Package 'ssaBSS'

Title: Stationary Subspace Analysis
Description: Stationary subspace analysis (SSA) is a blind source separation (BSS) variant where stationary components are separated from non-stationary components. Several SSA methods for multivariate time series are provided here (Flumian et al. (2021); Hara et al. (2010) <doi:10.1007/978-3-642-17537-4_52>) along with functions to simulate time series with time-varying variance and autocovariance (Patilea and Raissi(2014) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2014.884504>).
Authors: Markus Matilainen [cre, aut] , Lea Flumian [aut], Klaus Nordhausen [aut] , Sara Taskinen [aut]
Maintainer: Markus Matilainen <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.1.1
Built: 2025-01-21 06:50:57 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Stationary Subspace Analysis


Stationary subspace analysis (SSA) is a blind source separation (BSS) variant where stationary components are separated from non-stationary components. Several SSA methods for multivariate time series are provided here (Flumian et al. (2021); Hara et al. (2010) <doi:10.1007/978-3-642-17537-4_52>) along with functions to simulate time series with time-varying variance and autocovariance (Patilea and Raïssi(2014) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2014.884504>).


Package: ssaBSS
Type: Package
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 2022-12-01
License: GPL (>= 2)

This package contains functions for identifying different types of nonstationarity

  • SSAsir – SIR type function for mean non-stationarity identification

  • SSAsave – SAVE type function for variance non-stationarity identification

  • SSAcor – Function for identifying changes in autocorrelation

  • ASSA – ASSA: Analytic SSA for identification of nonstationarity in mean and variance.

  • SSAcomb – Combination of SSAsir, SSAsave, and SSAcor using joint diagonalization

The package also contains function rtvvar to simulate a time series with time-varying variance (TV-VAR), and function rtvAR1 to simulate a time series with time-varying autocovariance (TV-AR1).


Markus Matilainen, Léa Flumian, Klaus Nordhausen, Sara Taskinen

Maintainer: Markus Matilainen <[email protected]>


Flumian L., Matilainen M., Nordhausen K. and Taskinen S. (2021) Stationary subspace analysis based on second-order statistics. Submitted. Available on arXiv:

Hara S., Kawahara Y., Washio T. and von Bünau P. (2010). Stationary Subspace Analysis as a Generalized Eigenvalue Problem, Neural Information Processing. Theory and Algorithms, Part I, pp. 422-429.

Patilea V. and Raïssi H. (2014) Testing Second-Order Dynamics for Autoregressive Processes in Presence of Time-Varying Variance, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109 (507), 1099-1111.

ASSA Method for Non-stationary Identification


ASSA (Analytic Stationary Subspace Analysis) method for identifying non-stationary components of mean and variance.


ASSA(X, ...)

## Default S3 method:
ASSA(X, K, n.cuts = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ts'
ASSA(X, ...)



A numeric matrix or a multivariate time series object of class ts, xts or zoo. Missing values are not allowed.


Number of intervals the time series is split into.


A K+1 vector of values that correspond to the breaks which are used for splitting the data. Default is intervals of equal length.


Further arguments to be passed to or from methods.


Assume that a pp-variate Y{\bf Y} with TT observations is whitened, i.e. Y=S1/2(Xt1Tt=1TXt){\bf Y}={\bf S}^{-1/2}({\bf X}_t - \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^T {\bf X}_{t}), for t=1,,T,t = 1, \ldots, T, where S{\bf S} is the sample covariance matrix of X{\bf X}.

The values of Y{\bf Y} are then split into KK disjoint intervals TiT_i. Algorithm first calculates matrix

M=1Ti=1K(mTimTiT+12STiSTiT)12I,{\bf M} = \frac{1}{T}\sum_{i = 1}^K \left({\bf m}_{T_i} {\bf m}_{T_i}^T + \frac{1}{2} {\bf S}_{T_i} {\bf S}_{T_i}^T\right) - \frac{1}{2} {\bf I},

where i=1,,Ki = 1, \ldots, K, KK is the number of breakpoints, I{\bf I} is an identity matrix, and mTi{\bf m}_{T_i} is the average of values of Y{\bf Y} and STi{\bf S}_{T_i} is the sample variance of values of Y{\bf Y} which belong to a disjoint interval TiT_i.

