Package 'statespacer'

Title: State Space Modelling in 'R'
Description: A tool that makes estimating models in state space form a breeze. See "Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods" by Durbin and Koopman (2012, ISBN: 978-0-19-964117-8) for details about the algorithms implemented.
Authors: Dylan Beijers [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dylan Beijers <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.5.0
Built: 2025-02-23 06:57:45 UTC
Source: CRAN

Help Index

Combine Matrices into a Block Diagonal Matrix


Creates a block diagonal matrix with its arguments as the blocks.





Matrices that should be put on the diagonal.


BlockMatrix() tries to coerce its arguments to a matrix, using as.matrix.


Block diagonal matrix having the specified matrices on its diagonal.


Dylan Beijers, [email protected]


BlockMatrix(diag(ceiling(9 * stats::runif(5))), matrix(1:8, 4, 2), c(14, 8))

Construct a Valid Variance - Covariance Matrix


Constructs a valid variance - covariance matrix by using the Cholesky LDL decomposition.


Cholesky(param = NULL, format = NULL, decompositions = TRUE)



Vector containing the parameters used to construct the variance - covariance matrix.


Matrix representing the format for the Loading matrix L and Diagonal matrix D. The lower triangular part of the format is used as the format for the Loading matrix L. The diagonal of the format is used as the format for the Diagonal matrix D. Must be a matrix.


Boolean indicating whether the loading and diagonal matrix of the Cholesky decomposition, and the correlation matrix and standard deviations should be returned.


format is used to specify which elements of the loading and diagonal matrix should be non-zero. The elements of param are then distributed along the non-zero elements of the loading and diagonal matrix. The parameters for the diagonal matrix are transformed using exp(2 * x).


A valid variance - covariance matrix. If decompositions = TRUE then it returns a list containing:

  • cov_mat: The variance - covariance matrix.

  • loading_matrix: The loading matrix of the Cholesky decomposition.

  • diagonal_matrix: The diagonal matrix of the Cholesky decomposition.

  • correlation_matrix: Matrix containing the correlations.

  • stdev_matrix: Matrix containing the standard deviations on the diagonal.


Dylan Beijers, [email protected]


format <- diag(1, 2, 2)
format[2, 1] <- 1
Cholesky(param = c(2, 4, 1), format = format, decompositions = TRUE)

Transform arbitrary matrices into ARMA coefficient matrices


Creates coefficient matrices for which the characteristic polynomial corresponds to a stationary process. See Ansley and Kohn (1986) for details about the transformation used.


CoeffARMA(A, variance = NULL, ar = 1, ma = 0)



An array of arbitrary square matrices in the multivariate case, or a vector of arbitrary numbers in the univariate case.


A variance - covariance matrix. Note: variance not needed for the univariate case!


The order of the AR part.


The order of the MA part.


If multivariate, a list containing:

  • An array of coefficient matrices for the AR part.

  • An array of coefficient matrices for the MA part.

If univariate, a list containing:

  • A vector of coefficients for the AR part.

  • A vector of coefficients for the MA part.


Dylan Beijers, [email protected]


Ansley CF, Kohn R (1986). “A note on reparameterizing a vector autoregressive moving average model to enforce stationarity.” Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 24(2), 99–106.


CoeffARMA(A = stats::rnorm(2), ar = 1, ma = 1)

Federal Reserve Interest Rates


A dataset containing the interest rates of the Federal Reserve, from January 1982 up to April 2022. The interest rates are market yields on United States Treasury securities with constant maturity (CMT). The maturities contained in this dataset are the 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, and 10 years maturities. Each interest rate is quoted on investment basis, and are reported monthly.




A data frame with 484 rows and 9 variables:


The month of the quoted interest rates, format is yyyy-mm-dd


Market yield on U.S. Treasury securities at 3-month constant maturity, quoted on investment basis, in percent per year.


Market yield on U.S. Treasury securities at 6-month constant maturity, quoted on investment basis, in percent per year.


Market yield on U.S. Treasury securities at 1-year constant maturity, quoted on investment basis, in percent per year.


Market yield on U.S. Treasury securities at 2-year constant maturity, quoted on investment basis, in percent per year.


Market yield on U.S. Treasury securities at 3-year constant maturity, quoted on investment basis, in percent per year.


Market yield on U.S. Treasury securities at 5-year constant maturity, quoted on investment basis, in percent per year.


Market yield on U.S. Treasury securities at 7-year constant maturity, quoted on investment basis, in percent per year.


Market yield on U.S. Treasury securities at 10-year constant maturity, quoted on investment basis, in percent per year.




