Package 'threg'

Title: Threshold Regression
Description: Fit a threshold regression model based on the first-hitting-time of a boundary by the sample path of a Wiener diffusion process. The threshold regression methodology is well suited to applications involving survival and time-to-event data.
Authors: Tao Xiao
Maintainer: Tao Xiao <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.0.3
Built: 2025-02-20 06:46:17 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Bone Marrow Transplantation Data


Survival of 137 acute leukemia patients treated with bone marrow transplants which are a standard treatment for acute leukemia.




time: time to relapse, death or end of study (in days)
indicator: censoring indicator variable - 1 = dead or replapse, 0 = otherwise
recipient_age: patient age
group: risk categories based on their status at the time of transplantation
fab: French-American-British (FAB) classification based on standard morphological criteria


Klein JP, Moeschberger ML. Survival analysis: techniques for censored and truncated data. 2 edition, 2003 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

Hazard ratio calculation for threshold regression model


This function can be used to estimate hazard ratios at selected time points for specified scenarios (based on given categories or value settings of covariates).


## S3 method for class 'threg'



a threg object.


specifies the categorical variable for the calculation of hazard ratios. Such categorical variable must be a factor variable that has been used in threg() that returns the threg object.


specifies a value of time at which the hazard ratios are calculated. A vector is allowed.


specifies a scenario where the hazard ratios are calculated.


#load the data "lkr"

#Transform the "treatment2" variable into factor variable "f.treatment2" .

#fit the threshold regression model on the factor variable "f.treatment2", 
fit<-threg(Surv(weeks, relapse)~ f.treatment2|f.treatment2,data = lkr)

#calculate the hazard ratio of the drug B group v.s. the standard group at 
#week 5 (this hazard ratio is calculated as 2.08)

#calculate the hazard ratio of the drug B group v.s. the standard group at 
#week 20 (this hazard ratio is calculated as 0.12)

#As a comparison, fit the Cox proportion hazards model on "f.treatment2", 
#and the Cox model gives a constant hazard ratio, 0.73.
summary(coxph(Surv(weeks, relapse) ~ f.treatment2, data = lkr))

#load the data "bmt"

#Transform the "group" and "fab" variables into factor variables 
#"" and "f.fab".

#fit a threshold regression model on the "bmt" dataset, by using "recipient_age" and 
#"f.fab" as the predictors for ln(y0), and "" and "f.fab" as predictors for mu.
fit<-threg(Surv(time, indicator)~ recipient_age+f.fab|, data = bmt)

#Calculate the hazard ratio for 
#"" for the specified scenario that "the patient age is 18 years old and 
#the FAB classification is 0", at the time ``500 days''.

Leukemia Remission Data


Data of a leukemia remission study. There are 42 patients in the dataset, who were monitored for whether they relapsed and for how long (in weeks) they remained in remission.




weeks: the time that a patient was remained in remission (in weeks)
relapse: whether the patient was relapsed - 1 = yes, 0 = no
treatment1: 1=drug A, 0 = standard drug for treatment1
treatment2: 1=drug B, 0 = standard drug for treatment2
wbc3cat: white blood cell count, recorded in three categories - 1 = normal, 2= moderate, 3 = high


Garrett JM. sbe14: Odds Ratios and Confidence Intervals for Logistic Regression Models with Effect Modification. Stata Technical Bulletin, 36, 15-22. Reprinted in Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, vol. 6, pp. 104-114, 1997 College Station, TX: Stata Press

Plot curves of the estimated survival, hazard or density functions for threshold regression model


This function can be used to display the graphs of the estimated survival, hazard or density functions at different levels of a factor predictor variable which has been included in the threshold regression by threg() function.


## S3 method for class 'threg'



a threg object.


specifies the categorical variable for each level of which the curves are plotted. Such categorical variable must be a factor variable that has been used in threg() that returns the threg object.


specifies a scenario where the predicted plots are based on.


specifies the type of curves to be generated. The “hz” option is to plot hazard function curves, the “sv” option is to plot survival function curves, and the “ds” option is to plot density function curves.


set the “nolegend” argument to 1 if users do not want the “threg” package to generate legends for the picture. Note that even if “nolegend” is set to 1, users can still generate legends by themselves after the picture is generated, by using the “legend” function in R.


set the “nocolor” argument to 1 if users want to depict all curves in black.


for future methods


#load the data "lkr"

#Transform the "treatment2" variable into factor variable "f.treatment2" .

#fit the threshold regression model on the factor variable "f.treatment2", 
fit<-threg(Surv(weeks, relapse)~ f.treatment2|f.treatment2,data = lkr)

#generate the predicted survival curves for the drug B group and 
#the standard group.
legend(20, 1, c("Standard","Drug B"), lty = 1:2) 

#load the data "bmt"

#Transform the "group" and "fab" variables into factor variables 
#"" and "f.fab".

