Package 'this.path'

Title: Get Executing Script's Path
Description: Determine the path of the executing script. Compatible with a few popular GUIs: 'Rgui', 'RStudio', 'VSCode', 'Jupyter', 'Emacs', and 'Rscript' (shell). Compatible with several functions and packages: 'source()', 'sys.source()', 'debugSource()' in 'RStudio', 'compiler::loadcmp()', 'utils::Sweave()', 'box::use()', 'knitr::knit()', 'plumber::plumb()', 'shiny::runApp()', 'package:targets', and 'testthat::source_file()'.
Authors: Iris Simmons
Maintainer: Iris Simmons <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 2.5.0
Built: 2024-10-02 06:41:27 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Get Script's Path


Determine the path of the executing script.

Compatible with a few popular GUIs:

Compatible with several functions and packages:


The most important functions from package:this.path are this.path(), this.dir(), here(), and this.proj():

  • this.path() returns the normalized path of the script in which it is written.

  • this.dir() returns the directory of this.path().

  • here() constructs file paths against this.dir().

  • this.proj() constructs file paths against the project root of this.dir().

New additions include:

  • LINENO() returns the line number of the executing expression.

  • shFILE() looks through the command line arguments, extracting FILE from either of the following: -f FILE or --file=FILE

  • set.sys.path() implements this.path() for any source()-like functions outside of the builtins.

  • with_init.file() allows this.path() and related to be used in a user profile.

package:this.path also provides functions for constructing and manipulating file paths:


This package started from a stack overflow posting:

If you like this package, please consider upvoting my answer so that more people will see it! If you have an issue with this package, please use = "this.path") to report your issue.


Iris Simmons

Maintainer: Iris Simmons <[email protected]>

Manipulate File Paths


basename2() removes all of the path up to and including the last path separator (if any).

dirname2() returns the part of the path up to but excluding the last path separator, or "." if there is no path separator.





character vector, containing path names.


Tilde-expansion (see ?path.expand()) of the path will be performed.

Trailing path separators are removed before dissecting the path, and for dirname2() any trailing file separators are removed from the result.


A character vector of the same length as path.

Behaviour on Windows

If path is an empty string, then both dirname2() and basename2() return an emty string.

\ and / are accepted as path separators, and dirname2() does NOT translate the path separators.

Recall that a network share looks like "//host/share" and a drive looks like "d:".

For a path which starts with a network share or drive, the path specification is the portion of the string immediately afterward, e.g. "/path/to/file" is the path specification of "//host/share/path/to/file" and "d:/path/to/file". For a path which does not start with a network share or drive, the path specification is the entire string.

The path specification of a network share will always be empty or absolute, but the path specification of a drive does not have to be, e.g. "d:file" is a valid path despite the fact that the path specification does not start with "/".

If the path specification of path is empty or is "/", then dirname2() will return path and basename2() will return an empty string.

Behaviour under Unix-alikes

If path is an empty string, then both dirname2() and basename2() return an emty string.

Recall that a network share looks like "//host/share".

For a path which starts with a network share, the path specification is the portion of the string immediately afterward, e.g. "/path/to/file" is the path specification of "//host/share/path/to/file". For a path which does not start with a network share, the path specification is the entire string.

If the path specification of path is empty or is "/", then dirname2() will return path and basename2() will return an empty string.


path <- c("/usr/lib", "/usr/", "usr", "/", ".", "..")
x <- cbind(path, dirname = dirname2(path), basename = basename2(path))
print(x, quote = FALSE, = 3)

Check 'this.path()' is Functioning Correctly


Add check.path("path/to/file") to the start of your script to initialize this.path() and check that it is returning the expected path.






further arguments passed to path.join() which must return a character string; the path you expect this.path() or this.dir() to return. The specified path can be as deep as necessary (just the basename, the last directory and the basename, the last two directories and the basename, ...), but do not use an absolute path. this.path() makes R scripts portable, but using an absolute path in check.path() or check.dir() makes an R script non-portable, defeating a major purpose of this package.


check.proj() is a specialized version of check.path() that checks the path up to the project root.


if the expected path / / directory matches this.path() / / this.dir(), then TRUE invisibly, otherwise an error is thrown.


# ## I have a project called 'EOAdjusted'
# ##
# ## Within this project, I have a folder called 'code'
# ## where I place all of my scripts.
# ##
# ## One of these scripts is called 'provrun.R'
# ##
# ## So, at the top of that R script, I could write:
# this.path::check.path("EOAdjusted", "code", "provrun.R")
# ## or:
# this.path::check.path("EOAdjusted/code/provrun.R")

Functions That Enhance the Use of Other Packages


These functions improve the user experience of other packages.


## enchances 'package:box'
with_script_path(expr, local = FALSE, n = 0, envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
    matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
    srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)

## enchances 'package:rprojroot'
make_fix_file(criterion, local = FALSE, n = 0, envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
    matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
    srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)



an expression to evaluate after setting the current script in package:box; most commonly a call to box::use().


argument passed to rprojroot::find_root().

local, n, envir, matchThisEnv, srcfile

See ?this.path().


with_script_path() improves the experience of package:box; it sets the current script in package:box to this.path() using box::set_script_path(), then evaluates its argument, most commonly a package:box import statement.

make_fix_file() improves the experience of package:rprojroot; it looks for a project root starting with this.dir(), then makes a function that constructs file paths against said project root.


for with_script_path(), the result of evaluating expr.

for make_fix_file(), a function with formals (..., .. = 0) that returns a character vector.


