Package 'spam64'

Title: 64-Bit Extension of the SPArse Matrix R Package 'spam'
Description: Provides the Fortran code of the R package 'spam' with 64-bit integers. Loading this package together with the R package spam enables the sparse matrix class spam to handle huge sparse matrices with more than 2^31-1 non-zero elements. Documentation is provided in Gerber, Moesinger and Furrer (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2016.11.015>.
Authors: Reinhard Furrer [aut, cre] , Florian Gerber [aut] , Roman Flury [aut] , Daniel Gerber [ctb], Kaspar Moesinger [ctb], Youcef Saad [ctb] (SPARSEKIT, Esmond G. Ng [ctb] (Fortran Cholesky routines), Barry W. Peyton [ctb] (Fortran Cholesky routines), Joseph W.H. Liu [ctb] (Fortran Cholesky routines), Alan D. George [ctb] (Fortran Cholesky routines), Lehoucq B. Rich [ctb] (ARPACK), Maschhoff Kristi [ctb] (ARPACK), Sorensen C. Danny [ctb] (ARPACK), Yang Chao [ctb] (ARPACK)
Maintainer: Reinhard Furrer <[email protected]>
License: LGPL-2 | BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
Version: 2.10-0
Built: 2025-03-10 06:22:13 UTC
Source: CRAN

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64-bit extension for the SPArse Matrix Package spam


Provides the Fortran code of the R package spam with 64-bit integers. Loading this package together with the R package spam enables the sparse matrix class spam to handle huge sparse matrices with more than 2^31-1 non-zero elements.


It is intended to use spam64 together with spam. To avoid issues on 32-bit platforms we did not link the packages spam and spam64 using dependencies.
Conversion between the structures happens when calling low-level functions and for some other selected operations.
Some spam64 functions have been successfully tested with 64-bit matrices. However, we expect that some functions of spam do not work with 64-bit matrices (yet). Please do not hesitate to contact us via email or in case you would like to use a spam function with 64-bit matrices that is not working properly in the current version.


Reinhard Furrer [aut, cre], Florian Gerber [aut], Roman Flury [aut] and many contributors.


F. Gerber, K. Moesinger, R. Furrer (2017), Extending R packages to support 64-bit compiled code: An illustration with spam64 and GIMMS NDVI3g data, Computer & Geoscience 104, 109-119,

spam64 uses the R package dotCall64 to call compiled code: F. Gerber, K. Moesinger, R. Furrer (2018), dotCall64: An R package providing an efficient interface to compiled C, C++, and Fortran code supporting long vectors. SoftwareX, 7, 217-221,



tiny <- spam(1)
pad(tiny) <- c(3,2^32)
str(tiny)     # tiny matrix big time

print(A <- spam_random(3))
options(spam.force64 = TRUE)    # forcing 64-bit structure
print( B <- spam_random(3))

options(spam.force64 = FALSE)
B          # No operations, structure is preserved
A+B        # Lowlevel operation, structure is adapted