support.CEs 2023-11-03
- Added the function ce.dataset.
support.CEs 2023-08-11
- Added the function ce.response.
support.CEs 2021-01-07
- Fixed the function mwtp.
- Removed the function
- Modified help files.
support.CEs 2015-08-27
support.CEs 2015-08-26
- Added the function
support.CEs 2015-04-27
- Changed maintainer's email address.
support.CEs 2014-06-22
- Changed maintainer's email address.
support.CEs 2014-03-13
- Modified the function gofm.
It also returns AIC and BIC.
- Modified the function mwtp.
The delta method is available to calculate the confidence intervals of MWTPs.
Argument method is added.
Argument confidence.level is added.
Argument percentile.points is only kept for giving an error message regarding unused argument. It will be removed. Argument confidence.level is used instead.
- Added three synthetic data sets: rice, pork, and rural.
support.CEs 2012-11-08
- Modified the functions questionnaire,, mwtp, and gofm.
These are also available for binary choice experiments.
The functions questionnaire and handle a common base option.
The function questionnaire can print choice sets without quotation marks.
The function mwtp returns a matrix of replicated estimates.
- Added a synthetic data set syn.res3 for binary choice experiments.
support.CEs 2012-09-19
- Modified the function questionnaire.
- Added the citation file.
support.CEs 2012-06-14
- Modified the functions questionnaire and make.dataset to remove notes when checking R code.
- Modified the functions print.mwtp and make.dataset.
support.CEs 2012-05-28
- Modified the output from the design functions.
These return an object of S3 class "cedes."
- Modified the output from the function gofm.
It returns an object of S3 class "gofm."
- Modified the argument in the function mwtp.
Argument decimal.places is deleted.
- Modified the output from the function mwtp.
It returns an object of S3 class "mwtp."
Structure of the output is modified.
support.CEs 2012-03-06
- Modified the output from the functions or
A component design.information is added to the output.
- Modified the arguments in the functions questionnaire and
Arguments nblocks, nquestions, nalternatives, and nattributes are
automatically set on the basis of design.information included
in the output from the design functions.
- Modified syn.res1 and syn.res2.
support.CEs 2011-07-14