# this.path::with_script_path(
# box::use(
#     <import 1>,
#     <import 2>,
#     <...>
# )
# )

# ## replace 'rprojroot::is_r_package' with desired criterion
# fix_file <- this.path::make_fix_file(rprojroot::is_r_package)

File Extensions


splitext() splits an extension from a path.

removeext() removes an extension from a path.

ext() gets the extension of a path.

ext<-() sets the extension of a path.


splitext(path, compression = FALSE)
removeext(path, compression = FALSE)
ext(path, compression = FALSE)
ext(path, compression = FALSE) <- value



character vector, containing path names.


should compression extensions ".gz", ".bz2", and ".xz" be taken into account when removing / / getting an extension?


a character vector, typically of length 1 or length(path), or NULL.


Tilde-expansion (see ?path.expand()) of the path will be performed.

Trailing path separators are removed before dissecting the path.

Except for path <- NA_character_, it will always be true that path == paste0(removeext(path), ext(path)).


for splitext(), a matrix with 2 rows and length(path) columns. The first row will be the roots of the paths, the second row will be the extensions of the paths.

for removeext() and ext(), a character vector the same length as path.

for ext<-(), the updated object.




path <- c("file.tar.gz", "file.tar.bz2", "file.tar.xz")
splitext(path, compression = FALSE)
splitext(path, compression = TRUE)

path <- "this.path_2.5.0.tar.gz"
ext(path) <- ".png"

path <- "this.path_2.5.0.tar.gz"
ext(path, compression = TRUE) <- ".png"

Construct Path to File, Starting With Script's Directory


here() constructs file paths starting with this.dir().

this.proj() constructs file paths starting with the project root of this.dir().

reset.proj() resets the path cache of this.proj(). This can be useful if you create a new project that you would like to be detected without restarting your R session.


here(..., local = FALSE, n = 0,
     envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
     matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
     srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0, .. = 0)

this.proj(..., local = FALSE, n = 0,
          envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
          matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
          srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)


## alias for 'here'
ici(..., local = FALSE, n = 0,
    envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
    matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
    srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0, .. = 0)



further arguments passed to path.join().

local, n, envir, matchThisEnv, srcfile

See ?this.path().


the number of directories to go back.


For this.proj(), the project root has the same criterion as here::here(), but unlike here::here(), this.proj() supports sub-projects and multiple projects in use at once. Additionally, this.proj() is independent of working directory, whereas here::here() relies on the working directory being set somewhere within the project when package:here is loaded. Arguably, this makes it better than here::here().


A character vector of the arguments concatenated term-by-term.


tmpdir <- tempfile(pattern = "dir")

writeLines("this file signifies that its directory is the project root",
    this.path::path.join(tmpdir, ".here"))

FILE.R <- this.path::path.join(tmpdir, "src", "R", "script1.R")
dir.create(this.path::dirname2(FILE.R), recursive = TRUE)
    ## use 'here' to run another script located nearby
    ## or maybe to read input from a file
    this.path::here(.. = 2, "input", "data1.csv")
    ## but sometimes it is easier to use the project root
    ## this allows you to move the R script up or down
    ## a directory without changing the .. number
    this.path::this.proj("input", "data1.csv")
}, FILE.R)

source(FILE.R, echo = TRUE)

unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)

Line Number of Executing Expression


Get the line number of the executing expression.


LINENO(n = 0, envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
       matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
       srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)


n, envir, matchThisEnv, srcfile

See ?this.path().


LINENO() only works if the expressions have a srcref.

Scripts run with Rscript do not store their srcref, even when getOption("keep.source") is TRUE.

For source() and sys.source(), make sure to supply argument keep.source = TRUE directly, or set options "keep.source" and "keep.source.pkgs" to TRUE.

For debugSource() in ‘RStudio’, it has no argument keep.source, so set option "keep.source" to TRUE before calling.

For compiler::loadcmp(), the srcref is never stored for the compiled code, there is nothing that can be done.

For utils::Sweave(), the srcref is never stored, there is nothing that can be done.

For knitr::knit(), the srcref is never stored, there is nothing that can be done. I am looking into a fix.

For package:targets, set option "keep.source" to TRUE before calling associated functions.

For box::use(), plumber::plumb(), shiny::runApp(), and testthat::source_file(), the srcref is always stored.


integer; NA_integer_ if the line number is not found.


You can get a more accurate line number by wrapping LINENO() in braces:

{ LINENO() }


FILE.R <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
## LINENO() respects #line directives
#line 15
#line 1218
cat(sprintf('invalid value %d at %s, line %d\\n',
            -5, try.this.path(), LINENO()))
"), FILE.R)

if (getRversion() >= "4.3.0") {
    source(FILE.R, echo = TRUE, verbose = FALSE,
        max.deparse.length = Inf, keep.source = TRUE)
} else {
    this.path:::.source(FILE.R, echo = TRUE, verbose = FALSE,
        max.deparse.length = Inf, keep.source = TRUE)


Detect the Operating System Type


OS.type is a list of TRUE / / FALSE values dependent on the platform under which this package was built.