The algorithm finds an orthogonal matrix U{\bf U} via eigendecomposition

M=UDUT.{\bf M} = {\bf UDU}^T.

The final unmixing matrix is then W=US1/2{\bf W} = {\bf U S}^{-1/2}. The first kk rows of U{\bf U} are the eigenvectors corresponding to the non-zero eigenvalues and the rest correspond to the zero eigenvalues. In the same way, the first kk rows of W{\bf W} project the observed time series to the subspace of non-stationary components, and the last pkp-k rows to the subspace of stationary components.


A list of class 'ssabss', inheriting from class 'bss', containing the following components:


The estimated unmixing matrix.


The estimated sources as time series object standardized to have mean 0 and unit variances.


Used separation matrix.


Number of intervals the time series is split into.


Eigenvalues of M.


The mean vector of X.


Used K+1 vector of values that correspond to the breaks which are used for splitting the data.


Name of the method ("ASSA"), to be used in e.g. screeplot.


Markus Matilainen, Klaus Nordhausen


Hara S., Kawahara Y., Washio T. and von Bünau P. (2010). Stationary Subspace Analysis as a Generalized Eigenvalue Problem, Neural Information Processing. Theory and Algorithms, Part I, pp. 422-429.

See Also



n <- 5000
A <- rorth(4)

z1 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ar = 0.7)) + rep(c(-1.52, 1.38), c(floor(n*0.5),
        n - floor(n*0.5)))
z2 <- rtvvar(n, alpha = 0.1, beta = 1)
z3 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ma = c(0.72, 0.24))) 
z4 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ar = c(0.34, 0.27, 0.18)))

Z <- cbind(z1, z2, z3, z4)
X <- as.ts(tcrossprod(Z, A)) # An mts object

res <- ASSA(X, K = 6)
screeplot(res, type = "lines") # Two non-zero eigenvalues

# Plotting the components as an mts object
plot(res) # The first two are nonstationary

Simulation of Time Series with Time-varying Autocovariance


Simulating time-varying variance based on TV-AR1 model


rtvAR1(n, sigma = 0.93)



Length of the time series


Parameter σ2\sigma^2 in TV-AR1, i.e. the variance. Default is 0.93.


Time varying autoregressive processes of order 1 (TV-AR1) is

xt=atxt1+ϵt,x_t = a_t x_{t-1} + \epsilon_t,

with x0=0x_0=0, ϵt\epsilon_t is iid N(0,σ2)N(0, \sigma^2) and at=0.5cos(2πt/T)a_t = 0.5\cos(2\pi t/T).


The simulated series as a ts object.


Sara Taskinen, Markus Matilainen


Patilea V. and Raïssi H. (2014) Testing Second-Order Dynamics for Autoregressive Processes in Presence of Time-Varying Variance, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109 (507), 1099-1111.


n <- 5000
X <- rtvAR1(n, sigma = 0.93)

Simulation of Time Series with Time-varying Variance


Simulating time-varying variance based on TV-VAR model


rtvvar(n, alpha, beta = 1, simple = FALSE)



Length of the time series


Parameter α\alpha in TV-VAR


Parameter β\beta in TV-VAR. Default is 1.


A logical vector indicating whether hth_t is considered as its own process, or just t/Tt/T. Default is FALSE.


Time varying variance (TV-VAR) process xtx_t with parameters α\alpha and β\beta is of the form

xt=h~tϵt,x_t = \tilde h_t \epsilon_t,

where, if simple = FALSE,

h~t2=ht2+αxt12,\tilde h_t^2 = h_t^2 + \alpha x_{t-1}^2,

where ϵ\epsilon are iid N(0,1)N(0,1), x0=0x_0 = 0 and ht=1010sin(βπt/T+π/6)(1+t/T)h_t = 10 - 10 \sin(\beta \pi t/T + \pi/6) (1 + t/T),

and if simple = TRUE,

h~t=t/T.\tilde h_t = t/T.


The simulated series as a ts object.


Sara Taskinen, Markus Matilainen


Patilea V. and Raïssi H. (2014) Testing Second-Order Dynamics for Autoregressive Processes in Presence of Time-Varying Variance, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109 (507), 1099-1111.


n <- 5000
X <- rtvvar(n, alpha = 0.2, beta = 0.5, simple = FALSE)

Class: ssabss


Class 'ssabss' (blind source separation in stationary subspace analysis) with methods plot, screeplot (prints a screeplot of an object of class 'ssabss') and ggscreeplot (prints a screeplot of an object of class 'ssabss' using package ggplot2).

