Title: | Decomposition of Time Series Data |
Description: | ARIMA-model-based decomposition of quarterly and monthly time series data. The methodology is developed and described, among others, in Burman (1980) <DOI:10.2307/2982132> and Hillmer and Tiao (1982) <DOI:10.2307/2287770>. |
Authors: | Javier López-de-Lacalle <[email protected]> |
Maintainer: | Javier López-de-Lacalle <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 0.2 |
Built: | 2025-03-05 06:57:14 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
ARIMA-model-based decomposition of a time series.
The methods implemented in the package are developed and described (among others) in the references given below. The package is mainly intended for annual, quarterly and monthly time series. The bottom line of the procedure can be summarized as follows. An ARIMA model is fitted to the observed series. Then the pseudo-spectrum of the model is computed and decomposed into partial fractions. This gives ARIMA models for the unobserved components (e.g., trend, seasonal and irregular), which are then used to obtain the weights of double-sided linear filters upon which estimates of the components are obtained.
For practical purposes, the main function provided in the package is
. This function relies on other
procedures that implement different stages of the procedure:
An introduction to the methodology and the package in the form of a vignette is available here:
Javier López-de-Lacalle [email protected]
Box, G. E. P., Hillmer, S. C. and Tiao, G. C. (1978) ‘Analysis and Modeling of Seasonal Time Series’ in Seasonal Analysis of Economic Time Series, Editor Zellner, A. pp. 309-334. U.S. Dept. of Commerce - Bureau of the Census. http://www.nber.org/chapters/c3904.pdf
Brockwell, P. J. and Davis, R. A. (1991) Time Series: Theory and Methods, Second Edition. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-0320-4
Burman, J. P. (1980) ‘Seasonal Adjustment by Signal Extraction’. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General), 143(3), pp. 321-337. doi:10.2307/2982132
Gómez, V. and Maravall, A. (2001) ‘Programs TRAMO and SEATS. Instructions for the User (Beta Version: June 1997)’. Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda. Dirección General de Análisis y Programación Presupuestaria, Working paper SGAPE-97001. http://www.bde.es/f/webbde/SES/servicio/Programas_estadisticos_y_econometricos/Programas/ficheros/manualdos.pdf
Gómez, V. (2015) ‘SSMMATLAB: A Set of MATLAB Programs for the Statistical Analysis of State Space Models’. Journal of Statistical Software, 66(1), pp. 1-37. doi:10.18637/jss.v066.i09 http://www.sepg.pap.minhap.gob.es/sitios/sepg/en-GB/Presupuestos/Documentacion/Paginas/SSMMATLAB.aspx
Hillmer, S. C. and Tiao, G. C. (1982) ‘An ARIMA-Model-Based Approach to Seasonal Adjustment’. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 77(377), pp. 63-70. doi:10.1080/01621459.1982.10477767
Maravall, A. and Pierce, D. A. (1987) ‘A Prototypical Seasonal Adjustment Model’. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 8(2), pp.177-193. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9892.1987.tb00431.x
Planas, C. (1997) Applied Time Series Analysis: Modelling, Forecasting, Unobserved Components Analysis and the Wiener-Kolmogorov Filter. Eurostat: Series E, Methods. https://bookshop.europa.eu/en/applied-time-series-analysis-pbCA0897484/
Pollock, D. S. G. (1999) A Handbook of Time-Series Analysis Signal Processing and Dynamics. Academic Press. doi:10.1016/B978-012560990-6/50002-6
Change of variable in the autocovariance generating function (ACGF). This transformation allows the pseudo-spectrum to be represented as a polynomial liable to be decomposed in partial fractions.
acgf2poly(x) poly2acgf(x, type=c("roots2poly", "acov2ma"), tol = 1e-16, maxiter = 100, init.tol=1e-05, init.maxiter=100) ## S3 method for class 'tsdecMAroots' print(x, units = c("radians", "degrees", "pi"), digits = 4, echo = TRUE, ...)
acgf2poly(x) poly2acgf(x, type=c("roots2poly", "acov2ma"), tol = 1e-16, maxiter = 100, init.tol=1e-05, init.maxiter=100) ## S3 method for class 'tsdecMAroots' print(x, units = c("radians", "degrees", "pi"), digits = 4, echo = TRUE, ...)
x |
numeric vector of autocovariances;
for |
type |
character string selecting the method to undo the transformation. |
tol |
convergence tolerance to be used by |
maxiter |
maximum number of iterations allowed in |
init.tol |
convergence tolerance to be used by |
init.maxiter |
maximum number of iterations allowed in |
units |
character, the units in which the argument of the roots are printed. |
digits |
numeric, the number of significant digits to be used by |
echo |
logical, if |
... |
further arguments to be passed to |
The ACGF is defined as a power series where the coefficients are the autocovariances
where is a complex variable.
