Searching help pages of R packages

#> Loading required package: brew
#> Attaching package: 'sos'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
#>     ?

This vignette was originally published in The R Journal, vol. 1(2) in 2009. The package and this vignette have been changed since then to make the package easier to use and to adjust to changes in the R ecosystem.


The sos package provides a means to quickly and flexibly search the help pages of contributed packages, finding functions and datasets in seconds or minutes that could not be found in hours or days by any other means we know. Its findFn function searches the search site used by the RSiteSearch function but returns the matches in a data.frame of class findFn, which can be further manipulated by other sos functions to produce, for example, an Excel file that starts with a summary sheet that makes it relatively easy to prioritize alternative packages for further study. As such, it provides a very powerful way to do a literature search for functions and packages relevant to a particular topic of interest and could become virtually mandatory for authors of new packages or papers in publications such as The R Journal and the Journal of Statistical Software.


The sos package provides a means to quickly and flexibly search the help pages of contributed packages, finding functions and datasets in seconds or minutes that could not be found in hours or days by any other means we know.

The main capability of this package is the findFn function, which scans the function entries in the RSiteSearch database, created originally by Jonathan Baron,1. It returns the matches in a data.frame of class findFn. This database includes options to search the help pages of R packages contributed to CRAN (the Comprehensive R Archive Network) plus a few other publicly available packages, as well as selected mailing list archives—primarily R-help. The findFn function focuses only on the help pages in this database, ignoring the R-help archives. (CRAN grew from 1700 contributed packages and bundles on 2009-03-11 to 1954 on 2009-09-18, adding over 40 packages per day, an annual growth rate of 31 percent.)

The print method for objects of class findFn displays the results as two tables in the default web browser.

  • The first is the table of individual help pages with links to those help pages, sorted by package. The key benefit of this is that they results are sorted by package, displaying first the results from the package with the most matches. This behavior differs from that of the RSiteSearch function in the utils package in more ways than the sort order. First, findFn returns the results in R as a data.frame, which can be further manipulated. Second, the ultimate display in a web browser is a table, unlike the list produced by RSiteSearch.
  • The second table is a package summary.

Other sos functions provide summaries with one line for each package, support the union and intersection of findFn objects, and translate a findFn object into an Excel file with three sheets:

PackageSum2, which provides an enhanced summary of the packages with matches,

the findFn table itself, and

(the call used to produce it.

Three examples are considered below:
* First we find a data set containing a variable Petal.Length}. * Second, we study R capabilities for splines, including looking for a function namedspline`.
* Third, we search for contributed R packages with capabilities for solving differential equations.

Finding a variable in a data set

Chambers (2009)2 uses a variable Petal.Length from a famous Fisher data set but without naming the data set nor indicating where it can be found nor even if it exists in any contributed R package. The sample code he provides does not work by itself. To get his code to work to produce his Figure 7.2, we must first obtain a copy of this famous data set in a format compatible with his code.

To look for this data set, one might first try the function. Unfortunately, this function returns nothing in this case:

(Petal.Length <-'Petal.Length'))
#> No vignettes or demos or help files found with alias or concept or
#> title matching 'Petal.Length' using regular expression matching.

When this failed, many users might then try

#> A search query has been submitted to
#> The results page should open in your browser shortly

This produced 80 matches when it was tried one day (and 62 matches a few months later).

RSiteSearch('Petal.Length', 'function') will identify only the help pages. We can get something similar and for many purposes more useful, as follows:

PL <- findFn('Petal.Length')
#> found 200 matches;  retrieving 10 pages
#> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
#> Downloaded 200 links in 130 packages.
#> [1] "findFn"     "data.frame"
#> [1] 200  10

PL is a data frame of class findFn identifying all the help pages in the RSiteSearch database matching the search term (unless the number of matches exceeds the 20*maxPages argument of findFn, assuming 20 links per page). An alias for findFn is ???. Thus, this same search can be performed as follows:

PL. <- ???Petal.Length
#> found 200 matches;  retrieving 10 pages
#> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
#> Downloaded 200 links in 130 packages.
#> [1] "findFn"     "data.frame"
#> [1] 200  10

(The ??? alias only works in an assignment, so to print immediately, you need something like (PL <- ???Petal.Length).)

The data.frames PL and PL. should be identical unless the search site changes in the time between these two searches.

Both data.frames have columns Count, MaxScore, TotalScore, Package, Function, Date, Score, Description, and Link. Function is the name of the help page, not the name of the function for two reasons:

Multiple functions may be documented on a single

help page. # Some help pages document other things such as data sets.

Score is the index of the strength of the match. It is used by the RSiteSearch database to decide which items to display first. Package is the name of the package containing Function. Count gives the total number of matches in Package found in this findFn call. By default, the findFn object is sorted by Count, MaxScore, TotalScore, and Package (to place the most important Package first), then by Score}andFunction`.

