Spatial modeling using the sommer package

The sommer package was developed to provide R users with a powerful and reliable multivariate mixed model solver for different genetic (in diploid and polyploid organisms) and non-genetic analyses. This package allows the user to estimate variance components in a mixed model with the advantages of specifying the variance-covariance structure of the random effects, specifying heterogeneous variances, and obtaining other parameters such as BLUPs, BLUEs, residuals, fitted values, variances for fixed and random effects, etc. The core algorithms of the package are coded in C++ using the Armadillo library to optimize dense matrix operations common in the derect-inversion algorithms.

This vignette is focused on showing the capabilities of sommer to fit spatial models using the two dimensional splines models.

SECTION 1: Introduction

  1. Background in tensor products

SECTION 2: Spatial models

  1. Two dimensional splines (multiple spatial components)
  2. Two dimensional splines (single spatial component)
  3. Spatial models in multiple trials at once

SECTION 1: Introduction

Backgrounds in tensor products


SECTION 2: Spatial models

1) Two dimensional splines (multiple spatial components)

In this example we show how to obtain the same results than using the SpATS package. This is achieved by using the spl2Db function which is a wrapper of the tpsmmb function.

DT <- DT_yatesoats
DT$row <- as.numeric(as.character(DT$row))
DT$col <- as.numeric(as.character(DT$col))
DT$R <- as.factor(DT$row)
DT$C <- as.factor(DT$col)

# m1.SpATS <- SpATS(response = "Y",
#                   spatial = ~ PSANOVA(col, row, nseg = c(14,21), degree = 3, pord = 2),
#                   genotype = "V", fixed = ~ 1,
#                   random = ~ R + C, data = DT,
#                   control = list(tolerance = 1e-04))
# summary(m1.SpATS, which = "variances")
# Spatial analysis of trials with splines 
# Response:                   Y         
# Genotypes (as fixed):       V         
# Spatial:                    ~PSANOVA(col, row, nseg = c(14, 21), degree = 3, pord = 2)
# Fixed:                      ~1        
# Random:                     ~R + C    
# Number of observations:        72
# Number of missing data:        0
# Effective dimension:           17.09
# Deviance:                      483.405
# Variance components:
#                   Variance            SD     log10(lambda)
# R                 1.277e+02     1.130e+01           0.49450
# C                 2.673e-05     5.170e-03           7.17366
# f(col)            4.018e-15     6.339e-08          16.99668
# f(row)            2.291e-10     1.514e-05          12.24059
# f(col):row        1.025e-04     1.012e-02           6.59013
# col:f(row)        8.789e+01     9.375e+00           0.65674
# f(col):f(row)     8.036e-04     2.835e-02           5.69565
# Residual          3.987e+02     1.997e+01 

m1.sommer <- mmer(Y~1+V+
                    spl2Db(col,row, nsegments = c(14,21), degree = c(3,3), 
                           penaltyord = c(2,2), what = "base"), 
                  random = ~R+C+
                    spl2Db(col,row, nsegments = c(14,21), degree = c(3,3), 
                           penaltyord = c(2,2), what="bits"),
                  data=DT, tolParConv = 1e-6, verbose = FALSE)
## Warning: fixed-effect model matrix is rank deficient so dropping 8 columns / coefficients
##                VarComp VarCompSE     Zratio Constraint
## R.Y-Y       125.928235  89.77330  1.4027360   Positive
## C.Y-Y        -7.789528  24.29529 -0.3206189   Positive
## A:fC.Y-Y      0.000000  19.09624  0.0000000   Positive
## A:fR.Y-Y      0.000000  15.87659  0.0000000   Positive
## A:fC.R.Y-Y    0.000000  21.42763  0.0000000   Positive
## A:C.fR.Y-Y   82.177296  92.28630  0.8904604   Positive
## A:fC.fR.Y-Y   0.000000  25.46390  0.0000000   Positive
## units.Y-Y   405.900386  90.48195  4.4859820   Positive
# get the fitted values for the spatial kernel and plot
# ff <- fitted.mmer(m1.sommer)
# DT$fit <- as.matrix(Reduce("+",ff$Zu[-c(1:2)])) 
# lattice::levelplot(fit~row*col,data=DT)

