Package 'tidyprompt'

Title: Prompt Large Language Models and Enhance Their Functionality
Description: Easily construct prompts and associated logic for interacting with large language models (LLMs). 'tidyprompt' introduces the concept of prompt wraps, which are building blocks that you can use to quickly turn a simple prompt into a complex one. Prompt wraps do not just modify the prompt text, but also add extraction and validation functions that will be applied to the response of the LLM. This ensures that the user gets the desired output. 'tidyprompt' can add various features to prompts and their evaluation by LLMs, such as structured output, automatic feedback, retries, reasoning modes, autonomous R function calling, and R code generation and evaluation. It is designed to be compatible with any LLM provider that offers chat completion.
Authors: Luka Koning [aut, cre, cph], Tjark Van de Merwe [aut, cph], Kennispunt Twente [fnd]
Maintainer: Luka Koning <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3) | file LICENSE
Version: 0.0.1
Built: 2025-01-08 20:34:52 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Add a message to a chat history


This function appends a message to a chat_history() object. The function can automatically determine the role of the message to be added based on the last message in the chat history. The role can also be manually specified.


  role = c("auto", "user", "assistant", "system", "tool"),
  tool_result = NULL



A single string, a data.frame which is a valid chat history (see ⁠[chat_history()]⁠), a list containing a valid chat history under key '$chat_history', a tidyprompt-class object, or NULL

A chat_history() object


A character string representing the message to add


A character string representing the role of the message sender. One of:

  • "auto": The function automatically determines the role. If the last message was from the user, the role will be "assistant". If the last message was from anything else, the role will be "user"

  • "user": The message is from the user

  • "assistant": The message is from the assistant

  • "system": The message is from the system

  • "tool": The message is from a tool (e.g., indicating the result of a function call)


A logical indicating whether the message is a tool result (e.g., the result of a function call)


The chat_history object may be of different types:

  • A single string: The function will create a new chat history object with the string as the first message; the role of that first message will be "user"

  • A data.frame: The function will append the message to the data.frame. The data.frame must be a valid chat history; see chat_history()

  • A list: The function will extract the chat history from the list. The list must contain a valid chat history under the key 'chat_history'. This may typically be the result from send_prompt() when using 'return_mode = "full"'

  • A Tidyprompt object (tidyprompt): The function will extract the chat history from the object. This will be done by concatenating the 'system_prompt', 'chat_history', and 'base_prompt' into a chat history data.frame. Note that the other properties of the tidyprompt object will be lost

  • NULL: The function will create a new chat history object with no messages; the message will be the first message


A chat_history() object with the message added as the last row


chat <- "Hi there!" |>

chat_from_df <- data.frame(
  role = c("user", "assistant"),
  content = c("Hi there!", "Hello! How can I help you today?")
) |>

# `add_msg_to_chat_history()` may be used to add messages to a chat history
chat_from_df <- chat_from_df |>
  add_msg_to_chat_history("Calculate 2+2 for me, please!")

# You can also continue conversations which originate from `send_prompt()`:
## Not run: 
  result <- "Hi there!" |>
    send_prompt(return_mode = "full")
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # Hi there!
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with, or would you
  # like to chat?

  # Access the chat history from the result:
  chat_from_send_prompt <- result$chat_history

  # Add a message to the chat history:
  chat_history_with_new_message <- chat_from_send_prompt |>
    add_msg_to_chat_history("Let's chat!")

  # The new chat history can be input for a new tidyprompt:
  prompt <- tidyprompt(chat_history_with_new_message)

  # You can also take an existing tidyprompt and add the new chat history to it;
  #   this way, you can continue a conversation using the same prompt wraps

  # send_prompt() also accepts a chat history as input:
  new_result <- chat_history_with_new_message |>
    send_prompt(return_mode = "full")

  # You can also create a persistent chat history object from
  #   a chat history data frame; see ?`persistent_chat-class`
  chat <- `persistent_chat-class`$new(llm_provider_ollama(), chat_from_send_prompt)
  chat$chat("Let's chat!")

## End(Not run)

Add text to a tidyprompt


Add text to a prompt by adding a prompt_wrap() which will append the text to the before or after the current prompt text.


add_text(prompt, text, position = c("after", "before"), sep = "\n\n")



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


Text to be added to the current prompt text


Where to add the text; either "after" or "before".


Separator to be used between the current prompt text and the text to be added


A tidyprompt() with an added prompt_wrap() which will append the text to the end of the current prompt text

See Also

Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools(), prompt_wrap(), quit_if(), set_system_prompt()

Other miscellaneous_prompt_wraps: quit_if(), set_system_prompt()


prompt <- "Hi there!" |>
  add_text("How is your day?")
prompt |>

Make LLM answer as a boolean (TRUE or FALSE)


Make LLM answer as a boolean (TRUE or FALSE)


  true_definition = NULL,
  false_definition = NULL,
  add_instruction_to_prompt = TRUE



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


(optional) Definition of what would constitute TRUE. This will be included in the instruction to the LLM. Should be a single string


(optional) Definition of what would constitute FALSE. This will be included in the instruction to the LLM. Should be a single string


(optional) Add instruction for replying as a boolean to the prompt text. Set to FALSE for debugging if extractions/validations are working as expected (without instruction the answer should fail the validation function, initiating a retry)


A tidyprompt() with an added prompt_wrap() which will ensure that the LLM response is a boolean

See Also

Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools(), prompt_wrap(), quit_if(), set_system_prompt()

Other answer_as_prompt_wraps: answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text()


## Not run: 
  "Are you a large language model?" |>
    answer_as_boolean() |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   Are you a large language model?
  #   You must answer with only TRUE or FALSE (use no other characters).
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   TRUE
  # [1] TRUE

## End(Not run)

Make LLM answer as an integer (between min and max)


Make LLM answer as an integer (between min and max)


  min = NULL,
  max = NULL,
  add_instruction_to_prompt = TRUE



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


(optional) Minimum value for the integer


(optional) Maximum value for the integer


(optional) Add instruction for replying as an integer to the prompt text. Set to FALSE for debugging if extractions/validations are working as expected (without instruction the answer should fail the validation function, initiating a retry)


A tidyprompt() with an added prompt_wrap() which will ensure that the LLM response is an integer.

See Also

Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools(), prompt_wrap(), quit_if(), set_system_prompt()

Other answer_as_prompt_wraps: answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text()


## Not run: 
  "What is 5 + 5?" |>
    answer_as_integer() |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   What is 5 + 5?
  #   You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   10
  # [1] 10

## End(Not run)

Make LLM answer as JSON (with optional schema)


This functions wraps a prompt with settings that ensure the LLM response is a valid JSON object, optionally matching a given JSON schema.

The function can work with all models and providers through text-based handling, but also supports native settings for the OpenAI and Ollama API types. (See argument 'type'.) This means that it is possible to easily switch between providers with different levels of JSON support, while ensuring the results will be in the correct format.


  schema = NULL,
  schema_strict = FALSE,
  schema_in_prompt_as = c("example", "schema"),
  type = c("text-based", "auto", "openai", "ollama", "openai_oo", "ollama_oo")



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


A list which represents a JSON schema that the response should match.See example and your API's documentation for more information on defining JSON schemas. Note that the schema should be a list (R object) representing a JSON schema, not a JSON string (use jsonlite::fromJSON() and jsonlite::toJSON() to convert between the two)


If TRUE, the provided schema will be strictly enforced. This option is passed as part of the schema when using type type "openai" or "ollama", and when using the other types it is passed to jsonvalidate::json_validate()


If providing a schema and when using type "text-based", "openai_oo", or "ollama_oo", this argument specifies how the schema should be included in the prompt:

  • "example" (default): The schema will be included as an example JSON object (tends to work best). r_json_schema_to_example() is used to generate the example object from the schema

  • "schema": The schema will be included as a JSON schema


The way that JSON response should be enforced:

  • "text-based": Instruction will be added to the prompt asking for JSON; when a schema is provided, this will also be included in the prompt (see argument 'schema_in_prompt_as'). JSON will be parsed from the LLM response and, when a schema is provided, it will be validated against the schema with jsonvalidate::json_validate(). Feedback is sent to the LLM when the response is not valid. This option always works, but may in some cases may be less powerful than the other native JSON options

  • "auto": Automatically determine the type based on 'llm_provider$api_type'. This does not consider model compatibility and could lead to errors; set 'type' manually if errors occur; use 'text-based' if unsure

  • "openai" and "ollama": The response format will be set via the relevant API parameters, making the API enforce a valid JSON response. If a schema is provided, it will also be included in the API parameters and also be enforced by the API. When no schema is provided, a request for JSON is added to the prompt (as required by the APIs). Note that these JSON options may not be available for all models of your provider; consult their documentation for more information. If you are unsure or encounter errors, use "text-based"

  • "openai_oo" and "ollama_oo": Similar to "openai" and "ollama", but if a schema is provided it is not included in the API parameters. Schema validation will be done in R with jsonvalidate::json_validate(). This can be useful if you want to use the API's JSON support, but their schema support is limited

Note that the "openai" and "ollama" types may also work for other APIs with a similar structure


A tidyprompt() with an added prompt_wrap() which will ensure that the LLM response is a valid JSON object

See Also

Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools(), prompt_wrap(), quit_if(), set_system_prompt()

Other answer_as_prompt_wraps: answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text()

Other json: r_json_schema_to_example()


base_prompt <- "How can I solve 8x + 7 = -23?"

# This example will show how to enforce JSON format in the response,
#   with and without a schema, using the 'answer_as_json()' prompt wrap.
# If you use type = 'auto', the function will automatically detect the
#   best way to enforce JSON based on the LLM provider you are using.
# Note that the default type is 'text-based', which will work for any provider/model

#### Enforcing JSON without a schema: ####

## Not run: 
  ## Text-based (works for any provider/model):
  #   Adds request to prompt for a JSON object
  #   Extracts JSON from textual response (feedback for retry if no JSON received)
  #   Parses JSON to R object
  json_1 <- base_prompt |>
    answer_as_json() |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # How can I solve 8x + 7 = -23?
  # Your must format your response as a JSON object.
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # Here is the solution to the equation formatted as a JSON object:
  # ```
  # {
  #   "equation": "8x + 7 = -23",
  #   "steps": [
  #     {
  #       "step": "Subtract 7 from both sides of the equation",
  #       "expression": "-23 - 7"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "step": "Simplify the expression on the left side",
  #       "result": "-30"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "step": "Divide both sides by -8 to solve for x",
  #       "expression": "-30 / -8"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "step": "Simplify the expression on the right side",
  #       "result": "3.75"
  #     }
  #   ],
  #   "solution": {
  #     "x": 3.75
  #   }
  # }
  # ```

  ## Ollama:
  #   - Sets 'format' parameter to 'json', enforcing JSON
  #   - Adds request to prompt for a JSON object, as is recommended by the docs
  #   - Parses JSON to R object
  json_2 <- base_prompt |>
    answer_as_json(type = "auto") |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # How can I solve 8x + 7 = -23?
  # Your must format your response as a JSON object.
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # {"steps": [
  #   "Subtract 7 from both sides to get 8x = -30",
  #   "Simplify the right side of the equation to get 8x = -30",
  #   "Divide both sides by 8 to solve for x, resulting in x = -30/8",
  #   "Simplify the fraction to find the value of x"
  # ],
  # "value_of_x": "-3.75"}

  ## OpenAI-type API without schema:
  #   - Sets 'response_format' parameter to 'json_object', enforcing JSON
  #   - Adds request to prompt for a JSON object, as is required by the API
  #   - Parses JSON to R object
  json_3 <- base_prompt |>
    answer_as_json(type = "auto") |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (gpt-4o-mini): ---
  # How can I solve 8x + 7 = -23?
  # Your must format your response as a JSON object.
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # {
  #   "solution_steps": [
  #     {
  #       "step": 1,
  #       "operation": "Subtract 7 from both sides",
  #       "equation": "8x + 7 - 7 = -23 - 7",
  #       "result": "8x = -30"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "step": 2,
  #       "operation": "Divide both sides by 8",
  #       "equation": "8x / 8 = -30 / 8",
  #       "result": "x = -3.75"
  #     }
  #   ],
  #   "solution": {
  #     "x": -3.75
  #   }
  # }

## End(Not run)

#### Enforcing JSON with a schema: ####

# Make a list representing a JSON schema,
#   which the LLM response must adhere to:
json_schema <- list(
  name = "steps_to_solve", # Required for OpenAI API
  description = NULL, # Optional for OpenAI API
  schema = list(
    type = "object",
    properties = list(
      steps = list(
        type = "array",
        items = list(
          type = "object",
          properties = list(
            explanation = list(type = "string"),
            output = list(type = "string")
          required = c("explanation", "output"),
          additionalProperties = FALSE
      final_answer = list(type = "string")
    required = c("steps", "final_answer"),
    additionalProperties = FALSE
  # 'strict' parameter is set as argument 'answer_as_json()'
# Note: when you are not using an OpenAI API, you can also pass just the
#   internal 'schema' list object to 'answer_as_json()' instead of the full
#   'json_schema' list object

# Generate example R object based on schema:

## Not run: 
  ## Text-based with schema (works for any provider/model):
  #   - Adds request to prompt for a JSON object
  #   - Adds schema to prompt
  #   - Extracts JSON from textual response (feedback for retry if no JSON received)
  #   - Validates JSON against schema with 'jsonvalidate' package (feedback for retry if invalid)
  #   - Parses JSON to R object
  json_4 <- base_prompt |>
    answer_as_json(schema = json_schema) |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # How can I solve 8x + 7 = -23?
  # Your must format your response as a JSON object.
  # Your JSON object should match this example JSON object:
  #   {
  #     "steps": [
  #       {
  #         "explanation": "...",
  #         "output": "..."
  #       }
  #     ],
  #     "final_answer": "..."
  #   }
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # Here is the solution to the equation:
  # ```
  # {
  #   "steps": [
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "First, we want to isolate the term with 'x' by
  #       subtracting 7 from both sides of the equation.",
  #       "output": "8x + 7 - 7 = -23 - 7"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "This simplifies to: 8x = -30",
  #       "output": "8x = -30"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "Next, we want to get rid of the coefficient '8' by
  #       dividing both sides of the equation by 8.",
  #       "output": "(8x) / 8 = (-30) / 8"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "This simplifies to: x = -3.75",
  #       "output": "x = -3.75"
  #     }
  #   ],
  #   "final_answer": "-3.75"
  # }
  # ```

  ## Ollama with schema:
  #   - Sets 'format' parameter to 'json', enforcing JSON
  #   - Adds request to prompt for a JSON object, as is recommended by the docs
  #   - Adds schema to prompt
  #   - Validates JSON against schema with 'jsonvalidate' package (feedback for retry if invalid)
  json_5 <- base_prompt |>
    answer_as_json(json_schema, type = "auto") |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # How can I solve 8x + 7 = -23?
  # Your must format your response as a JSON object.
  # Your JSON object should match this example JSON object:
  # {
  #   "steps": [
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "...",
  #       "output": "..."
  #     }
  #   ],
  #   "final_answer": "..."
  # }
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # {
  #   "steps": [
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "First, subtract 7 from both sides of the equation to
  #       isolate the term with x.",
  #       "output": "8x = -23 - 7"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "Simplify the right-hand side of the equation.",
  #       "output": "8x = -30"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "Next, divide both sides of the equation by 8 to solve for x.",
  #       "output": "x = -30 / 8"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "Simplify the right-hand side of the equation.",
  #       "output": "x = -3.75"
  #     }
  #   ],
  #   "final_answer": "-3.75"
  # }

  ## OpenAI with schema:
  #   - Sets 'response_format' parameter to 'json_object', enforcing JSON
  #   - Adds json_schema to the API request, API enforces JSON adhering schema
  #   - Parses JSON to R object
  json_6 <- base_prompt |>
    answer_as_json(json_schema, type = "auto") |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (gpt-4o-mini): ---
  # How can I solve 8x + 7 = -23?
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # {"steps":[
  # {"explanation":"Start with the original equation.",
  # "output":"8x + 7 = -23"},
  # {"explanation":"Subtract 7 from both sides to isolate the term with x.",
  # "output":"8x + 7 - 7 = -23 - 7"},
  # {"explanation":"Simplify the left side and the right side of the equation.",
  # "output":"8x = -30"},
  # {"explanation":"Now, divide both sides by 8 to solve for x.",
  # "output":"x = -30 / 8"},
  # {"explanation":"Simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and the
  # denominator by 2.",
  # "output":"x = -15 / 4"}
  # ], "final_answer":"x = -15/4"}

## End(Not run)

Make LLM answer as a list of key-value pairs


This function is similar to answer_as_list() but instead of returning a list of items, it instructs the LLM to return a list of key-value pairs.


  key_name = "key",
  value_name = "value",
  pair_explanation = NULL,
  n_unique_items = NULL,
  list_mode = c("bullet", "comma")



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


(optional) A name or placeholder describing the "key" part of each pair


(optional) A name or placeholder describing the "value" part of each pair


(optional) Additional explanation of what a pair should be. It should be a single string. It will be appended after the list instruction.


