smoots 1.1.4 (2023-09-11)
- The NOTE "Specified C++11: please drop specification unless essential"
has been fixed.
- a package alias has been added appropriately in the package overview
help file.
- the plot functionality for objects of class "smoots" is no longer
only interactive but different plot types can now also be selected
via a function argument.
- the long-time deprecated argument "msg" in "bootCast()", "modelCast()",
and "rollCast()" has been removed.
smoots 1.1.3 (2021-10-09)
- a bug has been fixed that occurred when selecting p = 0 or q = 0
for the bootstrap approach
- a bug has been fixed where using the deprecated argument msg in the function
rollCast() caused an error
smoots 1.1.2 (2021-10-05)
- a NAMESPACE issue (stated as a NOTE in CRAN checks) regarding the package
'progress' has been fixed.
- an ERROR that occurred when running the test files on aarch64-apple-darwin20
(64-bit), r-patched-solaris-x86 and x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) has been
smoots 1.1.1 (2021-09-22)
- a minor bug in the automatically created plot title when applying
plot.smoots() to an object returned by dsmooth() was fixed.
- a notable performance increase was implemented for the algorithms
considered in the functions msmooth(), tsmooth() and dsmooth().
- RcppArmadillo was added to Suggests to address a note on
- a few typos in the documentation were fixed.
- an error in the description of the element 'ws' within lists returned by
msmooth(), tsmooth(), dsmooth() and gsmooth() was fixed in the documentation.
- an acknowledgment of the support by the German DFG project GZ-FE-1500-2-1
was added to the DESCRIPTION file.
- [[Rcpp::export]] was removed from C++ functions only used by other C++
- minor R code simplifications were implemented.
- the package now makes use of the future and future.apply packages to improve
the performance of the bootstraps in the functions bootCast(), modelCast()
and rollCast().
- due to the implementation of parallel code, the argument msg of the functions
bootCast(), modelCast() and rollCast() has been deprecated; instead they have
two new arguments pb and cores.
smoots 1.1.0 (2021-05-11)
- the README file has been adjusted.
- new functions were added for graphical testing of linearity assumptions and
for forecasting.
- a rescaling function was added to simplify the transfer of the obtained
derivative estimates on the time interval [0, 1] to the actual observation
time points.
- the package now uses compiled C++ code within selected functions and needs to
import the Rcpp package for this purpose.
- due to the implemented C++ code the performance of the functions of version
1.0.0 has been slightly improved for this version.
- the documentation has been adjusted with respect to the newly introduced
- typos and false or missing information in the documentation have been
- the documentation has generally been edited with a stronger focus on text
formatting so that actual mathematical formulae are visible in the package's
- the S3 method plot.smoots() has been reworked and allows for more arguments
of the standard plot function and thus for more flexibility.
- improved feedback on incorrect input.
- some default values for arguments of functions existing since package version
1.0.0 have been adjusted, e.g. p = v + 1 is now the default in gsmooth() as
opposed to p = 1 in previous versions.
smoots 1.0.1 (2019-12-02)
- the Imports field in the DESCRIPTION file was adjusted.
- minor performance improvements were made.
- the example in the README file was adjusted.
- minor changes in the documentation were made.
- minor changes in the print method were made.