The class 'ssabss' also inherits methods from the class 'bss' in package JADE: for extracting the components (bss.components), for plotting the components (plot.bss), for printing (print.bss), and for extracting the coefficients (coef.bss).


## S3 method for class 'ssabss'
plot(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ssabss'
screeplot(x, type = c("lines", "barplot"), xlab = "Number of components",
          ylab = NULL, main = paste("Screeplot for", x$method),
          pointsize = 4, breaks = 1:length(x$D), color = "red", ...)
## S3 method for class 'ssabss'
ggscreeplot(x, type = c("lines", "barplot"), xlab = "Number of components",
            ylab = NULL, main = paste("Screeplot for", x$method),
            pointsize = 4, breaks = 1:length(x$D), color = "red", ...)



An object of class 'ssabss'.


Type of screeplot. Choices are "lines" (default) and "barplot".


Label for x-axis. Default is "Number of components".


Label for y-axis. Default is "Sum of pseudo eigenvalues" if method is SSAcomb and "Eigenvalues" otherwise.


Title of the plot. Default is "Screeplot for ...", where ... denotes for the name of the method used.


Size of the points in the plot (for type = "lines" only). Default is 4.


Breaks and labels for the x-axis. Default is from 1 to the number of series by 1.


Color of the line (if type = "lines") or bar (if type = "barplot"). Default is red.


Further arguments to be passed to or from methods.


A screeplot can be used to determine the number of interesting components. For SSAcomb it plots the sum of pseudo eigenvalues and for other methods it plots the eigenvalues.


Markus Matilainen

See Also

ASSA, SSAsir, SSAsave, SSAcor, SSAcomb, JADE, ggplot2

Combination Main SSA Methods


SSAcomb method for identification for non-stationarity in mean, variance and covariance structure.


SSAcomb(X, ...)

## Default S3 method:
SSAcomb(X, K, n.cuts = NULL, tau = 1, eps = 1e-6, maxiter = 2000, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ts'
SSAcomb(X, ...)



A numeric matrix or a multivariate time series object of class ts, xts or zoo. Missing values are not allowed.


Number of intervals the time series is split into.


A K+1 vector of values that correspond to the breaks which are used for splitting the data. Default is intervals of equal length.


The lag as a scalar or a vector. Default is 1.


Convergence tolerance.


The maximum number of iterations.


Further arguments to be passed to or from methods.


Assume that a pp-variate Y{\bf Y} with TT observations is whitened, i.e. Y=S1/2(Xt1Tt=1TXt){\bf Y}={\bf S}^{-1/2}({\bf X}_t - \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^T {\bf X}_{t}), for t=1,,T,t = 1, \ldots, T, where S{\bf S} is the sample covariance matrix of X{\bf X}.

The values of Y{\bf Y} are then split into KK disjoint intervals TiT_i. For all lags j=1,...,ntauj = 1, ..., ntau, algorithm first calculates the M{\bf M} matrices from SSAsir (matrix M1{\bf M}_1), SSAsave (matrix M2{\bf M}_2) and SSAcor (matrices Mj+2{\bf M}_{j+2}).

The algorithm finds an orthogonal matrix U{\bf U} by maximizing

i=1ntau+2diag(UMiU)2.\sum_{i = 1}^{ntau+2} ||\textrm{diag}({\bf}{\bf U}{\bf M}_i {\bf U}')||^2.

where i=1,,ntau+2i = 1, \ldots, ntau + 2. The final unmixing matrix is then W=US1/2{\bf W} = {\bf US}^{-1/2}.

Then the pseudo eigenvalues Di=diag(UMiU)=diag(di,1,,di,p){\bf D}_i = \textrm{diag}({\bf}{\bf U}{\bf M}_i {\bf U}') = \textrm{diag}(d_{i,1}, \ldots, d_{i,p}) are obtained and the value of di,jd_{i,j} tells if the jjth component is nonstationary with respect to Mi{\bf M}_i.


A list of class 'ssabss', inheriting from class 'bss', containing the following components:


The estimated unmixing matrix.


The estimated sources as time series object standardized to have mean 0 and unit variances.


Used M-matrices as an array.