State Space Model Forecasting


Produces forecasts and out of sample simulations using a fitted State Space Model.


## S3 method for class 'statespacer'
  addvar_list_fc = NULL,
  level_addvar_list_fc = NULL,
  self_spec_list_fc = NULL,
  forecast_period = 1,
  nsim = 0,



A statespacer object as returned by statespacer.


A list containing the explanatory variables for each of the dependent variables. The list should contain p (number of dependent variables) elements. Each element of the list should be a forecast_period x k_p matrix, with k_p being the number of explanatory variables for the pth dependent variable. If no explanatory variables should be added for one of the dependent variables, then set the corresponding element to NULL.


A list containing the explanatory variables for each of the dependent variables. The list should contain p (number of dependent variables) elements. Each element of the list should be a forecast_period x k_p matrix, with k_p being the number of explanatory variables for the pth dependent variable. If no explanatory variables should be added for one of the dependent variables, then set the corresponding element to NULL.


A list containing the specification of the self specified component. Does not have to be specified if it does not differ from self_spec_list as passed on to statespacer. If some system matrices are time-varying then you should specify this argument. See statespacer for details about the format that must be followed for this argument.


Number of time steps to forecast ahead.


Number of simulations to generate over the forecast period.


Arguments passed on to the predict generic. Should not be used!


A list containing the forecasts and corresponding uncertainties. In addition, it returns the components of the forecasts, as specified by the State Space model.


Dylan Beijers, [email protected]


Durbin J, Koopman SJ (2012). Time series analysis by state space methods. Oxford university press.


# Fit a SARIMA model on the AirPassengers data
Data <- matrix(log(AirPassengers))
sarima_list <- list(list(s = c(12, 1), ar = c(0, 0), i = c(1, 1), ma = c(1, 1)))
fit <- statespacer(y = Data, 
                   H_format = matrix(0), 
                   sarima_list = sarima_list, 
                   initial = c(0.5*log(var(diff(Data))), 0, 0))

# Obtain forecasts for 100 steps ahead using the fitted model
fc <- predict(fit, forecast_period = 100, nsim = 10)

# Plot the forecasts and one of the simulation paths
plot(fc$y_fc, type = 'l')
lines(fc$sim$y[, 1, 1], type = 'p')

Generating Random Samples using the Simulation Smoother


Draws random samples of the specified model conditional on the observed data.


SimSmoother(object, nsim = 1, components = TRUE)



A statespacer object as returned by statespacer.


Number of random samples to draw. Defaults to 1.


Boolean indicating whether the components of the model should be extracted in each of the random samples.


A list containing the simulated state parameters and disturbances. In addition, it returns the components as specified by the State Space model if components = TRUE. Each of the objects are arrays, where the first dimension equals the number of time points, the second dimension the number of state parameters, disturbances, or dependent variables, and the third dimension equals the number of random samples nsim.


Dylan Beijers, [email protected]


# Fits a local level model for the Nile data
y <- matrix(Nile)
fit <- statespacer(initial = 10, y = y, local_level_ind = TRUE)

# Obtain random sample using the fitted model
sim <- SimSmoother(fit, nsim = 1, components = TRUE)

# Plot the simulated level against the smoothed level of the original data
plot(sim$level[, 1, 1], type = 'p')
lines(fit$smoothed$level, type = 'l')

State Space Model Fitting


Fits a State Space model as specified by the user.


  H_format = NULL,
  local_level_ind = FALSE,
  slope_ind = FALSE,
  BSM_vec = NULL,
  cycle_ind = FALSE,
  addvar_list = NULL,
  level_addvar_list = NULL,
  arima_list = NULL,
  sarima_list = NULL,
  self_spec_list = NULL,
  exclude_level = NULL,
  exclude_slope = NULL,
  exclude_BSM_list = lapply(BSM_vec, function(x) 0),
  exclude_cycle_list = list(0),
  exclude_arima_list = lapply(arima_list, function(x) 0),
  exclude_sarima_list = lapply(sarima_list, function(x) 0),
  damping_factor_ind = rep(TRUE, length(exclude_cycle_list)),
  format_level = NULL,
  format_slope = NULL,
  format_BSM_list = lapply(BSM_vec, function(x) NULL),
  format_cycle_list = lapply(exclude_cycle_list, function(x) NULL),
  format_addvar = NULL,
  format_level_addvar = NULL,
  fit = TRUE,
  initial = 0,
  method = "BFGS",
  control = list(),
  collapse = FALSE,
  diagnostics = TRUE,
  standard_errors = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



N x p matrix containing the N observations of the p dependent variables.