2) Two dimensional splines (single spatial component)

To reduce the computational burden of fitting multiple spatial kernels sommer provides a single spatial kernel method through the spl2Da function. This as will be shown, can produce similar results to the more flexible model. Use the one that fits better your needs.

m2.sommer <- mmer(Y~1+V, 
                  random = ~R+C+spl2Da(col,row, nsegments = c(14,21), degree = c(3,3), penaltyord = c(2,2)),
                  data=DT, tolParConv = 1e-6, verbose = FALSE)
##                VarComp VarCompSE     Zratio Constraint
## R.Y-Y       125.928235  89.77330  1.4027360   Positive
## C.Y-Y        -7.789528  24.29529 -0.3206189   Positive
## A:fC.Y-Y      0.000000  19.09624  0.0000000   Positive
## A:fR.Y-Y      0.000000  15.87659  0.0000000   Positive
## A:fC.R.Y-Y    0.000000  21.42763  0.0000000   Positive
## A:C.fR.Y-Y   82.177296  92.28630  0.8904604   Positive
## A:fC.fR.Y-Y   0.000000  25.46390  0.0000000   Positive
## units.Y-Y   405.900386  90.48195  4.4859820   Positive
# get the fitted values for the spatial kernel and plot
# ff <- fitted.mmer(m2.sommer)
# DT$fit <- as.matrix(Reduce("+",ff$Zu[-c(1:2)])) 
# lattice::levelplot(fit~row*col,data=DT)

3) Spatial models in multiple trials at once

Sometimes we want to fit heterogeneous variance components when e.g., have multiple trials or different locations. The spatial models can also be fitted that way using the at.var and at.levels arguments. The first argument expects a variable that will define the levels at which the variance components will be fitted. The second argument is a way for the user to specify the levels at which the spatial kernels should be fitted if the user doesn’t want to fit it for all levels (e.g., trials or fields).

DT2 <- rbind(DT,DT)
DT2$Y <- DT2$Y + rnorm(length(DT2$Y))
DT2$trial <- c(rep("A",nrow(DT)),rep("B",nrow(DT)))
##   row col         Y   N          V  B         MP R C trial
## 1   1   1  91.79843 0.2    Victory B2    Victory 1 1     A
## 2   2   1  61.85086   0    Victory B2    Victory 2 1     A
## 3   3   1 120.55643 0.4 Marvellous B2 Marvellous 3 1     A
## 4   4   1 143.55323 0.6 Marvellous B2 Marvellous 4 1     A
## 5   5   1 149.01331 0.6 GoldenRain B2 GoldenRain 5 1     A
## 6   6   1 106.56385 0.2 GoldenRain B2 GoldenRain 6 1     A
m3.sommer <- mmer(Y~1+V, 
                  random = ~vsr(dsr(trial),R)+vsr(dsr(trial),C)+
                    spl2Da(col,row, nsegments = c(14,21), degree = c(3,3), 
                           penaltyord = c(2,2), at.var = trial),
                  rcov = ~vsr(dsr(trial),units),
                  data=DT2, tolParConv = 1e-6, verbose = FALSE)
##               VarComp VarCompSE    Zratio Constraint
## A:R.Y-Y     107.48007  82.12826 1.3086855   Positive
## B:R.Y-Y      98.26652  80.47655 1.2210578   Positive
## A:C.Y-Y     144.95281 138.74448 1.0447465   Positive
## B:C.Y-Y     138.91292 134.98994 1.0290613   Positive
## A:all.Y-Y   403.81707 879.19318 0.4593041   Positive
## B:all.Y-Y   418.54730 901.30369 0.4643799   Positive
## A:units.Y-Y 385.64550 202.89149 1.9007475   Positive
## B:units.Y-Y 396.86541 208.15464 1.9065893   Positive
# get the fitted values for the spatial kernel and plot
# ff <- fitted.mmer(m3.sommer)
# DT2$fit <- as.matrix(Reduce("+",ff$Zu[-c(1:4)])) 
# lattice::levelplot(fit~row*col|trial,data=DT2)


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