Package 'snowfall'

Title: Easier Cluster Computing (Based on 'snow')
Description: Usability wrapper around snow for easier development of parallel R programs. This package offers e.g. extended error checks, and additional functions. All functions work in sequential mode, too, if no cluster is present or wished. Package is also designed as connector to the cluster management tool sfCluster, but can also used without it.
Authors: Jochen Knaus
Maintainer: Jochen Knaus <[email protected]>
License: GPL
Version: 1.84-6.3
Built: 2025-01-20 06:29:10 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Toplevel useability wrapper for snow to make parallel programming even more easy and comfortable. All functions are able to run without cluster in sequential mode. Also snowfall works as connector to the cluster management program sfCluster, but can also run without it.


snowfall is designed to make setup and usage of snow more easier. It also is made ready to work together with sfCluster, a ressource management and runtime observation tool for R-cluster usage.


Package: snowfall
Type: Package
Version: 1.61
Date: 2008-11-01
License: GPL


Initalisation via sfInit must be called before the usage of any of the snowfall internal functions. sfStop stopps the current cluster. Some additional functions give access to build-in functions (like sfParallel, sfCpus etc.).


The are plenty of function to execute parallel calculations via snowfall. Most of them are wrappers to the according snow functions, but there are additional functions as well. Most likely the parallel versions of the R-buildin applies are interesting: sfLapply, sfSapply and sfApply. For better cluster take a look at the load balanced sfClusterApplyLB and the function with restore possibilities: sfClusterApplySR.


Various tools allow an easier access to parallel computing: sfLibrary and sfSource for loading code on the cluster, sfExport, sfExportAll, sfRemoveAll and sfRemoveAll for variable sperading on the cluster. And some more.


snowfall is also the R-connector to the cluster management program sfCluster. Mostly all of the communication to this tool is done implicit and directly affecting the initialisation via sfInit. Using sfCluster makes the parallel programming with snowfall even more practicable in real life environments.

For futher informations about the usage of sfCluster look at its documentation.


Jochen Knaus

Maintainer: Jochen Knaus <[email protected]>,


snow (Simple Network of Workstations):

sfCluster (Unix management tool for snowfall clusters):

See Also

Snowfall Initialisation: snowfall-init
Snowfall Calculation: snowfall-calculation
Snowfall Tools: snowfall-tools

Optional links to other man pages, e.g. snow-cluster


## Not run: 
  # Init Snowfall with settings from sfCluster

  # Init Snowfall with explicit settings.
  sfInit( parallel=TRUE, cpus=2 )

  if( sfParallel() )
    cat( "Running in parallel mode on", sfCpus(), "nodes.\n" )
    cat( "Running in sequential mode.\n" )

  # Define some global objects.
  globalVar1 <- c( "a", "b", "c" )
  globalVar2 <- c( "d", "e" )
  globalVar3 <- c( 1:10 )
  globalNoExport <- "dummy"

  # Define stupid little function.
  calculate <- function( x ) {
    cat( x )
    return( 2 ^ x )

  # Export all global objects except globalNoExport
  # List of exported objects is listed.
  # Work both parallel and sequential.
  sfExportAll( except=c( "globalNoExport" ) )

  # List objects on each node.
  sfClusterEvalQ( ls() )

  # Calc something with parallel sfLappy
  cat( unlist( sfLapply( globalVar3, calculate ) ) )

  # Remove all variables from object.
  sfRemoveAll( except=c( "calculate" ) )

## End(Not run)

Parallel calculation functions


Parallel calculation functions. Execution is distributed automatically over the cluster.
Most of this functions are wrappers for snow functions, but all can be used directly in sequential mode.


sfClusterApply( x, fun, ... )
sfClusterApplyLB( x, fun, ... )
sfClusterApplySR( x, fun, ..., name="default", perUpdate=NULL, restore=sfRestore() )

sfClusterMap( fun, ..., MoreArgs = NULL, RECYCLE = TRUE )

sfLapply( x, fun, ... )
sfSapply( x, fun, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE )
sfApply( x, margin, fun, ... )
sfRapply( x, fun, ... )
sfCapply( x, fun, ... )

sfMM( a, b )




vary depending on function. See function details below.


