The new smof
argument opt.method
is introduced
from which a wider choice of numerical optimizers is made available,
that is, three optimizers from the base package are accessibile.
In addition, if the package nloptr is installed on the local
system, various additional algorithms are made available.
When the transformations are computed using quantiles of distribution,
the final values of the scores are now mapped to the interval
, if K
is the number of levels of a given facrtor.
The reasons of this choice are explained in the ‘Details’
section of the smof
documentation page.
Generally improved and more detailed documentation.
Objects of class gnm
are now handled.
Methods coef
and anova
are introduced for class smof
The smof
argument trace
is replaced by the more flexible
argument verbose
New smof
argument f.tail
allows to select the
suffix being appended to the names the factors
Fixed a bug in the parsing of the object formula which caused problems when some factor has a name which is portion of another factor name.
Fixed a bug in smof_refit
affecting the retrival of the
work parameters estimated by a previous call to smof
A variant method for assigning numeric scores is introduced, based on a monotonic spline instead of the quantile function of a distribution.
An implication of the new variant method is that smof
had to redesigned.
The new function smof_refit
is introduced.
Additional arguments of smof
are introduced:
and opt.control
Fixed a bug in predict.smof
which affected the case with multiple factors.
The object returned by smof
now includes additional components
and is assigned to class smof
Various methods are introduced for class smof
print, summary, plot, predict
Fixed a bug which prevented the use of option
when family=binomial(..)
and the response was of binary type.
First public version of the package and upload to CRAN, with
only one exported function, namely smof
Scoring of factors are produced from suitably chosen quantiles of
distributions among the families "gh", "SU", "sinh-arcsinh"
or their equivalente names.
Admissible classes of fitted models are "lm", "mlm", "glm",
"survreg", "coxph.penal", "coxph"