Format of the H system matrix, the variance - covariance matrix of the observation equation.


Boolean indicating whether a local level should be added to the state space model.


Boolean indicating whether a local level + slope should be added to the state space model.


Vector containing the BSM seasonalities that have to be added to the state space model.


Boolean indicating whether a cycle has to be added to the state space model.


A list containing the explanatory variables for each of the dependent variables. The list should contain p (number of dependent variables) elements. Each element of the list should be a N x k_p matrix, with k_p being the number of explanatory variables for the pth dependent variable. If no explanatory variables should be added for one of the dependent variables, then set the corresponding element to NULL.


A list containing the explanatory variables for each of the dependent variables. The list should contain p (number of dependent variables) elements. Each element of the list should be a N x k_p matrix, with k_p being the number of explanatory variables for the pth dependent variable. If no explanatory variables should be added for one of the dependent variables, then set the corresponding element to NULL.


Specifications of the ARIMA components, should be a list containing vectors of length 3 with the following format: c(AR, I, MA). Should be a list to allow different ARIMA models for different sets of dependent variables. Note: The AR and MA coefficients are constrained such that the AR component is stationary, and the MA component is invertible. See Ansley and Kohn (1986) for details about the transformation used.


Specifications of the SARIMA components, should be a list containing lists that contain 4 named vectors. Vectors should be named: "s", "ar", "i", "ma". Should be a list of lists to allow different SARIMA models for different sets of dependent variables. Note: The AR and MA coefficients are constrained such that the AR components are stationary, and the MA components are invertible. See Ansley and Kohn (1986) for details about the transformation used. Note: For multivariate models, the order of "s" matters, as matrix multiplication is not commutative!


A list containing the specification of the self specified component. See the Details section for extensive details about the format that must be followed for this argument.


Vector containing the dependent variables that should not get a local level.


Vector containing the dependent variables that should not get a slope.


List of vectors, each vector containing the dependent variables that should not get the corresponding BSM component.


The dependent variables that should not get the corresponding cycle component. Should be a list of vectors to allow different dependent variables to be excluded for different cycles.


The dependent variables that should not be involved in the corresponding ARIMA component. Should be a list of vectors to allow different dependent variables to be excluded for different ARIMA components.


The dependent variables that should not be involved in the corresponding SARIMA component. Should be a list of vectors to allow different dependent variables to be excluded for different SARIMA components.


Boolean indicating whether a damping factor should be included. Must be a vector if multiple cycles are included, to indicate which cycles should include a damping factor.


Format of the Q_level system matrix the variance - covariance matrix of the level state equation.


Format of the Q_slope system matrix, the variance - covariance matrix of the slope state equation.


Format of the Q_BSM system matrix, the variance - covariance matrix of the BSM state equation. Should be a list to allow different formats for different seasonality periods.


Format of the Q_cycle system matrix, the variance - covariance matrix of the cycle state equation. Should be a list to allow different formats for different cycles.


Format of the Q_addvar system matrix, the variance - covariance matrix of the explanatory variables state equation.


Format of the Q_level_addvar system matrix, the variance - covariance matrix of the explanatory variables of the level state equation.


Boolean indicating whether the model should be fit by an iterative optimisation procedure. If FALSE, the model is only evaluated at the initial values.


Vector of initial values for the parameter search. The initial values are recycled or truncated if too few or too many values have been specified.


Method that should be used by the optim or optimr function to estimate the parameters. Only used if fit = TRUE.


A list of control parameters for the optim or optimr function. Only used if fit = TRUE.


Boolean indicating whether the observation vector should be collapsed. Should only be set to TRUE if the dimensionality of the observation vector exceeds the dimensionality of the state vector. If this is the case, computational gains can be achieved by collapsing the observation vector.


Boolean indicating whether diagnostical tests should be computed. Defaults to TRUE.


Boolean indicating whether standard errors should be computed. numDeriv must be installed in order to compute the standard errors! Defaults to TRUE if numDeriv is available.


Boolean indicating whether the progress of the optimisation procedure should be printed. Only used if fit = TRUE.


To fit the specified State Space model, one occasionally has to pay careful attention to the initial values supplied. See vignette("dictionary", "statespacer") for details. Initial values should not be too large, as some parameters use the transformation exp(2x) to ensure non-negative values, they should also not be too small as some variances might become relatively too close to 0, relative to the magnitude of y.