Replacing by
yields the spectral density multiplied by
This gives a power series in the variable
(note that for
, which has unit modulus,
the inverse
is the complex-conjugate of
transforms the following expression in the variable :
into a polynomial in the variable :
recovers the vector of autocovariances by
undoing the above transformation and computes the coefficients
and the variance of the innovations of the moving average model
related to those autocovariances.
Two methods can be employed.
1) type="acov2ma"
: this method recovers the autocovariances
by undoing the change of variable; then, the the autocovariances
are converted to the coefficients of a moving average
by means of acov2ma
In the presence of non-invertible roots,
this method may experience difficulties to converge.
2) type="roots2poly"
: this method does not explicitly undo
the change of variable acgf2poly
(i.e., the vector of
autocovariances is not recovered). Instead,
the roots of the moving average polynomial
are obtained from the polynomial
where the coefficients are in terms of the polynomial
defined above; then, the coefficients of the moving average model are
computed by means of
returns the transformed vector of coefficients.
returns an object of class tsdecMAroots
containing the coefficients and the variance of the
innovations in the moving average model related to the autocovariances
underlying the transformed coefficients.
prints a summary of the results computed
by poly2acgf
Method type="roots2poly"
in poly2acgf
is based on
algorithm pu2ma
in the software SSMMATLAB by Gómez, V.
# the matrix 'm' performs the mapping from the original # to the transformed coefficients n <- 30 m <- diag(1, n, n) n2 <- n - 2 j <- -1 tmp <- seq.int(2, n-1) for (i in seq.int(3, n-2, 2)) { id <- cbind(seq_len(n2),seq.int(i,n)) m[id] <- j * tmp n2 <- n2 - 2 j <- -1 * j tmp <- cumsum(tmp[seq_len(n2)]) } if (2*floor(n/2) == n) { # if (n %% 2 == 0) m[cbind(seq_len(n2),seq.int(n-1,n))] <- j * tmp } else m[1,n] <- j * tmp m[1:10,1:10] # equivalence of the original and transformed coefficients, # example with an ARMA(2,1) model # # method 1: compute the spectral density upon the # the theoretical autocovariances ('gamma') of the ARMA model gamma <- ARMAacov(ar=c(0.8,-0.6), ma=0.4, lag.max=n-1) w <- seq(0, pi, len=length(gamma)) spec1 <- rep(gamma[1], length(w)) for (i in seq_along(w)) { z <- 2*cos(w[i] * seq_len(length(gamma)-1)) spec1[i] <- spec1[i] + sum(gamma[seq.int(2, n)] * z) } spec1 <- spec1/(2*pi) #plot(w, spec1) # method 2: compute the spectral density upon the # transformed coefficients newcoefs <- m spec2 <- rep(newcoefs[1], length(w)) for (i in seq_along(w)) { x <- (2*cos(w[i]))^seq_len(n-1) spec2[i] <- spec2[i] + sum(newcoefs[seq.int(2, n)] * x) } spec2 <- spec2/(2*pi) # both representations are equivalent all.equal(spec1, spec2, check.names=FALSE) #[1] TRUE # the original coefficients (the autocovariances) # can be recovered premultiplying by the inverse of the # transformation matrix 'm' all.equal(c(solve(m) %*% newcoefs), gamma, check.names=FALSE) #[1] TRUE
# the matrix 'm' performs the mapping from the original # to the transformed coefficients n <- 30 m <- diag(1, n, n) n2 <- n - 2 j <- -1 tmp <- seq.int(2, n-1) for (i in seq.int(3, n-2, 2)) { id <- cbind(seq_len(n2),seq.int(i,n)) m[id] <- j * tmp n2 <- n2 - 2 j <- -1 * j tmp <- cumsum(tmp[seq_len(n2)]) } if (2*floor(n/2) == n) { # if (n %% 2 == 0) m[cbind(seq_len(n2),seq.int(n-1,n))] <- j * tmp } else m[1,n] <- j * tmp m[1:10,1:10] # equivalence of the original and transformed coefficients, # example with an ARMA(2,1) model # # method 1: compute the spectral density upon the # the theoretical autocovariances ('gamma') of the ARMA model gamma <- ARMAacov(ar=c(0.8,-0.6), ma=0.4, lag.max=n-1) w <- seq(0, pi, len=length(gamma)) spec1 <- rep(gamma[1], length(w)) for (i in seq_along(w)) { z <- 2*cos(w[i] * seq_len(length(gamma)-1)) spec1[i] <- spec1[i] + sum(gamma[seq.int(2, n)] * z) } spec1 <- spec1/(2*pi) #plot(w, spec1) # method 2: compute the spectral density upon the # transformed coefficients newcoefs <- m spec2 <- rep(newcoefs[1], length(w)) for (i in seq_along(w)) { x <- (2*cos(w[i]))^seq_len(n-1) spec2[i] <- spec2[i] + sum(newcoefs[seq.int(2, n)] * x) } spec2 <- spec2/(2*pi) # both representations are equivalent all.equal(spec1, spec2, check.names=FALSE) #[1] TRUE # the original coefficients (the autocovariances) # can be recovered premultiplying by the inverse of the # transformation matrix 'm' all.equal(c(solve(m) %*% newcoefs), gamma, check.names=FALSE) #[1] TRUE
Convert autocovariances to coefficients of a moving average.
acov2ma.init(x, tol = 0.00001, maxiter = 100) acov2ma(x, tol = 1e-16, maxiter = 100, init = NULL)
acov2ma.init(x, tol = 0.00001, maxiter = 100) acov2ma(x, tol = 1e-16, maxiter = 100, init = NULL)
x |
a numeric vector containing the autocovariances. |
tol |
numeric, convergence tolerance. |
maxiter |
numeric, maximum number of iterations. |
init |
numeric, vector of initial coefficients. |
is based on procedure (17.35) described in Pollock (1999).
is the Newton-Raphson procedure (17.39)
described in the same reference.
A list containing the vector of coefficients and the variance of the innovations in the moving average model; convergence code and number of iterations.
Pollock, D. S. G. (1999) A Handbook of Time-Series Analysis Signal Processing and Dynamics. Academic Press. Chapter 17. doi:10.1016/B978-012560990-6/50002-6
set.seed(123) x <- arima.sim(n=200, model=list(ma=c(0.7,-0.3))) #sample autocovariances a <- c(var(x), cov(x[-1], x[-200]), cov(x[-c(1,2)], x[-c(199,200)])) #inferred coefficients and variance acov2ma(a, init=acov2ma.init(a, maxit=10)$macoefs) #compare with maximum-likelihood arima(x, order=c(2,0,0), include.mean=FALSE)
set.seed(123) x <- arima.sim(n=200, model=list(ma=c(0.7,-0.3))) #sample autocovariances a <- c(var(x), cov(x[-1], x[-200]), cov(x[-c(1,2)], x[-c(199,200)])) #inferred coefficients and variance acov2ma(a, init=acov2ma.init(a, maxit=10)$macoefs) #compare with maximum-likelihood arima(x, order=c(2,0,0), include.mean=FALSE)
This is the main function for the ARIMA-model-based decomposition of a time series.
ARIMAdec(x, mod, width = c(0.035, 0.035), min.modulus = 0.4, extend = 16, drift = FALSE, optim.tol = 1e-04, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ARIMAdec' print(x, units = c("radians", "degrees", "pi"), digits = 4, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ARIMAdec' plot(x, ...)
ARIMAdec(x, mod, width = c(0.035, 0.035), min.modulus = 0.4, extend = 16, drift = FALSE, optim.tol = 1e-04, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ARIMAdec' print(x, units = c("radians", "degrees", "pi"), digits = 4, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ARIMAdec' plot(x, ...)
x |
for |
mod |
an object of class |
width |
numeric of length two, width of the interval of frequencies allocated to the trend
and the seasonal components (measured in radians). If a numeric of length one is passed as argument, the same
width is used for both components. See |
min.modulus |
numeric, minimum modulus of the roots assigned to the trend component.