function to call


vector speficying the dimension to use


additional arguments to pass to standard function


logical; see sapply


logical; see sapply






see snow documentation


see snow documentation


a character string indicating the name of this parallel execution. Naming is only needed if there are more than one call to sfClusterApplySR in a program.


a numerical value indicating the progress printing. Values range from 1 to 100 (no printing). Value means: any X percent of progress status is printed. Default (on given value ‘NULL’) is 5).


logical indicating whether results from previous runs should be restored or not. Default is coming from sfCluster. If running without sfCluster, default is FALSE, if yes, it is set to the value coming from the external program.


sfClusterApply calls each index of a given list on a seperate node, so length of given list must be smaller than nodes. Wrapper for snow function clusterApply.

sfClusterApplyLB is a load balanced version of sfClusterApply. If a node finished it's list segment it immidiately starts with the next segment. Use this function in infrastructures with machines with different speed. Wrapper for snow function clusterApplyLB.

sfClusterApplySR saves intermediate results and is able to restore them on a restart. Use this function on very long calculations or it is (however) foreseeable that cluster will not be able to finish it's calculations (e.g. because of a shutdown of a node machine). If your program use more than one parallised part, argument name must be given with a unique name for each loop. Intermediate data is saved depending on R-filename, so restore of data must be explicit given for not confusing changes on your R-file (it is recommended to only restore on fully tested programs). If restores, sfClusterApplySR continues calculation after the first non-null value in the saved list. If your parallized function can return null values, you probably want to change this.

sfLapply, sfSapply and sfApply are parallel versions of lapply, sapply and apply. The first two use an list or vector as argument, the latter an array.

parMM is a parallel matrix multiplication. Wrapper for snow function parMM.

sfRapply and sfCapply are not implemented atm.

See Also

See snow documentation for details on commands: snow-parallel


## Not run: 
  restoreResults <- TRUE


  ## Execute in cluster or sequential.
  sfLapply(1:10, exp)

  ## Execute with intermediate result saving and restore on wish.
  sfClusterApplySR(1:100, exp, name="CALC_EXP", restore=restoreResults)
  sfClusterApplySR(1:100, sum, name="CALC_SUM", restore=restoreResults)


  ## Small bootstrap example.
  sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=2)


  sfExport("sir.adm", local=FALSE)

  wrapper <- function(a) {
    index <- sample(1:nrow(sir.adm), replace=TRUE)
    temp <- sir.adm[index, ]
    fit <- crr(temp$time, temp$status, temp$pneu, failcode=1, cencode=0)

  result <- sfLapply(1:100, wrapper)

  mean( unlist( rbind( result ) ) )

## End(Not run)

Internal configuration and test data


Internal configuration and test data. Only used for internal setup and testing.




A matrix containing basic predefined configuration informations.

Initialisation of cluster usage


Initialisation and organisation code to use snowfall.


sfInit( parallel=NULL, cpus=NULL, type=NULL, socketHosts=NULL, restore=NULL,
        slaveOutfile=NULL, nostart=FALSE, useRscript=FALSE )
sfStop( nostop=FALSE )

sfSetMaxCPUs( number=32 )



Logical determinating parallel or sequential execution. If not set values from commandline are taken.


Numerical amount of CPUs requested for the cluster. If not set, values from the commandline are taken.


Logical determinating if the basic cluster setup should be skipped. Needed for nested use of snowfall and usage in packages.


Type of cluster. Can be 'SOCK', 'MPI', 'PVM' or 'NWS'. Default is 'SOCK'.


Host list for socket clusters. Only needed for socketmode (SOCK) and if using more than one machines (if using only your local machine (localhost) no list is needed).


Globally set the restore behavior in the call sfClusterApplySR to the given value.


Write R slave output to this file. Default: no output (Unix: /dev/null, Windows: :nul). If using sfCluster this argument has no function, as slave logs are defined using sfCluster.


Change startup behavior (snow>0.3 needed): use shell scripts or R-script for startup (R-scripts beeing the new variant, but not working with sfCluster.


Same as noStart for ending.