A list with at least the following components:


Built under IBM AIX.


Built under Hewlett-Packard HP-UX.


Built under some distribution of Linux.


Built under Apple OSX and iOS (Darwin).


Built under iOS in Xcode simulator.


Built under iOS on iPhone, iPad, etc.


Built under OSX.


Built under Solaris (SunOS).


Built under Cygwin POSIX under Microsoft Windows.


Built under Microsoft Windows.


Built under Microsoft Windows (64-bit).


Built under Microsoft Windows (32-bit).


Built under a UNIX-style OS.


Constructs Path Functions Similar to 'this.path()'


path.functions() accepts a pathname and constructs a set of path-related functions, similar to this.path() and associated.


path.functions(file, local = FALSE, n = 0,
               envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
               matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
               srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)



a character string giving the pathname of the file or URL.

local, n, envir, matchThisEnv, srcfile

See ?this.path().


An environment with at least the following bindings:


Function with formals (original = FALSE, contents = FALSE) which returns the normalized file path, the original file path, or the contents of the file.


Function with no formals which returns the directory of the normalized file path.


Function with formals (..., .. = 0) which constructs file paths, starting with the file's directory.


Function with formals (..., .. = 0) which constructs file paths, starting with the project root.

rel2here, rel2proj

Functions with formals (path) which turn absolute paths into relative paths, against the file's directory / / project root.


Function with no formals which returns the line number of the executing expression in file.

Construct Path to File


Construct the path to a file from components / / paths in a platform-DEPENDENT way.





character vectors.


When constructing a path to a file, the last absolute path is selected and all trailing components are appended. This is different from file.path() where all trailing paths are treated as components.


A character vector of the arguments concatenated term-by-term and separated by "/".


path.join("/", "test1")

path.join("/path/to/file1", "/path/to/file2")

path.join("//host-name/share-name/path/to/file1", "/path/to/file2")

path.join("testing", "/testing", "~", "~/testing", "//host",
    "//host/share", "//host/share/path/to/file", "not-an-abs-path")

path.join("/test1", "test2", "test3")

path.join("test1", "/test2", "test3", "//host/share/test4", "test5",
    "/test6", "test7", "test8", "test9")

Split File Path Into Individual Components


Split the path to a file into components in a platform-DEPENDENT way.





character vector.


character vectors, or one list of character vectors.


for path.split(), a list of character vectors.

for path.split.1() and path.unsplit(), a character vector.


path.unsplit() is NOT the same as path.join().


path <- c(
    ## paths with character encodings
    `Encoding<-`("path/to/fil\xe9", "latin1"),
print(x <- path.split(path))

Make a Path Relative to Another


When working with this.path, you will be dealing with a lot of absolute paths. These paths are not portable for saving within files nor tables, so convert them to relative paths with relpath().


relpath(path, = getwd())

rel2here(path, local = FALSE, n = 0, envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
         matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
         srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)

rel2proj(path, local = FALSE, n = 0,
         envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
         matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
         srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)



character vector of file / / URL pathnames.

character string; the file / / URL pathname to make path relative to.

local, n, envir, matchThisEnv, srcfile

See ?this.path().


Tilde-expansion (see ?path.expand()) is first done on path and

If path and are equivalent, "." will be returned. If path and have no base in common, the normalized path will be returned.


character vector of the same length as path.


## Not run: 
        ## paths which are equivalent will return "."

        ## paths which have no base in common return as themselves

    ), = "/home/effective_user/Documents/this.path/man"

## End(Not run)

Declare GUI's Active Document


set.gui.path() can be used to implement this.path() for arbitrary GUIs. This is similar to set.sys.path() which can be used to implement sys.path() for arbitrary source()-like functions.



thisPathNotExistsError(..., call. = TRUE, domain = NULL,
                       call = .getCurrentCall())

thisPathNotFoundError(..., call. = TRUE, domain = NULL,
                      call = .getCurrentCall())


..., call., domain, call

See details.


thisPathNotExistsError() and thisPathNotFoundError() are provided for use inside set.gui.path(), and should not be used elsewhere.

If no arguments are passed to set.gui.path(), the default behaviour will be restored.

If one argument is passed to set.gui.path(), it must be a function that returns the path of the active document in your GUI. It must accept the following arguments: (verbose, original, for.msg, contents) (default values are unnecessary). This makes sense for a GUI which can edit and run R code from several different documents such as RGui, RStudio, VSCode, and Emacs.

If two or three arguments are passed to set.gui.path(), they must be the name of the GUI, the path of the active document, and optionally a function to get the contents of the document. If provided, the function must accept at least one argument which will be the normalized path of the document. This makes sense for a GUI which can edit and run R code from only one document such as Jupyter and shell.