(optional) Number of unique key-value pairs required in the list


(optional) Mode of the list: "bullet" or "comma".

  • "bullet" mode expects pairs like:

    -- key1: value1
    -- key2: value2
  • "comma" mode expects pairs like:

    1. key: value, 2. key: value, etc.


A tidyprompt() with an added prompt_wrap() which will ensure that the LLM response is a list of key-value pairs.


## Not run: 
  "What are a few capital cities around the world?" |>
      key_name = "country",
      value_name = "capital"
    ) |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # What are a few capital cities around the world?
  # Respond with a list of key-value pairs, like so:
  #   -- <<country 1>>: <<capital 1>>
  #   -- <<country 2>>: <<capital 2>>
  #   etc.
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # Here are a few:
  #   -- Australia: Canberra
  #   -- France: Paris
  #   -- United States: Washington D.C.
  #   -- Japan: Tokyo
  #   -- China: Beijing
  # $Australia
  # [1] "Canberra"
  # $France
  # [1] "Paris"
  # $`United States`
  # [1] "Washington D.C."
  # $Japan
  # [1] "Tokyo"
  # $China
  # [1] "Beijing"

## End(Not run)

Make LLM answer as a list of items


Make LLM answer as a list of items


  item_name = "item",
  item_explanation = NULL,
  n_unique_items = NULL,
  list_mode = c("bullet", "comma")



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


(optional) Name of the items in the list


(optional) Additional explanation of what an item should be. Item explanation should be a single string. It will be appended after the list instruction


(optional) Number of unique items required in the list


(optional) Mode of the list. Either "bullet" or "comma". "bullet mode expects items to be listed with "–" before each item, with a new line for each item (e.g., "– item1\n– item2\n– item3"). "comma" mode expects items to be listed with a number and a period before (e.g., "1. item1, 2. item2, 3. item3"). "comma" mode may be easier for smaller LLMs to use


A tidyprompt() with an added prompt_wrap() which will ensure that the LLM response is a list of items

See Also


Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools(), prompt_wrap(), quit_if(), set_system_prompt()

Other answer_as_prompt_wraps: answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text()


## Not run: 
  "What are some delicious fruits?" |>
    answer_as_list(item_name = "fruit", n_unique_items = 5) |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # What are some delicious fruits?
  # Respond with a list, like so:
  #   -- <<fruit 1>>
  #   -- <<fruit 2>>
  #   etc.
  # The list should contain 5 unique items.
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # Here's the list of delicious fruits:
  #   -- Strawberries
  #   -- Pineapples
  #   -- Mangoes
  #   -- Blueberries
  #   -- Pomegranates
  # [[1]]
  # [1] "Strawberries"
  # [[2]]
  # [1] "Pineapples"
  # [[3]]
  # [1] "Mangoes"
  # [[4]]
  # [1] "Blueberries"
  # [[5]]
  # [1] "Pomegranates"

## End(Not run)

Make LLM answer as a named list


Get a named list from LLM response with optional item instructions and validations.


  item_instructions = NULL,
  item_validations = NULL



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


A character vector specifying the expected item names


An optional named list of additional instructions for each item


An optional named list of validation functions for each item. Like validation functions for a prompt_wrap(), these functions should return llm_feedback() if the validation fails. If the validation is successful, the function should return TRUE


A tidyprompt() with an added prompt_wrap() that ensures the LLM response is a named list with the specified item names, optional instructions, and validations.

See Also

answer_as_list() llm_feedback()

Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools(), prompt_wrap(), quit_if(), set_system_prompt()

Other answer_as_prompt_wraps: answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text()


## Not run: 
  persona <- "Create a persona for me, please." |>
      item_names = c("name", "age", "occupation"),
      item_instructions = list(
        name = "The name of the persona",
        age = "The age of the persona",
        occupation = "The occupation of the persona"
    ) |> send_prompt(llm_provider_ollama())
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   Create a persona for me, please.
  #   Respond with a named list like so:
  #     -- name: <<value>> (The name of the persona)
  #     -- age: <<value>> (The age of the persona)
  #     -- occupation: <<value>> (The occupation of the persona)
  #   Each name must correspond to: name, age, occupation
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   Here is your persona:
  #   -- name: Astrid Welles
  #   -- age: 32
  #   -- occupation: Museum Curator
  # [1] "Astrid Welles"
  # [1] "32"
  # [1] "Museum Curator"

## End(Not run)

Make LLM answer match a specific regex


Make LLM answer match a specific regex


answer_as_regex_match(prompt, regex, mode = c("full_match", "extract_matches"))



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


A character string specifying the regular expression the response must match


A character string specifying the mode of the regex match. Options are "exact_match" (default) and "extract_all_matches". Under "full_match", the full LLM response must match the regex. If it does not, the LLM will be sent feedback to retry. The full LLM response will be returned if the regex is matched. Under "extract_matches", all matches of the regex in the LLM response will be returned (if present). If the regex is not matched at all, the LLM will be sent feedback to retry. If there is at least one match, the matches will be returned as a character vector


A tidyprompt() with an added prompt_wrap() which will ensure that the LLM response matches the specified regex

See Also

Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools(), prompt_wrap(), quit_if(), set_system_prompt()

Other answer_as_prompt_wraps: answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_text()


## Not run: 
  "What would be a suitable e-mail address for cupcake company?" |>
    answer_as_regex_match("^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$") |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   What would be a suitable e-mail address for cupcake company?
  #   You must answer with a response that matches this regex format:
  #     ^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$
  #     (use no other characters)
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   [email protected]
  # [1] "[email protected]"

  "What would be a suitable e-mail address for cupcake company?" |>
    add_text("Give three ideas.") |>
      mode = "extract_matches"
    ) |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   What would be a suitable e-mail address for cupcake company?
  #   Give three ideas.
  #   You must answer with a response that matches this regex format:
  #     [a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   Here are three potential email addresses for a cupcake company:
  #   1. [email protected]
  #   2. [email protected]
  #   3. [email protected]
  # [1] "[email protected]" "[email protected]"
  # "[email protected]"

## End(Not run)

Make LLM answer as a constrained text response


Make LLM answer as a constrained text response


  max_words = NULL,
  max_characters = NULL,
  add_instruction_to_prompt = TRUE



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


(optional) Maximum number of words allowed in the response. If specified, responses exceeding this limit will fail validation


(optional) Maximum number of characters allowed in the response. If specified, responses exceeding this limit will fail validation


(optional) Add instruction for replying within the constraints to the prompt text. Set to FALSE for debugging if extractions/validations are working as expected (without instruction the answer should fail the validation function, initiating a retry)


A tidyprompt() with an added prompt_wrap() which will ensure that the LLM response conforms to the specified constraints

See Also

Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools(), prompt_wrap(), quit_if(), set_system_prompt()

Other answer_as_prompt_wraps: answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match()


## Not run: 
  "What is a large language model?" |>
    answer_as_text(max_words = 10) |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # What is a large language model?
  # You must provide a text response. The response must be at most 10 words.
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # A type of AI that processes and generates human-like text.
  # [1] "A type of AI that processes and generates human-like text."

## End(Not run)

Set chain of thought mode for a prompt


This function enables chain of thought mode for evaluation of a prompt or a tidyprompt(). In chain of thought mode, the large language model (LLM) In chain of thought mode, the large language model (LLM) is asked to think step by step to arrive at a final answer. It is hypothesized that this may increase LLM performance at solving complex tasks. Chain of thought mode is inspired by the method described in Wei et al. (2022).


  extract_from_finish_brackets = TRUE,
  extraction_lenience = TRUE



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


A logical indicating whether the final answer should be extracted from the text inside the "FINISH..." brackets.


A logical indcating whether the extraction function should be lenient. If TRUE, the extraction function will attempt to extract the final answer even if it cannot be extracted from within the brackets, by extracting everything after the final occurence of 'FINISH' (if present). This may be useful for smaller LLMs which may not follow the output format as strictly


A tidyprompt() with an added prompt_wrap() which will ensure that the LLM follows the chain of thought mode in answering the prompt


Wei, J., Wang, X., Schuurmans, D., Bosma, M., Ichter, B., Xia, F., Chi, E., Le, Q., & Zhou, D. (2022). Chain-of-Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2201.11903

See Also

Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools(), prompt_wrap(), quit_if(), set_system_prompt()

Other answer_by_prompt_wraps: answer_by_react()


## Not run: 
  "What is 5 + 5?" |>
    answer_by_chain_of_thought() |>
    answer_as_integer() |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # You are given a user's prompt.
  # To answer the user's prompt, you need to think step by step to arrive at a final answer.
  # ----- START OF USER'S PROMPT -----
  # What is 5 + 5?
  # You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
  # ----- END OF USER'S PROMPT -----
  # What are the steps you would take to answer the user's prompt?
  # Describe your thought process in the following format:
  #   >> step 1: <step 1 description>
  #   >> step 2: <step 2 description>
  #   (etc.)
  # When you are done, you must type:
  #   FINISH[<put here your final answer to the user's prompt>]
  # Make sure your final answer follows the logical conclusion of your thought process.
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # >> step 1: Recognize that the user's prompt is a simple arithmetic question asking for
  # the sum of two numbers.
  # >> step 2: Identify the specific numbers mentioned in the prompt, which are 5 and 5.
  # >> step 3: Recall basic addition facts from memory or knowledge.
  # In this case, knowing that 5 + 0 = 5, 5 + 1 = 6, 5 + 2 = 7, and so on up to 5 + 4 = 9,
  # it is clear that the next step in adding 5 to itself would be to keep the same sum.
  # >> step 4: Apply the addition principle by considering the original number (5) as being
  # added to itself once more. Since 5 + 1 = 6 and the process of adding 1 increases the total
  # sum, then 5 + 2 must equal 7, thus indicating a direct progression in the sum as the additive
  # amount increases.
  # >> step 5: From steps 3 and 4, conclude that since 5 added to itself (once) would be 10,
  # then when it is added again (to itself), it would continue from the last result which was
  # achieved by adding one more than the original number. Therefore, it must follow the pattern
  # established in step 3 where each additional amount increases the total sum.
  # >> step 6: Now knowing that the operation of adding a second 5 to the first one results in
  # increasing the sum to the next integer after 10 (based on steps 3 and 4), determine what the
  # next integer is after 10. Knowing that integers are whole numbers without fractions, it's
  # clear that if you add another unit to 10, it becomes 11.
  # FINISH[10]
  # [1] 10

## End(Not run)

Set ReAct mode for a prompt


This function enables ReAct mode for the evaluation of a prompt or a tidyprompt(). In ReAct mode, the large language model (LLM) is asked to think step by step, each time detailing a thought, action, and observation, to eventually arrive at a final answer. It is hypothesized that this may increase LLM performance at solving complex tasks. ReAct mode is inspired by the method described in Yao et al. (2022).


  extract_from_finish_brackets = TRUE,
  extraction_lenience = TRUE



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


A logical indicating whether the final answer should be extracted from the text inside the "FINISH..." brackets


A logical indcating whether the extraction function should be lenient. If TRUE, the extraction function will attempt to extract the final answer even if it cannot be extracted from within the brackets, by extracting everything after the final occurence of 'FINISH' (if present). This may be useful for smaller LLMs which may not follow the output format as strictly


Please note that ReAct mode may be most useful if in combination with tools that the LLM can use. See, for example, 'add_tools()' for enabling R function calling, or, for example, 'answer_as_code()' with 'output_as_tool = TRUE' for enabling R code evaluation as a tool.


A tidyprompt() with an added prompt_wrap() which will ensure that the LLM follows the ReAct mode in answering the prompt


Yao, S., Wu, Y., Cheung, W., Wang, Z., Narasimhan, K., & Kong, L. (2022). ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2210.03629

See Also

answer_using_tools() answer_using_r()

Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools(), prompt_wrap(), quit_if(), set_system_prompt()

Other answer_by_prompt_wraps: answer_by_chain_of_thought()


## Not run: 
  "What is 5 + 5?" |>
    answer_by_react() |>
    answer_as_integer() |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # You are given a user's prompt.
  # To answer the user's prompt, you need to think step by step,
  # take an action if needed, and then return a final answer.
  # ----- START OF USER'S PROMPT -----
  # What is 5 + 5?
  # You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
  # ----- END OF USER'S PROMPT -----
  # Use the following structure:
  #   Thought: <describe your thought process>
  #   Action: <if needed, describe the action you take (e.g., look up information)>
  #   Observation: <describe the result or observation from the action>
  # (Repeat Thought -> Action -> Observation as necessary)
  # When you are done, you must type:
  #   FINISH[<put here your final answer to the user's prompt>]
  # Ensure your final answer aligns with your reasoning and observations.
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # Thought: The problem is asking for the sum of two numbers, 5 and 5.
  # Action: None needed, as this is a simple arithmetic operation that can be performed mentally.
  # Observation: I can easily add these two numbers together in my mind to get the result.
  # Thought: To find the sum, I will simply add the two numbers together: 5 + 5 = ?
  # Action: Perform the addition.
  # Observation: The result of adding 5 and 5 is 10.
  # FINISH[10]
  # [1] 10

## End(Not run)

Enable LLM to draft and execute R code


This function adds a prompt wrap to a tidyprompt() that instructs the LLM to answer the prompt with R code. There are various options to customize the behavior of this prompt wrap, concerning the evaluation of the R code, the packages that may be used, the objects that already exist in the R session, and if the console output that should be sent back to the LLM.


  add_text = "You must code in the programming language 'R' to answer this prompt.",
  pkgs_to_use = c(),
  objects_to_use = list(),
  list_packages = TRUE,
  list_objects = TRUE,
  skim_dataframes = TRUE,
  evaluate_code = FALSE,
  r_session_options = list(),
  output_as_tool = FALSE,
  return_mode = c("full", "code", "console", "object", "formatted_output", "llm_answer")



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


Single string which will be added to the prompt text, informing the LLM that they must code in R to answer the prompt


A character vector of package names that may be used in the R code that the LLM will generate. If evaluating the R code, these packages will be pre-loaded in the R session


A named list of objects that may be used in the R code that the LLM will generate. If evaluating the R code, these objects will be pre-loaded in the R session. The names of the list will be used as the object names in the R session


