title: "Getting started"
description: "Introduction to topics in R."
author: ""
src: "http://r-text.org/articles/text_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png"
card: summary_large_image
creator: "@oscarkjell"
output: github_document #rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
evaluate = FALSE
The *topics*-package enables Differential Language Analysis using words, phrases and topics
Please reference our tutorial article when using the package: **Language visualisation methods for psychological assessments** and Ackermann L., Zhuojun G. & Kjell O.N.E. (2024). An R-package for visualizing text in topics. https://github.com/theharmonylab/topics. `DOI:zenodo.org/records/11165378`..
This Getting Started tutorial is going through the most central *topics* functions.
## Usage
In an example where the topics are used to predict the PHQ-9 score, the pipeline can be run as follows:
**1. Data Preprocessing**
To preprocess the data, run the following command:
```{r dtm, eval = TRUE, warning=TRUE, message=TRUE}
dtm <- topicsDtm(
data = dep_wor_data$Depword)
# Check the results from the dtm and refine stopwords and removal rates if necessary
dtm_evaluation <- topicsDtmEval(
**2. Model Training**
To train the LDA model, run the following command:
```{r model, eval = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
model <- topicsModel(
dtm = dtm,
num_topics = 20,
num_iterations = 1000)
**3. Model Inference**
To infer the topic term distribution of the documents, run the following command:
```{r preds, eval = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
preds <- topicsPreds(
model = model,
data = dep_wor_data$Depword)
**4. Statistical Analysis**
To analyze the relationship between the topics and the prediction variable, run the following command:
```{r test, eval = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
test <- topicsTest(
data = dep_wor_data,
model = model,
preds = preds,
x_variable = "PHQ9tot",
controls = c("Age"),
test_method = "linear_regression")
**5. Visualization**
To visualize the significant topics as wordclouds, run the following command:
```{r plot_list, eval = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
plot_list <- topicsPlot(
model = model,
test = test,
figure_format = "png")
# showing some of the plots
### Articles using the topics-package
Differentiating balance and harmony through natural language analysis: A cross-national exploration of two understudied wellbeing-related concepts
### Other relevant references
The below list consists of papers analyzing human language in a similar fashion that is possible in *topics*.
***Methods Articles***
[Gaining insights from social media language: Methodologies and challenges.](http://www.peggykern.org/uploads/5/6/6/7/56678211/kern_2016_-_gaining_insights_from_social_media_language-_methodologies_and_challenges.pdf).
*Kern et al., (2016). Psychological Methods.*
***Computer Science: Python Software***
[DLATK: Differential language analysis toolkit.](https://aclanthology.org/D17-2010/)
*Schwartz, H. A., Giorgi, et al., (2017). In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations*