDist="weibull") random variable with rate parameter λ\lambda and, for the Weibull, an additional shape parameter kk. Note that occuTTD puts covariates on λ\lambda and not 1/λ1/\lambda, i.e., the expected time between events.

In the case where there are no detections before the maximum sample time at a site (surveyLength) is reached, we are not sure if the site is unoccupied or if we just didn't wait long enough for a detection. We therefore must censor the exponential or Weibull distribution at the maximum survey length, TmaxTmax. Thus, assuming true site occupancy at site ii is ziz_i, an exponential distribution for the TTD yiy_i, and that di=1d_i = 1 indicates yiy_i is censored (Kery and Royle 2016):

di=ziI(yi>Tmaxi)+(1zi)d_i = z_i * I(y_i > Tmax_i) + (1 - z_i)


yiziExponential(λi),di=0y_i|z_i \sim Exponential(\lambda_i), d_i = 0

yizi=Missing,di=1y_i|z_i = Missing, d_i = 1

Because in unmarked values of NA are typically used to indicate missing values that were a result of the sampling structure (e.g., lost data), we indicate a censored yiy_i in occuTTD instead by setting yi=Tmaxiy_i = Tmax_i in the y matrix provided to unmarkedFrameOccuTTD. You can provide either a single value of TmaxTmax to the surveyLength argument of unmarkedFrameOccuTTD, or provide a matrix, potentially with a unique value of TmaxTmax for each value of y. Note that in the latter case the value of y that will be interpreted by occuTTD as a censored observation (i.e., TmaxTmax) will differ between observations!

Occupancy and detection can be estimated with only a single survey per site, unlike a traditional occupancy model that requires at least two replicated surveys at at least some sites. However, occuTTD also supports multiple surveys per site using the model described in Garrard et al. (2013). Furthermore, multi-season dynamic models are supported, using the same basic structure as for standard occupancy models (see colext).

When linkPsi = "cloglog", the complimentary log-log link function is used for psipsi instead of the logit link. The cloglog link relates occupancy probability to the intensity parameter of an underlying Poisson process (Kery and Royle 2016). Thus, if abundance at a site is can be modeled as Ni Poisson(λi)N_i ~ Poisson(\lambda_i), where log(λi)=α+βxlog(\lambda_i) = \alpha + \beta*x, then presence/absence data at the site can be modeled as Zi Binomial(ψi)Z_i ~ Binomial(\psi_i) where cloglog(ψi)=α+βxcloglog(\psi_i) = \alpha + \beta*x.


unmarkedFitOccuTTD object describing model fit.


Ken Kellner [email protected]


Garrard, G.E., Bekessy, S.A., McCarthy, M.A. and Wintle, B.A. 2008. When have we looked hard enough? A novel method for setting minimum survey effort protocols for flora surveys. Austral Ecology 33: 986-998.

Garrard, G.E., McCarthy, M.A., Williams, N.S., Bekessy, S.A. and Wintle, B.A. 2013. A general model of detectability using species traits. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 45-52.

Kery, Marc, and J. Andrew Royle. 2016. Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology, Volume 1. Academic Press.

See Also

unmarked, unmarkedFrameOccuTTD


## Not run: 

### Single season model
N <- 500; J <- 1

#Simulate occupancy
scovs <- data.frame(elev=c(scale(runif(N, 0,100))),

beta_psi <- c(-0.69, 0.71, -0.5)
psi <- plogis(cbind(1, scovs$elev, scovs$forest) %*% beta_psi)
z <- rbinom(N, 1, psi)

#Simulate detection
Tmax <- 10 #Same survey length for all observations
beta_lam <- c(-2, -0.2, 0.7)
rate <- exp(cbind(1, scovs$elev, scovs$wind) %*% beta_lam)
ttd <- rexp(N, rate)
ttd[z==0] <- Tmax #Censor at unoccupied sites
ttd[ttd>Tmax] <- Tmax #Censor when ttd was greater than survey length

#Build unmarkedFrame
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuTTD(y=ttd, surveyLength=Tmax, siteCovs=scovs)

#Fit model
fit <- occuTTD(psiformula=~elev+forest, detformula=~elev+wind, data=umf)

#Predict psi values
predict(fit, type='psi', newdata=data.frame(elev=0.5, forest=1))

#Predict lambda values
predict(fit, type='det', newdata=data.frame(elev=0.5, wind=0))

#Calculate p, probability species is detected at a site given it is present
#for a value of lambda. This is equivalent to eq 4 of Garrard et al. 2008
lam <- predict(fit, type='det', newdata=data.frame(elev=0.5, wind=0))$Predicted
pexp(Tmax, lam)

#Estimated p for all observations

### Dynamic model

N <- 1000; J <- 2; T <- 2
scovs <- data.frame(elev=c(scale(runif(N, 0,100))),

beta_psi <- c(-0.69, 0.71, -0.5)
psi <- plogis(cbind(1, scovs$elev, scovs$forest) %*% beta_psi)
z <- matrix(NA, N, T)
z[,1] <- rbinom(N, 1, psi)

#Col/ext process
ysc <- data.frame(forest=rep(scovs$forest, each=T), 
                  elev=rep(scovs$elev, each=T))
c_b0 <- -0.4; c_b1 <- 0.3
gam <- plogis(c_b0 + c_b1 * scovs$forest)
e_b0 <- -0.7; e_b1 <- 0.4
ext <- plogis(e_b0 + e_b1 * scovs$elev)

for (i in 1:N){
  for (t in 1:(T-1)){
      z[i,t+1] <- rbinom(1, 1, (1-ext[i]))
    } else {
      z[i,t+1] <- rbinom(1,1, gam[i])

#Simulate detection
ocovs <- data.frame(obs=rep(c('A','B'),N*T))
Tmax <- 10
beta_lam <- c(-2, -0.2, 0.7)
rate <- exp(cbind(1, scovs$elev, scovs$wind) %*% beta_lam)
#Add second observer at each site
rateB <- exp(cbind(1, scovs$elev, scovs$wind) %*% beta_lam - 0.5)
#Across seasons
rate2 <- as.numeric(t(cbind(rate, rateB, rate, rateB)))
ttd <- rexp(N*T*2, rate2)
ttd <- matrix(ttd, nrow=N, byrow=T)
ttd[ttd>Tmax] <- Tmax
ttd[z[,1]==0,1:2] <- Tmax
ttd[z[,2]==0,3:4] <- Tmax
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuTTD(y = ttd, surveyLength = Tmax, 
                            siteCovs = scovs, obsCovs=ocovs,
                            yearlySiteCovs=ysc, numPrimary=2) 

dim(umf@y) #num sites, (num surveys x num primary periods)

fit <- occuTTD(psiformula=~elev+forest,detformula=~elev+wind+obs,
               gammaformula=~forest, epsilonformula=~elev, 

truth <- c(beta_psi, c_b0, c_b1, e_b0, e_b1, beta_lam, -0.5)

#Compare to truth
cbind(coef(fit), truth)

## End(Not run)

Identify Optimal Penalty Parameter Value


Identify the optimal value of the penalty term for unmarked models that support penalized likelihood. For each potential value of the penalty term, K-fold cross validation is performed. Log-likelihoods for the test data in each fold are calculated and summed. The penalty term that maximizes the sum of the fold log-likelihoods is selected as the optimal value. Finally, the model is re-fit with the full dataset using the selected penalty term. Right now only Bayes-inspired penalty of Hutchinson et al. (2015) is supported.

Currently the only fitting function that supports optimizePenalty is occuMulti for multispecies occupancy modeling; see Clipp et al. (2021).


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFitOccuMulti'
  object, penalties = c(0, 2^seq(-4, 4)), k = 5, boot = 30, ...)



A fitted model inheriting class unmarkedFit


Vector of possible penalty values, all of which must be >= 0


Number of folds to use for k-fold cross validation


Number of bootstrap samples to use to generate the variance-covariance matrix for the final model.


Other arguments, currently ignored


unmarkedFit object of same type as input, with the optimal penalty value applied.


Ken Kellner [email protected]


Clipp, H. L., Evans, A., Kessinger, B. E., Kellner, K. F., and C. T. Rota. 2021. A penalized likelihood for multi-species occupancy models improves predictions of species interactions. Ecology.

Hutchinson, R. A., J. V. Valente, S. C. Emerson, M. G. Betts, and T. G. Dietterich. 2015. Penalized Likelihood Methods Improve Parameter Estimates in Occupancy Models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12368

Removal data for the Ovenbird


Removal sampling data collected for the Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapillus).




The format is: chr "ovendata.list" which consists of


matrix of removal counts


data frame of site-level covariates


J.A. Royle (see reference below)


Royle, J. A. (2004). Generalized estimators of avian abundance from count survey data. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 27(1), 375-386.


ovenFrame <- unmarkedFrameMPois(ovendata.list$data,$covariates[,-1])), type = "removal")

Parametric bootstrap method for fitted models inheriting class.


Simulate datasets from a fitted model, refit the model, and generate a sampling distribution for a user-specified fit-statistic.



a fitted model inheriting class "unmarkedFit"


a function returning a vector of fit-statistics. First argument must be the fitted model. Default is sum of squared residuals.


number of bootstrap replicates


print fit statistic every 'report' iterations during resampling


set seed for reproducible bootstrap


logical (default = TRUE) indicating whether to compute bootstrap on multiple cores, if present. If TRUE, suppresses reporting of bootstrapped statistics. Defaults to serial calculation when nsim < 100. Parallel computation is likely to be slower for simple models when nsim < ~500, but should speed up the bootstrap of more complicated models.


integer (default = one less than number of available cores) number of cores to use when bootstrapping in parallel.


Additional arguments to be passed to statistic


This function simulates datasets based upon a fitted model, refits the model, and evaluates a user-specified fit-statistic for each simulation. Comparing this sampling distribution to the observed statistic provides a means of evaluating goodness-of-fit or assessing uncertainty in a quantity of interest.


An object of class parboot with three slots:


parboot call


Numeric vector of statistics for original fitted model.

nsim by length(t0) matrix of statistics for each simulation fit.


Richard Chandler [email protected] and Adam Smith

See Also



(dbreaksLine <- c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20))
lengths <- linetran$Length

ltUMF <- with(linetran, {
	unmarkedFrameDS(y = cbind(dc1, dc2, dc3, dc4),
	siteCovs = data.frame(Length, area, habitat), dist.breaks = dbreaksLine,
	tlength = lengths*1000, survey = "line", unitsIn = "m")

# Fit a model
(fm <- distsamp(~area ~habitat, ltUMF))

# Function returning three fit-statistics.
fitstats <- function(fm, na.rm=TRUE) {
    observed <- getY(fm@data)
    expected <- fitted(fm)
    resids <- residuals(fm)
    sse <- sum(resids^2, na.rm=na.rm)
    chisq <- sum((observed - expected)^2 / expected, na.rm=na.rm)
    freeTuke <- sum((sqrt(observed) - sqrt(expected))^2, na.rm=na.rm)
    out <- c(SSE=sse, Chisq=chisq, freemanTukey=freeTuke)

(pb <- parboot(fm, fitstats, nsim=25, report=1))
plot(pb, main="")

# Finite-sample inference for a derived parameter.
# Population size in sampled area

Nhat <- function(fm) {
    sum(bup(ranef(fm, K=50)))

(pb.N <- parboot(fm, Nhat, nsim=25, report=5))

# Compare to empirical Bayes confidence intervals
colSums(confint(ranef(fm, K=50)))

Fit the N-mixture model of Royle (2004)


Fit the N-mixture model of Royle (2004)


pcount(formula, data, K, mixture=c("P", "NB", "ZIP"),
    starts, method="BFGS", se=TRUE, engine=c("C", "R", "TMB"), threads=1, ...)



Double right-hand side formula describing covariates of detection and abundance, in that order


an unmarkedFramePCount object supplying data to the model.


Integer upper index of integration for N-mixture. This should be set high enough so that it does not affect the parameter estimates. Note that computation time will increase with K.


character specifying mixture: "P", "NB", or "ZIP".


vector of starting values


Optimization method used by optim.


logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.


Either "C", "R", or "TMB" to use fast C++ code, native R code, or TMB (required for random effects) during the optimization.


Set the number of threads to use for optimization in C++, if OpenMP is available on your system. Increasing the number of threads may speed up optimization in some cases by running the likelihood calculation in parallel. If threads=1 (the default), OpenMP is disabled.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


This function fits N-mixture model of Royle (2004) to spatially replicated count data.