Number of intervals the time series is split into.


The sums of pseudo eigenvalues.


The peudo eigenvalues of size ntau + 2 to see which type of nonstationarity there exists in each component.


The mean vector of X.


Used K+1 vector of values that correspond to the breaks which are used for splitting the data.


The used lag.


Name of the method ("SSAcomb"), to be used in e.g. screeplot.


Markus Matilainen, Klaus Nordhausen


Flumian L., Matilainen M., Nordhausen K. and Taskinen S. (2021) Stationary subspace analysis based on second-order statistics. Submitted. Available on arXiv:

See Also

JADE frjd


n <- 10000
A <- rorth(6)

z1 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ar = 0.7)) + rep(c(-1.52, 1.38), 
        c(floor(n*0.5), n - floor(n*0.5)))
z2 <- rtvAR1(n)
z3 <- rtvvar(n, alpha = 0.2, beta = 0.5)
z4 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ma = c(0.72, 0.24), ar = c(0.14, 0.45)))
z5 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ma = c(0.34))) 
z6 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ma = c(0.72, 0.15)))

Z <- cbind(z1, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6)
X <- tcrossprod(Z, A)
X <- xts(X, = as.Date(1:n)) # An xts object

res <- SSAcomb(X, K = 12, tau = 1)
ggscreeplot(res, type = "lines") # Three non-zero eigenvalues
res$DTable # Components have different kind of nonstationarities

# Plotting the components as an xts object
plot(res, multi.panel = TRUE) # The first three are nonstationary

Identification of Non-stationarity in the Covariance Structure


SSAcor method for identifying non-stationarity in the covariance structure.


SSAcor(X, ...)

## Default S3 method:
SSAcor(X, K, n.cuts = NULL, tau = 1, eps = 1e-6, maxiter = 2000, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ts'
SSAcor(X, ...)



A numeric matrix or a multivariate time series object of class ts, xts or zoo. Missing values are not allowed.


Number of intervals the time series is split into.


A K+1 vector of values that correspond to the breaks which are used for splitting the data. Default is intervals of equal length.


The lag as a scalar or a vector. Default is 1.


Convergence tolerance.


The maximum number of iterations.


Further arguments to be passed to or from methods.


Assume that a pp-variate Y{\bf Y} with TT observations is whitened, i.e. Y=S1/2(Xt1Tt=1TXt){\bf Y}={\bf S}^{-1/2}({\bf X}_t - \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^T {\bf X}_{t}), for t=1,,T,t = 1, \ldots, T, where S{\bf S} is the sample covariance matrix of X{\bf X}.

The values of Y{\bf Y} are then split into KK disjoint intervals TiT_i. For all lags j=1,...,ntauj=1, ..., ntau, algorithm first calculates matrices

Mj=i=1KTiT(Sj,TSj,Ti)(Sj,TSj,Ti)T,{\bf M_j} = \sum_{i = 1}^K \frac{T_i}{T}({\bf S}_{j,T} - {\bf S}_{j,T_i})({\bf S}_{j,T} - {\bf S}_{j,T_i})^T,

where i=1,,Ki = 1, \ldots, K, KK is the number of breakpoints, SJ,T{\bf S}_{J,T} is the global sample covariance for lag jj, and Sτ,Ti{\bf S}_{\tau,T_i} is the sample covariance of values of Y{\bf Y} which belong to a disjoint interval TiT_i.

The algorithm finds an orthogonal matrix U{\bf U} by maximizing

j=1ntaudiag(UMjU)2.\sum_{j = 1}^{ntau} ||\textrm{diag}({\bf}{\bf U}{\bf M}_j {\bf U}')||^2.

where j=1,,ntauj = 1, \ldots, ntau.

The final unmixing matrix is then W=US1/2{\bf W} = {\bf U S}^{-1/2}. Then the pseudo eigenvalues Di=diag(UMiU)=diag(di,1,,di,p){\bf D}_i = \textrm{diag}({\bf}{\bf U}{\bf M}_i {\bf U}') = \textrm{diag}(d_{i,1}, \ldots, d_{i,p}) are obtained and the value of di,jd_{i,j} tells if the jjth component is nonstationary with respect to Mi{\bf M}_i. The first kk rows of W{\bf W} project the observed time series to the subspace of components with non-stationary covariance, and the last pkp-k rows to the subspace of components with stationary covariance.