Logical indicating whether the LLM should be informed about the packages that may be used in their R code (if TRUE, a list of the loaded packages will be shown in the initial prompt)


Logical indicating whether the LLM should be informed about the existence of 'objects_to_use' (if TRUE, a list of the objects plus their types will be shown in the initial prompt)


Logical indicating whether the LLM should be informed about the structure of dataframes present in 'objects_to_use' (if TRUE, a skim summary of each data.frame type object will be shown in the initial prompt). This uses the function skim_with_labels_and_levels()


Logical indicating whether the R code should be evaluated. If TRUE, the R code will be evaluated in a separate R session (using 'callr' to create an isolated R session via r_session). Note that setting this to 'TRUE' means that code generated by the LLM will run on your system; use this setting with caution


A list of options to pass to the r_session. This can be used to customize the R session. See r_session_options for the available options. If no options are provided, the default options will be used but with 'system_profile' and 'user_profile' set to FALSE


Logical indicating whether the console output of the evaluated R code should be sent back to the LLM, meaning the LLM will use R code as a tool to formulate a final answer to the prompt. If TRUE, the LLM can decide if they can answer the prompt with the output, or if they need to modify their R code. Once the LLM does not provide new R code (i.e., the prompt is being answered) this prompt wrap will end (it will continue for as long as the LLM provides R code). When this option is enabled, the resulting prompt_wrap() will be of type 'tool'. If TRUE, the return mode will also always be set to 'llm_answer'


Single string indicating the return mode. One of:

  • 'full': Return a list with the final LLM answer, the extracted R code, and (if argument 'evaluate_code' is TRUE) the output of the R code

  • 'code': Return only the extracted R code

  • 'console': Return only the console output of the evaluated R code

  • 'object': Return only the object produced by the evaluated R code

  • 'formatted_output': Return a formatted string with the extracted R code and its console output, and a print of the last object (this is identical to how it would be presented to the LLM if 'output_as_tool' is TRUE)

  • 'llm_answer': Return only the final LLM answer

When choosing 'console' or 'object', an additional instruction will be added to the prompt text to inform the LLM about the expected output of the R code. If 'output_as_tool' is TRUE, the return mode will always be set to 'llm_answer' (as the LLM will be using the R code as a tool to answer the prompt)


For the evaluation of the R code, the 'callr' package is required. Please note: automatic evaluation of generated R code may be dangerous to your system; you must use this function with caution.


A tidyprompt() object with the prompt_wrap() added to it, which will handle R code generation and possibly evaluation

See Also


Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools(), prompt_wrap(), quit_if(), set_system_prompt()

Other answer_using_prompt_wraps: answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools()


## Not run: 
  # Prompt to value calculated with R
  avg_miles_per_gallon <- paste0(
    "Using my data,",
    " calculate the average miles per gallon (mpg) for cars with 6 cylinders."
  ) |>
    answer_as_integer() |>
      pkgs_to_use = c("dplyr"),
      objects_to_use = list(mtcars = mtcars),
      evaluate_code = TRUE,
      output_as_tool = TRUE
    ) |>

  # Prompt to linear model object in R
  model <- paste0(
    "Using my data, create a statistical model",
    " investigating the relationship between two variables."
  ) |>
      objects_to_use = list(data = mtcars),
      evaluate_code = TRUE,
      return_mode = "object"
    ) |>
      validation_fn = function(x) {
        if (!inherits(x, "lm"))
          return(llm_feedback("The output should be a linear model object."))
    ) |>

  # Prompt to plot object in R
  plot <- paste0(
    "Create a scatter plot of miles per gallon (mpg) versus",
    " horsepower (hp) for the cars in my data.",
    " Use different colors to represent the number of cylinders (cyl).",
    " Be very creative and make the plot look nice but also a little crazy!"
  ) |>
      pkgs_to_use = c("ggplot2"),
      objects_to_use = list(mtcars = mtcars),
      evaluate_code = TRUE,
      return_mode = "object"
    ) |>

## End(Not run)

Enable LLM to draft and execute SQL queries on a database


Enable LLM to draft and execute SQL queries on a database


  add_text = paste0("You must code in SQL to answer this prompt.",
    " You must provide all SQL code between ```sql and ```.", "\n\n",
    "Never make assumptions about the possible values in the tables.\n",
    "Instead, execute SQL queries to retrieve information you need."),
  list_tables = TRUE,
  describe_tables = TRUE,
  evaluate_code = FALSE,
  output_as_tool = FALSE,
  return_mode = c("full", "code", "object", "formatted_output", "llm_answer")



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


Single string which will be added to the prompt text, informing the LLM that they must use SQL to answer the prompt


A DBIConnection object to the SQL database


Logical indicating whether to list tables available in the database in the prompt text


Logical indicating whether to describe the tables available in the database in the prompt text. If TRUE, the columns of each table will be listed


Logical indicating whether to evaluate the SQL code. If TRUE, the SQL code will be executed on the database and the results will be returned. Use with caution, as this allows the LLM to execute arbitrary SQL code


Logical indicating whether to return the output as a tool result. If TRUE, the output of the SQL query will be sent back to the LLM as a tool result. The LLM can then provide a final answer or try another query. This can continue until the LLM provides a final answer without any SQL code


Character string indicating the return mode. Options are:

  • "full": Return a list containing the SQL code, output, and formatted output

  • "code": Return only the SQL code

  • "object": Return only the query result object

  • "formatted_output": Return the formatted output: a string detailing the SQL code and query result object.This is identical to how the LLM would see the output when output_as_tool is TRUE

  • "llm_answer": Return the LLM answer. If output as tool is TRUE, the return mode will always be "llm_answer" (since the LLM uses SQL to provide a final answer)


A tidyprompt() with an added prompt_wrap() which will ensure that the LLM will use SQL to answer the prompt

See Also

Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_tools(), prompt_wrap(), quit_if(), set_system_prompt()

Other answer_using_prompt_wraps: answer_using_r(), answer_using_tools()


## Not run: 
  # Create an in-memory SQLite database
  conn <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")

  # Create a sample table of customers
  DBI::dbExecute(conn, "
    customers (
      name TEXT,
      email TEXT,
      country TEXT

  # Insert some sample customer data
  DBI::dbExecute(conn, "
    customers (name, email, country)
    ('Alice', '[email protected]', 'USA'),
    ('Bob', '[email protected]', 'Canada'),
    ('Charlie', '[email protected]', 'UK'),
    ('Diana', '[email protected]', 'USA');

  # Create another sample table for orders
  DBI::dbExecute(conn, "
  CREATE TABLE orders (
    customer_id INTEGER,
    product TEXT,
    amount REAL,
    order_date TEXT,
    FOREIGN KEY(customer_id) REFERENCES customers(id)

  # Insert some sample orders
  DBI::dbExecute(conn, "
    orders (customer_id, product, amount, order_date)
    (1, 'Widget', 19.99, '2024-01-15'),
    (1, 'Gadget', 29.99, '2024-01-17'),
    (2, 'Widget', 19.99, '2024-02-10'),
    (3, 'SuperWidget', 49.99, '2024-03-05'),
    (4, 'Gadget', 29.99, '2024-04-01'),
    (1, 'Thingamajig', 9.99, '2024-04-02');

  # Ask LLM a question which it will answer using the SQL database:
  "Where are my customers from?" |>
      conn = conn,
      evaluate_code = TRUE,
      output_as_tool = TRUE
    ) |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (gpt-4o-mini): ---
  # Where are my customers from?
  # You must code in SQL to answer this prompt. You must provide all SQL code
  # between ```sql and ```.
  # Never make assumptions about the possible values in the tables.
  # Instead, execute SQL queries to retrieve information you need.
  # These tables are available in the database:
  #   customers, orders
  # Table descriptions:
  #   - customers
  # Columns: id, name, email, country
  # - orders
  # Columns: order_id, customer_id, product, amount, order_date
  # Your SQL query will be executed on the database. The results will be sent back
  # to you. After seeing the results, you can either provide a final answer or try
  # another SQL query. When you provide your final answer, do not include any SQL code.
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # ```sql
  # SELECT DISTINCT country FROM customers;
  # ```
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (gpt-4o-mini): ---
  # --- SQL code: ---
  # SELECT DISTINCT country FROM customers;
  # --- Query results: ---
  #   country
  # 1     USA
  # 2  Canada
  # 3      UK
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # Based on the query results, your customers are from the following countries:
  # USA, Canada, and UK.
  # [1] "Based on the query results, your customers are from the following countries:
  # USA, Canada, and UK."

## End(Not run)

Enable LLM to call R functions


This function adds the ability for the a LLM to call R functions. Users can specify a list of functions that the LLM can call, and the prompt will be modified to include information, as well as an accompanying extraction function to call the functions (handled by send_prompt()). Documentation for the functions is extracted from the help file (if available), or from documentation added by tools_add_docs()


  tools = list(),
  type = c("text-based", "auto", "openai", "ollama")



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


An R function or a list of R functions that the LLM can call. If the function has been documented in a help file (e.g., because it is part of a package), the documentation will be parsed from the help file. If it is a custom function, documentation should be added with tools_add_docs()


(optional) The way that tool calling should be enabled. 'auto' will automatically determine the type based on 'llm_provider$api_type' (note that this does not consider model compatibility, and could lead to errors; set 'type' manually if errors occur). 'openai' and 'ollama' will set the relevant API parameters. 'text-based' will provide function definitions in the prompt, extract function calls from the LLM response, and call the functions, providing the results back via llm_feedback(). 'text-based' always works, but may be inefficient for APIs that support tool calling natively. However, 'text-based' may be more reliable and flexible, especially when combining with other prompt wraps. 'openai' and 'ollama' may not allow for retries if the function call did not provide the expected result. Note that when using 'openai' or 'ollama', tool calls are not counted as interactions and may continue indefinitely (use with caution)


Note that this method of function calling is purely text-based. This makes it suitable for any LLM and any LLM provider. However, 'native' function calling (where the LLM model provider restricts the model to special tokens that can be used to call functions) may perform better in terms of accuracy and efficiency. 'tidyprompt' may support 'native' function calling in the future


A tidyprompt() with an added prompt_wrap() which will allow the LLM to call R functions

See Also

answer_using_r() tools_get_docs()

Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql(), prompt_wrap(), quit_if(), set_system_prompt()

Other answer_using_prompt_wraps: answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql()

Other tools: tools_add_docs(), tools_get_docs()


## Not run: 
  # When using functions from base R or R packages,
  #   documentation is automatically extracted from help files:
  "What are the files in my current directory?" |>
    answer_using_tools(dir) |> # 'dir' function is from base R

## End(Not run)

# Custom functions may also be provided;
#   in this case, some documentation is extracted from the function's formals;
#   descriptions may be added manually. See below

# Example fake weather function to add to the prompt:
temperature_in_location <- function(
    location = c("Amsterdam", "Utrecht", "Enschede"),
    unit = c("Celcius", "Fahrenheit")
) {
  location <- match.arg(location)
  unit <- match.arg(unit)

  temperature_celcius <- switch(
    "Amsterdam" = 32.5,
    "Utrecht" = 19.8,
    "Enschede" = 22.7

  if (unit == "Celcius") {
  } else {
    return(temperature_celcius * 9/5 + 32)

# Generate documentation for a function
#   (based on formals, & help file if available)
docs <- tools_get_docs(temperature_in_location)

# The types get inferred from the function's formals
# However, descriptions are still missing as the function is not from a package
# We can modify the documentation object to add descriptions:
docs$description <- "Get the temperature in a location"
docs$arguments$unit$description <- "Unit in which to return the temperature"
docs$arguments$location$description <- "Location for which to return the temperature"
docs$return$description <- "The temperature in the specified location and unit"
# (See `?tools_add_docs` for more details on the structure of the documentation)

# When we are satisfied with the documentation, we can add it to the function:
temperature_in_location <- tools_add_docs(temperature_in_location, docs)

## Not run: 
  # Now the LLM can use the function:
  "Hi, what is the weather in Enschede? Give me Celcius degrees" |>
    answer_using_tools(temperature_in_location) |>

## End(Not run)

Create or validate chat_history object


This function creates and validates a chat_history object, ensuring that it matches the expected format with 'role' and 'content' columns. It has separate methods for data.frame and character inputs and includes a helper function to add a system prompt to the chat history.





A single string, a data.frame with 'role' and 'content' columns, or NULL. If a data.frame is provided, it should contain 'role' and 'content' columns, where 'role' is either 'user', 'assistant', or 'system', and 'content' is a character string representing a chat message


A valid chat history data.frame (of class chat_history)


chat <- "Hi there!" |>

chat_from_df <- data.frame(
  role = c("user", "assistant"),
  content = c("Hi there!", "Hello! How can I help you today?")
) |>

# `add_msg_to_chat_history()` may be used to add messages to a chat history
chat_from_df <- chat_from_df |>
  add_msg_to_chat_history("Calculate 2+2 for me, please!")

# You can also continue conversations which originate from `send_prompt()`:
## Not run: 
  result <- "Hi there!" |>
    send_prompt(return_mode = "full")
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # Hi there!
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with, or would you
  # like to chat?

  # Access the chat history from the result:
  chat_from_send_prompt <- result$chat_history

  # Add a message to the chat history:
  chat_history_with_new_message <- chat_from_send_prompt |>
    add_msg_to_chat_history("Let's chat!")

  # The new chat history can be input for a new tidyprompt:
  prompt <- tidyprompt(chat_history_with_new_message)

  # You can also take an existing tidyprompt and add the new chat history to it;
  #   this way, you can continue a conversation using the same prompt wraps

  # send_prompt() also accepts a chat history as input:
  new_result <- chat_history_with_new_message |>
    send_prompt(return_mode = "full")

  # You can also create a persistent chat history object from
  #   a chat history data frame; see ?`persistent_chat-class`
  chat <- `persistent_chat-class`$new(llm_provider_ollama(), chat_from_send_prompt)
  chat$chat("Let's chat!")

## End(Not run)

Construct prompt text from a tidyprompt object


Construct prompt text from a tidyprompt object


construct_prompt_text(x, llm_provider = NULL)



A tidyprompt object


An optional llm_provider object. This may sometimes affect the prompt text construction


The constructed prompt text

See Also

Other tidyprompt: get_chat_history(), get_prompt_wraps(), is_tidyprompt(), set_chat_history(), tidyprompt(), tidyprompt-class


prompt <- tidyprompt("Hi!")

# Add to a tidyprompt using a prompt wrap:
prompt <- tidyprompt("Hi!") |>
  add_text("How are you?")

# Strings can be input for prompt wraps; therefore,
#   a call to tidyprompt() is not necessary:
prompt <- "Hi" |>
  add_text("How are you?")

# Example of adding extraction & validation with a prompt_wrap():
prompt <- "Hi" |>
  add_text("What is 5 + 5?") |>

## Not run: 
  # tidyprompt objects are evaluated by send_prompt(), which will
  #   handle construct the prompt text, send it to the LLM provider,
  #   and apply the extraction and validation functions from the tidyprompt object
  prompt |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   Hi
  #   What is 5 + 5?
  #   You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   10
  # [1] 10

  # See prompt_wrap() and send_prompt() for more details

## End(Not run)

# `tidyprompt` objects may be validated with these helpers:
is_tidyprompt(prompt) # Returns TRUE if input is a valid tidyprompt object

# Get base prompt text
base_prompt <- prompt$base_prompt

# Get all prompt wraps
prompt_wraps <- prompt$get_prompt_wraps()
# Alternative:
prompt_wraps <- get_prompt_wraps(prompt)

# Construct prompt text
prompt_text <- prompt$construct_prompt_text()
# Alternative:
prompt_text <- construct_prompt_text(prompt)

# Set chat history (affecting also the base prompt)
chat_history <- data.frame(
  role = c("user", "assistant", "user"),
  content = c("What is 5 + 5?", "10", "And what is 5 + 6?")