The summary method for an object of class FindFn prints a table giving for each Package the Count (number of matches), MaxScore (max of Score), TotalScore (sum of Score), and Date, sorted like a Pareto chart to place the Package with the most help pages first:

# the following table has been
# manually edited for clarity
#> $PackageSummary
#>  Package Count MaxScore TotalScore Date pkgLink
#>     <NA>  <NA>     <NA>       <NA> <NA>    <NA>
#>    <...>                                       
#>     <NA>  <NA>     <NA>       <NA> <NA>    <NA>
#>    <...>                                       
#> $minPackages
#> [1] 12
#> $minCount
#> [1] 3
#> $matches
#> [1] 200
#> $nrow
#> [1] 200
#> $nPackages
#> [1] 130
#> $string
#> [1] "Petal.Length"
#> $call
#> findFn(string = "Petal.Length")
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "summary.findFn" "list"

(The Date here is the date that this package was added to the RSiteSearch database.)

One of the listed packages is datasets. Since it is part of the default R distribution, we decide to look there first. We can select that row of PL just like we would select a row from any other data frame:

PL[PL$Package == 'datasets', 'Function']
#> [1] "iris"

Problem solved in less than a minute! Any other method known to the present authors would have taken substantially more time.

Finding packages with spline capabilities

In 2005, the lead author of this article decided he needed to learn more about splines. A literature search began as follows:


(using the RSiteSearch function in the utils package). While preparing this manuscript, this command identified 1526 documents one day. That is too many. It can be restricted to functions as follows:

  RSiteSearch('spline', 'fun')

This identified only 739 one day (631 earlier). That’s an improvement over 739 but is still too many for convenient analysis. To get a quick overview of these matches, can proceed as follows:

  RSiteSearch('spline', 'fun')

This downloaded a summary of the highest-scoring help pages in the RSiteSearch data base in roughly 5-15 seconds, depending on the speeds of the database and Internet connection.

If the search results exceeds the maxPages argument, increase that argument from its default 100:

splineAll <- findFn('spline', maxPages = 999)

If we want to find a function named spline, we can proceed as follows:

selSpl <- splineAll[, 'Function'] == 'spline'
splineAll[selSpl, ]

This has 0 rows, because there is no help page named spline. This does not mean that no function with that exact name exists, only that no help page has that name.

To look for help pages whose name includes the characters spline, we can use grepFn:

  grepFn('spline', splineAll, = TRUE)

This returned a findFn object identifying 426 help pages. When this was run while preparing this manuscript, the sixth row was lspline in the assist package, which has a Score of 1. (On another day, the results could be different, because the RSiteSearch database changes over time.) This was the sixth row in this table, because it is in the assist package, which had a total of 34 help pages matching the search term, but this was the only one whose name matched the pattern passed to grepFn.

We could next print the splineAll findFn object. However, it may not be easy to digest a table with 739 rows (or however many rows it produces when you run it).

summary(splineAll) would tell us that the 5040 help pages came from 1223 different packages and display the first minPackages = 12 such packages. (If other packages had the same number of matches as the twelfth package, they would also appear in this summary. minPackages is an argument of thesummary.findFn` function and can be changed if the user wishes.)

A more complete view can be obtained in MS Excel format using the writeFindFn2xls function:

#> Loading required package: WriteXLS
#> A system perl installation found in /usr/bin/perl
#> The perl modules included with WriteXLS are located in /github/workspace/pkglib/WriteXLS/Perl
#> All required Perl modules were found.

(findFn2xls is an alias for writeFindFn2xls. We use the longer version here, as it may be easier to remember.)

If either the WriteXLS package and compatible Perl code are properly installed or if you are running Windows with the RODBC package, this produces an Excel file in the working directory named splineAll.xls, containing the following three worksheets:

  • The PackageSum2 sheet includes one line for each package with a matching help page, enhanced by providing information for locally installed packages not available in the findFn object.
  • The findFn sheet contains the search results.
  • The call sheet gives the call to findFn that generated these search results.

If writeFindFn2xls cannot produce an Excel file with your installation, it will write three csv}files with namessplineAll-sum.csv}, splineAll.csv, and splineAll-call.csv, corresponding to the three worksheets described above. (Users who do not have MS Excel may like to know that Open Office Calc can open a standard xls}` file and can similarly create such files.)3

The PackageSum2 sheet is created by the PackageSum2 function, which adds information from installed packages not obtained by findFn. The extended summary includes the package title and date, plus the names of the author and the maintainer, the number of help pages in the package, and the name(s) of any vignettes. This can be quite valuable in prioritizing packages for further study. Other things being equal, we think most people would rather learn how to use a package being actively maintained than one that has not changed in five years. Similarly, we might prefer to study a capability in a larger package than a smaller one, because the rest of the package might provide other useful tools or a broader context for understanding the capability of interest.

These extra fields, package title, etc., are blank for packages in the findFn object not installed locally. For installed packages, the Date refers to the packaged date rather than the date the package was added to the RSiteSearch database.