It is best to call this function as a user hook.

function(pkgname, pkgpath)
}, action = "prepend")

An example for a GUI which can run code from multiple documents:

evalq(envir = new.env(parent = .BaseNamespaceEnv), {
    .guiname <- "myGui"
    .custom_gui_path <- function(verbose, original, for.msg, contents) {
        if (verbose)
            cat("Source: document in", .guiname, "\n")

        ## your GUI needs to know which document is active
        ## and some way to retrieve that document from R
        doc <- <.myGui_activeDocument()>

        ## if no documents are open, 'doc' should be NULL
        ## or some other object to represent no documents open
        if (is.null(doc)) {
            if (for.msg)
            else stop(this.path::thisPathNotExistsError(
                "R is running from ", .guiname, " with no documents open\n",
                " (or document has no path)"))
        else if (contents) {
            ## somehow, get and return the contents of the document
        else {
            ## somehow, get the path of the document
            path <- <doc$path>
            if (nzchar(path)) {
                ## if the path is not normalized, this will normalize it
                if (isTRUE(original))
                else normalizePath(path, "/", TRUE)
                # ## otherwise, you could just do:
                # path
            else if (for.msg)
                ## return "Untitled" possibly translated
                gettext("Untitled", domain = "RGui", trim = FALSE)
                    "document in ", .guiname, " does not exist"))
    ## recommended to prevent tampering
    lockEnvironment(environment(), bindings = TRUE)
    function(pkgname, pkgpath) {
    }, action = "prepend")

An example for a GUI which can run code from only one document:

evalq(envir = new.env(parent = .BaseNamespaceEnv), {
    .guiname <- "myGui"
    .path <- "~/example.R"
    .custom_get_contents <- function(path) {
        ## get the contents of the document
        readLines(path, warn = FALSE)
    ## recommended to prevent tampering
    lockEnvironment(environment(), bindings = TRUE)
    setHook(packageEvent("this.path"), function(pkgname, pkgpath) {
        this.path::set.gui.path(.guiname, .path, .custom_get_contents)
    }, action = "prepend")
    # ## if your GUI does not have/need a .custom_get_contents
    # ## function, then this works just as well:
    # setHook(packageEvent("this.path"), function(pkgname, pkgpath) {
    #     this.path::set.gui.path(.guiname, .path)
    # }, action = "prepend")


a list of the previous settings for set.gui.path(), similar to options().

Declare Executing 'Jupyter' Notebook's Filename


this.path() does some guess work to determine the path of the executing notebook in ‘Jupyter’. This involves listing all the files in the initial working directory, filtering those which are R notebooks, then filtering those with contents matching the top-level expression.

This could possibly select the wrong file if the same top-level expression is found in another file. As such, you can use set.jupyter.path() to declare the executing ‘Jupyter’ notebook's filename.





further arguments passed to path.join(). If no arguments are provided or exactly one argument is provided that is NA or NULL, the ‘Jupyter’ path is unset.


This function may only be called from a top-level context in ‘Jupyter’. It is recommended that you do NOT provide an absolute path. Instead, provide just the basename and the directory will be determined by the initial working directory.


character string, invisibly; the declared path for ‘Jupyter’.


# ## if you opened the file "~/file50b816a24ec1.ipynb", the initial
# ## working directory should be "~". You can write:
# set.jupyter.path("file50b816a24ec1.ipynb")
# ## and then this.path() will return "~/file50b816a24ec1.ipynb"

Implement 'this.path()' For Arbitrary 'source()'-Like Functions


sys.path() is implemented to work with these functions and packages:

set.sys.path() can be used to implement sys.path() for any other source()-like functions.

set.env.path() and set.src.path() can be used alongside set.sys.path() to implement env.path() and src.path(), thereby fully implementing this.path(). Note that set.env.path() only makes sense if the code is being modularized, see Examples.

unset.sys.path() will undo a call to set.sys.path(). You will need to use this if you wish to call set.sys.path() multiple times within a function.

set.sys.path.function() is a special variant of set.sys.path() to be called within callr::r() on a function with an appropriate srcref.

with_sys.path() is a convenient way to evaluate code within the context of a file. Whereas set.sys.path() can only be used within a function, with_sys.path() can only be used outside a function.

See ?sys.path(local = TRUE) which returns the path of the executing script, confining the search to the local environment in which set.sys.path() was called.

wrap.source() should not be used, save for one specific use-case. See details.


    path.only = FALSE,
    character.only = path.only,
    file.only = path.only,
    conv2utf8 = FALSE,
    allow.blank.string = FALSE,
    allow.clipboard = !file.only,
    allow.stdin = !file.only,
    allow.url = !file.only,
    allow.file.uri = !path.only,
    allow.unz = !path.only,
    allow.pipe = !file.only,
    allow.terminal = !file.only,
    allow.textConnection = !file.only,
    allow.rawConnection = !file.only,
    allow.sockconn = !file.only,
    allow.servsockconn = !file.only,
    allow.customConnection = !file.only,
    ignore.all = FALSE,
    ignore.blank.string = ignore.all,
    ignore.clipboard = ignore.all,
    ignore.stdin = ignore.all,
    ignore.url = ignore.all,
    ignore.file.uri = ignore.all,
    Function = NULL, ofile)

set.env.path(envir, matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"))




with_sys.path(file, expr, ...)