See unmarkedFramePCount for a description of how to format data for pcount.

This function fits the latent N-mixture model for point count data (Royle 2004, Kery et al 2005).

The latent abundance distribution, f(Nθ)f(N | \mathbf{\theta}) can be set as a Poisson, negative binomial, or zero-inflated Poisson random variable, depending on the setting of the mixture argument, mixture = "P", mixture = "NB", mixture = "ZIP" respectively. For the first two distributions, the mean of NiN_i is λi\lambda_i. If NiNBN_i \sim NB, then an additional parameter, α\alpha, describes dispersion (lower α\alpha implies higher variance). For the ZIP distribution, the mean is λi(1ψ)\lambda_i(1-\psi), where psi is the zero-inflation parameter.

The detection process is modeled as binomial: yijBinomial(Ni,pij)y_{ij} \sim Binomial(N_i, p_{ij}).

Covariates of λi\lambda_i use the log link and covariates of pijp_{ij} use the logit link.


unmarkedFit object describing the model fit.


Ian Fiske and Richard Chandler


Royle, J. A. (2004) N-Mixture Models for Estimating Population Size from Spatially Replicated Counts. Biometrics 60, pp. 108–105.

Kery, M., Royle, J. A., and Schmid, H. (2005) Modeling Avaian Abundance from Replicated Counts Using Binomial Mixture Models. Ecological Applications 15(4), pp. 1450–1461.

Johnson, N.L, A.W. Kemp, and S. Kotz. (2005) Univariate Discrete Distributions, 3rd ed. Wiley.

See Also

unmarkedFramePCount, pcountOpen, ranef, parboot


## Not run: 

# Simulate data
nSites <- 100
nVisits <- 3
x <- rnorm(nSites)               # a covariate
beta0 <- 0
beta1 <- 1
lambda <- exp(beta0 + beta1*x)   # expected counts at each site
N <- rpois(nSites, lambda)       # latent abundance
y <- matrix(NA, nSites, nVisits)
p <- c(0.3, 0.6, 0.8)            # detection prob for each visit
for(j in 1:nVisits) {
  y[,j] <- rbinom(nSites, N, p[j])

# Organize data
visitMat <- matrix(as.character(1:nVisits), nSites, nVisits, byrow=TRUE)

umf <- unmarkedFramePCount(y=y, siteCovs=data.frame(x=x),

# Fit a model
fm1 <- pcount(~visit-1 ~ x, umf, K=50)

plogis(coef(fm1, type="det")) # Should be close to p

# Empirical Bayes estimation of random effects
(fm1re <- ranef(fm1))
plot(fm1re, subset=site %in% 1:25, xlim=c(-1,40))
sum(bup(fm1re))         # Estimated population size
sum(N)                  # Actual population size

# Real data
mallardUMF <- unmarkedFramePCount(mallard.y, siteCovs =,
obsCovs = mallard.obs)
(fm.mallard <- pcount(~ ivel+ date + I(date^2) ~ length + elev + forest, mallardUMF, K=30))
(fm.mallard.nb <- pcount(~ date + I(date^2) ~ length + elev, mixture = "NB", mallardUMF, K=30))

## End(Not run)

Fit spatial hierarchical distance sampling model.


Function fits an N-mixture model for a discrete state space with raster covariates, and a detection function which decreases with distance from the observer, assumed to be at the centre. See Kery & Royle (2016) Section 9.8.4 for details.


pcount.spHDS(formula, data, K, mixture = c("P", "NB", "ZIP"), starts,
  method = "BFGS", se = TRUE, ...)



Double right-hand side formula describing covariates of detection and abundance, in that order.

Detection model should be specified without an intercept, for example: ~ -1 + I(dist^2), where dist is a covariate giving the distance of each cell of the raster from the observer. Internally this forces the intercept p(0) = 1, conventional for distance sampling models (see Kery & Royle (2016) for explanation). More general models work but may not honor that constraint. e.g., ~ 1, ~ dist, ~ I(dist^2), ~ dist + I(dist^2)


an unmarkedFramePCount object supplying data to the model.


Integer upper index of integration for N-mixture. This should be set high enough so that it does not affect the parameter estimates. Note that computation time will increase with K.


character specifying mixture: Poisson (P), Negative-Binomial (NB), or Zero Inflated Poisson (ZIP).


vector of starting values


Optimization method used by optim.


logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.


Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper bounds


unmarkedFit object describing the model fit.


Kery & Royle


Kery & Royle (2016) Applied Hierarachical Modeling in Ecology Section 9.8.4


## Simulate some data to analyse
# This is based on Kery and Royle (2016) section 9.8.3
# See AHMbook::sim.spatialDS for more simulation options.

# We will simulate distance data for a logit detection function with sigma = 1,
# for a 6x6 square, divided into a 30 x 30 grid of pixels (900 in all), with the
# observer in the centre.


## 1. Create coordinates for 30 x 30 grid
grx <- seq(0.1, 5.9, 0.2)    # mid-point coordinates
gr <- expand.grid(grx, grx)  # data frame with coordinates of pixel centres

## 2a. Simulate spatially correlated Habitat covariate
# Get the pair-wise distances between pixel centres
tmp <- as.matrix(dist(gr))  # a 900 x 900 matrix
# Correlation is a negative exponential function of distance, with scale parameter = 1
V <- exp(-tmp/1)
Habitat <- crossprod(t(chol(V)), rnorm(900))

## 2b. Do a detection covariate: the distance of each pixel centre from the observer
dist <- sqrt((gr[,1]-3)^2 + (gr[,2]-3)^2)

## 3. Simulate the true population
# Probability that an animal is in a pixel depends on the Habitat covariate, with
#   coefficient beta:
beta <- 1
probs <- exp(beta*Habitat) / sum(exp(beta*Habitat))
# Allocate 600 animals to the 900 pixels, get the pixel ID for each animal <- sample(1:900, 600, replace=TRUE, prob=probs)

## 4. Simulate the detection process
# Get the distance of each animal from the observer
# (As an approximation, we'll treat animals as if they are at the pixel centre.)
d <- dist[]
# Calculate probability of detection with logit detection function with
sigma <- 1
p <- 2*plogis(-d^2/(2*sigma^2))
# Simulate the 1/0 detection/nondetection vector
y <- rbinom(600, 1, p)
# Check the number of animals detected
# Select the pixel IDs for the animals detected and count the number in each pixel <-[y == 1]
pixel.count <- tabulate(, nbins=900)

## 5. Prepare the data for unmarked
# Centre the Habitat covariate
Habitat <- Habitat - mean(Habitat)
# Construct the unmarkedFramePCount object
umf <- unmarkedFramePCount(y=cbind(pixel.count),     # y needs to be a 1-column matrix
   siteCovs=data.frame(dist=dist, Habitat=Habitat))

## 6. Fit some models
(fm0 <- pcount.spHDS(~ -1 + I(dist^2) ~ 1, umf, K = 20))
(fm1 <- pcount.spHDS(~ -1 + I(dist^2) ~ Habitat, umf, K = 20))
# The true Habitat coefficient (beta above) = 1
# fm1 has much lower AIC; look at the population estimate
sum(predict(fm1, type="state")[, 1])

Fit the open N-mixture models of Dail and Madsen and extensions


Fit the models of Dail and Madsen (2011) and Hostetler and Chandler (in press), which are generalized forms of the Royle (2004) N-mixture model for open populations.


pcountOpen(lambdaformula, gammaformula, omegaformula, pformula,
  data, mixture = c("P", "NB", "ZIP"), K, dynamics=c("constant", "autoreg",
  "notrend", "trend", "ricker", "gompertz"), fix=c("none", "gamma", "omega"),
  starts, method = "BFGS", se = TRUE, immigration = FALSE,
  iotaformula = ~1, ...)



Right-hand sided formula for initial abundance


Right-hand sided formula for recruitment rate (when dynamics is "constant", "autoreg", or "notrend") or population growth rate (when dynamics is "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz")


Right-hand sided formula for apparent survival probability (when dynamics is "constant", "autoreg", or "notrend") or equilibrium abundance (when dynamics is "ricker" or "gompertz")


Right-hand sided formula for detection probability


An object of class unmarkedFramePCO. See details


character specifying mixture: "P", "NB", or "ZIP" for the Poisson, negative binomial, and zero-inflated Poisson distributions.


Integer defining upper bound of discrete integration. This should be higher than the maximum observed count and high enough that it does not affect the parameter estimates. However, the higher the value the slower the compuatation.


Character string describing the type of population dynamics. "constant" indicates that there is no relationship between omega and gamma. "autoreg" is an auto-regressive model in which recruitment is modeled as gamma*N[i,t-1]. "notrend" model gamma as lambda*(1-omega) such that there is no temporal trend. "trend" is a model for exponential growth, N[i,t] = N[i,t-1]*gamma, where gamma in this case is finite rate of increase (normally referred to as lambda). "ricker" and "gompertz" are models for density-dependent population growth. "ricker" is the Ricker-logistic model, N[i,t] = N[i,t-1]*exp(gamma*(1-N[i,t-1]/omega)), where gamma is the maximum instantaneous population growth rate (normally referred to as r) and omega is the equilibrium abundance (normally referred to as K). "gompertz" is a modified version of the Gompertz-logistic model, N[i,t] = N[i,t-1]*exp(gamma*(1-log(N[i,t-1]+1)/log(omega+1))), where the interpretations of gamma and omega are similar to in the Ricker model.


If "omega", omega is fixed at 1. If "gamma", gamma is fixed at 0.


vector of starting values


Optimization method used by optim.


logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.


logical specifying whether or not to include an immigration term (iota) in population dynamics.


Right-hand sided formula for average number of immigrants to a site per time step


additional arguments to be passed to optim.


These models generalize the Royle (2004) N-mixture model by relaxing the closure assumption. The models include two or three additional parameters: gamma, either the recruitment rate (births and immigrations), the finite rate of increase, or the maximum instantaneous rate of increase; omega, either the apparent survival rate (deaths and emigrations) or the equilibrium abundance (carrying capacity); and iota, the number of immigrants per site and year. Estimates of population size at each time period can be derived from these parameters, and thus so can trend estimates. Or, trend can be estimated directly using dynamics="trend".

When immigration is set to FALSE (the default), iota is not modeled. When immigration is set to TRUE and dynamics is set to "autoreg", the model will separately estimate birth rate (gamma) and number of immigrants (iota). When immigration is set to TRUE and dynamics is set to "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz", the model will separately estimate local contributions to population growth (gamma and omega) and number of immigrants (iota).

The latent abundance distribution, f(Nθ)f(N | \mathbf{\theta}) can be set as a Poisson, negative binomial, or zero-inflated Poisson random variable, depending on the setting of the mixture argument, mixture = "P", mixture = "NB", mixture = "ZIP" respectively. For the first two distributions, the mean of NiN_i is λi\lambda_i. If NiNBN_i \sim NB, then an additional parameter, α\alpha, describes dispersion (lower α\alpha implies higher variance). For the ZIP distribution, the mean is λi(1ψ)\lambda_i(1-\psi), where psi is the zero-inflation parameter.

For "constant", "autoreg", or "notrend" dynamics, the latent abundance state following the initial sampling period arises from a Markovian process in which survivors are modeled as SitBinomial(Nit1,ωit)S_{it} \sim Binomial(N_{it-1}, \omega_{it}), and recruits follow GitPoisson(γit)G_{it} \sim Poisson(\gamma_{it}). Alternative population dynamics can be specified using the dynamics and immigration arguments.

The detection process is modeled as binomial: yijtBinomial(Nit,pijt)y_{ijt} \sim Binomial(N_{it}, p_{ijt}).

λi\lambda_i, γit\gamma_{it}, and ιit\iota_{it} are modeled using the the log link. pijtp_{ijt} is modeled using the logit link. ωit\omega_{it} is either modeled using the logit link (for "constant", "autoreg", or "notrend" dynamics) or the log link (for "ricker" or "gompertz" dynamics). For "trend" dynamics, ωit\omega_{it} is not modeled.


An object of class unmarkedFitPCO.


This function can be extremely slow, especially if there are covariates of gamma or omega. Consider testing the timing on a small subset of the data, perhaps with se=FALSE. Finding the lowest value of K that does not affect estimates will also help with speed.


When gamma or omega are modeled using year-specific covariates, the covariate data for the final year will be ignored; however, they must be supplied.

If the time gap between primary periods is not constant, an M by T matrix of integers should be supplied to unmarkedFramePCO using the primaryPeriod argument.