Amount of maximum CPUs useable.


sfInit initialisise the usage of the snowfall functions and - if running in parallel mode - setup the cluster and snow. If using sfCluster management tool, call this without arguments. If sfInit is called with arguments, these overwrite sfCluster settings. If running parallel, sfInit set up the cluster by calling makeCluster from snow. If using with sfCluster, the initialisation also contains management of lockfiles. If this function is called more than once and current cluster is yet running, sfStop is called automatically.

Note that you should call sfInit before using any other function from snowfall, with the only exception sfSetMaxCPUs. If you do not call sfInit first, on calling any snowfall function sfInit is called without any parameters, which is equal to sequential mode in snowfall only mode or the settings from sfCluster if used with sfCluster.

This also means, you cannot check if sfInit was called from within your own program, as any call to a function will initialize again. Therefore the function sfIsRunning gives you a logical if a cluster is running. Please note: this will not call sfInit and it also returns true if a previous running cluster was stopped via sfStop in the meantime.

If you use snowfall in a package argument nostart is very handy if mainprogram uses snowfall as well. If set, cluster setup will be skipped and both parts (package and main program) use the same cluster.

If you call sfInit more than one time in a program without explicit calling sfStop, stopping of the cluster will be executed automatically. If your R-environment does not cover required libraries, sfInit automatically switches to sequential mode (with a warning). Required libraries for parallel usage are snow and depending on argument type the libraries for the cluster mode (none for socket clusters, Rmpi for MPI clusters, rpvm for PVM clusters and nws for NetWorkSpaces).

If using Socket or NetWorkSpaces, socketHosts can be used to specify the hosts you want to have your workers running. Basically this is a list, where any entry can be a plain character string with IP or hostname (depending on your DNS settings). Also for real heterogenous clusters for any host pathes are setable. Please look to the acccording snow documentation for details. If you are not giving an socketlist, a list with the required amount of CPUs on your local machine (localhost) is used. This would be the easiest way to use parallel computing on a single machine, like a laptop.

Note there is limit on CPUs used in one program (which can be configured on package installation). The current limit are 32 CPUs. If you need a higher amount of CPUs, call sfSetMaxCPUs before the first call to sfInit. The limit is set to prevent inadvertently request by single users affecting the cluster as a whole.

Use slaveOutfile to define a file where to write the log files. The file location must be available on all nodes. Beware of taking a location on a shared network drive! Under *nix systems, most likely the directories /tmp and /var/tmp are not shared between the different machines. The default is no output file. If you are using sfCluster this argument have no meaning as the slave logs are always created in a location of sfClusters choice (depending on it's configuration).

sfStop stop cluster. If running in parallel mode, the LAM/MPI cluster is shut down.

sfParallel, sfCpus and sfSession grant access to the internal state of the currently used cluster. All three can be configured via commandline and especially with sfCluster as well, but given arguments in sfInit always overwrite values on commandline. The commandline options are --parallel (empty option. If missing, sequential mode is forced), --cpus=X (for nodes, where X is a numerical value) and --session=X (with X a string).

sfParallel returns a logical if program is running in parallel/cluster-mode or sequential on a single processor.

sfCpus returns the size of the cluster in CPUs (equals the CPUs which are useable). In sequential mode sfCpus returns one. sfNodes is a deprecated similar to sfCpus.

sfSession returns a string with the session-identification. It is mainly important if used with the sfCluster tool.

sfGetCluster gets the snow-cluster handler. Use for direct calling of snow functions.

sfType returns the type of the current cluster backend (if used any). The value can be SOCK, MPI, PVM or NWS for parallel modes or "- sequential -" for sequential execution.

sfSocketHosts gives the list with currently used hosts for socket clusters. Returns empty list if not used in socket mode (means: sfType() != 'SOCK').

sfSetMaxCPUs enables to set a higher maximum CPU-count for this program. If you need higher limits, call sfSetMaxCPUs before sfInit with the new maximum amount.