#fit a threshold regression model on the "bmt" dataset, by using "recipient_age" and 
#"f.fab" as the predictors for ln(y0), and "" and "f.fab" as predictors for mu.
fit<-threg(Surv(time, indicator)~ recipient_age+f.fab|, data = bmt)

#fit the same model as above, but additionally overlay curves of survival functions 
#corresponding to different levels of "'.

#fit the same model as above, but additionally overlay curves of hazard functions 
#corresponding to different levels of "'.

#fit the same model as above, but additionally overlay curves of probability density 
#functions corresponding to different levels of "'.

predictions for threshold regression model


This function can be used to predict the initial health status value y0y_0, the drift value of the health process μ\mu, the probability density function of the survival time f(tμ,y0)f(t\mid \mu,y_0), the survival function S(tμ,y0)S(t\mid \mu, y_0) and the hazard function h(tμ,y0)h(t\mid \mu,y_0) for a specified scenario and time value. The scenario specified here is similar to those in hr.threg and plot.threg functions. The only difference is that we need to provide the scenario values for all variables in the model, while for hr.threg and plot.threg functions we do not need to provide scenario values of the dummy variables expanded from the factor variable specified in the var argument.


## S3 method for class 'threg'



a threg object.


specifies the desired time value at which the predicted values are to be calculated. Vector is allowed for this argument. If this argument is omitted, then the predicted values for the study time of all subjects would be calculated.


specifies the values of all predictors. If this argument is omitted, then the predicted values at a specified time value for all subjects would be calculated, and in this case the covariate values for each subject are used as their corresponding scenario values.


for future methods


#load the data "bmt"

#Transform the "group" and "fab" variables into factor variables 
#"" and "f.fab".

#fit a threshold regression model on the "bmt" dataset, by using "recipient_age" and 
#"f.fab" as the predictors for ln(y0), and "" and "f.fab" as predictors for mu.
fit<-threg(Surv(time, indicator)~ recipient_age+f.fab|, data = bmt)

#predict lny0, y0, mu, f, S and h for the specified scenario that "the patient age is 
#18 years old, the FAB classification is 0 and the risk category is 3", at the 
#time ``2000 days''

Print method for threg objects


Produces a printed summary of a fitted threg model


## S3 method for class 'threg'
print(x, digits=max(options()$digits - 4, 3), ...)



the result of a call to threg


significant digits to print


For future methods

fit a threshold regression model


This function can be used to fit a threshold regressio model based on the first-hitting-time of a boundary by the sample path of a Wiener diffusion process. It uses maximum likelihood estimation method for calculating regression coefficient estimates, asymptotic standard errors and p-values.


threg(formula, data)



a formula object, with the response on the left of a ~ operator, and the independent variables on the right. The response must be a survival object as returned by the Surv function. On the right of the ~ operator, a | operator must be used: on the left of the | operator, users specify independent variables that will be used in the linear regression function for lny0\ln{y_0} in the threshold regression model; on the right of the | operator, users specify independent variables that will be used in the linear regression function for μ\mu in the threshold regression model. If users just want to use a constant lny0\ln{y_0} or μ\mu, he or she can put 0 or 1 as a placeholder on the left or right of the | operator, instead of listing the independent variables for lny0\ln{y_0} or μ\mu.


input dataset. Such dataset must be a survival dataset including at least the survival time variable and censoring variable. For the censoring variable, 1 should be used to indicate the subjects with failure observed, and 0 should be used to indicate the subjects that are right censored. The dataset can also include other independent variables that will be used in the threshold regression model.


Threshold regression is a recently developed regression methodology to analyze time to event data. For a review of this regression model, see Lee and Whitmore (2006, 2010). A unique feature of threshold regression is that the event time is considered as the time when an underlying stochastic process first hits a boundary threshold. In the context of survival data, for example, the event can be death. The death time of an individual is considered as the time when his/her latent health status decreases to the zero boundary.

In the threg package, a Wiener process Y(t)Y(t) is used to model the latent health status process. An event is observed when Y(t)Y(t) reaches 00 for the first time. Three parameters of the Wiener process are involved: μ\mu, y0y_0 and σ\sigma. Parameter μ\mu, called the drift of the Wiener process, is the rate per unit time at which the level of the sample path is changing. The sample path approaches the threshold if μ<0\mu <0. Parameter y0y_0 is the initial value of the process and is taken as positive. Parameter σ\sigma represents the variability per unit time of the process (Lee and Whitmore 2006). The first hitting time (FHT) of a Wiener process with μ\mu, y0y_0 and σ\sigma is an inverse Gaussian distribution with probability density function (p.d.f):

f(tμ,σ2,y0)=y02πσ2t3exp[(y0+μt)22σ2t],f(t|\mu,{\sigma}^2,y_0)=\frac{y_0}{\sqrt{2\pi{\sigma^2}t^3}}\exp\left[-\frac{(y_0+\mu t)^2}{2\sigma^2 t}\right],

where <μ<,σ2>0, and y0>0-\infty <\mu <\infty , \sigma^2 >0, \mbox{ and } y_0>0. The p.d.f. is proper if μ0\mu \leq 0. The cumulative distribution function of the FHT is:

