--- title: "Processing 1000 Genomes data for set-based association tests" author: "Jaehyun Joo" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Processing 1000 Genomes data for set-based association tests} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ## Overview A set-based association test in the **snpsettest** package requires a reference data set to infer pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) values between a set of variants. This vignette shows you how to use 1000 Genomes data as the reference data for set-based association tests. ## Prerequisites [PLINK 2.0](https://www.cog-genomics.org/plink/2.0/) is required to process the 1000 Genomes dataset. The 1000 Genomes phase 3 dataset (GRCh37) is available in PLINK2 binary format at [PLINK 2.0 Resources](https://www.cog-genomics.org/plink/2.0/resources#1kg_phase3). To download files, ```{bash 1000 Genomes download, eval = FALSE} # The links in here may be changed in future # "-O" to specify output file name wget -O all_phase3.psam "https://www.dropbox.com/s/yozrzsdrwqej63q/phase3_corrected.psam?dl=1" wget -O all_phase3.pgen.zst "https://www.dropbox.com/s/afvvf1e15gqzsqo/all_phase3.pgen.zst?dl=1" wget -O all_phase3.pvar.zst "https://www.dropbox.com/s/op9osq6luy3pjg8/all_phase3.pvar.zst?dl=1" # Decompress pgen.zst to pgen plink2 --zst-decompress all_phase3.pgen.zst > all_phase3.pgen ``` ## Choose an appropriate population Patterns of LD could vary among racial/ethnic groups, and thus, it may be necessary to choose an appropriate population. For example, if your GWAS is based on European descent, you may want to keep **EUR** samples as described in the "all_phase3.psam" file. ```{bash sub population, eval = FALSE} # "vzs" modifier to directly operate with pvar.zst # "--chr 1-22" excludes all variants not on the listed chromosomes # "--output-chr 26" uses numeric chromosome codes # "--max-alleles 2": PLINK 1 binary does not allow multi-allelic variants # "--rm-dup" removes duplicate-ID variants # "--set-missing-var-id" replaces missing IDs with a pattern plink2 --pfile all_phase3 vzs \ --chr 1-22 \ --output-chr 26 \ --max-alleles 2 \ --rm-dup exclude-mismatch \ --set-missing-var-ids '@_#_$1_$2' \ --make-pgen \ --out all_phase3_autosomes # Prepare sub-population filter file awk 'NR == 1 || $5 == "EUR" {print $1}' all_phase3.psam > EUR_1kg_samples.txt # Generate sub-population fileset plink2 --pfile all_phase3_autosomes \ --keep EUR_1kg_samples.txt \ --make-pgen \ --out EUR_phase3_autosomes ``` ## Convert the 1000 Genomes data to PLINK 1 binary format The **snpsettest** package uses PLINK 1 binary files to read them into R. The PLINK2 binary fileset (pgen/pvar/psam) can be easily converted to PLINK 1 binary fileset (bed/bim/fam). ```{bash pgen2bed, eval = FALSE} # pgen to bed # "--maf 0.005" remove most monomorphic SNPs # (still may have some when all samples are heterozyguous -> maf=0.5) plink2 --pfile EUR_phase3_autosomes \ --maf 0.005 \ --make-bed \ --out EUR_phase3_autosomes # Split bed/bim/fam by chromosome for i in {1..22} do plink2 --bfile EUR_phase3_autosomes --chr $i --make-bed --out EUR_phase3_chr$i done ``` For the **snpsettest** package, it is better to split your reference data by chromosome and run set-based association tests with per-chromosome binary files. For instance, when you perform set-based association tests for genes on chromosome 1, you don't have to load genotype data for other chromosomes into R. Intuitively, as more redundant SNPs are included in the reference data, your tests will get (often significantly) slower and consume more memory. ## Read PLINK 1 binary fileset to R session This package uses a bed.matrix-class from the [**gaston**](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=gaston) package to attach genotype data to R session. Genotypes are retrieved on demand to manage large-scale genotype data. ```{r toR, eval = FALSE} library(snpsettest) # Read chromosome 1 bed/bim/fam files x <- read_reference_bed("/path/to/EUR_phase3_chr1.bed") ```