Package 'stringformattr'

Title: Dynamic String Formatting
Description: Pass named and unnamed character vectors into specified positions in strings. This represents an attempt to replicate some of python's string formatting.
Authors: Alexander Hoyle
Maintainer: Alexander Hoyle <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.1.2
Built: 2025-03-08 06:05:18 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Concatenate two strings.


%p% and %s% are wrappers for paste0(..., collapse = '') and paste(..., collapse = ' '), respectively, which combine two character vectors.


x %p% y

x %s% y


x, y

A character vector


'the quick brown fox jum' %p% 'ped over the lazy dog'

gen_sql <- function(column, table) "SELECT" %s% column %s% "FROM" %s% table

Pass variables into strings


Pass variables into strings using pairs of curly brackets to identify points of insertion.


string %f% args



A character vector


A (possibly named) atomic vector


# order matters when not using a named vector
'the quick {} fox jumped {} the lazy {}' %f% c('brown', 'over', 'dog')

# use a named vector to insert values by referencing them in the string
gen_sql_query <- function(column, table, id){
    query <- "SELECT {col} FROM {tab} WHERE pk = {id}"
    query %f% c(col = column, tab = table, id = id)

gen_sql_query('LASTNAME', 'STUDENTS', '12345')

# `%f%` is vectorized
v <- c('{vegetable}', '{animal}', '{mineral}', '{animal} and {mineral}')
v %f% c(vegetable = 'carrot', animal = 'porpoise', mineral = 'salt')

# if the number of replacements is larger than the length of unnamed arguments,
# `%f%` will recycle the arguments (and give a warning)
c('{} {}', '{} {} {}', '{}') %f% c(0, 1)

# > "0 1" "0 1 0" "0"