# Get chat history
chat_history <- prompt$get_chat_history()

Convert a dataframe to a string representation


Converts a data frame to a string format, intended for sending it to a LLM (or for display or logging).


df_to_string(df, how = c("wide", "long"))



A data.frame object to be converted to a string


In what way the df should be converted to a string; either "wide" or "long". "wide" presents column names on the first row, followed by the row values on each new row. "long" presents the values of each row together with the column names, repeating for every row after two lines of whitespace


A single string representing the df

See Also

Other text_helpers: skim_with_labels_and_levels(), vector_list_to_string()


cars |>
  head(5) |>
  df_to_string(how = "wide")

cars |>
  head(5) |>
  df_to_string(how = "long")

Function to extract a specific element from a list


This function is intended as a helper function for piping with output from send_prompt() when using return_mode = "full". It allows to extract a specific element from the list returned by send_prompt(), which can be useful for further piping.


extract_from_return_list(list, name_of_element = "response")



A list, typically the output from send_prompt() with return_mode = "full"


A character string with the name of the element to extract from the list


The extracted element from the list


## Not run: 
  response <- "Hi!" |>
    send_prompt(llm_provider_ollama(), return_mode = "full") |>
  # [1] "It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with,
  # or would you like to chat?"

## End(Not run)

Get the chat history of a tidyprompt object


This function gets the chat history of the tidyprompt object. The chat history is constructed from the base prompt, system prompt, and chat history field. The returned object will be the chat history with the system prompt as the first message with role 'system' and the the base prompt as the last message with role 'user'.





A tidyprompt object


A dataframe containing the chat history

See Also


Other tidyprompt: construct_prompt_text(), get_prompt_wraps(), is_tidyprompt(), set_chat_history(), tidyprompt(), tidyprompt-class


prompt <- tidyprompt("Hi!")

# Add to a tidyprompt using a prompt wrap:
prompt <- tidyprompt("Hi!") |>
  add_text("How are you?")

# Strings can be input for prompt wraps; therefore,
#   a call to tidyprompt() is not necessary:
prompt <- "Hi" |>
  add_text("How are you?")

# Example of adding extraction & validation with a prompt_wrap():
prompt <- "Hi" |>
  add_text("What is 5 + 5?") |>

## Not run: 
  # tidyprompt objects are evaluated by send_prompt(), which will
  #   handle construct the prompt text, send it to the LLM provider,
  #   and apply the extraction and validation functions from the tidyprompt object
  prompt |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   Hi
  #   What is 5 + 5?
  #   You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   10
  # [1] 10

  # See prompt_wrap() and send_prompt() for more details

## End(Not run)

# `tidyprompt` objects may be validated with these helpers:
is_tidyprompt(prompt) # Returns TRUE if input is a valid tidyprompt object

# Get base prompt text
base_prompt <- prompt$base_prompt

# Get all prompt wraps
prompt_wraps <- prompt$get_prompt_wraps()
# Alternative:
prompt_wraps <- get_prompt_wraps(prompt)

# Construct prompt text
prompt_text <- prompt$construct_prompt_text()
# Alternative:
prompt_text <- construct_prompt_text(prompt)

# Set chat history (affecting also the base prompt)
chat_history <- data.frame(
  role = c("user", "assistant", "user"),
  content = c("What is 5 + 5?", "10", "And what is 5 + 6?")

# Get chat history
chat_history <- prompt$get_chat_history()

Get prompt wraps from a tidyprompt object


Get prompt wraps from a tidyprompt object


get_prompt_wraps(x, order = c("default", "modification", "evaluation"))



A tidyprompt object


The order to return the wraps. Options are:

  • "default": as originally added to the object

  • "modification": as ordered for modification of the base prompt; ordered by type: check, unspecified, mode, tool, break. This is the order in which prompt wraps are applied during construct_prompt_text()

  • "evaluation": ordered for evaluation of the LLM response; ordered by type: tool, mode, break, unspecified, check. This is the order in which wraps are applied to the LLM output during send_prompt()


A list of prompt wrap objects (see prompt_wrap())

See Also

Other tidyprompt: construct_prompt_text(), get_chat_history(), is_tidyprompt(), set_chat_history(), tidyprompt(), tidyprompt-class


prompt <- tidyprompt("Hi!")

# Add to a tidyprompt using a prompt wrap:
prompt <- tidyprompt("Hi!") |>
  add_text("How are you?")

# Strings can be input for prompt wraps; therefore,
#   a call to tidyprompt() is not necessary:
prompt <- "Hi" |>
  add_text("How are you?")

# Example of adding extraction & validation with a prompt_wrap():
prompt <- "Hi" |>
  add_text("What is 5 + 5?") |>

## Not run: 
  # tidyprompt objects are evaluated by send_prompt(), which will
  #   handle construct the prompt text, send it to the LLM provider,
  #   and apply the extraction and validation functions from the tidyprompt object
  prompt |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   Hi
  #   What is 5 + 5?
  #   You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   10
  # [1] 10

  # See prompt_wrap() and send_prompt() for more details

## End(Not run)

# `tidyprompt` objects may be validated with these helpers:
is_tidyprompt(prompt) # Returns TRUE if input is a valid tidyprompt object

# Get base prompt text
base_prompt <- prompt$base_prompt

# Get all prompt wraps
prompt_wraps <- prompt$get_prompt_wraps()
# Alternative:
prompt_wraps <- get_prompt_wraps(prompt)

# Construct prompt text
prompt_text <- prompt$construct_prompt_text()
# Alternative:
prompt_text <- construct_prompt_text(prompt)

# Set chat history (affecting also the base prompt)
chat_history <- data.frame(
  role = c("user", "assistant", "user"),
  content = c("What is 5 + 5?", "10", "And what is 5 + 6?")

# Get chat history
chat_history <- prompt$get_chat_history()

Check if object is a tidyprompt object


Check if object is a tidyprompt object





An object to check


TRUE if the object is a valid tidyprompt object, otherwise FALSE

See Also

Other tidyprompt: construct_prompt_text(), get_chat_history(), get_prompt_wraps(), set_chat_history(), tidyprompt(), tidyprompt-class


prompt <- tidyprompt("Hi!")

# Add to a tidyprompt using a prompt wrap:
prompt <- tidyprompt("Hi!") |>
  add_text("How are you?")

# Strings can be input for prompt wraps; therefore,
#   a call to tidyprompt() is not necessary:
prompt <- "Hi" |>
  add_text("How are you?")

# Example of adding extraction & validation with a prompt_wrap():
prompt <- "Hi" |>
  add_text("What is 5 + 5?") |>

## Not run: 
  # tidyprompt objects are evaluated by send_prompt(), which will
  #   handle construct the prompt text, send it to the LLM provider,
  #   and apply the extraction and validation functions from the tidyprompt object
  prompt |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   Hi
  #   What is 5 + 5?
  #   You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   10
  # [1] 10

  # See prompt_wrap() and send_prompt() for more details

## End(Not run)

# `tidyprompt` objects may be validated with these helpers:
is_tidyprompt(prompt) # Returns TRUE if input is a valid tidyprompt object

# Get base prompt text
base_prompt <- prompt$base_prompt

# Get all prompt wraps
prompt_wraps <- prompt$get_prompt_wraps()
# Alternative:
prompt_wraps <- get_prompt_wraps(prompt)

# Construct prompt text
prompt_text <- prompt$construct_prompt_text()
# Alternative:
prompt_text <- construct_prompt_text(prompt)

# Set chat history (affecting also the base prompt)
chat_history <- data.frame(
  role = c("user", "assistant", "user"),
  content = c("What is 5 + 5?", "10", "And what is 5 + 6?")

# Get chat history
chat_history <- prompt$get_chat_history()

Create an llm_break object


This object is used to break a extraction and validation loop defined in a prompt_wrap() as evaluated by send_prompt(). When an extraction or validation function returns this object, the loop will be broken and no further extraction or validation functions are applied; instead, send_prompt() will be able to return the result at that point. This may be useful in scenarios where it is determined the LLM is unable to provide a response to a prompt.


llm_break(object_to_return = NULL, success = FALSE)



The object to return as the response result from send_prompt() when this object is returned from an extraction or validation function.


A logical indicating whether the send_prompt() loop break should nonetheless be considered as a successful completion of the extraction and validation process. If FALSE, the object_to_return must be NULL (as the response result of send_prompt() will always be 'NULL' when the evaluation was unsuccessful); if FALSE, send_prompt() will also print a warning about the unsuccessful evaluation. If TRUE, the object_to_return will be returned as the response result of send_prompt() (and send_prompt()) will print no warning about unsuccessful evaluation).


An list of class "llm_break" containing the object to return and a logical indicating whether the evaluation was successful

See Also


Other prompt_wrap: llm_feedback(), prompt_wrap()

Other prompt_evaluation: llm_feedback(), send_prompt()


# Example usage within an extraction function similar to the one in 'quit_if()':
extraction_fn <- function(x) {
  quit_detect_regex <- "NO ANSWER"

  if (grepl(quit_detect_regex, x)) {
        object_to_return = NULL,
        success = TRUE


## Not run: 
  result <- "How many months old is the cat of my uncle?" |>
    answer_as_integer() |>
      modify_fn = function(prompt) {
          prompt, "\n\n",
          "Type only 'NO ANSWER' if you do not know."
      extraction_fn = extraction_fn,
      type = "break"
    ) |>
  # NULL

## End(Not run)

Create an llm_feedback object


This object is used to send feedback to a LLM when a LLM reply does not succesfully pass an extraction or validation function (as handled by send_prompt() and defined using prompt_wrap()). The feedback text is sent back to the LLM. The extraction or validation function should then return this object with the feedback text that should be sent to the LLM.


llm_feedback(text, tool_result = FALSE)



A character string containing the feedback text. This will be sent back to the LLM after not passing an extractor or validator function


A logical indicating whether the feedback is a tool result. If TRUE, send_prompt() will not remove it from the chat history when cleaning the context window during repeated interactions


An object of class "llm_feedback" (or "llm_feedback_tool_result") containing the feedback text to send back to the LLM

See Also


Other prompt_wrap: llm_break(), prompt_wrap()

Other prompt_evaluation: llm_break(), send_prompt()


# Example usage within a validation function similar to the one in 'answer_as_integer()':
validation_fn <- function(x, min = 0, max = 100) {
  if (x != floor(x)) { # Not a whole number
      "You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters)."
  if (!is.null(min) && x < min) {
      "The number should be greater than or equal to {min}."
  if (!is.null(max) && x > max) {
      "The number should be less than or equal to {max}."

# This validation_fn would be part of a prompt_wrap();
#   see the `answer_as_integer()` function for an example of how to use it

Create a new Google Gemini LLM provider


This function creates a new llm_provider object that interacts with the Google Gemini API. Streaming is not yet supported in this implementation.


  parameters = list(model = "gemini-1.5-flash"),
  verbose = getOption("tidyprompt.verbose", TRUE),
  url = "",
  api_key = Sys.getenv("GOOGLE_AI_STUDIO_API_KEY")



A named list of parameters. Currently the following parameters are required:

  • model: The name of the model to use (see:

Additional parameters are appended to the request body; see the Google AI Studio API documentation for more information: and


A logical indicating whether the interaction with the LLM provider should be printed to the console


The URL to the Google Gemini API endpoint for chat completion


The API key to use for authentication with the Google Gemini API (see:


A new llm_provider object for use of the Google Gemini API

See Also

Other llm_provider: llm_provider-class, llm_provider_groq(), llm_provider_mistral(), llm_provider_ollama(), llm_provider_openai(), llm_provider_openrouter(), llm_provider_xai()


# Various providers:
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama()
openai <- llm_provider_openai()
openrouter <- llm_provider_openrouter()
mistral <- llm_provider_mistral()
groq <- llm_provider_groq()
xai <- llm_provider_xai()
gemini <- llm_provider_google_gemini()

# Initialize with settings:
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama(
  parameters = list(
    model = "llama3.2:3b",
    stream = TRUE
  verbose = TRUE,
  url = "http://localhost:11434/api/chat"

# Change settings:
ollama$verbose <- FALSE
ollama$parameters$stream <- FALSE
ollama$parameters$model <- "llama3.1:8b"

## Not run: 
  # Try a simple chat message with '$complete_chat()':
  response <- ollama$complete_chat("Hi!")
  # $role
  # [1] "assistant"
  # $content
  # [1] "How's it going? Is there something I can help you with or would you like
  # to chat?"
  # $http
  # Response [http://localhost:11434/api/chat]
  # Date: 2024-11-18 14:21
  # Status: 200
  # Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  # Size: 375 B

  # Use with send_prompt():
  "Hi" |>
  # [1] "How's your day going so far? Is there something I can help you with or
  # would you like to chat?"

## End(Not run)

Create a new Groq LLM provider


This function creates a new llm_provider object that interacts with the Groq API.


  parameters = list(model = "llama-3.1-8b-instant", stream = TRUE),
  verbose = getOption("tidyprompt.verbose", TRUE),
  url = "",
  api_key = Sys.getenv("GROQ_API_KEY")



A named list of parameters. Currently the following parameters are required:

  • model: The name of the model to use

  • stream: A logical indicating whether the API should stream responses

Additional parameters are appended to the request body; see the Groq API documentation for more information:


A logical indicating whether the interaction with the LLM provider should be printed to the console


The URL to the Groq API endpoint for chat completion


The API key to use for authentication with the Groq API


A new llm_provider object for use of the Groq API

See Also

Other llm_provider: llm_provider-class, llm_provider_google_gemini(), llm_provider_mistral(), llm_provider_ollama(), llm_provider_openai(), llm_provider_openrouter(), llm_provider_xai()


# Various providers:
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama()
openai <- llm_provider_openai()
openrouter <- llm_provider_openrouter()
mistral <- llm_provider_mistral()
groq <- llm_provider_groq()
xai <- llm_provider_xai()
gemini <- llm_provider_google_gemini()

# Initialize with settings:
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama(
  parameters = list(
    model = "llama3.2:3b",
    stream = TRUE
  verbose = TRUE,
  url = "http://localhost:11434/api/chat"

# Change settings:
ollama$verbose <- FALSE
ollama$parameters$stream <- FALSE
ollama$parameters$model <- "llama3.1:8b"

## Not run: 
  # Try a simple chat message with '$complete_chat()':
  response <- ollama$complete_chat("Hi!")
  # $role
  # [1] "assistant"
  # $content
  # [1] "How's it going? Is there something I can help you with or would you like
  # to chat?"
  # $http
  # Response [http://localhost:11434/api/chat]
  # Date: 2024-11-18 14:21
  # Status: 200
  # Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  # Size: 375 B

  # Use with send_prompt():
  "Hi" |>
  # [1] "How's your day going so far? Is there something I can help you with or
  # would you like to chat?"