Secondary sampling periods are optional, but can greatly improve the precision of the estimates.


Richard Chandler [email protected] and Jeff Hostetler


Royle, J. A. (2004) N-Mixture Models for Estimating Population Size from Spatially Replicated Counts. Biometrics 60, pp. 108–105.

Dail, D. and L. Madsen (2011) Models for Estimating Abundance from Repeated Counts of an Open Metapopulation. Biometrics. 67, pp 577-587.

Hostetler, J. A. and R. B. Chandler (2015) Improved State-space Models for Inference about Spatial and Temporal Variation in Abundance from Count Data. Ecology 96:1713-1723.

See Also

pcount, unmarkedFramePCO


## Simulation
## No covariates, constant time intervals between primary periods, and
## no secondary sampling periods

M <- 50
T <- 5
lambda <- 4
gamma <- 1.5
omega <- 0.8
p <- 0.7
y <- N <- matrix(NA, M, T)
S <- G <- matrix(NA, M, T-1)
N[,1] <- rpois(M, lambda)
for(t in 1:(T-1)) {
	S[,t] <- rbinom(M, N[,t], omega)
	G[,t] <- rpois(M, gamma)
	N[,t+1] <- S[,t] + G[,t]
y[] <- rbinom(M*T, N, p)

# Prepare data
umf <- unmarkedFramePCO(y = y, numPrimary=T)

# Fit model and backtransform
(m1 <- pcountOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, ~1, umf, K=20)) # Typically, K should be higher

(lam <- coef(backTransform(m1, "lambda"))) # or
lam <- exp(coef(m1, type="lambda"))
gam <- exp(coef(m1, type="gamma"))
om <- plogis(coef(m1, type="omega"))
p <- plogis(coef(m1, type="det"))

## Not run: 
# Finite sample inference. Abundance at site i, year t
re <- ranef(m1)
plot(re, layout=c(5,5), subset = site %in% 1:25 & year %in% 1:2,

(N.hat1 <- colSums(bup(re)))

# Expected values of N[i,t]
N.hat2 <- matrix(NA, M, T)
N.hat2[,1] <- lam
for(t in 2:T) {
    N.hat2[,t] <- om*N.hat2[,t-1] + gam

rbind(N=colSums(N), N.hat1=N.hat1, N.hat2=colSums(N.hat2))

## End(Not run)

Compute multinomial cell probabilities


Compute the cell probabilities used in the multinomial-Poisson models multinomPois and gmultmix. These functions use piFuns internally to calculate multinomial likelihoods from the occasion-wise detection probabilities. The only reason to call them directly is to check their behaviour.





matrix of detection probabilities at each site for each observation


These two functions are provided as examples of possible functions to calculate multinomial cell probabilities. Users may write their own functions for specific sampling designs (see the example).


For removalPiFun, a matrix of cell probabilities for each site and sampling period.

For doublePiFun, a matrix of cell probabilities for each site and observer combination. Column one is probability observer 1 but not observer 2 detects the object, column two is probability that observer 2 but not observer 1 detects the object, and column 3 is probability of both detecting.

See Also

makePiFuns for factory functions to create customised piFuns.


(pRem <- matrix(0.5, nrow=3, ncol=3))	# Capture probabilities
removalPiFun(pRem)			# Cell probs

(pDouble <- matrix(0.5, 3, 2))		# Observer detection probs
doublePiFun(pDouble)			# Cell probs

# A user-defined piFun calculating removal probs when time intervals differ.
# Here 10-minute counts were divided into 2, 3, and 5 minute intervals.
# This function could be supplied to unmarkedFrameMPois along with the obsToY
# argument shown below.

instRemPiFun <- function(p) {
	M <- nrow(p)
	J <- ncol(p)
	pi <- matrix(NA, M, J)
	p[,1] <- pi[,1] <- 1 - (1 - p[,1])^2
	p[,2] <- 1 - (1 - p[,2])^3
	p[,3] <- 1 - (1 - p[,3])^5
	for(i in 2:J) {
		pi[,i] <- pi[, i - 1]/p[, i - 1] * (1 - p[, i - 1]) * p[, i]


# Associated obsToY matrix required by unmarkedFrameMPois
o2y <- diag(3) # if y has 3 columns
o2y[upper.tri(o2y)] <- 1

Plot marginal effects of covariates in unmarked models


This function generates a plot visualizing the effects of a single covariate on a parameter (e.g. occupancy, abundance) in an unmarked model. If the covariate is numeric, the result is a line plot with an error ribbon where the x-axis is the range of the covariate and the y-axis is the predicted parameter value. If the covariate is an R factor (i.e., categorical), the x-axis instead contains each unique value of the covariate.

All covariates in the model besides the one being plotted are held either at their median value (if they are numeric) or at their reference level (if they are factors).

Some types of unmarked models may require additional arguments, which are passed to the matching predict method. For example, unmarkedFitOccuMulti models require the species argument to be included in the function call in order to work properly.

If you want to customize a plot, the easiest approach is to get data formatted for plotting using plotEffectsData, and use that. If you want to see and/or modify the code used by plotEffects to generate the default plots, run getMethod("plotEffects", "unmarkedFit") in the R console.


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFit'
plotEffects(object, type, covariate, level=0.95, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFit'
plotEffectsData(object, type, covariate, level=0.95, ...)



A fitted model inheriting class unmarkedFit


Submodel in which the covariate of interest can be found, for example "state" or "det". This will depend on the fitted model


The name of the covariate to be plotted, as a character string


Confidence level for the error ribbons or bars


Other arguments passed to the predict function, required for some unmarkedFit types such as unmarkedFitOccuMulti


A plot (plotEffects or a data frame (plotEffectsData) containing values to be used in a plot.


Ken Kellner [email protected]


## Not run: 

# Simulate data and build an unmarked frame
dat_occ <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(500))
dat_p <- data.frame(x2=rnorm(500*5))

y <- matrix(NA, 500, 5)
z <- rep(NA, 500)

b <- c(0.4, -0.5, 0.3, 0.5)

re_fac <- factor(sample(letters[1:5], 500, replace=T))
dat_occ$group <- re_fac
re <- rnorm(5, 0, 1.2)
re_idx <- as.numeric(re_fac)

idx <- 1
for (i in 1:500){
  z[i] <- rbinom(1,1, plogis(b[1] + b[2]*dat_occ$x1[i] + re[re_idx[i]]))
  for (j in 1:5){
    y[i,j] <- z[i]*rbinom(1,1,
                    plogis(b[3] + b[4]*dat_p$x2[idx]))
    idx <- idx + 1

umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y=y, siteCovs=dat_occ, obsCovs=dat_p)

# Fit model
(fm <- occu(~x2 ~x1 + group, umf))

# Plot marginal effects of various covariates
plotEffects(fm, "state", "x1")
plotEffects(fm, "state", "group")
plotEffects(fm, "det", "x2")

# Get raw data used for a plot
plotEffectsData(fm, "state", "group")

# See code used by plotEffects so you can edit it yourself and customize the plot
methods::getMethod("plotEffects", "unmarkedFit")

## End(Not run)

Simulated point-transect data


Response matrix of animals detected in five distance classes plus two covariates.




A data frame with 30 observations on the following 7 variables.


Counts in distance class 1 [0-5 m)


Counts in distance class 2 [5-10 m)


Counts in distance class 3 [10-15 m)


Counts in distance class 4 [15-20 m)


Counts in distance class 5 [20-25 m)


a numeric vector


a factor with levels A B C



# Format for distsamp()
ptUMF <- with(pointtran, {
        unmarkedFrameDS(y = cbind(dc1, dc2, dc3, dc4, dc5), 
        siteCovs = data.frame(area, habitat), 
        dist.breaks = seq(0, 25, by=5), survey = "point", unitsIn = "m")

Draw samples from the posterior predictive distribution


Draw samples from the empirical Bayes posterior predictive distribution derived from unmarked models or ranef objects


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedRanef'
posteriorSamples(object, nsims=100, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFit'
posteriorSamples(object, nsims=100, ...)



An object inheriting class unmarkedRanef or unmarkedFit


Number of draws to make from the posterior predictive distribution


Other arguments


unmarkedPostSamples object containing the draws from the posterior predictive distribution. The draws are in the @samples slot.


Ken Kellner [email protected]

See Also

ranef, predict


# Simulate data under N-mixture model
R <- 20
J <- 5
N <- rpois(R, 10)
y <- matrix(NA, R, J)
y[] <- rbinom(R*J, N, 0.5)

# Fit model
umf <- unmarkedFramePCount(y=y)
fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, umf, K=50)

# Estimates of conditional abundance distribution at each site
(re <- ranef(fm))

#Draw from the posterior predictive distribution
(ppd <- posteriorSamples(re, nsims=100))

Conduct a power analysis for an unmarked model


This function uses a simulation-based approach to estimate power for parameters in unmarked models. At a minimum, users must provide an unmarkedFrame object describing the experimental design and a list of effect sizes for each parameter in the model. See the unmarkedPower vignette for more details and examples.


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFrame'
powerAnalysis(object, model = NULL, effects = NULL,
    alpha=0.05, nsim = 100, parallel = FALSE, nulls=NULL, ...)
  ## S4 method for signature 'list'
powerAnalysis(object, model = NULL, effects = NULL,
    alpha=0.05, nsim = length(object), parallel = FALSE, nulls=NULL, ...)



An unmarkedFrame object representing the desired study design. The values in the response (y) don't matter and can be missing. Alternatively, you can provide a list of such objects with the response data already simulated (such as the output from simulate).


The model to use when the unmarkedFrame type is used for multiple model types. For example, if the object is an unmarkedFrameOccu, model should be set to occu or occuRN.


A list containing the desired effect sizes/parameter values for which you want to estimate power. This list must follow a specific format. There is one named entry in the list per submodel (e.g., occupancy, detection). Each list element should be a numeric vector with length equal to the number of parameters in that submodel. Parameter values are on the inverse link scale. You can leave effects=NULL, which will generate an error message with a template that you can fill in.


Desired Type I error rate.


Number of simulations to conduct.


Logical; run simulations in parallel?


If provided, a list matching the structure of effects which defines the null hypothesis value for each parameter. By default the null is 0 for all parameters.


Arguments to send to the fitting function for the model. Most importantly this will include formula argument(s), but could also include distributions, key functions, etc. For example, for simulating occupancy data, you must also supply the argument formula = ~1~1 for a no-covariate model, formula=~1~x for a covariate effect of x on occupancy, etc.


unmarkedPower object containing the results of the power analysis. For information on interpretation of the output, see the power analysis vignette.


Ken Kellner [email protected]

See Also



## Not run: 

# Create experimental design
M <- 50
J <- 3
y <- matrix(NA, M, J)
sc <- data.frame(x=rnorm(M))
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y, siteCovs=sc)

# Power analysis
p <- powerAnalysis(umf, model=occu, formula=~1~x, 
                   effects = list(state = c(-0.2, 0.3), det = 0))

summary(p, alpha=0.3)
plot(p, ylim=c(-3, 3))
plot(p, ylim=c(-3, 3))

# Simulate your own datasets first and pass to power analysis
cf <- list(state=c(0,1), det=0)
s <- simulate(umf, model = occu, formula=~1~x, coefs=cf, nsim = 100)
p2 <- powerAnalysis(s, model=occu, formula=~1~x, effects=cf)

## End(Not run)

Methods for Function predict in Package ‘unmarked’


These methods return predicted values from fitted model objects.


signature(object = "unmarkedFit")

"type" must be either ‘state’ or ‘det’.

signature(object = "unmarkedFitColExt")

"type" must be 'psi', 'col', 'ext', or 'det'.

signature(object = "unmarkedFitGMM")

"type" must be 'lambda', 'psi', 'det'

signature(object = "unmarkedFitList")

"type" depends upon the fitted models

signature(object = "unmarkedRanef")

Use this method to generate the empirical Bayes posterior predictive distribution for functions of the random variables (latent abundance or occurrence).

In addition to the output object from ranef, you must also supply a custom function to argument func. The function must take as input a matrix with dimensions M x T, where M is the number of sites and T is the number of primary periods (T=1 for single-season models). The output of this function should be a vector or matrix containing the derived parameters of interest.

You may also manually set the number of draws from the posterior predictive distribution with argument nsims; the default is 100.

