Package 'smmR'

Title: Simulation, Estimation and Reliability of Semi-Markov Models
Description: Performs parametric and non-parametric estimation and simulation for multi-state discrete-time semi-Markov processes. For the parametric estimation, several discrete distributions are considered for the sojourn times: Uniform, Geometric, Poisson, Discrete Weibull and Negative Binomial. The non-parametric estimation concerns the sojourn time distributions, where no assumptions are done on the shape of distributions. Moreover, the estimation can be done on the basis of one or several sample paths, with or without censoring at the beginning or/and at the end of the sample paths. Reliability indicators such as reliability, maintainability, availability, BMP-failure rate, RG-failure rate, mean time to failure and mean time to repair are available as well. The implemented methods are described in Barbu, V.S., Limnios, N. (2008) <doi:10.1007/978-0-387-73173-5>, Barbu, V.S., Limnios, N. (2008) <doi:10.1080/10485250701261913> and Trevezas, S., Limnios, N. (2011) <doi:10.1080/10485252.2011.555543>. Estimation and simulation of discrete-time k-th order Markov chains are also considered.
Authors: Vlad Stefan Barbu [aut] , Caroline Berard [aut], Dominique Cellier [aut], Florian Lecocq [aut], Corentin Lothode [aut], Mathilde Sautreuil [aut], Nicolas Vergne [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Nicolas Vergne <[email protected]>
License: GPL
Version: 1.0.3
Built: 2024-10-26 06:37:27 UTC
Source: CRAN

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smmR : Semi-Markov Models, Markov Models and Reliability


This package performs parametric and non-parametric estimation and simulation for multi-state discrete-time semi-Markov processes. For the parametric estimation, several discrete distributions are considered for the sojourn times: Uniform, Geometric, Poisson, Discrete Weibull and Negative Binomial. The non-parametric estimation concerns the sojourn time distributions, where no assumptions are done on the shape of distributions. Moreover, the estimation can be done on the basis of one or several sample paths, with or without censoring at the beginning or/and at the end of the sample paths. Estimation and simulation of discrete-time k-th order Markov chains are also considered.

Semi-Markov models are specified by using the functions smmparametric() and smmnonparametric() for parametric and non-parametric specifications respectively. These functions return objects of S3 class (smm, smmparametric) and (smm, smmnonparametric) respectively (smm class inherits from S3 classes smmparametric or smmnonparametric). Thus, smm is like a wrapper class for semi-Markov model specifications.

Based on a model specification (an object of class smm), it is possible to:

  • simulate one or several sequences with the method simulate.smm();

  • plot conditional sojourn time distributions (method plot.smm());

  • compute log-likelihood, AIC and BIC criteria (methods loglik(), aic(), bic());

  • compute reliability, maintainability, availability, failure rates (methods reliability(), maintainability(), availability(), failureRate()).

Estimations of parametric and non-parametric semi-Markov models can be done by using the function fitsmm(). This function returns an object of S3 class smmfit. The class smmfit inherits from classes (smm, smmparametric) or (smm, smmnonparametric).

Based on a fitted/estimated semi-Markov model (an object of class smmfit), it is possible to:

  • simulate one or several sequences with the method simulate.smmfit();

  • plot estimated conditional sojourn time distributions (method plot.smmfit());

  • compute log-likelihood, AIC and BIC criteria (methods loglik(), aic(), bic());

  • compute estimated reliability, maintainability, availability, failure rates and their confidence intervals (methods reliability(), maintainability(), availability(), failureRate()).


Maintainer: Nicolas Vergne [email protected]


  • Vlad Stefan Barbu (ORCID)

  • Caroline Berard

  • Dominique Cellier

  • Florian Lecocq

  • Corentin Lothode

  • Mathilde Sautreuil


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

R.E. Barlow, A.W. Marshall, and F. Prochan. (1963). Properties of probability distributions with monotone hazard rate. Ann. Math. Statist., 34, 375-389.

T. Nakagawa and S. Osaki. (1975). The discrete Weibull distribution. IEEE Trans. Reliabil., R-24, 300-301.

D. Roy and R. Gupta. (1992). Classification of discrete lives. Microelectron. Reliabil., 32 (10), 1459-1473.

I. Votsi & A. Brouste (2019) Confidence interval for the mean time to failure in semi-Markov models: an application to wind energy production, Journal of Applied Statistics, 46:10, 1756-1773.

Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)


Generic function computing the Akaike Information Criterion of the model x, with the list of sequences sequences.


aic(x, sequences = NULL)



An object for which there exists a loglik attribute if sequences = NULL or a loglik method otherwise.


Optional. A list of vectors representing the sequences for which the AIC will be computed based on x using the method loglik.


Value of the AIC.

Availability Function


The pointwise (or instantaneous) availability of a system SystemS_{ystem} at time kNk \in N is the probability that the system is operational at time kk (independently of the fact that the system has failed or not in [0,k)[0, k)).


availability(x, k, upstates = x$states, level = 0.95, klim = 10000)



An object of S3 class smmfit or smm.


A positive integer giving the time at which the availability should be computed.


Vector giving the subset of operational states UU.


Confidence level of the asymptotic confidence interval. Helpful for an object x of class smmfit.


Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the computation of the mean sojourn times vector mm (cf. meanSojournTimes function) for the asymptotic variance.


Consider a system (or a component) SystemS_{ystem} whose possible states during its evolution in time are E={1,,s}E = \{1,\dots,s\}. Denote by U={1,,s1}U = \{1,\dots,s_1\} the subset of operational states of the system (the up states) and by D={s1+1,,s}D = \{s_1 + 1,\dots,s\} the subset of failure states (the down states), with 0<s1<s0 < s_1 < s (obviously, E=UDE = U \cup D and UD=U \cap D = \emptyset, U, DU \neq \emptyset,\ D \neq \emptyset). One can think of the states of UU as different operating modes or performance levels of the system, whereas the states of DD can be seen as failures of the systems with different modes.

We are interested in investigating the availability of a discrete-time semi-Markov system SystemS_{ystem}. Consequently, we suppose that the evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space semi-Markov chain (Zk)kN(Z_k)_{k \in N}. The state of the system is given at each instant kNk \in N by ZkZ_k: the event {Zk=i}\{Z_k = i\}, for a certain iUi \in U, means that the system SystemS_{ystem} is in operating mode ii at time kk, whereas {Zk=j}\{Z_k = j\}, for a certain jDj \in D, means that the system is not operational at time kk due to the mode of failure jj or that the system is under the repairing mode jj.

The pointwise (or instantaneous) availability of a system SystemS_{ystem} at time kNk \in N is the probability that the system is operational at time kk (independently of the fact that the system has failed or not in [0,k)[0, k)).

Thus, the pointwise availability of a semi-Markov system at time kNk \in N is

A(k)=P(ZkU)=iEαiAi(k),A(k) = P(Z_k \in U) = \sum_{i \in E} \alpha_i A_i(k),

where we have denoted by Ai(k)A_i(k) the conditional availability of the system at time kNk \in N, given that it starts in state iEi \in E,

Ai(k)=P(ZkUZ0=i).A_i(k) = P(Z_k \in U | Z_0 = i).


A matrix with k+1k + 1 rows, and with columns giving values of the availability, variances, lower and upper asymptotic confidence limits (if x is an object of class smmfit).


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)


Generic function computing the Bayesian Information Criterion of the model x, with the list of sequences sequences.


bic(x, sequences = NULL)



An object for which there exists a loglik attribute if sequences = NULL or a loglik method otherwise.