## End(Not run)

Create a new Mistral LLM provider


This function creates a new llm_provider object that interacts with the Mistral API.


  parameters = list(model = "ministral-3b-latest", stream =
    getOption("", TRUE)),
  verbose = getOption("tidyprompt.verbose", TRUE),
  url = "",
  api_key = Sys.getenv("MISTRAL_API_KEY")



A named list of parameters. Currently the following parameters are required:

  • model: The name of the model to use

  • stream: A logical indicating whether the API should stream responses

Additional parameters are appended to the request body; see the Mistral API documentation for more information:


A logical indicating whether the interaction with the LLM provider should be printed to the consol


The URL to the Mistral API endpoint for chat completion


The API key to use for authentication with the Mistral API


A new llm_provider object for use of the Mistral API

See Also

Other llm_provider: llm_provider-class, llm_provider_google_gemini(), llm_provider_groq(), llm_provider_ollama(), llm_provider_openai(), llm_provider_openrouter(), llm_provider_xai()


# Various providers:
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama()
openai <- llm_provider_openai()
openrouter <- llm_provider_openrouter()
mistral <- llm_provider_mistral()
groq <- llm_provider_groq()
xai <- llm_provider_xai()
gemini <- llm_provider_google_gemini()

# Initialize with settings:
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama(
  parameters = list(
    model = "llama3.2:3b",
    stream = TRUE
  verbose = TRUE,
  url = "http://localhost:11434/api/chat"

# Change settings:
ollama$verbose <- FALSE
ollama$parameters$stream <- FALSE
ollama$parameters$model <- "llama3.1:8b"

## Not run: 
  # Try a simple chat message with '$complete_chat()':
  response <- ollama$complete_chat("Hi!")
  # $role
  # [1] "assistant"
  # $content
  # [1] "How's it going? Is there something I can help you with or would you like
  # to chat?"
  # $http
  # Response [http://localhost:11434/api/chat]
  # Date: 2024-11-18 14:21
  # Status: 200
  # Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  # Size: 375 B

  # Use with send_prompt():
  "Hi" |>
  # [1] "How's your day going so far? Is there something I can help you with or
  # would you like to chat?"

## End(Not run)

Create a new Ollama LLM provider


This function creates a new llm_provider object that interacts with the Ollama API.


  parameters = list(model = "llama3.1:8b", stream = getOption("", TRUE)),
  verbose = getOption("tidyprompt.verbose", TRUE),
  url = "http://localhost:11434/api/chat"



A named list of parameters. Currently the following parameters are required:

  • model: The name of the model to use

  • stream: A logical indicating whether the API should stream responses

Additional parameters may be passed by adding them to the parameters list; these parameters will be passed to the Ollama API via the body of the POST request. Note that various Ollama options need to be set in a list named 'options' within the parameters list (e.g., context window size is represented in $parameters$options$num_ctx)


A logical indicating whether the interaction with the LLM provider should be printed to the console


The URL to the Ollama API endpoint for chat completion (typically: "http://localhost:11434/api/chat")


A new llm_provider object for use of the Ollama API

See Also

Other llm_provider: llm_provider-class, llm_provider_google_gemini(), llm_provider_groq(), llm_provider_mistral(), llm_provider_openai(), llm_provider_openrouter(), llm_provider_xai()


# Various providers:
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama()
openai <- llm_provider_openai()
openrouter <- llm_provider_openrouter()
mistral <- llm_provider_mistral()
groq <- llm_provider_groq()
xai <- llm_provider_xai()
gemini <- llm_provider_google_gemini()

# Initialize with settings:
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama(
  parameters = list(
    model = "llama3.2:3b",
    stream = TRUE
  verbose = TRUE,
  url = "http://localhost:11434/api/chat"

# Change settings:
ollama$verbose <- FALSE
ollama$parameters$stream <- FALSE
ollama$parameters$model <- "llama3.1:8b"

## Not run: 
  # Try a simple chat message with '$complete_chat()':
  response <- ollama$complete_chat("Hi!")
  # $role
  # [1] "assistant"
  # $content
  # [1] "How's it going? Is there something I can help you with or would you like
  # to chat?"
  # $http
  # Response [http://localhost:11434/api/chat]
  # Date: 2024-11-18 14:21
  # Status: 200
  # Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  # Size: 375 B

  # Use with send_prompt():
  "Hi" |>
  # [1] "How's your day going so far? Is there something I can help you with or
  # would you like to chat?"

## End(Not run)

Create a new OpenAI LLM provider


This function creates a new llm_provider object that interacts with the Open AI API.


  parameters = list(model = "gpt-4o-mini", stream = getOption("", TRUE)),
  verbose = getOption("tidyprompt.verbose", TRUE),
  url = "",
  api_key = Sys.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")



A named list of parameters. Currently the following parameters are required:

  • model: The name of the model to use

  • api_key: The API key to use for authentication with the OpenAI API. This should be a project API key (not a user API key)

  • url: The URL to the OpenAI API (may also be an alternative endpoint that provides a similar API.)

  • stream: A logical indicating whether the API should stream responses

Additional parameters are appended to the request body; see the OpenAI API documentation for more information:


A logical indicating whether the interaction with the LLM provider should be printed to the console. Default is TRUE.


The URL to the OpenAI API endpoint for chat completion (typically: "")


The API key to use for authentication with the OpenAI API


A new llm_provider object for use of the OpenAI API

See Also

Other llm_provider: llm_provider-class, llm_provider_google_gemini(), llm_provider_groq(), llm_provider_mistral(), llm_provider_ollama(), llm_provider_openrouter(), llm_provider_xai()


# Various providers:
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama()
openai <- llm_provider_openai()
openrouter <- llm_provider_openrouter()
mistral <- llm_provider_mistral()
groq <- llm_provider_groq()
xai <- llm_provider_xai()
gemini <- llm_provider_google_gemini()

# Initialize with settings:
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama(
  parameters = list(
    model = "llama3.2:3b",
    stream = TRUE
  verbose = TRUE,
  url = "http://localhost:11434/api/chat"

# Change settings:
ollama$verbose <- FALSE
ollama$parameters$stream <- FALSE
ollama$parameters$model <- "llama3.1:8b"

## Not run: 
  # Try a simple chat message with '$complete_chat()':
  response <- ollama$complete_chat("Hi!")
  # $role
  # [1] "assistant"
  # $content
  # [1] "How's it going? Is there something I can help you with or would you like
  # to chat?"
  # $http
  # Response [http://localhost:11434/api/chat]
  # Date: 2024-11-18 14:21
  # Status: 200
  # Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  # Size: 375 B

  # Use with send_prompt():
  "Hi" |>
  # [1] "How's your day going so far? Is there something I can help you with or
  # would you like to chat?"

## End(Not run)

Create a new OpenRouter LLM provider


This function creates a new llm_provider object that interacts with the OpenRouter API.


  parameters = list(model = "qwen/qwen-2.5-7b-instruct", stream =
    getOption("", TRUE)),
  verbose = getOption("tidyprompt.verbose", TRUE),
  url = "",
  api_key = Sys.getenv("OPENROUTER_API_KEY")



A named list of parameters. Currently the following parameters are required:

  • model: The name of the model to use

  • stream: A logical indicating whether the API should stream responses

Additional parameters are appended to the request body; see the OpenRouter API documentation for more information:


A logical indicating whether the interaction with the LLM provider should be printed to the console.


The URL to the OpenRouter API endpoint for chat completion


The API key to use for authentication with the OpenRouter API


A new llm_provider object for use of the OpenRouter API

See Also

Other llm_provider: llm_provider-class, llm_provider_google_gemini(), llm_provider_groq(), llm_provider_mistral(), llm_provider_ollama(), llm_provider_openai(), llm_provider_xai()


# Various providers:
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama()
openai <- llm_provider_openai()
openrouter <- llm_provider_openrouter()
mistral <- llm_provider_mistral()
groq <- llm_provider_groq()
xai <- llm_provider_xai()
gemini <- llm_provider_google_gemini()

# Initialize with settings:
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama(
  parameters = list(
    model = "llama3.2:3b",
    stream = TRUE
  verbose = TRUE,
  url = "http://localhost:11434/api/chat"

# Change settings:
ollama$verbose <- FALSE
ollama$parameters$stream <- FALSE
ollama$parameters$model <- "llama3.1:8b"

## Not run: 
  # Try a simple chat message with '$complete_chat()':
  response <- ollama$complete_chat("Hi!")
  # $role
  # [1] "assistant"
  # $content
  # [1] "How's it going? Is there something I can help you with or would you like
  # to chat?"
  # $http
  # Response [http://localhost:11434/api/chat]
  # Date: 2024-11-18 14:21
  # Status: 200
  # Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  # Size: 375 B

  # Use with send_prompt():
  "Hi" |>
  # [1] "How's your day going so far? Is there something I can help you with or
  # would you like to chat?"

## End(Not run)

Create a new XAI (Grok) LLM provider


This function creates a new llm_provider object that interacts with the XAI API.


  parameters = list(model = "grok-beta", stream = getOption("", TRUE)),
  verbose = getOption("tidyprompt.verbose", TRUE),
  url = "",
  api_key = Sys.getenv("XAI_API_KEY")



A named list of parameters. Currently the following parameters are required:

  • model: The name of the model to use

  • stream: A logical indicating whether the API should stream responses

Additional parameters are appended to the request body; see the XAI API documentation for more information:


A logical indicating whether the interaction with the LLM provider should be printed to the console. Default is TRUE.


The URL to the XAI API endpoint for chat completion


The API key to use for authentication with the XAI API


A new llm_provider object for use of the XAI API

See Also

Other llm_provider: llm_provider-class, llm_provider_google_gemini(), llm_provider_groq(), llm_provider_mistral(), llm_provider_ollama(), llm_provider_openai(), llm_provider_openrouter()


# Various providers:
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama()
openai <- llm_provider_openai()
openrouter <- llm_provider_openrouter()
mistral <- llm_provider_mistral()
groq <- llm_provider_groq()
xai <- llm_provider_xai()
gemini <- llm_provider_google_gemini()

# Initialize with settings:
ollama <- llm_provider_ollama(
  parameters = list(
    model = "llama3.2:3b",
    stream = TRUE
  verbose = TRUE,
  url = "http://localhost:11434/api/chat"

# Change settings:
ollama$verbose <- FALSE
ollama$parameters$stream <- FALSE
ollama$parameters$model <- "llama3.1:8b"

## Not run: 
  # Try a simple chat message with '$complete_chat()':
  response <- ollama$complete_chat("Hi!")
  # $role
  # [1] "assistant"
  # $content
  # [1] "How's it going? Is there something I can help you with or would you like
  # to chat?"
  # $http
  # Response [http://localhost:11434/api/chat]
  # Date: 2024-11-18 14:21
  # Status: 200
  # Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  # Size: 375 B

  # Use with send_prompt():
  "Hi" |>
  # [1] "How's your day going so far? Is there something I can help you with or
  # would you like to chat?"

## End(Not run)

LlmProvider R6 Class


This class provides a structure for creating llm_provider objects with different implementations of ⁠$complete_chat()⁠. Using this class, you can create an llm_provider object that interacts with different LLM providers, such Ollama, OpenAI, or other custom providers.

Public fields


A named list of parameters to configure the llm_provider. Parameters may be appended to the request body when interacting with the LLM provider API


A logical indicating whether interaction with the LLM provider should be printed to the console


The URL to the LLM provider API endpoint for chat completion


The API key to use for authentication with the LLM provider API


The type of API to use (e.g., "openai", "ollama"). This is used to determine certain specific behaviors for different APIs, for instance, as is done in the answer_as_json() function


A list of functions that will be called after the completion of a chat. See ⁠$add_handler_fn()⁠


Public methods

Method new()

Create a new llm_provider object

  parameters = list(),
  verbose = TRUE,
  url = NULL,
  api_key = NULL,
  api_type = "unspecified"

Function that will be called by the llm_provider to complete a chat. This function should take a list containing at least '$chat_history' (a data frame with 'role' and 'content' columns) and return a response object, which contains:

  • 'completed': A dataframe with 'role' and 'content' columns, containing the completed chat history

  • 'http': A list containing a list 'requests' and a list 'responses', containing the HTTP requests and responses made during the chat completion


A named list of parameters to configure the llm_provider. These parameters may be appended to the request body when interacting with the LLM provider. For example, the model parameter may often be required. The 'stream' parameter may be used to indicate that the API should stream. Parameters should not include the chat_history, or 'api_key' or 'url', which are handled separately by the llm_provider and '$complete_chat()'. Parameters should also not be set when they are handled by prompt wraps


A logical indicating whether interaction with the LLM provider should be printed to the console


The URL to the LLM provider API endpoint for chat completion (typically required, but may be left NULL in some cases, for instance when creating a fake LLM provider)


The API key to use for authentication with the LLM provider API (optional, not required for, for instance, Ollama)


The type of API to use (e.g., "openai", "ollama"). This is used to determine certain specific behaviors for different APIs (see for example the answer_as_json() function)


A new llm_provider R6 object

Method set_parameters()

Helper function to set the parameters of the llm_provider object. This function appends new parameters to the existing parameters list.


A named list of new parameters to append to the existing parameters list


The modified llm_provider object

Method complete_chat()

Sends a chat history (see chat_history() for details) to the LLM provider using the configured ⁠$complete_chat()⁠. This function is typically called by send_prompt() to interact with the LLM provider, but it can also be called directly.


A string, a data frame which is a valid chat history (see chat_history()), or a list containing a valid chat history under key '$chat_history'


The response from the LLM provider

Method add_handler_fn()

Helper function to add a handler function to the llm_provider object. Handler functions are called after the completion of a chat and can be used to modify the response before it is returned by the llm_provider. Each handler function should take the response object as input (first argument) as well as 'self' (the llm_provider object) and return a modified response object. The functions will be called in the order they are added to the list.


A function that takes the response object plus 'self' (the llm_provider object) as input and returns a modified response object


If a handler function returns a list with a 'break' field set to TRUE, the chat completion will be interrupted and the response will be returned at that point. If a handler function returns a list with a 'done' field set to FALSE, the handler functions will continue to be called in a loop until the 'done' field is not set to FALSE.

Method set_handler_fns()

Helper function to set the handler functions of the llm_provider object. This function replaces the existing handler functions list with a new list of handler functions. See ⁠$add_handler_fn()⁠ for more information


A list of handler functions to set

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

llm_provider-class$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.

See Also

Other llm_provider: llm_provider_google_gemini(), llm_provider_groq(), llm_provider_mistral(), llm_provider_ollama(), llm_provider_openai(), llm_provider_openrouter(), llm_provider_xai()


# Example creation of a llm_provider-class object:
llm_provider_openai <- function(
    parameters = list(
      model = "gpt-4o-mini",
      stream = getOption("", TRUE)
    verbose = getOption("tidyprompt.verbose", TRUE),
    url = "",
    api_key = Sys.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
) {
  complete_chat <- function(chat_history) {
    headers <- c(
      "Content-Type" = "application/json",
      "Authorization" = paste("Bearer", self$api_key)

    body <- list(
      messages = lapply(seq_len(nrow(chat_history)), function(i) {
        list(role = chat_history$role[i], content = chat_history$content[i])

    for (name in names(self$parameters))
      body[[name]] <- self$parameters[[name]]

    request <- httr2::request(self$url) |>
      httr2::req_body_json(body) |>

      stream = self$parameters$stream,
      verbose = self$verbose,
      api_type = self$api_type

    complete_chat_function = complete_chat,
    parameters = parameters,
    verbose = verbose,
    url = url,
    api_key = api_key,
    api_type = "openai"

llm_provider <- llm_provider_openai()

## Not run: 
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (gpt-4o-mini): ---
  # Hi!
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # Hello! How can I assist you today?

## End(Not run)

Have LLM check the result of a prompt (LLM-in-the-loop)


This function will wrap a prompt with a check for a LLM to accept or decline the result of the prompt, providing feedback if the result is declined. The evaluating LLM will be presented with the original prompt and the result of the prompt, and will be asked to verify if the answer is satisfactory (using chain of thought reasoning to arrive at a boolean decision). If the result is declined, the chain of thought responsible for the decision will be summarized and sent back to the original LLM that was asked to evaluate the prompt, so that it may retry the prompt.