See |
extend |
integer; if greater than zero, the series is extended by means of forecasts
and backcasts based on the fitted model |
drift |
logical, if |
optim.tol |
numeric, the convergence tolerance to be used by |
units |
character, the units in which the argument of the roots are printed. |
digits |
numeric, the number of significant digits to be used by |
... |
further arguments to be passed to |
This function is a wrapper to the sequence of calls to
, pseudo.spectrum
and filtering
An object of class ARIMAdec
containing the following:
1) ar
: the output from {roots.allocation}
2) spectrum
: the output from {pseudo.spectrum}
3) ma
: the output from {canonical.decomposition}
4) xextended
: the series extended with backcasts and forecasts (if extend > 0
5) filters
: the filters returned by {filtering}
6) components
: the estimated components returned by {filtering}
Burman, J. P. (1980) ‘Seasonal Adjustment by Signal Extraction’. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General), 143(3), pp. 321-337. doi:10.2307/2982132
Hillmer, S. C. and Tiao, G. C. (1982) ‘An ARIMA-Model-Based Approach to Seasonal Adjustment’. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 77(377), pp. 63-70. doi:10.1080/01621459.1982.10477767
# Airlines model and monthly data y <- log(AirPassengers) fit <- arima(y, order=c(0,1,1), seasonal=list(order=c(0,1,1))) dec <- ARIMAdec(y, fit, extend=72) dec plot(dec) # JohnsonJohnson quarterly data y <- log(JohnsonJohnson) fit <- arima(y, order=c(0,1,1), seasonal=list(order=c(0,1,1))) dec <- ARIMAdec(y, fit, extend=16) dec plot(dec) # Nile annual data # this series is better modelled as a level shift at # observation 29 and a mean (no ARMA structure), # here the shift is ignored for illustration of the # decomposition of the fitted ARIMA(0,1,1) model y <- Nile fit <- arima(y, order=c(0,1,1)) dec <- ARIMAdec(y, fit, extend=72) dec plot(dec, overlap.trend=TRUE, args.trend=list(col="blue"))
# Airlines model and monthly data y <- log(AirPassengers) fit <- arima(y, order=c(0,1,1), seasonal=list(order=c(0,1,1))) dec <- ARIMAdec(y, fit, extend=72) dec plot(dec) # JohnsonJohnson quarterly data y <- log(JohnsonJohnson) fit <- arima(y, order=c(0,1,1), seasonal=list(order=c(0,1,1))) dec <- ARIMAdec(y, fit, extend=16) dec plot(dec) # Nile annual data # this series is better modelled as a level shift at # observation 29 and a mean (no ARMA structure), # here the shift is ignored for illustration of the # decomposition of the fitted ARIMA(0,1,1) model y <- Nile fit <- arima(y, order=c(0,1,1)) dec <- ARIMAdec(y, fit, extend=72) dec plot(dec, overlap.trend=TRUE, args.trend=list(col="blue"))
Compute the theoretical autocovariances of an ARMA model.
ARMAacov(ar = numeric(0), ma = numeric(0), lag.max = max(p, q + 1), sigma2 = 1)
ARMAacov(ar = numeric(0), ma = numeric(0), lag.max = max(p, q + 1), sigma2 = 1)
ar |
numeric vector of AR coefficients. |
ma |
numeric vector of MA coefficients. |
lag.max |
integer, maximum lag to be computed. The default is |
sigma2 |
numeric, the variance of the innovations. |
A vector of autocovariances named by lag order.