Optional. A list of vectors representing the sequences for which the AIC will be computed based on x using the method loglik.


Value of the BIC.

Failure Rate Function


Function to compute the BMP-failure rate or the RG-failure rate.

Consider a system SystemS_{ystem} starting to work at time k=0k = 0. The BMP-failure rate at time kNk \in N is the conditional probability that the failure of the system occurs at time kk, given that the system has worked until time k1k - 1.

The RG-failure rate is a discrete-time adapted failure rate, proposed by D. Roy and R. Gupta. Classification of discrete lives. Microelectronics Reliability, 32(10):1459–1473, 1992. We call it the RG-failure rate and denote it by r(k), kNr(k),\ k \in N.


  upstates = x$states,
  failure.rate = c("BMP", "RG"),
  level = 0.95,
  epsilon = 0.001,
  klim = 10000



An object of S3 class smmfit or smm.


A positive integer giving the period [0,k][0, k] on which the BMP-failure rate should be computed.


Vector giving the subset of operational states UU.


Type of failure rate to compute. If failure.rate = "BMP" (default value), then BMP-failure-rate is computed. If failure.rate = "RG", the RG-failure rate is computed.


Confidence level of the asymptotic confidence interval. Helpful for an object x of class smmfit.


Value of the reliability above which the latter is supposed to be 0 because of computation errors (see Details).


Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the computation of the mean sojourn times vector mm (cf. meanSojournTimes function) for the asymptotic variance.


Consider a system (or a component) SystemS_{ystem} whose possible states during its evolution in time are E={1,,s}E = \{1,\dots,s\}. Denote by U={1,,s1}U = \{1,\dots,s_1\} the subset of operational states of the system (the up states) and by D={s1+1,,s}D = \{s_1 + 1,\dots,s\} the subset of failure states (the down states), with 0<s1<s0 < s_1 < s (obviously, E=UDE = U \cup D and UD=U \cap D = \emptyset, U, DU \neq \emptyset,\ D \neq \emptyset). One can think of the states of UU as different operating modes or performance levels of the system, whereas the states of DD can be seen as failures of the systems with different modes.

We are interested in investigating the failure rate of a discrete-time semi-Markov system SystemS_{ystem}. Consequently, we suppose that the evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space semi-Markov chain (Zk)kN(Z_k)_{k \in N}. The system starts to work at instant 00 and the state of the system is given at each instant kNk \in N by ZkZ_k: the event {Zk=i}\{Z_k = i\}, for a certain iUi \in U, means that the system SystemS_{ystem} is in operating mode ii at time kk, whereas {Zk=j}\{Z_k = j\}, for a certain jDj \in D, means that the system is not operational at time kk due to the mode of failure jj or that the system is under the repairing mode jj.

The BMP-failure rate at time kNk \in N is the conditional probability that the failure of the system occurs at time kk, given that the system has worked until time k1k - 1.

Let TDT_D denote the first passage time in subset DD, called the lifetime of the system, i.e.,

TD:=inf{nN; ZnD} and inf :=.T_D := \textrm{inf}\{ n \in N;\ Z_n \in D\}\ \textrm{and}\ \textrm{inf}\ \emptyset := \infty.

For a discrete-time semi-Markov system, the failure rate at time k1k \geq 1 has the expression:

λ(k):=P(TD=kTDk)\lambda(k) := P(T_{D} = k | T_{D} \geq k)

We can rewrite it as follows :

λ(k)=1R(k)R(k1), if R(k1)0; λ(k)=0,otherwise\lambda(k) = 1 - \frac{R(k)}{R(k - 1)},\ \textrm{if } R(k - 1) \neq 0;\ \lambda(k) = 0, \textrm{otherwise}

The failure rate at time k=0k = 0 is defined by λ(0):=1R(0)\lambda(0) := 1 - R(0), with RR being the reliability function (see reliability function).

The calculation of the reliability RR involves the computation of many convolutions. It implies that the computation error, may be higher (in value) than the "true" reliability itself for reliability close to 0. In order to avoid inconsistent values of the BMP-failure rate, we use the following formula:

λ(k)=1R(k)R(k1), if R(k1)ϵ; λ(k)=0,otherwise\lambda(k) = 1 - \frac{R(k)}{R(k - 1)},\ \textrm{if } R(k - 1) \geq \epsilon;\ \lambda(k) = 0, \textrm{otherwise}

with ϵ\epsilon, the threshold, the parameter epsilon in the function failureRate.

Expressing the RG-failure rate r(k)r(k) in terms of the reliability RR we obtain that the RG-failure rate function for a discrete-time system is given by:

r(k)=lnR(k)R(k1), if k1; r(k)=lnR(0), if k=0r(k) = - \ln \frac{R(k)}{R(k - 1)},\ \textrm{if } k \geq 1;\ r(k) = - \ln R(0),\ \textrm{if } k = 0

for R(k)0R(k) \neq 0. If R(k)=0R(k) = 0, we set r(k):=0r(k) := 0.

Note that the RG-failure rate is related to the BMP-failure rate by:

r(k)=ln(1λ(k)), kNr(k) = - \ln (1 - \lambda(k)),\ k \in N


A matrix with k+1k + 1 rows, and with columns giving values of the BMP-failure rate or RG-failure rate, variances, lower and upper asymptotic confidence limits (if x is an object of class smmfit).


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

R.E. Barlow, A.W. Marshall, and F. Prochan. (1963). Properties of probability distributions with monotone hazard rate. Ann. Math. Statist., 34, 375-389.

D. Roy and R. Gupta. (1992). Classification of discrete lives. Microelectron. Reliabil., 32 (10), 1459-1473.

Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) of a k-th order Markov chain


Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the transition matrix and initial distribution of a k-th order Markov chain starting from one or several sequences.


fitmm(sequences, states, k = 1, init.estim = "mle")



A list of vectors representing the sequences.


Vector of state space (of length s).


Order of the Markov chain.


Optional. init.estim gives the method used to estimate the initial distribution. The following methods are proposed:

  • init.estim = "mle": the classical Maximum Likelihood Estimator is used to estimate the initial distribution init;

  • init.estim = "stationary": the initial distribution is replaced by the stationary distribution of the Markov chain (if the order of the Markov chain is more than one, the transition matrix is converted into a square block matrix in order to estimate the stationary distribution);

  • init.estim = "freq": the initial distribution is estimated by taking the frequencies of the words of length k for all sequences;

  • init.estim = "prod": init is estimated by using the product of the frequencies of each letter (for all the sequences) in the word of length k;

  • init.estim = "unif": the initial probability of each state is equal to 1/s1 / s, with ss the number of states.


Let X1,X2,...,XnX_1, X_2, ..., X_n be a trajectory of length nn of the Markov chain X=(Xm)mNX = (X_m)_{m \in N} of order k=1k = 1 with transition matrix ptrans(i,j)=P(Xm+1=jXm=i)p_{trans}(i,j) = P(X_{m+1} = j | X_m = i). The maximum likelihood estimation of the transition matrix is ptrans^(i,j)=NijNi.\widehat{p_{trans}}(i,j) = \frac{N_{ij}}{N_{i.}}, where NijN_{ij} is the number of transitions from state ii to state jj and Ni.N_{i.} is the number of transition from state ii to any state. For k>1k > 1 we have similar expressions.