    path.only = FALSE,
    character.only = path.only,
    file.only = path.only,
    conv2utf8 = FALSE,
    allow.blank.string = FALSE,
    allow.clipboard = !file.only,
    allow.stdin = !file.only,
    allow.url = !file.only,
    allow.file.uri = !path.only,
    allow.unz = !path.only,
    allow.pipe = !file.only,
    allow.terminal = !file.only,
    allow.textConnection = !file.only,
    allow.rawConnection = !file.only,
    allow.sockconn = !file.only,
    allow.servsockconn = !file.only,
    allow.customConnection = !file.only,
    ignore.all = FALSE,
    ignore.blank.string = ignore.all,
    ignore.clipboard = ignore.all,
    ignore.stdin = ignore.all,
    ignore.url = ignore.all,
    ignore.file.uri = ignore.all)



for with_sys.path(), an expression to evaluate within the context of a file.

for wrap.source(), an (unevaluated) call to a source()-like function.


a connection or a character string giving the pathname of the file or URL to read from.


must file be an existing path? This implies character.only and file.only are TRUE and implies allow.file.uri and allow.unz are FALSE, though these can be manually changed.


must file be a character string?


must file refer to an existing file?


if file is a character string, should it be converted to UTF-8?


may file be a blank string, i.e. ""?


may file be "clipboard" or a clipboard connection?


may file be "stdin"? Note that "stdin" refers to the C-level ‘standard input’ of the process, differing from stdin() which refers to the R-level ‘standard input’.


may file be a URL pathname or a connection of class "url-libcurl" / / "url-wininet"?


may file be a ‘⁠file://⁠’ URL?

allow.unz, allow.pipe, allow.terminal, allow.textConnection, allow.rawConnection, allow.sockconn, allow.servsockconn

may file be a connection of class "unz" / / "pipe" / / "terminal" / / "textConnection" / / "rawConnection" / / "sockconn" / / "servsockconn"?


may file be a custom connection?

ignore.all, ignore.blank.string, ignore.clipboard, ignore.stdin, ignore.url, ignore.file.uri

ignore the special meaning of these types of strings, treating it as a path instead?


character vector of length 1 or 2; the name of the function and package in which set.sys.path() is called.


a connection or a character string specifying the original file argument. This overwrites the value returned by sys.path(original = TRUE).

envir, matchThisEnv

arguments passed to topenv() to determine the top level environment in which to assign an associated path.


source file in which to assign a pathname.


function with a srcref.


further arguments passed to set.sys.path().


set.sys.path() should be added to the body of your source()-like function before reading / / evaluating the expressions.

wrap.source(), unlike set.sys.path(), does not accept an argument file. Instead, an attempt is made to extract the file from expr, after which expr is evaluated. It is assumed that the file is the first argument of the function, as is the case with most source()-like functions. The function of the call is evaluated, its formals() are retrieved, and then the arguments of expr are searched for a name matching the name of the first formal argument. If a match cannot be found by name, the first unnamed argument is taken instead. If no such argument exists, the file is assumed missing.

wrap.source() does non-standard evaluation and does some guess work to determine the file. As such, it is less desirable than set.sys.path() when the option is available. I can think of exactly one scenario in which wrap.source() might be preferable: suppose there is a source()-like function sourcelike() in a foreign package (a package for which you do not have write permission). Suppose that you write your own function in which the formals are (...) to wrap sourcelike():

wrapper <- function (...)
    ## possibly more args to wrap.source()

This is the only scenario in which wrap.source() is preferable, since extracting the file from the ... list would be a pain. Then again, you could simply change the formals of wrapper() from (...) to (file, ...). If this does not describe your exact scenario, use set.sys.path() instead.


for set.sys.path(), if file is a path, then the normalized path with the same attributes, otherwise file itself. The return value of set.sys.path() should be assigned to a variable before use, something like:

    file <- set.sys.path(file, ...)

for wrap.source(), the result of evaluating expr.

Using 'ofile'

ofile can be used when the file argument supplied to set.sys.path() is not the same as the file argument supplied to the source()-like function:

sourcelike <- function (file)
    ofile <- file
    if (!is.character(ofile) || length(ofile) != 1)
        stop(gettextf("'%s' must be a character string", "file"))
    ## if the file exists, do nothing
    if (file.exists(file)) {
    ## look for the file in the home directory
    ## if it exists, do nothing
    else if (file.exists(file <- this.path::path.join("~", ofile))) {
    ## you could add other directories to look in,
    ## but this is good enough for an example
    else stop(gettextf("'%s' is not an existing file", ofile))
    file <- this.path::set.sys.path(file, ofile = ofile)
    exprs <- parse(n = -1, file = file)
    for (i in seq_along(exprs)) eval(exprs[i], envir)


FILE.R <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
    this.path::sys.path(verbose = TRUE)
    try(this.path::env.path(verbose = TRUE))
    this.path::src.path(verbose = TRUE)
    this.path::this.path(verbose = TRUE)
}, FILE.R)

## here we have a source-like function, suppose this
## function is in a package for which you have write permission
sourcelike <- function (file, envir = parent.frame())
    ofile <- file
    file <- set.sys.path(file, Function = "sourcelike")
    lines <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE)
    filename <- sys.path(local = TRUE, for.msg = TRUE)
    isFile <- !
    if (isFile) {
        timestamp <- file.mtime(filename)[1]
        ## in case 'ofile' is a URL pathname / / 'unz' connection
        if (
            timestamp <- Sys.time()
    else {
        filename <- if (is.character(ofile)) ofile else "<connection>"
        timestamp <- Sys.time()
    srcfile <- srcfilecopy(filename, lines, timestamp, isFile)
    exprs <- parse(text = lines, srcfile = srcfile, keep.source = FALSE)
    invisible(source.exprs(exprs, evaluated = TRUE, envir = envir))

sourcelike(conn <- file(FILE.R)); close(conn)