See Also

See snow documentation for details on commands: link[snow]{snow-cluster}


## Not run: 
  # Run program in plain sequential mode.
  sfInit( parallel=FALSE )
  stopifnot( sfParallel() == FALSE )

  # Run in parallel mode overwriting probably given values on
  # commandline.
  # Executes via Socket-cluster with 4 worker processes on
  # localhost.
  # This is probably the best way to use parallel computing
  # on a single machine, like a notebook, if you are not
  # using sfCluster.
  # Uses Socketcluster (Default) - which can also be stated
  # using type="SOCK".
  sfInit( parallel=TRUE, cpus=4 )
  stopifnot( sfCpus() == 4 )
  stopifnot( sfParallel() == TRUE )

  # Run parallel mode (socket) with 4 workers on 3 specific machines.
  sfInit( parallel=TRUE, cpus=4, type="SOCK",
          socketHosts=c( "biom7", "biom7", "biom11", "biom12" ) )
  stopifnot( sfCpus() == 4 )
  stopifnot( sfParallel() == TRUE )

  # Hook into MPI cluster.
  # Note: you can use any kind MPI cluster Rmpi supports.
  sfInit( parallel=TRUE, cpus=4, type="MPI" )

  # Hook into PVM cluster.
  sfInit( parallel=TRUE, cpus=4, type="PVM" )

  # Run in sfCluster-mode: settings are taken from commandline:
  # Runmode (sequential or parallel), amount of nodes and hosts which
  # are used.

  # Session-ID from sfCluster (or XXXXXXXX as default)
  session <- sfSession()

  # Calling a snow function: cluster handler needed.
  parLapply( sfGetCluster(), 1:10, exp )

  # Same using snowfall wrapper, no handler needed.
  sfLapply( 1:10, exp )


## End(Not run)

Cluster tools


Tools for cluster usage. Allow easier handling of cluster programming.


sfLibrary( package, pos=2,
           lib.loc=NULL, character.only=FALSE,
           verbose=getOption("verbose"), version,
           stopOnError=TRUE )
sfSource( file, encoding = getOption("encoding"), stopOnError = TRUE )
sfExport( ..., list=NULL, local=TRUE, namespace=NULL, debug=FALSE, stopOnError = TRUE )
sfExportAll( except=NULL, debug=FALSE )

sfRemove( ..., list=NULL, master=FALSE, debug=FALSE )
sfRemoveAll( except=NULL, debug=FALSE, hidden=TRUE )

sfCat( ..., sep=" ", master=TRUE )

sfClusterSplit( seq )
sfClusterCall( fun, ..., stopOnError=TRUE )
sfClusterEval( expr, stopOnError=TRUE )

sfClusterSetupRNG( type="RNGstream", ... )
sfClusterSetupRNGstream( seed=rep(12345,6), ... )
sfClusterSetupSPRNG( seed=round(2^32*runif(1)), prngkind="default", para=0, ... )




expression to evaluate


vector to split


function to call


character vector with names of objects to export


a logical indicating if variables should taken from local scope(s) or only from global.


a character given a namespace where to search for the object.


a logical indicating extended information is given upon action to be done (e.g. print exported variables, print context of local variables etc.).


character vector with names of objects not to export/remove


also remove hidden names (starting with a dot)?


a character string separating elements in x


a logical indicating if executed on master as well


additional arguments to pass to standard function


name of the package. Check library for details.


position in search path to load library.


warn on conflicts (see "library").


see "library". Please note: this argument has only effect on R-2.x, starting with R-3.0 it will only be a placeholder for backward compatibility.


enable verbose messages.


version of library to load (see "library").


encoding of library to load (see "library").


a character vector describing the location of the R library trees to search through, or 'NULL'. Check library for details.


a logical indicating package can be assumed to be a character string. Check library for details.


filename of file to read. Check source for details


a logical indicating if function stops on failure or still returns. Default is TRUE.


a character determine which random number generator should be used for clusters. Allowed values are "RNGstream" for L'Ecuyer's RNG or "SPRNG" for Scalable Parallel Random Number Generators.


additional parameters for the RNGs.


Seed for the RNG.


type of RNG, see snow documentation.