Based on ARMAacf
Brockwell, P. J. and Davis, R. A. (1991) Time Series: Theory and Methods, Second Edition. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-0320-4
Pollock, D. S. G. (1999) A Handbook of Time-Series Analysis Signal Processing and Dynamics. Academic Press. Chapter 17. doi:10.1016/B978-012560990-6/50002-6
# Autocovariances of an ARMA(2,1) # method 1: using ARMAacov() a1 <- ARMAacov(ar=c(0.8,-0.6), ma=0.4, lag.max=10) # method 2: upon the coefficients of the infinite MA representation psi <- c(1, ARMAtoMA(ar=c(0.8,-0.6), ma=0.4, lag.max=50)) a2 <- c(sum(psi^2), rep(0, length(a1)-1)) for (i in seq_along(a2[-1])) a2[i+1] <- sum(psi[seq_len(length(psi)-i)] * psi[-seq_len(i)]) # for a high enough number of 'psi' coefficients # both methods are equivalent all.equal(a1, a2, check.names=FALSE) #[1] TRUE
# Autocovariances of an ARMA(2,1) # method 1: using ARMAacov() a1 <- ARMAacov(ar=c(0.8,-0.6), ma=0.4, lag.max=10) # method 2: upon the coefficients of the infinite MA representation psi <- c(1, ARMAtoMA(ar=c(0.8,-0.6), ma=0.4, lag.max=50)) a2 <- c(sum(psi^2), rep(0, length(a1)-1)) for (i in seq_along(a2[-1])) a2[i+1] <- sum(psi[seq_len(length(psi)-i)] * psi[-seq_len(i)]) # for a high enough number of 'psi' coefficients # both methods are equivalent all.equal(a1, a2, check.names=FALSE) #[1] TRUE
Given the partial fraction decomposition of the pseudo-spectrum,
the canonical decomposition allocates the variance of each component
so that the variance of the irregular is maximised.
Then, the coefficients of the numerators in the pseudo-spectrum
(relationship given in pseudo.spectrum
are converted into the MA coefficients of the model for each component
by means of acgf2poly
canonical.decomposition(num.trend, den.trend, num.trans, den.trans, num.seas, den.seas, quotient, optim.tol = 1e-04, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tsdecCanDec' print(x, units = c("radians", "degrees", "pi"), digits = 4, ...)
canonical.decomposition(num.trend, den.trend, num.trans, den.trans, num.seas, den.seas, quotient, optim.tol = 1e-04, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tsdecCanDec' print(x, units = c("radians", "degrees", "pi"), digits = 4, ...)
num.trend |
numeric vector, the coefficients of the MA polynomial related to
the trend component in the relationship given in |
den.trend |
numeric vector, the coefficients of the AR polynomial related to
the trend component in the relationship given in |
num.trans |
numeric vector, the coefficients of the MA polynomial related to
the transitory component in the relationship given in |
den.trans |
numeric vector, the coefficients of the AR polynomial related to
the transitory component in the relationship given in |
num.seas |
numeric vector, the coefficients of the MA polynomial related to
the seasonal component in the relationship given in |
den.seas |
numeric vector, the coefficients of the AR polynomial related to
the seasonal component in the relationship given in |
quotient |
numeric vector, the quotient of the polynomial division of the polynomials
in the LHS of the relationship given in |
optim.tol |
numeric, the convergence tolerance to be used by |
units |
character, the units in which the argument of the roots are printed. |
x |
an object of class |
digits |
numeric, the number of significant digits to be used by |
... |
An object of class tsdecCanDec
the MA coefficients of the ARIMA models obtained for the unobserved components
(e.g., trend, seasonal) and the variance of the corresponding disturbance terms.
Burman, J. P. (1980) ‘Seasonal Adjustment by Signal Extraction’. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General), 143(3), pp. 321-337. doi:10.2307/2982132.
Hillmer, S. C. and Tiao, G. C. (1982) ‘An ARIMA-Model-Based Approach to Seasonal Adjustment’. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 77(377), pp. 63-70. doi:10.1080/01621459.1982.10477767.
, pseudo.spectrum
Compute the AutoCorrelation functions of the following elements: the theoretical ARMA model of each component, the estimator for each component, the filtered or estimated components.
compare.acf(x, mod, lag.max = 12, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tsdecAcf' plot(x, component = c("trend", "transitory", "seasonal"), ci = 0.95, ci.type = c("ma", "white"), ci.class = c("estimator", "theoretical", "empirical"), plot = TRUE, ...)
compare.acf(x, mod, lag.max = 12, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tsdecAcf' plot(x, component = c("trend", "transitory", "seasonal"), ci = 0.95, ci.type = c("ma", "white"), ci.class = c("estimator", "theoretical", "empirical"), plot = TRUE, ...)
x |
for |
mod |
the object of class |
lag.max |
maximum lag at which to calculate the autocorrelations. |
component |
a character, the label of the component for which the ACF is to be obtained. |
ci |
coverage probability for confidence interval. If this is zero or negative, confidence intervals are not computed |
ci.type |
a character, the type of confidence interval. See details. |
ci.class |
a character, the element that is taken as reference to computed the
confidence intervals. Ignored if |
plot |
logical, if |
... |
The ACF is obtained upon the stationary transformation of the models
for the components and the estimators; i.e.,
non-stationary roots (if any) are removed from the AR polynomials.