The initial distribution of a k-th order Markov chain is defined as μi=P(X1=i)\mu_i = P(X_1 = i). Five methods are proposed for the estimation of the latter :

Maximum Likelihood Estimator:

The Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the initial distribution. The formula is: μi^=NstartiL\widehat{\mu_i} = \frac{Nstart_i}{L}, where NstartiNstart_i is the number of occurences of the word ii (of length kk) at the beginning of each sequence and LL is the number of sequences. This estimator is reliable when the number of sequences LL is high.

Stationary distribution:

The stationary distribution is used as a surrogate of the initial distribution. If the order of the Markov chain is more than one, the transition matrix is converted into a square block matrix in order to estimate the stationary distribution. This method may take time if the order of the Markov chain is high (more than three (3)).

Frequencies of each word:

The initial distribution is estimated by taking the frequencies of the words of length k for all sequences. The formula is μi^=NiN\widehat{\mu_i} = \frac{N_i}{N}, where NiN_i is the number of occurences of the word ii (of length kk) in the sequences and NN is the sum of the lengths of the sequences.

Product of the frequencies of each state:

The initial distribution is estimated by using the product of the frequencies of each state (for all the sequences) in the word of length kk.

Uniform distribution:

The initial probability of each state is equal to 1/s1 / s, with ss, the number of states.


An object of class S3 mmfit (inheriting from the S3 class mm). The S3 class mmfit contains:

  • All the attributes of the S3 class mm;

  • An attribute M which is an integer giving the total length of the set of sequences sequences (sum of all the lengths of the list sequences);

  • An attribute loglik which is a numeric value giving the value of the log-likelihood of the specified Markov model based on the sequences;

  • An attribute sequences which is equal to the parameter sequences of the function fitmm (i.e. a list of sequences used to estimate the Markov model).

See Also



states <- c("a", "c", "g", "t")
s <- length(states)
k <- 2
init <- / s ^ k, s ^ k)
p <- matrix(0.25, nrow = s ^ k, ncol = s)

# Specify a Markov model of order 2
markov <- mm(states = states, init = init, ptrans = p, k = k)

seqs <- simulate(object = markov, nsim = c(1000, 10000, 2000), seed = 150)

est <- fitmm(sequences = seqs, states = states, k = 2)

Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) of a semi-Markov chain


Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a semi-Markov chain starting from one or several sequences. This estimation can be parametric or non-parametric, non-censored, censored at the beginning and/or at the end of the sequence, with one or several trajectories. Several parametric distributions are considered (Uniform, Geometric, Poisson, Discrete Weibull and Negative Binomial).


  type.sojourn = c("fij", "fi", "fj", "f"),
  distr = "nonparametric",
  init.estim = "mle",
  cens.beg = FALSE,
  cens.end = FALSE



A list of vectors representing the sequences.


Vector of state space (of length s).


Type of sojourn time (for more explanations, see Details).


By default "nonparametric" for the non-parametric estimation case.

If the parametric estimation case is desired, distr should be:

  • A matrix of distributions of dimension (s,s)(s, s) if type.sojourn = "fij";

  • A vector of distributions of length ss if type.sojourn = "fi" or "fj";

  • A distribution if type.sojourn = "f".

The distributions to be used in distr must be one of "unif", "geom", "pois", "dweibull", "nbinom".


Optional. init.estim gives the method used to estimate the initial distribution. The following methods are proposed:

  • init.estim = "mle": the classical Maximum Likelihood Estimator is used to estimate the initial distribution init;

  • init.estim = "limit": the initial distribution is replaced by the limit (stationary) distribution of the semi-Markov chain;

  • init.estim = "freq": the initial distribution is replaced by the frequencies of each state in the sequences;

  • init.estim = "unif": the initial probability of each state is equal to 1/s1 / s, with ss the number of states.


Optional. A logical value indicating whether or not sequences are censored at the beginning.


Optional. A logical value indicating whether or not sequences are censored at the end.


This function estimates a semi-Markov model in parametric or non-parametric case, taking into account the type of sojourn time and the censoring described in references. The non-parametric estimation concerns sojourn time distributions defined by the user. For the parametric estimation, several discrete distributions are considered (see below).

The difference between the Markov model and the semi-Markov model concerns the modeling of the sojourn time. With a Markov chain, the sojourn time distribution is modeled by a Geometric distribution (in discrete time). With a semi-Markov chain, the sojourn time can be any arbitrary distribution. In this package, the available distribution for a semi-Markov model are :

  • Uniform: f(x)=1nf(x) = \frac{1}{n} for 1xn1 \le x \le n. nn is the parameter;

  • Geometric: f(x)=θ(1θ)x1f(x) = \theta (1-\theta)^{x - 1} for x=1,2,,nx = 1, 2,\ldots,n, 0<θ<10 < \theta < 1, θ\theta is the probability of success. θ\theta is the parameter;

  • Poisson: f(x)=λxexp(λ)x!f(x) = \frac{\lambda^x exp(-\lambda)}{x!} for x=0,1,2,,nx = 0, 1, 2,\ldots,n, with λ>0\lambda > 0. λ\lambda is the parameter;

  • Discrete Weibull of type 1: f(x)=q(x1)βqxβf(x)=q^{(x-1)^{\beta}}-q^{x^{\beta}}, x=1,2,,nx = 1, 2,\ldots,n, with 0<q<10 < q < 1, the first parameter and β>0\beta > 0 the second parameter. (q,β)(q, \beta) are the parameters;

  • Negative binomial: f(x)=Γ(x+α)Γ(α)x!pα(1p)xf(x)=\frac{\Gamma(x+\alpha)}{\Gamma(\alpha) x!} p^{\alpha} (1 - p)^x, for x=0,1,2,,nx = 0, 1, 2,\ldots,n, Γ\Gamma is the Gamma function, α\alpha is the parameter of overdispersion and pp is the probability of success, 0<p<10 < p < 1. (α,p)(\alpha, p) are the parameters;

  • Non-parametric.

We define :

  • the semi-Markov kernel qij(k)=P(Jm+1=j,Tm+1Tm=kJm=i)q_{ij}(k) = P( J_{m+1} = j, T_{m+1} - T_{m} = k | J_{m} = i );

  • the transition matrix (ptrans(i,j))i,jstates(p_{trans}(i,j))_{i,j} \in states of the embedded Markov chain J=(Jm)mJ = (J_m)_m, ptrans(i,j)=P(Jm+1=jJm=i)p_{trans}(i,j) = P( J_{m+1} = j | J_m = i );

  • the initial distribution μi=P(J1=i)=P(Z1=i)\mu_i = P(J_1 = i) = P(Z_1 = i), i1,2,,si \in 1, 2, \dots, s;

  • the conditional sojourn time distributions (fij(k))i,jstates, kN, fij(k)=P(Tm+1Tm=kJm=i,Jm+1=j)(f_{ij}(k))_{i,j} \in states,\ k \in N ,\ f_{ij}(k) = P(T_{m+1} - T_m = k | J_m = i, J_{m+1} = j ), ff is specified by the argument param in the parametric case and by distr in the non-parametric case.

The maximum likelihood estimation of the transition matrix of the embedded Markov chain is ptrans^(i,j)=NijNi.\widehat{p_{trans}}(i,j) = \frac{N_{ij}}{N_{i.}}.