If a component is specified without a format, then the format defaults to a diagonal format.

self_spec_list provides a means to incorporate a self-specified component into the State Space model. This argument can only contain any of the following items, of which some are mandatory:

  • H_spec: Boolean indicating whether the H matrix is self-specified. Should be TRUE, if you want to specify the H matrix yourself.

  • state_num (mandatory): The number of state parameters introduced by the self-specified component. Must be 0 if only H is self-specified.

  • param_num: The number of parameters needed by the self-specified component. Must be specified and greater than 0 if parameters are needed.

  • sys_mat_fun: A function returning a list of system matrices that are constructed using the parameters. Must have param as an argument. The items in the list returned should have any of the following names: Z, Tmat, R, Q, a1, P_star, H. Note: Only the system matrices that depend on the parameters should be returned by the function!

  • sys_mat_input: A list containing additional arguments to sys_mat_fun.

  • Z: The Z system matrix if it does not depend on the parameters.

  • Tmat: The T system matrix if it does not depend on the parameters.

  • R: The R system matrix if it does not depend on the parameters.

  • Q: The Q system matrix if it does not depend on the parameters.

  • a1: The initial guess of the state vector. Must be a matrix with one column.

  • P_inf: The initial diffuse part of the variance - covariance matrix of the initial state vector. Must be a matrix.

  • P_star: The initial non-diffuse part of the variance - covariance matrix of the initial state vector if it does not depend on the parameters. Must be a matrix.

  • H: The H system matrix if it does not depend on the parameters.

  • transform_fun: Function that returns transformed parameters for which standard errors have to be computed. Must have param as an argument.

  • transform_input: A list containing additional arguments to transform_fun.

  • state_only: The indices of the self specified state that do not play a role in the observation equations, but only in the state equations. Should only be used if you want to use collapse = TRUE and have some state parameters that do not play a role in the observation equations. Does not have to be specified for collapse = FALSE.

Note: System matrices should only be specified once and need to be specified once! That is, system matrices that are returned by sys_mat_fun should not be specified directly, and vice versa. So, system matrices need to be either specified directly, or be returned by sys_mat_fun. An exception holds for the case where you only want to specify H yourself. This will not be checked, so be aware of erroneous output if you do not follow the guidelines of specifying self_spec_list. If time-varying system matrices are required, return an array for the time-varying system matrix instead of a matrix.


A statespacer object containing:

  • function_call: A list containing the input to the function.

  • system_matrices: A list containing the system matrices of the State Space model.

  • predicted: A list containing the predicted components of the State Space model.

  • filtered: A list containing the filtered components of the State Space model.

  • smoothed: A list containing the smoothed components of the State Space model.

  • diagnostics: A list containing items useful for diagnostical tests.

  • optim (if fit = TRUE): A list containing the variables that are returned by the optim or optimr function.

  • loglik_fun: Function that returns the loglikelihood of the specified State Space model, as a function of its parameters.

  • standard_errors (if standard_errors = TRUE): A list containing the standard errors of the parameters of the State Space model.

For extensive details about the object returned, see vignette("dictionary", "statespacer").


Dylan Beijers, [email protected]


Durbin J, Koopman SJ (2012). Time series analysis by state space methods. Oxford university press.

Ansley CF, Kohn R (1986). “A note on reparameterizing a vector autoregressive moving average model to enforce stationarity.” Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 24(2), 99–106.


# Fits a local level model for the Nile data
y <- matrix(Nile)
fit <- statespacer(initial = 10, y = y, local_level_ind = TRUE)

# Plots the filtered estimates
  1871:1970, fit$function_call$y,
  type = "p", ylim = c(500, 1400),
  xlab = NA, ylab = NA
lines(1871:1970, fit$filtered$level, type = "l")
  1871:1970, fit$filtered$level +
    1.644854 * sqrt(fit$filtered$P[1, 1, ]),
  type = "l", col = "gray"
  1871:1970, fit$filtered$level -
    1.644854 * sqrt(fit$filtered$P[1, 1, ]),
  type = "l", col = "gray"

# Plots the smoothed estimates
  1871:1970, fit$function_call$y,
  type = "p", ylim = c(500, 1400),
  xlab = NA, ylab = NA
lines(1871:1970, fit$smoothed$level, type = "l")
  1871:1970, fit$smoothed$level +
    1.644854 * sqrt(fit$smoothed$V[1, 1, ]),
  type = "l", col = "gray"
  1871:1970, fit$smoothed$level -
    1.644854 * sqrt(fit$smoothed$V[1, 1, ]),
  type = "l", col = "gray"