The output of predict will be a vector or array with one more dimension than the output of the function supplied func, corresponding to the number of draws requested nsims. For example, if func outputs a scalar, the output of predict will be a vector with length equal to nsims. If func outputs a 3x2 matrix, the output of predict will be an array with dimensions 3x2xnsims. See ranef for an example.

Alternatively, you can use the posteriorSamples function on the ranef output object to obtain the full posterior predictive distribution. This is useful if you are having trouble designing your custom function or if you want to obtain multiple different derived parameters from the same posterior predictive distribution.

Extract estimates of random effect terms


Extract estimates and summary statistics of random effect terms from an unmarkedFit model or an unmarkedEstimate.


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedEstimate'
randomTerms(object, level=0.95, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFit'
randomTerms(object, type, level=0.95, ...)



An object inheriting class unmarkedEstimate or unmarkedFit


Significance level to use for confidence interval


If provided, return only random effect terms from the chosen submodel type (as a character string)


Other arguments


data.frame containing estimates, SEs, and confidence intervals for random effect terms in the model.


Ken Kellner [email protected]

Methods for Function ranef in Package unmarked


Estimate posterior distributions of the random variables (latent abundance or occurrence) using empirical Bayes methods. These methods return an object storing the posterior distributions of the latent variables at each site, and for each year (primary period) in the case of open population models. See unmarkedRanef-class for methods used to manipulate the returned object.


signature(object = "unmarkedFitOccu")

Computes the conditional distribution of occurrence given the data and the estimates of the fixed effects, Pr(zi=1yij,ψ^i,p^ij)Pr(z_i=1 | y_{ij}, \hat{\psi}_i, \hat{p}_{ij})

signature(object = "unmarkedFitOccuRN")

Computes the conditional abundance distribution given the data and the estimates of the fixed effects, Pr(Ni=kyij,ψ^i,r^ij)k=0,1,,KPr(N_i=k | y_{ij}, \hat{\psi}_i, \hat{r}_{ij}) k = 0,1,\dots,K

signature(object = "unmarkedFitPCount")

Pr(Ni=kyij,λ^i,p^ij)k=0,1,,KPr(N_i=k | y_{ij}, \hat{\lambda}_i, \hat{p}_{ij}) k = 0,1,\dots,K

signature(object = "unmarkedFitMPois")

Pr(Ni=kyij,λ^i,p^ij)k=0,1,,KPr(N_i=k | y_{ij}, \hat{\lambda}_i, \hat{p}_{ij}) k = 0,1,\dots,K

signature(object = "unmarkedFitDS")

Pr(Ni=kyi,1:J,λ^i,σ^i)k=0,1,,KPr(N_i=k | y_{i,1:J}, \hat{\lambda}_i, \hat{\sigma}_{i}) k = 0,1,\dots,K

signature(object = "unmarkedFitGMM")

Pr(Mi=kyi,1:J,t,λ^i,ϕ^it,p^ijt)k=0,1,,KPr(M_i=k | y_{i,1:J,t}, \hat{\lambda}_i, \hat{\phi}_{it}, \hat{p}_{ijt}) k = 0,1,\dots,K

signature(object = "unmarkedFitGDS")

Pr(Mi=kyi,1:J,t,λ^i,ϕ^it,σ^it)k=0,1,,KPr(M_i=k | y_{i,1:J,t}, \hat{\lambda}_i, \hat{\phi}_{it}, \hat{\sigma}_{it}) k = 0,1,\dots,K

signature(object = "unmarkedFitColExt")

Pr(zit=1yijt,ψ^i,γ^it,ϵ^it,p^ijt)Pr(z_{it}=1 | y_{ijt}, \hat{\psi}_i, \hat{\gamma}_{it}, \hat{\epsilon}_{it}, \hat{p}_{ijt})

signature(object = "unmarkedFitPCO")

Pr(Nit=kyijt,λ^i,γ^it,ω^it,ι^it,p^ijt)k=0,1,...,KPr(N_{it}=k | y_{ijt}, \hat{\lambda}_i, \hat{\gamma}_{it}, \hat{\omega}_{it}, \hat{\iota}_{it}, \hat{p}_{ijt}) k = 0,1,...,K


Empirical Bayes methods can underestimate the variance of the posterior distribution because they do not account for uncertainty in the hyperparameters (lambda or psi). Eventually, we hope to add methods to account for the uncertainty of the hyperparameters.

Note also that the posterior mode appears to exhibit some bias as an estimator or abundance. Consider using the posterior mean instead, even though it will not be an integer in general. More simulation studies are needed to evaluate the performance of empirical Bayes methods for these models.


From Carlin and Louis (1996): “... the Bayesian approach to inference depends on a prior distribution for the model parameters. This prior can depend on unknown parameters which in turn may follow some second-stage prior. This sequence of parameters and priors consitutes a hierarchical model. The hierarchy must stop at some point, with all remaining prior parameters assumed known. Rather than make this assumption, the basic empirical Bayes approach uses the observed data to estimate these final stage parameters (or to estimate the Bayes rule), and proceeds as in a standard Bayesian analysis.”


Richard Chandler [email protected]


Laird, N.M. and T.A. Louis. 1987. Empirical Bayes confidence intervals based on bootstrap samples. Journal of the American Statistical Association 82:739–750.

Carlin, B.P and T.A Louis. 1996. Bayes and Empirical Bayes Methods for Data Analysis. Chapman and Hall/CRC.

Royle, J.A and R.M. Dorazio. 2008. Hierarchical Modeling and Inference in Ecology. Academic Press.

See Also



# Simulate data under N-mixture model
R <- 20
J <- 5
N <- rpois(R, 10)
y <- matrix(NA, R, J)
y[] <- rbinom(R*J, N, 0.5)

# Fit model
umf <- unmarkedFramePCount(y=y)
fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, umf, K=50)

# Estimates of conditional abundance distribution at each site
(re <- ranef(fm))
# Best Unbiased Predictors
bup(re, stat="mean")           # Posterior mean
bup(re, stat="mode")           # Posterior mode
confint(re, level=0.9) # 90% CI

# Plots
plot(re, subset=site %in% c(1:10), layout=c(5, 2), xlim=c(-1,20))

# Compare estimates to truth

# Extract all values in convenient formats
post.df <- as(re, "data.frame")
post.arr <- as(re, "array")

#Generate posterior predictive distribution for a function
#of random variables using predict()

#First, create a function that operates on a vector of 
#length M (if you fit a single-season model) or a matrix of 
#dimensions MxT (if a dynamic model), where
#M = nsites and T = n primary periods
#Our function will generate mean abundance for sites 1-10 and sites 11-20
myfunc <- function(x){ #x will be length 20 since M=20
  #Mean of first 10 sites
  group1 <- mean(x[1:10])
  #Mean of sites 11-20
  group2 <- mean(x[11:20])
  #Naming elements of the output is optional but helpful
  return(c(group1=group1, group2=group2))


#Get 100 samples of the values calculated in your function
(pr <- predict(re, func=myfunc, nsims=100))

#Summarize posterior
           se=apply(pr, 1, stats::sd),
           lower=apply(pr, 1, stats::quantile, 0.025),
           upper=apply(pr, 1, stats::quantile, 0.975))

#Alternatively, you can return the posterior predictive distribution
#and run operations on it separately
(ppd <- posteriorSamples(re, nsims=100))

Methods for Function SE in Package ‘unmarked’


Extract standard errors of parameter estimates from a fitted model.


obj = "linCombOrBackTrans"

A model prediction

obj = "unmarkedEstimate"

See unmarkedEstimate-class

obj = "unmarkedFit"

A fitted model

Launch a Shiny app to help with power analysis


Launch a Shiny app to test power under various scenarios. Requires the Shiny package to be installed.


shinyPower(object, ...)



A template unmarkedFit object; see documentation for powerAnalysis for details on how to create this


Currently ignored


No return value, called for its side effects.

Convert sight distance and sight angle to perpendicular distance.


When distance data are collected on line transects using sight distances and sight angles, they need to be converted to perpendicular distances before analysis.


sight2perpdist(sightdist, sightangle)



Distance from observer


Angle from center line. In degrees between 0 and 180.


Perpendicular distance

See Also



round(sight2perpdist(10, c(0, 45, 90, 135, 180)))

Extract estimates of random effect standard deviations


Extract estimates and summary statistics of random effect standard deviations from an unmarkedFit model or an unmarkedEstimate.


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedEstimate'
sigma(object, level=0.95, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFit'
sigma(object, type, level=0.95, ...)



An object inheriting class unmarkedEstimate or unmarkedFit


Significance level to use for confidence interval


If provided, return only random effect SDs from the chosen submodel type (as a character string)


Other arguments


data.frame containing estimates, SEs, and confidence intervals for random effect standard deviations in the model.


Ken Kellner [email protected]

Methods for Function simulate in Package ‘unmarked’


Simulate data from a fitted model or an unmarkedFrame.


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFit'
simulate(object, nsim, seed, na.rm)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedFrame'
simulate(object, nsim=1, seed=NULL, model = NULL,
                                   coefs = NULL, quiet = FALSE, ...)



Fitted model or unmarkedFrame.


Number of simulations


Seed for random number generator. Not currently implemented


Logical, should missing values be removed?


The model to use when object is an unmarkedFrame used for multiple model types. For example, if the object is an unmarkedFrameOccu, model should be set to occu or occuRN.


List with one element per submodel. Each list element should be named with the corresponding submodel, and should be a numeric vector of parameter values to use for that submodel when simulating the dataset. Note that parameter values should be on the inverse link scale. The number of parameter values in the vector depends on the model specified, covariates, etc. If you are not sure how to specify this list, set coefs = NULL and the function will return the correct structure.


If TRUE, don't print informational messages.


Used only for the unmarkedFrame method. Arguments to send to the corresponding fitting function. Most importantly this will include formula arguments, but could also include distributions, key functions, etc. For example, for simulating occupancy data, you must also supply the argument formula = ~1~1 for a no-covariate model, formula=~1~x for a covariate effect of x on occupancy, etc. See examples below.


## Not run: 

# Simulation of an occupancy dataset from scratch

# First create an unmarkedFrame with the correct design

M <- 300 # number of sites
J <- 5   # number of occasions

# The values in the y-matrix don't matter as they will be simulated
# We can supply them as all NAs
y <- matrix(NA, M, J)

# Site covariate
x <- rnorm(M)

# Create unmarkedFrame
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = y, siteCovs = data.frame(x = x))

# Must specify model = occu since unmarkedFrameOccu is also used for occuRN
# the formula species the specific model structure we want to simulate
# If we don't specify coefs, unmarked will generate a template you can copy and use
simulate(umf, model = occu, formula = ~1~x)

# Now set coefs
# Here we imply a mean occupancy and mean detection of 0.5
# (corresponding to values of 0 on the inverse link scale) and a positive effect of x
s <- simulate(umf, model = occu, formula = ~1~x, 
              coefs = list(state = c(0,0.3), det = 0))


occu(~1~x, s[[1]])

# For some models we can also include a random effect
# add a factor covariate
umf@siteCovs$x2 <- factor(sample(letters[1:10], M, replace=TRUE))

# The final value in coefs now represents the random effect SD for x2
s <- simulate(umf, model = occu, formula = ~1~x+(1|x2), 
              coefs = list(state = c(0,0.3, 1), det = 0))


occu(~1~x+(1|x2), s[[1]])

# Here's a more complicated example simulating a gdistsamp dataset
# using a negative binomial distribution
M <- 100
J <- 3
T <- 2
y <- matrix(NA, M, J*T)
umf2 <- unmarkedFrameGDS(y=y, 
                         dist.breaks = c(0, 10, 20, 30), unitsIn='m',
                         numPrimary = T, survey="point")

cf <- list(lambda=c(1, 0.3), phi=0, det=c(log(20), 0), alpha=log(1))

# Note we now also supply another argument mixture="NB" to ... 
s2 <- simulate(umf2, coefs=cf, lambdaformula=~x, phiformula=~1, pformula=~x,

gdistsamp(~x, ~1, ~x, s2[[1]], mixture="NB")

## End(Not run)

Compute Sum of Squared Residuals for a Model Fit.


Compute the sum of squared residuals for an unmarked fit object. This is useful for a parboot.


SSE(fit, ...)



An unmarked fit object.


Additional arguments to be passed to statistic


A numeric value for the models SSE.

See Also


Swiss landscape data


Spatially-referenced data on elevation, forest cover, and water at a 1km-sq resolution.




A data frame with 42275 observations on the following 5 variables.