A list of class 'ssabss', inheriting from class 'bss', containing the following components:


The estimated unmixing matrix.


The estimated sources as time series object standardized to have mean 0 and unit variances.


Used separation matrix.


Number of intervals the time series is split into.


The sums of pseudo eigenvalues.


The peudo eigenvalues of size ntau*p to see which type of nonstationarity there exists in each component.


The mean vector of X.


Used K+1 vector of values that correspond to the breaks which are used for splitting the data.


The used lag.


Name of the method ("SSAcor"), to be used in e.g. screeplot.


Markus Matilainen, Klaus Nordhausen


Flumian L., Matilainen M., Nordhausen K. and Taskinen S. (2021) Stationary subspace analysis based on second-order statistics. Submitted. Available on arXiv:

See Also



n <- 5000
A <- rorth(4)

z1 <- rtvAR1(n)
z2a <- arima.sim(floor(n/3), model = list(ar = c(0.5),
        innov = c(rnorm(floor(n/3), 0, 1))))
z2b <- arima.sim(floor(n/3), model = list(ar = c(0.2),
        innov = c(rnorm(floor(n/3), 0, 1.28))))
z2c <- arima.sim(n - 2*floor(n/3), model = list(ar = c(0.8),
        innov = c(rnorm(n - 2*floor(n/3), 0, 0.48))))
z2 <- c(z2a, z2b, z2c)
z3 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ma = c(0.72, 0.24), ar = c(0.14, 0.45)))
z4 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ar = c(0.34, 0.27, 0.18))) 

Z <- cbind(z1, z2, z3, z4)
X <- as.zoo(tcrossprod(Z, A)) # A zoo object

res <- SSAcor(X, K = 6, tau = 1)
ggscreeplot(res, type = "barplot", color = "gray") # Two non-zero eigenvalues

# Plotting the components as a zoo object
plot(res) # The first two are nonstationary in autocovariance

Identification of Non-stationarity in Variance


SSAsave method for identifying non-stationarity in variance


SSAsave(X, ...)

## Default S3 method:
SSAsave(X, K, n.cuts = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ts'
SSAsave(X, ...)



A numeric matrix or a multivariate time series object of class ts, xts or zoo. Missing values are not allowed.


Number of intervals the time series is split into.


A K+1 vector of values that correspond to the breaks which are used for splitting the data. Default is intervals of equal length.


Further arguments to be passed to or from methods.


Assume that a pp-variate Y{\bf Y} with TT observations is whitened, i.e. Y=S1/2(Xt1Tt=1TXt){\bf Y}={\bf S}^{-1/2}({\bf X}_t - \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^T {\bf X}_{t}), for t=1,,T,t = 1, \ldots, T, where S{\bf S} is the sample covariance matrix of X{\bf X}.

The values of Y{\bf Y} are then split into KK disjoint intervals TiT_i. Algorithm first calculates matrix

M=i=1KTiT(ISTi)(ISTi)T,{\bf M} = \sum_{i = 1}^K \frac{T_i}{T}({\bf I} - {\bf S}_{T_i}) ({\bf I} - {\bf S}_{T_i})^T,

where i=1,,Ki = 1, \ldots, K, KK is the number of breakpoints, I{\bf I} is an identity matrix, and STi{\bf S}_{T_i} is the sample variance of values of Y{\bf Y} which belong to a disjoint interval TiT_i.

The algorithm finds an orthogonal matrix U{\bf U} via eigendecomposition

M=UDUT.{\bf M} = {\bf UDU}^T.

The final unmixing matrix is then W=US1/2{\bf W} = {\bf U S}^{-1/2}. The first kk rows of U{\bf U} are the eigenvectors corresponding to the non-zero eigenvalues and the rest correspond to the zero eigenvalues. In the same way, the first kk rows of W{\bf W} project the observed time series to the subspace of components with non-stationary variance, and the last pkp-k rows to the subspace of components with stationary variance.


A list of class 'ssabss', inheriting from class 'bss', containing the following components:


The estimated unmixing matrix.


The estimated sources as time series object standardized to have mean 0 and unit variances.


Used separation matrix.


Number of intervals the time series is split into.


Eigenvalues of M.


The mean vector of X.


Used K+1 vector of values that correspond to the breaks which are used for splitting the data.