The estimated components are also transformed according to the
polynomials x$ar$polys.nonstationary
that render the signals stationary.
Argument ci.type
behaves similarly to the same argument in plot.acf
If ci.type = "white"
, the confidence bands are fixed to
, where
is the number of observations
in the fitted model
If ci.type = "ma"
, confidence bands are obtained upon Bartlett's approximations
for the standard deviations of the autocorrelations.
returns the ACF of the components, respectively
for their theoretical ARMA model, estimator and estimates.
displays a plot and returns a invisible
copy of a matrix containing the confidence intervals.
# Airlines model and monthly data y <- log(AirPassengers) fit <- arima(y, order=c(0,1,1), seasonal=list(order=c(0,1,1))) dec <- ARIMAdec(y, fit, extend=72) cacf <- compare.acf(x = dec, mod=fit, lag.max=24) plot(cacf, component="seasonal") # unexpected discrepancy between the ACF of the estimator and the # ACF of the empirical signal plot(cacf, component="trend") # Nile time series y <- Nile fit <- arima(y, order=c(0,1,1)) dec <- ARIMAdec(y, fit, extend=16) cacf <- compare.acf(x = dec, mod=fit, lag.max=24) plot(cacf, component="trend")
# Airlines model and monthly data y <- log(AirPassengers) fit <- arima(y, order=c(0,1,1), seasonal=list(order=c(0,1,1))) dec <- ARIMAdec(y, fit, extend=72) cacf <- compare.acf(x = dec, mod=fit, lag.max=24) plot(cacf, component="seasonal") # unexpected discrepancy between the ACF of the estimator and the # ACF of the empirical signal plot(cacf, component="trend") # Nile time series y <- Nile fit <- arima(y, order=c(0,1,1)) dec <- ARIMAdec(y, fit, extend=16) cacf <- compare.acf(x = dec, mod=fit, lag.max=24) plot(cacf, component="trend")
Double-sided symmetric linear filter.
filtering(x, mod, trend = list(ar=1, ma=1, sigma2=NULL), transitory = list(ar=1, ma=1, sigma2=NULL), seasonal = list(ar=1, ma=1, sigma2=NULL), irregular.sigma2 = NULL, extend = 16, drift = FALSE) dsfilter(x, w, mod, extend = 16)
filtering(x, mod, trend = list(ar=1, ma=1, sigma2=NULL), transitory = list(ar=1, ma=1, sigma2=NULL), seasonal = list(ar=1, ma=1, sigma2=NULL), irregular.sigma2 = NULL, extend = 16, drift = FALSE) dsfilter(x, w, mod, extend = 16)
x |
a univariate time series. |
mod |
an object of class |
trend |
a list containing the coefficients and variance of the ARIMA model related to the trend component. |
transitory |
a list containing the coefficients and variance of the ARIMA model related to the transitory component. |
seasonal |
a list containing the coefficients and variance of the ARIMA model related to the seasonal component. |
irregular.sigma2 |
numeric, variance of the irregular component. If |
extend |
integer; if greater than zero, the series is extended by means of forecasts
and backcasts based on the fitted model |
drift |
logical, if |
w |
a vector of filter coefficients (one side). |
These functions perform the convolution of the time series and the double-sided symmetric filter. They perform:
stats::filter(c(rep(0, n-1), x, rep(0, n-1)),
+ filter=c(rev(w[-1]), w), method="convolution", sides=1)
where n
is length(x)
The design of the filter in the ARIMA-model-based decomposition procedure relies on the following result. The minimum mean squared error estimator of the component is given by the ACGF of the model:
where is the MA of the model fitted to the observed data,
is the MA of the component (signal) to be estimated
is the product of the AR polynomials
of the remaining components.
The estimate of the signal,
, is obtained by means of a
double-sided symmetrical filter where the weights,
, are the
theoretical autocovariances of the model above:
returns a list of class tsdecFilter
the series extended with forecasts (if extend > 0
(based on the ARMA model given as input),
the weights of one side of the filter for each component
and the corresponding estimate of the components.
returns the filtered time series.