Therefore, the value of PackageSum2 can be increased by running install.packages (from the utils package) to install packages not currently available locally and update.packages to ensure the local availability of the latest versions for all installed packages.

To make it easier to add desired packages, the sos package includes an installPackages function, which checks all the packages in a findFn object for which the number of matches exceeds a second argument minCount and installs any of those not already available locally; the default minCount is the square root of the largest Count. Therefore, the results from PackageSum2 and the PackageSum2 sheet created by writeFindFn2xls will typically contain more information after running installPackages than before.

To summarize, three lines of code gave us a very powerful summary of spline capabilities in contributed R packages:

splineAll <- findFn('spline', maxPages = 999)
# Do not include in auto test
#> A system perl installation found in /usr/bin/perl
#> The perl modules included with WriteXLS are located in /github/workspace/pkglib/WriteXLS/Perl
#> All required Perl modules were found.

The resulting splineAll.xls file can help establish priorities for further study of the different packages and functions. An analysis of this nature almost four years ago led the lead author to the fda package and its companion books, which further led to a collaboration that has produced joint presentations at three different conferences and a joint book.4

Combining search results

The lead author of this article recently gave an invited presentation on “Fitting Nonlinear Differential Equations to Data in R”^[Workshop on Statistical Methods for Dynamic System Models, Vancouver, 2009: A key part of preparing for that presentation was a search of contributed R code, which proceeded roughly as follows:

de <- findFn('differential equation')
des <- findFn('differential equations')
de. <- de | des

When this was run in 2009, the object de had 53 rows, while des had 105. If this search engine were simply searching for character strings, de would be larger than des; in this case, it was smaller. The last object de. is the union of de and des; | is an alias for unionFindFn. In 2009 the de. object had 124 rows. That suggests that the corresponding intersection must have had (53+105-124) = 34 rows. This can be confirmed via nrow(de \& des). (& is an alias for intersectFindFn.)

To make everything in de. locally available, we can use installPackages(de., minCount = 1). This installed all referenced packages except rmutil and a dependency Biobase, which were not available on CRAN but are included in the RSiteSearch database.

Next, writeFindFn2xls(de.) produced a file de..xls in the working directory. [(]The working directory can be identified via getwd().]

The PackageSum2 sheet of that Excel file provided a quick summary of packages with matches, sorted to put the package with the most matches first. In this case, this first package was deSolve, which provides, “General solvers for initial value problems of ordinary differential equations (ODE), partial differential equations (PDE) and differential algebraic equations (DAE)”. This is clearly quite relevant to the subject. The second package was PKfit, which is “A Data Analysis Tool for Pharmacokinetics”. This may be too specialized for general use. I therefore would not want to study this first unless my primary interest here was in pharmacokinetic models.

By studying the summary page in this way, I was able to decide relatively quickly which packages I should consider first. In making this decision, I gave more weight to packages with one or more vignettes and less weight to those where the Date was old, indicating that the code was not being actively maintained and updated. I also checked the conference information to make sure I did not embarrass myself by overlooking a package authored or maintained by another invited speaker.


We have found findFn in the sos package to be very quick, efficient and effective for finding things in contributed packages. The grepFn function helps quickly look for functions (or help pages) with particular names. The capabilities in unionFindFn and intersectFindFn (especially via their **|*} and &** aliases) can be quite useful where a single search term seems inadequate; they make it easy to combine multiple searches to produce something closer to what is desired. An example of this was provided with searching for both differential equation'' anddifferential equations’’.

The PackageSum2 sheet of an Excel file produced by writeFindFn2xls (after also running the installPackages function) is quite valuable for understanding the general capabilities available for a particular topic. This could be of great value for authors to find what is already available so they don’t duplicate something that already exists and so their new contributions appropriately consider the contents of other packages.

The findFn capability can also reduce the risk of “the researcher’s nightmare” of being told after substantial work that someone else has already done it.


The capabilities described here extend the power of the R Site Search search engine originally maintained by Jonathan Baron. Without Prof. Baron’s support, it would not have been feasible to develop the features described here. Duncan Murdoch, Marc Schwarz, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Gabor Grothendiek and anonymous referees contributed suggestions for improvement, but of course can not be blamed for any deficiencies. The collaboration required to produce the current sos package was greatly facilitated by R-Forge5. The sos package is part of the R Site Search project hosted there. This project also includes code for a Firefox extension to simplify the process of finding information about R from within Firefox. This Firefox extension is still being developed with the current version downloadable from

Spencer Graves Kansas City, Missouri email

Sundar Dorai-Raj Google Mountain View, CA email

Romain François Independent R Consultant Montpellier, France email

  1. @JB09URL↩︎

  2. @JC09↩︎

  3. @CALC09MAN↩︎

  4. @RHG09↩︎

  5. @RFORGE09URL↩︎