Name of the method ("SSAsave"), to be used in e.g. screeplot.


Markus Matilainen, Klaus Nordhausen


Flumian L., Matilainen M., Nordhausen K. and Taskinen S. (2021) Stationary subspace analysis based on second-order statistics. Submitted. Available on arXiv:

See Also



n <- 5000
A <- rorth(4)

z1 <- rtvvar(n, alpha = 0.2, beta = 0.5)
z2 <- rtvvar(n, alpha = 0.1, beta = 1)
z3 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ma = c(0.72, 0.24))) 
z4 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ar = c(0.34, 0.27, 0.18)))

Z <- cbind(z1, z2, z3, z4)
X <- as.ts(tcrossprod(Z, A)) # An mts object

res <- SSAsave(X, K = 6)
res$D # Two non-zero eigenvalues
screeplot(res, type = "lines") # This can also be seen in screeplot
ggscreeplot(res, type = "lines") # ggplot version of screeplot

# Plotting the components as an mts object
plot(res) # The first two are nonstationary in variance

Identification of Non-stationarity in Mean


SSAsir method for identifying non-stationarity in mean.


SSAsir(X, ...)

## Default S3 method:
SSAsir(X, K, n.cuts = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ts'
SSAsir(X, ...)



A numeric matrix or a multivariate time series object of class ts, xts or zoo. Missing values are not allowed.


Number of intervals the time series is split into.


A K+1 vector of values that correspond to the breaks which are used for splitting the data. Default is intervals of equal length.


Further arguments to be passed to or from methods.


Assume that a pp-variate Y{\bf Y} with TT observations is whitened, i.e. Y=S1/2(Xt1Tt=1TXt){\bf Y}={\bf S}^{-1/2}({\bf X}_t - \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^T {\bf X}_{t}), for t=1,,T,t = 1, \ldots, T, where S{\bf S} is the sample covariance matrix of X{\bf X}.

The values of Y{\bf Y} are then split into KK disjoint intervals TiT_i. Algorithm first calculates matrix

M=i=1KTiT(mTimTiT),{\bf M} = \sum_{i = 1}^K \frac{T_i}{T}({\bf m}_{T_i} {\bf m}_{T_i}^T),

where i=1,,Ki = 1, \ldots, K, KK is the number of breakpoints, and mTi{\bf m}_{T_i} is the average of values of Y{\bf Y} which belong to a disjoint interval TiT_i.

The algorithm finds an orthogonal matrix U{\bf U} via eigendecomposition

M=UDUT.{\bf M} = {\bf UDU}^T.

The final unmixing matrix is then W=US1/2{\bf W} = {\bf U S}^{-1/2}. The first kk rows of U{\bf U} are the eigenvectors corresponding to the non-zero eigenvalues and the rest correspond to the zero eigenvalues. In the same way, the first kk rows of W{\bf W} project the observed time series to the subspace of components with non-stationary mean, and the last pkp-k rows to the subspace of components with stationary mean.


A list of class 'ssabss', inheriting from class 'bss', containing the following components:


The estimated unmixing matrix.


The estimated sources as time series object standardized to have mean 0 and unit variances.


Used separation matrix.


Number of intervals the time series is split into.


Eigenvalues of M.


The mean vector of X.


Used K+1 vector of values that correspond to the breaks which are used for splitting the data.


Name of the method ("SSAsir"), to be used in e.g. screeplot.


Markus Matilainen, Klaus Nordhausen


Flumian L., Matilainen M., Nordhausen K. and Taskinen S. (2021) Stationary subspace analysis based on second-order statistics. Submitted. Available on arXiv:

See Also



n <- 5000
A <- rorth(4)
z1 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ar = 0.7)) + rep(c(-1.52, 1.38),
        c(floor(n*0.5), n - floor(n*0.5)))
z2 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ar = 0.5)) + rep(c(-0.75, 0.84, -0.45),
        c(floor(n/3), floor(n/3), n - 2*floor(n/3)))
z3 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ma = 0.72))
z4 <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ma = c(0.34)))

Z <- cbind(z1, z2, z3, z4)
X <- tcrossprod(Z, A)

res <- SSAsir(X, K = 6)
res$D # Two non-zero eigenvalues
screeplot(res, type = "lines") # This can also be seen in screeplot

# Plotting the components
plot(res) # The first two are nonstationary in mean