Partial fraction decomposition of the pseudo-spectrum of a fitted ARIMA model.
partial.fraction(numerator, den.trend, den.transitory, den.seasonal)
partial.fraction(numerator, den.trend, den.transitory, den.seasonal)
numerator |
numeric vector containing the coefficients of the numerator of the
ratio of polynomials to be decomposed (numerator in the left-hand-side of the
relationship given in |
den.trend |
numeric vector containing the coefficients of the denominator in the partial fraction related to the trend component. |
den.transitory |
numeric vector containing the coefficients of the denominator in the partial fraction related to the transitory component. |
den.seasonal |
numeric vector containing the coefficients of the denominator in the partial fraction related to the seasonal component. |
A list containing the system of equations which is solved and the numerators of the partial fractions related, respectively, to the trend, transitory and seasonal components.
ObjectsPlot the time series containing the components in a tsdecFilter
## S3 method for class 'tsdecFilter' plot(x, select = colnames(X), overlap.trend = FALSE, args.trend = list(col = "black"), set.pars = list(mar = c(0, 3, 0, 3), oma = c(4, 0, 2, 0), mfrow = c(nplot, 1)), main = NULL, range.bars = TRUE, ..., col.range = "light gray", args.xlab = list(text = "time", side = 1, line = 2), args.ylab = list(side = 3, adj = 0, line = -1), xaxis.line = -0.5)
## S3 method for class 'tsdecFilter' plot(x, select = colnames(X), overlap.trend = FALSE, args.trend = list(col = "black"), set.pars = list(mar = c(0, 3, 0, 3), oma = c(4, 0, 2, 0), mfrow = c(nplot, 1)), main = NULL, range.bars = TRUE, ..., col.range = "light gray", args.xlab = list(text = "time", side = 1, line = 2), args.ylab = list(side = 3, adj = 0, line = -1), xaxis.line = -0.5)
x |
an object of class |
select |
character vector with the labels of the series to be plot. Allowed values are
overlap.trend |
logical, if |
args.trend |
a list containing the arguments to be passed to |
set.pars |
settings for |
main |
plot main title. |
range.bars |
logical indicating if each plot should have a bar at
its right side which are of equal heights in user coordinates.
The same as in |
... |
further arguments passed to |
col.range |
colour to be used for the range bars, if plotted.
Note this appears after |
args.xlab |
arguments to be passed to |
args.ylab |
arguments to be passed to |
xaxis.line |
the number of lines into the margin at which the x axis line will be drawn. |
This function is based on plot.stl
Polynomial operations and utilities.
polystring(x, varchar = "x", brackets = FALSE, ndec = 2, emptychar = "") polyeval(p, x) polyprod(x, y, tol = 1.490116e-08) polydiv(x, y) roots2poly(x)
polystring(x, varchar = "x", brackets = FALSE, ndec = 2, emptychar = "") polyeval(p, x) polyprod(x, y, tol = 1.490116e-08) polydiv(x, y) roots2poly(x)
x |
numeric vector containing the coefficients of the polynomial (in increasing order and
without gaps). For |
y |
numeric vector containing the coefficients of the polynomial (in increasing order and without gaps). |
p |
numeric vector containing the coefficients of the polynomial (in increasing order and without gaps). |
varchar |
character string, the label to be printed representing the variable of the polynomial,
defaults to |
brackets |
logical, if |
ndec |
integer, coefficients are rounded up to this number of decimals. |
emptychar |
the character string to be printed if the polynomial is empty. |
tol |
a numeric, tolerance below which coefficients are set to zero. |
returns a string of a numeric vector in the format of a polynomial.
evaluates the polynomial defined in the vector of coefficients p
at the point x
performs polynomial multiplication.
performs polynomial division (returning the quotient and the remainder).
computes the coefficients of a polynomial from its roots.
is based on convolve
; it is equivalent to
convolve(x, rev(y), type="open")
is based on poly.from.zeros()
in package polynom.