F(tμ,σ2,y0)=Φ[(y0+μt)2σ2t]+exp(2y0μσ2)Φ[μty0σ2t],F(t|\mu,{\sigma}^2,y_0)=\Phi\left[-\frac{(y_0+\mu t)^2}{\sqrt{\sigma^2 t}}\right]+\exp \left(-\frac{2y_0 \mu}{\sigma^2}\right)\Phi\left[\frac{\mu t - y_0}{\sqrt{\sigma^2 t}}\right],

where Φ()\Phi(\cdot) is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution. Note that if μ>0\mu>0, the Wiener process may never hit the boundary at zero and hence there is a probability that the FHT is \infty, that is, P(FHT=)=1exp(2y0μ/σ2)P(FHT=\infty)=1-\exp(-2y_0\mu/\sigma^2).

Since the health status process is usually latent (i.e., unobserved), an arbitrary unit can be used to measure such a process. Hence the variance parameter σ2\sigma^2 of the process is set to 1 in the threg package to fix the measurement unit of the process. Then we can regress the other two process parameters, y0y_0 and μ\mu on covariate data. We assume that μ\mu and ln(y0)\ln(y_0) are linear in regression coefficients.

Suppose that the covariate vector is Z=(1,Z1,,Zk)\bm{Z'}=(1, Z_1, \cdots, Z_k), where Z1,,ZkZ_1, \cdots, Z_k are covariates and the leading 1 in Z\bm{Z'} allows for a constant term in the regression relationship. Then ln(y0)\ln(y_0) can be linked to the covariates with the following regression form:

ln(y0)=γ0+γ1Z1++γkZk=Zγ\ln(y_0)=\gamma_0+\gamma_1 Z_1+\cdots + \gamma_k Z_k=\bm{Z' \gamma}

and μ\mu can be linked to the covariates with the following regression form:

μ=β0+β1Z1++βkZk=Zβ\mu=\beta_0+\beta_1 Z_1+\cdots + \beta_k Z_k=\bm{Z' \beta}

Vectors γ\gamma and β\beta are regression coefficients for ln(y0)\ln(y_0) and μ\mu, respectively, with γ=(γ0,,γk)\gamma'=(\gamma_0,\cdots,\gamma_k) and β=(β0,,βk)\beta'=(\beta_0,\cdots,\beta_k). Note that researchers can set some elements in γ\gamma or β\beta to zero if they feel the corresponding covariates are not important in predicting ln(y0)\ln(y_0) or μ\mu. For example, if covariate Z1Z_1 in the vector ZZ' is considered not important to predict ln(y0)\ln(y_0), we can remove the Z1Z_1 term by setting γ1\gamma_1 to zero.


Tao Xiao

Maintainer: Tao Xiao <[email protected]>


Lee, M-L. T., Whitmore, G. A. (2010) Proportional hazards and threshold regression: their theoretical and practical connections., Lifetime Data Analysis 16, 2: 196-214.

Lee, M-L. T., Whitmore, G. A. (2006) Threshold regression for survival analysis: modeling event times by a stochastic process, Statistical Science 21: 501-513.

Klein, J. P., Moeschberger, M. L. (2003) Survival Analysis: Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data. 2 edition. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

Garrett, J. M. (1997) Odds ratios and confidence intervals for logistic regression models with effect modification. Stata Technical Bulletin, 36, 1522. Reprinted in Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, vol. 6, pp. 104-114. College Station, TX: Stata Press.

Xiao, T., Whitmore, G. A., He, Xin, Lee, M-L. T. (2015) The R Package threg to Implement Threshold Regression Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 66(8), 1-16. URL


#load the data "lkr"

#Transform the "treatment2" variable into factor variable "f.treatment2" .

#fit the threshold regression model on the factor variable "f.treatment2", 
fit<-threg(Surv(weeks, relapse)~ f.treatment2|f.treatment2,data = lkr)

#load the data "bmt"

#Transform the "group" and "fab" variables into factor variables 
#"" and "f.fab".

#fit a threshold regression model on the "bmt" dataset, by using "recipient_age" and 
#"f.fab" as the predictors for ln(y0), and "" and "f.fab" as predictors for mu.
fit<-threg(Surv(time, indicator)~ recipient_age+f.fab|, data = bmt)