Note that this function is experimental and, because it relies on chain of thought reasoning by a LLM about the answer of another LLM, it may not always provide accurate results and can increase the token cost of evaluating a prompt.


  question = "Is the answer satisfactory?",
  llm_provider = NULL,
  max_words_feedback = 50



A single string or a tidyprompt object


The question to ask the LLM to verify the result of the prompt. The LLM will be presented the original prompt, its result, and this question. The LLM will be asked to provide a boolean answer to this question. If TRUE, the result of the prompt will be accepted; if FALSE, the result will be declined


A llm_provider object which will be used to verify the evaluation led to a satisfactory result. If not provided, the same LLM provider as the prompt was originally evaluated with will be used


The maximum number of words allowed in the summary of why the result was declined. This summary is sent back to the LLM originally asked to evaluate the prompt


The original prompt text shown to the LLM is built from the base prompt as well as all prompt wraps that have a modify function but do not have an extraction or validation function. This is to ensure that no redundant validation is performed by the evaluating LLM on instructions which have already been validated by functions in those prompt wraps.


A tidyprompt with an added prompt_wrap() which will add a check for a LLM to accept or decline the result of the prompt, providing feedback if the result is declined


## Not run: 
  "What is 'Enschede'?!" |>
    answer_as_text(max_words = 50) |>
    llm_verify() |>
#   --- Sending request to LLM provider (gpt-4o-mini): ---
#   What is 'Enschede'?!
#   You must provide a text response. The response must be at most 50 words.
#   --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
#   Enschede is a city in the Netherlands, located in the eastern part near the German border.
#   It is known for its vibrant culture, history, and universities, particularly the
#   University of Twente, as well as its textiles industry and beautiful parks.
#   --- Sending request to LLM provider (gpt-4o-mini): ---
#   You are given a user's prompt.
#   To answer the user's prompt, you need to think step by step to arrive at a final answer.
#   ----- START OF USER'S PROMPT -----
#   >>> An assistant was asked:
#   What is 'Enschede'?!
#   >>> The assistant answered:
#   [1] "Enschede is a city in the Netherlands, located in the eastern part near
#   the German border. It is known for its vibrant culture, history, and universities,
#   particularly the University of Twente, as well as its textiles industry and
#   beautiful parks."
#   >>> Is the answer satisfactory?
#   You must answer with only TRUE or FALSE (use no other characters).
#   ----- END OF USER'S PROMPT -----
#   What are the steps you would take to answer the user's prompt?
#   Describe your thought process in the following format:
#     >> step 1: <step 1 description>
#     >> step 2: <step 2 description>
#     (etc.)
#   When you are done, you must type:
#     FINISH[<put here your final answer to the user's prompt>]
#   Make sure your final answer follows the logical conclusion of your thought process.
#   --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
#   >> step 1: Read the user's prompt carefully to understand what is being asked
#   regarding the assistant's answer about Enschede.
#   >> step 2: Analyze the assistant's provided answer for accuracy and completeness,
#   ensuring it conveys relevant information about Enschede.
#   >> step 3: Assess whether the answer includes key aspects, such as the city's
#   location, cultural significance, educational institutions, and any notable
#   historical references or industries tied to the city.
#   >> step 4: Determine if the assistant's answer sufficiently addresses the
#   question "What is Enschede?" and provides a clear and informative overview of the city.
#   >> step 5: Conclude whether the assistant's answer meets the standards for being
#   satisfactory in terms of detail and correctness.
#   [1] "Enschede is a city in the Netherlands, located in the eastern part near the
#   German border. It is known for its vibrant culture, history, and universities,
#   particularly the University of Twente, as well as its textiles industry and beautiful parks."

## End(Not run)

PersistentChat R6 class


A class for managing a persistent chat with a large language model (LLM).

While 'tidyprompt' is primariy focused on automatic interactions with LLMs through send_prompt() using a tidyprompt object with prompt_wrap(), this class may be useful for having a manual conversation with an LLM. (It may specifically be used to continue a chat history which was returned by send_prompt() with return_mode = "full".)

Public fields


A chat_history() object


A llm_provider object


Public methods

Method new()

Initialize the PersistentChat object

persistent_chat-class$new(llm_provider, chat_history = NULL)

A llm_provider object


(optional) A chat_history() object


The initialized PersistentChat object

Method chat()

Add a message to the chat history and get a response from the LLM

persistent_chat-class$chat(msg, role = "user", verbose = TRUE)

Message to add to the chat history


Role of the message


Whether to print the interaction to the console


The response from the LLM

Method reset_chat_history()

Reset the chat history



Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

persistent_chat-class$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.

See Also

llm_provider chat_history()


# Create a persistent chat with any LLM provider
chat <- `persistent_chat-class`$new(llm_provider_ollama())

## Not run: 
  chat$chat("Hi! Tell me about Twente, in a short sentence?")
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # Hi! Tell me about Twente, in a short sentence?
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # Twente is a charming region in the Netherlands known for its picturesque
  # countryside and vibrant culture!

  chat$chat("How many people live there?")
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # How many people live there?
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # The population of Twente is approximately 650,000 inhabitants, making it one of
  # the largest regions in the Netherlands.

  # Access the chat history:

  # Reset the chat history:

  # Continue a chat from the result of `send_prompt()`:
  result <- "Hi there!" |>
    answer_as_integer() |>
    send_prompt(return_mode = "full")
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # Hi there!
  # You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # 42
  chat <- `persistent_chat-class`$new(llm_provider_ollama(), result$chat_history)
  chat$chat("Why did you choose that number?")
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # Why did you choose that number?
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # I chose the number 42 because it's a reference to Douglas Adams' science fiction
  # series "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," in which a supercomputer named
  # Deep Thought is said to have calculated the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of
  # Life, the Universe, and Everything" as 42.

## End(Not run)

Wrap a prompt with functions for modification and handling the LLM response


This function takes a single string or a tidyprompt object and adds a new prompt wrap to it.

A prompt wrap is a set of functions that modify the prompt text, extract a value from the LLM response, and validate the extracted value.

The functions are used to ensure that the prompt and LLM response are in the correct format and meet the specified criteria; they may also be used to provide the LLM with feedback or additional information, like the result of a tool call or some evaluated code.

Advanced prompt wraps may also include functions that directly handle the response from a LLM API or configure API parameters.


  modify_fn = NULL,
  extraction_fn = NULL,
  validation_fn = NULL,
  handler_fn = NULL,
  parameter_fn = NULL,
  type = c("unspecified", "mode", "tool", "break", "check"),
  name = NULL



A string or a tidyprompt object


A function that takes the previous prompt text (as first argument) and returns the new prompt text


A function that takes the LLM response (as first argument) and attempts to extract a value from it. Upon succesful extraction, the function should return the extracted value. If the extraction fails, the function should return a llm_feedback() message to initiate a retry. A llm_break() can be returned to break the extraction and validation loop, ending send_prompt()


A function that takes the (extracted) LLM response (as first argument) and attempts to validate it. Upon succesful validation, the function should return TRUE. If the validation fails, the function should return a llm_feedback() message to initiate a retry. A llm_break() can be returned to break the extraction and validation loop, ending send_prompt()


A function that takes a 'completion' object (a result of a request to a LLM, as returned by ⁠$complete_chat()⁠ of a llm_provider object) as first argument and the llm_provider object as second argument. The function should return a (modified or identical) completion object. This can be used for advanced side effects, like logging, or native tool calling, or keeping track of token usage. See llm_provider for more information; handler_fn is attached to the llm_provider object that is being used. For example usage, see source code of answer_using_tools()


A function that takes the llm_provider object which is being used with send_prompt() and returns a named list of parameters to be set in the llm_provider object via its ⁠$set_parameters()⁠ method. This can be used to configure specific parameters of the llm_provider object when evaluating the prompt. For example, answer_as_json() may set different parameters for different APIs related to JSON output. This function is typically only used with advanced prompt wraps that require specific settings in the llm_provider object


The type of prompt wrap. Must be one of:

  • "unspecified": The default type, typically used for prompt wraps which request a specific format of the LLM response, like answer_as_integer()

  • "mode": For prompt wraps that change how the LLM should answer the prompt, like answer_by_chain_of_thought() or answer_by_react()

  • "tool": For prompt wraps that enable the LLM to use tools, like answer_using_tools() or answer_using_r() when 'output_as_tool' = TRUE

  • "break": For prompt wraps that may break the extraction and validation loop, like quit_if(). These are applied before type "unspecified" as they may instruct the LLM to not answer the prompt in the manner specified by those prompt wraps

  • "check": For prompt wraps that apply a last check to the final answer, after all other prompt wraps have been evaluated. These prompt wraps may only contain a validation function, and are applied after all other prompt wraps have been evaluated. These prompt wraps are even applied after an earlier prompt wrap has broken the extraction and validation loop with llm_break()

Types are used to determine the order in which prompt wraps are applied. When constructing the prompt text, prompt wraps are applied to the base prompt in the following order: 'check', 'unspecified', 'break', 'mode', 'tool'. When evaluating the LLM response and applying extraction and validation functions, prompt wraps are applied in the reverse order: 'tool', 'mode', 'break', 'unspecified', 'check'. Order among the same type is preserved in the order they were added to the prompt.


An optional name for the prompt wrap. This can be used to identify the prompt wrap in the tidyprompt object


For advanced use, modify_fn, extraction_fn, and validation_fn may take the llm_provider object (as used with send_prompt()) as second argument, and the 'http_list' (a list of all HTTP requests and responses made during send_prompt()) as third argument. Use of these arguments is not required, but can be useful for more complex prompt wraps which require additional information about the LLM provider or requests made so far. The functions (including parameter_fn) also have access to the object self (not a function argument; it is attached to the environment of the function) which contains the tidyprompt object that the prompt wrap is a part of. This can be used to access other prompt wraps, or to access the prompt text or other information about the prompt. For instance, other prompt wraps can be accessed through self$get_prompt_wraps().


A tidyprompt object with the prompt_wrap() appended to it

See Also

tidyprompt send_prompt()

Other prompt_wrap: llm_break(), llm_feedback()

Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools(), quit_if(), set_system_prompt()


# A custom prompt_wrap may be created during piping
prompt <- "Hi there!" |>
    modify_fn = function(base_prompt) {
      paste(base_prompt, "How are you?", sep = "\n\n")

# (Shorter notation of the above:)
prompt <- "Hi there!" |>
  prompt_wrap(\(x) paste(x, "How are you?", sep = "\n\n"))

# It may often be preferred to make a function which takes a prompt and
#   returns a wrapped prompt:
my_prompt_wrap <- function(prompt) {
  modify_fn <- function(base_prompt) {
    paste(base_prompt, "How are you?", sep = "\n\n")

  prompt_wrap(prompt, modify_fn)
prompt <- "Hi there!" |>

# For more advanced examples, take a look at the source code of the
#   pre-built prompt wraps in the tidyprompt package, like
#   answer_as_boolean, answer_as_integer, add_tools, answer_as_code, etc.
# Below is the source code for the 'answer_as_integer' prompt wrap function:

#' Make LLM answer as an integer (between min and max)
#' @param prompt A single string or a [tidyprompt()] object
#' @param min (optional) Minimum value for the integer
#' @param max (optional) Maximum value for the integer
#' @param add_instruction_to_prompt (optional) Add instruction for replying
#' as an integer to the prompt text. Set to FALSE for debugging if extractions/validations
#' are working as expected (without instruction the answer should fail the
#' validation function, initiating a retry)
#' @return A [tidyprompt()] with an added [prompt_wrap()] which
#' will ensure that the LLM response is an integer.
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/answer_as_integer.R
#' @family pre_built_prompt_wraps
#' @family answer_as_prompt_wraps
answer_as_integer <- function(
    min = NULL,
    max = NULL,
    add_instruction_to_prompt = TRUE
) {
  instruction <- "You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters)."

  if (!is.null(min) && !is.null(max)) {
    instruction <- paste(instruction, glue::glue(
      "Enter an integer between {min} and {max}."
  } else if (!is.null(min)) {
    instruction <- paste(instruction, glue::glue(
      "Enter an integer greater than or equal to {min}."
  } else if (!is.null(max)) {
    instruction <- paste(instruction, glue::glue(
      "Enter an integer less than or equal to {max}."

  modify_fn <- function(original_prompt_text) {
    if (!add_instruction_to_prompt) {


  extraction_fn <- function(x) {
    extracted <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))
    if ( {

  validation_fn <- function(x) {
    if (x != floor(x)) { # Not a whole number

    if (!is.null(min) && x < min) {
        "The number should be greater than or equal to {min}."
    if (!is.null(max) && x > max) {
        "The number should be less than or equal to {max}."

    modify_fn, extraction_fn, validation_fn,
    name = "answer_as_integer"

Make evaluation of a prompt stop if LLM gives a specific response


This function is used to wrap a tidyprompt() object and ensure that the evaluation will stop if the LLM says it cannot answer the prompt. This is useful in scenarios where it is determined the LLM is unable to provide a response to a prompt.


  quit_detect_regex = "NO ANSWER",
  instruction =
    paste0("If you think that you cannot provide a valid answer, you must type:\n",
    "'NO ANSWER' (use no other characters)"),
  success = TRUE,
  response_result = c("null", "llm_response", "regex_match")



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


A regular expression to detect in the LLM's response which will cause the evaluation to stop. The default will detect the string "NO ANSWER" in the response


A string to be added to the prompt to instruct the LLM how to respond if it cannot answer the prompt. The default is "If you think that you cannot provide a valid answer, you must type: 'NO ANSWER' (use no other characters)". This parameter can be set to NULL if no instruction is needed in the prompt


A logical indicating whether the send_prompt() loop break should nonetheless be considered as a successful completion of the extraction and validation process. If FALSE, the object_to_return must will always be set to NULL and thus parameter 'response_result' must also be set to 'null'; if FALSE, send_prompt() will also print a warning about the unsuccessful evaluation. If TRUE, the object_to_return will be returned as the response result of send_prompt() (and send_prompt() will print no warning about unsuccessful evaluation); parameter 'response_result' will then determine what is returned as the response result of send_prompt().


A character string indicating what should be returned when the quit_detect_regex is detected in the LLM's response. The default is 'null', which will return NULL as the response result o f send_prompt(). Under 'llm_response', the full LLM response will be returned as the response result of send_prompt(). Under 'regex_match', the part of the LLM response that matches the quit_detect_regex will be returned as the response result of send_prompt()


A tidyprompt() with an added prompt_wrap() which will ensure that the evaluation will stop upon detection of the quit_detect_regex in the LLM's response

See Also

Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools(), prompt_wrap(), set_system_prompt()

Other miscellaneous_prompt_wraps: add_text(), set_system_prompt()


## Not run: 
  "What the favourite food of my cat on Thursday mornings?" |>
    quit_if() |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   What the favourite food of my cat on Thursday mornings?
  #   If you think that you cannot provide a valid answer, you must type:
  #   'NO ANSWER' (use no other characters)
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # NULL

## End(Not run)

Generate an example object from a JSON schema


This function generates an example JSON object from a JSON schema. This is used when enforcing a JSON schema through text-based handling (requiring an example to be added to the prompt text).





A list (R object) representing a JSON schema


A list (R object) which matches the JSON schema definition

See Also

Other json: answer_as_json()


base_prompt <- "How can I solve 8x + 7 = -23?"