Easting (m)


Northing (m)


a numeric vector (m)


a numeric vector (percent cover)


a numeric vector (percent cover)


Forest and water coverage (in percent area) was computed using the 1992-97 landcover dataset of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office ( Median elevation (in metres) was computed using a median aggregation of the digital elevation model of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office.

x and y are the coordinates of the center of each 1km2 pixel.

The coordinate reference system intentionally not specified.

These data can only be used for non-profit projects. Otherwise, written permission must be obtained from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office


Swiss Federal Statistical Office (



levelplot(elevation ~ x + y, Switzerland, aspect="iso",

## Not run: 
el.r <- rasterFromXYZ(Switzerland[,c("x","y","elevation")], crs =
"+proj=somerc +lat_0=46.95240555555556 +lon_0=7.439583333333333
+k_0=1 +x_0=600000 +y_0=200000 +ellps=bessel
+towgs84=674.374,15.056,405.346,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs")

## End(Not run)

Class "unmarkedEstimate"


Contains parameter estimates, covariance matrix, and metadata

Objects from the Class

Creating these objects is done internally not by users.



Object of class "character" storing parameter names

Object of class "character" storing abbreviated parameter names


Object of class "numeric"


Object of class "matrix"


Object of class "matrix"


Object of class "numeric"


Object of class "character"


Object of class "character"


Object of class "list"



signature(obj = "unmarkedEstimate")


signature(object = "unmarkedEstimate")


signature(object = "unmarkedEstimate")


signature(obj = "unmarkedEstimate", coefficients = "matrixOrVector")


signature(obj = "unmarkedEstimate")


signature(object = "unmarkedEstimate")


signature(object = "unmarkedEstimate")


These methods are typically called within a call to a method for unmarkedFit-class



Class "unmarkedEstimateList"


Class to hold multiple unmarkedEstimates in an unmarkedFit



A "list" of models.

Class "unmarkedFit"


Contains fitted model information which can be manipulated or extracted using the methods described below.



Object of class "character"


Object of class "call"


Object of class "formula"


Object of class "unmarkedFrame"


Object of class "numeric"


Object of class "unmarkedEstimateList"


Object of class "numeric"


Object of class "list" containing results from optim


Object of class "numeric"


Object of class "function"


unmarkedFitOccu only: sites known to be occupied


unmarkedFitPCount only: upper bound used in integration


unmarkedFitPCount only: Mixing distribution


unmarkedFitDS only: detection function used by distsamp


unmarkedFitDS only: density units



signature(x = "unmarkedFit", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", drop = "ANY"): extract one of names(obj), eg 'state' or 'det'


signature(obj = "unmarkedFit"): back-transform parameters to original scale when no covariate effects are modeled


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): returns parameter estimates. type can be one of names(obj), eg 'state' or 'det'. If altNames=TRUE estimate names are more specific.


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): Returns confidence intervals. Must specify type and method (either "normal" or "profile")


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): returns expected values of Y


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): extracts data


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): calculates and extracts expected detection probabilities


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): calculates and extracts expected false positive detection probabilities


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): calculates and extracts expected probabilities a true positive detection was classified as certain


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): Returns hessian matrix


signature(obj = "unmarkedFit", coefficients = "matrixOrVector"): Returns estimate and SE on original scale when covariates are present


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): Same as coef(fit)?


signature(x = "unmarkedFit"): Names of parameter levels


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): returns negative log-likelihood used to estimate parameters


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): Parametric bootstrapping method to assess goodness-of-fit


signature(x = "unmarkedFit", y = "missing"): Plots expected vs. observed values


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): Returns predictions and standard errors for original data or for covariates in a new data.frame


signature(fitted = "unmarkedFit"): used by confint method='profile'


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): returns residuals


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): returns number of sites in sample


signature(obj = "unmarkedFit"): returns standard errors


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): concise results


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): results with more details


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): refit model with changes to one or more arguments


signature(object = "unmarkedFit"): returns variance-covariance matrix


signature(object="unmarkedFitColExt"): Returns the smoothed trajectory from a colonization-extinction model fit. Takes additional logical argument mean which specifies whether or not to return the average over sites.


signature(object="unmarkedFitColExt"): Returns the projected trajectory from a colonization-extinction model fit. Takes additional logical argument mean which specifies whether or not to return the average over sites.


signature(object="unmarkedFit"): Returns the log-likelihood.


signature(m1="unmarkedFit", m2="unmarkedFit"): Returns the chi-squared statistic, degrees-of-freedom, and p-value from a Likelihood Ratio Test.


This is a superclass with child classes for each fit type



# Format removal data for multinomPois
ovenFrame <- unmarkedFrameMPois(y = ovendata.list$data,
	siteCovs =$covariates[,-1])),
	type = "removal")

# Fit a couple of models
(fm1 <- multinomPois(~ 1 ~ ufc + trba, ovenFrame))

# Apply a bunch of methods to the fitted model

# Look at the different parameter types

# Coefficients from abundance part of the model
coef(fm1, type='state')

# Variance-covariance matrix
vcov(fm1, type='state')

# Confidence intervals using profiled likelihood
confint(fm1, type='state', method='profile')

# Expected values

# Original data

# Detection probabilities

# log-likelihood

# Back-transform detection probability to original scale
# backTransform only works on models with no covariates or
#     in conjunction with linearComb (next example)
backTransform(fm1, type ='det')

# Predicted abundance at specified covariate values
(lc <- linearComb(fm1, c(Int = 1, ufc = 0, trba = 0), type='state'))

# Assess goodness-of-fit

# Predict abundance at specified covariate values.
newdat <- data.frame(ufc = 0, trba = seq(-1, 1, length=10))
predict(fm1, type='state', newdata=newdat)

# Number of sites in the sample

# Fit a new model without covariates
(fmNull <- update(fm1, formula = ~1 ~1))

# Likelihood ratio test
LRT(fm1, fmNull)

Class "unmarkedFitList"


Class to hold multiple fitted models from one of unmarked's fitting functions

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by using the fitList function.



A "list" of models.



signature(object = "unmarkedFitList"): Extract coefficients


signature(object = "unmarkedFitList"): Extract standard errors


signature(object = "unmarkedFitList"): Model selection


signature(object = "unmarkedFitList"): Model-averaged prediction


Model-averaging regression coefficients is intentionally not implemented.

See Also

fitList, unmarkedFit



(dbreaksLine <- c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20))
lengths <- linetran$Length * 1000

ltUMF <- with(linetran, {
	unmarkedFrameDS(y = cbind(dc1, dc2, dc3, dc4),
	siteCovs = data.frame(Length, area, habitat), dist.breaks = dbreaksLine,
	tlength = lengths, survey = "line", unitsIn = "m")

fm1 <- distsamp(~ 1 ~1, ltUMF)
fm2 <- distsamp(~ area ~1, ltUMF)
fm3 <- distsamp( ~ 1 ~area, ltUMF)

fl <- fitList(Null=fm1, A.=fm2, .A=fm3)


ms <- modSel(fl, nullmod="Null")

Create an unmarkedFrame, or one of its child classes.


Constructor for unmarkedFrames.


unmarkedFrame(y, siteCovs=NULL, obsCovs=NULL, mapInfo, obsToY)



An MxJ matrix of the observed measured data, where M is the number of sites and J is the maximum number of observations per site.


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have M rows and one column per covariate


Either a named list of data.frames of covariates that vary within sites, or a data.frame with MxJ rows in site-major order.


optional matrix specifying relationship between observation-level covariates and response matrix


geographic coordinate information. Currently ignored.


unmarkedFrame is the S4 class that holds data structures to be passed to the model-fitting functions in unmarked.

An unmarkedFrame contains the observations (y), covariates measured at the observation level (obsCovs), and covariates measured at the site level (siteCovs). For a data set with M sites and J observations at each site, y is an M x J matrix. obsCovs and siteCovs are both data frames (see data.frame). siteCovs has M rows so that each row contains the covariates for the corresponding sites. obsCovs has M*obsNum rows so that each covariates is ordered by site first, then observation number. Missing values are coded with NA in any of y, siteCovs, or obsCovs.

Additionally, unmarkedFrames contain metadata: obsToY, mapInfo. obsToY is a matrix describing relationship between response matrix and observation-level covariates. Generally this does not need to be supplied by the user; however, it may be needed when using multinomPois. For example, double observer sampling, y has 3 columns corresponding the observer 1, observer 2, and both, but there were only two independent observations. In this situation, y has 3 columns, but obsToY must be specified.

Several child classes of unmarkedFrame require addional metadata. For example, unmarkedFrameDS is used to organize distsance sampling data for the distsamp function, and it has arguments dist.breaks, tlength, survey, and unitsIn, which specify the distance interval cut points, transect lengths, "line" or "point" transect, and units of measure, respectively.

All site-level covariates are automatically copied to obsCovs so that site level covariates are available at the observation level.


an unmarkedFrame object

See Also

unmarkedFrame-class, unmarkedFrameOccu, unmarkedFramePCount, unmarkedFrameDS


# Set up data for pcount()
mallardUMF <- unmarkedFramePCount(mallard.y, siteCovs =,
	obsCovs = mallard.obs)

# Set up data for occu()
pferUMF <- unmarkedFrameOccu(pfer.bin)

# Set up data for distsamp()
ltUMF <- with(linetran, {
	unmarkedFrameDS(y = cbind(dc1, dc2, dc3, dc4),
	siteCovs = data.frame(Length, area, habitat),
	dist.breaks = c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20),
	tlength = linetran$Length * 1000, survey = "line", unitsIn = "m")

# Set up data for multinomPois()
ovenFrame <- unmarkedFrameMPois(ovendata.list$data,$covariates[,-1])),
	type = "removal")

## Not run: 
# Set up data for colext()
frogUMF <- formatMult(masspcru)

## End(Not run)

Class "unmarkedFrame"


Methods for manipulating, summarizing and viewing unmarkedFrames

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls to the constructor function unmarkedFrame. These objects are passed to the data argument of the fitting functions.



Object of class "matrix"


Object of class "optionalDataFrame"


Object of class "optionalDataFrame"


Object of class "optionalMapInfo"


Object of class "optionalMatrix"



signature(x = "unmarkedFrame", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "missing"): ...


signature(x = "unmarkedFrame", i = "numeric", j = "numeric", drop = "missing"): ...


signature(x = "unmarkedFrame", i = "missing", j = "numeric", drop = "missing"): ...


signature(object = "unmarkedFrame"): extract coordinates


signature(object = "unmarkedFrame"): extract y matrix


signature(object = "unmarkedFrame"): extract M


signature(object = "unmarkedFrame"): extract ncol(y)


signature(object = "unmarkedFrame"): extract observation-level covariates


signature(object = "unmarkedFrame"): add or modify observation-level covariates


signature(object = "unmarkedFrame"): extract number of observations


signature(object = "unmarkedFrame"):


signature(object = "unmarkedFrame"): ...


signature(x = "unmarkedFrame", y = "missing"): visualize response variable. Takes additional argument panels which specifies how many panels data should be split over.


signature(object = "unmarkedFrame"): extract projection information


signature(object = "unmarkedFrame"): view data as data.frame


signature(object = "unmarkedFrame"): extract site-level covariates


signature(object = "unmarkedFrame"): add or modify site-level covariates


signature(object = "unmarkedFrame"): summarize data


signature(object = "unmarkedFrameOccuCOP"): extract L


This is a superclass with child classes for each fitting function.

See Also

unmarkedFrame, unmarkedFit, unmarked-package


# List all the child classes of unmarkedFrame

# Organize data for pcount()
mallardUMF <- unmarkedFramePCount(mallard.y, siteCovs =,
	obsCovs = mallard.obs)

# Vizualize it


# Summarize it





# Extract components of data

obsCovs(mallardUMF, matrices = TRUE)


mallardUMF[1:5,]	# First 5 rows in wide format

mallardUMF[,1:2]	# First 2 observations

Organize data for the distance sampling model of Royle et al. (2004) fit by distsamp


Organizes count data along with the covariates and metadata. This S4 class is required by the data argument of distsamp


unmarkedFrameDS(y, siteCovs=NULL, dist.breaks, tlength, survey,
    unitsIn, mapInfo)



An RxJ matrix of count data, where R is the number of sites (transects) and J is the number of distance classes.


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have R rows and one column per covariate


vector of distance cut-points delimiting the distance classes. It must be of length J+1.


A vector of length R containing the trasect lengths. This is ignored when survey="point".


Either "point" or "line" for point- and line-transects.