## here we have another source-like function, suppose this function
## is in a foreign package for which you do not have write permission
sourcelike2 <- function (pathname, envir = globalenv())
    if (!(is.character(pathname) && file.exists(pathname)))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' is not an existing file",
             pathname, domain = "R-base"))
    envir <- as.environment(envir)
    lines <- readLines(pathname, warn = FALSE)
    srcfile <- srcfilecopy(pathname, lines, isFile = TRUE)
    exprs <- parse(text = lines, srcfile = srcfile, keep.source = FALSE)
    invisible(source.exprs(exprs, evaluated = TRUE, envir = envir))

## the above function is similar to sys.source(), and it
## expects a character string referring to an existing file
## with the following, you should be able
## to use 'sys.path()' within 'FILE.R':
wrap.source(sourcelike2(FILE.R), path.only = TRUE)

# ## with R >= 4.1.0, use the forward pipe operator '|>' to
# ## make calls to 'wrap.source' more intuitive:
# sourcelike2(FILE.R) |> wrap.source(path.only = TRUE)

## 'wrap.source' can recognize arguments by name, so they
## do not need to appear in the same order as the formals
wrap.source(sourcelike2(envir = new.env(), pathname = FILE.R),
    path.only = TRUE)

## it it much easier to define a new function to do this
sourcelike3 <- function (...)
wrap.source(sourcelike2(...), path.only = TRUE)

## the same as before

## however, this is preferable:
sourcelike4 <- function (pathname, ...)
    ## pathname is now normalized
    pathname <- set.sys.path(pathname, path.only = TRUE)
    sourcelike2(pathname = pathname, ...)

## perhaps you wish to run several scripts in the same function
fun <- function (paths, ...)
    for (pathname in paths) {
        pathname <- set.sys.path(pathname, path.only = TRUE)
        sourcelike2(pathname = pathname, ...)

## here we have a source-like function which modularizes its code
sourcelike5 <- function (file)
    ofile <- file
    file <- set.sys.path(file, Function = "sourcelike5")
    lines <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE)
    filename <- sys.path(local = TRUE, for.msg = TRUE)
    isFile <- !
    if (isFile) {
        timestamp <- file.mtime(filename)[1]
        ## in case 'ofile' is a URL pathname / / 'unz' connection
        if (
            timestamp <- Sys.time()
    else {
        filename <- if (is.character(ofile)) ofile else "<connection>"
        timestamp <- Sys.time()
    srcfile <- srcfilecopy(filename, lines, timestamp, isFile)
    envir <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = .BaseNamespaceEnv)
    envir$.packageName <- filename
    oopt <- options(topLevelEnvironment = envir)
    exprs <- parse(text = lines, srcfile = srcfile, keep.source = FALSE)
    source.exprs(exprs, evaluated = TRUE, envir = envir)


## the code can be made much simpler in some cases
sourcelike6 <- function (file)
    ## we expect a character string refering to a file
    ofile <- file
    filename <- set.sys.path(file, path.only = TRUE, ignore.all = TRUE,
        Function = "sourcelike6")
    lines <- readLines(filename, warn = FALSE)
    timestamp <- file.mtime(filename)[1]
    srcfile <- srcfilecopy(filename, lines, timestamp, isFile = TRUE)
    envir <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = .BaseNamespaceEnv)
    envir$.packageName <- filename
    oopt <- options(topLevelEnvironment = envir)
    exprs <- parse(text = lines, srcfile = srcfile, keep.source = FALSE)
    source.exprs(exprs, evaluated = TRUE, envir = envir)



Get 'FILE' Provided to R by a Shell


Look through the command line arguments, extracting FILE from either of the following: -f FILE or --file=FILE


shFILE(original = FALSE, for.msg = FALSE, default, else.)



TRUE, FALSE, or NA; should the original or the normalized path be returned? NA means the normalized path will be returned if it has already been forced, and the original path otherwise.


TRUE or FALSE; do you want the path for the purpose of printing a diagnostic message / / warning / / error? for.msg = TRUE will ignore original = FALSE, and will use original = NA instead.


if FILE is not found, this value is returned.


missing or a function to apply if FILE is found. See tryCatch2() for inspiration.


character string, or default if FILE was not found.


The original and the normalized path are saved; this makes them faster when called subsequent times.

On Windows, the normalized path will use / as the file separator.

See Also

this.path(), here()


FILE.R <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
        shFILE(original = TRUE)
        shFILE(default = {
            stop("since 'FILE.R' will be found,\n",
                 "this error will not be thrown")
    }, spaced = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, width.cutoff = 60L)
}, FILE.R)
    c("--default-packages=this.path", "--vanilla", FILE.R)

for (expr in c("shFILE(original = TRUE)",
               "shFILE(original = TRUE, default = NULL)",
               "shFILE(default = NULL)"))
        c("--default-packages=this.path", "--vanilla", "-e", expr)

Files Related to Initialization of the R Session


site.file() and init.file() return the normalized paths of the site-wide startup profile file and the user profile that were run at startup.

with_init.file() declares that the current script is the user profile then evaluates and auto-prints the sub-expressions of its argument.


site.file(original = FALSE, for.msg = FALSE, default, else.)
init.file(original = FALSE, for.msg = FALSE, default, else.)



original, for.msg, default, else.

