Package 'tukeytrend'

Title: Tukeys Trend Test via Multiple Marginal Models
Description: Provides wrapper functions to the multiple marginal model function mmm() of package 'multcomp' to implement the trend test of Tukey, Ciminera and Heyse (1985) <DOI:10.2307/2530666> for general parametric models.
Authors: Frank Schaarschmidt [aut, cre], Christian Ritz [aut], Ludwig Hothorn [ctb]
Maintainer: Frank Schaarschmidt <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.7
Built: 2025-03-11 07:07:55 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Coerce object of class 'tukeytrend' to 'glht'


Transfers output of functions tukeytrendfit and tukeytrendformula to glht.


asglht(object, df = "mean", ...)



an object of class 'tukeytrend' as results from functions tukeytrendfit, or tukeytrendformula


defines whether and how/which degrees of freedom are passed to glht for the computation of multivariate quantile. Can be a single character string, that names a function ("mean", "min", ...) to summarize the individual models' degrees of freedom to a single degree of freedom, defaults to computing the mean df of all the input models. Setting df=NULL invokes that no degree of freedom is passed to glht, i.e. asymptotic inference by use of multivariate normal quantiles. You may also specify a single integer df in this argument, which is then passed to glht.


further arguments to be passed to glht, e.g. alternative


Passes the elements $mmm from tukeytrend output to glht, argument model, and $mlf to argument linfct, computes summary statistics for the vector of degrees of freedom in tukeytrend and passes it to glht, argument df. All other arguments are passed via ... to glht; be aware that mis-spelled arguments may be lost in glht.


An object of class glht.


data(litter, package="multcomp")
dl <- litter
dl$dosen <- as.numeric(as.character(dl$dose))
fit <- lm(weight ~ dosen + number, data=dl)
ttlitter <- tukeytrendfit(fit, dose="dosen", 
 scaling=c("ari", "ord", "log"))

# instead of transferring individual elements from the
# tukeytrend output into the arguments of glht , ...
# comp1 <- glht(model=ttlitter$mmm, linfct=ttlitter$mlf,
# df=round(mean(ttlitter$df)), alternative="less")
# summary(comp1)

# ... you can just use:
comp2 <- asglht(ttlitter, alternative="less")

Combine several pobjects of class 'tukeytrend'


Concatenate several objects of class 'tukeytrend', for example to perform inference for multiple marginal models with different endpoints or including different covariates.





names of tukeytrend objects (for multiple endpoinst, or with different covariates), separated by comma


Same structure as output of tuketrendfit, see tukeytrendfit, tukeytrendformula


# Simulated data for normal and binomial response

dat <- data.frame(y = rnorm(20,0,1), 
 succ=rbinom(n=20, size=10, prob=0.3), 
 dose=rep(c(0,1,2,5,10), each=4))

# linear models with 3 different 
# scalings of the dose variable

fitn <- lm(y~dose, data=dat)
ttn <- tukeytrendfit(fitn, dose="dose",
 scaling=c("ari", "ord", "arilog"))

# generalized linear models with 3 
# different scalings of the dose variable
fitb <- glm(cbind(succ, 10-succ)~dose, data=dat, family=binomial)
ttb <- tukeytrendfit(fitb, dose="dose", 
 scaling=c("ari", "ord", "arilog"))

# concatenate the normal and binomial models
ttnb <- combtt(ttn, ttb)

# joint inference for the 6 regression slopes

Rescaling dose variables acc. to Tukey et al. (1985)


Add rescaled dose variables to a data.frame.


dosescalett(data, dose, 
scaling = c("ari", "ord", "log", "arilog"),
sep = "", d0shift = 1)



a data.frame


a single charcater string, naming the (numeric) variable in data that is to be rescaled