# This example will show how to enforce JSON format in the response,
#   with and without a schema, using the 'answer_as_json()' prompt wrap.
# If you use type = 'auto', the function will automatically detect the
#   best way to enforce JSON based on the LLM provider you are using.
# Note that the default type is 'text-based', which will work for any provider/model

#### Enforcing JSON without a schema: ####

## Not run: 
  ## Text-based (works for any provider/model):
  #   Adds request to prompt for a JSON object
  #   Extracts JSON from textual response (feedback for retry if no JSON received)
  #   Parses JSON to R object
  json_1 <- base_prompt |>
    answer_as_json() |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # How can I solve 8x + 7 = -23?
  # Your must format your response as a JSON object.
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # Here is the solution to the equation formatted as a JSON object:
  # ```
  # {
  #   "equation": "8x + 7 = -23",
  #   "steps": [
  #     {
  #       "step": "Subtract 7 from both sides of the equation",
  #       "expression": "-23 - 7"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "step": "Simplify the expression on the left side",
  #       "result": "-30"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "step": "Divide both sides by -8 to solve for x",
  #       "expression": "-30 / -8"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "step": "Simplify the expression on the right side",
  #       "result": "3.75"
  #     }
  #   ],
  #   "solution": {
  #     "x": 3.75
  #   }
  # }
  # ```

  ## Ollama:
  #   - Sets 'format' parameter to 'json', enforcing JSON
  #   - Adds request to prompt for a JSON object, as is recommended by the docs
  #   - Parses JSON to R object
  json_2 <- base_prompt |>
    answer_as_json(type = "auto") |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # How can I solve 8x + 7 = -23?
  # Your must format your response as a JSON object.
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # {"steps": [
  #   "Subtract 7 from both sides to get 8x = -30",
  #   "Simplify the right side of the equation to get 8x = -30",
  #   "Divide both sides by 8 to solve for x, resulting in x = -30/8",
  #   "Simplify the fraction to find the value of x"
  # ],
  # "value_of_x": "-3.75"}

  ## OpenAI-type API without schema:
  #   - Sets 'response_format' parameter to 'json_object', enforcing JSON
  #   - Adds request to prompt for a JSON object, as is required by the API
  #   - Parses JSON to R object
  json_3 <- base_prompt |>
    answer_as_json(type = "auto") |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (gpt-4o-mini): ---
  # How can I solve 8x + 7 = -23?
  # Your must format your response as a JSON object.
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # {
  #   "solution_steps": [
  #     {
  #       "step": 1,
  #       "operation": "Subtract 7 from both sides",
  #       "equation": "8x + 7 - 7 = -23 - 7",
  #       "result": "8x = -30"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "step": 2,
  #       "operation": "Divide both sides by 8",
  #       "equation": "8x / 8 = -30 / 8",
  #       "result": "x = -3.75"
  #     }
  #   ],
  #   "solution": {
  #     "x": -3.75
  #   }
  # }

## End(Not run)

#### Enforcing JSON with a schema: ####

# Make a list representing a JSON schema,
#   which the LLM response must adhere to:
json_schema <- list(
  name = "steps_to_solve", # Required for OpenAI API
  description = NULL, # Optional for OpenAI API
  schema = list(
    type = "object",
    properties = list(
      steps = list(
        type = "array",
        items = list(
          type = "object",
          properties = list(
            explanation = list(type = "string"),
            output = list(type = "string")
          required = c("explanation", "output"),
          additionalProperties = FALSE
      final_answer = list(type = "string")
    required = c("steps", "final_answer"),
    additionalProperties = FALSE
  # 'strict' parameter is set as argument 'answer_as_json()'
# Note: when you are not using an OpenAI API, you can also pass just the
#   internal 'schema' list object to 'answer_as_json()' instead of the full
#   'json_schema' list object

# Generate example R object based on schema:

## Not run: 
  ## Text-based with schema (works for any provider/model):
  #   - Adds request to prompt for a JSON object
  #   - Adds schema to prompt
  #   - Extracts JSON from textual response (feedback for retry if no JSON received)
  #   - Validates JSON against schema with 'jsonvalidate' package (feedback for retry if invalid)
  #   - Parses JSON to R object
  json_4 <- base_prompt |>
    answer_as_json(schema = json_schema) |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # How can I solve 8x + 7 = -23?
  # Your must format your response as a JSON object.
  # Your JSON object should match this example JSON object:
  #   {
  #     "steps": [
  #       {
  #         "explanation": "...",
  #         "output": "..."
  #       }
  #     ],
  #     "final_answer": "..."
  #   }
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # Here is the solution to the equation:
  # ```
  # {
  #   "steps": [
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "First, we want to isolate the term with 'x' by
  #       subtracting 7 from both sides of the equation.",
  #       "output": "8x + 7 - 7 = -23 - 7"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "This simplifies to: 8x = -30",
  #       "output": "8x = -30"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "Next, we want to get rid of the coefficient '8' by
  #       dividing both sides of the equation by 8.",
  #       "output": "(8x) / 8 = (-30) / 8"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "This simplifies to: x = -3.75",
  #       "output": "x = -3.75"
  #     }
  #   ],
  #   "final_answer": "-3.75"
  # }
  # ```

  ## Ollama with schema:
  #   - Sets 'format' parameter to 'json', enforcing JSON
  #   - Adds request to prompt for a JSON object, as is recommended by the docs
  #   - Adds schema to prompt
  #   - Validates JSON against schema with 'jsonvalidate' package (feedback for retry if invalid)
  json_5 <- base_prompt |>
    answer_as_json(json_schema, type = "auto") |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  # How can I solve 8x + 7 = -23?
  # Your must format your response as a JSON object.
  # Your JSON object should match this example JSON object:
  # {
  #   "steps": [
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "...",
  #       "output": "..."
  #     }
  #   ],
  #   "final_answer": "..."
  # }
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # {
  #   "steps": [
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "First, subtract 7 from both sides of the equation to
  #       isolate the term with x.",
  #       "output": "8x = -23 - 7"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "Simplify the right-hand side of the equation.",
  #       "output": "8x = -30"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "Next, divide both sides of the equation by 8 to solve for x.",
  #       "output": "x = -30 / 8"
  #     },
  #     {
  #       "explanation": "Simplify the right-hand side of the equation.",
  #       "output": "x = -3.75"
  #     }
  #   ],
  #   "final_answer": "-3.75"
  # }

  ## OpenAI with schema:
  #   - Sets 'response_format' parameter to 'json_object', enforcing JSON
  #   - Adds json_schema to the API request, API enforces JSON adhering schema
  #   - Parses JSON to R object
  json_6 <- base_prompt |>
    answer_as_json(json_schema, type = "auto") |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (gpt-4o-mini): ---
  # How can I solve 8x + 7 = -23?
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # {"steps":[
  # {"explanation":"Start with the original equation.",
  # "output":"8x + 7 = -23"},
  # {"explanation":"Subtract 7 from both sides to isolate the term with x.",
  # "output":"8x + 7 - 7 = -23 - 7"},
  # {"explanation":"Simplify the left side and the right side of the equation.",
  # "output":"8x = -30"},
  # {"explanation":"Now, divide both sides by 8 to solve for x.",
  # "output":"x = -30 / 8"},
  # {"explanation":"Simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and the
  # denominator by 2.",
  # "output":"x = -15 / 4"}
  # ], "final_answer":"x = -15/4"}

## End(Not run)

Send a prompt to a LLM provider


This function is responsible for sending prompts to a LLM provider for evaluation. The function will interact with the LLM provider until a successful response is received or the maximum number of interactions is reached. The function will apply extraction and validation functions to the LLM response, as specified in the prompt wraps (see prompt_wrap()). If the maximum number of interactions


  llm_provider = llm_provider_ollama(),
  max_interactions = 10,
  clean_chat_history = TRUE,
  verbose = NULL,
  stream = NULL,
  return_mode = c("only_response", "full")



A string or a tidyprompt object


llm_provider object (default is llm_provider_ollama()). This object and its settings will be used to evaluate the prompt. Note that the 'verbose' and 'stream' settings in the LLM provider will be overruled by the 'verbose' and 'stream' arguments in this function when those are not NULL. Furthermore, advanced tidyprompt objects may carry '$parameter_fn' functions which can set parameters in the llm_provider object (see prompt_wrap() and llm_provider for more ).


Maximum number of interactions allowed with the LLM provider. Default is 10. If the maximum number of interactions is reached without a successful response, 'NULL' is returned as the response (see return value). The first interaction is the initial chat completion


If the chat history should be cleaned after each interaction. Cleaning the chat history means that only the first and last message from the user, the last message from the assistant, all messages from the system, and all tool results are kept in a 'clean' chat history. This clean chat history is used when requesting a new chat completion. (i.e., if a LLM repeatedly fails to provide a correct response, only its last failed response will included in the context window). This may increase the LLM performance on the next interaction


If the interaction with the LLM provider should be printed to the console. This will overrule the 'verbose' setting in the LLM provider


If the interaction with the LLM provider should be streamed. This setting will only be used if the LLM provider already has a 'stream' parameter (which indicates there is support for streaming). Note that when 'verbose' is set to FALSE, the 'stream' setting will be ignored


One of 'full' or 'only_response'. See return value


  • If return mode 'only_response', the function will return only the LLM response after extraction and validation functions have been applied (NULL is returned when unsuccessful after the maximum number of interactions).

  • If return mode 'full', the function will return a list with the following elements:

    • 'response' (the LLM response after extraction and validation functions have been applied; NULL is returned when unsuccessful after the maximum number of interactions),

    • 'interactions' (the number of interactions with the LLM provider),

    • 'chat_history' (a dataframe with the full chat history which led to the final response),

    • 'chat_history_clean' (a dataframe with the cleaned chat history which led to the final response; here, only the first and last message from the user, the last message from the assistant, and all messages from the system are kept),

    • 'start_time' (the time when the function was called),

    • 'end_time' (the time when the function ended),

    • 'duration_seconds' (the duration of the function in seconds), and

    • 'http_list' (a list with all HTTP responses made during the interactions; as returned by llm_provider$complete_chat()).

See Also

tidyprompt, prompt_wrap(), llm_provider, llm_provider_ollama(), llm_provider_openai()

Other prompt_evaluation: llm_break(), llm_feedback()


## Not run: 
  "Hi!" |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   Hi!
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with, or would you like to chat?
  # [1] "It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with, or would you like to chat?"

  "Hi!" |>
    send_prompt(llm_provider_ollama(), return_mode = "full")
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   Hi!
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with, or would you like to chat?
  # $response
  # [1] "It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with, or would you like to chat?"
  # $chat_history
  # ...
  # $chat_history_clean
  # ...
  # $start_time
  # [1] "2024-11-18 15:43:12 CET"
  # $end_time
  # [1] "2024-11-18 15:43:13 CET"
  # $duration_seconds
  # [1] 1.13276
  # $http_list
  # $http_list[[1]]
  # Response [http://localhost:11434/api/chat]
  #   Date: 2024-11-18 14:43
  #   Status: 200
  #   Content-Type: application/x-ndjson

  "Hi!" |>
    add_text("What is 5 + 5?") |>
    answer_as_integer() |>
    send_prompt(llm_provider_ollama(), verbose = FALSE)
  # [1] 10

## End(Not run)

Set the chat history of a tidyprompt object


This function sets the chat history for a tidyprompt object. The chat history will also set the base prompt and system prompt (the last message of the chat history should be of role 'user' and will be used as the base prompt; the first message of the chat history may be of the role 'system' and will then be used as the system prompt).

This may be useful when one wants to change the base prompt, system prompt, and chat history of a tidyprompt object while retaining other fields like the list of prompt wraps.


set_chat_history(x, chat_history)



A tidyprompt object


A valid chat history (see chat_history())


The updated tidyprompt object

See Also


Other tidyprompt: construct_prompt_text(), get_chat_history(), get_prompt_wraps(), is_tidyprompt(), tidyprompt(), tidyprompt-class


prompt <- tidyprompt("Hi!")

# Add to a tidyprompt using a prompt wrap:
prompt <- tidyprompt("Hi!") |>
  add_text("How are you?")

# Strings can be input for prompt wraps; therefore,
#   a call to tidyprompt() is not necessary:
prompt <- "Hi" |>
  add_text("How are you?")

# Example of adding extraction & validation with a prompt_wrap():
prompt <- "Hi" |>
  add_text("What is 5 + 5?") |>

## Not run: 
  # tidyprompt objects are evaluated by send_prompt(), which will
  #   handle construct the prompt text, send it to the LLM provider,
  #   and apply the extraction and validation functions from the tidyprompt object
  prompt |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   Hi
  #   What is 5 + 5?
  #   You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   10
  # [1] 10

  # See prompt_wrap() and send_prompt() for more details

## End(Not run)

# `tidyprompt` objects may be validated with these helpers:
is_tidyprompt(prompt) # Returns TRUE if input is a valid tidyprompt object

# Get base prompt text
base_prompt <- prompt$base_prompt

# Get all prompt wraps
prompt_wraps <- prompt$get_prompt_wraps()
# Alternative:
prompt_wraps <- get_prompt_wraps(prompt)

# Construct prompt text
prompt_text <- prompt$construct_prompt_text()
# Alternative:
prompt_text <- construct_prompt_text(prompt)

# Set chat history (affecting also the base prompt)
chat_history <- data.frame(
  role = c("user", "assistant", "user"),
  content = c("What is 5 + 5?", "10", "And what is 5 + 6?")

# Get chat history
chat_history <- prompt$get_chat_history()

Set system prompt of a tidyprompt object


Set the system prompt for a prompt. The system prompt will be added as a message with role 'system' at the start of the chat history when this prompt is evaluated by send_prompt().


set_system_prompt(prompt, system_prompt)



A single string or a tidyprompt() object


A single character string representing the system prompt


The system prompt will be stored in the tidyprompt() object as '$system_prompt'.


A tidyprompt() with the system prompt set

See Also

Other pre_built_prompt_wraps: add_text(), answer_as_boolean(), answer_as_integer(), answer_as_json(), answer_as_list(), answer_as_named_list(), answer_as_regex_match(), answer_as_text(), answer_by_chain_of_thought(), answer_by_react(), answer_using_r(), answer_using_sql(), answer_using_tools(), prompt_wrap(), quit_if()

Other miscellaneous_prompt_wraps: add_text(), quit_if()


prompt <- "Hi there!" |>
  set_system_prompt("You are an assistant who always answers in very short poems.")

## Not run: 
  prompt |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   Hi there!
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   Hello to you, I say,
  #   Welcome here, come what may!
  #   How can I assist today?
  # [1] "Hello to you, I say,\nWelcome here, come what may!\nHow can I assist today?"

## End(Not run)

Skim a dataframe and include labels and levels


This function takes a data.frame and returns a skim summary with variable names, labels, and levels for categorical variables. It is a wrapper around the skimr::skim() function.





A data.frame to be skimmed


A data.frame with variable names, labels, levels, and a skim summary

See Also

Other text_helpers: df_to_string(), vector_list_to_string()


# First add some labels to 'mtcars':
mtcars$car <- rownames(mtcars)
mtcars$car <- factor(mtcars$car, levels = rownames(mtcars))
attr(mtcars$car, "label") <- "Name of the car"

# Then skim the data:
mtcars |>

Create a tidyprompt object


This is a wrapper around the tidyprompt constructor.





A string, a chat history, a list containing a chat history under key '$chat_history', or a tidyprompt object


Different types of input are accepted for initialization of a tidyprompt object:

  • A single character string. This will be used as the base prompt

  • A dataframe which is a valid chat history (see chat_history())

  • A list containing a valid chat history under '$chat_history' (e.g., a result from send_prompt() when using 'return_mode' = "full")

  • A tidyprompt object. This will be checked for validity and, if valid, the fields are copied to the object which is returned from this method

When passing a dataframe or list with a chat history, the last row of the chat history must have role 'user'; this row will be used as the base prompt. If the first row of the chat history has role 'system', it will be used as the system prompt.