Same as shFILE().


a braced expression, the sub-expressions of which to evaluate and auto-print.


for site.file() and init.file(), a character string, or default if it was not found.

for with_site.file() and with_init.file(), NULL invisibly.


with_site.file() is unneeded now that the site-wide startup profile file can be automatically detected.


## if you wish to use this.path() in a user profile,
## instead of writing:
## <expr 1>
## <expr 2>
## <...>
## write this:
## this.path::with_init.file({
## <expr 1>
## <expr 2>
## <...>
## })

Determine Script's Filename


this.path() returns the normalized path of the script in which it was written.

this.dir() returns the directory of this.path().


this.path(verbose = getOption("verbose"), original = FALSE,
          for.msg = FALSE, contents = FALSE, local = FALSE,
          n = 0, envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
          matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
          srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0,
          default, else.)

this.dir(verbose = getOption("verbose"), local = FALSE,
         n = 0, envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
         matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
         srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0,
         default, else.)



TRUE or FALSE; should the method in which the path was determined be printed?


TRUE, FALSE, or NA; should the original or the normalized path be returned? NA means the normalized path will be returned if it has already been forced, and the original path otherwise.


TRUE or FALSE; do you want the path for the purpose of printing a diagnostic message / / warning / / error? This will return NA_character_ in most cases where an error would have been thrown.

for.msg = TRUE will ignore original = FALSE, and will use original = NA instead.


TRUE or FALSE; should the contents of the script be returned instead?

In ‘Jupyter’, a list of character vectors will be returned, the contents separated into cells. Otherwise, a character vector will be returned. If the executing script cannot be determined and for.msg is TRUE, NULL will be returned.

You could use as.character(unlist(this.path(contents = TRUE))) if you require a character vector.

This is intended for logging purposes. This is useful in ‘Rgui’, ‘RStudio’, ‘VSCode’, and ‘Emacs’ when the source document has contents but no path.


TRUE or FALSE; should the search for the executing script be confined to the local environment in which set.sys.path() was called?


the number of additional generations to go back. By default, this.path() will look for a path based on the srcref of the call to this.path() and the environment in which this.path() was called. This can be changed to be based on the srcref of the call and the calling environment n generations up the stack. See section Argument 'n' for more details.

envir, matchThisEnv

arguments passed to topenv() to determine the top level environment in which to search for an associated path.


source file in which to search for a pathname, or an object containing a source file. This includes a source reference, a call, an expression object, or a closure.


this value is returned if there is no executing script.


function to apply if there is an executing script. See tryCatch2() for inspiration.


this.path() starts by examining argument srcfile. It looks at the bindings filename and wd to determine the associated file path. A source file of class "srcfilecopy" in which binding isFile is FALSE will be ignored. A source file of class "srcfilealias" will use the aliased filename in determining the associated path. Filenames such as "", "clipboard", and "stdin" will be ignored since they do not refer to files.

If it does not find a path associated with srcfile, it will next examine arguments envir and matchThisEnv. Specifically, it calculates topenv(envir, matchThisEnv) then looks for an associated path. It will find a path associated with the top level environment in two ways:

  • from a package:box module's namespace

  • from an attribute "path"

If it does not find an associated path with envir and matchThisEnv, it will next examine the call stack looking for a source call; a call to one of these functions:

If a source call is found, the file argument is returned from the function's evaluation environment. If you have your own source()-like function that you would like to be recognized by this.path(), please use set.sys.path() or contact the package maintainer so that it can be implemented.

If no source call is found up the calling stack, it will next examine the GUI in use. If R is running from:

a shell, such as the Windows command-line / / Unix terminal

then the shell arguments are searched for -f FILE or --file=FILE (the two methods of taking input from FILE) (-f - and --file=- are ignored). The last FILE is extracted and returned. If no arguments of either type are supplied, an error is thrown.

If R is running from a shell under a Unix-alike with -g Tk or --gui=Tk, an error is thrown. ‘Tk’ does not make use of its -f FILE, --file=FILE arguments.


then the source document's filename (the document most recently interacted with) is returned (at the time of evaluation). Please note that minimized documents WILL be included when looking for the most recently used document. It is important to not leave the current document (either by closing the document or interacting with another document) while any calls to this.path() have yet to be evaluated in the run selection. If no documents are open or the source document does not exist (not saved anywhere), an error is thrown.


then the active document's filename (the document in which the cursor is active) is returned (at the time of evaluation). If the active document is the R console, the source document's filename (the document open in the current tab) is returned (at the time of evaluation). Please note that the source document will NEVER be a document open in another window (with the Show in new window button). Please also note that an active document open in another window can sometimes lose focus and become inactive, thus returning the incorrect path. It is best NOT to not run R code from a document open in another window. It is important to not leave the current tab (either by closing or switching tabs) while any calls to this.path() have yet to be evaluated in the run selection. If no documents are open or the source document does not exist (not saved anywhere), an error is thrown.