# print a fitted ARMA model set.seed(123) y <- arima.sim(n=120, model=list(ar=c(0.8, -0.3), ma=0.6)) fit <- arima(y, order=c(2,0,1), include.mean=FALSE) cat(paste0( polystring(c(1, -fit$model$phi), brackets=TRUE, ndec=3), "y_t = ", polystring(c(1, fit$model$theta), brackets=TRUE, ndec=3), "e_t\n")) # convert roots to coefficients p <- c(1, 0.8, -0.3) cat(polystring(p)) r <- polyroot(p) roots2poly(r)
# print a fitted ARMA model set.seed(123) y <- arima.sim(n=120, model=list(ar=c(0.8, -0.3), ma=0.6)) fit <- arima(y, order=c(2,0,1), include.mean=FALSE) cat(paste0( polystring(c(1, -fit$model$phi), brackets=TRUE, ndec=3), "y_t = ", polystring(c(1, fit$model$theta), brackets=TRUE, ndec=3), "e_t\n")) # convert roots to coefficients p <- c(1, 0.8, -0.3) cat(polystring(p)) r <- polyroot(p) roots2poly(r)
Compute the polynomials in the numerators of a partial fraction
decomposition of the pseudo-spectrum in an ARIMA model.
The polynomials are in terms of the variable ,
pseudo.spectrum(mod, ar) ## S3 method for class 'tsdecPSP' print(x, ...)
pseudo.spectrum(mod, ar) ## S3 method for class 'tsdecPSP' print(x, ...)
mod |
an object of class |
ar |
an object of class |
x |
an object of class |
... |
further arguments to be passed to |
The coefficients of the ARIMA models for each component (e.g., trend, seasonal) are obtained from the following relationship.
where is the backshift operator and
is the
forward operator. Each term in the right-hand-side is related to the ARIMA models
of each one of the unobserved components.
computes the symmetric polynomials of the type
for the polynomials in
the left-hand-side LHS (based on the fitted model) and for the polynomials
in the denominators of the right-hand-side RHS
(based on the allocation of roots of the fitted AR polynomial,
Then coefficients in the numerators of the RHS are obtained
by means of partial.fraction
.To do so
the terms in the RHS are multiplied by the denominator in the LHS;
then, the coefficients of the numerators in the RHS are obtained
by equating the coefficients of the same order on both sides of
the relationship (the orders of the unknown polynomials are set
to one degree lower than those polynomials of the corresponding denominator).
A list of class tsdecPSP
the quotient of the polynomial division (if the degree of the
numerator in the LHS is equal or higher than the degree of the denominator);
the coefficients of total polynomials (numerator and denominator in the LHS)
and the denominators in the RHS.
Burman, J. P. (1980) ‘Seasonal Adjustment by Signal Extraction’. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General), 143(3), pp. 321-337. doi:10.2307/2982132
Hillmer, S. C. and Tiao, G. C. (1982) ‘An ARIMA-Model-Based Approach to Seasonal Adjustment’. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 77(377), pp. 63-70. doi:10.1080/01621459.1982.10477767
, partial.fraction
Allocate the roots of the autoregressive polynomial from a fitted ARIMA model to trend, transitory and seasonal components.
roots.allocation(x, width = c(0.035, 0.035), min.modulus = 0.4) ## S3 method for class 'tsdecARroots' plot(x, xlim, ylim, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tsdecARroots' print(x, units = c("radians", "degrees", "pi"), digits = 4, ...)
roots.allocation(x, width = c(0.035, 0.035), min.modulus = 0.4) ## S3 method for class 'tsdecARroots' plot(x, xlim, ylim, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tsdecARroots' print(x, units = c("radians", "degrees", "pi"), digits = 4, ...)
x |
for |
width |
numeric of length two, width of the interval of frequencies allocated to the trend and the seasonal components (measured in radians). If a numeric of length one is passed as argument, the same width is used for both components. |
min.modulus |
numeric, minimum modulus of the roots assigned to the trend component. |
xlim |
optional numerics, lower and upper limits of the x-axis. |
ylim |
optional numerics, lower and upper limits of the y-axis. |
units |
character, the units in which the argument of the roots are printed. |
digits |
numeric, the number of significant digits to be used by |
... |
The roots related to cycles with frequency within the range [,
are allocated to the trend or transitory component. In particular,if the modulus
is below min.modulus
, then they are are allocated to the transitory component,
otherwise to the trend.
The seasonal frequencies are defined as ,
is the periodicity of the data (e.g.,
in quarterly data
in monthly data).
Roots related to cycles of frequency within the range
] are
assigned to the seasonal component.
returns a list of class tsdecARroots
displays the roots in the complex plane and
shows a summary.