Either "m" or "km" defining the measurement units for both dist.breaks and tlength



Currently ignored


unmarkedFrameDS is the S4 class that holds data to be passed to the distsamp model-fitting function.


an object of class unmarkedFrameDS


If you have continuous distance data, they must be "binned" into discrete distance classes, which are delimited by dist.breaks.


Royle, J. A., D. K. Dawson, and S. Bates (2004) Modeling abundance effects in distance sampling. Ecology 85, pp. 1591-1597.

See Also

unmarkedFrame-class, unmarkedFrame, distsamp


# Fake data
R <- 4 # number of sites
J <- 3 # number of distance classes

db <- c(0, 10, 20, 30) # distance break points

y <- matrix(c(
   5,4,3, # 5 detections in 0-10 distance class at this transect
   1,1,0), nrow=R, ncol=J, byrow=TRUE)

site.covs <- data.frame(x1=1:4, x2=factor(c('A','B','A','B')))

umf <- unmarkedFrameDS(y=y, siteCovs=site.covs, dist.breaks=db, survey="point",
    unitsIn="m")            # organize data
umf                         # look at data
summary(umf)                # summarize
fm <- distsamp(~1 ~1, umf)  # fit a model

Create an object of class unmarkedFrameDSO that contains data used by distsampOpen.


Organizes distance sampling data and experimental design information from multiple primary periods along with associated covariates. This S4 class is required by the data argument of distsampOpen


unmarkedFrameDSO(y, siteCovs=NULL, yearlySiteCovs=NULL, numPrimary, 
       primaryPeriod, dist.breaks, tlength, survey, unitsIn)



An MxJT matrix of the repeated count data, where M is the number of sites (i.e., points or transects), J is the number of distance classes and T is the maximum number of primary sampling periods per site


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have M rows and one column per covariate


Either a named list of MxT data.frames, or a site-major data.frame with MT rows and 1 column per covariate


Maximum number of observed primary periods for each site


An MxJT matrix of integers indicating the primary period of each observation


vector of distance cut-points delimiting the distance classes. It must be of length J+1


A vector of length R containing the transect lengths. This is ignored when survey="point"


Either "point" or "line" for point- and line-transects


Either "m" or "km" defining the measurement units for both dist.breaks and tlength


unmarkedFrameDSO is the S4 class that holds data to be passed to the distsampOpen model-fitting function. Unlike most unmarked functions, obsCovs cannot be supplied.

If you have continuous distance data, they must be "binned" into discrete distance classes, which are delimited by dist.breaks.

When gamma or omega are modeled using year-specific covariates, the covariate data for the final year will be ignored; however, they must be supplied.

If the time gap between primary periods is not constant, an M by T matrix of integers should be supplied using the primaryPeriod argument.


an object of class unmarkedFrameDSO

See Also

unmarkedFrame-class, unmarkedFrame, distsampOpen


# Fake data
M <- 4 # number of sites
J <- 3 # number of distance classes
T <- 2 # number of primary periods

db <- c(0, 10, 20, 30) # distance break points

y <- matrix(c(
   5,4,3, 6,2,1, # In bin 1: 5 detections in primary period 1, 6 in period 2
   0,0,0, 0,1,0,
   2,1,1, 0,0,0,
   1,1,0, 1,1,1), nrow=M, ncol=J*T, byrow=TRUE)

# Primary periods of observations
# In this case there are no gaps
primPer <- matrix(as.integer(c(
    1,2)), nrow=M, ncol=T, byrow=TRUE)

#Site covs: M rows and 1 column per covariate
site.covs <- data.frame(x1=1:4, x2=factor(c('A','B','A','B')))

#Yearly site covs on gamma/omega
ysc <- list(
    x3 = matrix(c(
        1,2), nrow=M, ncol=T, byrow=TRUE))

umf <- unmarkedFrameDSO(y=y, siteCovs=site.covs, yearlySiteCovs=ysc,
                        numPrimary=T, primaryPeriod=primPer,
                        dist.breaks=db, survey="point", unitsIn="m")            

umf                         # look at data
summary(umf)                # summarize

Organize data for the combined distance and removal point-count model of Amundson et al. (2014) fit by gdistremoval


Organize data for the combined distance and removal point-count model of Amundson et al. (2014) fit by gdistremoval


unmarkedFrameGDR(yDistance, yRemoval, numPrimary=1, siteCovs=NULL, obsCovs=NULL, 
                   yearlySiteCovs=NULL, dist.breaks, unitsIn, period.lengths=NULL)



An MxTJ matrix of count data, where M is the number of sites (points), T is the number of primary periods (can be 1) and J is the number of distance classes


An MxTJ matrix of count data, where M is the number of sites (points), T is the number of primary periods (can be 1) and J is the number of time removal periods


Number of primary periods in the dataset


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have M rows and one column per covariate


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have MxTJ rows and one column per covariate. These covariates are used only by the removal part of the model


A data.frame of covariates that vary by site and primary period. This should have MxT rows and one column per covariate


vector of distance cut-points delimiting the distance classes. It must be of length J+1


Either "m" or "km" defining the measurement units for dist.breaks


Optional vector of time lengths of each removal period. Each value in the vector must be a positive integer, and the total length of the vector must be equal to the number of removal periods J. If this is not provided (the default), then all periods are assumed to have an equal length of 1 time unit


unmarkedFrameGDR is the S4 class that holds data to be passed to the gdistremoval model-fitting function.


an object of class unmarkedFrameGDR


If you have continuous distance data, they must be "binned" into discrete distance classes, which are delimited by dist.breaks.


Ken Kellner [email protected]


Amundson, C.L., Royle, J.A. and Handel, C.M., 2014. A hierarchical model combining distance sampling and time removal to estimate detection probability during avian point counts. The Auk 131: 476-494.

See Also

unmarkedFrame-class, unmarkedFrame, gdistremoval

Create an object of class unmarkedFrameMMO that contains data used by multmixOpen.


Organizes count data and experimental design information from multiple primary periods along with associated covariates. This S4 class is required by the data argument of multmixOpen


unmarkedFrameMMO(y, siteCovs=NULL, obsCovs=NULL, yearlySiteCovs=NULL, 
       numPrimary, type, primaryPeriod)



An MxJT matrix of the repeated count data, where M is the number of sites (i.e., points or transects), J is the number of distance classes and T is the maximum number of primary sampling periods per site


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have M rows and one column per covariate


Either a named list of data.frames of covariates that vary within sites, or a data.frame with MxJT rows in site-major order.


Either a named list of MxT data.frames, or a site-major data.frame with MT rows and 1 column per covariate


Maximum number of observed primary periods for each site


Either "removal" for removal sampling, "double" for standard double observer sampling, or "depDouble" for dependent double observer sampling


An MxJT matrix of integers indicating the primary period of each observation


unmarkedFrameMMO is the S4 class that holds data to be passed to the multmixOpen model-fitting function.

Options for the detection process (type) include equal-interval removal sampling ("removal"), double observer sampling ("double"), or dependent double-observer sampling ("depDouble"). Note that unlike the related functions multinomPois and gmultmix, custom functions for the detection process (i.e., piFuns) are not supported. To request additional options contact the author.

When gamma or omega are modeled using year-specific covariates, the covariate data for the final year will be ignored; however, they must be supplied.

If the time gap between primary periods is not constant, an M by T matrix of integers should be supplied using the primaryPeriod argument.


an object of class unmarkedFrameMMO

See Also

unmarkedFrame-class, unmarkedFrame, multmixOpen


#Generate some data 
  lambda=4; gamma=0.5; omega=0.8; p=0.5
  M <- 100; T <- 5
  y <- array(NA, c(M, 3, T))
  N <- matrix(NA, M, T)
  S <- G <- matrix(NA, M, T-1)

  for(i in 1:M) {
    N[i,1] <- rpois(1, lambda)
    y[i,1,1] <- rbinom(1, N[i,1], p)    # Observe some
    Nleft1 <- N[i,1] - y[i,1,1]         # Remove them
    y[i,2,1] <- rbinom(1, Nleft1, p)   # ...
    Nleft2 <- Nleft1 - y[i,2,1]
    y[i,3,1] <- rbinom(1, Nleft2, p)

    for(t in 1:(T-1)) {
      S[i,t] <- rbinom(1, N[i,t], omega)
      G[i,t] <- rpois(1, gamma)
      N[i,t+1] <- S[i,t] + G[i,t]
      y[i,1,t+1] <- rbinom(1, N[i,t+1], p)    # Observe some
      Nleft1 <- N[i,t+1] - y[i,1,t+1]         # Remove them
      y[i,2,t+1] <- rbinom(1, Nleft1, p)   # ...
      Nleft2 <- Nleft1 - y[i,2,t+1]
      y[i,3,t+1] <- rbinom(1, Nleft2, p)
  y=matrix(y, M)
  #Create some random covariate data
  sc <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(100))

  #Create unmarked frame
  umf <- unmarkedFrameMMO(y=y, numPrimary=5, siteCovs=sc, type="removal")

Organize data for the multinomial-Poisson mixture model of Royle (2004) fit by multinomPois


Organizes count data along with the covariates. This S4 class is required by the data argument of multinomPois


unmarkedFrameMPois(y, siteCovs=NULL, obsCovs=NULL, type, obsToY, 
    mapInfo, piFun)



An RxJ matrix of count data, where R is the number of sites (transects) and J is the maximum number of observations per site.


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have R rows and one column per covariate


Either a named list of RxJ data.frames or a data.frame with RxJ rows and one column per covariate. For the latter format, the covariates should be in site-major order.


Either "removal" for removal sampling, "double" for standard double observer sampling, or "depDouble" for dependent double observer sampling. If this argument not specified, the user must provide an obsToY matrix. See details.


A matrix describing the relationship between obsCovs and y. This is necessary because under some sampling designs the dimensions of y do not equal the dimensions of each observation level covariate. For example, in double observer sampling there are 3 observations (seen only by observer A, detected only by observer B, and detected by both), but each observation-level covariate can only have 2 columns, one for each observer. This matrix is created automatically if type is specified.


Currently ignored


Function used to compute the multinomial cell probabilities from a matrix of detection probabilities. This is created automatically if type is specified.


unmarkedFrameMPois is the S4 class that holds data to be passed to the multinomPois model-fitting function.


an object of class unmarkedFrameMPois


Royle, J. A. (2004). Generalized estimators of avian abundance from count survey data. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 27(1), 375-386.

See Also

unmarkedFrame-class, unmarkedFrame, multinomPois, piFuns


# Fake doulbe observer data
R <- 4 # number of sites
J <- 2 # number of observers

y <- matrix(c(
   0,0,2), nrow=R, ncol=J+1, byrow=TRUE)

site.covs <- data.frame(x1=1:4, x2=factor(c('A','B','A','B')))

obs.covs <- list(
   x3 = matrix(c(
      nrow=R, ncol=J, byrow=TRUE),
   x4 = matrix(c(
      nrow=R, ncol=J, byrow=TRUE))

# Create unmarkedFrame
umf <- unmarkedFrameMPois(y=y, siteCovs=site.covs, obsCovs=obs.covs,
# The above is the same as:
o2y <- matrix(1, 2, 3)
pifun <- function(p)
    M <- nrow(p)
    pi <- matrix(NA, M, 3)
    pi[, 1] <- p[, 1] * (1 - p[, 2])
    pi[, 2] <- p[, 2] * (1 - p[, 1])
    pi[, 3] <- p[, 1] * p[, 2]

umf <- unmarkedFrameMPois(y=y, siteCovs=site.covs, obsCovs=obs.covs,
    obsToY=o2y, piFun="pifun")

# Fit a model
fm <- multinomPois(~1 ~1, umf)

Organize data for the single season occupancy models fit by occu and occuRN


Organizes detection, non-detection data along with the covariates. This S4 class is required by the data argument of occu and occuRN


unmarkedFrameOccu(y, siteCovs=NULL, obsCovs=NULL, mapInfo)



An RxJ matrix of the detection, non-detection data, where R is the number of sites, J is the maximum number of sampling periods per site.


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have M rows and one column per covariate


Either a named list of data.frames of covariates that vary within sites, or a data.frame with RxJ rows in site-major order.