A tidyprompt object

See Also

Other tidyprompt: construct_prompt_text(), get_chat_history(), get_prompt_wraps(), is_tidyprompt(), set_chat_history(), tidyprompt-class


prompt <- tidyprompt("Hi!")

# Add to a tidyprompt using a prompt wrap:
prompt <- tidyprompt("Hi!") |>
  add_text("How are you?")

# Strings can be input for prompt wraps; therefore,
#   a call to tidyprompt() is not necessary:
prompt <- "Hi" |>
  add_text("How are you?")

# Example of adding extraction & validation with a prompt_wrap():
prompt <- "Hi" |>
  add_text("What is 5 + 5?") |>

## Not run: 
  # tidyprompt objects are evaluated by send_prompt(), which will
  #   handle construct the prompt text, send it to the LLM provider,
  #   and apply the extraction and validation functions from the tidyprompt object
  prompt |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   Hi
  #   What is 5 + 5?
  #   You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   10
  # [1] 10

  # See prompt_wrap() and send_prompt() for more details

## End(Not run)

# `tidyprompt` objects may be validated with these helpers:
is_tidyprompt(prompt) # Returns TRUE if input is a valid tidyprompt object

# Get base prompt text
base_prompt <- prompt$base_prompt

# Get all prompt wraps
prompt_wraps <- prompt$get_prompt_wraps()
# Alternative:
prompt_wraps <- get_prompt_wraps(prompt)

# Construct prompt text
prompt_text <- prompt$construct_prompt_text()
# Alternative:
prompt_text <- construct_prompt_text(prompt)

# Set chat history (affecting also the base prompt)
chat_history <- data.frame(
  role = c("user", "assistant", "user"),
  content = c("What is 5 + 5?", "10", "And what is 5 + 6?")

# Get chat history
chat_history <- prompt$get_chat_history()

Tidyprompt R6 Class


A tidyprompt object contains a base prompt and a list of prompt_wrap() objects. It provides structured methods to modify the prompt while simultaneously adding logic to extract from and validate the LLM response. Besides a base prompt, a tidyprompt object may contain a system prompt and a chat history which precede the base prompt.

Public fields


The base prompt string. The base prompt be modified by prompt wraps during construct_prompt_text(); the modified prompt text will be used as the final message of role 'user' during send_prompt()


A system prompt string. This will be added at the start of the chat history as role 'system' during send_prompt()


Public methods

Method new()

Initialize a tidyprompt object


A string, a chat history, a list containing a chat history under key '$chat_history', or a tidyprompt object


Different types of input are accepted for initialization of a tidyprompt object:

  • A single character string. This will be used as the base prompt

  • A dataframe which is a valid chat history (see chat_history())

  • A list containing a valid chat history under '$chat_history' (e.g., a result from send_prompt() when using 'return_mode' = "full")

  • A tidyprompt object. This will be checked for validity and, if valid, the fields are copied to the object which is returned from this method

When passing a dataframe or list with a chat history, the last row of the chat history must have role 'user'; this row will be used as the base prompt. If the first row of the chat history has role 'system', it will be used as the system prompt.


A tidyprompt object

Method is_valid()

Check if the tidyprompt object is valid.


TRUE if valid, otherwise FALSE

Method add_prompt_wrap()

Add a prompt_wrap() to the tidyprompt object.


A prompt_wrap() object


The updated tidyprompt object

Method get_prompt_wraps()

Get list of prompt_wrap() objects from the tidyprompt object.

  order = c("default", "modification", "evaluation")

The order to return the wraps. Options are:

  • "default": as originally added to the object

  • "modification": as ordered for modification of the base prompt; ordered by type: check, unspecified, mode, tool, break. This is the order in which prompt wraps are applied during construct_prompt_text()

  • "evaluation": ordered for evaluation of the LLM response; ordered by type: tool, mode, break, unspecified, check. This is the order in which wraps are applied to the LLM output during send_prompt()


A list of prompt_wrap() objects.

Method construct_prompt_text()

Construct the complete prompt text.

tidyprompt-class$construct_prompt_text(llm_provider = NULL)

Optional llm_provider object. This may sometimes affect the prompt text construction


A string representing the constructed prompt text

Method set_chat_history()

This function sets the chat history for the tidyprompt object. The chat history will also set the base prompt and system prompt (the last message of the chat history should be of role 'user' and will be used as the base prompt; the first message of the chat history may be of the role 'system' and will then be used as the system prompt). This may be useful when one wants to change the base prompt, system prompt, and chat history of a tidyprompt object while retaining other fields like the prompt wraps.


A valid chat history (see chat_history())


The updated tidyprompt object

Method get_chat_history()

This function gets the chat history of the tidyprompt object. The chat history is constructed from the base prompt, system prompt, and chat history field. The returned object will be the chat history with the system prompt as the first message with role 'system' and the the base prompt as the last message with role 'user'.


A dataframe containing the chat history

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

tidyprompt-class$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.

See Also

Other tidyprompt: construct_prompt_text(), get_chat_history(), get_prompt_wraps(), is_tidyprompt(), set_chat_history(), tidyprompt()


prompt <- tidyprompt("Hi!")

# Add to a tidyprompt using a prompt wrap:
prompt <- tidyprompt("Hi!") |>
  add_text("How are you?")

# Strings can be input for prompt wraps; therefore,
#   a call to tidyprompt() is not necessary:
prompt <- "Hi" |>
  add_text("How are you?")

# Example of adding extraction & validation with a prompt_wrap():
prompt <- "Hi" |>
  add_text("What is 5 + 5?") |>

## Not run: 
  # tidyprompt objects are evaluated by send_prompt(), which will
  #   handle construct the prompt text, send it to the LLM provider,
  #   and apply the extraction and validation functions from the tidyprompt object
  prompt |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (llama3.1:8b): ---
  #   Hi
  #   What is 5 + 5?
  #   You must answer with only an integer (use no other characters).
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  #   10
  # [1] 10

  # See prompt_wrap() and send_prompt() for more details

## End(Not run)

# `tidyprompt` objects may be validated with these helpers:
is_tidyprompt(prompt) # Returns TRUE if input is a valid tidyprompt object

# Get base prompt text
base_prompt <- prompt$base_prompt

# Get all prompt wraps
prompt_wraps <- prompt$get_prompt_wraps()
# Alternative:
prompt_wraps <- get_prompt_wraps(prompt)

# Construct prompt text
prompt_text <- prompt$construct_prompt_text()
# Alternative:
prompt_text <- construct_prompt_text(prompt)

# Set chat history (affecting also the base prompt)
chat_history <- data.frame(
  role = c("user", "assistant", "user"),
  content = c("What is 5 + 5?", "10", "And what is 5 + 6?")

# Get chat history
chat_history <- prompt$get_chat_history()

Add tidyprompt function documentation to a function


This function adds documentation to a custom function. This documentation is used to extract information about the function's name, description, arguments, and return value. This information is used to provide an LLM with information about the functions, so that the LLM can call R functions. The intended use of this function is to add documentation to custom functions that do not have help files; tools_get_docs() may generate documentation from a help file when the function is part of base R or a package.

If a function already has documentation, the documentation added by this function may overwrite it. If you wish to modify existing documentation, you may make a call to tools_get_docs() to extract the existing documentation, modify it, and then call tools_add_docs() to add the modified documentation.


tools_add_docs(func, docs)



A function object


A list with the following elements:

  • 'name': (optional) The name of the function. If not provided, the function name will be extracted from the function object. Use this parameter to override the function name if necessary

  • 'description': A description of the function and its purpose

  • 'arguments': A named list of arguments with descriptions. Each argument is a list which may contain:

    • 'description': A description of the argument and its purpose. Not required or used for native function calling (e.g., with OpenAI), but recommended for text-based function calling

    • 'type': The type of the argument. This should be one of: 'integer', 'numeric', 'logical', 'string', 'match.arg', 'vector integer', 'vector numeric', 'vector logical', 'vector string'. For arguments which are named lists, 'type' should be a named list which contains the types of the elements. For type 'match.arg', the possible values should be passed as a vector under 'default_value'. 'type' is required for native function calling (with, e.g., OpenAI) but may also be useful to provide for text-based function calling, in which it will be added to the prompt introducing the function

    • 'default_value': The default value of the argument. This is only required when 'type' is set to 'match.arg'. It should then be a vector of possible values for the argument. In other cases, it is not required; for native function calling, it is not used in other cases; for text-based function calling, it may be useful to provide the default value, which will be added to the prompt introducing the function

  • 'return': A list with the following elements:

    • 'description': A description of the return value or the side effects of the function


The function object with the documentation added as an attribute ('tidyprompt_tool_docs')

See Also

Other tools: answer_using_tools(), tools_get_docs()


## Not run: 
  # When using functions from base R or R packages,
  #   documentation is automatically extracted from help files:
  "What are the files in my current directory?" |>
    answer_using_tools(dir) |> # 'dir' function is from base R

## End(Not run)

# Custom functions may also be provided;
#   in this case, some documentation is extracted from the function's formals;
#   descriptions may be added manually. See below

# Example fake weather function to add to the prompt:
temperature_in_location <- function(
    location = c("Amsterdam", "Utrecht", "Enschede"),
    unit = c("Celcius", "Fahrenheit")
) {
  location <- match.arg(location)
  unit <- match.arg(unit)

  temperature_celcius <- switch(
    "Amsterdam" = 32.5,
    "Utrecht" = 19.8,
    "Enschede" = 22.7

  if (unit == "Celcius") {
  } else {
    return(temperature_celcius * 9/5 + 32)

# Generate documentation for a function
#   (based on formals, & help file if available)
docs <- tools_get_docs(temperature_in_location)

# The types get inferred from the function's formals
# However, descriptions are still missing as the function is not from a package
# We can modify the documentation object to add descriptions:
docs$description <- "Get the temperature in a location"
docs$arguments$unit$description <- "Unit in which to return the temperature"
docs$arguments$location$description <- "Location for which to return the temperature"
docs$return$description <- "The temperature in the specified location and unit"
# (See `?tools_add_docs` for more details on the structure of the documentation)

# When we are satisfied with the documentation, we can add it to the function:
temperature_in_location <- tools_add_docs(temperature_in_location, docs)

## Not run: 
  # Now the LLM can use the function:
  "Hi, what is the weather in Enschede? Give me Celcius degrees" |>
    answer_using_tools(temperature_in_location) |>

## End(Not run)

Extract documentation from a function


This function extracts documentation from a help file (if available, i.e., when the function is part of a package) or from documentation added by tools_add_docs(). The extracted documentation includes the function's name, description, arguments, and return value. This information is used to provide an LLM with information about the functions, so that the LLM can call R functions.


tools_get_docs(func, name = NULL)



A function object. The function should belong to a package and have documentation available in a help file, or it should have documentation added by tools_add_docs()


The name of the function if already known (optional). If not provided it will be extracted from the documentation or the function object's name


This function will prioritize documentation added by tools_add_docs() over documentation from a help file. Thus, it is possible to override the help file documentation by adding custom documentation


A list with documentation for the function. See tools_add_docs() for more information on the contents

See Also

Other tools: answer_using_tools(), tools_add_docs()


## Not run: 
  # When using functions from base R or R packages,
  #   documentation is automatically extracted from help files:
  "What are the files in my current directory?" |>
    answer_using_tools(dir) |> # 'dir' function is from base R

## End(Not run)

# Custom functions may also be provided;
#   in this case, some documentation is extracted from the function's formals;
#   descriptions may be added manually. See below

# Example fake weather function to add to the prompt:
temperature_in_location <- function(
    location = c("Amsterdam", "Utrecht", "Enschede"),
    unit = c("Celcius", "Fahrenheit")
) {
  location <- match.arg(location)
  unit <- match.arg(unit)

  temperature_celcius <- switch(
    "Amsterdam" = 32.5,
    "Utrecht" = 19.8,
    "Enschede" = 22.7

  if (unit == "Celcius") {
  } else {
    return(temperature_celcius * 9/5 + 32)

# Generate documentation for a function
#   (based on formals, & help file if available)
docs <- tools_get_docs(temperature_in_location)

# The types get inferred from the function's formals
# However, descriptions are still missing as the function is not from a package
# We can modify the documentation object to add descriptions:
docs$description <- "Get the temperature in a location"
docs$arguments$unit$description <- "Unit in which to return the temperature"
docs$arguments$location$description <- "Location for which to return the temperature"
docs$return$description <- "The temperature in the specified location and unit"
# (See `?tools_add_docs` for more details on the structure of the documentation)

# When we are satisfied with the documentation, we can add it to the function:
temperature_in_location <- tools_add_docs(temperature_in_location, docs)

## Not run: 
  # Now the LLM can use the function:
  "Hi, what is the weather in Enschede? Give me Celcius degrees" |>
    answer_using_tools(temperature_in_location) |>

## End(Not run)

Have user check the result of a prompt (human-in-the-loop)


This function is used to have a user check the result of a prompt. After evaluation of the prompt and applying prompt wraps, the user is presented with the result and asked to accept or decline. If the user declines, they are asked to provide feedback to the large language model (LLM) so that the LLM can retry the prompt.





A single string or a tidyprompt object


A tidyprompt with an added prompt_wrap() which will add a check for the user to accept or decline the result of the prompt, providing feedback if the result is declined


## Not run: 
  "Tell me a fun fact about yourself!" |>
    user_verify() |>
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (gpt-4o-mini): ---
  # Tell me a fun fact about yourself!
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # I don't have personal experiences or feelings, but a fun fact about me is that
  # I can generate text in multiple languages! From English to Spanish, French, and
  # more, I'm here to help with diverse linguistic needs.
  # --- Evaluation of tidyprompt resulted in:
  # [1] "I don't have personal experiences or feelings, but a fun fact about me is
  # that I can generate text in multiple languages! From English to Spanish, French,
  # and more, I'm here to help with diverse linguistic needs."
  # --- Accept or decline
  # * If satisfied, type nothing
  # * If not satisfied, type feedback to the LLM
  # Type: Needs to be funnier!
  # --- Sending request to LLM provider (gpt-4o-mini): ---
  # Needs to be funnier!
  # --- Receiving response from LLM provider: ---
  # Alright, how about this: I once tried to tell a joke, but my punchline got lost
  # in translation! Now, I just stick to delivering 'byte-sized' humor!
  # --- Evaluation of tidyprompt resulted in:
  # [1] "Alright, how about this: I once tried to tell a joke, but my punchline got
  # lost in translation! Now, I just stick to delivering 'byte-sized' humor!"
  # --- Accept or decline
  # * If satisfied, type nothing
  # * If not satisfied, type feedback to the LLM
  # Type:
  # * Result accepted
  # [1] "Alright, how about this: I once tried to tell a joke, but my punchline got
  # lost in translation! Now, I just stick to delivering 'byte-sized' humor!"

## End(Not run)

Convert a named or unnamed list/vector to a string representation


Converts a named or unnamed list/vector to a string format, intended for sending it to an LLM (or for display or logging).


vector_list_to_string(obj, how = c("inline", "expanded"))



A list or vector (named or unnamed) to be converted to a string.


In what way the object should be converted to a string; either "inline" or "expanded". "inline" presents all key-value pairs or values as a single line. "expanded" presents each key-value pair or value on a separate line.


A single string representing the list/vector.

See Also

Other text_helpers: df_to_string(), skim_with_labels_and_levels()


named_vector <- c(x = 10, y = 20, z = 30)

vector_list_to_string(named_vector, how = "inline")

vector_list_to_string(named_vector, how = "expanded")