Five methods are proposed for the estimation of the initial distribution :

Maximum Likelihood Estimator:

The Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the initial distribution. The formula is: μi^=NstartiL\widehat{\mu_i} = \frac{Nstart_i}{L}, where NstartiNstart_i is the number of occurences of the word ii (of length kk) at the beginning of each sequence and LL is the number of sequences. This estimator is reliable when the number of sequences LL is high.

Limit (stationary) distribution:

The limit (stationary) distribution of the semi-Markov chain is used as a surrogate of the initial distribution.

Frequencies of each state:

The initial distribution is replaced by taking the frequencies of each state in the sequences.

Uniform distribution:

The initial probability of each state is equal to 1/s1 / s, with ss, the number of states.

Note that qij(k)=ptrans(i,j) fij(k)q_{ij}(k) = p_{trans}(i,j) \ f_{ij}(k) in the general case (depending on the present state and on the next state). For particular cases, we replace fij(k)f_{ij}(k) by fi.(k)f_{i.}(k) (depending on the present state ii), f.j(k)f_{.j}(k) (depending on the next state jj) and f..(k)f_{..}(k) (depending neither on the present state nor on the next state).

In this package we can choose different types of sojourn time. Four options are available for the sojourn times:

  • depending on the present state and on the next state (fij);

  • depending only on the present state (fi);

  • depending only on the next state (fj);

  • depending neither on the current, nor on the next state (f).

If type.sojourn = "fij", distr is a matrix of dimension (s,s)(s, s) (e.g., if the 1st element of the 2nd column is "pois", that is to say we go from the first state to the second state following a Poisson distribution). If type.sojourn = "fi" or "fj", distr must be a vector (e.g., if the first element of vector is "geom", that is to say we go from (or to) the first state to (or from) any state according to a Geometric distribution). If type.sojourn = "f", distr must be one of "unif", "geom", "pois", "dweibull", "nbinom" (e.g., if distr is equal to "nbinom", that is to say that the sojourn time when going from one state to another state follows a Negative Binomial distribution). For the non-parametric case, distr is equal to "nonparametric" whatever type of sojourn time given.

If the sequence is censored at the beginning and/or at the end, cens.beg must be equal to TRUE and/or cens.end must be equal to TRUE. All the sequences must be censored in the same way.


Returns an object of S3 class smmfit (inheriting from the S3 class smm and smmnonparametric class if distr = "nonparametric" or smmparametric otherwise). The S3 class smmfit contains:

  • All the attributes of the S3 class smmnonparametric or smmparametric depending on the type of estimation;

  • An attribute M which is an integer giving the total length of the set of sequences sequences (sum of all the lengths of the list sequences);

  • An attribute loglik which is a numeric value giving the value of the log-likelihood of the specified semi-Markov model based on the sequences;

  • An attribute sequences which is equal to the parameter sequences of the function fitsmm (i.e. a list of sequences used to estimate the Markov model).


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

See Also

smmnonparametric, smmparametric, simulate.smm, simulate.smmfit, plot.smm, plot.smmfit


states <- c("a", "c", "g", "t")
s <- length(states)

# Creation of the initial distribution
vect.init <- c(1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4)

# Creation of the transition matrix
pij <- matrix(c(0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.3, 
                0.2, 0, 0.3, 0.5, 
                0.3, 0.5, 0, 0.2, 
                0.4, 0.2, 0.4, 0), 
              ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Creation of the distribution matrix

distr.matrix <- matrix(c(NA, "pois", "geom", "nbinom", 
                         "geom", NA, "pois", "dweibull",
                         "pois", "pois", NA, "geom", 
                         "pois", "geom", "geom", NA), 
                       nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Creation of an array containing the parameters
param1.matrix <- matrix(c(NA, 2, 0.4, 4, 
                          0.7, NA, 5, 0.6, 
                          2, 3, NA, 0.6, 
                          4, 0.3, 0.4, NA), 
                        nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

param2.matrix <- matrix(c(NA, NA, NA, 0.6, 
                          NA, NA, NA, 0.8, 
                          NA, NA, NA, NA, 
                          NA, NA, NA, NA), 
                        nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

param.array <- array(c(param1.matrix, param2.matrix), c(s, s, 2))

# Specify the semi-Markov model
semimarkov <- smmparametric(states = states, init = vect.init, ptrans = pij, 
                            type.sojourn = "fij", distr = distr.matrix, 
                            param = param.array)

seqs <- simulate(object = semimarkov, nsim = c(1000, 10000, 2000), seed = 100)

# Estimation of simulated sequences
est <- fitsmm(sequences = seqs, states = states, type.sojourn = "fij", 
              distr = distr.matrix)

Method to get the semi-Markov kernel qq


Computes the semi-Markov kernel qij(k)q_{ij}(k).


getKernel(x, k, var = FALSE, klim = 10000)



An object of S3 class smmfit or smm.


A positive integer giving the time horizon.


Logical. If TRUE the asymptotic variance is computed.


Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the computation of the mean sojourn times vector mm (cf. meanSojournTimes function) for the asymptotic variance.


An array giving the value of qij(k)q_{ij}(k) at each time between 0 and k if var = FALSE. If var = TRUE, a list containing the following components:

  • x: an array giving the value of qij(k)q_{ij}(k) at each time between 0 and k;

  • sigma2: an array giving the asymptotic variance of the estimator σq2(i,j,k)\sigma_{q}^{2}(i, j, k).

Function to check if an object is of class mm

Description returns TRUE if x is an object of class mm.




An arbitrary R object.

Value returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether x is an object of class mm or not.

Function to check if an object is of class mmfit


is.mmfit returns TRUE if x is an object of class mmfit.





An arbitrary R object.


is.mmfit returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether x is an object of class mmfit or not.

Function to check if an object is of class smm


is.smm returns TRUE if x is an object of class smm.





An arbitrary R object.


is.smm returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether x is an object of class smm or not.

Function to check if an object is of class smmfit


is.smmfit returns TRUE if x is an object of class smmfit.





An arbitrary R object.


is.smmfit returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether x is an object of class smmfit or not.

Function to check if an object is of class smmnonparametric


is.smmnonparametric returns TRUE if x is an object of class smmnonparametric.





An arbitrary R object.


is.smmnonparametric returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether x is an object of class smmnonparametric or not.

Function to check if an object is of class smmparametric


is.smmparametric returns TRUE if x is an object of class smmparametric.





An arbitrary R object.


is.smmparametric returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether x is an object of class smmparametric or not.

Log-likelihood Function


Generic function computing the log-likelihood of the model x, with the list of sequences sequences.


loglik(x, sequences = NULL)



An object for which there exists a loglik attribute if sequences = NULL. Otherwise, the log-likelihood will be computed using the model x and the sequences sequences.


Optional. A list of vectors representing the sequences for which the log-likelihood will be computed based on x.


Value of the log-likelihood.

Maintainability Function


For a reparable system SystemS_{ystem} for which the failure occurs at time k=0k = 0, its maintainability at time kNk \in N is the probability that the system is repaired up to time kk, given that it has failed at time k=0k = 0.


maintainability(x, k, upstates = x$states, level = 0.95, klim = 10000)



An object of S3 class smmfit or smm.


A positive integer giving the period [0,k][0, k] on which the maintainability should be computed.


Vector giving the subset of operational states UU.


Confidence level of the asymptotic confidence interval. Helpful for an object x of class smmfit.


Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the computation of the mean sojourn times vector mm (cf. meanSojournTimes function) for the asymptotic variance.