Currently ignored


unmarkedFrameOccu is the S4 class that holds data to be passed to the occu and occuRN model-fitting function.


an object of class unmarkedFrameOccu

See Also

unmarkedFrame-class, unmarkedFrame, occu, occuRN


# Fake data
R <- 4 # number of sites
J <- 3 # number of visits
y <- matrix(c(
   1,0,1), nrow=R, ncol=J, byrow=TRUE)

site.covs <- data.frame(x1=1:4, x2=factor(c('A','B','A','B')))

obs.covs <- list(
   x3 = matrix(c(
      0,0,0), nrow=R, ncol=J, byrow=TRUE),
   x4 = matrix(c(
      'a','b','a'), nrow=R, ncol=J, byrow=TRUE))

umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y=y, siteCovs=site.covs, 
    obsCovs=obs.covs)   # organize data
umf                     # look at data
summary(umf)            # summarize      
fm <- occu(~1 ~1, umf)  # fit a model

Organize data for the occupancy model using count data fit by occuCOP


Organizes count data along with the covariates. The unmarkedFrame S4 class required by the data argument of occuCOP.


unmarkedFrameOccuCOP(y, L, siteCovs = NULL, obsCovs = NULL)



An MxJ matrix of the count data, where M is the number of sites, J is the maximum number of observation periods (sampling occasions, transects, discretised sessions...) per site.


An MxJ matrix of the length of the observation periods. For example, duration of the sampling occasion in hours, duration of the discretised session in days, or length of the transect in meters.


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have M rows and one column per covariate


A named list of dataframes of dimension MxJ, with one dataframe per covariate that varies between sites and observation periods


unmarkedFrameOccuCOP is the unmarkedFrame S4 class that holds data to be passed to the occuCOP model-fitting function.


an object of class unmarkedFrameOccuCOP

See Also

unmarkedFrame-class, unmarkedFrame, occuCOP


# Fake data
M <- 4 # Number of sites
J <- 3 # Number of observation periods

# Count data
(y <- matrix(
  c(1, 3, 0,
    0, 0, 0,
    2, 0, 5,
    1, NA, 0),
  nrow = M,
  ncol = J,
  byrow = TRUE

# Length of observation periods
(L <- matrix(
  c(1, 3, NA,
    2, 2, 2,
    1, 2, 1,
    7, 1, 3),
  nrow = M,
  ncol = J,
  byrow = TRUE

# Site covariates
(site.covs <- data.frame(
  "elev" = rexp(4),
  "habitat" = factor(c("forest", "forest", "grassland", "grassland"))

# Observation covariates (as a list)
(obs.covs.list <- list(
  "rain" = matrix(rexp(M * J), nrow = M, ncol = J),
  "wind" = matrix(
    sample(letters[1:3], replace = TRUE, size = M * J),
    nrow = M, ncol = J)

# Organise data in a unmarkedFrameOccuCOP object
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuCOP(
  y = y,
  L = L,
  siteCovs = site.covs,
  obsCovs = obs.covs.list

# Extract L

# Look at data
print(umf) # Print the whole data set
print(umf[1, 2]) # Print the data of the 1st site, 2nd observation
summary(umf) # Summarise the data set
plot(umf) # Plot the count of detection events

# L is optional, if absent, it will be replaced by a MxJ matrix of 1
  y = y,
  siteCovs = site.covs,
  obsCovs = obs.covs.list

# Covariates are optional
unmarkedFrameOccuCOP(y = y)

Organize data for the single season occupancy models fit by occuFP


Organizes detection, non-detection data along with the covariates. This S4 class is required by the data argument of occu and occuRN


unmarkedFrameOccuFP(y, siteCovs=NULL, obsCovs=NULL, type, mapInfo)



An RxJ matrix of the detection, non-detection data, where R is the number of sites, J is the maximum number of sampling periods per site.


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have M rows and one column per covariate


Either a named list of data.frames of covariates that vary within sites, or a data.frame with RxJ rows in site-major order.


A vector with 3 values designating the number of occassions where data is of type 1, type 2, and type 3 - see occuFP for more details about data types.


Currently ignored


unmarkedFrameOccuFP is the S4 class that holds data to be passed to the occu and occuRN model-fitting function.


an object of class unmarkedFrameOccuFP

See Also

unmarkedFrame-class, unmarkedFrame, occuFP


n = 100
o = 10
o1 = 5
y = matrix(0,n,o)
p = .7
r = .5
fp = 0.05
y[1:(n*.5),(o-o1+1):o] <- rbinom((n*o1*.5),1,p)
y[1:(n*.5),1:(o-o1)] <- rbinom((o-o1)*n*.5,1,r)
y[(n*.5+1):n,(o-o1+1):o] <- rbinom((n*o1*.5),1,fp)
type <- c((o-o1),o1,0)  ### vector with the number of each data type
site <- c(rep(1,n*.5*.8),rep(0,n*.5*.2),rep(1,n*.5*.2),rep(0,n*.8*.5))
occ <- matrix(c(rep(0,n*(o-o1)),rep(1,n*o1)),n,o)
site <- data.frame(habitat = site)
occ <- list(METH = occ)

umf1 <- unmarkedFrameOccuFP(y,site,occ, type = type)

m1 <- occuFP(detformula = ~ METH, FPformula = ~1, stateformula = ~ habitat, data = umf1)

Organize data for the multi-state occupancy model fit by occuMS


Organizes multi-state occupancy data (currently single-season only) along with covariates. This S4 class is required by the data argument of occuMS


unmarkedFrameOccuMS(y, siteCovs=NULL, obsCovs=NULL, 
                           numPrimary=1, yearlySiteCovs=NULL)



An MxR matrix of multi-state occupancy data for a species, where M is the number of sites and R is the maximum number of observations per site (across all primary and secondary periods, if you have multi-season data). Values in y should be integers ranging from 0 (non-detection) to the number of total states - 1. For example, if you have 3 occupancy states, y should contain only values 0, 1, or 2.


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have M rows and one column per covariate


Either a named list of data.frames of covariates that vary within sites, or a data.frame with MxR rows in the ordered by site-observation (if single-season) or site-primary period-observation (if multi-season).


Number of primary time periods (e.g. seasons) for the dynamic or multi-season version of the model. There should be an equal number of secondary periods in each primary period.


A data frame with one column per covariate that varies among sites and primary periods (e.g. years). It should have MxT rows where M is the number of sites and T the number of primary periods, ordered by site-primary period. These covariates only used for dynamic (multi-season) models.


unmarkedFrameOccuMS is the S4 class that holds data to be passed to the occuMS model-fitting function.


an object of class unmarkedFrameOccuMS


Ken Kellner [email protected]

See Also

unmarkedFrame-class, unmarkedFrame, occuMS


# Fake data
N <- 100; J <- 3; S <- 3
psi <- c(0.5,0.3,0.2)
p11 <- 0.4; p12 <- 0.25; p22 <- 0.3

#Simulate state
z <- sample(0:2, N, replace=TRUE, prob=psi)

#Simulate detection
y <- matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=J)
for (n in 1:N){
  probs <- switch(z[n]+1,
    y[n,] <- sample(0:2, J, replace=TRUE, probs)

site_covs <-*2),ncol=2)) # nrow = # of sites
obs_covs <-*J*2),ncol=2)) # nrow = N*J

#Build unmarked frame
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuMS(y=y,siteCovs=site_covs,obsCovs=obs_covs)

umf                     # look at data
summary(umf)            # summarize      
plot(umf)               # visualize
umf@numStates           # check number of occupancy states detected

Organize data for the multispecies occupancy model fit by occuMulti


Organizes detection, non-detection data for multiple species along with the covariates. This S4 class is required by the data argument of occuMulti


unmarkedFrameOccuMulti(y, siteCovs=NULL, obsCovs=NULL, 
                              maxOrder, mapInfo)



A list (optionally a named list) of length S where each element is an MxJ matrix of the detection, non-detection data for one species, where M is the number of sites, J is the maximum number of sampling periods per site, and S is the number of species in the analysis.


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have M rows and one column per covariate


Either a named list of data.frames of covariates that vary within sites, or a data.frame with MxJ rows in site-major order.


Optional; specify maximum interaction order. Defaults to number of species (all possible interactions). Reducing this value may speed up creation of unmarked frame if you aren't interested in higher-order interactions.


Currently ignored


unmarkedFrameOccuMulti is the S4 class that holds data to be passed to the occuMulti model-fitting function.


an object of class unmarkedFrameOccuMulti


Ken Kellner [email protected]

See Also

unmarkedFrame-class, unmarkedFrame, occuMulti


# Fake data
S <- 3 # number of species
M <- 4 # number of sites
J <- 3 # number of visits

y <- list(matrix(rbinom(M*J,1,0.5),M,J), # species 1
          matrix(rbinom(M*J,1,0.5),M,J), # species 2
          matrix(rbinom(M*J,1,0.2),M,J)) # species 3

site.covs <- data.frame(x1=1:4, x2=factor(c('A','B','A','B')))

umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuMulti(y=y, siteCovs=site.covs, 
    obsCovs=NULL)   # organize data
umf                     # look at data
summary(umf)            # summarize      
plot(umf)               # visualize
#fm <- occu(~1 ~1, umf)  # fit a model

Create an unmarkedFrameOccuTTD object for the time-to-detection model fit by occuTTD


Organizes time-to-detection occupancy data along with covariates. This S4 class is required by the data argument of occuTTD


unmarkedFrameOccuTTD(y, surveyLength, siteCovs=NULL, obsCovs=NULL, 
                           numPrimary=1, yearlySiteCovs=NULL)



An MxR matrix of time-to-detection data for a species, where M is the number of sites and R is the maximum number of observations per site (across all primary periods and observations, if you have multi-season data). Values in y should be positive.


The maximum length of a survey, in the same units as y. You can provide either a single value (if all surveys had the same max length), or a matrix matching the dimensions of y (if surveys had different max lengths).


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have M rows and one column per covariate


Either a named list of data.frames of covariates that vary within sites, or a data.frame with MxR rows in the ordered by site-observation (if single-season) or site-primary period-observation (if multi-season).


Number of primary time periods (e.g. seasons) for the dynamic or multi-season version of the model. There should be an equal number of secondary periods in each primary period.


A data frame with one column per covariate that varies among sites and primary periods (e.g. years). It should have MxT rows where M is the number of sites and T the number of primary periods, ordered by site-primary period. These covariates only used for dynamic (multi-season) models.


unmarkedFrameOccuTTD is the S4 class that holds data to be passed to the occuTTD model-fitting function.


an object of class unmarkedFrameOccuTTD


If the time-to-detection values in y are very large (e.g., because they are expressed as numbers of seconds) you may have issues fitting models. An easy solution is to convert your units (e.g., from seconds to decimal minutes) to keep the values as close to 0 as possible.


Ken Kellner [email protected]


# For a single-season model
  N <- 100 #Number of sites
  psi <- 0.4 #Occupancy probability
  lam <- 7 #Parameter for exponential distribution of time to detection
  Tmax <- 10 #Maximum survey length

  z <- rbinom(N, 1, psi) #Simulate occupancy
  y <- rexp(N, 1/lam) #Simulate time to detection
  y[z==0] <- Tmax
  y[y>Tmax] <- Tmax
  sc <-*2),ncol=2)) #Site covs
  oc <-*2),ncol=2)) #obs covs

  umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuTTD(y=y, surveyLength=Tmax, siteCovs=sc, obsCovs=oc)

Create an object of class unmarkedFramePCO that contains data used by pcountOpen.


Organizes repeated count data along with the covariates and possibly the dates on which each survey was conducted. This S4 class is required by the data argument of pcountOpen


unmarkedFramePCO(y, siteCovs=NULL, obsCovs=NULL, yearlySiteCovs, mapInfo,
    numPrimary, primaryPeriod)



An MxJT matrix of the repeated count data, where M is the number of sites, J is the maximum number of secondary sampling periods per site and T is the maximum number of primary sampling periods per site.


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have M rows and one column per covariate


Either a named list of data.frames of covariates that vary within sites, or a data.frame with MxJT rows in site-major order.


Either a named list of MxT data.frames, or a site-major data.frame with MT rows and 1 column per covariate.


Currently ignored


Maximum number of observed primary periods for each site


matrix of integers indicating the primary period of each survey.


unmarkedFramePCO is the S4 class that holds data to be passed to the pcountOpen model-fitting function.