A vector of character strings, naming the options for rescaling the variable specified in dose: "ari": no rescaling, "ord": ranks of dose levels, "log": log-transformed dose levels, "arilog": log-transformned dose levels, with interpolated dose score for 0, "high.vs.low": dose coerced to a factor, and only highest and lowest dose level retained, all others set NA, "treat": dose coerced to a factor, all levels retained with the option to apply multiple contrast tests to the treatment levels


an optional separator for the names of the rescaled variables


an optional factor, that is multiplied with the interpolated dose score for dose = 0 in option scaling="arilog"; ignored in all other options for rescaling


A list containing


the input data.frame, with rescaled variables added as colummns


a vector of names of the re-scaled variables


the scaling options, as input

Coerce objects of class lmerMod or lme to lm


Coerce fitted mixed effect models of class lmerMod or lme to an lm-like object using a pseudo data approach (Ritz et al., 2017)





a fitted object of class "lmerMod" or "lme", as can be obtained from packages "lme4" and "nlme"


The returned object resembles a fitted model of class "lm" such that its asymptotic representation corresponds to that of the originally fitted mixed model, see Ritz et al. (2017) for details.


Christian Ritz


Christian Ritz, Rikke Pilmann Laursen and Camilla Trab Damsgaard (2017): Simultaneous inference for multilevel linear mixed models - with an application to a large-scale school meal study: Appl. Statist. 66, Part 2, pp. 295-311.

Fit multiple marginal models by updating a given fitted model object with re-scaled dose variable.


Wrapper function to re-fit a given model after different rescalings of a single dose variable. The refitted models are combined into a list that is suitable as input to the multiple marginal model function of package multcomp, mmm.


tukeytrendfit(fit, dose, 
scaling = c("ari", "ord", "log", "arilog", "highvslow", "treat"),
ctype = NULL, ddf = c("residual", "KR", "PB"), d0shift = 1)



A fitted model object, currently, the classes lm, glm, lmer, and nlme are supported. The left hand side of the models formula must contain a single (numeric) variable that is treated as a dose variable in Tukeys trend test. It may contain further variables that are not changed when refitting the model.


A single character string, naming a numeric variable in the models formula. This variable is rescaled acc. to the options in scaling and the model in fit is then refitted with the rescaled dose variable.


A vector of character strings, naming the options for rescaling the variable specified in dose: "ari": no rescaling, "ord": ranks of dose levels, "log": log-transformed dose levels, "arilog": log-transformnd dose levels, with interpolated dose score for 0, "high.vs.low": dose coerced to a factor, and only highest and lowest dose level retained, all others set NA, "treat": dose coerced to a factor, all levels retained with the option to apply multiple contrast tests to the treatment levels


optional character string naming a contrast type for multiple comparisons between dose levels, when scaling="treat". Options are "Dunnett", "William" etc., see ?contrMat in package multcomp. Argument ctype is ignored if scaling does not involve option "treat".


single character string, defining the option for the degree of freedom in inference after model fitting. By default, "residual" degrees of freedom will be used for all models. "KR": For models of class "lmerMod" (fitted by "lmer" from package "lme4"), Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom can be computed (based on methods from package "pbkrtest"); "PB": For models of class "lme" (fitted by "lme" from package "nlme"), containment degrees of freedom as defined by Pinheiro and Bates can be extracted.


an optional factor, that is multiplied with the interpolated dose score for dose = 0 in option scaling="arilog"; ignored in all other options for rescaling


A list with elements


a list of fitted models, after rescaling the dose variable


a list of matrices defining a linear functions of model parameters for each model in mmm, defining the parameter of interest for inference in function mlf and glht


a vector of degrees of freedom, one for each model in mmm

and information of the model typ and call of the initial model


Frank Schaarschmidt and Christian Ritz (providing internal functions to interface objects of class "lmerMod" and "lme")


Tukey JW, Ciminera JL, Heyse JF (1985). Testing the statistical certainty of a response to increasing doses of a drug. Biometrics 41(1), 295-301.

Pipper CB, Ritz C, Bisgaard H (2012). A versatile methode for confirmatory evaluation of the effects of a covariate in multiple models. JRSSC - Applied Statistics 61, 315-326.