Consider a system (or a component) SystemS_{ystem} whose possible states during its evolution in time are E={1,,s}E = \{1,\dots,s\}. Denote by U={1,,s1}U = \{1,\dots,s_1\} the subset of operational states of the system (the up states) and by D={s1+1,,s}D = \{s_1 + 1,\dots, s\} the subset of failure states (the down states), with 0<s1<s0 < s_1 < s (obviously, E=UDE = U \cup D and UD=U \cap D = \emptyset, U, DU \neq \emptyset,\ D \neq \emptyset). One can think of the states of UU as different operating modes or performance levels of the system, whereas the states of DD can be seen as failures of the systems with different modes.

We are interested in investigating the maintainability of a discrete-time semi-Markov system SystemS_{ystem}. Consequently, we suppose that the evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space semi-Markov chain (Zk)kN(Z_k)_{k \in N}. The system starts to fail at instant 00 and the state of the system is given at each instant kNk \in N by ZkZ_k: the event {Zk=i}\{Z_k = i\}, for a certain iUi \in U, means that the system SystemS_{ystem} is in operating mode ii at time kk, whereas {Zk=j}\{Z_k = j\}, for a certain jDj \in D, means that the system is not operational at time kk due to the mode of failure jj or that the system is under the repairing mode jj.

Thus, we take (αi:=P(Z0=i))iU=0(\alpha_{i} := P(Z_{0} = i))_{i \in U} = 0 and we denote by TUT_U the first hitting time of subset UU, called the duration of repair or repair time, that is,

TU:=inf{nN; ZnU} and inf :=.T_U := \textrm{inf}\{ n \in N;\ Z_n \in U\}\ \textrm{and}\ \textrm{inf}\ \emptyset := \infty.

The maintainability at time kNk \in N of a discrete-time semi-Markov system is

M(k)=P(TUk)=1P(TU>k)=1P(ZnD, n=0,,k).M(k) = P(T_U \leq k) = 1 - P(T_{U} > k) = 1 - P(Z_{n} \in D,\ n = 0,\dots,k).


A matrix with k+1k + 1 rows, and with columns giving values of the maintainability, variances, lower and upper asymptotic confidence limits (if x is an object of class smmfit).


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

Method to get the mean recurrence times μ\mu


Method to get the mean recurrence times μ\mu.


meanRecurrenceTimes(x, klim = 10000)



An object of S3 class smmfit or smm.


Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the computation of the mean sojourn times vector mm (cf. meanSojournTimes function).


Consider a system (or a component) SystemS_{ystem} whose possible states during its evolution in time are E={1,,s}E = \{1,\dots,s\}.

We are interested in investigating the mean recurrence times of a discrete-time semi-Markov system SystemS_{ystem}. Consequently, we suppose that the evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space semi-Markov chain (Zk)kN(Z_k)_{k \in N}. The state of the system is given at each instant kNk \in N by ZkZ_k: the event {Zk=i}\{Z_k = i\}.

Let T=(Tn)nNT = (T_{n})_{n \in N} denote the successive time points when state changes in (Zn)nN(Z_{n})_{n \in N} occur and let also J=(Jn)nNJ = (J_{n})_{n \in N} denote the successively visited states at these time points.

The mean recurrence of an arbitrary state jEj \in E is given by:

μjj=iEν(i)miν(j)\mu_{jj} = \frac{\sum_{i \in E} \nu(i) m_{i}}{\nu(j)}

where (ν(1),,ν(s))(\nu(1),\dots,\nu(s)) is the stationary distribution of the embedded Markov chain (Jn)nN(J_{n})_{n \in N} and mim_{i} is the mean sojourn time in state iEi \in E (see meanSojournTimes function for the computation).


A vector giving the mean recurrence time (μi)i[1,,s](\mu_{i})_{i \in [1,\dots,s]}.

Mean Sojourn Times Function


The mean sojourn time is the mean time spent in each state.


meanSojournTimes(x, states = x$states, klim = 10000)



An object of S3 class smmfit or smm.


Vector giving the states for which the mean sojourn time should be computed. states is a subset of EE.


Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the computation of the mean sojourn times vector mm (cf. meanSojournTimes function).


Consider a system (or a component) SystemS_{ystem} whose possible states during its evolution in time are E={1,,s}E = \{1,\dots,s\}.

We are interested in investigating the mean sojourn times of a discrete-time semi-Markov system SystemS_{ystem}. Consequently, we suppose that the evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space semi-Markov chain (Zk)kN(Z_k)_{k \in N}. The state of the system is given at each instant kNk \in N by ZkZ_k: the event {Zk=i}\{Z_k = i\}.

Let T=(Tn)nNT = (T_{n})_{n \in N} denote the successive time points when state changes in (Zn)nN(Z_{n})_{n \in N} occur and let also J=(Jn)nNJ = (J_{n})_{n \in N} denote the successively visited states at these time points.

The mean sojourn times vector is defined as follows:

mi=E[T1Z0=j]=k0(1P(Tn+1TnkJn=j))=k0(1Hj(k)), iEm_{i} = E[T_{1} | Z_{0} = j] = \sum_{k \geq 0} (1 - P(T_{n + 1} - T_{n} \leq k | J_{n} = j)) = \sum_{k \geq 0} (1 - H_{j}(k)),\ i \in E


A vector of length card(E)\textrm{card}(E) giving the values of the mean sojourn times for each state iEi \in E.

Markov model specification


Creates a model specification of a Markov model.


mm(states, init, ptrans, k = 1)



Vector of state space of length s.


Vector of initial distribution of length s ^ k.


Matrix of transition probabilities of dimension (s,s)(s, s).


Order of the Markov chain.


An object of class mm.

See Also, fitmm


states <- c("a", "c", "g", "t")
s <- length(states)
k <- 1
init <- / s, s)
p <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0.3, 0.4, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.7, 0.5, 
              0, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.2, 0), ncol = s)

# Specify a Markov model of order 1
markov <- mm(states = states, init = init, ptrans = p, k = k)

Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) Function


Consider a system SystemS_{ystem} starting to work at time k=0k = 0. The mean time to failure (MTTF) is defined as the mean lifetime.


mttf(x, upstates = x$states, level = 0.95, klim = 10000)



An object of S3 class smmfit or smm.


Vector giving the subset of operational states UU.


Confidence level of the asymptotic confidence interval. Helpful for an object x of class smmfit.


Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the computation of the mean sojourn times vector mm (cf. meanSojournTimes function) for the asymptotic variance.


Consider a system (or a component) SystemS_{ystem} whose possible states during its evolution in time are E={1,,s}E = \{1,\dots,s\}. Denote by U={1,,s1}U = \{1,\dots,s_1\} the subset of operational states of the system (the up states) and by D={s1+1,,s}D = \{s_1 + 1,\dots,s\} the subset of failure states (the down states), with 0<s1<s0 < s_1 < s (obviously, E=UDE = U \cup D and UD=U \cap D = \emptyset, U, DU \neq \emptyset,\ D \neq \emptyset). One can think of the states of UU as different operating modes or performance levels of the system, whereas the states of DD can be seen as failures of the systems with different modes.

We are interested in investigating the mean time to failure of a discrete-time semi-Markov system SystemS_{ystem}. Consequently, we suppose that the evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space semi-Markov chain (Zk)kN(Z_k)_{k \in N}. The system starts to work at instant 00 and the state of the system is given at each instant kNk \in N by ZkZ_k: the event {Zk=i}\{Z_k = i\}, for a certain iUi \in U, means that the system SystemS_{ystem} is in operating mode ii at time kk, whereas {Zk=j}\{Z_k = j\}, for a certain jDj \in D, means that the system is not operational at time kk due to the mode of failure jj or that the system is under the repairing mode jj.