The unmarkedFramePCO class is similar to the unmarkedFramePCount class except that it contains the dates for each survey, which needs to be supplied .


an object of class unmarkedFramePCO

See Also

unmarkedFrame-class, unmarkedFrame, pcountOpen


# Repeated count data with 5 primary periods and
# no secondary sampling periods (ie J==1)
y1 <- matrix(c(
    0, 2, 3, 2, 0,
    2, 2, 3, 1, 1,
    1, 1, 0, 0, 3,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0), nrow=4, ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)

# Site-specific covariates
sc1 <- data.frame(x1 = 1:4, x2 = c('A','A','B','B'))

# Observation-specific covariates
oc1 <- list(
    x3 = matrix(1:5, nrow=4, ncol=5, byrow=TRUE),
    x4 = matrix(letters[1:5], nrow=4, ncol=5, byrow=TRUE))

# Primary periods of surveys
primaryPeriod1 <- matrix(as.integer(c(
    1, 2, 5, 7, 8,
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
    1, 2, 4, 5, 6,
    1, 3, 5, 6, 7)), nrow=4, ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)

# Create the unmarkedFrame
umf1 <- unmarkedFramePCO(y=y1, siteCovs=sc1, obsCovs=oc1, numPrimary=5,

# Take a look

# Repeated count data with 4 primary periods and
# no 2 secondary sampling periods (ie J=2)
y2 <- matrix(c(
    0,0,  2,2,  3,2,  2,2,
    2,2,  2,1,  3,2,  1,1,
    1,0,  1,1,  0,0,  0,0,
    0,0,  0,0,  0,0,  0,0), nrow=4, ncol=8, byrow=TRUE)

# Site-specific covariates
sc2 <- data.frame(x1 = 1:4, x2 = c('A','A','B','B'))

# Observation-specific covariates
oc2 <- list(
    x3 = matrix(1:8, nrow=4, ncol=8, byrow=TRUE),
    x4 = matrix(letters[1:8], nrow=4, ncol=8, byrow=TRUE))

# Yearly-site covariates
ysc <- list(
    x5 = matrix(c(
        1,2,3,4), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE))

# Primary periods of surveys
primaryPeriod2 <- matrix(as.integer(c(
    1,3,5,6)), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)

# Create the unmarkedFrame
umf2 <- unmarkedFramePCO(y=y2, siteCovs=sc2, obsCovs=oc2,
    numPrimary=4, primaryPeriod=primaryPeriod2)

# Take a look

Organize data for the N-mixture model fit by pcount


Organizes repeated count data along with the covariates. This S4 class is required by the data argument of pcount


unmarkedFramePCount(y, siteCovs=NULL, obsCovs=NULL, mapInfo)



An RxJ matrix of the repeated count data, where R is the number of sites, J is the maximum number of sampling periods per site.


A data.frame of covariates that vary at the site level. This should have R rows and one column per covariate


Either a named list of data.frames of covariates that vary within sites, or a data.frame with RxJ rows in site-major order.


Currently ignored


unmarkedFramePCount is the S4 class that holds data to be passed to the pcount model-fitting function.


an object of class unmarkedFramePCount

See Also

unmarkedFrame-class, unmarkedFrame, pcount


# Fake data
R <- 4 # number of sites
J <- 3 # number of visits
y <- matrix(c(
   2,2,1), nrow=R, ncol=J, byrow=TRUE)

site.covs <- data.frame(x1=1:4, x2=factor(c('A','B','A','B')))

obs.covs <- list(
   x3 = matrix(c(
      0,0,0), nrow=R, ncol=J, byrow=TRUE),
   x4 = matrix(c(
      'a','b','a'), nrow=R, ncol=J, byrow=TRUE))

umf <- unmarkedFramePCount(y=y, siteCovs=site.covs, 
    obsCovs=obs.covs)          # organize data
umf                            # take a l
summary(umf)                   # summarize data
fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, umf, K=10) # fit a model

Create an unmarkedMultFrame, unmarkedFrameGMM, unmarkedFrameGDS, or unmarkedFrameGPC object


These functions construct unmarkedFrames for data collected during primary and secondary sampling periods.


unmarkedMultFrame(y, siteCovs, obsCovs, numPrimary, yearlySiteCovs)
  unmarkedFrameGMM(y, siteCovs, obsCovs, numPrimary, yearlySiteCovs, type,
    obsToY, piFun)
  unmarkedFrameGDS(y, siteCovs, numPrimary, yearlySiteCovs, dist.breaks,
    survey, unitsIn, tlength)
  unmarkedFrameGPC(y, siteCovs, obsCovs, numPrimary, yearlySiteCovs)



A matrix of the observed data.


Data frame of covariates that vary at the site level.


Data frame of covariates that vary within site-year-observation level.


Number of primary time periods (seasons in the multiseason model).


Data frame containing covariates at the site-year level.


Set to "removal" for constant-interval removal sampling, "double" for standard double observer sampling, or "depDouble" for dependent double observer sampling. This should be not be specified for other types of survey designs.


A matrix specifying relationship between observation-level covariates and response matrix


A function converting an MxJ matrix of detection probabilities into an MxJ matrix of multinomial cell probabilities.


see unmarkedFrameDS


see unmarkedFrameDS


see unmarkedFrameDS


see unmarkedFrameDS


unmarkedMultFrame objects are used by colext.

unmarkedFrameGMM objects are used by gmultmix.

unmarkedFrameGDS objects are used by gdistsamp.

unmarkedFrameGPC objects are used by gpcount.

For a study with M sites, T years, and a maximum of J observations per site-year, the data can be supplied in a variety of ways but are stored as follows. y is an M×TJM \times TJ matrix, with each row corresponding to a site. siteCovs is a data frame with MM rows. yearlySiteCovs is a data frame with MTMT rows which are in site-major, year-minor order. obsCovs is a data frame with MTJMTJ rows, which are ordered by site-year-observation, so that a column of obsCovs corresponds to as.vector(t(y)), element-by-element. The number of years must be specified in numPrimary.

If the data are in long format, the convenience function formatMult is useful for creating the unmarkedMultFrame.

unmarkedFrameGMM and unmarkedFrameGDS are superclasses of unmarkedMultFrame containing information on the survey design used that resulted in multinomial outcomes. For unmarkedFrameGMM and constant-interval removal sampling, you can set type="removal" and ignore the arguments obsToY and piFun. Similarly, for double-observer sampling, setting type="double" or type="depDouble" will automatically create an appropiate obsToY matrix and piFuns. For all other situations, the type argument of unmarkedFrameGMM should be ignored and the obsToY and piFun arguments must be specified. piFun must be a function that converts an MxJ matrix of detection probabilities into an MxJ matrix of multinomial cell probabilities. obsToY is a matrix describing how the obsCovs relate to the observed counts y. For further discussion and examples see the help page for multinomPois and piFuns.

unmarkedFrameGMM and unmarkedFrameGDS objects can be created from an unmarkedMultFrame using the "as" conversion method. See examples.


an unmarkedMultFrame or unmarkedFrameGMM object


Data used with colext, gmultmix, and gdistsamp may be collected during a single year, so yearlySiteCovs may be a misnomer is some cases.

See Also

formatMult, colext, gmultmix, gpcount


n <- 50   # number of sites
T <- 4    # number of primary periods
J <- 3    # number of secondary periods

site <- 1:50
years <- data.frame(matrix(rep(2010:2013, each=n), n, T))
years <- data.frame(lapply(years, as.factor))
occasions <- data.frame(matrix(rep(1:(J*T), each=n), n, J*T))

y <- matrix(0:1, n, J*T)

umf <- unmarkedMultFrame(y=y,
    siteCovs = data.frame(site=site),

umfGMM1 <- unmarkedFrameGMM(y=y,
    siteCovs = data.frame(site=site),
    # or: yearlySiteCovs=list(year=years),
    numPrimary=T, type="removal")

# A user-defined piFun calculating removal probs when time intervals differ.
instRemPiFun <- function(p) {
	M <- nrow(p)
	J <- ncol(p)
	pi <- matrix(NA, M, J)
	p[,1] <- pi[,1] <- 1 - (1 - p[,1])^2
	p[,2] <- 1 - (1 - p[,2])^3
	p[,3] <- 1 - (1 - p[,3])^5
	for(i in 2:J) {
		pi[,i] <- pi[, i - 1]/p[, i - 1] * (1 - p[, i - 1]) * p[, i]

# Associated obsToY matrix required by unmarkedFrameMPois
o2y <- diag(ncol(y))
o2y[upper.tri(o2y)] <- 1

umfGMM2 <- unmarkedFrameGMM(y=y,
    siteCovs = data.frame(site=site),
    numPrimary=T, obsToY=o2y, piFun="instRemPiFun")


Methods for unmarkedPower objects


Various functions to summarize unmarkedPower objects


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedPower'
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedPower'
summary(object, alpha, showIntercepts = FALSE, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedPower,missing'
plot(x, y, alpha, showIntercepts = FALSE, ...)


object, x

An object of class unmarkedPower created with the powerAnalysis function


Desired Type I error rate. If not provided, defaults to the value specified when calling powerAnalysis.


Show intercepts output? This is rarely useful.


Not currently used.


Not currently used.


For show and summary, summary output is printed to the console. For plot, a visualization of the summary output is created.


Ken Kellner [email protected]

See Also


Summarize a series of unmarked power analyses


A list of power analyses created with powerAnalysis can be combined using unmarkedPowerList, allowing comparison e.g. between different study designs/sample sizes. A series of methods for unmarkedPowerList objects are available including a plot method.


## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedPower'
unmarkedPowerList(object, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedPowerList'
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedPowerList'
summary(object, showIntercepts = FALSE, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'unmarkedPowerList,ANY'
plot(x, power=NULL, param=NULL, ...)


object, x

For unmarkedPowerList, an unmarkedPower object. For show, summary, plot, an unmarkedPowerList object.


Show intercepts output? This is rarely useful.


If specified, adds a dotted line to the plot at this target power value.


When plotting, the model parameter to plot power vs. sample size for. By default this is the first parameter.


For unmarkedPowerList, other unmarkedPower objects to combine into the list.


A unmarkedPowerList object, a summary of the object in the console, or a summary plot, depending on the method


Ken Kellner [email protected]

See Also



## Not run: 

# Build unmarkedFrame
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = matrix(NA, 300, 8),
                         siteCovs = data.frame(elev=rnorm(300)))

# Run power analyses
cf <- list(state = c(0, -0.4), det = 0)
pa1 <- powerAnalysis(umf, model=occu, formula=~1~elev, effects=cf)
pa2 <- powerAnalysis(umf[1:100,], model=occu, formula=~1~elev, effects=cf)

# Combine them into a list
(pl <- unmarkedPowerList(pa1, pa2))

# Look at summary plot for elev effect
plot(pl, power=0.8, param='elev')

## End(Not run)

Class "unmarkedRanef"


Stores the estimated posterior distributions of the latent abundance or occurrence variables.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form ranef.



An array with nSites rows and Nmax (K+1) columns and nPrimaryPeriod slices



signature(object = "unmarkedRanef"): Extract the Best Unbiased Predictors (BUPs) of the latent variables (abundance or occurrence state). Either the posterior mean or median can be requested using the stat argument.


signature(object = "unmarkedRanef"): Compute confidence intervals.


signature(x = "unmarkedRanef", y = "missing"): Plot the posteriors using xyplot


signature(object = "unmarkedRanef"): Display the modes and confidence intervals


Empirical Bayes methods can underestimate the variance of the posterior distribution because they do not account for uncertainty in the hyperparameters (lambda or psi). Simulation studies indicate that the posterior mode can exhibit (3-5 percent) negatively bias as a point estimator of site-specific abundance. It appears to be safer to use the posterior mean even though this will not be an integer in general.


Laird, N.M. and T.A. Louis. 1987. Empirical Bayes confidence intervals based on bootstrap samples. Journal of the American Statistical Association 82:739–750.

Carlin, B.P and T.A Louis. 1996. Bayes and Empirical Bayes Methods for Data Analysis. Chapman and Hall/CRC.

Royle, J.A and R.M. Dorazio. 2008. Hierarchical Modeling and Inference in Ecology. Academic Press.

See Also




Methods for Function vcov in Package ‘unmarked’


Extract variance-covariance matrix from a fitted model.


object = "linCombOrBackTrans"

See linearComb-methods

object = "unmarkedEstimate"

See unmarkedEstimate-class

object = "unmarkedFit"

A fitted model

Compute Variance Inflation Factors for an unmarkedFit Object.


Compute the variance inflation factors (VIFs) for covariates in one level of the model (i.e., occupancy or detection). Calculation of VIFs follows the approach of function vif in package car, using the correlation matrix of fitted model parameters.


vif(mod, type)



An unmarked fit object.


Level of the model for which to calculate VIFs (for example, 'state')


A named vector of variance inflation factor values for each covariate.