The current functions are little helpers to make cluster programming easier. All of these functions also work in sequential mode without any further code changes.

sfLibrary loads an R-package on all nodes, including master. Use this function if slaves need this library, too. Parameters are identically to the R-build in funtion library. If a relative path is given in lib.loc, it is converted to an absolute path.\ As default sfLibrary stops on any error, but this can be prevented by setting stopOnError=FALSE, the function is returning FALSE then. On success TRUE is returned.

sfSource loads a sourcefile on all nodes, including master. Use this function if the slaves need the code as well. Make sure the file is accessible on all nodes under the same path. The loading is done on slaves using source with fixes parameters: local=FALSE, chdir=FALSE, echo=FALSE, so the files is loaded global without changing of directory.\ As default sfSource stops on any error, but this can be prevented by setting stopOnError=FALSE, the function is returning FALSE then. On success TRUE is returned.

sfExport exports variables from the master to all slaves. Use this function if slaves need acccess to these variables as well. sfExport features two execution modes: local and global. If using local mode (default), variables for export are searched backwards from current environment to globalenv(). Use this mode if you want to export local variables from functions or other scopes to the slaves. In global mode only global variables from master are exported.\ Note: all exported variables are global on the slaves!\ If you have many identical named variables in different scopes, use argument debug=TRUE to view the context the exported variable is coming from.\ Variables are given as their names or as a character vector with their names using argument list.

sfExportAll exports all global variables from the master to all slaves with exception of the given list. Use this functions if you want to export mostly all variables to all slaves.\Argument list is a character vector with names of the variables not to export.

sfRemove removes a list of global (previous exported or generated) variables from slaves and (optional) master. Use this function if there are large further unused variables left on slave. Basically this is only interesting if you have more than one explicit parallel task in your program - where the danger is slaves memory usage exceed.\ If argument master is given, the variables are removed from master as well (default is FALSE).\ Give names of variables as arguments, or use argument list as a character vector with the names. For deep cleaning of slave memory use sfRemoveAll.

sfRemoveAll removes all global variables from the slaves. Use this functions if you want to remove mostly all variables on the slaves. Argument list is a character vector with names of the variables not to remove.

sfCat is a debugging function printing a message on all slaves (which appear in the logfiles).

sfClusterSplit splits a vector into one consecutive piece for each cluster and returns as a list with length equal to the number of cluster nodes. Wrapper for snow function clusterSplit.

sfClusterCall calls a function on each node and returns list of results. Wrapper for snow function clusterCall.

sfClusterEvalQ evaluates a literal expression on all nodes. Wrapper for snow function clusterEvalQ.

sfTest is a simple unit-test for most of the build in functions. It runs tests and compares the results for the correct behavior. Note there are some warnings if using, this is intended (as behavior for some errors is tested, too). use this if you are not sure all nodes are running your R-code correctly (but mainly it is implemented for development).

See Also

See snow documentation for details on wrapper-commands: snow-parallel


## Not run: 
    sfInit( parallel=FALSE )

    ## Now works both in parallel as in sequential mode without
    ## explicit cluster handler.
    sfClusterEval( cat( "yummie\n" ) );

    ## Load a library on all slaves. Stop if fails.
    sfLibrary( tools )
    sfLibrary( "tools", character.only=TRUE )  ## Alternative.

    ## Execute in cluster or sequential.
    sfLapply( 1:10, exp )

    ## Export global Var
    gVar <- 99
    sfExport( "gVar" )

    ## If there are local variables with same name which shall not
    ## be exported.
    sfExport( "gVar", local=FALSE )

    ## Export local variables
    var1 <- 1    ## Define global
    var2 <- "a"

    f1 <- function() {
      var1 <- 2
      var3 <- "x"

      f2 <- function() {
        var1 <- 3

        sfExport( "var1", "var2", "var3", local=TRUE )
        sfClusterCall( var1 )    ## 3
        sfClusterCall( var2 )    ## "a"
        sfClusterCall( var3 )    ## "x"



    ## Init random number streams (snows functions, build upon
    ## packages rlecuyer/rsprng).
    sfClusterCall( runif, 4 )

    sfClusterSetupRNG()         ## L'Ecuyer is default.
    sfClusterCall( runif, 4 )

    sfClusterSetupRNG( type="SPRNG", seed = 9876)
    sfClusterCall( runif, 4 )

    ## Run unit-test on main functions.

## End(Not run)