Let TDT_D denote the first passage time in subset DD, called the lifetime of the system, i.e.,

TD:=inf{nN; ZnD} and inf :=.T_D := \textrm{inf}\{ n \in N;\ Z_n \in D\}\ \textrm{and}\ \textrm{inf}\ \emptyset := \infty.

The mean time to failure (MTTF) is defined as the mean lifetime, i.e., the expectation of the hitting time to down set DD,



A matrix with card(U)=s1\textrm{card}(U) = s_{1} rows, and with columns giving values of the mean time to failure for each state iUi \in U, variances, lower and upper asymptotic confidence limits (if x is an object of class smmfit).


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

I. Votsi & A. Brouste (2019) Confidence interval for the mean time to failure in semi-Markov models: an application to wind energy production, Journal of Applied Statistics, 46:10, 1756-1773

Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) Function


Consider a system SystemS_{ystem} that has just failed at time k=0k = 0. The mean time to repair (MTTR) is defined as the mean of the repair duration.


mttr(x, upstates = x$states, level = 0.95, klim = 10000)



An object of S3 class smmfit or smm.


Vector giving the subset of operational states UU.


Confidence level of the asymptotic confidence interval. Helpful for an object x of class smmfit.


Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the computation of the mean sojourn times vector mm (cf. meanSojournTimes function) for the asymptotic variance.


Consider a system (or a component) SystemS_{ystem} whose possible states during its evolution in time are E={1,,s}E = \{1,\dots,s\}. Denote by U={1,,s1}U = \{1,\dots,s_1\} the subset of operational states of the system (the up states) and by D={s1+1,,s}D = \{s_1 + 1,\dots,s\} the subset of failure states (the down states), with 0<s1<s0 < s_1 < s (obviously, E=UDE = U \cup D and UD=U \cap D = \emptyset, U, DU \neq \emptyset,\ D \neq \emptyset). One can think of the states of UU as different operating modes or performance levels of the system, whereas the states of DD can be seen as failures of the systems with different modes.

We are interested in investigating the mean time to repair of a discrete-time semi-Markov system SystemS_{ystem}. Consequently, we suppose that the evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space semi-Markov chain (Zk)kN(Z_k)_{k \in N}. The system has just failed at instant 0 and the state of the system is given at each instant kNk \in N by ZkZ_k: the event {Zk=i}\{Z_k = i\}, for a certain iUi \in U, means that the system SystemS_{ystem} is in operating mode ii at time kk, whereas {Zk=j}\{Z_k = j\}, for a certain jDj \in D, means that the system is not operational at time kk due to the mode of failure jj or that the system is under the repairing mode jj.

Let TUT_U denote the first passage time in subset UU, called the duration of repair or repair time, i.e.,

TU:=inf{nN; ZnU} and inf :=.T_U := \textrm{inf}\{ n \in N;\ Z_n \in U\}\ \textrm{and}\ \textrm{inf}\ \emptyset := \infty.

The mean time to repair (MTTR) is defined as the mean of the repair duration, i.e., the expectation of the hitting time to up set UU,



A matrix with card(U)=s1\textrm{card}(U) = s_{1} rows, and with columns giving values of the mean time to repair for each state iUi \in U, variances, lower and upper asymptotic confidence limits (if x is an object of class smmfit).


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

I. Votsi & A. Brouste (2019) Confidence interval for the mean time to failure in semi-Markov models: an application to wind energy production, Journal of Applied Statistics, 46:10, 1756-1773

Plot function for an object of class smm


Displays the densities for the conditional sojourn time distributions depending on the current state i and on the next state j.


## S3 method for class 'smm'
plot(x, i, j, klim = NULL, ...)



An object of S3 class smm (inheriting from the S3 class smmnonparametric or smmparametric).


An element of the state space vector x$states giving the current state in the following cases: type.sojourn = "fij" or type.sojourn = "fi", otherwise, i is ignored.


An element of the state space vector x$states giving the next state in the following cases: type.sojourn = "fij" or type.sojourn = "fj", otherwise, j is ignored.


An integer giving the limit value for which the density will be plotted. If klim is NULL, then quantile or order 0.95 is used.


Arguments passed to plot.



Plot function for an object of class smmfit


Displays the densities for the conditional sojourn time distributions depending on the current state i and on the next state j.


## S3 method for class 'smmfit'
plot(x, i, j, klim = NULL, ...)



An object of class smmfit (inheriting from the S3 classes smm, smmnonparametric or smmparametric).


An element of the state space vector x$states giving the current state in the following cases: type.sojourn = "fij" or type.sojourn = "fi", otherwise, i is ignored.


An element of the state space vector x$states giving the next state in the following cases: type.sojourn = "fij" or type.sojourn = "fj", otherwise, j is ignored.


An integer giving the limit value for which the density will be plotted. If klim is NULL, then quantile or order 0.95 is used.


Arguments passed to plot.




V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.


states <- c("a", "c", "g", "t")

Reliability Function


Consider a system SystemS_{ystem} starting to function at time k=0k = 0. The reliability or the survival function of SystemS_{ystem} at time kNk \in N is the probability that the system has functioned without failure in the period [0,k][0, k].


reliability(x, k, upstates = x$states, level = 0.95, klim = 10000)



An object of S3 class smmfit or smm.


A positive integer giving the period [0,k][0, k] on which the reliability should be computed.


Vector giving the subset of operational states UU.


Confidence level of the asymptotic confidence interval. Helpful for an object x of class smmfit.


Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the computation of the mean sojourn times vector mm (cf. meanSojournTimes function) for the asymptotic variance.


Consider a system (or a component) SystemS_{ystem} whose possible states during its evolution in time are E={1,,s}E = \{1,\dots,s\}. Denote by U={1,,s1}U = \{1,\dots,s_1\} the subset of operational states of the system (the up states) and by D={s1+1,,s}D = \{s_1 + 1,\dots, s\} the subset of failure states (the down states), with 0<s1<s0 < s_1 < s (obviously, E=UDE = U \cup D and UD=U \cap D = \emptyset, U, DU \neq \emptyset,\ D \neq \emptyset). One can think of the states of UU as different operating modes or performance levels of the system, whereas the states of DD can be seen as failures of the systems with different modes.

We are interested in investigating the reliability of a discrete-time semi-Markov system SystemS_{ystem}. Consequently, we suppose that the evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space semi-Markov chain (Zk)kN(Z_k)_{k \in N}. The system starts to work at instant 00 and the state of the system is given at each instant kNk \in N by ZkZ_k: the event {Zk=i}\{Z_k = i\}, for a certain iUi \in U, means that the system SystemS_{ystem} is in operating mode ii at time kk, whereas {Zk=j}\{Z_k = j\}, for a certain jDj \in D, means that the system is not operational at time kk due to the mode of failure jj or that the system is under the repairing mode jj.

Let TDT_D denote the first passage time in subset DD, called the lifetime of the system, i.e.,

TD:=inf{nN; ZnD} and inf :=.T_D := \textrm{inf}\{ n \in N;\ Z_n \in D\}\ \textrm{and}\ \textrm{inf}\ \emptyset := \infty.