See Also

Functions glht and mmm in package multcomp; tukeytrendformula for starting with a model formula and data.frame; combtt for concatenating several objects resulting from this function, e.g. for multiple endpoints or with different covariates; asglht for direct conversion to a glht-object


data(litter, package="multcomp")

# variable of interest is 'dose', but
# we may want to include 'number' as a covariate

dl <- litter
dl$dosen <- as.numeric(as.character(dl$dose))

fit <- lm(weight ~ dosen + number, data=dl)

# as it is unclear on which scale of dosage, 
# dose-response-shape is met best, we may try different
# re-scalings of the dose variable, including Dunnett- type multiple contrast test

ttlitter <- tukeytrendfit(fit, dose="dosen", 
 scaling=c("ari", "ord", "log", "treat"), ctype="Dunnett")


Fit multiple marginal models with differently re-scaled dose variable.


Wrapper function to fit a given model after different rescalings of a single dose variable. The fitted models are combined into a list that is suitable as input to the multiple marginal model function of package multcomp, mmm.


tukeytrendformula(formula, data, model = "lm", dose,
scaling = c("ari", "ord", "log", "arilog", "treat", "treatHL"),
ctype = NULL, ddf = c("residual", "KR", "PB"), d0shift = 1, ...)



formula object suitable for the model function specified in model, the left hand side of the formual should contain at least one (numeric) variable, that is to be re-scaled in the model fits


data.frame containing the variables of interest


character string, naming the function for model fitting, currently "lm", c"glm", "lmer", "lme" are supported


A single character string, naming a numeric variable in the models formula. This variable is rescaled acc. to the options in scaling and the model in fit is then refitted with the rescaled dose variable.


A vector of character strings, naming the options for rescaling the variable specified in dose: "ari": no rescaling, "ord": ranks of dose levels, "log": log-transformed dose levels, "arilog": log-transformned dose levels, with interpolated dose score for 0, "high.vs.low": dose coerced to a factor, and only highest and lowest dose level retained, all others set NA, "treat": dose coerced to a factor, all levels retained with the option to apply multiple contrast tests to the treatment levels


optional character string naming a contrast type for multiple comparisons between dose levels, when scaling="treat". Options are "Dunnett", "William" etc., see ?contrMat in package multcomp. Argument ctype is ignored if scaling does not involve option "treat".


single character string, defining the option for the degree of freedom in inference after model fitting. By default, "residual" degrees of freedom will be used for all models. "KR": For models of class "lmerMod" (fitted by "lmer" from package "lme4"), Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom can be computed (based on methods from package "pbkrtest"); "PB": For models of class "lme" (fitted by "lme" from package "nlme"), containment degrees of freedom as defined by Pinheiro and Bates can be extracted.


an optional factor, that is multiplied with the interpolated dose score for dose = 0 in option scaling="arilog"; ignored in all other options for rescaling


arguments passed to the model fitting function named in model


A list with elements


a list of fitted models, after rescaling the dose variable


a list of matrices defining a linear functions of model parameters for each model in mmm, defining the parameter of interest for inference in function mlf and glht


a vector of degrees of freedom, one for each model in mmm

and information of the model type and call of the initial model


Frank Schaarschmidt and Christian Ritz (providing internal functions to interface objects of class "lmerMod" and "lme")


Tukey JW, Ciminera JL, Heyse JF (1985). Testing the statistical certainty of a response to increasing doses of a drug. Biometrics 41(1), 295-301.

Pipper CB, Ritz C, Bisgaard H (2012). A versatile methode for confirmatory evaluation of the effects of a covariate in multiple models. JRSSC - Applied Statistics 61, 315-326.


data(litter, package="multcomp")

# compare

dl <- litter
dl$dosen <- as.numeric(as.character(dl$dose))

ttlitter <- tukeytrendformula(weight ~ dosen + number, data=dl, model="lm", dose="dosen", 
 scaling=c("ari", "ord", "log", "treat"), ctype="Dunnett")