then the source document's filename is returned (at the time of evaluation). It is important to not leave the current tab (either by closing or switching tabs) while any calls to this.path() have yet to be evaluated in the run selection. If no documents are open or the source document does not exist (not saved anywhere), an error is thrown.


then the source document's filename is guessed by looking for R notebooks in the initial working directory, then searching the contents of those files for an expression matching the top-level expression. Please be sure to save your notebook before using this.path(), or explicitly use set.jupyter.path().


then the source document's filename is returned (at the time of evaluation). ‘Emacs’ must be running as a server, either by running (server-start) (consider adding to your ‘~/.emacs’ file) or typing M-x server-start. It is important to not leave the current window (either by closing or switching buffers) while any calls to this.path() have yet to be evaluated in the run selection. If multiple frames are active, this.path() will pick the first frame containing the corresponding R session.

If multiple ‘Emacs’ sessions are active, this.path() will only work in the primary session due to limitations in

‘emacsclient’. If you want to run multiple R sessions, it is better to run one ‘Emacs’ session with multiple frames, one R session per frame. Use M-x make-frame to make a new frame, or C-x 5 f to visit a file in a new frame.

Additionally, never use C-c C-b to send the current buffer to the R process. This copies the buffer contents to a new file which is then source()-ed. The source references now point to the wrong file. Instead, use C-x h to select the entire buffer then C-c C-r to evaluate the selection.


then the executing script's path cannot be determined. Unlike ‘Rgui’, ‘RStudio’, ‘VSCode’, ‘Jupyter’, and ‘Emacs’, there is currently no way to request the path of an open document. Until such a time that there is a method for requesting the path of an open document, consider using another GUI.

If R is running in another manner, an error is thrown.

If your GUI of choice is not implemented with this.path(), please contact the package maintainer so that it can be implemented.


character string.

Argument 'n'

By default, this.path() will look for a path based on the srcref of the call to this.path() and the environment in which this.path() was called. For example:

#line 1 "file1.R"
fun <- function() this.path::this.path(original = TRUE)

#line 1 "file2.R"

Both of these will return "file1.R" because that is where the call to this.path() is written.

But suppose we do not care to know where this.path() is called, but instead want to know where fun() is called. Pass argument n = 1; this.path() will inspect the call and the calling environment one generation up the stack:

#line 1 "file1.R"
fun <- function() this.path::this.path(original = TRUE, n = 1)

#line 1 "file2.R"

These will return "file1.R" and "file2.R", respectively, because those are where the calls to fun() are written.

But now suppose we wish to make a second function that uses fun(). We do not care to know where fun() is called, but instead want to know where fun2() is called. Add a formal argument n = 0 to each function and pass n = n + 1 to each sub-function:

#line 1 "file1.R"
fun <- function(n = 0) {
    this.path::this.path(original = TRUE, n = n + 1)

#line 1 "file2.R"
fun2 <- function(n = 0) fun(n = n + 1)
list(fun = fun(), fun2 = fun2())

#line 1 "file3.R"
fun3 <- function(n = 0) fun2(n = n + 1)
list(fun = fun(), fun2 = fun2(), fun3 = fun3())

Within each file, all these functions will return the path in which they are called, regardless of how deep this.path() is called.


If you need to use this.path() inside a user profile, please use with_init.file(). i.e. instead of writing:

<expr 1>
<expr 2>

write this:

<expr 1>
<expr 2>

See Also




FILE1.R <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
writeLines("writeLines(sQuote(this.path::this.path()))", FILE1.R)

## 'this.path()' works with 'source()'

## 'this.path()' works with 'sys.source()'
sys.source(FILE1.R, envir = environment())

## 'this.path()' works with 'debugSource()' in 'RStudio'
if (.Platform$GUI == "RStudio")
    get("debugSource", "tools:rstudio", inherits = FALSE)(FILE1.R)

## 'this.path()' works with 'testthat::source_file()'
if (requireNamespace("testthat"))
    testthat::source_file(FILE1.R, chdir = FALSE, wrap = FALSE)

## 'this.path()' works with 'compiler::loadcmp()'
if (requireNamespace("compiler")) {
    FILE2.Rc <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rc")
    compiler::cmpfile(FILE1.R, FILE2.Rc)

## 'this.path()' works with 'Rscript'
this.path:::.Rscript(c("--default-packages=NULL", "--vanilla", FILE1.R))

## 'this.path()' also works when 'source()'-ing a URL
## (included tryCatch in case an internet connection is not available)
}, condition = this.path:::.cat_condition)


Attempt to Determine Script's Filename


try.this.path() attempts to return this.path(), returning this.path(original = TRUE) if that fails, returning NA_character_ if that fails as well.


try.this.path(contents = FALSE, local = FALSE, n = 0,
              envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
              matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
              srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)



contents, local, n, envir, matchThisEnv, srcfile

See ?this.path().


This should NOT be used to construct file paths against the script's directory. This should exclusively be used for diagnostic messages / / warnings / / errors / / logging. The returned path may not exist, may be relative instead of absolute, or may be undefined.


character string.


try.this.path(contents = TRUE)