The reliability or the survival function at time kNk \in N of a discrete-time semi-Markov system is:

R(k):=P(TD>k)=P(ZnU,n=0,,k)R(k) := P(T_D > k) = P(Zn \in U,n = 0,\dots,k)

which can be rewritten as follows:

R(k)=iUP(Z0=i)P(TD>kZ0=i)=iUαiP(TD>kZ0=i)R(k) = \sum_{i \in U} P(Z_0 = i) P(T_D > k | Z_0 = i) = \sum_{i \in U} \alpha_i P(T_D > k | Z_0 = i)


A matrix with k+1k + 1 rows, and with columns giving values of the reliability, variances, lower and upper asymptotic confidence limits (if x is an object of class smmfit).


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

Set the RNG Seed from within Rcpp


Set the RNG Seed from within Rcpp





An unsigned int that is the seed one wishes to use.


A set RNG scope.


x <- rnorm(5, 0, 1)
y <- rnorm(5, 0, 1)
all.equal(x, y, check.attributes = FALSE)

Simulates k-th order Markov chains


Simulates k-th order Markov chains.


## S3 method for class 'mm'
simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...)



An object of class mm.


An integer or vector of integers (for multiple sequences) specifying the length of the sequence(s).


Optional. seed for the random number generator. If no seed is given, then seed is set by using the command ⁠set.seed(round(as.numeric(Sys.time()))⁠.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


If nsim is a single integer then a chain of that length is produced. If nsim is a vector of integers, then length(nsim) sequences are generated with respective lengths.


A list of vectors representing the sequences.

See Also

mm, fitmm


states <- c("a", "c", "g", "t")
s <- length(states)
k <- 2
init <- / s ^ k, s ^ k)
p <- matrix(0.25, nrow = s ^ k, ncol = s)

# Specify a Markov model of order 1
markov <- mm(states = states, init = init, ptrans = p, k = k)

seqs <- simulate(object = markov, nsim = c(1000, 10000, 2000), seed = 150)

Simulates Markov chains


Simulates sequences from a fitted Markov model.


## S3 method for class 'mmfit'
simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...)



An object of class mmfit.


An integer or vector of integers (for multiple sequences) specifying the length of the sequence(s).


Optional. seed for the random number generator. If no seed is given, then seed is set by using the command ⁠set.seed(round(as.numeric(Sys.time()))⁠.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


If nsim is a single integer then a chain of that length is produced. If nsim is a vector of integers, then length(nsim) sequences are generated with respective lengths.


A list of vectors representing the sequences.

See Also

mm, fitmm

Simulates semi-Markov chains


Simulates sequences from a semi-Markov model.


## S3 method for class 'smm'
simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...)



An object of S3 class smm (inheriting from the S3 class smmnonparametric or smmparametric).


An integer or vector of integers (for multiple sequences) specifying the length of the sequence(s).


Optional. seed for the random number generator. If no seed is given, then seed is set by using the command ⁠set.seed(round(as.numeric(Sys.time()))⁠.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


If nsim is a single integer then a chain of that length is produced. If nsim is a vector of integers, then length(nsim) sequences are generated with respective lengths.


A list of vectors representing the sequences.


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

See Also

smmparametric, smmnonparametric, fitsmm

Simulates semi-Markov chains


Simulates sequences from a fitted semi-Markov model.


## S3 method for class 'smmfit'
simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...)



An object of class smmfit (inheriting from the S3 classes smm, smmnonparametric or smmparametric).


An integer or vector of integers (for multiple sequences) specifying the length of the sequence(s).


seed for the random number generator.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


If nsim is a single integer then a chain of that length is produced. If nsim is a vector of integers, then length(nsim) sequences are generated with respective lengths.


A list of vectors representing the sequences.


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

See Also

smmnonparametric, smmparametric, fitsmm

Non-parametric semi-Markov model specification


Creates a non-parametric model specification for a semi-Markov model.


  type.sojourn = c("fij", "fi", "fj", "f"),
  cens.beg = FALSE,
  cens.end = FALSE



Vector of state space of length ss.


Vector of initial distribution of length ss.


Matrix of transition probabilities of the embedded Markov chain J=(Jm)mJ=(J_m)_{m} of dimension (s,s)(s, s).


Type of sojourn time (for more explanations, see Details).

  • Array of dimension (s,s,kmax)(s, s, kmax) if type.sojourn = "fij";

  • Matrix of dimension (s,kmax)(s, kmax) if type.sojourn = "fi" or "fj";

  • Vector of length kmaxkmax if the type.sojourn = "f".

kmaxkmax is the maximum length of the sojourn times.


Optional. A logical value indicating whether or not sequences are censored at the beginning.


Optional. A logical value indicating whether or not sequences are censored at the end.


This function creates a semi-Markov model object in the non-parametric case, taking into account the type of sojourn time and the censoring described in references. The non-parametric specification concerns sojourn time distributions defined by the user.

The difference between the Markov model and the semi-Markov model concerns the modeling of the sojourn time. With a Markov chain, the sojourn time distribution is modeled by a Geometric distribution (in discrete time). With a semi-Markov chain, the sojourn time can be any arbitrary distribution.

We define :

  • the semi-Markov kernel qij(k)=P(Jm+1=j,Tm+1Tm=kJm=i)q_{ij}(k) = P( J_{m+1} = j, T_{m+1} - T_{m} = k | J_{m} = i );

  • the transition matrix (ptrans(i,j))i,jstates(p_{trans}(i,j))_{i,j} \in states of the embedded Markov chain J=(Jm)mJ = (J_m)_m, ptrans(i,j)=P(Jm+1=jJm=i)p_{trans}(i,j) = P( J_{m+1} = j | J_m = i );

  • the initial distribution μi=P(J1=i)=P(Z1=i)\mu_i = P(J_1 = i) = P(Z_1 = i), i1,2,,si \in 1, 2, \dots, s;

  • the conditional sojourn time distributions (fij(k))i,jstates, kN, fij(k)=P(Tm+1Tm=kJm=i,Jm+1=j)(f_{ij}(k))_{i,j} \in states,\ k \in N ,\ f_{ij}(k) = P(T_{m+1} - T_m = k | J_m = i, J_{m+1} = j ), f is specified by the argument distr in the non-parametric case.

In this package we can choose different types of sojourn time. Four options are available for the sojourn times:

  • depending on the present state and on the next state (fijf_{ij});

  • depending only on the present state (fif_{i});

  • depending only on the next state (fjf_{j});

  • depending neither on the current, nor on the next state (ff).

Let define kmaxkmax the maximum length of the sojourn times. If type.sojourn = "fij", distr is an array of dimension (s,s,kmax)(s, s, kmax). If type.sojourn = "fi" or "fj", distr must be a matrix of dimension (s,kmax)(s, kmax). If type.sojourn = "f", distr must be a vector of length kmaxkmax.

If the sequence is censored at the beginning and/or at the end, cens.beg must be equal to TRUE and/or cens.end must be equal to TRUE. All the sequences must be censored in the same way.


Returns an object of class smm, smmnonparametric.


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

See Also

simulate, fitsmm, smmparametric


states <- c("a", "c", "g", "t")
s <- length(states)

# Creation of the initial distribution
vect.init <- c(1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4)

# Creation of the transition matrix
pij <- matrix(c(0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.3, 
                0.2, 0, 0.3, 0.5, 
                0.3, 0.5, 0, 0.2, 
                0.4, 0.2, 0.4, 0), 
              ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Creation of a matrix corresponding to the 
# conditional sojourn time distributions
kmax <- 6
nparam.matrix <- matrix(c(0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 
                          0.2, 0, 0.4, 0.2, 
                          0.1, 0, 0.2, 0.1, 
                          0.5, 0.3, 0.15, 0.05, 
                          0, 0, 0.3, 0.2, 
                          0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0), 
                        nrow = s, ncol = kmax, byrow = TRUE)

semimarkov <- smmnonparametric(states = states, init = vect.init, ptrans = pij, 
                               type.sojourn = "fj", distr = nparam.matrix)


Parametric semi-Markov model specification


Creates a parametric model specification for a semi-Markov model.


  type.sojourn = c("fij", "fi", "fj", "f"),
  cens.beg = FALSE,
  cens.end = FALSE



Vector of state space of length ss.


Vector of initial distribution of length ss.


Matrix of transition probabilities of the embedded Markov chain J=(Jm)mJ=(J_m)_{m} of dimension (s,s)(s, s).


Type of sojourn time (for more explanations, see Details).

  • Matrix of distributions of dimension (s,s)(s, s) if type.sojourn = "fij";

  • Vector of distributions of length ss if type.sojourn = "fi" or ⁠"fj⁠;

  • A distribution if type.sojourn = "f".

where the distributions to be used can be one of unif, geom, pois, dweibull or nbinom.


Parameters of sojourn time distributions:

  • Array of distribution parameters of dimension (s,s,2)(s, s, 2) (2 corresponds to the maximal number of distribution parameters) if type.sojourn = "fij";

  • Matrix of distribution parameters of dimension (s,2)(s, 2) if type.sojourn = "fi" or "fj";

  • Vector of distribution parameters of length 2 if type.sojourn = "f".

When parameters/values are not necessary (e.g. the Poisson distribution has only one parameter that is λ\lambda, leave the value NA for the second parameter in the argument param).


Optional. A logical value indicating whether or not sequences are censored at the beginning.


Optional. A logical value indicating whether or not sequences are censored at the end.


This function creates a semi-Markov model object in the parametric case, taking into account the type of sojourn time and the censoring described in references. For the parametric specification, several discrete distributions are considered (see below).

The difference between the Markov model and the semi-Markov model concerns the modeling of the sojourn time. With a Markov chain, the sojourn time distribution is modeled by a Geometric distribution (in discrete time). With a semi-Markov chain, the sojourn time can be any arbitrary distribution. In this package, the available distribution for a semi-Markov model are :

  • Uniform: f(x)=1/nf(x) = 1/n for axba \le x \le b, with n=ba+1n = b-a+1;

  • Geometric: f(x)=θ(1θ)xf(x) = \theta (1-\theta)^x for x=0,1,2,,nx = 0, 1, 2,\ldots,n, 0<θ<10 < \theta < 1, with n>0n > 0 and θ\theta is the probability of success;

  • Poisson: f(x)=(λxexp(λ))/x!f(x) = (\lambda^x exp(-\lambda))/x! for x=0,1,2,,nx = 0, 1, 2,\ldots,n, with n>0n > 0 and λ>0\lambda > 0;

  • Discrete Weibull of type 1: f(x)=q(x1)βqxβ,x=1,2,3,,nf(x)=q^{(x-1)^{\beta}}-q^{x^{\beta}}, x=1,2,3,\ldots,n, with n>0n > 0, qq is the first parameter and β\beta is the second parameter;

  • Negative binomial: f(x)=Γ(x+α)Γ(α)x!pα(1p)xf(x)=\frac{\Gamma(x+\alpha)}{\Gamma(\alpha) x!} p^{\alpha} (1 - p)^x, for x=0,1,2,,nx = 0, 1, 2,\ldots,n, Γ\Gamma is the Gamma function, α\alpha is the parameter of overdispersion and pp is the probability of success, 0<p<10 < p < 1;

  • Non-parametric.

We define :

  • the semi-Markov kernel qij(k)=P(Jm+1=j,Tm+1Tm=kJm=i)q_{ij}(k) = P( J_{m+1} = j, T_{m+1} - T_{m} = k | J_{m} = i );

  • the transition matrix (ptrans(i,j))i,jstates(p_{trans}(i,j))_{i,j} \in states of the embedded Markov chain J=(Jm)mJ = (J_m)_m, ptrans(i,j)=P(Jm+1=jJm=i)p_{trans}(i,j) = P( J_{m+1} = j | J_m = i );

  • the initial distribution μi=P(J1=i)=P(Z1=i)\mu_i = P(J_1 = i) = P(Z_1 = i), i1,2,,si \in 1, 2, \dots, s;

  • the conditional sojourn time distributions (fij(k))i,jstates, kN, fij(k)=P(Tm+1Tm=kJm=i,Jm+1=j)(f_{ij}(k))_{i,j} \in states,\ k \in N ,\ f_{ij}(k) = P(T_{m+1} - T_m = k | J_m = i, J_{m+1} = j ), ff is specified by the argument param in the parametric case.

In this package we can choose different types of sojourn time. Four options are available for the sojourn times:

  • depending on the present state and on the next state (fijf_{ij});

  • depending only on the present state (fif_{i});

  • depending only on the next state (fjf_{j});

  • depending neither on the current, nor on the next state (ff).

If type.sojourn = "fij", distr is a matrix of dimension (s,s)(s, s) (e.g., if the row 1 of the 2nd column is "pois", that is to say we go from the first state to the second state following a Poisson distribution). If type.sojourn = "fi" or "fj", distr must be a vector (e.g., if the first element of vector is "geom", that is to say we go from the first state to any state according to a Geometric distribution). If type.sojourn = "f", distr must be one of "unif", "geom", "pois", "dweibull", "nbinom" (e.g., if distr is equal to "nbinom", that is to say that the sojourn times when going from any state to any state follows a Negative Binomial distribution). For the non-parametric case, distr is equal to "nonparametric" whatever type of sojourn time given.

If the sequence is censored at the beginning and/or at the end, cens.beg must be equal to TRUE and/or cens.end must be equal to TRUE. All the sequences must be censored in the same way.


Returns an object of class smmparametric.


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

See Also

simulate, fitsmm, smmnonparametric


states <- c("a", "c", "g", "t")
s <- length(states)

# Creation of the initial distribution
vect.init <- c(1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4)

# Creation of the transition matrix
pij <- matrix(c(0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.3,
                0.2, 0, 0.3, 0.5,
                0.3, 0.5, 0, 0.2,
                0.4, 0.2, 0.4, 0),
              ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Creation of the distribution matrix

distr.matrix <- matrix(c(NA, "pois", "geom", "nbinom",
                         "geom", NA, "pois", "dweibull",
                         "pois", "pois", NA, "geom",
                         "pois", "geom", "geom", NA),
                       nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Creation of an array containing the parameters
param1.matrix <- matrix(c(NA, 2, 0.4, 4,
                          0.7, NA, 5, 0.6,
                          2, 3, NA, 0.6,
                          4, 0.3, 0.4, NA),
                        nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

param2.matrix <- matrix(c(NA, NA, NA, 0.6,
                          NA, NA, NA, 0.8,
                          NA, NA, NA, NA,
                          NA, NA, NA, NA),
                        nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

param.array <- array(c(param1.matrix, param2.matrix), c(s, s, 2))

# Specify the semi-Markov model
semimarkov <- smmparametric(states = states, init = vect.init, ptrans = pij, 
                            type.sojourn = "fij", distr = distr.matrix, 
                            param = param.array)